Presque Isle County Road Commission

Presque Isle County Road Commission


July 15, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Road Commissioners for Presque Isle County was held at the Road Commission office at 657 South Bradley, Rogers City, Michigan. Chairman Stephen Lang called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Board Members Present: Stephen Lang, Thomas Catalano, Ronald Bischer

Also Present: Supt./Mgr Smigelski, Clerk Anne Wirgau

Visitors: John Chappa, Presque Isle County Commissioner

A motion was made by Catalano (Bischer) to approve agenda as presented.

Ayes: All


A motion was made by Catalano (Bischer) to approve minutes from July 1, 2020 regular meeting as presented.

Ayes: All

Accounts Payable:

Motion by Bischer (Catalano) to approve the July 15, 2020 accounts payable in the amount of $248,187.59

Ayes: Bischer, Catalano, Lang

Supt./Mgr Report:

• COVID-19 update

o Governor’s rulings – wearing of masks – reopened the office with the requirement that masks be worn when a customer comes in. Shop and Posen/Onaway garages are closed to public.

o Employee’s daughter was exposed and tested – came back negative – had employee stay home until results were in- daughter lives with him.

• Supt./Mgr met with MDOT and City of Rogers City at ¼ mile shoreline north of Rogers City to discuss ways to mark the bike path where it is so close to US-23. City has concerns of vehicles parking on gravel shoulder and bike path to access Lake Huron. Several ideas were discussed including speed reduction and the placement of delineators.

• Crews are still doing roadside mowing and applying dust control. The Rogers City crew spent two days repairing a culvert crossing on US-23 north of Huron Beach.

• Senate bill 517 – a two-year study on toll roads including I-75, I-96, 127 and I-94.

• Discussion with MDOT regarding the possible takeover of M-211. Will set up meeting to discuss. Approximately 4.5 miles excluding the City of Onaway section. Supt./Mgr will provide a list of pros and cons after the meeting.

• Swan River Road was paved yesterday, the parking area and salt/sand shed are supposed to be paved Thursday by Goodrich.

• Planning on starting to chip seal next Monday – E. Metz Hwy will be first location.

• Supt./Mgr discussed political campaign signs. We have been following MDOT guidelines and Supt./Mgr read part of the guidelines.

• The Black Lake shoreline restoration project is scheduled to started between July 20th and July 27th with completion by July 31, 2020. A request has been made to MDOT to use portable signal lights, if not available contractor is responsible for flagging if needed.

• The MCRCSIP annual meeting will be by “Zoom” only on July 23rd.

• The Portage Store owner requested a lowering of the speed limit on E. Grand Lake Road near the business. Supt./Mgr discussed the speed study conducted in the area in 2017 and said we have installed the recommended advisory signs. He was advised to talk with the township and request a speed study. Discussion was held.

• Supt./Mgr has been in contact with Bismarck Township Clerk and Supervisor regarding the Township Park located on 451 Hwy in Hawks. DNR has installed a vault toilet at the park and the township is responsible for its maintenance. Discussion was held regarding the parking options.

• Posen Township is placing a road millage request on the November ballot for 1 ½ mil.

• Supt./Mgr was copied on an email to EGLE from Tom Smith, Vice President of the Shoepac Outing Club regarding the high-water level on Shoepac Lake. Discussion was held.

• Photos of the Airport Highway culvert were reviewed and discussed. Supt./Mgr is working on an estimate to have our crew repair the culvert.

Unfinished Business:

Copies of the current job description for the Supt./Mgr and job descriptions for similar positions in Montmorency and Alpena County Road Commissions were given to the Board. Chairman Lang led the discussion regarding the timeline for advertising. Chairman would like the position advertised by September, 2020. Commissioner Catalano asked if any individuals with the organization were interested in applying for the position. Discussion was held. A salary survey for similar sized road commissions in Michigan was given to the Board. Chairman Lang asked to have advertising for the position placed on the agenda for the August 5, 2020 meeting.

The draft copy of the Military Training Leave Policy was reviewed. Discussion was held in regards to family hospitalization coverage while on training leave and how to make the pay “whole” as to not cause a reduction in wage while on training leave. Supt./Mgr will present the policy for adoption at the next meeting.

New Business:

A letter from Equalization Director David Brege requesting authorization for the naming of “Winding Ridge Dr” (Bismarck Twp., T34N R4E, Section 31) was reviewed and discussed.

A motion was made by Catalano (Bischer) to approve the road name.

Ayes: All

Clerk Wirgau presented year to date June 30, 2020 budget and financial reports. Both the Supt./Mgr and Clerk will be closely monitoring the MTF amounts in the next three months and will recommend budget amendments at the end of the 3rd quarter if necessary. Discussion was held.

A motion was made by Catalano (Bischer) to enter an agreement with Pulawski Township to seal coat and fog seal E. Metz Hwy from M-65 east to road end, 1.3 miles with Pulawski Township share not to exceed $12,000.00 This is a shared township line with Posen Township who will also contribute $12,000 toward the cost of this project.

Ayes: Lang, Catalano, Bischer

Supt./Mgr advised a preconstruction meeting is scheduled for July 16, 2020 for the 451 Hwy project. After the meeting he will have a better idea of when paving projects for this year will be done.

The next meeting of the Board of Road Commissioners as set by the Chairman is Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. and Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.

As there was no further business Chairman Lang adjourned the meeting at 10:05 a.m.


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