Grade Translations and Credit Information

Grade Translations and Credit Information

Country Argentina Australia

China Costa Rica Czech Republic

Ecuador England


Germany Ghana Greece

Hawaii (USA)

Program Location Buenos Aires Gold Coast Melbourne Newcastle Sydney Beijing San Jos? Prague Quito

Roehampton Westminster Aix-en-Provence

Paris Reutlingen Cape Coast

Athens Hawaii

Grade Translations Universidad de Belgrano

Bond University La Trobe University University of Newcastle Macquarie University Tsinghua University Universidad Veritas University of Economics Universidad San Francisco de

Quito University of Roehampton University of Westminster

IAU College Institut Catholique de Paris

Reutlingen University Cape Coast University Hellenic American University Hawaii Pacific University


Ireland Italy

New Zealand Oman Peru

Scotland South Africa



Dublin Limerick Florence Perugia

Rome Dunedin Wellington Muscat Cusco


Edinburgh Stirling

Stellenbosch Barcelona

Barcelona Madrid Bangkok

Chiang Mai

Dublin City University University of Limerick Florence University of the Arts

Umbra Institute American University of Rome

University of Otago Victoria University of Wellington Center for International Learning

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

Napier University University of Stirling Stellenbosch University Universitat Aut?noma de

Barcelona Universitat de Barcelona

Nebrija University Mahidol University Chiang Mai University


Argentinian Grading System

Universidad de Belgrano

Buenos Aires, Argentina

GRADES The Universidad de Belgrano has released the following chart to assist US Universities in interpreting the Argentinian grading scale:

Spanish Description 10: Sobresaliente 9: Distinguido 8: Distinguido 7: Bueno 6: Bueno 5: Aprobado 4: Aprobado 3: Insuficiente 2: Insuficiente 1: Insuficiente HO: Homologado AP: Aprobado Aus: Ausente Curs: Cursada Key Phrases: Facultad - Carrera - Materia Nota Horas Semanales Semanas Cursadas

Escala Comparativa

Translation in English to US University Grade Scale A+ : Outstanding A : Distinguished A- : Distinguished B+ : Good B : Good B- : Approved C : Approved F : Insufficient F : Insufficient F : Insufficient Approved Approved Absent Studied

Course Name Grade Hours per week Length of course in weeks Comparative Key to US Grades

COURSE LOADS AND CREDITS A semester long course lasts for 15 weeks and ranges in contact hours per week from 2 to 4. A course that meets 4 hours a week for 15 weeks is worth 4 credits.

Intensive Spanish Courses are taught for 4 weeks, either before the semester starts or as a standalone summer program and have 25 contact hours per week. These courses are normally worth 6 credits.


Australian Grading System

Bond University

Gold Coast, Australia

GRADES Bond University has released the following chart to assist US Universities in interpreting the Australian grading scale:

Grade 4 3 2 1 0

Description High Distinction (HD) Distinction (D) Credit (C) Pass (P) Fail (F)

% Range 85-100% 75-84% 65-74% 50-64% Less than 50%

US Equivalent A+ A B C F

COURSE LOADS AND CREDITS Australian Education In Australia a bachelor's degree is three years. The average class load is three subjects per semester, and four subjects is the maximum a student can take. Classes are generally organized by students going to a lecture 1 time per week and tutorials 2 times per week. A tutorial is a smaller class where students can interact with the professor or lecturer, and this is where they are encouraged to ask questions. Although students can take only 4 subjects in a semester, they are asked to do much more outside of the classroom than in the American system. For this reason we recommend that U.S. schools and universities consider granting 4 U.S. credits per class as opposed to 3 U.S. credits, however this is entirely up to your discretion.

All of the information contained in this document is based upon recommendations from the Australian Education Office (AEO), a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C., and from Bond University.

Bond University Bond is Australia's only private university and operates slightly different from all other Australian universities. It has three trimesters in the year, each composed of 14 weeks. The semesters begin in September, January and May, similar to the American system. In most other respects, Bond is like the Australian universities in that students take 3-4 subjects per semester. Each subject at Bond is worth 10 points and would be equivalent to 3-4 U.S. credits.


Australian Grading System

La Trobe University

Melbourne, Australia

GRADES La Trobe University has released the following chart to assist US Universities in interpreting the Australian grading scale:

La Trobe Grade A B C D P

U.S. Grade Equivalent A B C+ C D

COURSE LOADS AND CREDITS Maximum semester credit point load at LaTrobe University = 60 credit points

Total credit point load to earn a degree at La Trobe University = 360 credit points (degree awarded in 3 years)

Recommended Credit Conversion:

15 credit points= 3-4 semester credits 20 credit points= 4-5 semester credits


Australian Grading System

The University of Newcastle

Callaghan, NSW, Australia

GRADES The University of Newcastle has released the following chart to assist US Universities in interpreting the Australian grading scale:

Newcastle Grade

High Distinction (HD) Distinction (D) Credit (Cr) Pass (P) Ungraded Pass (UP) Terminating Pass (TP) Fail (FF) Supplementary (S)

Withdraw (W)

U.S. Grade Equivalent A







Must re-sit for the exam to change grade to a pass No credit

COURSE LOADS AND CREDITS Total credit point load to earn a degree = 240 credits Minimum semester credit point load = 30 credit points Maximum semester credit point load = 40 credit points

Recommended credit: 1 subject/course = 10 credit points = 3-4 U.S. semester credits

CONTACT HOURS A 10 credit point subject normally involves 4 contact hours per week.


Australian Grading System

Macquarie University

Sydney, Australia

GRADES Macquarie University has released the following chart to assist US Universities in interpreting the Australian grading scale:

Macquarie University

High Distinction (HD)

Distinction (D)

Credit (Cr)

Pass (P)

Pass Conceded (PC)

Fail (F)

Standardized Numerical values 85-100

75-84 65-74 50-64 45-49

Less than 44

GPA Weighting Recommended US equivalent













COURSE LOADS AND CREDITS ? Macquarie does not award + or ? grades as a final grade ? Macquarie does not award percentage grades. Students requiring percentage grades must ask their lecturers prior to leaving Australia. ? HD ? denotes performance that meets all unit objectives in such an exceptional way and with such marked excellence that it deserves the highest level of recognition. ? D ? denotes performance that clearly deserves a very high level of recognition as an excellent achievement in the unit. ? Cr ? denotes performance that is substantially better than would normally be expected of competent students in the unit. ? P ? denotes performance that satisfies unit objectives. ? PC ? denotes performance that meets the unit objectives only marginally, and which is therefore unlikely to be adequate preparation for studies in this area ? S ? Pass grade (Used for units where grading is on a pass or fail basis only)

Recommended credit: 1 Macquarie subject/unit = 3 MQ credit points = 4 U.S. credits. Minimum full time semester enrollment at Macquarie is 9 MQ credit points (12 U.S. credits).


Chinese Grading System

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China

GRADES Tsinghua University has released the following chart to assist US Universities in interpreting the Chinese grading scale:

Tsinghua University Grade

90-100 (Excellent) 80-89 (Very Good) 70-79 (Good) 60-69 (Pass) 0-59 (Failure)

American Grade (converted)


COURSE LOADS AND CREDITS Students are required to enroll in 5 to 6 courses for a full course load of 15-18 credits.

The number of credits per course type is as follows: Academic courses (1-4 credits each) Mandarin language courses (6-8 credits each) Chinese culture and society courses (2 credits each)

2 credit course 3 credit course 4 credit course

1 credit

Typical Course in Chinese Institution 18 Weeks

36 contact hours 54 contact hours 72 contact hours


18 contact hours



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