Waldegrave A Level History - China

Mao’s China, 1949–76 - Timeline China1946–49: Civil war in China194619471948People’s Republic of China established.19491950–53: Korean WarMarriage LawTibet becomes part of People's Republic of ChinaSuppression of counter-revolutionaries campaign begins1950Three Antis campaign1951Five Antis campaignFirst Agricultural Producers’ Cooperatives (APCs) established1952Purge of Gao Gang and Rao Shushi19531953–57: First Five-Year Plan1954‘Higher-Stage’ Agricultural Producers’ Cooperatives introduced19551956Hundred Flowers campaign19571958–62: Great Leap Forward (Second Five-Year Plan)1958195919601961Power struggle between Mao and Liu Shaoqi/Deng Xiaoping beginsThe Little Red Book was published19621962:Third Five-Year Plan launchedSocialist Education Movement launched to purge the party and spread Mao’s ideas1963China tests its first atomic bomb196419651966–69: Cultural RevolutionMao launched the Cultural Revolution1966January Revolution in Shanghai1967PLA began to restore order19681969-76:succession crisisOfficial end of the Cultural Revolution19691970Flight and death of Lin Biao 1971Visit of US President Nixon1972‘Gang of Four’ launches Anti-Confucius campaign197319741975Death of MaoDeath of Zhou EnlaiDemonstrations against the ‘Gang of Four’ in Tiananmen Square1976 ................

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