General Ledger Reports .us

|Report ID |Report Name |Legacy Report |Report Description |Run/Frequency/Access |

| | | | |Navigation/Path |

|Additional Reports for Commitment Control and General Ledger can be found on the Catalog of Online Financial Reports located at and information on running an online report can be|

|found at |

|GLC5500 |ADB Definition Report |N/A |Prints ADB details including description, purpose, and |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |ChartField information. |General Ledger > Average Daily Balance > ADB Definition |

| | | | |Report |

|GLC5501 |ADB Processes Report |N/A |Lists ADB process information including averaged period, |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| |(formerly: ADB Calculation) | |date, and time. |General Ledger > Average Daily Balance > ADB Calculation |

| | | | |Report |

|GLC6000 |Allocation Step Definition |N/A |Lists detail information associated with a particular |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |allocation step. |Allocations > Reports > Allocation Step |

|GLC6001 |Allocation Group Definition |N/A |Lists detail information associated with a particular |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |allocation group. |Allocations > Reports > Allocation Group |

|GLS7001 |Standard Journal Entries Status |N/A |Lists standard journal entries and their status. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |General Ledger > General Reports > Standard Journals |

|GLS7002 |General Ledger - Activity |ACRG74 General Ledger Account Statement |Lists the beginning and ending ledger balances by |Central users and Agency GL Approvers can run this report |

| | |ACRG76 General Ledger Subledger Account |ChartField combination and account. Also lists the detailed|adhoc. |

| | |Trial Balance |journal line activity posted against the ledger for the |General Ledger > General Reports > Ledger Activity |

| | |21-2-2 Revenue Analysis |accounting periods that are specified. | |

|GLS7009 |Posted Journal Summary Report |N/A |Provides the ability to report on journals posted during a |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |specific run of the Journal Post process. The Journal Post |General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Posted |

| | | |process updates all journals posted with the value of the |Journal Summary Report |

| | | |Process Instance. The Process Instance is part of the | |

| | | |search criteria that is used by the Posted Journals - | |

| | | |Summary report. | |

|GLS7011 |Journal Edit Errors |N/A |Provides detailed information about journal edit errors: |Will run monthly, in scheduled batch for central users |

| | | |period, journal ID, date, source, reference number, error |ONLY. |

| | | |type, line, line description, field name, and error |General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Journal |

| | | |message. |Edit Errors Report |

|GLS7012 |Trial Balance |ACRG75 General Ledger Master Account |Combines detail and summary balance information. Shows the |Will run monthly, in scheduled batch for central users |

| | |Trial Balance |ending ledger balances for the specified year and period by|ONLY. |

| | |ACRG77 General Ledger Master Account |ChartField combination and account. Also displays subtotals|Central users and Agency GL Approvers can run this report |

| | |Summary Trial Balance |by ChartField. Prints a final total for debits and credits |adhoc. |

| | |ACRZ91 GAAP Fund General Ledger Master | |General Ledger > General Reports > Trial Balance |

| | |Account Trial Balance | | |

|GLS8005 |Budget Transaction Detail | |Displays transaction line details (budget post date, source|Central users and Agency GL Approvers can run this report |

| | | |transaction type, document ID, ledger amounts, override |adhoc. |

| | | |user ID) for budgets. |Commitment Control > Activities > Budget Reports > Budget |

| | | | |Transaction Detail |

|GLS8010 |Budget /Actuals Reconciliation | |Reconciles budget-checking transaction activity with |Central users and Fiscal Administrative Reviewers can run |

| | | |Commitment Control ledgers (LEDGER_KK) and general ledger |this report adhoc. |

| | | |actuals ledgers. |Commitment Control > Budget Reports > Budget /Actuals |

| | | | |Reconciliation |

|GLS8020 |Budget Status |06-04 - Budget Balance Report |Displays all Commitment Control ledger amounts (budgeted, |Central users, Agency Technical Resources, Agency GL |

| | |17-8-5 - Pre - Encumbrance |pre-encumbrance, encumbrance, expense, collected, |Approvers and Fiscal Administrative Reviewers can run this|

| | | |recognized) and the available balance for the budgets you |report adhoc. |

| | | |select. |Commitment Control > Budget Reports > Budget Status |

|GLS8012 |Journal Line/Accounting Entry |N/A |Compare journal entry lines with accounting entries |Will be run monthly, in scheduled batch for central users |

| |Reconciliation Report | | |ONLY. |

| | | | |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |General Ledger > General Reports > Journal Line/Acct |

| | | | |Reconcil |

|GLS8510 |Ledger Details |N/A |Displays such details as amounts and currency for each |Central users and Agency Fiscal Administrative Reviewers |

| | | |ledger (amount type) in the control budgets you select, as |can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |well as the available amount for the budget. |Commitment Control > Budget Reports > Ledger Details |

|FIN2001 |Journal Entry Detail |N/A |Displays all journal entries entered in the system for a |Central users and Agency GL Approvers can run this report |

| | | |business unit and ledger within the date range specified. |adhoc. |

| | | |Prints the journal entries in ascending ID order within the|General Ledger > General Reports > Journal Entry Detail |

| | | |ledger and shows the journal date, the source, whether a | |

| | | |reversal entry was created, journal status, posted date(if | |

| | | |any), and a description. For each line included in the | |

| | | |journal entry, the account number, a description, the | |

| | | |department, product, and project ChartField values, and | |

| | | |debit and credit detail. Also prints statistical | |

| | | |information where included in a journal entry. | |

|GLC4003 |Combination Groups |N/A |Displays information on combination edit groups for a |Central users and Account Code Processors can run this |

| | | |selected SetID. |report adhoc. Setup Financials/Supply |

| | | | |Chain > Common Definitions > Design Chartfields > |

| | | | |Combination Editing > Combination Group Report |

|GLS1001 |Summary Ledger Detail |N/A |Displays the summarized ADB calculation to the Summary |Will be run monthly, in batch schedule for central users |

| | | |Department and Summary Account Nodes while providing |ONLY. |

| | | |detailed fund code and Special ID information. This report|General Ledger > Summary Ledgers > Summary Ledger Detail |

| | | |will be run for the Business Unit of STATE, ADB Summary |Rpt |

| | | |Ledger, current fiscal year and accounting period. | |

|GLS1002 |Closing Rules |N/A |Displays information about closing set rules. It prints a |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |description of the close set, identifies the name of the |General Ledger > Close Ledgers > Closing Rules |

| | | |account ChartField, and shows the ChartField to which that | |

| | | |profit and loss account will be closed. Also shows the | |

| | | |option for retaining earnings into the ChartField. | |

|GLS1003 |Closing Trial Balance |N/A |Summarizes all entries on the ledger by account type. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |Prints beginning and ending balances for the year, totals |General Ledger > Close Ledgers > Closing Trial Balance |

| | | |for the period, adjustments, and closing entries. | |

|GLS1210 |Closing Set Validation |N/A |Displays the budget period transfer set or fiscal year, |Currently, no users have access to this report. |

| | | |closing rules, Commitment Control ledger groups, and |In the future, ONLY Central users will be able to run this|

| | | |ledgers (amount types) to include in balance forward |report adhoc. |

| | | |calculation. Validates the closing set, displaying error or|Commitment Control > Close Budget > Validate Closing Set |

| | | |warning messages for conditions that could cause errors in | |

| | | |the Budget Close process. | |

|GLS1211 |Closing Run Control Validation |N/A |Displays information similar to that which is displayed by |Currently, no users have access to this report. |

| | | |the Closing Set Validation Report (GLS1210); however the |In the future, ONLY Central users will be able to run this|

| | | |Closing Run Control Validation Report validates a Budget |report adhoc. |

| | | |Closing run control ID, thereby capturing errors across |Commitment Control > Close Budget > Validate Run Control |

| | | |closing sets. | |

|CTGLR118 |Negative Balance |ACRA62 Negative Balance Report |Create negative balance reports currently displaying Fiscal|Will be run WEEKLY in the batch schedule, be bursted and |

| | |ACRA63 Negative Balance Report by Agency |Year, Fund, Agency, SID, Agency Title, Appropriation Title,|be distributed to agencies. |

| | |ACRA64 Negative Balance Report-Prior Year|Balance field, and Negative Balance Amount. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Commitment Control > Budget Reports > Negative Balance |

| | | | |Report |

|CTGLR122 |Federal Program Appropriations |ACRA66 Federal Program Appropriations - |Federal programs by agency with appropriations, |Will run QUARTERLY in the batch schedule, be bursted and |

| |Report |DetailACRA67 Federal Program |adjustments, expenditures, and appropriations in detail by |be distributed to agencies. |

| | |Appropriations - SummaryACRA68 Federal |SID. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | |Program Appropriations - DetailACRA72 | |Commitment Control > Budget Reports > Federal Program |

| | |Federal Programs Control | |Appropriations |

| | |ReportACRA81General Fund Statement of | | |

| | |Appropriations and Expenditures | | |

| | |Transportation Fund Statement of | | |

| | |Appropriations and Expenditures | | |

|CTGLR128 |Available Cash Trial Balance |ACRG65 Available Cash Trial Balance |List for fund, agency, and SID a beginning balance, |Will run MONTHLY in the batch schedule, be bursted, and be|

| | | |receipts, payments, transfers and an ending balance |distributed to agencies. |

| | | | |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Available |

| | | | |Cash Trial Balance |

|CTGLR140 |CFSR - Comprehensive Financial |OPM-CFSR Financial Report - CFSR |Provides Expenditures for month and YTD and Proj and |Will run MONTHLY in the batch schedule, and be e-mailed to|

| |Status Report |06-02 Budget Report |compares total to approp at SID and object level |agencies. |

| | |06-03 Monthly Budget Report | |Central users and Agency Technical Resources can run this |

| | |06-07 Budget Comparison Report | |report adhoc. |

| | |BUDDHAN Budget Analysis Report | |Fin Reporting Tools > PS nVision > Define Report Request >|

| | | | |Find an Existing Value > Report ID’s are Listed By Agency |

| | | | |Agencies that have Agency 1 and/or Project 1 budgets will |

| | | | |receive CFSR A & C. |

| | | | |Agencies that have Agency 2 and/or Project 2 budgets will |

| | | | |receive CFSR B. |

|CTGLR158 |Comparative Balance Sheet |N/A |The Balance Sheet Report will capture an Agencies’ |Central users and Agency Technical Resources can run this |

| | | |financial position throughout the course of a fiscal year. |report adhoc. |

| | | |Capture the agencies’ Assets, Liabilities and Fund equity |Note: This report is only available for agencies with |

| | | |data from the Accrual Ledger. |Internal Service Funds that identified this requirement, |

| | | | |such as DAS & ITD. |

| | | |Not Available at this Time. |Fin Reporting Tools > PS nVision > Define Report Request >|

| | | | |Find an Existing Value > Report ID’s are Listed By Agency |

|CTGLR311 |Trial Balance of Appropriations |04-01Month/Year Balance |The State requires a report that displays budget versus |Will run MONTHLY in the batch schedule, be bursted, and be|

| |Report |04-07 Analysis of Expenditures |actual information on a monthly/yearly basis. The report |distributed to agencies. |

| | |ACRA58 Trial Balance of Appropriations |is grouped by Fiscal Year, Fund, Agency, SID and |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | |ACRA70 Agency Trial Balance of |Function/Activity for Agencies |Commitment Control Budget Reports > Trial Balance of |

| | |Appropriations | |Appropriation |

|CTGLR312 |Project Trial Balance by Fund |ACRA55 Project Account Trial Balance by |List of each fund, sid, prior and current year |Will run MONTHLY in the batch schedule for central users. |

| | |Fund |expenditures, unliquidated, unencumbered, unallotted and |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | |ACRA59 Project Account Trial Balance by |unallocated balances |Commitment Control > Budget Reports > Project Trial |

| | |Agency | |Balance by Fund |

|CTGLR313 |Grant Trial Balance Report |ACRA77 Grant Appropriations Trial Balance|List of each appropriation, expenditures, unexpended |Currently, no users have access to this report. |

| | | |appropriation, receipts, award balance, and current |In the future, it will run MONTHLY in the batch schedule |

| | | |receivable |for central users ONLY. |

| | | | |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Commitment Control > Budget Reports > Grant Trial Balance |

| | | | |Report |

|CTGLR315 |Cash Ledger Report |ACRG64 Available Cash Ledger |This report lists beginning of month balances, total cash |Will run MONTHLY in the batch schedule for central users |

| | | |receipts, payments and transfers (journal entries) for the |ONLY. |

| | | |current month and the current balances as of the end of the|ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |month. |General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Cash Ledger|

| | | | |Report |

|CTGLR316 |Detail and Summary Revenue Report|ACRR52 Agency Receipts Report |Displays the Revenue recorded for all Funds and Agencies on|Will run MONTHLY in the batch schedule, be bursted, and be|

| | |ACRR53 Monthly Receipts Detail |a monthly/yearly basis. |distributed to agencies. |

| | |ACRR54 Non-Revenue Receipts | |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | |ACRR55 Annual Non-Revenue Receipts | |General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > Detail and |

| | |ACRR56 Monthly Receipts Summary | |Summary Revenue |

| | |ACRR58 Monthly Receipts Summary (0000 and| | |

| | |1201) | | |

| | |ACRR59 Yearly Revenue Detail-Auditors of | | |

| | |Public Accounts | | |

|CTGLR317 |Flexible Ledger Analysis |ACRC51 Analysis of Expenditures – Summary|Detail the State’s expenditures by various Chartfield |Will run MONTHLY in the batch schedule for central users |

| | |ACRX58 Analysis of Expenditures - Monthly|breakdowns. Since several of these reports could be |ONLY. |

| | | |combined in the new system, one requirement was written to |Central users and Agency GL Approvers can run this report |

| | | |capture the general expenditure reporting requirements. |adhoc. |

| | | | |General Ledger > General Reports > Flexible Ledger |

| | | | |Analysis |

|CTGLR318 |GAAP Fund Consolidated Trial |ACRZ31 GAAP Funds Consolidation Report |Develop a trial balance report which would provide summary |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| |Balance | |and detail information according to Fund. |General Ledger > Journals > Process Journals > GAAP Fund |

| | | | |Trial Balance |

|CTGLR319 |Budget Lapse and Chartfield |ACBK35 Lapse/Carryforward Control Report |List of Unliquidated, unencumbered, unallotted, unallocated|ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| |Report (formerly: | |amounts for each SID for each agency |Commitment Control > Budget Reports > Budget Lapse and |

| |Lapse/Carryforward Control | | |Carry Forward |

| |Report) | | | |

|CTGLR321 |Accounts Payable Accrual Report |ACRZ11 GAAP Accounts Payable Entries |The AP accrual report details AP liabilities for GAAP funds|ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | |according to fund, agency and SID |General Ledger > General Reports > Accounts Payable |

| | | | |Accrual |

|CTGLR322 |Wage and Salary Accrual Report |ACRZ51 Accrued Salaries and Wages ACRZ54 |Reads off the ledger to determine the list of wage and |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| |(formerly: Salary and Wage |Accrued Fringe Benefits |salary expenditures by year for the following chartfield |General Ledger > General Reports > Wage and Salary Accrual|

| |Accrual) | |combinations: Fund, Agency and Account. |Report |

|CTGLR323 |Income Statement Report |N/A |This report is generated monthly and is used by multiple |Central users and Agency Technical Resources can run this |

| | | |agencies to review the operating activities for the current|report adhoc. |

| | | |period as well as year to date. Provides results at both a|Fin Reporting Tools > PS nVision > Define Report Request >|

| | | |summary and detailed level using nVision’s delivered |Find an Existing Value > Report ID’s are Listed By Agency |

| | | |capabilities. |Note: This report is only available for agencies with |

| | | | |Internal Service Funds that identified this requirement, |

| | | |Not Available at this Time. |such as BRAD, DAS, DOC & ITD. |

|CTGLR7986 |Expenditure Report by Object | |Displays detail Chartfield string of account balances |Central users and agency users can run this report ad hoc.|

| | | |posted to the general ledger for a single or multiple | |

| | | |periods. |General Ledger > General Reports > Expenditure by Object |

|FIN0010 |Valid GL Account Codes |N/A |Provides a list of valid account codes. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > |

| | | | |Design Chartfields > Reports > Chartfield Reports > |

| | | | |Account |

|FIN0011 |Valid Department Codes |N/A |Provides a list of valid department codes. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > |

| | | | |Design Chartfields > Reports > Chartfield Reports > |

| | | | |Department |

|FIN0013 |Valid Project ID’s |N/A |Provides a list of valid project codes. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > |

| | | | |Design Chartfields > Reports > Chartfield Reports > |

| | | | |Project |

|FIN0020 |Valid GL Business Units |N/A |Provides a list of valid business unit codes. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > |

| | | | |Reports > General Ledger Units |

|FIN0050 |Valid Fund Codes |N/A |Provides a list of valid fund codes. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > |

| | | | |Design Chartfields > Reports > Chartfield Reports > Fund |

| | | | |Code |

|FIN0052 |Valid Program Codes |N/A |Provides a list of valid program codes. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > |

| | | | |Design Chartfields > Reports > Chartfield Reports > |

| | | | |Program Code |

|FIN0053 |Valid Classification Codes |N/A |Provides a list of valid SID codes. |ONLY Central users can run this report adhoc. |

| | | | |Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > |

| | | | |Design Chartfields > Reports > Chartfield Reports > |

| | | | |Special ID |

| | | | | |




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