Boundary Solutions

Boundary Solutions Inc. has assembled the National ParcelMap Data Portal, or NPDP, the most current normalized digital parcel map databases from jurisdictions throughout the nation. This national parcel layer (NPL) content service now includes seamless coverage of twelve entire states, every USA major metro as well as many remote areas. Entering 16th year of building the NPDP, BSI is pleased to report that our revenues nearly tripled in 2012, driven primarily by the Energy and emerging Sustainable Development sectors. All this new business is significantly increasing NPDP coverage and attribution density. The following differentiate BSI from other NPL content service providers:

- Most Current. Far greater percentage of all content is less than 12 months old. BSI invites you to compare.

- Tax Roll Attributes come free, joined to the parcel boundaries, situs, characteristics, owner Info.

- US Postal Service Compliant situs. Ten matched fields – perfect joining to other USPS compliant records.

- Lowest Price. Try out the Order Page. See how BSI saves you money on both small and bulk orders.

- Data Authenticity. All content is direct from the county/township data sponsors – no third party.

- SEAMLESS USA. Campaign to complete a 3,141 open record county NPL affordable to all, not just the few.

- USPTO Compliance. Comes with right to locate an address within a NPL by viewing its parcel boundary.

- ROLLOVER. If text information is not joined to record, possible to ROLLOVER to other commercial sources.

The NPDP is deployed 3 ways.

1. NPDPDOWLOAD Express - Direct download for unlimited use on your enterprise server. Download now, pay later. Pricing is on a county or parcel count basis.

2. ParcelAtlas – online deployment of the full NPDP on a Silverlight MapDotNet platform. Pricing is based on unlimited use passwords. User interface assures you always find your address and the API expedites integration of NPDP national parcel layer into your geoserver operations in a matter of minutes.

3. ParcelAtlas Microsoft Azure Cloud - BSI’s NPDP has been selected by Microsoft as best-of-breed national parcel layer for their new Azure MarketPlace. Pricing is transactions - based. Unlimited coming soon.



Parcel–Boundary Based Location vs. Address-Point-Based Location


Parcel–Boundary Based Location vs. Address-Point-Based Location




FREE GIS Parcel Map Viewer Now Available | Boundary ...


Feb 28, 2014 · Boundary Solutions, Inc. ... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: ... You are commenting using your account.

Boundary Solutions: Cloud Adoption


Boundary Solutions: Cloud Adoption, Modern Applications, Agile & DevOps

Parcel Maps | Boundary Solutions Inc. Home of the National ...


Boundary Solutions Inc. assembled the National ParcelMap Data Portal, ... ThiS national GIS

National ParcelMap Data Portal - Boundary Solutions, INC.


Content currently in the NPDP, National ParcelMap Data Portal. ... Agreement for the parcel data ... National Online Parcel-level Map Data Portal ...

Parcel Atlas

Most current. online national parcel layer, ... ’s *USPTO compliant National ParcelMap Data Portal ... Access our map tile set for tile based ...

NGAC RECAP - MultiBriefs

ViewLink.php?i=4e259f9641358 You +1'd this publicly. Undo

National Parcel Layer content service consumers and county government NPL content sponsors. Geospatial Platform. Managed by FGDC agencies, ..

Computerized National Online Parcel-level Map Data Portal


Computerized national online parcel-level map data portal. Abstract: A National Online Parcel-Level Map Data Portal (NPDP) is provided ....

BSI Awarded Patent for Computerized National Online Parcel ...


The patent relates back to the date of the original provisional patent application filed January 18, 2002. "Boundary Solutions, Inc.'s,

National ParcelMap...

US Patent Office Broadens Terms of National Parcel ...

Boundary Solutions Sues Corelogic for Patent Infringement Related to Parcel Data Map Portalsnews/seamless-usa-national-parcel-layer

Based on fourteen years of working on SEAMLESS USA, a 3,142 county open records national parcel layer (NPL), BSI is posting this white paper to share some thoug…

ParcelAtlas BROWSE Parcel Image Tile Service | Microsoft ...


National Parcel Layer composed of 94 million parcel boundary polygons across nearly 1,400 counties suitable incorporating a national parcel layer existing geospatial ...

BSI’s National ParcelMap Data Portal Assists FEMA in ...


GIS Education blog, Remote Sensing News, GIS news updates, Geographic Information System, School University Links

Parcel Data from Boundary Solutions available on Azure ...

?p=416ParcelAtlas LOCATE

National Parcel Layer composed of parcel boundary polygons supported by situs address, property characteristics and owner information.

Boundary Solutions, Inc | LinkedIn


Boundary Solutions Inc. has assembled the National ParcelMap Data Portal, or NPDP, the most current normalized digital parcel map jurisdictions ...

Boundary Solutions, Inc. | CourthouseUSA


Mar 9, 2014 - July 2012: CourthouseUSA Teams with BSI to Move Land Information SaaS a Whole New Click. Mill Valley, Boundary Solutions, Inc. is pleased

National ParcelMap Data Portal

Cached - SimilarYou +1'd this publicly. Undo\

This national parcel layer (NPL) content service includes seamless coverage for almost all but four major metro in the USA along with seamless coverage of

Sample Data Download:

NPDP User Manual:


Boundary Solutions, Inc.

238 E, Blithedale

Mill Valley, CA 94941

PH: 415 381 1750 FX: 415 634 3147


Issued claims of US Patent 092,957 & 7,499,946, and 7,516,156 include referencing a multi-jurisdictional database to display a property address location according to its parcel boundary highlighted to differentiate it from surrounding boundaries.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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