Civil War Webquests

Civil War Webquest

You will be completing a Webquest or visiting specific Websites to answer the following Question? In a creative and unique way. (Get it… Web-Quest!) So here we go:

The Question?

Describe and analyze an aspect of the Civil War using primary sources.

The Proof of your answer?

You must complete at least one of the “articles” for any of the Story Assignments as described below:


This article should include YOUR opinions along with the facts to answer the following question:

How did the Civil War affect America? Was it good? Bad? (Remember to place your opinion in this article. The more factual detail to back up your opinion, the better the grade. Think about different attitudes toward the war around the country and from different people for higher creativity points.)

Visit the following websites to help:

Letters from Soldiers

North vs. South

The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War

Documenting the American South

First Hand Accounts on Slavery

A Documented History of Slavery called Free At Last

News From the Front

This article will describe the events of one major battle from the Civil War. Be sure to describe the what, who, when and how of the battle. You should think about using maps, charts or other visual elements to add to your article.

This information can be found at the following websites:

Civil War Maps

Battles and Information

People and Places

Write a profile article about a person who contributed to the war. You should include significant facts about the person as well as ways they participated in the Civil War. Therefore, you should be writing a biography on someone in the Civil War. Include pictures and other creative elements to improve the creativity of your article. Use the following links to guide your story:

Abraham Lincoln

Jefferson Davis

Other Civil War Politicians and People

Frederick Douglass

Women of the Civil War

Civil War Generals

Political Page

Write a detailed article about some of the political arguments that arose before and during the war. For example:

The abolitionist movement

Dred Scott decision

The compromises on popular sovereignty

John Brown and involvement in Bloody Kansas and Harpers Ferry

The Know-Nothing Movement

African-Americans in the Military and Fighting 54th

The Emancipation Proclamation

The Election of 1860 and 1864

Describe who was involved, what was the result, why was there a disagreement, when and how was it resolved? Just to answer a few…

Society Pages

This is a chance to write an article about the day-to-day. Just because there was a war going on, doesn’t mean life ended for the regular citizens at home. Research the poetry, stories, letters and pictures of the time and write a creative article about the times and people. This would be the equivalent of the entertainment or sports page of the newspaper and magazines today. Be sure to include pictures, poetry, stories and other historical artifacts to add to the creativity of your article.

Newspaper Articles and other Documents from the Civil War

Soldier Letters

Civil War Cartoons

Images of the Civil War

Views from Two different Towns During the War

Civil War Music

News from Homefront

Science News

Write an article about the technological, health or scientific advances of the period during the Civil War. Be sure to use statistics, charts and pictures to improve the visual appearance of your article. For example:

Medicine and Health

Railroads and Weapons

For questions about how to design or write a newspaper and articles, please talk to me or visit websites by searching Google or Yahoo! And typing in, How to write a Newspaper Article!

These ideas in some parts come from


You will be graded based on the following rubric for each article. There are a total of 5 articles you can write, each one is worth 20 points for a total of 100 points. You are only required to complete 1 of the articles, any additional will count as extra credit.

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Who, What, When, Where & |Article addresses ALL of the 5 W's|Article addresses most of the 5 |Article addresses a few of the |Article addresses few or none of|

|How |(who, what, when, where and how). |W's (who, what, when, where and |5 W's (who, what, when, where |the 5 W's (who, what, when, |

| | |how). |and how). |where, and how). |

|Layout - Headlines & |Article has a headline that |Articles has headline that |Article headline accurately |Article does not have adequate |

|Captions |captures the reader's attention |accurately describes the content. |describes the content. Most |headline OR many graphics do not|

| |and accurately describes the |All graphics have captions. |graphics have captions. |have captions. |

| |content. All graphics have | | | |

| |captions that describe the people | | | |

| |and action in the graphic. | | | |

|Point of View Worthwhile |The information was accurate and |The information was accurate and |The information was |The information was typically |

| |there was a clear understanding |there was a fairly good reason for|occasionally inaccurate or |inaccurate, misleading or |

| |for the opinion presented in the |the opinion presented in the |misleading, but there was a |libelous OR there was no clear |

| |article. |article. |clear reason for the opinion |reason for the opinion presented|

| | | |presented in the article. |in the article. |

|Spelling and Proofreading |No spelling or grammar errors |No more than a couple of spelling |No more than 3 spelling or |Several spelling or grammar |

| |remain after one or more people |or grammar errors remain after one|grammar errors remain after one|errors remain in the final copy |

| |(in addition to the typist) read |or more people (in addition to the|or more people (in addition to |of the newspaper. |

| |and correct the newspaper. |typist) read and correct the |the typist) read and correct | |

| | |newspaper. |the newspaper. | |

|Graphics |There are 3 or more graphics used |There are 3 or more graphics which|Less than 3 graphics are |Graphics are not clearly related|

| |which are in focus, are |are in focus and are clearly |clearly related to the article |to the article OR no graphics |

| |well-cropped and are clearly |related to the article they |they accompany. |were used. |

| |related to the article they |accompany. | | |

| |accompany. | | | |

| | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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