In LGR, what happened two days after Independence Day in …

Lincoln’s Grave RobbersIn the book Lincoln's Grave Robbers who is the author? In the book LGR, what is Coney? In the book LGR, what was the first job of the Secret Service agency? In the book LGR, what prisoner was on the passenger train to a Washington, DC prison? In the book LGR ,how fast was the train going when Pete McCartney jumped off? In the book LGR, what did Pete use to smash the shackles off his limbs? In the book LGR, what was McCartney's usual method of escape from prison? In the book LGR, who was the head of the Secret Service Agency? In the book LGR, who is Patrick Tyrrell? In the book LGR, who was said to be a threat to the nation's entire economic system? In the book LGR, what talent did Benjamin Boyd possess? In the book LGR, who passed the counterfeit money to stores and banks? In the book LGR, what role did the distributors play in the coney game? In LGR, who was the most important member for the counterfeiting gang? In LGR, how long did it take Benjamin Boyd to make the set of plates for a $50 bill that he turned over to the Secret Service? In LGR, what became Patrick Tyrrell's main job? In the book LGR, where had Tyrrell worked before becoming a Secret Service agent? In LGR, who helped Tyrrell track down Benjamin Boyd? In LGR, what was Nat Kinsey helping Benjamin Boyd do in his new home in Fulton, Illinois? In LGR, how much did Nat Kinsey get paid for helping the Secret Service nab Boyd? In LGR, what question was shouted to warn Boyd about the impending raid? In LGR, what did Tyrrell say when he pulled out his pistol? In LGR, what incriminating evidence did Tyrrell find in the house where he arrested Boyd? In LGR, why did Allie Boyd offer McDonald $1,000? In LGR, what was in the box Allie wanted to take? In LGR, why was Boyd annoyed at agent Tyrrell? In LGR, where did Boyd want Tyrrell to put the cash money he found in the house? In LGR, what was the earliest form of American -made money? In LGR, what was the first trick the coneys used? In LGR, what did Mary Butterworth use to make the first counterfeit paper currency? In LGR, what did Mary Butterworth do to destroy the evidence of her counterfeiting? In LGR, after what war the the American government begin printing lots of paper currency? In LGR, what percent of US paper currency was counterfeit in the year 1861? In LGR, what agency did the US government form in 1865 to combat the counterfeiters? In LGR, what happened in January of 1876 that threatened to put the counterfeiters out of business? In LGR, who took over as the coney boss after Ben Boyd was sent to prison? In LGR, what did "Big Jim" want the Logan gang to do? In LGR, what did "Big Jim" want to get for the ransom Lincoln's body? In LGR, what was accredited with having thwarted the Logan Gang's plans to steal Lincoln's body? In LGR, what happened two days after Independence Day in 1876? In LGR, who ran against Rutherford B. Hayes in the presidential election held in November of 1876? In LGR, who did Big Jim choose to lead the new gang? In LGR, who was the bartender in the "Hub?" In LGR, what was the name of the game Hughes played in order to pass counterfiet money to stores? In LGR, what did Mulllens keep on a shelf behind the bar at the Hub? In LGR, who was the secret service agent in charge of catching the Lincoln's grave robbers? In LGR, who was the roper hired by Tyrrell to give him inside information about the graverobber's plans? IN LGR, what did the gang take with them to the Lincoln Memorial? In LGR, what happened to alert the grave robbers on their second attempt to steal Lincoln's body? In LGR, where was Lincoln's body hidden after the attempted robbery? In LGR, what sentence did Hughes and Mullens get for their part in the attempted grave robbery? In LGR, who helped John Power carry Lincoln's body back to the catacomb to be reburied? ................

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