In Company Intermediate

Name __________________________________ Date ___________



Part A

Re-write the following sentences using the words given. See the example.


Where is the nearest taxi rank?

Could you tell me where the nearest taxi rank is?

1 Can I open the window?

Would you mind _________________________?

2 Can you help me finish this report?

Would you mind__________________________?

3 I think there’s an earlier flight. Let me try to get you on that one.

If ______________________________ , I’ll __________ ____________________ .

4 We can’t employ more people. Our office isn’t big enough.

If ______________________________ , we’ll need __________

____________________ .

5 We’ll lose our jobs if we don’t get more orders.

Unless ________________________________________ .

6 If they agree to the change, what will you do?

Supposing ________________________________________ .

7 Everyone needs to work overtime so that the product is ready in time.

The product will be ready providing ______________________________

________________________________________ .

8 I joined the company four years ago.

I’ve worked ________________________________________ .

Part B

Read this discussion from a meeting. Each sentence has one wrong word. Cross out the wrong word and write the correct word at the end. See the example.


A: OK. let’s get up to business. First, let’s discuss the Germany visit. down

9 B: Can I just enter in for a moment? Do we have to discuss this now? ______

10 A: Sorry, I don’t quite see what you say. ______

11 B: In respect, the visit doesn’t need six people to discuss it. ______

12 A: Does anyone else have any disagree on this? ______

13 C: To do honest, I agree with Frank. It’s not important. ______

14 A: OK. Perhaps we can come forward to this later. ______

Part C

Re-organise the letters in the box to form adjectives. Then complete the sentences using the adjectives.

| |

|inuque casoupis ectapculsar luld |

|tatravicte nufny setsfurls livonet |

15 Sit next to the window because when we fly over the mountains you get some really _______________ views.

16 It’s a _______________ hotel. It’s like no other in the world.

17 Who’s the woman over there? The one on the left – the really _______________ one. I’d like to meet her.

18 You didn’t miss much. It was a very _______________ meeting with the same old suggestions.

19 My new office is so _______________ .You couldn’t move in my old office!

20 I heard it’s a really _______________ film with lots of guns and knives.

21 They were supposed to make life easier but I think my life is more _______________ with computers.

22 Jim has a _______________ joke. Have you heard it?

Part D (23–30)

(2 marks per correct sentence)

Your manager wants you to compare the three conference centres below. Write her an e-mail and say which you think is the best using comparatives and superlatives. Use the prompts in the box. See the example.

|Disneyland Paris |Cancun, Mexico |Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai |

|- 30 minutes from airport |- 426 rooms overlooking the Caribbean |- world’s tallest hotel |

|- customers include Unilever and MCI |- 24-hour rooms service |- 20 minutes to the airport |

|- equipped for 2,300 people |- health spa and private beach |- in-room laptops and Internet |

|- 95 meeting rooms |- for 500 people |- views of the Arabian Gulf |

|- banqueting facilities for 1,000 |- 20 meeting rooms |- Conference room and 25 meeting rooms for |

|- golf facilities |- 10-30% discount |750 people |

| |- shuttle bus to airport |- VIP helipad |

| |

|Dear Gemma |

|airport – Disneyland – far – airport – Burj Al Arab |

|hotel in Dubai – tall – Disneyland and Cancun |

|Cancun – good – beach facilities – good – discounts |

|But Cancun – small – Burj Al Arab. Disneyland – big. |

|recommend – Disneyland – good – conference centre for us. |

Dear Gemma

Example: The airport for Disneyland is further away than the airport for Burj Al Arab.









Section 2: Reading

Part A

Here are six voice-mail messages for Peter Carter. Match the second half of the messages (a–f) with the first half (31–36).

31 Hello. This is Cheryl. I phoned you about five times yesterday, but you weren’t in.


32 Hi, Peter. Anne here. I wanted to talk to you about the project meeting tomorrow morning, but you’re obviously not there. The good news is we finished Phase One on time.


33 Er, this is Zoltán. Just to let you know, I started the report this morning and just e-mailed you the first part.


34 Mr Carter. It’s Philip Heath. I talked to our stock control manager about the Venezuelan consignment and he says we despatched the goods a week ago.


35 Hello, Mr Carter. This is Ryan Hope from SilverStar. I called you a couple of weeks ago about an estimate for a contract in Malaysia.


36 Pete, it’s me. Sorry, mate, I tried everything, but head office say we can’t have any more. They say they waited six months for the preliminary report, another six months for the feasibility study and now they want to see some results.


(a) Oh, I included the quarterly accounts in the report, too. Let me know what you think.

(b) Anyway I corrected those figures you faxed me. OK, speak to you later, if you’re in today.

(c) As I explained, I may be a little late for the meeting. So just go ahead and start without me. I’ll join you about 10.

(d) Erm, we discussed my client’s requirements and, well, I expected to hear from you last week. Could you give me a call on 01865 555959 as soon as possible, please?

(e) The shipping agent says they delivered them this morning. So, problem solved.

(f) Anyway, I booked the conference room for three tomorrow. Give me a call when you get in. We need to talk.

Part B

Below are sentences from four different research findings. The sentences are mixed up. Match sentences A–D with sentences 37–40 to make four conclusions.

37 Northwestern Mutual Life Assurance Company decided to block all incoming calls for just one hour a week.


38 Just three hundred corporations control 25% of all the productive assets on earth.


39 Time management consultancy Priority Management found that 59% of all calls received by executives are less important than the work they interrupt.


40 Research shows that managers underestimate the time they spend on the telephone by up to 50%.


A Perhaps that’s how over two trillion dollars get spent annually on phone calls.

B As a result they found that productivity rose by an amazing 20%.

C 21% are a complete waste of time.

D This same small group may also open their own embassies and even start issuing their own currency within the next ten years.

Section 3: Listening

(Listening script 5.1)

Listen twice to four speakers talking about the speed of business. Complete this table of information using words or phrases from the listening.

| |Area of business |Reasons why the business is more difficult|What the customer wants |

| 1 |(41) _________ |All manufacturers have access to the same |Little extras like electric mirrors and |

| |manufacturing |technology. |(42) __________ |

| | | |__________ |

|2 |(43)_________ |If you (44) _________a _________ new idea,|(45) People pay more just to have the |

| |industry |your competitors steal it within two |__________ |

| | |weeks. |__________ on their Walkman or any other |

| | | |product. |

|3 |(46) Computer _________ |Whatever you make this week, someone will |People always want the very latest piece |

| | |(47) __________ |of technology. |

| | |__________ and for less money | |

| | |next week. | |

|4 |(48) Fund _________ |Many customers will |They expect you to see every (50) |

| | |(49) _________ |__________ |

| | |_________ even if you only make one |_____________. |

| | |mistake. | |

Section 4: Speaking (51–60)

You are at a drinks party at a conference in London. With your partner keep the conversation going. Remember to ask about:

- your partner’s line of work and business

- what your partner thinks about the conference and the location

- any other topic of interest

Finish the conversation when you feel ready.

Your partner or teacher will mark you using the following:

0 = not very well

1 = well

2 = very well

|The speaker |Circle 0, 1 or 2 |

|…introduced him/herself |0 1 2 |

|…asked about the other person’s line of work |0 1 2 |

|…asked what the other person thinks of the conference and the location |0 1 2 |

|…kept the conversation going with another topic |0 1 2 |

|…finished the conversation |0 1 2 |

| Total Marks (maximum 10) = |


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