Global Partnership for Education

Expression of Interest to Obtain aMaximum Country Allocation from the GPE Multiplier (MCAM)Please submit the completed form to GPE_Grant_Submission <gpe_grant_submission@> Please copy your Country Lead right177165Please read the Multiplier ESPIG guidelines and the Guidance to the Grants and Performance Committee for Evaluating the Expression of Interest before completing this form. You can access these documents from: . The Secretariat accepts Expression of Interest (EOI) to access the GPE Multiplier on a rolling basis. EOIs are assessed during an internal Review Meeting, after which they may be presented to GPE’s Grants and Performance Committee for approval through a non-objection procedure. For more complex cases, an audio-call or in-person meeting may be organized. The GPC’s decision can normally be provided within six weeks after submission of the EOI.00Please read the Multiplier ESPIG guidelines and the Guidance to the Grants and Performance Committee for Evaluating the Expression of Interest before completing this form. You can access these documents from: . The Secretariat accepts Expression of Interest (EOI) to access the GPE Multiplier on a rolling basis. EOIs are assessed during an internal Review Meeting, after which they may be presented to GPE’s Grants and Performance Committee for approval through a non-objection procedure. For more complex cases, an audio-call or in-person meeting may be organized. The GPC’s decision can normally be provided within six weeks after submission of the EOI.OVERVIEWCountryClick here to enter text.Co-financing expected to be mobilized(total of Section 3 below) US$Click here to enter amount. Total Maximum Country Allocation from the Multiplier you are seeking to accessTotal application value US$Click here to enter amount. Submission datesEstimated Multiplier ESPIG Application submission date: Click here to enter a date.Coordinating AgencyClick here to enter text.Grant Agent (if selected)Click here to enter text.center186880500BackgroundThe Multiplier Education Sector Program Implementation Grant (Multiplier ESPIG) provides funding to contribute, together with domestic financing and other external aid, to the implementation of national Education Sector Plans (ESPs) or Transitional Education Plans (TEPs). In addition, it provides an incentive for external funders to invest in the ESP / TEP.The developing country partner (DCP), in consultation with the local education group, should submit this form to secure a Maximum Country Allocation from the Multiplier (MCAM). Having secured an MCAM, a country can begin program preparation in the same way as for a regular ESPIG. For countries eligible for both a regular ESPIG and Multiplier ESPIG, a single program should be prepared including both grants. Making your application successfulAccessing the Multiplier ESPIG requires countries to show that at least US$3 in new and additional external funding for education has been mobilized for each US$1 from the Multiplier ESPIG. In addition, the expression of interest will be assessed for their likelihood to achieve the funding model requirements related to a credible Education Sector Plan, domestic financing and availability of data. For that reason, a Requirement Matrix will need to be attached to this application.Expressions of interest will be submitted to the Grants and Performance Committee (GPC). The GPC will, in its delegated authority from the Board, decide whether to provide a Maximum Country Allocation from the Multiplier (MCAM). Multiplier Maximum Country Allocation (MCA) The Board has agreed an allocation formula to determine the maximum amount eligible countries can receive from the GPE Multiplier, based on the country’s school-age population.These allocations are subject to meeting the US$3 to US$1 co-financing requirement. For example, a country that could apply for up to US$25 million must secure an additional US$75 million in external financing. If only $60 million in external financing were available to co-finance alongside GPE funds, then the country could apply for an MCAM of US$20 million to meet the ratio. SubmissionPlease return completed applications to GPE_Grant_Submission <gpe_grant_submission@> and also copy your respective Country Lead.The Board has delegated authority to the Grants and Performance Committee to evaluate expressions of interest and approve Maximum Country Allocations from the Multiplier based on Board-approved eligibility and allocation criteria. The Secretariat will inform you of the GPC’s determination. For expressions of interest that secure MCAMs, these funds will be earmarked for your program preparation. An application to use these funds should be submitted within one (1) year of securing an MCAM. 1. ContextIs this expression of interest being prepared alongside an application for a regular education sector program implementation grant (regular ESPIG)? Choose an item.Regular ESPIG-eligible countries should normally apply for their regular ESPIG and Multiplier ESPIG at the same time and with the same grant agent. Please confirm that this will be the case. Decisions to apply separately, divide regular ESPIG and Multiplier ESPIG between different programs, and/or use different grant agents should be justified.Click here to enter text.2. Requirements matrix The Requirements Matrix summarizes a country's readiness to fulfill the requirements of GPE’s funding model. County submission of an Expression of Interest should include a completed Requirements Matrix. Click here to enter text.3. Sources and types of co-financingThe GPE Multiplier mobilizes external funding alongside a contribution from GPE. Please list the funding agreed from each partner, the name of the partner, and the instrument (for example grant, loan, etc.) This funding does not have to be disbursed or formally committed but should be agreed and highly likely to be mobilized.#Partner AmountInstrument (grant, loan, etc.) 1Click here to enter text.Amount in US$Click here to enter text.2Click here to enter text.Amount in US$Click here to enter text.3Click here to enter text.Amount in US$Click here to enter text.4Click here to enter text.Amount in US$Click here to enter text.5Click here to enter text.Amount in US$Click here to enter text.Total in US$:Total in US$ 4. Showing that funding is new and additionalTo access the GPE Multiplier, the finance mobilized (listed in question 3, above) should be new and additional. This means that external funding is unlikely to have been mobilized or mobilized as quickly for education if Multiplier funding were not available. Please explain briefly why the additional funding would not have been mobilized or mobilized as quickly for education without the incentive of the GPE Multiplier. Supporting documents could include signed memoranda from co-financing partners confirming that the Multiplier was critical in mobilizing their support. Please include the endorsement(s) of the co-financing partners listed below in section 8.2 of this EOI. #PartnerJustification for additionality (please list any supporting documents that you would like to include, and list them in the “Additional Information” section below.) 1Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.2Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.3Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.4Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.5Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.Total in US$: Total in US$5. Debt sustainability (if applicable)If one or more of the instruments listed in question 3, above, creates a financial liability for the government (for example, a loan) please comment on the implications for debt sustainability.The co-financing should be consistent with the terms of both the IMF’s Debt Limits Policy (DLP) and the World Bank Group’s Non-Concessional Borrowing Policy (NCBP), as applicable. Please confirm that the co-financing is consistent with the NCBP and DLP. Include as an annex any supporting documents. Please also include the Grant Element of the instrument. #PartnerImplications for debt sustainability 1Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.2Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.3Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.4Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.5Click here to enter text.Click here to enter text.7. Modality If the modality of the co-financing is not through (or, if not confirmed at the time of the EOI, is not likely to be through) the same program or funding mechanism as GPE funding, please:Justify the choice (or expected choice) of modality. In particular, please explain why a different program/funding mechanism needs to be used. Indicate the scope of work to be funded by the co-financing. This should be complementary to the envisaged program to be funded by the Multiplier. (For example, by financing similar activities in different regions or for different grades). Please indicate the intention in this regard. (500 words maximum). Click here to enter text.6. Sectoral allocation In principle, co-financing should be allocated towards sub-sectors that are consistent with GPE’s Strategic Plan, specifically “basic education, defined as pre-primary, primary, lower secondary education and second-chance learning opportunities. Where equitable learning outcomes are well advanced at basic education levels, it may be appropriate for GPE to provide additional investments in early childhood care or upper secondary education” (GPE 2020: Improving Learning and Equity Through Stronger Education Systems).Please indicate the intention in this regard. (500 words maximum). Click here to enter text.8. Submission8.1 Additional informationIf there are any other documents you are submitting as part of this application (for example, as evidence that the funding mobilized is new and additional), please list them here. Click here to enter text.8.2 EndorsementThe signatures of the partner Ministry and the Coordinating Agency representatives endorse the Expression of Interest. The signatures of the co-financing partners’ representatives confirm that the co-financing is expected to be mobilized as set out in this Expression of Interest. (Type or use an electronic signature below. It is not necessary to hand-sign and scan this document).Signature of partner Ministry representativeName of signatory:Click here to enter text.Job title/ ministry:Click here to enter text.Email:Click here to enter text.Phone:Click here to enter text.Signature:Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter a date.Signature of Coordinating Agency representativeName of signatory:Click here to enter text.Job title/ organizationClick here to enter text.Email:Click here to enter text.Phone:Click here to enter text.Signature:Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter a date.Signatures of Co-financing Partners Co-financing partner representativeName of signatory:Click here to enter text.Job title/ organizationClick here to enter text.Email:Click here to enter text.Phone:Click here to enter text.Signature:Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter a date. Co-financing partner representativeName of signatory:Click here to enter text.Job title/ organizationClick here to enter text.Email:Click here to enter text.Phone:Click here to enter text.Signature:Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter a date. Co-financing partner representativeName of signatory:Click here to enter text.Job title/ organizationClick here to enter text.Email:Click here to enter text.Phone:Click here to enter text.Signature:Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter a date. Co-financing partner representativeName of signatory:Click here to enter text.Job title/ organizationClick here to enter text.Email:Click here to enter text.Phone:Click here to enter text.Signature:Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter a date. Co-financing partner representativeName of signatory:Click here to enter text.Job title/ organizationClick here to enter text.Email:Click here to enter text.Phone:Click here to enter text.Signature:Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter a date. ................

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