



203-494-1266 (Cell) or deb@

Dear Coach:

Attached is a copy of the Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association, Inc. (“CSRRA”) “All-State Nomination Form”. As you are aware, one of the programs that the CSRRA Junior Division sponsors is recognizing Connecticut’s outstanding athletes in the shooting sports at a banquet. See the form for listed categories.

Nominating an athlete is pretty well the same as in past years. Complete a form for EACH nominated athlete. Date of Birth and Scores are MANDATORY. Since scores are not the only criteria for a shooter to earn a place in a particular category, please be sure to write down something about the nominee and why you feel that this person should be on the All-State team. The “Honorable Mention” categories are generally filled from this feedback, and the speakers at the banquet utilize your comments during the introductions of the athletes. This feedback is important so do not run out of gas on this section of the form. This info showcases your athlete and program to invited guests so feel free to brag! ALL INFORMATION ON THE FORM IS MANDATORY and electronic submission of forms via e-mail is preferred for ease in copying into the script for the awards ceremony. If you are nominating more than one athlete in any category, rank them within your club (Blue Trail Sub #3/6—meaning 3rd ranked out of six nominated in the SJ category—this is very important info for the selection committee). If the athlete is a Sub-Junior according to NRA rules on 1/1/2019, the athlete belongs in the Sub-Junior category. We realize a Sub-Junior might have fired in position matches in 2019, but the committee will adhere to the category guidelines. If the shooter participated in the High School League, the nominee should only be nominated in the “High School” category. If the athlete is nominated in the incorrect category, the committee reserves the right to move into the correct category and/or remove from consideration.

Any questions should be directed to me at the above number/e-mail. It is not required that the nominee be a CSRRA member, but we will be STRONGLY encouraging the athlete to join. We cannot offer these programs if we do not have your support.

The deadline for all applications is 5PM on Friday, April 5, by e-mail at deb@ (please submit electronically in word format—not pdf’s so that comments can be incorporated into the banquet speech). The selection process will take place shortly thereafter, so this deadline is firm! I know well enough how easy it is to procrastinate—so get writing! It is not that difficult of a task once you sit down and start the process! If you run into problems, call me and I will be happy to assist in expediting the process. I will forward the selected roster to you on or around April 13th along with the final details for the banquet. Upon receipt of same, the CSRRA would hope that you would encourage the athletes’ Principal and/or Athletic Director of his/her school to be present. The banquet is set for May 15th, at 6:30PM at Zandri’s Restaurant in Wallingford, and is great for promoting our sport to school officials, media, and family. Put the date on your calendar now and get the word out to the shooting fraternity—you do not need to be on the state team to attend—being nominated is an honor in itself and anyone is welcome to join us for the recognition event! Good luck!


Deborah W. Lyman

Enclosures (Nominating Forms)


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