3-3-10 - Homestead

10. TS 322495 notes from call with Janet

Dave: Janet is not afraid to go out and speak up. I asked her to give us an update on her experiences and how she has dealt with some situations so we can learn from that; we need to educate ourselves, because we’ve been indoctrinated, not educated. Janet, would you talk about what you’ve been doing and how you’ve been dealing with the corporate entity we are all dealing with.

Janet: the last week of January I was trying to get a medallion signature on a bond so that I could try to collateralize it. I set up an appointment for a week later with a local bank for the lady who did the medallion seals, and how much her signature could back on that seal’ her limit was $250K. I scheduled with her to get some seals on some bonds. My sureties, brother and sister in law, got there early. The bank had lined up the secret service to detain all of us because they thought we were trying to defraud them because they did not think it was possible that a private individual could issue their own bonds, even though I offered all the laws to them.

The bank had assured me there was no problem and I stepped into an ambush and my brother and sister in law called from the bank and said they were there with the secret service and they needed me to come over. Bring proof of what we are doing. My brother and sister in law were there under threat, duress and coercion at the bank (by the Secret Service) and threatened they could have come to their home, knocked down the door, stormed the place and taken anything they wanted. And they would have no recourse. Everyone at the bank was there as witnesses. The bank said there would be no repercussion.

By the time I got there the bank had already closed the account of my brother and sister-in-law and they had banked there for 2.5 years. They had done that the day before and had not waited for any resolution. They made the assumption we were committing unlawful, illegal acts and they made sure they were going to exact punishment whether it was real or not, because attorneys know everything. I called Tim and asked him what I should take and he said my memorandum in law He said if I had my secured party creditor documents I’d sent to Geithner. When I got there the bank people had been dismissed and my brother and sister in law were there with the secret service. I got traded for them, because they really just wanted me.

When I first sat down they said they’d heard about me and bonded promissory notes were giving people problems, as were my maritime liens. Now I’d come across their radar with these bonds wanting to get a gold medallion seal. They said they were going to possible charge me with 18 USC 474, they are calling it counterfeiting. I’m not counterfeiting anything because I am the maker and creator. They said they were going to look into 1341 mail fraud and I said I wasn’t committing mail fraud. I didn’t mail anything to the bank, we had come in of our own volition. We proceeded to have a nice talk, he was a very nice man.

10:22: the memorandum of law is about 14 pages and gives the laws back from the 1930’s to the present, under the 12 USC regarding private banking. I took my financial package. My brother and sister in law left and they were upset and scared. They felt they had been tried and convicted by the bank and the secret service guys. So I sat down and had a quiet conversation with the secret service guy, and I told him he had me there under threat, duress and coercion and he had no lawful reason for being there and if he did he had something ready to hand me to take me away.

I told him he must not be very well educated on this or he wouldn’t be here and he’d tell the bankers just to go ahead and give us our signatures, that we were perfectly within the law. So I said that obviously he was not well educated on that. He informed that two days earlier they had a meeting because of the executive memo that had come down from the current administration to go after anyone associated with the American sovereign party.

15:14: I said I didn’t know what that group was and I wasn’t a member of any party called that, but I am American, I am sovereign, by rights of the constitution, the Bill of Rights, and by my contract with the US treasury, I am not the debtor that they claimed I was. He said he didn’t know what I was talking about and I said there was a real man secured party creditor, American, and then there’s the debtor created by the corporation that you work for. He said, “I don’t work for a corporation,” and I said, but you do, you work for the government which is a US corporation and is not the government; not the one you work for. He said that’s what we were having our meeting about was you people that have this far out right wing idea of what’s going on with our government.

I said, when you are done here you are going to have an awakening and it’s not going to be pleasant, and you are going to be wondering which side you are working for. So, let’s go on and I’ll show you the laws; I know what you are trying to get me/us on but those were put in place to go after the mortgage brokers that were taking our promissory notes, hypothecating them 10 to 40 times and then making duplicate copies and hypothecating those 10 to 40 times. I got a mortgage the day I bought a house and that mortgage note (the debt) was sold to China on a trading platform. They are all making duplicate copies and selling those on multiple trading platforms. The Chinese got wind of it and that’s why they were here last year auditing.

They put the code into place to go after mortgage brokers for not only cheating government but they were ripping off the American people of their true wealth and ripping off the rest of the world and hurting the rest of the world economy. You created that code and now you are turning on real Americans and I’m here to educate you on why you can’t use that against me, because I’m more lawful than what you are doing here today and what the banks’ done.

I’m paraphrasing, but these are the same thoughts on how the conversation progressed. He said he felt that he was doing the right thing, and he really wasn’t. Janet said you really aren’t, we’re not done yet, and I’m to go through all the laws with you. There are several pages here and I know what little something you have there, but I’m going to show you what I’ve got here. You will find out you are at a very distinct disadvantage because your knowledge is minimal compared to mine. He wanted to know where I learned all this and I just answered that the internet was an amazing thing and you know those old-fashioned things called law libraries and libraries? Those are amazing, plus there’s Barnes and Noble, used book stores. You would be stunned….there are all kinds of people you can find all over the world who are interested in this kind of knowledge.

Call me silly, but this is available to everybody. The knowledge and wisdom is out there.

We went through information and I showed him about money and that there is no real money since they took the gold and silver away from us. He said, yes he was aware of the idea that we should never have come off the gold standard. I said there’s a reason for that and we’ve been living with those problems for a long time since that happened. Now we just have credit and every thing is a credit, a promise to pay, and we’ve been in a bankruptcy for a very long time.

He said he didn’t understand that and I said that we are under a bankruptcy so everything is debt. He said how is it backed? I said you don’t think the gold and silver taken away from the American people just vanished? It’s been held for safety and is being used as investments for individuals who are part of the US corporation. That’s where our real wealth is and that’s why countries are willing to buy our debt, because we have real wealth to back it up. The American people do, and they have sat idly and let these individuals take control of it and use it for their purposes.

I said when I am done here you are going to know this is all real and all this information is available to you and you just have to know where to find it. We proceeded with the conversation and all the private banking laws that said I could do private, individual and be my own bank, create my own notes and bonds and securities if I have done the right contract to take charge of my account and take control of it. So I went through the documents that I had, my memorandum of law, my security agreement, my note and demand, my property list, my UCC filings, and the birth certificate bond.

He said our birth certificates aren’t bonded, and I said, oh but they are. And our there are public and private sides to our social security accounts. The public side is with the dashes and the private side number has no dashes. And then there’s a number on the back of you social security card that corresponds to a dollar bill, a federal reserve note that floats out there. If you look at the number on the back of your social security card that is your DTC account number that ties to a federal reserve bank that your account is handled through and actually got out his social security card and looked at it because he had never notice that number before.

He said that’s a tracking number; I said you can call it that, but I know that it’s an account number tied to a federal reserve account and that letter on the back in front of the numbers matches one of the 12 banks on the list. The last 8 digits, just put a 0 in front and that’s your account number just like those checking accounts. I explained the difference of the debtor being on the left side and why they even have you sign on the left side, because you are giving your creditor signature and giving them full power to take control of your debtor account so they can extract funds, credit from it and do whatever they are going to do.

He said it all sounds good in theory but there’s nothing to back it up. I said nothing that you know of yet, but when you go back and research this again, you are going to have an awakening and you are not going to come back and do anything or say anything because you are going to know that I am so far within the law that if you touch me there will be something that you are personally liable for, because you are an employee of a US corporation.

He said, you keep saying that. If I’m an employee, then you are just going to sue me and I’ll have a lawsuit against me. And he laughed. I said actually no. I will file a negative averment against you which is an international document under sworn affidavit. I will file that information against you personally and send that to the UPU under all the appropriate postage of the United States Post Office, which was, by the way, created even before our constitution was signed so that countries would be able to do business with each other by private contract and it could be secured, protected with honor, integrity and ethics. That’s how countries do business, even today, under treaties and obligations. This is done under constitution and contract to the UPU.

And then what I will do is that once you continue to dishonor me, I will ask the UPU to intervene with INTERPOL so they can come and talk to you about your dishonor. As you know there has been and executive giving INTERPOL carte blanche to any individual in this country doing anything in international commerce that was causing fraud. Because all of this will be mailed to you under registered postage you would have been, or any entities representing you, would have been sending me back stuff with metered postage and you would be committing mail fraud. Right there is where INTERPOL will be coming to get you; just on simple mail fraud. As you know that carries 10 years in prison and a minimum fine, I can’t remember, $10K? He said I don’t know, and I answered, yes you do that’s what you are trying to get me on.

But it’s 10 years of prison and you know it. That’s where I’m operating from, is from a private banker, in real law, not color of law, as an American sovereign, not of a member of any party for you to be able to go after. I am my own people and I’m the executive trustee of my all caps name trust account known as the ALL CAPS NAME. I could see the light going on and he became less threatening and more inquisitive because this made sense to him.

I said that federal reserve notes (FRNs) have public and private debts and it can be used for public and private. If you know I am here on the public, then where is the private side. He said, well, the treasury department. I said, exactly. That’s where my contacts come in. I have all the appropriate contracts to operate and control my private account and not just give it over to bureaucrats to manage it and access it without my consent. Now that I can do that, then this bank would be helping me execute.

He asked me why I didn’t just do my own. I answered because there is a public and a private side to this note and I can’t be both. I can only operate on one side or the other. So, by issuing these bonds, the indemnity bond to get the seal on, I’m operating on the private side to execute the bond in the public side. So I was well within the law. He looked at the birth certificate and he said, you’ve really laid a big chunk of money out here for yourself. I said that American people are quite wealthy and I’m going to take charge of what I believe I can handle.

He said, your birth certificate is not a bank account, and I said, oh, but it is. You need to check yours; if you are born in Alabama it probably won’t have that on there, because mine didn’t have it on there. But if you are from Calif, Ore, Wash, Indiana, Missouri and a lot of states issue the birth certificates on bond paper and in the lower left corner it’ll say some banknote company, like American Bank Note Company, Midwest Bank Note Company, there are only about 6 throughout the country. The others have been bought up. the oldest is the American Bank Note Company and that has been in business since 1795 or even before that. But it’s at least 1795.

He said he’d go home and check that. He said he would have to go and verify all this. If he found any errors or any problems he’d have to come back and arrest me. I said, actually you can’t arrest me. If I have made any errors or mistakes, by the supreme court and not just once, but 3 times, they have interpreted and laid down in real law that if I have made an error or mistake in my redemption, my commerce process, I have to correct them because I have here in these bonds that I can do this. It also says here void where prohibited by law.

So that bank had every opportunity to tell us they weren’t going to do this but instead they thought they found some local scam artist or fraud and they committed multiple felonies themselves. So, are you going to turn around now, if I file a complaint and arrest them for kidnapping? Or should I call someone else like the US Marshals and have them all arrested for detaining us by us. And I can have you arrested for threat, duress, and coercion because you technically kidnapped us and because you didn’t know the laws you threatened us with your guns and your badges without any real laws to back it up. you brought codes, but you didn’t bring any real laws. And, you didn’t bring any proof; you brought some email you got from the manager of the bureau of public debt.

When you can bring me sworn affidavits and they are in their unlimited commercial liability which means they are standing by their own ethics and they have put themselves out there like I have, and they are my equal and whoever this guy is that you talked to at the treasury department, when they can issue a sworn affidavit that says I have committed an unlawful act, then you can come back and get me. But you are not going to be able to do that because I am so far inside the law and the boundaries, these people are the ones who should be taken away. They are the ones committing fraud and felonies.

He says there’s no need for that. I answered that since they cancelled their bank accounts you have made it clear they are unethical, they have no integrity, they lack morals and they are stupid because they didn’t do their due diligence on the real laws that back me up on this. So why would I even want to bank here anyway if they are all those things. You can’t pick those things; you either do and have all these things, but stupid is hard to fix. So why would I want to bank here anyway? We parted ways politely. He said he would get back in touch. I said no. He said I need to apologize to your sister in law because I kept poking at her verbally in her interview until she yelled at him, “are you denying me my rights?” and he realized he was stepping on soft ground because when she made that statement he could go no further because he was. He had not arrested them, but he had placed them under threat, duress, and coercion and when she yelled at him are you denying me my rights, he knew he could go no farther.

Stepping up to the end of the interview as he called it, he took my documents and my brother and husband were waiting and my brother informed that they still had copies of our bonds, they kept the originals. The ones we were going to try to get the seals on. I went back in there and knocked on the door. He had gone into the office with the vice president and other bank people, witnesses against us, and they were having a pow wow. I knocked and went on in and said to the secret service guy that I understood that he still had our original bonds. And he said well, I need to keep those.

So I responded well, I will need something from all of you. I will need sworn affidavits under notary, and you will have to give me a receipt that says you took these under threat, duress and coercion and if I find out that any of them show up on trading platforms or that they have been hypothecated even dollar for dollar or by multipliers, and I do have a way of finding that out, so if I find out you have done any of that I will be back here to charge YOU with 18 USC 474 for counterfeiting and because you’ve unlawfully detained us today, you’re lucky I don’t file kidnapping charges against all of you and put you so far under jail you will never see the light of day again. So, am I going to get receipts for all of this under sworn affidavits that everyone here, you included secret service guy, or give me all my originals and we’ll call it even.

He goes, “ I would really like….” And I interrupted that I was sure they had already made copies and if they show up on any trading platforms or you have hypothecated them, I will be back. The originals are mine and you have no lawful proof, no real laws that you have charged us with anything and I want these originals back today, now. He said he really wanted….I said, do it right here, a sworn affidavit, we’ll wait. Do it right now or I’m going to call US Marshals and gong to swear a warrant for your arrest for theft, loss of funds, fraud, counterfeiting, collusion, conspiracy, racketeering. Wait here, I have the chief of the US Marshals’ name here in my phone, he’s the chief in Huntsville, Alabama, wait right here.

35:06 I’ll go call him. The Secret Service guy said there was no need to call Bill. He knew who I was calling and that I had his number. He gave me the documents and I said to all of them, thank you for giving these back to me. I meant what I said, you have copies of these and if I find them under any trading platforms, anywhere, under any circumstances, I’ll be back and you’ll all go down for everything I said before. As I told the secret service guy, you are all unethical, you are immoral, you have no values, you don’t understand due diligence and you are stupid. How dare you put us into this situation. You didn’t even do your own job; if you’d done your job you would have found out that we would have brought you so much business and we could have developed such a good business relationship, but you people are stupid and you didn’t do your job to find out how lawful this is. That’s when I said have a nice day and I walked out and that was it. That was 3 weeks ago and not a word from them.

There was one other incident; they closed our trust account. They closed it that day and we wrote a note the next week because they only gave us a few days for them to clear out all the automatic deposits and payments that went out of there. We needed an extra week to make sure everything was done properly. I sent them a written notice and my husband went in to deliver it. It was Weds before the Friday that we needed things done. I also sent it registered mail, certified mail, US postal first class. They had hired a city police officer to be full time on staff there because they were worried we might come back and do something

When my husband walked in to give the notice to any representative of the bank, the lady threw her hands up like she was being robbed. He just picked up her business card and she said give me back the card. He said you have been noticed and she said she was not taking that. And she raised her hand and started calling for help from the police officer. He came from somewhere. My husband had picked up the card and was walking out. We just needed the extra week to close out the account. And I put on there if they did anything else unlawful that I would execute every lawful remedy in admiralty that I could do against them which were many and severe. And, she had not read that. All it was, was the notice for an extra week. At the bottom it said don’t take any more unlawful acts or I’m coming after you. In a nice way, very politically correct.

When my husband walked out the door, the police was walking behind him with the paper in his hand and his other hand on his gun. He said, sir I need that card back. And my husband turned around and said, sir you have no jurisdiction over me. Thank you have a nice day. The cop followed him out to the side walk with his hand on his gun trying to return the paper work. It was just a notice for another week. We got a letter in a couple more days that said if we came to the bank they would call the authorities. And by the way, they would give us another week on the account.

40:24: it was nice for them to give us another week after they closed the account the day before the interview with the secret service guy, before they had lawful proof of any wrong doing, which there was none. This is the level of fraud, stupidity and lack of due diligence we are dealing with. If they had done their due diligence and I had offered all this proof to them the week before when we made the appointment, and they had said, oh no, we have done these before, it’s no problem. And then when we show up the next week to get our signatures, the secret service shows up. so you see, you cannot trust these people. All this information, the law, my financial papers that I had pulled credit into my account to back these up, and they didn’t want any of it, even though they were offered it, and they got scared because I was bringing a bond and wanted to do a few million.

I thought it was interesting that the secret service guy had a spontaneous confession that they had just gotten a memo, an executive memo a couple of days before and our current administration has instructed them to go after American sovereigns. So there is someone out there that is being approached by these people. The memorandum of law under, your financials….that was the other thing the secret service guy said. He said that I should have waited on a letter from the treasury department

There favorite phrases are fictitious, bogus and without merit. I explained to the secret service guy that legal is Latin means fiction. You were told legal is fictitious. If you are working for the government you should have a form letter for every thing. I sent this under registered mail to the secretary of the treasury; if I was doing something wrong in any capacity, I would at least have gotten a form letter in 30 to 60 days. It’s been almost a year. I received nothing. Silence is a component, an element of a contract; it is acceptance. It means they had to objection or rebuttal so they did not respond so they accepted my offer for a full contract and they have accepted in total every thing in there.

Where is your letter that says what laws I’ve broken? You’ve said maybe I committed something against this code that didn’t exist before October of 2008. I’m quoting you laws that existed decades ago and still are enforced in full force. You are trying to go on a code that was created for mortgage brokers that are imploding the financial status of our country and you are trying to use it against me, who is working in total lawful manner. He said, I have this email. She responded, it’s not a sworn affidavit. Everything I have presented to you is under sworn affidavit. So you have nothing compared to what I am bringing. You have no standing and no jurisdiction. None. If you really are representing American sovereigns, that you took an oath under the constitution, you are going to find out when you go back that you are going to have a conflict between your oath and sworn duties and you are actually working for a corporation like Enron.

He said he didn’t think that was true. I responded what he thinks today isn’t what he is going to think 3 weeks from now. Because now you have proof of laws that have been hiding in plain sight that you have not been made aware of. Now you have full disclosure of what is going on and you didn’t get full disclosure when you took your sworn oath of office for your job. So they actually dishonored you and if you have a true heart, you are going to be wondering why you are doing what you are doing.

It’s a great job if you can get and if it makes no difference on you, but you are going to know that every American than knows what I know can represent themselves properly with these laws and you have no jurisdiction and in fact you are out of your jurisdiction. We are in international commerce and we have remedies that can, if we execute and invoke them on our behalf, they can come after you and it doesn’t require anything in equity court; it’s total admiralty. And, it’s honored in courts around the world. If you do anything…..he said, if I take you and hold you, you won’t be able to do anything and you won’t be able to file anything.

I said that I had that covered too. I have multiple powers of attorney for different people all over the country. Even by the time you figure out which one of those individuals are that are filing the documents, and where you can go to find them, each of these individuals would be able to continue to file these documents and be able to invoke the UPU and Interpol on my behalf. You would not be holding me long. Just short of you guys making sure I exit this earth, the repercussions on you would be more severe. You know on the executive orders that Obama just signed last year that Interpol can come in with unbridled access. They have full access to go after any person or corporation or persons representing those corporations to take them because of their dishonor and their fraud.

He was not intimidated and became more inquisitive because lights were going on, but he couldn’t show too much because he was there to try to take me down. He couldn’t appear too curious because he had to remain professional and appear to be threatening and menacing. Anyway this occurred the last Friday in January. It’s been over 3 weeks (date of this call). He has my cell number, email, knows where we are. They could come and get us.

Dave: they’ll do the same thing the FBI did, go away. I told him I know who I am and I know what the laws are; I can’t quote them verbatim but I sure did submit the paperwork. I can submit this the proof that admiralty contract law requires and place them under the postage stamp and mail them to you and place them under the UPU jurisdiction. I will have remedy if you come after me because the supreme court says I get to have remedy against all individuals that would try to do me harm, try to take my life or my liberty and I get to protect myself and I get to do the contract that takes your stuff, your career because you stepped outside of your jurisdiction, even when you knew you had the laws or codes to back you up.

I knew the USC 18-474 because that’s what they put into place to go after the AIG and the CHASE Manhattans, Bank of America because they are hypothecating and reproducing. China supposedly came over here and audited all the bonds because they were due; they wanted to get paid. Obama had to give the executive order for INTERPOL to intervene if the Chinese didn’t get paid by these corporations that have done all the duplication of these promissory notes and mortgages. They just figured there was such a great loophole they could go after American sovereigns. They didn’t realize that there were so many of us who know who we are and the laws we are operating under and we just need to present them and they will go away. If they don’t go away they have to know there are remedies. I told him that I knew what he could do, that he could handcuff me and take me away and do whatever you are going to do. Know you may win that battle, but you will lose the war. Because you are operating with fraudulent codes in dishonor and eventually I will prevail.

53:12 We haven’t heard anything from them, from the bank. Any of you who are seeking medallion signatures my best to you. My first encounter with them was scary but I did prevail. My brother and sister in law were very upset and scared; they knew enough to get them to leave them alone. My sister in law demanded of him if he was denying her of her rights and that’s when the agent excused all of the bank employees out of the room. He didn’t want any witnesses after that.

Dave: can you explain how you developed a relationship with the US marshals; I think that played an important part in how things worked out. Janet: I have a maritime lien against the local bank here in the state of Alabama and it includes the bank president, 3 lawyers, and a large 80-lawyer firm in the state that make a good living off taking people’s properties. When I got here I wondered how to execute the maritime lien. I contacted the……They said you needed either a default judgment by contract under 28 USC section 1333, part 4. this states that admiralty and maritime and prize cases come first. This is a maritime lien. Then 28 A rule 55 says default judgments always take a superior position to summary judgment. That’s where equity law comes in. I contacted the US Magistrate’s office. I knew I couldn’t get a circuit court to sign off. And I knew I didn’t want to file a lawsuit in a federal or a district court. I didn’t want to sue them in equity for a maritime lien. That would be like cutting my IQ in half; why would I do that.

I asked on one of the Tim Turner calls and he said to contact the US Magistrate; that judge who could sign off on it and then see if the US Marshals will take it because they can execute maritime liens. I checked their website and they exercise jurisdiction for maritime liens. One of the few groups that can do that. Even law firms that can exercise maritime liens, and there are not many of them, use the US Marshals. I contacted the US Magistrate and through multiple calls I contacted the US Marshals and talked to the chief of the US Marshals and he said they couldn’t do anything without a judge’s signature at the federal level. I continued to talk with the guy and he wanted to know how an individual like a bank president be arrested, he was curious to know. So I gave him the codes, the laws, the code of federal regulations about maritime vessels and the coast guard and several things to research. I called him back several hours later with another question and he was stunned because he didn’t know this, but they would be glad to execute the lien if we could get the US Magistrate to sign off on it.

I went to see the US Magistrate and got a bitch of a clerk who didn’t want to do anything. She said it was because this was too much paperwork and it had to go to Birmingham to the primary magistrate so she wasn’t going to accept them on the spot. I left there and sent them by registered mail to the US Magistrate and I knew they had to accept them with real postage stamps on them. She got them and got all weird about them and sent them off to clerk of the US Magistrate’s office in Birmingham. This was in Huntsville, Alabama. Three days later I get a call from the Birmingham clerk that said they can’t do anything with those because I have to file the paperwork to be a pro se litigant. I said, I’m not pro se, but my strawman….and she said, yes, the strawman, I said I was the executive trustee so I could file pro se. but they could not get a judge’s signature on them until I file pro se litigation and let the US Magistrate decide if the US Marshals can execute it.

I haven’t done that yet. It’s a new year, so maybe I’ll do that as there is no statute of limitations on fraud. In the meantime I have filed all of the maritime lien documents in the local county records where the bank does business, where their corporate headquarters are and I filed the local UCC1 and 3 against them. I assigned the bonded promissory note income to them of $13 million and then also signed the 7.6 billion lien against them. That’s why they got nasty with me and sent 5 sheriffs out to my brothers to seize property with their hands on their guns, to get them out this weekend. The US Marshal said if I got any threats from anybody to give him a call because he could see where people might get pretty mean. It’s also based on mail fraud and the US Marshal can file a complaint on my behalf to go to INTERPOL to go after if I want to do that.

I don’t know if they will do it or not, until they actually invoke it. I’ve been busy moving, with 24 hours to get off at gunpoint, and we’ve been stalling and pleading. The US marshal was there. I learned about the INTERPOL intervention when I called the INTERPOL last week and talked to them in Washington DC and they said I’d have to contact the US Marshals. I said I already had a name. they can only invoke it on things they can enforce. I asked about international mail fraud and she said oh yes, that’s one we can do. Maybe I’ll call and move with the pro se litigation and also give the US Marshal in writing, as Tim Turner has taught by sworn affidavit and registered mail with postage and not meter postage, and if I send that to the US Marshal invoking for mail fraud and invoking INTERPOL by executive order. I’m not sure how far I want to push this; they’ve made it clear I’m on their list.

Dave: it’s amazing what you can do with knowledge… Janet, and wisdom. Knowledge is important, but so is wisdom. I need to reflect on this and I won’t take any more action until I’m clear on that.

Dave, I’ don’t know about everyone else, but a big round of applause. You put into practice what so many people think and dream about and are scared to death to try to do. Janet: the secret service thing just happened. God wouldn’t lead me to it, if he wasn’t’ going to lead me through it. I was glad I got to talk to Tim and we went over the documents that I needed to take. Some of this, if I knew it was going to happen, it’s like knowing the needle is going to stick …

Dave, the way you reacted and dealt with things came from a position of knowledge. How much time have you been studying and learning this? Janet: I heard about Tim’s process last March and took a class in March of last year. I’ve always know there was something very wrong with the system that America is so wealthy but we have so much of the wealth in the hands of so few people. What do they do and know that we don’t know and do. Since I was 10 years old I knew something was wrong. I didn’t know why my mother was still having to borrow money for a refrigerator or a car in my dead father’s name, who had been dead for years. She was the one working and getting the wage, but she still had to get credit under his name.

The memorandum of law, the secured party creditor, the difference between the man and the strawman…I learned this last march.


Dave: so you’ve spent less than a year on this. Janet, yes, but paying attention to process and details. The secret service guy said I can get you on mail fraud, and I said no, I have copies of the envelopes showing that I have real postage on them. I have postal receipts that show I put the postage on there before I arrived; no, I have not committed any mail fraud. I can show you many instances where the banks and the attorneys have committed mail fraud. It’s every time I get metered mail and you are committing mail fraud and the UPU doesn’t like that. You are in violation of treaties and obligations that have been in place for hundreds of years in this country.

Do you not remember when they took the postmaster general off the cabinet? It was a cabinet position until we went off the gold standard. When we went off the gold standard there was no more post master general and they created the USPS as part of the corporation. They started using metered mail. That was not about technology. That was about coming off the gold standard, when they made our real man and strawman equal and they didn’t bother to tell us. They loaded it with such legal terms and hid it in plain sight where they knew the common man and woman would not be able to figure out what they wrote in such legal terms. Equity and admiralty law was combined officially in 1966.

69:06 But, the supreme court said, we don’t care if you combine these you still have to give American sovereigns their redemption and their rights under commerce even back to the thirties when they did the federal reserve banks, the counsel of governors. They said we know you are doing all that and we can’t stop you, but we do have to make sure the America people have every right because they are constitutionally protected. When I told him that, that it says under the supreme court that admiralty law will always remain supreme because it is our country’s law. Everything our country is based on, including the Bill of Rights, is written in admiralty.

I said, I’ll be when you go back to your office that you are flying flags that have gold braid and trim on them; you will know that is an admiralty flag and you are supposed to be operating in admiralty. Even a state flag with gold trim on it is an admiralty flag. So you are supposed to be operating in admiralty law and honor admiralty law before equity law. Equity is supposed to be inferior to admiralty law. When you go back and find this out you are going to find out that you can’t come back and touch me. If you do, I have every remedy the Supreme Court says I have and I have international commerce remedy, commercial remedy to take my remedy against you; it’s not a lawsuit and it’s not equity. I can place a maritime lien against you and arrest your bond and if you’re not bonded, because you work for a corporation, you can’t be bonded because you work for that corporation. You know that bond. That’s how it works.

Dave: they’ve had 3 weeks to do something. Janet: if they were going to do something they would have been quick, dirty and mean. Dave: kudos to you, Janet, you are out there doing what so many people think about doing and want to be able to do and I think that the best thing I could say at this point in time, everybody has to work on educating themselves because we have been indoctrinated. We have not been educated and there is no school you can go to. Janet does not have a classroom; we all have access to this information that we need go out and start studying and educating ourselves and filling in what we haven’t been taught.

Bit by bit, more of will get to the point where we can deal with things just like Janet has. She sets a shining example for everybody that it can be done and she’s done this in less than a year. She is light years ahead of me and I’ve been involved this for over a year and I can’t believe how far I’ve come, but you make me look like a real slacker here.

Janet: I’m still learning about AFV (accepted for value) and I hope that works. Doug Riddle has been great about that stuff. Dave: yes, he has. Janet: but he heard about it from HJRbonds and Tim Turner. He actually quietly perfected it. Tim says that so many things work some of the time. It depends on who it gets to and from. What Doug figured out is that there are only three IRS offices in the country that will take this and know what to do with it. They have trained a hand full of people because that knowledge is so powerful. They can’t give it out to the common bureaucracy within the IRS. That’s where it’s cool.

With the bonded promissory notes, I now have two liens that I have executed in the public and I am currently working on placing them on my financial statement. And then I’m going to attempt to find me a financial agent that will sign off on this as assets, hopefully. At least I have them in the public and they are filed in Alabama, Massachusetts and Washington State and soon to be Oregon. Because all these companies do business. Hopefully because they are companies that do business out there and these are UCC3 assignments then I’ll be able to claim those as assets just like banks do when you owe them.

They file a UCC3 against you when you buy or build a house. They do a UCC1 and they assign the note, the debt to you, then the debtor is you and that’s how they place an asset on their books. That’s how they leverage an asset on their books is by the UCC3 assignment. That’s part of what Tim has been teaching reaching. We didn’t quite complete the UCC process in the public and I’ve just started on that. Right now I don’t have anything positive on that because I just finished filing the stuff in the last week. We have been busy moving and it’s been very traumatic for my brother and sister in law. But, they knew they were successful to a point because they had not made a payment on their property since last February.

And, in a judicial foreclosure state they should have already been moved out months ago, because they execute it very quickly. It took the bank a year to weed through all the paper work and get the entities, the judges, ‘daddy was part owner in the bank’ and that wasn’t going anywhere, and the sheriff has been here 30 years. He even admitted when they were doing the seizure that he worked under the color of law. I said when I send you this stuff next week, we’ll start executing it and putting you on the lien. The sheriff said you know have feelings about this and you feel your rights. I replied to him that he was going to know how my feelings are when my maritime lien goes in and we arrest your bond.

He said that there’s no judge out there that’s going to do this for you, and I said there’s not yet, but there are things coming down the pike that are going to change the way people are doing business. I’m just giving you a little heads up on it. He said Ma’am we been doing this, this is the color of law and this is the way it is in this country. You know you can say what you are going to say but you are just operating on your feelings and I know you feel really passionate about this, and he was just totally mocking me. Denigrating me.

I just said to him, you know what? You can move us out under gun point today and that’s okay. We get that. But know that you have won this battle and you have lost the war and you just don’t know it yet. You just don’t know it and that’s probably a really good thing. Because if you know it you would be, you would have fear in your heart. You would know that your whole life you have worked for this corporation (UNITED STATES, STATE OF ______). He answered that he didn’t know what you’re talking about but that’s just all bunk. You’re just operating on emotions and we know it’s an upsetting time.

Two of the sheriffs that stayed behind to finish serving the writ could not believe that I stood right in front of the sheriff and called INTERPOL in Washington, DC. He said, Ma’am can I actually see who you are calling? Because they had given me the number to INTERPOL. They said they had it because it was Homeland Security information and I said that I would like to have that number. I don’t know what that Washington DC number is; I know the number over in Europe. But, I’d like the number here in the US. So they called dispatch and got it, and the sheriff was afraid I was call someone else to come in and do something scary so he said he wanted to see the number I was calling and I showed him it was INTERPOL in Washington DC.

I got on the phone with INTERPOL in front of the sheriff. That’s when they told me to contact the US Marshals. They told me to call the local law enforcement and I told Interpol that the Sheriff’s office was part of the collusion. I can’t call them because they are part of the problem. Who can I call that is above them? Who can help me? So Interpol said it would be the US Marshals. And that’s when I turned around and called the US Marshals in front of the sheriff. And so the two guys who were left behind to finish the execution of the writ were cautious and curious and one kept asking me questions.

I was telling them about Interpol and he said you know I’m kind of wondering if some of these things you are saying are not true. The other guy said I can’t believe you are listening to her. The first one said, well let’s just hear what she’s got to say. He said you either really know what you are doing or you are going to be in a lot of trouble calling Interpol and doing stuff you aren’t supposed to be doing. I said well, okay, then we’ll all wait and see. And when you lose your bond and can’t be a sheriff any more and can’t get bonded, why don’t you call me and I’ll teach you what I’m doing so you’ll know that I’m operating under real law and you’ve been operating under the color of law. That won’t take much longer.

Dave: the educational process has to switch over to the people that are working for the corporation that don’t have a clue what they are involved in. there are a lot of them who firmly believe they are doing what is right and they don’t understand what they are involved in. Janet: I would agree with that.

81:54 Dave: so the educational process has to be very wide spread; it’s not just us. It has to go to those people who are in those positions and totally ignorant of the reality that’s around them; they’ve been totally indoctrinated just like everyone else has. I’m not excusing anyone; we have to understand that they are in the same position that we are to a great extent. Janet: it’s a numbers game and there are five guys standing there talking/listening to me and the sheriff is saying that I’m just operating on my feelings because you know, I’m a woman, and that’s all I’ve got….emotions… because I can’t be operating on any facts and one guy was rolling his that he couldn’t believe that I was talking like this and one of them was detached and could care less. This is just a job for him and he’s just hoping he doesn’t have to move all this crap. They were there under the writ of seizure and they were going to have to move all this stuff and he was just hoping that he didn’t have to that.

The other two were kind of curious, and one was just like, well I don’t believe her. But there was that sole one out of five that said I’d like to hear more. Could you tell me a little more about what you are doing, because after all you did just call Interpol and the US Marshals. So I’m thinking maybe some of what you are doing might have some basis. I don’t know, he said, but I would like to listen. He listened for a few minutes and I gave him a couple of things to go look up and printed out the memorandum of law and he took it and rolled it up and put it in his back pocket and thanked me and went on his way.

Dave: that shows you give or take that there are about 20% of the people out there that have an open mind right now and are willing to listen to something and the other 80% still have the closed mind. It gives us an idea of what kind of job we have on educating others. Janet: you read the book, The Richest Man In Babylon, and he said he studied the history of how contracts came into place, and time and money, and bartering and how countries started doing business with each other back in Babylonian times. Our bank system is based on that in Babylon. Even back then, he said, you can teach ten people the same thing and only one will get it; so it’s only about 10%. If you have a group and there were 5, one got it and was curious and wanted to know more.

The Babylonian believed he could teach 10 people and only one would absorb what he was teaching. That’s what our whole admiralty/maritime liens are based on. It’s only when we know how we place value in time and money; how do we place value in silver and gold. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read about contracts. If you have read that you can put modern words into it and it will read the same on how you pay back debts or loan out money. How do you save and become wealthy by not living beyond your means? It’s very appropriate for today. Susie Orman and others are getting paid big bucks to teach what is in this little book. You’ll learn the same thing from this little book from teachings that existed 5,000 years ago.

Dave: you just keep working to educate yourselves and you are a shining example about what will happen when somebody will take the time to go out and study, spending a ½ hour to hour every day, and how much it can change your world there’s no way to know that but it can’t help but benefit you, and we all need to do this for the country we live in. this is America and it’s time to take it back from what’s been going on all this time. There are a lot of people out there that know there’s a movement kicking in now, the restore America plan and I’ve got some comments on that coming up.

Janet: that is cool information. My feelings are that we do need to make some changes and we cannot…..I’ve heard different approaches and there are all these individuals out there working towards the same goal. Let’s say that everyone in the republic, in the restore America plan, everyone through those paths, and given everything they say is true, the two shining differences that I can take is that the restore America plan, given that it is all true, have military backing and are using the same approach to take back the private side of country, the American people, the same way it was taken away from us. Quietly, with a basic 20 year plan, with full backing of the supreme court and the military, based on the details of commerce that exist today.

For me, given the information of both sides and believing everything is true, I have to believe in restore America plan, because I do not believe we can go back to the way this country was started because that is too much evolution because we already have so much commerce in place and there is a way to enforce honor if the private side is forced to be honorable. Then the public side will become honorable because of the domino effect. But you cannot force the public side first because of that population out there that 90 to 95% that is unaware. But you can enforce the private side because that’s the 5% or less that controls the country from around the world on the private side.

If that’s taken back in the same way that it was acquired, through the use of the supreme court and the military and bring us back to the 1860s type of government, pre-war, pre-bankruptcy and incorporation and you leave everything in place that means the American sovereign and secured party creditors would probably have more honor in our private banking that we have taken control of as executive trustees. If everyone is working in honor in the republic and the restore America plan, I have to go with the part that gets the backing of the supreme court and the military because we need to be protected from those who will try to do us harm.

We have enforcement people like the secret service guy and the FBI guy who think they work for the government, the department of justice attorney. He knew he was working for the corporation but he couldn’t say that to the grand jury. That FBI guy and the secret service guy really think they work for the government. They have no clue as foot soldiers of the corporation (the UNITED STATES), a corporation just like ENRON. They don’t really know but they will carry out their duties against American sovereigns, secured party creditors because they don’t know any better.

If we have the military protecting us because of orders from the Supreme Court which is coming from the restore America plan, which is using the same strategy and tactical approach, the same thing they used to take it over, to reverse it, then a lot of this can be done without the public knowing any better except that they will see no IRS and that taxes go away. That they have more freedom to start business and to operate and they will also see that if there are real crimes committed, where there is real harm and real damage and those people are summarily dealt with and none of this, ‘we know you are a drug dealer and you are harming our children…” or people who kill and walk because of technicality. That won’t happen in a civil government; they won’t get by in admiralty, real law, as they did in equity law. They won’t be able to skip because they will have done real damage and real harm and they must be held accountable.

That’s the differences that America will see and it will only be seen if we have the military executing this from the private side, which is less than 5% of the population of this country. That 5% is easier to manage than it is to try to herd 95% of people that are unconscious and unawakened. That’s not manageable for anybody and we can’t afford that kind of chaos in this country. It will plummet the world economy if that kind of chaos happens.

If I go to the mathematical assumption that if all that these people are telling us is true with these two plans, then I still have to go back with bringing us back to that point in time (in our history) where we still have all the good parts in commerce left intact, and when you add honor back to it on a tactical basis, it has to be from the top down, because they are part of the 5% that are creating the dishonor. By that ripple effect it will create honor in the other 95% because the laws of physics will not allow that effect not to be rippled throughout everyone’s lives in a positive manner.

How people respond who are being hounded by the IRS, and the people in jail because of tax fraud, and there’s no such thing, that one thing would bring about such massive change, I’m amazed and overwhelmed when I think about it. So I have to go back and think, what would be the correct path for me? If I assume everything is false and what they say is not true, then I need to go back to being unaware and unenlightened and follow the corporate line and color in the lines.

I have to go with the guys who have the restore America plan. Before the 1860’s we had commerce and trade in place, treaties in place, we were on a good trade. And now we have all these components of commerce, the UCC, and things that can place us in honor to execute commerce. We need control of the back office so to speak. We need to control of the private side of the books that can cause an influence and major changes on the public side. The restore America plan makes the most sense because the military is there to protect and it says they are there to protect the American people, our rights and our sovereignty. I have to go with what is in our constitution and our trust.

Our forefathers were part of the military before the constitution was in place and they knew that you need to have the element of enforcement before you have the elements of honor and contract. They knew they needed a way to enforce before anybody started doing business with us and to know we had the power to enforce if we needed it, but we would choose not to if we didn’t have to. That’s how I came to the conclusion; everybody in there having a say, and if it’s true, I have to go with the guys with the supreme court and the military.

I don’t see us going with an assembly type of government because you have too many people out there that don’t care, don’t want to know, they don’t want their lives complicated. They just want to know what they are going to do every day when they get up. there are too many of them to go with the assembly format and too much education for a dumbed down society. It’s too much for people to handle. For me the private side makes more sense because there are fewer people to deal with and less of it to be obvious to the public.

Dave: thank you for your thoughts on that. I’m very short, sweet to the point. I support the restore America plan and I think it’s the best alternative we have at this point. There’s a lot of dissension about it and people are entitled to their opinion. I’ve been looking at the chat board and people are in disagreement and that’s one of those things that makes this country great and can make it better as we go forward.

I believe this is a time to take action, and action is being taken. I’m going to support that. That’s my personal opinion and I’m speaking my own piece in regard to that. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, including me. I know a lot of people that are getting on board and I have personally talked to some people who have seen the declaration and have had the opportunity to read it and know exactly what’s in it. The reaction from those people is that it is one incredible document. I haven’t seen it yet, and I hope I will shortly. What I’d like to do if there are people with questions, I’ll open it up.

Muchu: 100:17

I want to commend Janet for doing great work. The thing with the federal judge signing off on her lien, it would be a private, confidential thing with the judge and the judge’s is giving acknowledgement so that public officials will recognize it. He’s not ruling on it, because you’ve already settled the lien; it’s not reopening the claim. If you are the creditor he will give you the public color that you need from the US Marshals.

Janet: that’s why I haven’t done it yet because when I talked to the clerk at the US Magistrate in Birmingham, I’d have to pay or claim the pauper status. I’m not a pauper because I have a silver bond, so we would have to do our serving of the documents and they (the debtors) get 20 days which is international contract time to defend themselves against it. That’s what the magistrate would review; if they had anything they could come back to defend themselves in my lien.

That’s why I haven’t done it; they are in equity and part of the bankruptcy and the corporation. I haven’t done it yet and I know I have airtight liens. I actually put my liens in front of a maritime lien attorneys group in Seattle to see if they wanted to collect on them. They came back within 24 hours and said they didn’t want to touch them. What they said, is if I could do this to them, then I could do this to the attorneys. You have done your homework and we don’t want to be part of this. Basically he said this is airtight but we don’t want to touch it, because it’s a way to take us down.

I’m not sure I want to give it to the US Magistrate because I don’t know how tight the good old boys network is in this state. They already reached their long arm against me and got the DOJ and a bank who unbeknownst sent the secret service. I don’t mind handling a fight, but I’m not going to ask for a fight. I don’t mind defending myself but I’m not going to out and pick a fight.

Muchu: I’m not suggesting you are going into court and making an argument. Because if you go into court and say I have these liens you are going to fall into argument and by that fall into their jurisdiction. I listened to Gordon Hall on a seminar in late 2009 and he talks about this in a very straight forward manner. It’s available for free on creditors in commerce website and it’s called Contract Equals Law. I recommend anyone listening to Tim’s material to take the time to listen to this (Gordon’s). he’s a little bit more positive on how the judges decide and that we are just going about the process the wrong way as far as making statements instead of asking questions. But that’s the first time I heard that and I think it would be really good retraining for people that tend to come from the point of view of I have rights and this and that. Rather, than making statements and getting into an argument position you ask questions. Gordon goes over very clearly how to take a totally private administrative process that’s already been settled and having the judge just green light on it. He’s not ruling on it; he’s giving public acknowledgement to the private side process that’s already been done. He goes over that extensively.

Janet: thank you for that; maybe that’s the key to what I need. I haven’t done it because my gut feeling is that I was missing something when I take it to the magistrate to be able to get the US Marshals to execute the lien. I will listen to Gordon Hall, thank you.

James: with the information that is being discussed how does this affect individuals who have been falsely caught up into this colorable criminal justice system under the corporate side? How does the right that a free man, his approach, and if someone has been framed with a felony, use the process to correct his position even if he hasn’t gone through the process of doing the original paperwork application? This is what I’m trying to get a handle on. I am American, I am a Cherokee, and I’m trying to get the understanding of how this would be applied to the issues I faced. I’ve never had a problem in my life with the justice system until this situation came about.

Janet: what were doing that they came after you for? Was it bonded promissory notes? AFV? James: Let me restate this. I ran a very successful health care business in the Maryland area. I worked with disabled and healthy; I have a strong educational background in the area and a masters in public health. I put together a business plan and it took off and over a couple of years I did a couple of million dollars in business. I was approached by a group of people who wanted to invite me, pick my brain, and what did I do to get such success. I did not feel it was my duty to educate someone at that point on something that I had developed. I was told about a year prior that if I did not cooperate with them, they would sic the attorney general’ office on me. When I was told that I said, well I haven’t committed a crime, I haven’t done anything wrong, how could you make such a statement? That’s an asinine comment.

I let it rest and about 6 months later I got a subpoena for fraud and misappropriation and to appear before a grand jury. I had never been in front of a grand jury and not having been involved with the law I just went through the normal process of hiring an attorney to assist me which I found out that they really didn’t assist me, but worked against my efforts all along. But that is my ignorance of the law. I had never been in the system for 53 years. I did the American thing, did what my parents said, go to school, do the right thing and stay out of trouble. I haven’t been in trouble since them. The point is that I got framed and I was incarcerated for four months; kidnapped on a federal trumped up charge.

During the hearings I produced every single piece of evidence and they came up with no evidence. I gave all the bank files, I gave the notes, and I knew I had nothing to fear. They couldn’t come up with anything. But they said I deposited money into a business account, not a personal account, because I didn’t even have a personal account not while the business was formed. Near the end, they said that because I deposited private clients money into a business account, that constituted a breach of my duty, although I had a contract in place that was signed. They didn’t know the specifics of how my business was run and I pointed out that other businesses, other people doing similar businesses operated in the very same way. They said they weren’t concerned about that and their point was to indict me and put me in a position where I could not do federal contracts.

That was a statement I heard directly from the state attorney general person who targeted me. At this time I have an appeal around May or so and I am on probation and I’m trying to educate myself of my rights and privileges, to be under the constitution of the republic with the rights of a free man. I’m in a quagmire because I’m just adapting in the last month or so. I hear great things from Mr. Turner and a cadre of others, the assembly people, that are supporting and I’m hearing so much it’s almost overwhelming and I wonder, how did I go I this long before I got exposed to all this? I can see I’m ignorant when I’m trying to understand what has been handed to me by way of this corporate war (?) society. I’ve been blinded and my point is, when this change takes place, the original republic, how are people that have victimized like myself, that have put them in a criminal context. How will they be viewed? Will there be any options on the table to correct some of these wrongdoings, racketeering and conspiracy. Not only did I find one other person that did something like myself. I’m having to pay out probation now and I’m just trying to see what can I do at this point to effectually impact the situation? Negative averment? Some coaching on getting my documents in place or just what? I have been very credible all my life; my record proves it. The judge wouldn’t even give me a bond and I’ve never had anything beyond a moving violation.

Muchu: the problem you have is the problem the whole country has. How many victimless crimes are out there where people have gone to jail, just like yourself. That’s the nonsense that the restore America plan is putting forward to put a stop to. It’s exactly the situation you have been talking about here and what happened to you doesn’t make any sense. There is no basis for it and that’s the kind of stuff that needs to be stopped. What happened to you is all about money….it’s ALL about the money. It’s about putting people in prison and writing bonds and making money. It’s got nothing to do with what’s right, wrong, justice or anything else. Because they are a corporation and corporations are in business for profit. And that’s why something has to be done and these people like Tim, Sam and others have stepped forward. Anyone who’s out there, don’t put a name on this, like Tim or Sam’s movement. It’s a movement of people; it’s people that are fed up and I happen to be one, and I know there are plenty of others out there. There are some things for you that can be done in your situation.

Janet: but for your immediate thing, what I propose tactically, because you already have strategy such as freeman, secured party creditor, tactically get your secured party creditor documents filed, a silver bond into the court documents, AFV your court case to the IRS and then if they won’t get off you then, do the negative averment. So do all these things in the next three weeks, and the negative averment if they won’t leave you alone and drop it. That’s my proposal for tactical approach in that order. You already know the strategy, you know all this. The strategy isn’t a question any more. You have to separate the real people from the straw man on the secured party creditor document, do the silver bond so they can no longer claim that you are a pauper, or an AFV first, and then do the silver bond into the court case. The AFV goes to the IRS. That can be done and it can all take place in the next two weeks.

James: how can I get paperwork, the paperwork package as a guideline; I have the theory. Janet: I like Tim’s process and you can go to Turnerclass..

Dave: that’s Donna’s site. Tim’s site is . You can find out where the seminars are; this weekend he’s going to be in Phoenix. Janet: but as far as just knowing how to do the paperwork, then Donna gives classes on just filling out the paperwork which sounds like what you need. You need immediate help. Your story is wonderful and sad at the same time and you need a tactical approach. You already know what you did before is not working and they are getting you in deeper and they are hurting you, so you need better tactical approach to them. And one is to take yourself out of the equity position because you are never going to win in equity, ever.

They are just going to keep kicking you when you are down because you are a productive, ethical worker class and they are trading on your bond and that’s what they like. And they know you won’t give that up because you are the epitome of an American, personified, good work ethics, and they aren’t going to leave you alone till you do something that really kicks them back. So you have to become a secured party creditor and separate your real man from your straw man. You have to AFV this and tell the IRS to pay them to go away; they want money, pay them to go away. And then, do the silver bond, the notice of surety action, in the court case because it says, I’m not equal to you anymore. The real man is not poor, not a pauper and you can’t do this to me anymore. And then if they won’t get off, fill and the negative averment to go on and take them down because as that secret service guy told me, these bonded promissory notes, these negative averments, these maritime liens are going to become a real problem and that’s why they got a memo from the administration to start coming after us.

But you know what, there are a lot more of us than them. Eventually strength in numbers will overwhelm them. And eventually we will win out and hopefully before that time the restore America plan will be in place and it will reverse some of this rather quickly. In the meantime you need some help to get them off you, make them stop kicking you and hurting you. So do the secured party creditor stuff; Donna can help you with the paperwork, and it sounds like you are a smart man so go to Tim’s class and then followup with Donna and her website will help you fill out the paperwork and there’s a great network through her site. She’s the network person. That’s my proposal and it may not be correct, but if you have a tactical plan, someone else may throw something in there that might work better, but at least you have something there to start on. Your first thing is that you have to separate yourself contractually from the strawman and give them nowhere to go. You (the live man) are not equal to that (Strawman) anymore so you can’t keep kicking me. That has to happen first. Then it’s a matter of what you need to do to satisfy whatever circumstances they throw at you. But you have to step out of equity because you will never win.

Equity is fiction and when you presented what you called evidence, in equity the evidence can disappear or change colors. The truth is undeniable. That’s why post office receipts from verifiable undisputed authorities; mailing stuff through the post office registered mail, $21 puts you in the international commerce and places you in a different jurisdiction and they know it. And then signing your name over a postage stamp on all of your documents places that signature and that contract in international commerce. And that comes with the UPU stuff; you don’t need to know all the details, you need to know the process to get them to get off you. Then you can learn all the history behind it and you become a great student. But what do you need to tactically to get them to leave you alone, quit hurting you and let you get back to your life. That’s my proposal.

James: that helps me tremendously and gives me a secured party route, the AFV, the silver bond, and then I may consider the negative averment. Janet: those are things you can do in the next few weeks. These judges are all in the same club and they are getting told about this stuff. Even Harvard Law School put out a review statement telling lawyers you better be addressing negative averments because they are going to come back and bite you. They put out a notice to lawyers around the world and said don’t dismiss these things so easily. If Harvard is telling them not to do it, you know they must be a little bit scared of it. You can google the Harvard Law School Review Negative Averment and that document will show up. It’s telling the attorneys in their language this is not something you want to pooh pooh and dismiss.

James: the attorney doing the case didn’t even submit my material on the character witness list and after it was over he said I could……I gave him the list a week early. A week and half early. Janet: you don’t understand: he doesn’t work for you. Dave: that’s exactly correct. Janet: you were just paying him money to create a situation where they could get you more. The word attorn means to turn over and the attorney in real law back from the 30’s says they are working for the court, I believe it’s in 12 USC and it’s on the memorandum of law that Tim gives out in his class and it’s on Donna’s website. Find the memorandum of law document and it will list in there the law that says attorneys don’t work for you, they work for the court. They work for the other side and you are on your own. Your just better off representing yourself. James: you’re absolutely right. Dave: and save a bunch of money in the process.

Muchu: I would add that if you listen to the Gordon Hall seminar he has a conversation with an attorney and the attorney says that’s all we can do is argue. That’s no good and you don’t want that because it’s going to give them jurisdiction. Dave: if there’s controversy they have jurisdiction. Janet: with admiralty law there is no controversy. You place the contract out there and they have to provide verifiable undisputable proof, not evidence which is an equity term that it can vanish or appear as they want based on whims. But proof is where admiralty, contract law prevails. Proof is where everybody looks at it and the stop sign says stop. And nobody argues with it, because it can’t be argued. It is what it is, period. That’s why it is so powerful. Noone can argue with real proof. Anyone can argue with evidence.

James: are there any support groups I can join that are internet based, because I am in the Baltimore area and I’ve been trying to find a support group here. And I’ve only found one person and I sent them an email and the response …… Janet, go to Donna’s website because it says there are contacts in different states that can help you. They put themselves out there to help people in different states and they are already networked. Go to and see if there’s anyone in the Maryland, DC area to get with you. There’s a great network out there. is a great group. Look at what they are doing. Go to Donna’s site for the creditor documents. James: I appreciate you and you’ve been great help. Thank you very much.

Chris Summers: Janet, I want to say how thankful I am that you spent some time with us tonight. Your clarity and conciseness is welcomed; we need more people like this. I’m impressed with what you said. Over on lawlearners a couple of weeks ago, I started a newsletter and this is my 3rd week of putting it together and have some amazing documents based on my own research. Now I add people’s comments during the week from emails, newsletters from other people, conclusions of laws and the newsletter goes out on Mondays automatically to those who are members. One of the subjects I take pride with is working on for this Monday is being able to use and utilize these maritime liens. I have not heard anybody utter some of the stuff about how we can use these maritime liens, and where we can cash them in. By the end of this week I should have all the conclusions of my own research by Monday, I should have a wealth of where people can click on URLs and see the paper trail of how I obtained this information.

One of the things I came across was the information on the maritime liens and who are the parties to take this to. A couple of them includes the district court under rule 55 (b)(2), you can actually take one in to a judge and get a summary judgment or a certificate of default judgment. Once you get the certificate that has been placed on that, you can pretty much do what you want. For some reason it comes back to walking in to US district court. You can use rule 55 and that seems to be the best way. You can use rule 55 (b) (1) which is to walk it into the judge’s clerk, have her look at the paperwork and make sure it’s in proper order. You do not have to take this to a judge, put it in front of the clerk and she will check the procedures and steps and authorize a certificate of default judgment in your favor right on the spot without having to see a judge.

Janet: when I went to see the US Magistrate at the local office in Huntsville, the lady I talked with said I could bring it in and when I took in this big maritime lien against a bank and law firm, she kept saying, this is just too much, this is a big maritime lien and this is just too much. You’ll have to send it to Birmingham and went I took it to Birmingham she said that without filing a pro se litigant fee even on 28 A rule 55, I still have to give them 20 days to respond to this. I said they already have not responded for months. This is fully executed and documented and she said before the judge would put his signature on it, they had to give them 20 days to respond to it.

Chris: that would be fine, but this is the other aspect and I sent to Tim via Donna, I stumbled on the office of special counsel where they have 8 different complaint forms for different … a whistleblower and another is for any act that is done by any public official including any agencies that if they are conducting any form of activities or business that are not their prescribed duties or obligations that these complaint forms will be filed under the federal registry. If you go back to all the documents that were hearsay about the Dept of Transportation, yes the DOT because they are uneducated would not accept these documents and that’s what Tim said about a month ago. I found a back door to do it and it’s the office of special counsel and I will post all the complaint forms in the weekly bulletin this coming Monday.

Janet: the office of special counsel? Chris: yes, the form 11 and 12 are the most impressive and what can happen because this does go to the federal registry and you do have a particular claim and this office does supersede the Department of Transportation and the Coastguard because it is a federal registry itself. This is a way to get it logged in on the federal registry as prescribed that a maritime lien needs to be done and accommodate that with the form 11, the whistleblower’s complaint form, which is any prohibited act that any public office including any agency (bank), the #11 is the one you want to file. Then they have the Hatch Act complaint form which is for political people. You have 3 different forms that stick out like a sore thumb. Any one of those, the 11 or 12 would be the one I would attach to a maritime lien to get it on the federal registry.

Janet: I’m looking at 11 now, so you fill that out and place that on top of the lien and they reproduce it in 3 weeks and it becomes law. Chris: how are they going to contest something that has already gone through the circuit where you have a default judgment against them already? They are not going to come to the table and complain about it, because it’s a done deal. How are they going to argue after the fact? Janet: so all I have to do is that form, let it ride and take it to the US Marshals. Chris: I found a link right to the US Marshals office on these particular things; I did see there was a direct link and there will be an act performed by the US Marshals on something like that.

Janet: that’s what the US Marshal said, that unless there was something that authorized him to enforce it they could not do it and it had to be under federal jurisdiction and he said it had to be through the US Magistrate. But if I go this route you’re talking about and then go to the clerk and get the signature on it..... Chris: I’ll tell you what, I’ll give my portion of this week’s newsletter…you’ll get it next Monday. Janet: I want to get paid.

Chris: I did go into international registry and I did go into all the United States with all of its satellite countries that it has jurisdiction over and there’s some impressive stuff in regards to the other countries on how they deal with maritime liens. So I’ve cut and pasted those countries maritime laws in and around maritime liens that will assist us in understanding how we can use the same set of provisions that are not readily available in this country to put this on our process of maritime liens in this country.

Janet: I’m particularly interested in anything on Switzerland because everything I’ve done, I have done under the US- UPU contract and treaties using real postage stamps and affidavits, declarations, sworn affidavits from notaries. Everything is their jurisdiction. Switzerland is supposed to be the biggest dog on the planet for executing this stuff. That’s what I’d be interested in knowing. Chris: well, I’ll do some research tomorrow just on that. Let me see how I can tie that together. Janet: particularly the part of the UPU; their enforcement arm is the Council of Administration. It doesn’t sound very big and scary but this is the enforcement of the UPU and particularly it has to do with mail fraud. They are the ones who say it is such and they contact INTERPOL and they go and do their thing.

Chris: we might piggy back on Michael Brady’s commercial complaint against the US corporation which has been in existence for 3 or 4 years now. I’ve already piggy backed on that but I think that Eddie Andrews, or someone out there has done something similar to what Michael Brady has done and has established a complaint against the corporation called the United States of America to Switzerland or the Hague, to the common law international court system. If we were to bring that in, that could bring us out of the subjectivity of the US corporation and put us in international consideration.

Janet: I’ve already sent this under affidavit to the UPU. I noticed the circuit court, all the officials, the court clerk, the bank and the lawyers and this last week when they went to serve the writ by the sheriff they sent the bank president was there. My brother looked up and said where’s the bank president and they said he was standing right there. The bank president that I have the lien against was not the guy standing out there. Apparently in the last week or two they have replaced the bank president and he’s gone. So I guess my lien is working because he is no longer with the bank.

Chris: just in the last 4 or 5 days as I’ve been coming to my own conclusions about the maritime liens I came across something that is the tricksters method of these CEOs and CFOs—they are almost traded around like football or baseball players and when things start getting too hot and the liabilities are accruing, they will change them out and put someone new in there. If someone is going to do these maritime liens you need to go after the corporation almost in its own nature and personality and do a second maritime lien against the party that is the CFO or the CEO.

Janet: my primary debtor was the bank and everyone else was secondary so my UCC filings always led with the bank itself. It was not just the individuals. And even the law firm, they were the lead. In Alabama on the UCC you have to lead with the primary debtor and then I put the law firm second, followed by the others who were secondary to the corporate entity. The corporate veil had to be pierced first. What about form 13 that said possible prohibited political activity under the Hatch Act. Chris: that’s one that covers people running for elected offices. You would use that for going after a public official for official misconduct. (note takers idea: what about using that for elected DAs, county attorneys and judges who don’t use the notice of appearance as the first document in the case, thereby trespassing on the case. Instead of trying to get remedy from the state judicial board, why not go this route. Just food for thought. Put that together with Janet’s approach with an affidavit regarding the lack of Notice of Appearance, the UPU and use the higher international jurisdiction for remedy)

Chris: on administrative or on agency levels, that would be employment . The employment level would be the offices where people are doing misprision of felony, official misconduct, disobedience, failure to do their duties and obligations, their fiduciary obligations of trusteeship, that would be where you would use 11 and 12. form 13 would be for governors, attorney generals, council people in the city, the mayor. I was thrilled when I found this last week. We haven’t had results yet.

Janet: if I’m supposed to have fear I’m sure I will, and it is not going to stop me from moving forward because they dishonored and they have my notes. I have worked with the federal register before because I used to work in nuclear and department of energy contracts so I know how powerful the federal register can be.

Chris: what you might do is if you have comments, conclusions that you want to post in the newsletter, skype or email it to me. Last week’s was 30 pages. People can’t believe that they have finally found something that helped them where they were stuck. Part of the problem I was having on the lawlearners site was that it was painful for me to have to put the information in the categories so Darren the webmaster said why don’t we just bypass all that and put in a weekly newsletter.

Celia: you are saying the newsletter is only for certain people? Chris: they are on the lawlearners site and the newsletter comes out every week. Muchu: it’s Chris has spent an incredible amount of time working to get all that information there. You do have to register..there’s no cost. There’s a slight delay from registration time until access, just a couple of hours. You’ll get the newsletter, and it’s a fabulous educational resource. Just register at . Chris: if you remember a few years ago when I was working with Rod Class I would generate research as we were sitting there on the radio show; then I got micromanaged by Comcast so I decided I would start a website. It became very complicated to get stuff into the categories, but we lost my ability to my research materials at the cutting edge of where we were. So when Darren suggested we create a weekly newsletter, this is now my 3rd week into it. There’s so much being generated and all the laws and abc’s within the law. I have this in the newsletter. You can see why we are doing this stuff. The newsletter will become the archives of every week.

Caller: they are saying there needs to be 20 days to respond? Doesn’t the record show that the debtor has already had 20 days to respond. Janet: when I went to the US magistrate’s office and talked to them on the phone, that’s just part of their procedures. Once you file a pro se litigation like that it’s the only way they said they could do that to get the judge to put his signature on it, since I didn’t have an attorney doing it for me or a legal representative of any type.

158:06 Janet: I was doing it all myself. I had to give them 20 days to respond to the clerk, not to me but to the clerk. I asked her why that was so. Muchu: what are they going to respond with? Acquiescence? Argument? Janet: I know that. That’s why I didn’t go down that path because the typical response you get from these guys is that it is bogus, fictitious and without merit. That’s one thing I forgot that I said to the secret service guy. When he said this looks fictitious and that is what the manager of the public debt said and I remember asking him to finish his sentence. The secret service guy said he had and I responded, but you said fictitious. And, I want you to finish your sentence. He said he didn’t understand and I said I wanted him to give me the rest of the sentence. I want to you to say this is fictitious based on this law and you didn’t give me any law that fictitious was based on. It isn’t just because the secret service guy says it is so. Why is it so? The secret service guy didn’t give me any proof and he didn’t finish his sentence. If it is fictitious, bogus and without merit, then based on what laws…finish your sentence.

Muchu: all that is, is an invitation to argue. You could turn around and say, okay, if I sent a fictitious instrument, you can show me the law. Then you are putting an offer back. He’s always going to do that; he’s trained to get you to argue, because as soon as you argue you lose your position of being on top. He’s just trying to trick you into arguing. I’d really put that forward to listen to Gordon Hall seminar. The other thing in the seminar is when you are going into court, before you approach the bar, you say, “I’m here today as…” and then your name, third party intervener, I don’t known, tailor that to your needs, but always say as with whatever the name. You are not JOE SMITH you are there as JOE SMITH. He goes over the significance. Janet: I have gone in as the dejure party American, creditor, executive trustee for the private trust account known as the ALL CAPS NAME, Janet Davis Majhor .

Muchu: you can tailor that, such as I am here as the secured party creditor, I am here as Janet Davis Majhor, as long as you are there as something and not, Hi, I’m Janet. You have the ability to preserve your rights and this Gordon Hall information tailors to the Tim Turner material really well.

Janet: it really ticks them off when you know who you are.

Chris: Once you get them the first notification and they go past 21 days, 3 months, 6 months the time is still ticking. Why didn’t they answer within 180 days? The notification was still sitting there. I’m still waiting for some communication on the original document I sent to them.

Dave: silence is acquiescence. Janet: the secret service guy told me that silence is not…that you have to have written signatures for agreement on a contract. I said, no you do not. Silence is acceptance and it is an element of a contract; if you do have written agreement and you let time pass, it means you agree with and let it stand. Muchu: in the seminar he cites a book on contracts (note taker: Brian Blum on Contracts; also UCC in a Nutshell) - it’s the granddaddy book on contracts and the paper is just the memorialization of the agreement and that the agreement exists without the paper. The paper is just the backing up the agreement. You don’t need a signature on a piece of paper to acquiesce; actions speak louder than the paper does. Janet: or the lack of action. Muchu: that’s why people who come into court with Tim’s documents or whatever and haven’t had the training their actions speak different than the paper and the judge after 3 or 4 questions can decide whether he can totally ignore the paperwork or not because the guy standing in front of him cannot pass the verbal exam.

Janet: and I haven’t had that problem. Don’t think I don’t get scared; I am. But I make clear to them, like with the DOJ guy said I had to keep my answers to yes or no, and I said you didn’t ask yes or no questions. I’ll be glad to answer yes or no questions, but when you ask questions that are meant to show the grand jury that you are trying to catch me in some kind of lie, that’s not going to happen. I’m going to get into the law which you have already said, you have already told them that you don’t have to obey the law. You can sit here and lie to them to get your point across; but I’ve come here and I am going to tell the truth. But you are right, the first time I went into court I was not as prepared as I needed to be and the judge steamrolled over me. I learned real quick after that; when they laughed at me and said she guessed she’d be part of a lawsuit, well now she is part of a negative averment and a maritime lien that is going to yank her chain tremendously and with that lien I’ll take all her stuff and worry about her being a judge. I’ll move forward.

I didn’t get this way immediately. I learned Tim’s stuff in March (2009) and I put it into play in my first court case in May. And then over time, followed by the grand jury hearing in October and another court case, and I helped other people in their court cases who had other bonded promissory notes. So I appeared as the third party interest many times already. I have multiple maritime liens, different versions, in different stages and I have two mother/son maritime liens. I’d like to get paid on at least one of them.

Muchu: my concern is the difference in sending in a form or submitting a form, is that a notice that is sufficient and on the other hand you have a federal judge that will bring alive your existing remedy because it has already been administratively settled and when you go in, the decision has already been made and you are just there questioning and stay within that jurisdiction you are not arguing with them. What he’s saying is okay fine, you’ve done the paperwork, let’s see if you can pass the verbal test in front of this judge and he’s going to green light this. I’m sure he will green light.

Janet: if I can do the federal register and slap that on top of it and put that with the UCC3 assignment and walk that in and it says I have federal registers, then they can sign off on the UCC3 and go enforce it. I’m glad to do the federal register approach; I’ll start tomorrow on it. I’ve already got the form and I’m filling it out.

Dave: we have Patrick who wants to ask a question regarding eviction. Patrick: is there anyone out there who can give me suggestions on stopping evictions? On Jan 7 GMAC went ahead with the sheriff’s sale and no one purchased the property and it went back to GMAC. Last Saturday I got served by the sheriff with an eviction notice and I have to be in court this Weds. at 1:30 and I’m doing some processes but I need all the help I can get; I don’t know what leg I have to stand on.

Dave: Patrick is in the middle of John Hansen’s process right now, but basically he needs more time. Janet: where are you? Patrick: Memphis. Janet: are you the secured party creditor? Patrick: yes. Janet: you can do all this and what you want to do is lay the ground work. Tim told me that I probably wouldn’t be able to stop what they were going to do with me, but what was going to happen if you do all of this filing and paperwork and when it’s all said and done and they have disrupted your life and you have lost this battle, you will have already won the war. You will be left with a maritime lien against them for their dishonor at the end of it all; you’ll still have something to show for it even after they have done their damage to you. I know you are asking for a remedy that will stop them like magic; it may stall them.

They will most likely eventually prevail. There’s no nice way to say this, when you are losing your home and I’ve gone through this, but now I have this maritime lien against these people and it’s months later and there remedies in place and I will go extract my damages from them and show them they have not the war, they only won the battle. They really shouldn’t have done what they did because it was evil stuff. You can tell them you don’t give them permission, you can file the negative averment and put the silver bond in court case, you can AFV to the IRS and give them copies of it. Send it to the IRS tomorrow and put copies in that you mailed it off regarding the court case.

It doesn’t mean they are still going to do what they will do. You can still do the negative averment and that’s a tactical thing to do. AFV to one of the three IRS locations that Doug Riddle talks about and the put the proof that you mailed it to the IRS and you are paying off the court case, settling it through the IRS. Put it in by Weds. But they will still probably bulldoze right over you. At least you will have dishonor in the court case. A quick remedy for tactical approach would be the AFV to the IRS and that would be a simple process, but mail it to the IRS registered mail to make sure somebody signs for it. $21 if you want your trial by jury secured. Take your proof of mailing and copy the outside of the envelope where you put real postage on it and do not put metered mail onto your envelope. Use regular stamps. Put all that proof that you have AFVd and you have settled the court case through the IRS.

173:55 they are going to do what they are gong to do. But you don’t step back into equity because it has already been settled through your private trust account and the IRS will take care of this. You have already settled it and there is no controversy. You tell the court it has already been settled and they should wait for the settlement from the IRS. They will probably laugh at you, but there is nothing you can really say to them because you will step back into equity. Then you really have lost, trying to battle with them in equity because they have that game down pat. You could do a Notice, a silver bond into the court case that says you are not poor and you are the trustee for the trust account. Those are 2 things to do tomorrow that are quick and dirty to lay the groundwork in the court case.

Caller: You could do an emergency bankruptcy. Do the 13 or 7. if there is not a lot of income do a 7, if he has more income do a 13. Either one of them might stretch it long enough to get the process cured and get the discharge done.

Dave: this is similar to what I mentioned this afternoon. Janet: do the bankruptcy tomorrow to stop it and then lay the other groundwork to do your other tactics. Get the AFV filed and see if that takes hold before you have to do anything on the bankruptcy. Caller: make sure you serve a copy of that bankruptcy paper on the sheriff, the judge and the lawyer that is pushing the case. Chris: you might want to do the FBI package. Out here in California at the date of the sale, the papers were shoved right at the trustee for the sale and they stopped cold right in their tracks. The FBI coversheet letter along with the fact they are defrauding America, the government itself, the US Corporation under the bankruptcy act. Whatever action they are doing as individuals themselves if defrauding you, the government, the dejure government all in one swipe and anyone that is a culprit to that is subject to RICO, racketeering, collusion, and they will be held liable. One coversheet letter notification of fraud should suffice.

Patrick: I did all that. John: I have one thing to add there. Did you realize that article 3 section 2 has been amended by the 11th amendment and what happened there is that they no longer have jurisdiction in law or equity. They only have jurisdiction in admiralty or the administrative procedures act. If they play their equity game you suggest they might need to read the 11th amendment. I let them know pointblank that article 3 section 2 was amended by the 11th and they need to do their homework because there is no equity in law.

Janet: this guy is overwhelmed and he needs something to do tomorrow. The bankruptcy is something they understand. He’s got to do something they understand to stop them. Let’s get back to the tactical side that he can put into play tomorrow. Patrick: how would I exercise the 11th amendment information? John: under title 15 chapter 22 section 1122, because they are incorporated they have waived all of their sovereign immunities and they are engaging in commerce which you can prove because they are on Dun & Bradstreet and then point over to article 3, section 2, and say, “sir what court are you in?” let them answer I’m in equity, or I’m in law, or this doesn’t make any sense, because you can show and prove.

If they say it’s equity you can say this has been amended by 11th amendment and you have no jurisdiction in law or equity; you only have under title 28, 1333, jurisdiction in admiralty and by the way that gold fringed flag behind you is in accordance with title 4, sections 1-5 and that’s an admiralty flag. I’m of the knowledge right now that you are flying the flag in admiralty. Now if you want to go take that down go right ahead and we’ll go into the administrative procedures act of 1946. that says point blank that the real man is always, always, the plaintiff. What’s the problem here? We have a miscarriage of justice that got me as the defendant and I am not the defendant. I am the real party in interest. I always make a note to shake the deputies hand and then I can ask, was I a real man, did you feel that handshake? I’m not a fiction, right sir? That’s how I corner them.

Chris: Dave, I found what the caller is talking about and I’ll send it to you for Patrick. It would cut to the chase. It’s exactly what he’s talking about. John was the man speaking, went to law school for two years, found out what you have to do and he quit. So he does know what he’s talking about. Chris: we should have John on the call someday to tell us why he didn’t want to be an attorney. John: I can do that in short order: if you read House report 3123 the bar and the lawyers guild according to that report are communists and it also flips them over to title 22, chapter 11, section 611, that they are foreign agents. That is another point that Patrick could bring up those guys are foreigners and supposedly representing a corporation that is coming after a corporation and they are not registered in accordance with the Foreign Agent Registry Act which is at Title 22 chapter 11, section 611. they do not have an oath of office under title 5 section 3331 and if they have taken the oath, and I’d prefer they have (you can get them either way); but I point blank tell them that those attorneys have no standing because they do not have first hand knowledge and I always bring up where is the injured party. The administrative procedures act states there has to be a real injured party; not a fiction, not a corporation. If you are not administrative then we have to be in admiralty because of your flag. Where is contract that I entered in to that was done by my free will and knowledge?

Patrick: let me run this by you. I’ve gone through the process of trying to get them to validate and I’ve gone through opportunity to cure, and a declaratory judgment against them and they have never answered anything. John: no they won’t. Patrick: should I have that Weds. John: it wouldn’t be a bad idea. Like Tim says, when you walk in there I would just say judge or whoever, these people right here made a claim against me and I gave them plenty of opportunity under the administrative procedures act and they have exhausted all their administrative remedies. I’m not here for controversy, I’m just here for my check. Funny as it may sound, and they will laugh at it. If you say anything else once that 21 days is up, you just ask a lot of questions before the 21 days and get a lot of stuff on the record. But if the 21 days has past, I keep my mouth shut and say here’s the contract and they acquiesced to it. You’ve got everything in the documents with notary presentment and the $21 in stamps. Patrick: I also rescinded the signature and all that.

Chris, the cease and desist is a winner. I drafted one two weeks ago and it’s a knockover. But go back to the details about what John has talked about, Rod Class has just revamped some of his Coram non Judice documents, which includes all the language he’s talking about. Go to and look under coram non judice and you’ll find the most recent document. If you submit that to courtroom you’ve just called them out on everything that John is talking about. Everything is in that document. John: it will have them in such a dilemma they can’t do anything. If they proceed then it’s really bad news for them. Dave: you are talking about the 20 page judicial notice, right Chris? Chris: right and he can actually do that as a cease and desist by adding a little language at the top. I didn’t have a chance to clean it all up and went in with some typos but ….Dave: I have that document and I’ve cleaned it up. Chris: good, put the cease and desist at the top and it’s official notification and you are not asking for permission and they have to stop. If they trespass against that document they are in trouble.

John: you can put notices, notice and demands in after the 21 days because you are not creating controversy, you are just noticing them of the facts. There’s not a problem doing that and you can put orders in. 188:01: You can do orders because the deal’s already been done and they acquiesced to it. Tomorrow I send out the first notice and demand for payment for that child neglect because I didn’t have my kids in the public school system, but when they arrested me, they left my kids sitting in the driveway. They hauled me to jail. They never once asked where is your son and didn’t even care about him. It was all over a 12.5 billion dollar lien I had gotten on the school board that I had perfected six months prior after they said I had to put him in their schools.

Patrick: shall I do the emergency 13 tomorrow and keep going. Dave: the chapter 13 will buy you time and you don’t have to pay money up front. All you are doing with the chapter 13 is filing and you can extend it out. Jerry Kane specifically addressed that on my call on January 11, 2010 and he discussed that very process of how to stretch that out. Caller: you have to have wages to file a chapter 13 and you can’t do it if you are on disability or social security. Otherwise you have to do a chapter 7. Dave: he has wages.

John: a woman down the road from me had her house on the block at the courthouse and it was going up for sale and within less that 2 hours to the sale she walked in with the bankruptcy and slowed it down to where she can do the rest of her process. Patrick: 3 attorneys told me today that it was too late. John: no it isn’t. Chris: well, they didn’t tell you about the statutory redemption act and that stands across the country for one to three years where you can contest and prove, rebut or object where you have the ear of the court and they favor your argument. In some cases they will give you your property back intact and in some cases allow you some damages, and injury for what the bank has put you through. Look for the statutory redemption act and you will find for yourself that is reprieve after the property has been sold, Patrick: up to two years where I am.

John: that will stop them and let them know that you know they don’t have jurisdiction for what they are doing. Caller: it’s like Tim says in the legal system they are going to what they’re going to do. John: you’re right, there’s no stopping them, but you’ve got it on the record and you can go back and slam them with that later and they really do hate that.

Question: if there’s anyway I can write an email to you and maybe Dave. Janet: yes, send it to Dave and he will send it to me.

Question: I went to the website for the seminar and I want to make sure it’s the right one. It was 7 sessions, at Rancho Cucamunga and click on the audio, and the contract in law. I don’t know about the bigger seminar at the top, but he (Gordon Hall) gets right to the topic on that seminar.

Patrick: could Florida John send a brief synopsis and you forward it to me? John: yes, and I would suggest the judicial notice they talked about of Rod Classes. Rod Class is one brilliant man and he didn’t do it all himself and neither did I. I got some from all of you out there and it’s been a group effort to get this monster under control.

Patrick: you suggest I go to the court tomorrow and get the court docs to AFV. John: I got the court documents and did the AFV and sent them to the IRS. Look at Doug Riddle’s website to get the addresses in Covington, Ogden and Washington DC and use one of those 3 offices. Get a copy and send it to the court also through registered or certified mail and do not use metered mail.

Dave: his problem is time factor. John: you will want to hand deliver one to the clerk of the court’s office. But to cover yourself I would put one in the post office and if one disappears you have presentment. I always give the notary a copy of what I’m doing when I use notary presentment so if I need a copy later, I can go back to her. And/or have them come physically into the court with you; then you are covered. Study that document of Rod Class’; it’s powerful and there’s a lot in it. Understand it. The cop who arrested me, when I saw him the other day, didn’t even want to acknowledge that I was around or have anything to do with me. He just looked the other way, but his name is on that document. And it’s not been answered. There’s a 1.3 trillion dollar averment. I begged those people to leave me alone; they didn’t want to listen so now they’ll get to play.

Dave: you have to put them in a position if they won’t do the right thing, you have to drop the hammer on them. As Tim says, take their stuff. John: that’s the only thing they understand and they think they are untouchable. When they go home and they don’t have a credit card they can use, that’s what’s fixing to happen to them.

Dave: is John from N Carolina here? Chris: here’s his email he created and he showed up at one of the restore America declarations. Dave: I wanted to have him talk about it. Chris: he sent me a beautiful email. I’m going to get all the cites and all the areas you can go to find out what is going on with this. It’s beautiful…the restore America program.

Janet: I just sent you an email to talk to you about the federal registry.

Dave: Jim do you still have a question? Jim: I was going to suggest bankruptcy for Patrick who is facing eviction. I wanted to add kudos to Janet and I can’t thank her for all she’s learned and her contributions. I’ll spread the word to everyone I know that they spend the time and listen to the call tonight. I commend you for the study and bravery you have demonstrated, leading us all to be better and stronger. I started with the Turner process when you did and I slacked off on the negative averment because I haven’t been able to collect on them, but you’ve given me some great ideas, so thank you.

Janet: I appreciate that. I want to get them into place and collect on them when the ‘dam breaks.’ I want to be at the front of the pack. It’s like all the things you can do to help others who are coming up behind you. It’s amazing what can be done with this. Thank you for kind words; I’m flattered, but this humbles you. It is so huge and can be daunting and it can hurt your spirit sometimes. Jim: I’ve been laughed out the court room on more than one occasion on some credit card issues, but I have prevailed on one because the attorney did not produce the original wet ink copy of the note. We did have an honest judge o that particular case. There are quite a few people in the northwest where I live. Janet, I came from Oregon and I just came down here to Alabama because I had some bonded promissory notes on my brother’s property. I wanted to do my maritime liens and see what I can enforce and I’ve learned a lot in 2 weeks.

Jim: Patterson and I are working on some negative averments. We’re also involved in some AFV stuff out here. I’m working with HJRbond people on another matter. It’s a movement where we have to join hands and help one another all we can. Janet: I’m not doing anything special; I’m just having experiences that other people aren’t having right now. Dave: this is a wonderful learning tool and it’s psychologically helpful to other people to see that you can be a success with all this. Jim: thanks to Dave for all his help. Dave: all the interaction that comes here is what this is all about. People can come here with questions. This coming weekend Jerry Kane is doing seminar in Las Vegas the 20the and 21st. I’ll do my call next Monday as usual. Dave:s email is: knockoutcollectors@ Sometime soon we’ll have Donna Lee; you see her on the postings and hope to have Jerry on as well. They are both out of the box thinkers. Call is at 3.5 hours.

Lyn: if we need to go to court in foreclosure, how might we find out someone in our area who might go with us. Dave: come on the call here and let people know when you are going to court and ask if they know anyone who is close. You want what people need to do; we need to support people when they go to court. Lyn: I am in the Chicago area. Dave: if someone listens to this on the archives and you are in the greater Chicago area…Lyn, I am southwest around 40 minutes of Chicago around Joliet. Email me at knockoutcollectors@ and I’ll forward it to you. Lyn: for notary presentment, is any notary obligated to make the presentment? Is there more information on notaries in my area familiar with the process? Dave: is Donna Lee’s website and has some people, so check to see if there are any in your area. Lyn: I am doing John Hansen’s process and I’m at the very beginning of it.

Dave: if you are doing that process you have to have someone do the notary presentments. Wireman is in Michigan and I don’t know if he can help. Send me an email and put need notary in Illinois in the subject line. He is a notary.

Celia: there’s an elderly lady in my building, she went to church and brought 2 homeless men to shower and feed them. She invited them to stay over. I live in a building for challenged people and seniors. The next morning the police came and told the two men to leave and she was trying to help them get situated. This lady doesn’t have anyone who can explain that what they did wasn’t right. We do have the right to have visitors in our homes for 30 days even though it’s a government building. She’s feeling violated and hurt. According to the lease, without warning they can put us out on the street. My point is should she try calling the marshals? How can she get help?

Dave: the situation this woman has, she invited the people into her home? That’s where things come in; they will look at that from a possible safety issue of not knowing who these people are in a facility with a number of residents. The safety issues may be what they are looking at. If you have people there with disabilities and bring strangers in is something they are going to have issues with security. If it was an individual home, private residence, there would be no issue. But you have people with disabilities. I have a disabled daughter and they may be just looking at disabilities.

Dave: it’s not just the appearance of people. My daughter has down’s syndrome and is mentally retarded and very high functioning but we do have to look out for her. Having strangers in that environment where people need to be protected, there are going to be issues of bringing people into the building. They have to have restrictions for the safety of the residents. If my daughter was in a facility like that I would want to know that she would be safe.

Chris: there’s a war going on between the two groups with the declaration. Dave: there’s some very strong differences of opinion. We are trying to avoid a civil war. Chris: we need to get rid of people who want to be the dictators and allow we the people to make the decisions. We are fighting for freedom, liberty and choice. Dave: people have been involved in this that have some egos and Tim brought that up on the call last week. The difference between I and we: Tim from the beginning of my contact with him has been very much we, and there are people on the outs with what he is doing and they are coming from I. Chris: this is not about being king of the whole; this is about the people. Whoever is doing this, they have to let the documents they have put together go to the people. Dave: there are comments on the board about doing the power of attorney. There are a lot of people who haven’t read the documents and are making judgments from an uninformed viewpoint. My judgment is that we need to move right now. I know a lot about Tim and what kind of diplomat he is. Those who are critical are anything but diplomat. Do we have all the answers? No. I’m not going to make any judgment until I see the document.

Janet: the restore America still comes out on top because it has the backing of the military. Dave: if you don’t have the military behind you, you can be squashed like a bug. Chris: I think everyone needs to stand down. The outcome has to be addressed and given to the military and then they will hand it back to the people. It has to be passed as a unanimous to the chief of staff so they can act on it. Then they will come back and say you can now elect the people you want to put it. Dave: in my opinion if we don’t have the military it’s not going to work. Janet: the military doesn’t want to take over. I have relatives in the military and they can’t say much, but they don’t want to see for profit wars break out again. They have made no political statements. They don’t want to see a WWIII. If they can quietly help us to be in the direction and be for the people they would take that. They have seen their fellow military men and women killed for profit but they have taken an oath.

Dave: it’s known that’s what they want to do. If people listened to what Sean Rice had to say last night, there have been people in the military giving hints for 10 years. I was a Viet Nam, a very unpopular war and I got a lousy welcome. I was drafted and I didn’t volunteer. When I look back I know it wasn’t a good deal that we were in Viet Nam. There are a lot of good people in the military. It’s important that we get away from this stuff; it’s time, enough of the talk.

Dave: there are comments on the board that the military is telling us what to do and that is a misconception. The military is saying they can’t move without the people. There have to be enough in numbers of the people to constitute the people so the military can get direction. Chris: they don’t want it to be insurrection or a coup, so it’s up to the people saying what they want. Dave: the military will say that the people have spoken and they will listen to the people and not the corporation. It’s coming from we the people.

Chirs: a true creditor takes care of his business and we have a whole country full of couch potatoes who won’t stand up to any intruders. We have a few pure creditors and standing up for the rights of people in this country and we need a few more to walk this in to the military. Until we get off the couch and act on this as our true right to do so, they won’t take us seriously at all.

is a website is interesting to look at and have a lot of quotes from Lincoln at the time. The similarity we have today is remarkable. Stopped at 2:56:00.


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