Honors US History

Honors US History

Cold War in the 1950s

TIMELINE: Use the events below and make a Cold War timeline from 1945-1958 on a separate sheet of paper. Use the entire space. Use colored pencils to separate different types of events and create a key to your colors.

For example:

Leaders= Blue

US Military action= Red

Nuclear events=Black

Other events=Green

*Note: Many of these events occurred in the same year. If you can find months for these events, use that information to place the event on the timeline more accurately in the given year.

LEADERS (years in office)

US Presidents Truman and Eisenhower

USSR leaders Stalin and Khrushchev


Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech US installs US-friendly government in Iran

Berlin Airlift US installs US-friendly government in Guatemala

Marshall Plan approved

Formation of NATO Events in Hungary

Communists win Chinese Civil War Suez Canal Crisis

Soviets test A-bomb Sputnik I

North Korea invades South Korea Sputnik II

US tests H-bomb Eisenhower Doctrine on Middle East developed

Cease-fire in Korean War US troops put down revolt in Lebanon

Soviets test H-bomb

Stalin dies

REFLECTION: In one substantial and well-written paragraph, create a response that thoroughly and neatly incorporates answers to the following questions. Use the space below or attach another sheet.

* How did Truman and Eisenhower’s approach to the Cold War differ? (2 sentences)

* What effect did massive retaliation and brinksmanship have on the world? (2 sentences)

* Why were both the US and the USSR interesting in gaining allies in third world countries? (@ sentences)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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