Paulding County School District

Name ________________________________ Date ____________________ Class_______________ GDiscussion Questions:What is a front? How do fronts form?A weather front is the boundary where two air masses meet. When two air masses with different temperatures and densities collide, they do not mix. How does density play a part in determining how opposite air masses react? Density determines which air mass will rise and which will sink. Cold air masses are denser and will sink. Warm air masses are less dense and will rise. What is the difference between an occluded front and a stationary front? Occluded fronts from when a warm air mass is trapped between two cold air masses. The warm air mass will rise and the two cold air masses merge. Stationary fronts form when warm and cold air meet. Neither has the force to move the other.How do fronts cause weather changes? 26263166462833COLD AIRCOLD AIRThe collision often causes storms and changeable weather which can include precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, hail), thunderstorms, and temperature changes. Name ________________________________ Date ____________________ Class_______________ GWeather Fronts Directions: Illustrate in the box below what the formation of the labeled front looks like. Label and correctly color the cold air and warm air. Include arrows to show the direction the air is moving. (USE TEXTBOOK PAGES 445-447 TO HELP)In the “symbol” box, fill in the correct front symbol you would find on a weather map.In the “type of weather” box, give a brief description of the weather event associated with that front (ex: rain, snow, cloudy weather, warm weather, etc.) and any storms that are produced.349123097790WARM FRONT PROFILE:Forms when a moist, warm air mass slides up and over a cold air mass.Slow, less dense warm air brings scattered clouds, fog, rain – long term00WARM FRONT PROFILE:Forms when a moist, warm air mass slides up and over a cold air mass.Slow, less dense warm air brings scattered clouds, fog, rain – long term1206597790COLD FRONT PROFILE:Forms when a cold air mass pushes under a warm air mass, forcing the warm air to rise.Cold, dense, quick moving runs into slower warm air, quick storms00COLD FRONT PROFILE:Forms when a cold air mass pushes under a warm air mass, forcing the warm air to rise.Cold, dense, quick moving runs into slower warm air, quick storms34912302882900WARM FRONT symbol: 00WARM FRONT symbol: 120652882900COLD FRONT symbol:00COLD FRONT symbol:44454393565Type of weather:Clouds called thunderheads can form as the moisture rises, cools & condenses. A brief thunderstorm may occur with heavy rain, gusty winds, thunder, lightning, hailfollowed by cool, fair weather00Type of weather:Clouds called thunderheads can form as the moisture rises, cools & condenses. A brief thunderstorm may occur with heavy rain, gusty winds, thunder, lightning, hailfollowed by cool, fair weather34836104409440Type of weather:Warm air rises & condenses into a broad area of clouds.A warm front brings gentle rain or light snowfollowed by warmer, milder weather.00Type of weather:Warm air rises & condenses into a broad area of clouds.A warm front brings gentle rain or light snowfollowed by warmer, milder weather.Name ________________________________ Date ____________________ Class_______________ GWeather Fronts Directions: Illustrate in the box below what the formation of the labeled front looks like. Label and correctly color the cold air and warm air. Include arrows to show the direction the air is moving. (USE TEXTBOOK PAGES 445-447 TO HELP)In the “symbol” box, fill in the correct front symbol you would find on a weather map.In the “type of weather” box, give a brief description of the weather event associated with that front (ex: rain, snow, cloudy weather, warm weather, etc.) and any storms that are produced.33939133296595OCCLUDED FRONT Symbol:00OCCLUDED FRONT Symbol:3393913234418OCCLUDED FRONT PROFILE:Forms when a warm air mass gets trapped between two cold air masses.The warm air rises as the cold air masses push to meet in the middle.00OCCLUDED FRONT PROFILE:Forms when a warm air mass gets trapped between two cold air masses.The warm air rises as the cold air masses push to meet in the middle.-146729266316STATIONARY FRONT PROFILE:Forms when warm & cold air meet & neither has the force to move the other.Rain stalls out and stays for several daysThey stand still.00STATIONARY FRONT PROFILE:Forms when warm & cold air meet & neither has the force to move the other.Rain stalls out and stays for several daysThey stand still.-1425843259832STATIONARY FRONT Symbol:00STATIONARY FRONT Symbol:-1428754902200Type of weather:Clouds and fog formIt might rain or snowClouds & precipitation last several days00Type of weather:Clouds and fog formIt might rain or snowClouds & precipitation last several days33985204902200Type of weather:The temperature drops as the warm air mass is cut off from the ground & pushed upward.Can bring strong winds & heavy precipitation.00Type of weather:The temperature drops as the warm air mass is cut off from the ground & pushed upward.Can bring strong winds & heavy precipitation. ................

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