Greetings - Stephenson High School


As you all will be applying to colleges soon, I think it is important you begin to do your research. While giving you an opportunity to improve your grade, I am also helping you begin the process of applying to various universities. Please seriously research your college choices as these years may be the most important years of your life. Happy Researching!

College Project

Choose three colleges that you would like to attend. Once you have chosen these schools you must find the following information for each school respectively:

Explain why each school interests you respectively in a brief essay that includes all of the following bulleted points.

• Student population

• Student/Teacher Ratio

• Racial Demographics

• Graduation Rates by racial demographic

• Placement Rates (what percentage of graduates find employment)

• What majors and minors does the school have that you are interested in (you must choose two (2) majors and minors.

• Two major athletic programs that interest you.

• Average ACT/SAT Score. Does the school want the ACT or SAT? Will it accept both?

• What is the average grade point average of incoming freshman?

• Is the school public or private?

• Does the school have student housing?

• How much is tuition?

• US News and World reports ranking if available

• What is the schools reputation? Is it an intellectual institution or a “party school”?

Finally, please complete the essay section of the school that is your favorite the schools you chose. You must include the essay prompts (either a printed copy or copy the text and paste as a heading of your essay). Additionally, if you choose a school with multiple essays, you must complete each essay.


This project must be typed.

P.S. A few resources for you. Look at each universities webpage, look at the US news and world reports webpage and college-admission-


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