Population Unit Cornell NotesEssential Questions1. How do populations grow?2. How is logistical population growth different than exponential growth? 3. How do the factors in I=PAT interact?4. How can you use age structure diagrams to predict population growth?5. What stage in the transition model has the fastest and slowest growth? (explain)6. What factors in society affect how fast pop. will grow?7. What are the key factors to reduce the rate of increase?Cornell NotesEco-OrganizationPop GrowthReproductive StrategiesPop’s growing rapidlyImpactDemographyDemographic TransitionPop& SocietyLevels of Ecological OrganizationNichegeneralistspecialistPopulationpop densitypop distribution (3.14) random uniform clumpedSurvivorship Curves (3.15)EquationsExp. growth = J Curve (3.16)Limits to Growthlimiting factors:carrying capacity:logistical growth (3.17)Limit Factorsdensity dependent vs.density independentCarrying Capacity:r = K =How to conserve biodiversity?*** Rule of 70Thomas MalthusPaul EhrlichProb w/shrinking popI=PATAge StructurePop Pyramids (8.10 & 8.11)Sex Ratio**Total Fertility Rate**Replacement Value4 stages (**8.16)PreindustrialTransitionalindustrial post industrialBirth ControlFamily PlanningEmpowerment of Women = Decreased Fertility (WHY?)Poverty is correlated with pop growth (WHY?)Consumption/Affluence Env. ImpactAIDSSummary (answer essential questions with detail… be sure to ask questions in margin of C-Notes)1.2.3. ................

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