Nurturing Faith…

Nurturing Faith…

Every Day in Every Way

July 7, 2013

7th Sunday after Pentecost

Isaiah 66:10-14

Psalm 66:1-9

Galatians 6:[1-6] 7-16

Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

Jesus sends us to testify in his name. Object: a hymnal; picture of Fanny Crosby

I don't know if any of you know who this woman is. (hold up the picture) Her name is Fanny Crosby. She lived a very long time ago—before most of your great-grandparents were even born! She has an amazing story!

Fanny was born healthy but when she was an infant, she got sick. A man, pretending to be a doctor, tried to cure her but instead he blinded her. This didn't stop Ms. Crosby though. By the age of 8 she began writing poems. She also wrote hymns—many of which are still sung in churches today! She wrote for presidents and was the first woman ever to speak before the United States Senate.

Many famous musicians came to Fanny for help, asking her to write words for the music they had written. Once, a very famous musician passed by her house on the way to the train station. He asked her if she would write words to go with a song he was going to present that night. She only had 35 minutes! Not only did she do it, but "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" became one of her most famous hymns.

When people have amazing talent like this, they can do many things with it. Some may brag about their talent and show off to everyone. Others choose to use their gifts to glorify God. That is what Ms. Crosby did—she even wrote a very famous hymn that we still sing today called, "To God be the Glory"

In our Bible lesson today, Jesus sent out workers to tell others about God. He told them exactly what they should do and sent them out with everything they needed to be successful. When they came back, they were overjoyed by the great success of their mission saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name." Jesus answered, " not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

We need to remember that whatever God asks of us—whether it is to share God's love by telling others, singing it to others, teaching others, making music about it to others or preaching it to others, we do it for the "glory of God"—not to make ourselves look good.

Heavenly God, help us to be your workers, to spread your love to others and to give the thanks and praise to You for all that you have done and will do through us. Amen.

Copyright © 2001-2013 Sermons4kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, and let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Alleluia.

Col. 3:15, 16


From Thru-the-Bible Coloring Pages for Ages 4-8. © 1986,1988 Standard Publishing.

Used by permission. Reproducible Coloring Books may be purchased from

Standard Publishing, , 1-800-543-1301.

Copyright © Sermons4kids, Inc.

All Rights Reserved


Raising a compassionate child starts with parents leading by example. Acts of kindness do not have to be an individual effort, however. Working as a family to do community service, volunteer free time to local organizations, and coordinate charity efforts is not only a great way to help others-it’s a great way to grow as a family too.

Children-Assisting children in need can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your lives and often hits home with young volunteers the most. Here are a couple of ideas: Donate backpacks & school supplies for less fortunate students at your local school; donate toys or clothes to an orphanage year ‘round, not just at Christmas; volunteer time at the library reading to children.

The Elderly-The elderly are often overlooked when the opportunity to volunteer arises; however, seniors are full of experiences, wisdom and hope that can be passed on to your brood. Here are some ideas: Make trinkets and hand-deliver them to a retirement home, hold a bingo night at a nursing home, volunteer to do yard work at an elderly neighbor’s house, spend time with a senior and listen to her stories.

The Homeless-Helping the less fortunate can help your family appreciate their own good fortune and understand others’ difficulties. Some ways your family can give time to the homeless and the hungry: volunteer at a soup kitchen, have a canned food drive, make blankets or knit scarves for a homeless shelter, assemble bagged lunches for homeless children or a shelter.



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