Macro-Environment Questionnaire

Busy Pros Team

Macro-Environmental Analysis



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|Demographics: Residential Local |

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|Where are the primary residential locations? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the population of each community? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of residential to business? |

|Census Data |

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|How many home owners in the locals? |

|Census Data |

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|How many residential rentals in the locals? |

|Census Data |

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|How many elderly housing facilities in the locals? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of the adult population that is renting? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of the adult population that owns their own home? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of elderly living in their own homes? Or Renting? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of elderly living in senior housing facilities? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of elderly living at home with family members? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of adults receiving housing assistance in the local? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of young adults (18-25) living at home? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of young adults (18-25) living in dormitories in the local? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of young adults (18-25) living in their own homes? Or renting? |

|Census Data |

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|Demographics: Age |

|How many of the population is in the age brackets of 18-25, 26-40, 40-60, 60+? |

|Census Data |

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|How much is each age bracket expected to grow over the next 5-10 years? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of population, 18-25? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of population, 26-40? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of population, 40-60? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of population, 60+? |

|Census Data |

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|Demographics: Race |

|What is the percentage of population for the top 10 races groups? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the unemployment rate that relates to the top 10 groups? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the average income for each group? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the median income for each group? |

|Census Data |

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|Demographics: Religion |

|What are the top 10 religious groups residing in the locals? |

|Census Data |

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|Have the number of people in each group increased or declined over the past 5-10 years? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage for each group that is ages 18-25? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage for each group that is ages 26-40? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage for each group that is ages 41-65? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage for each group that age 65+? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the average household income for each group? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the median household income for each group? |

|Census Data |

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|Demographics: Gender |

|How many residents are female? |

|Census Data |

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|How many residents are male? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the ratio of females in each defined age bracket? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the ratio of males in each defined age bracket? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of females attending college full time? Part time? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of males attending college full time? Part time? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of females living on a college campus? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of males living on a college campus? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the average income of the females? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the average income of the males? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the median income of females? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the median income of males? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of unemployed females? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of unemployed males? |

|Census Data |

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|Demographics: Education |

|What is the percentage of the population that has a high school diploma? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of population that has a associates / bachelors degree? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of the population that has a masters or higher degree? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of the population that has received some formal degree from a technical or trade school? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the percentage of the population that is still attending an educational facility? ie continuing education? |

|Local colleges |

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|Demographics: Household Size |

|What is the number of single residents? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the number of married residents? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the number of adult partnership residents? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the number of single parent residents? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the number of married parent residents? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the number of households with other dependent residents? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the average number of members in the household? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the mean number of members in the household? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the average household income? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the median household income? |

|Census Data |

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|How many households have pets? |

|Census Data |

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|Demographics: Income |

|What is the average income for an adult in this community? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the ratio of income for married with children and married no children? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the average income for a senior in this community? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the median annual income for an adult in this community? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the median annual pay scale for residents of this community? |

|Census Data |

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|How many adults receive compensation from a source with in the community? |

|Census Data |

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|How many adults receive compensation from a source outside the community? |

|Census Data |

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|What is the ratio of adults who commute outside the community for work? |

|Census Data |

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|How many households have dual incomes? |

|Census Data |

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|How adults are receiving income from multiple sources? |

|Census Data |

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|How many seniors are dependent solely on a single income? |

|Census Data |

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|How many seniors are receiving financial assistance? |

|Census Data |

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|How many households (non-child) are receiving financial assistance? |

|Census Data |

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|Technology |

|What technology exists today that could influence positively or negatively the way |Salem State Library EBSCO Periodical |

|service industries deliver its products (i.e. type of equipment used to operate, |Database |

|administer, market/attract customers or keep customers from using its products). | |

|What are the new technologies available today that were not available ten to fifteen or |Modern Technology; Salem State Library |

|more years ago and what is their impact on the service industry? |EBSCO Periodical Database |

|What is the pace of technological advance in the service industry? |Historical, Interviewing Service |

| |Providers, Service Industry Periodicals |

| |and Literature |

|How many video cable and internet and wireless subscribers are there in our target market|A T & T Broadband/Comcast Public |

|area? What is the maturity of that technology in this target market? |Relations Department |

|What set of technology questions should management ask itself as part of a periodic |Busy Pros Consensus |

|review to make sure that it stays at the front of the service industry in its effort to | |

|be the best provider of services to its customers in the target market? | |

|Societal Values and Lifestyles |Data Source |

|Are people becoming more interested in structured social activities? |Interviews |

|With the increase in popularity of winter sports such as skiing, should are clubs such as|Interviews |

|the JCC run programs like bus trips to area ski resorts? | |

|How many times a week does the average area resident eat out? |Restaurant industry |

|How many miles does the average resident commute to work? How much time per day is |Census |

|spent commuting? What is the percentage of people who drive? Take the train? Take the | |

|bus? | |

|How many hours per week does the average adult work? Have those hours increased over the|Magazine survey results, Wall Street |

|past several years? |Journal |

|What is the percentage of adults who take continuing ed courses? |Local schools, Salem State College |

|Legal |Data Source |

|How might changes in the Allowable income laws for Srs. affect Disposable income/free |AARP, US Govt. |

|time | |

|Deductibility of Health Club Services, Tax free dividends |AARP, AMA, HR Block |

|How do the estate laws affect disposable income |AARP, Lawyers Associations, US Govt. |

|Deductibility of Senior Care Service |AARP, HR. Block, US Govt. |

|Political |Data Source |

|How is disposable Income affected by Tax Policy (duh) |HR. Block, AARP, Family Groups |

|How is/are, Disposable Income and Service providers affected by SS/Medicare |AARP, AMA, t |

| (Discrimination)How would a change in these laws impact cultural values |US. Govt., Family Service Groups |

|How does funding for social service affect demand |City Govt., Family and Social Service |

| |Groups |

|How would A/Srs. Respond to increased services based on Govt. Funding of faith based |Jewish Federations |

|services | |

|Regulatory |Data Source |

|How does Disability law affect service demand/Supply |ADA Web Site, Jewish Federation |

|Would increased regulation of private health clubs create greater demand by A/Srs because|US. Govt. SBA, Club Trade Associations |

|it eliminated small suppliers | |

|Would an increase in private insurer discounts increase demand for services by A/Srs |Insurer Associations, YMCA, Jewish |

| |Federations |

|Economy |Data Source |

|Is the demand for adult and senior programs elastic or inelastic, ie how much does it |Consensus |

|change when there is a change in price? | |

|Is the economy in a recession? |GDP trends |

|Are there changes in benefits and retirement age for Social Security? |Government |

|Have there been any tax cuts that might increase disposable income? |Government |

|Has the price of normal goods increased? |Consumer price index |

|Has there been an increase in the number of layoffs? |Unemployment rate |

|Has there been a change in the labor force? |Financial news |

|What are average wages for employees in the adult & senior program industry? |Employment ads |

|Is philanthropy increasing or decreasing? |Financial news |

|What are the interest rates for savings accounts and loans? |Banks |

|What are the top 20 items, on which disposable income is spent? |Financial resources |

|Are real estate values increasing? |Realtors |

|Are prescription drug costs increasing? |Financial news |

|What is the average amount of disposable cash available to those in each age bracket? |Financial resources |

|What are the twenty most common expenses for adults in this community? |Financial resources |

|How much income is devoted to tax and utilities (average)? |Financial resources |

|What is the median mortgage value outstanding for a home? |Banks |

|Competitor Analysis |

|Are there any educational facilities in the area? Colleges? Technical Schools? Trade Schools? Adult education classes offered by |

|local high schools? Etc… |

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|What kind of programs do they offer our particular age brackets? |

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|Do local senior centers offer educational learning to the community? Or outside the community? |

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|What percentage of companies in Massachusetts have onsite daycare? Onsite fitness |Boston Magazine Archives |

|facilities? | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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