1912 Charter mbrs

The Maple Leaf Club

1912 Charter Mbrs;

1. Capt J Hutcheson

2. Sergt. Major G Crighton

3. Col-Sgt GF Atkins

4. Col-Sgt JJ Matthews

5. Sgt JP White

6. Sgt W Welch

7. Sgt W Dow

8. Sgt R. Reid

9. Sgt W Medford

10. Bglr Sgt RW Taylor (killed in service)

11. Sgt A Todd (killed in service)

12. Ex Col-Sgt W Meadows

13. Cpl W Elliott

14. Pte AN Rosebatch

15. Pte G Brooks

16. Pte G Perry

17. Pte E Hartman

18. Pte F Philips

19. Pte G Rowe

20. Bglr WR Taylor

1913- New Mbrs;

21. Capt A Stark (1913)

22. Col-Sgt A Rose (1913)

23. Sergt W Pratt (1913) (killed in service)

24. Pte A Peak (1913)

25. Pte R Vickers (1913)

26. Col-Sergt RE Moore

27. Sergt G Cliff

28. Sergt G Dodd (1925)

29. Sergt JC Keatings

30. WJ Cook (1919)

31. F Foster (1919)

32. P Greenfield (1919)

33. Norman McLeod (1919)

34. RW Menzie (1919)

35. A Lucas (1919)

36. JD Dempster

37. G Weir

38. George W Bull (1923) mbr until his death at 100yrs in 1981

39. E Philips (1923)

40. R Matthews (1923)

41. A Hutcheson (1923)

42. E Cook (1919)

43. J Wood (1925)

44. A Rose (1925)

45. A Rutherford (1926)

46. R Campbell (1927)

47. R Storran (1928)

48. R Harrison (1928)

49. F Stark (1928)

50. C Green (1929)

51. W Morrish (1929)

52. W Gildner (1929)

53. R Williams

54. E Payne (1930)

55. E Stock (1933)

56. F Still (1933)

57. W (Bill) Coomber (1933)

58. G Cook (1933)

59. Maj Hampton (1933)

60. F Steele (1933)

61. W (Bill) MacDonald (1933)

62. F Philip (1938)

63. Sam Score (1939)

64. A Scott (1939)

65. R Cullington (1939)

66. J Burgess (1942)

67. Charles Collett (1942)

68. J Power (1946)

69. G Philip (1946)

70. Dunc Green (1949)

71. J Dimock (1950)

72. Wilf Durance (1950)

73. H Cook (1950)

74. H Webb (1950)

75. G Chivers (1950)

76. FH Johnston (1950)

77. Bert Shepherd (1950)

78. W Coomber (1951)

79. Al Davey (1952)

80. L Smith (1952)

81. E Johnstone (1953)

82. C McLaughlin (1954)

83. Jim Green (1955)

84. W (Billy) Cook

85. Ted Johnston

86. Tom Chivers

87. Frank Gardiner

88. L Smith

89. Grant Phillip

90. G Moore

91. Ernie Marsh (1957)

92. Sid Phillips (1957)

93. CB Bickford (1957)

94. Gord Moore (1957)

95. Orval Wyckoff (1958)

96. Moore Jackson (1958)

97. George Brinkworth (1959)

98. Jim Kirkwood (1961)

99. George Norris (1962)

100. Bill Campbell (1964)

101. Lloyd Ruttle (1964)

102. Rev Newsham Hon mbr (1965)

103. Fred Burroughs (1965)

104. Rick Dory (1966)

105. C Jones (1968)

106. J Missons (1970)

107. W Ives (1970)

108. JGB Strathy (1971)

109. J Martin (1971)

110. RH Ayton (1972)

111. Stan Storms (1974)

112. W Lochmanity (1974)

113. Clayton Bell (1976)

114. Jim Kenn (1977)

115. D Pryor (1978)

116. Gerry Senetcho (1978)

117. Dave Kingston (1980)

118. Bill Laffradi (1980)

119. Fred Rowell (1982)

120. Syd Byatt (1982)

121. Art Gay (1982)

122. Archie McQuade (1984)

123. Erik Simundson (1985)

124. Mike Holland (1985)

125. Joe Resnick (1985)

Report of proceeding for 1912

The following officers were elected for the year 1912-13;

Hon Pres. - Capt J Hutcheson

Pres. - Col-Sgt Mathews

Sec-Treas Col-Sgt Atkins

Executive Committee:

Capt Hutcheson

Sergt Dow

Cpl Elliot

Pte Perry

Pte D'Esterre

and Pres and Sec-Treas

(Notes 1912)

It was moved and seconded that the Committee were to have charge of all arrangements. Also that only those going out on one o'clock car could shoot in the first match.

On the day of the shoot it was decided that the name of the club would be "The Maple Leaf Club".

That membership would be limited to 25 and confined to members and ex members of the Regiment. New members to be proposed and seconded by two members and balloted for.

A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Capt Hutcheson for his efforts by Sergt Major Crighton which was replied to in suitable terms by him.

GF Atkins


Report of annual business meeting for 1925

It was moved by J White and seconded by R Menzie that membership be increased to 28.

An amendment to this was moved by R Reed and seconded by J Keatings that the membership remain the same and not more than 5 guests be invited, such names to be taken from the waiting list.

On being put to the vote the amendment was declared lost and the motion was carried.

Report of annual shoot 1925

There was a new office created that of Grand High Cockalorum, and Sister Meadows was elected

Report of annual shoot 1943

This year there was quite a change from the usual order. The shoot was held in the Rifle Galleries in the Armouries and the Supper and Cards was held in the Sergeants’ Mess. The supper being provided by a caterer….Then Warde Taylor spoke about his experiences overseas and gave us news about some members there.

Report of annual shoot 1956

One sad moment marked the passing of G Payne a comrade that contributed much to this Club and our own Frank Atkins who had justly earned the title of “Mr Maple Leaf”.

Annual Business Meeting 1957

The President referring to the single item of unfinished business arising from the minute reading, explained the latest condition of the treasury entailed by the Estate of the late Frank Atkins and expressed the hope that this situation would be cleared by the date of the shoot.

After a discussion of the present circumstances of the Club arising from the loss of the Long Branch Ranges as a site for the shoot, a motion by F. Johnston seconded by T. Chivers “That the Galleries of the University Armouries be obtained for the Dec. 21 1957 and any suitable room at the same address for the purpose of the dinner” was duly carried.

Report of annual shoot 1957

...There was some nostalgia for Shoots (at Long Branch) and Dinners of other days, and so there should be, until some future time when we again can follow that long tradition, but thanks to our excellent committees most felt that once more our Club had fulfilled its purpose, "To promote by friendly target practice rivalry, the feeling of good fellowship created while serving in the Regiment."

Annual Business Meeting 1960

E Stock tabled a motion “That the annual election of Club Officers be held at the business meeting” and G Phillip that his resignation as the Club’s Secy Treas be accepted, with regrets.

Report of annual business meeting for 1962

T Chivers offered a cup from Frank Atkins to be used as Frank Atkins Memorial Trophy to be awarded annually to the high aggregate score.

Report of annual business meeting for 1963

Held in the Richmond Street Armouries on Friday November 8th, 1963.

...Moved by Sam Score and Cliff McLaughlin that the offer of Fred Johnson for the use of his Plant, (Eastern Scale Works, 30 Carnforth Rd) for this years shoot be accepted with sincere thanks. ...It was agreed that Baseball (using cubed balls) be played after dinner.

Listing of Presidents, Vice Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers

|Year |President (Chair) |Vice-Pres |Sec-Treas |Notes |

|1912-13 |Col-Sgt Mathews | |GF Atkins | |

|1913-14 |Col-Sgt Meadows | |GF Atkins | |

|1914-15 |Col-Sgt Meadows | |GF Atkins | |

|1915-16 |Col-Sgt Meadows | |GF Atkins | |

|1916-17 | | | |no meeting |

|1917-18 | | | |no meeting |

|1918-19 | | | |no meeting |

|1919-20 |R Reed | |GF Atkins | |

|1920-21 |Capt Hutcheson | |GF Atkins | |

|1921-22 |G Perry |RW Menzie |GF Atkins | |

|1922-23 |RW Menzie |G Weir |GF Atkins | |

|1923-24 |G Weir |JF Dempster |GF Atkins | |

|1924-25 |JF Dempster |Ward Taylor |GF Atkins | |

|1925-26 |Ward Taylor |B Lucas |GF Atkins | |

|1926-27 |B Lucas |N McLeod |GF Atkins | |

|1927-28 |N Mcleod |E Hartman |GF Atkins | |

|1928-29 |E Hartman |F Philip |GF Atkins | |

|1929-30 |F Philip* |A Peake* |GF Atkins |*No reference to voting but precedence indicates these 2 were voted in. |

|1930-31 |A Peake |F Stark |GF Atkins | |

|1931-32 |F Stark |W Cook |GF Atkins | |

|1932-33 |W Cook |R Storran |GF Atkins | |

|1933-34 |R Storran |Capt R Harrison |GF Atkins |Atkins appointed RSM |

|1934-35 |Capt R Harrison |W Gildner |GF Atkins | |

|1935-36 |W Gildner |G Morrish |GF Atkins | |

|1936-37 |G Morrish |E Payne |GF Atkins | |

|1937-38 |E Payne |G Bull |GF Atkins | |

|1938-39 |G Bull |W Macdonald |GF Atkins |Crighton, McLeod made hon mbrs |

|1939-40 |W Macdonald |R Storran |GF Atkins | |

|1940-41 |R Storran |F Philip |GF Atkins | |

|1941-42 |F Philip |F Gardiner |GF Atkins | |

|1942-43 |F Gardiner |C Cook |GF Atkins | |

|1943-44 |C Cook |E Cook |GF Atkins | |

|1944-45 |E Cook |Elmer Philip |GF Atkins | |

|1945-46 |Elmer Philip |R Harrison |GF Atkins | |

|1946-47 |E Hartnell |J Burgess |GF Atkins | |

|1947-48 |J Burgess |W (Bill) Coomber |GF Atkins | |

|1948-49 |W (Bill) Coomber |J Power |GF Atkins | |

|1949-50 |F Gardiner |J Power |GF Atkins | |

|1950-51 |J Power |E Payne |GF Atkins | |

|1951-52 |E Payne |G Philip |GF Atkins | |

|1952-53 |G Philip |G Collet |GF Atkins | |

|1953-54 |Sam Score |W Macdonald |GF Atkins | |

|1954-55 |W Macdonald |Charles Collett |GF Atkins | |

|1955-56 |Charles Collett |E Stock |GF Atkins |Atkins died after 44 years as Secretary - Treasurer |

|1956-57 |Charles Collett |E Stock |G Phillip | |

|1957-58 |E Stock |T Chivers |G Phillip | |

|1958-59 |T Chivers |Bert Shepherd |G Phillip | |

|1959-60 |Bert Shepherd |Les Smith |G Phillip | |

|1960-61 |Les Smith |W (Bill) Coomber |Ernie Stock | |

|1961-62 |W (Bill) Coomber |Fred Johnston |Ernie Stock | |

|1962-63 |Fred Johnston |Dunc Green |Ernie Stock | |

|1963-64 |Dunc Green |Jim Kirkwood |Ernie Stock | |

|1964-65 |Jim Kirkwood |E (Ted) Johnson |Ernie Stock | |

|1965-66 |E (Ted) Johnson |J Green |Ernie Stock | |

|1966-67 |J Green |Fred Burroughs |Ernie Stock | |

|1967-68 |Fred Burroughs |M Jackson |Ernie Stock | |

|1968-69 |M Jackson |Sid Phillips |Ernie Stock | |

|1969-70 |Sid Phillips |C McLaughlin |Ernie Stock | |

|1970-71 |C McLaughlin |E Marsh |Ernie Stock | |

|1971-72 |E Marsh |CL Jones |Ernie Stock | |

|1972-73 |CL Jones |J Burgess |Ernie Stock |60th anniversary meeting |

|1973-74 |J Burgess |W Ives |Ernie Stock | |

|1974-75 |W Ives |RH (Dick) Ayton |Ernie Stock | |

|1975-76 |RH (Dick) Ayton |Jim Kirkwood |Ernie Stock | |

|1976-77 |RH (Dick) Ayton |Jim Kirkwood |Ernie Stock | |

|1977-78 |J Kirkwood |John GB Strathy |Ernie Stock | |

|1978-79 |John GB Strathy |Clay Bell |Ernie Stock | |

|1979-80 |John GB Strathy |Gord Moore |Clay Bell/ | |

| | | |Moore Jackson | |

|1980-81 |Gord Moore |Gerry Senetcho |Moore Jackson/ | |

| | | |Jim Kirkwood | |

|1981-82 |Gord Moore |Gerry Senetcho |Moore Jackson/ | |

| | | |Jim Kirkwood | |

|1982-83 |Gerry Senetcho |Bert Shepherd |Moore Jackson/ | |

| | | |Jim Kirkwood | |

|1983-84 |Bert Shepherd |Art Gay |Moore Jackson/ |first use of a computer to record the minutes |

| | | |Jim Kirkwood | |

|1984-85 |Bert Shepherd |Art Gay |Moore Jackson/ John Strathy | |

|1984-85 |Art Gay |Jim Green |Moore Jackson/ John Strathy | |

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