What industries boomed due to the railroad

| |Coal |

|What industries boomed due to the railroad? |Lumber |

| |steel |

| |Travel quicker and safer |

|What were the outcomes of industrial and railroad growth? |Ship gooda across nation |

| |Jobs for immigrants |

| |Industries grew |

| |Cars-Detroit, Michigan |

|Where were the car, meat and steel industries? |Meat-Chicago, Illinois |

| |Steel-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |

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|What did George Westinghouse invent? |George Westinghouse invented the airbrake |

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|What did Eli Janney invent? |Eli Janney invented the car coupler |

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|What did Gustuvus Swift invent? |Gustuvus Swift invented the refrigerated train car |

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|What did Pullman invent? |Pullman invented the sleeping car for |

| |trains |

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|Why was the air brake an important invention? |Air brake-made stopping the train safer |

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|Why was the car coupler an important invention? |Car coupler-made connecting the train cars safer |

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|Why was the refrigerated train car an important invention? |Refrigerated train car-made it safe to transport fresh meat |

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|Why was the sleeping car an important invention? |Sleeping car-made it a more comfortable railroad trip |

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|What did Samuel Morse invent? |Samuel Morse-telegraph |

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|What did Alexander Graham Bell invent? |Bell-telephone |

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|What did Thomas Edison invent? |Thomas Edison-light bulb, phonograph |

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|What did Henry Ford invent? |Henry Ford-model T Ford |

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| |Consolidation-making lots of small companies into one big powerful |

|What does consolidation mean? |company |

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|Who was a railroad baron and what does that mean? |Cornelius Vanderbilt controlled the railroads |

| |Time zones divide the country into their own times-they were created|

|What is a time zone and why were they created? |by the railroad companies so that train schedules would match across|

| |the country |

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|Why was the Model T so important? |Henry Ford made it possible for most people to buy a car. |

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| |Andrew Carnegie-made his money in steel-company called Carnegie |

|Who was Andrew Carnegie? |Steel Company-vertical integration-used the Bessemer process |

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|Who was John D. Rockefeller? |John D. Rockefeller-made his money in oil, company called Standard |

| |Oil, used horizontal integration |

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|What is a philanthropist and who is a famous one during this time? |Philanthropist-person who give lots of money to charity |

| |Andrew Carnegie!!!-libraries |

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|What was the Bessemer process? |Bessemer process-easy and cheap way to make steel |

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| |Vertical integration-buying and controlling all the businesses it |

| |takes to make and sell one product (for coal-buying mines, |

|What was vertical integration? |warehouses, ships, railroads) |

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|What was horizontal integration? |Horizontal integration-combining all the companies making a product |

| |into one big company |

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|What was monopoly? |Monopoly-total control over an industry |

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| |Assembly line-when each worker performed the same job over and over |

|What was an assembly line? |again—all the parts created a product quickly and cheaply |

| |Mass production-making large numbers of products very quickly-made |

|What is mass production? |products for very cheap for the consumer |

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|What were the working conditions on the assembly line and in the |Dark, boring, loud, stressful, too cold or too hot, dangerous, and |

|factories? |you could lose your job easily |

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|Why were labor unions formed? |Labor unions fought for worker rights |

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|What were strikes? |Strikes-when people stop working and picket in front of the business|

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|Why didn’t strikes work very well? |Other people would take their jobs, could turn violent |

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|What was collective bargaining? |Collective bargaining-when both sides come to an agreement so they |

| |feel like they are getting something in the deal |

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|What was the American Federation of Labor? |AFL-lead by Samuel Gompers-only accepted skilled workers |

| |Shorter hours, better working conditions, higher wages (more money) |

|What did the labor unions fight for? | |

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|What was the Homestead Strike? |Homestead Strike-at Carnegie’s steel mill, failed when company hired|

| |non-union workers |

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|What was the Pullman Strike? |Pullman Strike-at Pullman’s railway plant, failed |

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|Who were the workers in these factories? |Immigrants and children |


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