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-332509202128Internship ReportSubmitted to: Mr.Nazik HussainSubmitted by: Jamshaid Sarwar MBA (G-2) 4th (Evening) Roll No 205 Session 2010 – 2014 -44767583185 Department of management science-515340308758 The pre-requisite of internship program is to make the student of M.B.A, aware of practical experience and to acquaint them with the real management process. With an intention of grooming the best executives of the future, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur has organized comprehensive internship- training program. All of us were placed in leading organizations of business are not to gain firsthand knowledge and insight into their management and working. So, when I was given the chance of selecting an organization, I opted for Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited.After the completion of internship program, internship report has been prepared just in accordance with the practical exposure. In preparing this report, I have put all of my knowledge, despite all of my coherent efforts; I do believe that there will always be a room for improvement in the efforts of learner like me. Jamshaid Sarwar Roll No 205 M.B.A G-2 (evening) Session 2010-14 -883475-130629AcknowledgementIn the name of Allah, the most gracious and most merciful, first and Foremost we are very thankful to our God, who made us capable to Achieve this task defiantly, and made it easy for us.I thank my all respected teachers for providing me comprehensive knowledge about business administration. And also for providing me the opportunity to complete my internship program in Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited, to enhance my practical knowledge about banking sector of Pakistan. I am also indebted to the followings because without their help, I would not be able to achieve this practical knowledge:Yazman Branch distt: Bahawalpur Mr. Abdul GhaffarBranch Manager Mr.Anees-UR-RehmanDeputy branch Manager Mr.Zafar IqbalAssistant manager operation Mr.Ijaz Ahmed Soomoro Officer Inscharge CAd Mr.Mobile Credit Officer Mr.…………..Cashier Jamshaid SarwarMBA G-2 EveningSession 2010-14 Dedications:This dissertation is dedicated to my loving parents and teachers whose incessant love and encouragement enabled us to make perpetual efforts for our dream accomplishment.S NOTopicPage No.1.Executive Summary082.Banking History in Pakistan093.Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited History104.Head office115.Mission & vision126.Corporate information137.Corporate Objectives148.Nature of Business159.Management hierarchy 1610.ZTBL current logo’s 1811.President Message1912.Number of employee and board director2213.Objective of ZTBL organization 2514.Years wise disbursement 2715.achievement2816.Product and services 3117.Other product and scheme3518.Types of?loans3619.Lending Criteria and security3720.Major lending scheme3821.Agriculture Machinery4022.ZTBL locker facility5223.Rozana Bachat Account and Utility Bill 5424.Share Holding of ZTBL5525.Financial Analysis5626.Income Statement (rupees in millions)5727.Ratios5828.Swot Analysis6329.conclusion6630.Suggestion 7331.Recommendation7432.References 7533.Appendix7634.Annexure 77Executive SummaryBanking is one of the most sensitive businesses all over the world. Banks play very important role in the economy of every country all over the world and Pakistan is no exemption. This report is about one of the leading Agriculture Bank of the Pakistan known as Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited. ZTBL is playing its one of the most important role in the development of the Agriculture Sector of the Pakistan. On 14th December 2002, under the ordinance of the Agricultural Development of the Pakistan 1961, ZTBL was incorporated as Public Limited Company. This Bank severs its venerated customers in the form of different customized?products. It is providing both type of severs financial and non-financials mostly to its clients of?the rural areas of the Pakistan, which comprises of 68% of the Pakistan’s total population. The Bank has country-wide network in the form of 349 branches and is severing round about half of?the million clients annually and over accumulated account holder’s with the average loan size of?around Rs.89000 serving 65%, 31% & 4% of subsistence, economic and large growers respectively. Banking History in PakistanPakistan came into being in 1947. Pakistan was an aggregating country at that time. Pakistan was only producing the agricultural raw materials and food grains. There was not sufficient industry to quench the need of society. So raw materials, which were produced in Pakistan, used to be exported from here. However, commercial banking facilities were provided in these areas. There were 487 offices of scheduled banks in the territories presently constituting Pakistan. Soon after independence, it was very difficult to Pakistan to run its own banking system immediately without sufficient resources. Because of the conspiracy, the banks having the registered offices in Pakistan were transferred to India.Zarai Tarqiati Bank LimitedZarai Tarqiati Bank Limited. Most of the Population of the Pakistan is poor particularly peoples link with the sector of Agriculture in Pakistan. Punjab is the main head of Agriculture activities depending on the consumption of the crops. Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited is the most active entity which is always readies for the help of Poor Farmers both financially and in sense of advice them for consuming more and multiple crops. Here we give you the overview of Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited, Jobs In Zarai Tarqiati Bank and finally the services provided by Zarai Tarqiati Bank in Pakistan.-104775-19050Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited HistoryAfter the Independence of Pakistan, it was considered that the existing institutional sources of credit such as Taccavi and Cooperatives, were insufficiently meeting the credit needs of farmers. Consequently, Agricultural Development Finance Corporation was created in 1952 under a Central Act for the purpose of expanding financial facilities and promoting the development and modernization of agriculture in Pakistan. In 1957, the Agricultural Bank of Pakistan was established and advanced both short and long term loans. Both these institutions were merged as Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan in February 1961. On December 14, 2002, the Federal Government has converted the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan (ADBP) into Zarai Tarqiati Bank Ltd (ZTBL) and the new venture has started its operation with immediate effect. The new corporate structure redefines the banks statue as a public limited company with an independent Board of Directors promulgated under the presidential ordinance, which aims at ensuring good governance, autonomy, delivering high quality, viable and timely financial services to a greater number of clientele in the agricultural and rural segment of the country with adequate returns to the stakeholder.Zarai Tarqiati Bank (ZTBL) has been registered under the Companies Ordinance 1984 and by virtue of Finance Order, all assets, liabilities proceedings undertaking of ADBP stands transferred to and vested in Zari Tarqiati Bank with effect from December 14, 2002. Mr. Istqbal Mehdi was the 1st President and CEO of ZTBL after conversion into ADBP. Head Office: 1 Faisal Avenue P.O. Box No. 1400. Islamabad, Pakistan Phone No. +92-51-9252805, Information & Complaints. 042-111-11-ZTBL (9825) Email Address: Website: .pkDedicated to serve the needs of the farming community, by delivering financial product and technical serving on a competitive and sustainable basis, in a convenient, efficient and professional manner, leading to success of the bank and the farmers.To play effective role in the promotion of economic growth, by enhancing the availability of credit to the agriculture sector, through reliable access to sustainable financing, special lending programs, technical assistance, and other products & services, and to promote career development opportunities for increasing professionalism and technical proficiencies of employees.-40894044450Corporate ObjectivesDevelop and operate as a financially and operationally sustainable R.F.I of the country. Assist rural community, particularly the small farmers, in raising their productivity and income levels through timely delivery of credit, advisory and ancillary services. Build ZTBL's image as a proactive, client friendly, financially & operationally sustainable with indigenous product deployment. Establish and provide backward and forward linkages to strengthen agri. value added commodity chains. Engage in public - private and wholesale - retail partnership to deepen outreach and reduce operating cost. To function as a rural commercial bank to mobilize rural capital formation and to commercialize the agri. sector by delivering the true value of credit to the client. Provide a wide range of risk insurance products to its clients. Open up its venues of operation to Domestic & International Banking Industry to avail comparative advantages.Nature of BusinessZarai Tarqiati Bank is to provide credit facilities to the farmers, including hiring and renting of?anything which it may advance way of loan and the provision for ware hosing facilities of such terms and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by its rule to agriculturists for the?purpose of agriculture and to persons engaged in cottage industries in rural areas and provide sustainable rural financing services, particularly to small farmers.The General direction and superintendence of the affairs of the bank are entrusted to a 12 member Board of Director consisting of a chairman appointed by the federal Government, the federal Government officers from the ministries of finance and food and agriculture. Four officers of the four provincial Governments and one non official nominated by each providence. One member on this board represents the state Bank of Pakistan also,In ZTBL the president supervise and directs the senior executive who supervise and direct the senior vice president and senior president control voice president who control assistant vice president who finally supervise officer the management hierarchy of the bank as follow.PresidentVice PresidentSenior Vice PresidentSenior ExecutiveAssistant VicOfficers-147320481965504825422275President MessageDear all, I am privileged to address as President/CEO of the largest specialized Bank in the country serving the agriculture sector particularly small farmers and rural poor for the last 49 years. Since my assuming charge at ZTBL in September last year, I have studied ZTBL deeply with an objective to guide for development of a strategy which could make ZTBL a sustainable, vibrant progressive institution and ensure a forward looking role for ZTBL in development of agriculture sector in Pakistan. Reforming and redirecting ZTBL is a challenging task but I know every step in the right direction is going to bring this institution close to the purpose for which it was created.ZTBL is the only institution with total focus on agriculture, the back bone of Pakistan's economy, and a key player for alleviating poverty by ensuring greater outreach for cost effective and timely availability of credit to the farming community. Private sectors initiative is understandably lacking in this important economic sector with inherent risks. Therefore the agricultural loans provided by commercial banks are mostly tied to large agro based industrial projects in sectors like sugar, milk and juice plants etc. The real needs of the small farmers are production loans for Agri inputs, and development loans for farm machinery and implements, which are almost catered by ZTBL. In addition ZTBL is required to play another important role in uplifting rural areas with special focus on women.The Bank is increasingly meeting the growing demand of the farming community in line with the Government's policy to revitalize the agriculture sector to play its role in strengthening the Pakistan's economy. During the year 2009 the disbursement of Agri loans has increased from Rs. 55.9 billion in the year 2007 to Rs. 77.6 billion, registering an increase of Rs. 22 billion in just one and a half year since my taking charge of the Bank.Besides financing, we need to form partnerships with other countries to import latest technologies (financed through multilateral/bi-lateral sources) without which we will be left behind despite our competitive advantage in terms of climate and availability of fertile lands. Therefore I invited a number of delegations from Asian Development Bank, China, Australia and USA dealing with agricultural related products and non-traditional items. The objective was to gain knowledge and experience from these countries and to apply such experience locally to increase the income of the poor farmers, I am glad to share with you that as an outcome of these interactions ZTBL will not only benefit in obtaining technology but arrangement of credit lines through these visiting delegations is also expected as they are patronized by their governments. We plan to continue such interactions.The Bank's vision is to be the lead bank dedicated to serve the financial and technical needs of the farming community efficiently, competitively and on a sustainable basis to strengthen the agriculture sector leading to success of the Bank and the farming community. I feel immense pleasure to say that ZTBL has now become a vibrant and self-sustainable financial institution, while new agricultural technologies and various innovative packages of customer friendly products and services have also been introduced. This is all due to hard work, dedication and motivation of ZTBL team, which has resulted in taking financial health of the institution to new heights as well as meeting the credit and technological needs of our farmers contributing to the overall development of the agriculture sector. I take this opportunity to congratulate and appreciate all my colleagues and every member of our team who's untiring efforts have made it possible to achieve the highest ever performance of the bank in all sphere of its operations i.e. disbursement, deposit, gross profit, and reduction in non-performing loans*(Link for Performance Indicators). This commendable performance in the last two years of the present Government has been due to the dynamic leadership, support, vision and direction of the Honorable President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari and Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani for mechanization of farms, uninterrupted credit supply, expanded outreach that guided the Bank's management to translate the vision of the People's Government into reality. Now that ZTBL team has been assured that all good work would be rewarded, I do hope that the present pace and dedication would continue by our professionally competent team. Every member should resolve to surpass the last year's highest performance, using their best abilities and extending fullest cooperation to accomplish new dimensions for the Bank, and set an example for other institutions to emulate. Agriculture sector of Pakistan has an immense potential to become a driving force to accelerate the pace of growth in the country's GDP and to achieve the Government's target to put the economy on a fast track and sound footings. Let us all join hands to be part of the green revolution and make Pakistan stronger and self sufficient in all walks of life. PAKISTAN ZINDABADMS. ROOHI RAEES KHAN PRESIDENT, ZTBLThere is 5500 employee of ZTBL.Key Employee-18288015621019050240706125928-224-20658159377-391061287012Objective of ZTBL organization Aims: To provide support staff to ZTBL undertake its non core activities and carry out any business for its sustainability.Objectives:To carry on business of providing consultancy, advisory and other agency services and other support services on contractual basis or otherwise to ZTBL.To provide to the Bank all kinds of support staff and ancillary services including advisory and consultancy services, marketing of bank’s products and services.To provide to the Bank’s clients quality product and services for efficient and improved farming including seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, Agri-machinery and technical services like design of irrigation & drainage system, repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery and other services like training and education of farmers, market information and crop insurance etc.To liaison and establish contracts with agricultural research organizations for development of efficient, effective and appropriate technologies for improving output and value added products.To provide welfare services to the employees of the Bank including education, vocational training, sports and recreation facilities.To carry on any business which may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the aforementioned business, or calculated directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of, or render profitable any of the Company’s property or rights.To carry on any business, which may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried onTo undertake or take part in the management, supervision or control of the business or operations of any person, firm, body, corporate, association or any other undertaking and for such purpose or purposes to appoint and remunerate any officers of the company, accountants or other experts or agents.-55245371252Healthy and well-functioning rural finance markets are directly related to achieving the two key national policy objectives of accelerating rural/agriculture growth and reducing poverty. The realization of these objectives depends on the simultaneity of developments in rural finance and non-financial markets to foster the creation of diverse sources of rural finance to build sustainable financial institutions, and stimulate products and capital flows in the rural sector. For this, rural finance must be seen as an integral part of equitable development within a framework of macroeconomic stability. The ongoing corporatize restructuring lays the basis for fundamental reforms for rural finance market development. The recurring financial drain, pursuing the old rural finance paradigm and the narrowing fiscal space have also promoted a shift in Government strategy that now seeks viable intermediaries for enhancing outreach. For the majority, access to affordable rural finance services is also important to enable them to compete in the post-World Trade Organization scenario. Inability to compete because of high financial costs could reduce income of the majority of farmers and rural clients, particularly the small and subsistence clients. Lack of access to affordable rural finance services will also prevent the clients from switching to non-farm activities. The ZTBL restructuring plan covering the following; (i) governance: establish an environment that facilitates good governance and accountability; (ii) systems: modernize operations through use of technology, networking, and communication tools; (iii) business processes: streamline products and delivery systems so as to reduce transaction costs, simplify operations, and increase outreach; (iv) products and services: introduce products and services that are financially economically viable; (v) human resource development: improve standards and skills of management and staff and strengthen training capacity; and (vi) IT: establish new hardware and software platform to support MIS, accounting system including forensic accounting, and risk management.The reforms shall establish ZTBL as a key R.F.I of the country, aiming to outreach annual rural clientele to 600,000 by the end of year 2008. By expanding its private sector role, the bank aims to establish network of high tech rural and agri. financial services through intermediations under public private participation and whole-sale -retail lending mechanism. Re-Financing Scheme for Revival of Agricultural Activities in Flood Affected AreasIn line with the policy of Federal Government SBP has launched a "Re-Financing Scheme for Revival of Agricultural Activities in Flood Affected Areas" in selected districts notified by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). ZTBL has been allocated initially a limit of Rs.3, 000 million. The validity of the scheme is up to November 30, 2012.Scope/ Eligibility Criteria: The salient features of the Scheme are as under:- Agricultural credit shall be provided to the farmers for agri. production/working capital finance in the selected districts affected by flood as notified by National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).Agricultural credit, under this scheme, shall mean "Farm Credit" and "Non-Farm Credit" for meeting the production/working capital requirements, as defined under Prudential Regulations for Agriculture Financing.All categories of farmers (owners, owner-cum-tenants and tenants) of the specified areas will be eligible for agricultural loans under the Scheme.Branches shall provide agri. loans to farmers as per lending policy of the Bank & SBP Prudential Regulations.Production loans would be provided under One Window Operations/Zarkhaiz Scheme as well as through General Credit in branches for Rabi Crops (March, 2012), Kharif Crops (April to September, 2012) and Rabi Crops from 1st October, 2012 to 30th November. 2012. However, outstanding finance, under this scheme, shall be recovered on the maturity of the respective loans but within maximum period of one year. Further, production loans for sugarcane are not to be advanced under this scheme as maturity period of this crop is more than one year.One time loan would be processed under the scheme as per standing instructions without involving renewal/roll over being allowed in Sada Bahar/ Awami Zarai Schemes.Cost of Credit:Price of Loan Case File Rs.200/- each Loan Appraisal Fee Loan up to Rs.50,000/- [1% of loan applied]Loan above Rs.50,000/- [2% of loan applied]Postal Charges Rs.250/- (lump sum) FED and other applicable Taxes as per standing instructions.Collateral: All acceptable forms of security/surety as per policy of the Bank.Rate of Markup: Mark up rate to be charged from the borrower is 8 % per annum and in case of default rate of mark up of SBS/Awami Zarai Scheme prevailing at that time (presently 12.50% per annum) would be charged from the date of default till repayment/closure of loan case.Maximum Limit: There will be a maximum limit of Rs. 0.500 million per borrower/party under this Scheme.Loan Disbursement: The sanctioned loan is disbursed in cash through current deposit account of the borrowerRepayment: Farm Credit Re-financing scheme for flood affected areas Kissan Dost Scheme (KDS)Special Product-Milk Chilling unitSpecial Schemes for Gilgit-Baltistan Canola re-financing scheme ZTBL model village establishment Financing package for Karachi Crop maximization project-IIGreen revolution SchemeOne window operation /Zarkhaiz Scheme White revolution Scheme. ZTBL & PDDCWhite revolution Scheme ZTBL & NestleSada Bahar Scheme (SBS)Awami Zarai scheme AZS (farm credit)Awami Zarai scheme AZS (non Farm Credit)Rural Development schemeRed Meat financing Package for Sheep/ goat RearersTypes of?loansBanks provides loans through various products/schemes for short, medium and long term depending on the cash flow of the borrowers. The bank gives special focus and importance to fulfill the genuine and real needs of the small farmers in terms of production loans (seed, fertilizers, pesticides, POL, labor charges etc) as wells for working capital purpose. These loans are provided to the needy farmers in cash and kind under various schemes like Sada Bahar, Awami Zarai, General Credit and One Window Operations Zarkhaiz Schemes. The bank also provides Development loans to farming community like tractors, allied Agri-equipments/implements, besides loans for poultry and livestock, fisheries, orchards, plantation, and irrigation schemes etc.Maximum Credit limitMaximum limit of loan is Rs.1.00 million per borrower/party.Lending CriteriaThe bank advances preferably to small farmers and following criteria is observed in overall distribution.? Subsistence farmers 70%Economic farmers 20%Big farmers 10%Production loans 77.5%Development loans 22.5%The management adopts lending – recovering linkage criteria to ensure smooth operations of the?bank and honor its obligations.SecurityThe bank provides loans under Agri-Pass Book System as well as other collateral acceptable to the bank. Simplification of loan documents is in order to facilitate the farmers; the Bank has simplified the loan documentation to be applicable for three years of the loan period. The main loan documents which are presently being used in the branches of the bank are as under loan application form IB-7 Revised loan Agreement-cum-Guarantee Charge Creation Certificate/Sanction Mutation entered in bank favor sanction latter for loan.Major lending schemeSada Bahar SchemeOne Window Operation/Zarkhaiz SchemeCrop Maximization Project-IICrop loan Insurance Scheme Benazir Tractor SchemeAwami Zarai SchemeEstablishment of Model VillageSada Bahar scheme:For providing timely input loans for crops and working capital for poultry and fishery etc, the Bank has launched a Sada Bahar Scheme. Assessment for?inputs requirements for the whole year is made at the time of first application. The amount so assessed is treated as Revolving Limit provided it is within the security limit. The Managers are authorized to sanction such loan limits up toRs.O.500 million. Scheme's main features are as under:Revolving Credit Limit is fixed to cater production credit and ancillary requirements of the farmers during one year period.The documentation once completed remains applicable for three years with yearly cleanup/renewal without any further documents.The borrowers can draw the credit in lump sum or in installments according to his requirement.Like-wise he can repay in lump sum or in installments during the year?when his cash position allows him.Pass Book containing transactions in his SBS Account is supplied to every borrower free of cost.One window operation:ZTBL has launched a one-window operation to enhance credit facilities particularly to small farmers. This will facilitate to cater for purchase for inputs during peak sowing season of both Rabi and Kharif Crops with the collaboration of Provincial Governments, Revenue Officials and Postal Authorities. Agriculture Pass books are issued at the spot to intending new borrowers. Their land records entered and loans are sanctioned at focal points whereas payments are released on the very next day from the concerned branch. During July-March, 2006-07, an amount of Rs 9.069 billion has been disbursed under this scheme.Crop Maximization Project-IIAn agreement was executed between ministry of food & agriculture (CMP-II MINFA) and ZTBL on 06-06-2009 for implementation of crop maximization project-II IN Which both have agreed to participate in establishment and operationalization of revolving fund.To implement the decision a new saving scheme under the name and style of “MINFA reviving fund deposit account” (MDFDA), “MINA special saving deposit account (MSSDA) and member farmers saving account (MSFA) have been exclusively designed for Government’s crop maximization project-II (CMP-II M!!”JFA).Crop loan Insurance Scheme Benazir Tractor SchemeIn order to bridge the gap between demand and supply position of tractor in the country, the federal Government has decided to launch accelerated agriculture mechanization for productivity enhancement, “Benazir tractor scheme” through ZTBL.The scheme envisages supply of 10000 tractors during 2009 to 10 to farmers to be selected through computerized balloting for grant of subsidy up to 50% of the of the tractor subject to maximum of Rs. 200,000 per beneficiary/tractor.Awami Zarai SchemeAll new borrowers of crop production loans will have to avail revolving limit under Awami Zarai scheme to get inputs through M/S KSSL under kind system. This scheme is optional for existing borrowers of the bank. Dairy machinery :Self propelled fodder reaperMilking machine Milk chilling unitsFarm yard manure spreaderFruit Grader:3104164654685For grading all kinds of fruit this machine is equipped with roller inspection belt, conveyer belt and grading disc for six size + handling of fruit without damage.Garden waste chipper:Chips wood up till 8 cm with a knife disc and shreds branches and other garden waste like grass, herbs etc. the machine is tractor mounted and PTO driven.M E S C E R O:SeedlessAcidic / juicyExport OrientedAn excellent crushing varietyModern Agri machinery implement:Small HP Tractors (14-35 HP)Combine HarvestersSeed Processing UnitPotato GraderMulti Crop PlanterPotato PlanterPotato DiggerGroundnut ThresherSelf Propelled Reaper for Wheat & PaddyReversible Disc ploughThree Rows RidgerRice TransplantedCotton PickerInter Row Rotary CultivatorSugarcane HarvesterOff Set RotavatorOrchard SprayerElectro dyne SprayerFLAIL MOWER:Tractor driven machine used to cut the grass and shrubs in the gardens. This machine is driven by PTO shaft. Crops residuals are also cut down which can enhance soil fertility.SPECIFICATIONS: Working Width: 72 Inches (180 cm)Power Required: 1x ? HP + 1 x 1/3 HP1075690203200Agro Based Industries:U.H.T. Treated Milk PlantsYogurt PlantsRice MillsPacking Material for food itemsJuice Plants with paper packing facilityIrrigation Machinery:High Speed Diesel EnginesSprinkler Irrigation SystemsDrip Irrigation SystemCrops Orchard;Soybean CultivationMulticity Hybrid SorghumHybrid MaizeTea CultivationMint Cultivation and Distillation UnitHot Bin Mist Propagation UnitPolythene TunnelsE.M. TechnologyExatic Fruit PlantsExport Oriented Citrus plants:Sweet orangesMandarinsLemonsCut Flower Crops:RosesTube RosesGladioliDevelopment of High Tech Cheaper Technologies:Potato DiggerInter Row Rotary CultivatorSelf Propelled Rotary HoeSelf Propelled Reaper for wheat & paddyGroundnut ThresherPotato PlanterWater Reel Travelling SprinklerThree Row RidgerBorder DiscFruit GraderSeed Processing PlantOffset Rotavator:Its blades cut and pulverize the soil and incorporate trash effectively. Offset type rotary cultivators are especially suitable for soil cultivation in orchards particularly under trees. As the implement is off-set to one side of the tractor, therefore, tree branches do not cause hindrance to tractor operator.S PECIFICATIONS: Speed: 540RPM Power required: 45- 50 HP885949205064Groundnut Thresher:3105150955675This machine is used for separating pods from peanut vines. Pods attached to the vines are fed from the top of the thresher. Clean pods can be collected in sacks. This machine is powered by a small HP Engine. SPECIFICATIONS: Engine Power: 2HP Working Capacity: 300-370/ KG/Hour Drum Revolutions: 400- 500 RPMPotato Digger:This machine is connected to tractor 3 point linkage and driven by PTO. Two rows of potatoes are dug out. The soil is separated from the potatoes on the conveyor grids and on the longitudinal shaking sieves. The potatoes are dropped in single row and collected by hand.123578466041Potato Grader:Potatoes are fed by elevator belt (variable speed to 3 riddles which move the potatoes with adjustable shocks to roller inspection belts. The machine has 4 outlets to provide different sized potatoes. Handling of potatoes is without damage, especially suitable for seed potatoes. 329565051435SPECIFICATIONS: Overall Length: 525 cm Overall width: 125 cm Riddles: 3 with square holes, 1 with bar Motor: 0.75 KW Capacity: 4000 Kg/hrPotato Planter:2370364915472The seeding mechanism is land wheel driven. The elevator chain is mounted with cups lifting the seed potatoes from the hopper to the seed funnel. Furrow openers open the furrows where the seed is dropped. Seed is later covered by means of adjustable disc/Ridger.SPECIFICATIONS:No. of Rows: 2No. of Hopper: 2Row to Row Distance: AdjustableField Capacity: 2 hours/acre Pruning Equipment:Tractor mounted compressor with big capacity tank provides air to two automatic hose reels with 50 meters house each. A variety of pruning shear, tree shear, hedge trimmer (65 cm) and chain saw (length 24 cm) is available. 250099337341SPECIFICATIONS:Suction capacity: 850 L/MinTank capacity: 250 LMax. Pressure: 18 BarsNormal pressure: 8- 12 BarsCutting capacity shears: 30-35 S A L U S T I A N A:SeedlessSweet and JuicyThinly shinnedExcellent crushing variety318960588265Highly productiveBroad acclimatizationExport Oriented Solar Devices:Solar Lift Irrigation System/Tube wellSolar FencingSolar GeyserSolar Loud Speaker SystemSolar Berg Alarm SystemStubble Shaver:For vigorous deep rooted ratoon of sugarcane crop stubble shaving is essential. The process destroys unwanted cane stubble so that the rations growth can develop further. Tunnels:3486150220980Production three folds as compared to open conditionsEarly and late productionConsiderable water savingsWeed control easy and effectiveHelps raising ornamental plantsWater Reel Sprinkler:This machine is used to irrigate almost all the agricultural crops. Considerable water saving is made since there is no loss of water due to seepage. The pump is operative by tractor PTO. SPECIFICATIONS:Flow:2-4Lit/SecThrow:35MeterPipe Length:180 Meter20777206350Yanmar Combine Harvester:This combine harvester is basically designed for harvesting of paddy crop but it is also capable of harvesting wheat, sunflower, maize and canola crops etc. It is fitted with screw rotor type threshing drum due to which it does not cause grain breakage. 04 Units of these combine harvesters are available in stock for sale which will be supplied to intending buyers on “first come first served basis" against cash or credit. SPECIFICATION:Model: CA-760Engine: Yanmar 4TN100, Water - cooled, 4 - Cycle, Vertical 4-Cylinder, Diesel EngineEngine output: 76 PS/2600 rpm (75 HP)Grain Handling System: Bagging typeAv. Field Capacity: 1.25 - 1.50 acre/hr Paddy 1.50 - 2.00 acre/hr Wheat13430254445Fertilizer Spreader:25603201906905Chemical fertilizers utility increases if kit is evenly spread. Fertilizer spreader evenly spreads if it is evenly spread. Fertilizer spreader evenly spreads both granular and powdered fertilizers. The quantity of fertilizer application can be adjusted according to requirement without any wastage, thus ensuring optimum returns on fertilizer investments. Fertilizer is put in the hopper, two rod like structures continuously agitate the fertilizer. SPECIFICATIONS:Hopper capacity: 300 kgFertilizer spreading width: 10mWeight: 20 kgPower Required: 30-35 HP TractorZarai Taraqiati Bank Ltd. apart from its core functional activity marked with country based agri-business, has started to serve its valued customers by offering lockers facility. Initially, this facility is being offered at following 11 branches:S.NoName of Branch Phone No.Address1Islamabad Branch051-9252022Block-7/F, ZTBL Officer Colony G-7/2, Islamabad2Main Branch Lahore 042-735338047-C, Sharah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore 3Peshawar Branch091-2262279Chughalpura, GT Road Reshawar 4Gujranwala Branch055-9200206D.C Road, Gujranwala 5Faisalabad Branch041-9210008Opposite Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad 6Multan Branch061-920050961-A Abdali Road, Multan 7Sahiwal Branch040-9200424915-D Block Farid Town Sahiwal8Sargodha Branch048-9230491Katchery Road, Sargodha 9Khan Pur Branch068-5573079Model Town- Near Paradise Cinema Khan Pur 10Shafi Court Branch 021-9206006 Shafi Court Building Mereweather Road Karachi South 11Main Branch Gulshan-e-Johar021-4613618 St 4/3-A Building No.1 KDA Scheme-36 Gulistan- i -Jauhar Karachi 466217041275Following are the approved rates for rent of lockers and key deposits Against which lockers will be allocated: TypeSpecificationRent Per AnnumRent after grace periodKey DepositSmall6-1/2"x4-1/2"x23"Rs.1200/-Rs.1,500/-Rs. 5,000/-Medium13-1/2"x4-1/2"x23"Rs.1,800/-Rs.2,250/-Rs. 10,000/-Large13-1/2"x8-1/2"x23"Rs.2,500/-Rs.3,125/-Rs. 15,000/-Life Time Locker FacilityOn lump-sum payment of locker rent for ten years entitle the lessee to Avail the locker facility for life time, without key deposit.94615330835-492125177800-428625299085Performance statistics balance sheet (Audited) (RS million) as on dec.31, (Rs. In millions)20112010Total assets:122,468117,586Cash, balances with bank14,23313,662Lending to financial institutions00Investment –net12,0487,842Advance- net84,74484,793Borrowing from financial institutions51,25751,257Deposits other account8,9629,603Total liabilities 98,14795,881Net assets share capital 12,52212,522Reserve , un-app. profit10,4858,340Surplus on revalue, assets1,3140,842Share capital 12,52212,522Total operating fix asset 1,1671,132Income statement (rupees in millions)20112010Markup-interest earned9,5278,917Markup-interest expend3,793,714Net markup-interest income5,7375,204Provision and write offs00Net markup after provision 5,0553,838Total non markup income3,054,33Income before admn. Exp8,1048,167Admin Expence ,etc4,465,26Profit before Taxation 3,3212,912Current & deffered tax1,151,015Profit/(loss) after taxation 2,1711,90Ratios:Return on AssetsReturn on Assets = Net profit after tax *100RATIOS20102011ROA0.16%1.78% Total Assets Interpretation:Return on assets measures the overall effectiveness of management in generating profit with its available assets. The higher the return on total assets is considered best for the organization. There is an increasing trend in the ratio in 2011. But in year 2010 the ratio decreased and then increased in year2011 that is a good sign for the bank. Means the management is utilizing its assets in the best way to earn more returns on its available assets.Return on DepositReturn on Deposit = Net profit before Tax *100 DepositsRATIOS20102011Return on Deposit30.32%37.1%108585049529 Interpretation:Return on deposit is basically calculated for the purpose of checking the increase in profits. There is an increasing trend in the ratio for 2011. Then there is slight decrease in the ratio in year 2010. But in the last year of analysis the ratio has increased that is good sign for the bank. Means the bank is earning more on its deposits. Deposit to total liability Ratio:Deposit to total liability Ratio= Total Deposit*100 Total Liabilities20102011Deposit to Total liability10.1%9.13%209550066040Interpretation:The above ratio shows the relation between the total deposits and total liabilities. The higher the ratio the higher is the deposits of the bank. The ratio increased in 2010 and 2011 there is a little decrease in ratio. The management of Bank should think to improve this ratio. The higher the investment of the bank as compared to the total liabilities the higher are the chances of growth for the bank. Net Profit Margin Ratio Net Profit Margin= Net profit after tax / Total IncomeRATIOS20102011Net profit margin0.28%0.25%Advances to Assets RatioAdvances to Assets= Total advances / total Assets ?Years20102011Ratio (%)72.1160.2145720043180 Interpretation:This ratio is showing the relationship between total advances to total assets. The ratio was highest in 2010(72.11%) its mean advances are greater than assets which was good indication for bank because more people were getting loans from bank but in 2011(62%) advances suddenly decreases. This decrease in ratio is due to decrease in bank loans its mean bank’s financing department is not work properly.Strengths:The total assets of the Bank stand at Rs.84 billion with authorized capital of Rs.25 billion as of 31.12.2005, with a nation-wide working strength comprises 5500 employees.The share of ZTBL in total national institutional agricultural credit remains around 35%.ZTBL has a recovery ratio of 85%.ZTBL has a social network of MCOs that work in every remote corner of?country, where any other commercial bank can’t dare to work.Utility bills, hajj schemes applications are being collected by ZTBL.It has introduced locker facility in some limited branches.?They have good cooperation with farmers; they meet them at least one time in a week, which produces good cooperation among them.Weaknesses:ZTBL has a less number of people who have technical skill of computer?and information technology.Up till now many branches could not be brought to online system.As the ZTBL has to deal with the illiterate farmers that is why it has to keep itself as simple as the farmer’s mentality.The employees are promoted after a very long time that causes a distress among employees.Many branches still practice their daily transaction by book, which makes banking laborious and time consuming.Branches of ZTBL are ill equipped, less and poor quality furniture is provided.Record keeping is poorly practiced.Opportunities:ZTBL has a great potential to serve general banking.Deposit system introduction can generate funds for the bank.By making investment in new areas.Senior employees’ compliance with coordinators can enhance their?working abilities.By developing technical education, the bank can increase its progress.Threats:Book keeping is proven to be a greater threat for ZTBL as there is danger?of record loss.There is no availability of online record which can produces confusions among loonies.Although the recovery ratio is round about 85% but it is only window-dressing and not the actual one.There is no maintenance of duties by the staff.Their interest ratio is round about 9% per annum, which is very low from other commercial banks.One of the most important aims of the student life is to express him / her correctly and adequately. This was believed in my mind when I first decided to go to Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited to complete and internship program.Banking is one of the most sensitive businesses all over the world. Banks play very important role in the economy of every country all over the world and Pakistan is no exemption. This report is about one of the leading Agriculture Bank of the Pakistan known as Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited. ZTBL is playing its one of the most important role in the development of the Agriculture Sector of the Pakistan. On 14th December 2002, under the ordinance of the Agricultural Development of the Pakistan 1961, ZTBL was incorporated as Public Limited Company. This Bank severs its venerated customers in the form of different customized?products. It is providing both type of severs financial and non-financials mostly to its clients of?the rural areas of the Pakistan, which comprises of 68% of the Pakistan’s total population. The Bank has country-wide network in the form of 349 branches and is severing round about half of?the million clients annually and over accumulated account holder’s with the average loan size of?around Rs.89000 serving 65%, 31% & 4% of subsistence, economic and large growers respectively.Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited. Most of the Population of the Pakistan is poor particularly peoples link with the sector of Agriculture in Pakistan. Punjab is the main head of Agriculture activities depending on the consumption of the crops. Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited is the most active entity which is always readies for the help of Poor Farmers both financially and in sense of advice them for consuming more and multiple crops. Here we give you the overview of Zarai Tarqiati Bank Limited, Jobs In Zarai Tarqiati Bank and finally the services provided by Zarai Tarqiati Bank in Pakistan.The organization has been growing in size and profit for past few year and repute in the market. The employee turnover is very high which they have to cut down as there losing a number of good trained of employees due to its poor policy. The year 2011 is expected to offer increase competition in the secured assets business as more agree financing banks are in the market. With their focused strategy and product development initiative planned for the year, ZTBL is strongly positioned to meet these challenges the bank has very well repute in the market. Over all bank is going well and doing a good business but there are few problem for that I have tried to give few recommendation that might help company to improve so finely this internship program help me a lot in gaining practical knowledge of job that well help me in practical life once I complete MBA.Zarai Tarqiati Bank is to provide credit facilities to the farmers, including hiring and renting of?anything which it may advance way of loan and the provision for ware hosing facilities of such terms and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by its rule to agriculturists for the?purpose of agriculture and to persons engaged in cottage industries in rural areas and provide sustainable rural financing services, particularly to small farmers.Corporate vision: Dedicated to serve the needs of the farming community, by delivering financial product and technical serving on a competitive and sustainable basis, in a convenient, efficient and professional manner, leading to success of the bank and the farmers.Corporate mission: To play effective role in the promotion of economic growth, by enhancing the availability of credit to the agriculture sector, through reliable access to sustainable financing, special lending programs, technical assistance, and other products & services, and to promote career development opportunities for increasing professionalism and technical proficiencies of employees.The bank has seen phenomenal growth in the past few years by opening more branches in the country increasing the fund basses while also increasing the assets and profit of the bank.The service of ZTBL provides have a great market penetration not only because of their features but also the profit and markup rates that they charge. Also the products that ZTBL provides cater to sector of the economy.The top management of the bank is always developing strategies that cope with unexpected challenges to deliver products and services more efficiently.Furthermore, as the bank is growing the number if employee at bank are increasing which shows that bank is being considered as a an employer that provides its employees with a challenging environment to work in where they can harness their full potential and shows confidence as an employer’s by the employees of the bank.Lastly to become the leading bank of Pakistan, ZTBL has to benchmark its services to its major competitors in the industry or the market leader in the industry and provide a continuous mean of improvement in its existing product and services, while introducing new ones to the industry.It is evident from this report and the financial statements of ZTBL that it is making progress by leaps and bounds. The profits of ZTBL have grown considerable during the few years and trend is expected to continue into the future. 2011 was the golden era of ZTBL 2011 the ZTBL earn more than more profit and record in all previous years. Therefore I conclude that ZTBL has a very prosperous present and future, which assures the stakeholders of wealth maximization. Side by side of it I think that if bank would be able to cover and control on the mentioned recommendations then it would be in such a situation that will really lead it towards the road of prosperity, development and integrity. And with the mentions sentences I think there is too fault of the clients and in order to make the proper working of the bank the customers should also cooperate with the bank which will be really a good, ambitious and diligent condition for the bank. And the bank will be really in such a situation and position to compete its competitors in the country as well as on international level.2011 is the golden era of ZTBL the assets are increase year by year the total assets in 2009 that is 113 billion and in 2010, the assets is 117 billion and in 2011 the total assets are increase in 123 billion high jumped in increasing. Profit before tax in 2009 that was 3373 million and 2010 profit was 2878 and 2011 profit before tax is 3277 a little decrease and equity in 2009 19 billion and in 2010, equity is 22 billion and in 2011 equity is 24 billion.And the profit after tax 8,600 million as compared to previous a greater increase in income. Bank investment in the financial sector was based in the confidence of bank in the country as a whole and it has been any demonstrated by the growth planes of though ambitions in nature but prudent and in line with the potentials of the market place. although the financial sector in general witnesses some shrinkage, both in terms of downsizing and closure of certain locations, the bank, however, continued with its expansion programmed and added more branches ZTBL view specialized services excellence as the cornerstone of its strategy.The people of bank innovation, creativity, reliability, customized services and their treasury division and the structured finance unit have been geared to provide specialized services to the corporate customers. Revenue from these activities has started yielding dividends and they expect significant growth in these areas in the coming years. While building in their in-depth familiarity with their customers’ needs and anticipated development in the banking industry, the retail and corporate areas of their operation will continue to provide a strong and stable base to the business of the bank.They are aware that they stepped into 21th century and they must meet its challenges by acquiring the highest levels of technologies. They will thus be accelerating their enable them distribute their product and services through most efficient and high –tech means. They say that they will invest in the modern tools and sustain allocation of resources will be made to achieve this objective during the current year. This program to launch real time – on line banking services and introduction of ATMs at strategic location have been firmed up and will be fully operational during the year 2011.their focus would be to constantly seek out growth opportunities through increased quality assets and by offering a wider range of products and services to their esteemed customers there are significant growth opportunities for ZTBL and they are confident their ability to grasp them. They are committed to enhance the shareholder’s value and look forward with greater optimism to a prosperous future for ZTBL. I will conclude my report by saying that my training program at Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited was a mighty experience, in terms of learning, dealing with people, getting the how know of the working of organizations and the intricacies of?practical life. Such an experience is a necessity for every business student as it helps one in choosing the area of work to adopt in professional life. This training program sets a strong basis for students about to enter professional life to do the correct career counseling for themselves in accordance with their ability to integrate work with knowledge, their learning capacity and the ability to sustain pressures.Training and awareness of personnel in all sectors and at all levels is required to face the future challenges. Adaptation of globalization, spectacular developments in information technology, internet, E-commerce etc are required.Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited is a huge name in the agricultural sector and a large number of loans are provided to the agricultural sector by the Zarai TaraqiatiBank Limited but I experienced some problems that should be encountered. These problems are:Transportation facility is not provided to the whole employees, it should be provided to them.Proper training of I. T should be given to all the employees, as it is necessary to the company managerial personnel should be trained both at company premises and at the international level.Managers are required to get training in the modern scientific management control methodsManager fully trained in computer like banking sector related sites in internet and related software which is common use in ZTBL.Easy method use to control the management..pkscribed .com credit officerCr.CreditDr.DebitSWOTs= strengthW=weaknessO=opportunityT= threatADBPagricultural development bank of Pakistan CEOchief executive officerRs.RupeeGDPgross domestic product CAcharted accountant Hohead officeZTBLZarai Taraqiati Bank Limited CADcredit administration department ................

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