U.S. Treasury Markets

U.S. Treasury Markets

Steps Toward Increased Resilience


This report is the product of the Group of Thirty's Working Group on Treasury Market Liquidity and reflects broad agreement among its participants. This does not imply agreement with every specific observation or nuance. Members participated in their personal capacity, and their participation does not imply the support or agreement of

their respective public or private institutions. The report does not represent the views of the membership of the Group of Thirty as a whole.

ISBN 1-56708-184-3

How to cite this report: Group of Thirty Working Group on Treasury Market Liquidity. (2021). U.S. Treasury Markets: Steps Toward Increased Resilience. Group of Thirty.


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U.S. Treasury Markets

Steps Toward Increased Resilience

Published by Group of Thirty Washington, D.C.

July 2021

G30 Working Group on Treasury Market Liquidity


Timothy F. Geithner President, Warburg Pincus Former Secretary of the Treasury, United States


Patrick Parkinson Senior Fellow, Bank Policy Institute


Darrell Duffie Adams Distinguished Professor of Management and Professor of Finance, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Jeremy Stein Moise Y. Safra Professor of Economics, Harvard University


William C. Dudley Senior Research Scholar, Griswold Center for Economic Policy Studies at Princeton University Former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Arminio Fraga Founding Partner, G?vea Investimentos Former Governor, Banco Central do Brasil

Mervyn King Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom Former Governor, Bank of England

Guillermo Ortiz Partner, BTG Pactual Former Governor, Banco de M?xico

Masaaki Shirakawa Distinguished Guest Professor, Aoyama-Gakuin University Former Governor, Bank of Japan

Lawrence H. Summers Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University Former Secretary of the Treasury, United States

Kevin Warsh Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Former Member of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System

Axel A. Weber Chairman, UBS Chairman, Institute of International Finance

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