Lower Columbia coho - ODFW Conservation

Lower Columbia coho Storyboard Placeholders

A1 – This storyboard will contain a rainfall map for the area in which the Lower Columbia coho evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) is found.

A6 – This storyboard will contain a human population density map for the area in which the Lower Columbia River coho ESU is found.

A7 – This storyboard will contain pie charts of ‘land cover’ and ‘land ownership’ in the Lower Columbia River coho ESU.

A8 – This storyboard will contain viability scores for the following: each population in the Lower Columbia River coho ESU, each stratum in the ESU, and the entire ESU.

B1 – This storyboard will contain a graph of hatchery coho returns over time.

B2 – This storyboard will contain a graph of the ocean harvest rate for coho over time.

B3 – This storyboard will contain a graph of the river harvest rate for coho over time.

B4a&b – This storyboard will contain information on the marine survival rate for both wild and hatchery coho over time.

B5 – This storyboard will contain a graph of the number of hatchery strays that return to spawning grounds over time.

B6 – This storyboard will contain information on the number of hatchery coho smolts released in OR and WA over time.

B7 – This storyboard will contain a graph of wild coho abundance over time.

B8 – This storyboard will contain a map of the Lower Columbia River coho ESU and information about restoration projects within this ESU’s range.

B9 – This storyboard will contain information about investments that have been made in different types of restoration activities within this ESU’s geographical range.

B10 – This storyboard will contain a graph depicting the amount of money that has been spent on restoration activities over time.

B11 – This storyboard will contain a pie chart showing the different funding sources, and how much money has come from each source, for restoration projects.

B12 – This storyboard will contain information depicting how much money the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board has allocated to different projects (e.g. – education, monitoring, and restoration) in this ESU’s geographical range.

B13 – This storyboard will depict how many of the watersheds within the ESU’s geographical boundary have been evaluated with watershed assessments.

C1 – This storyboard will identify the viability bottlenecks for each independent population in the Lower Columbia River coho ESU.

C2 – This storyboard will contain a list of all of the possible limiting factors which may contribute to coho mortality.

C3 – This storyboard will contain analysis of each potential limiting factor’s actual contribution to coho mortality.

C4 – This storyboard will depict the relative impact that each limiting factor has on Lower Columbia River coho viability.

D1 – This storyboard will contain goals for determining when Lower Columbia River coho can be de-listed according to the Endangered Species Act and when the ESU can be determined to be fully recovered. Graphs may contain information on the current status of the ESU, the targets for de-listing, and the targets for ‘broad sense recovery.’ The storyboard may also contain the Oregon statutory definition of recovery.

D2 – This storyboard will contain information on the threats associated with particular limiting factors.

D3 – This storyboard will contain information on recovery actions, their expected costs, and their potential funding sources.

D4 – This storyboard will contain estimates of how long it will take for recovery actions to yield noticeable results.

D5 – This storyboard will contain information on monitoring the Lower Columbia River coho recovery process. It may contain information on how the recovery process will be modified and adapted in the future, given the development of new data, models, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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