Robert F. McDermott

Post # 309

11844 Bandera Road # 417

Helotes, Texas 78023

Commander: Willis E Gray III 1st Vice-Commander: Mike Gilmour 2nd Vice-Commander: Carlos Vela Adjutant: Jaime Caratini Finance Office: N’De Narvaez Sgt At Arms: Mark Ochoa Jr. Chaplain: David Kottwitz Hub Master: Jaime F. Caratini Jr Historian: Jaime F. Caratini Jr. Executive 1: Karen Stark

Membership Meeting Minutes

17 July 2019

Call to Order: Commander Willis Gray III called meeting to order at 7:00 PM at Casa Helotes Senior Center,

Helotes, TX

Advance Colors: Color Guard posted Colors. (Joe Chavarria and Raul Narvaez Jr.)

Invocation: Stanly Fritz read the invocation.

POW/MIA Empty Chair Ceremony: Sgt-at-Arms Mark Ochoa Jr. placed POW/MIA flag on chair.

Pledge of Allegiance: Members recited pledge of allegiance in unison

Preamble of the Constitution of The American Legion: Members recited Preamble in unison

Roll Call of Post Officers: Quorum established/officers present.

Willis Gray III (Commander)

Jaime F. Caratini (Adjutant) (Excused)

Mike Gilmour (1st vice) (Excused)

Carlos A. Vela (2nd Vice)

N’D Narvaez (Finc. Officer)

Vacant (Service Officer)

Mark Ochoa Jr. (Sgt-at-Arms)

David Kottwitz (Chaplain) (Excused)

Vacant (Judge Advocate)

Karen Stark Executive Member 1

Jaime F Caratini Jr Historian (Excused)

Welcome Remarks: Commander welcomed all members present. Introduced our guest speaker for the installation of officers, John Hafner. Thirteen members and one guest.

Reading of Last Meeting’s Minutes: N’De Narvarez moved to suspend reading of the minutes from the previous meeting and approve them as written. Luis Cardenas 2nd the motion and unanimously approved.

Committees Reports:

Sgt-at-Arms/Welcome Committee: Mark Ochoa welcomed all in attendance and reminded everyone to make sure their cell phones are set to the silent mode or turn them off as to not interfere with the meeting. Members were advised of the $1 donation if phone rings during a meeting, restrictions of hollow ground, saluting the colors if the have to leave the room during a meeting (leave early, bathroom break, etc.) and how to approach and depart the head table.

Membership/Public Relations: Membership totals: Goal 26, New 18, PUFL 5, Renew online 6, Traditional Renew 29, Paid 2019 58, HQ transfers 5, 2019 total 63 and % of goal 242.31% as of 10 June 2019. Commander Gray stated that Post 309 received 3 Awards at the Department convention. The awards were: 100% membership, Retention and Meritorious Service.

Adjutant/Public Relations/Resolutions: Commander Willis read adjutant message apologizing for not being at the meeting because of his family trip to Canada. Adjutant will return to San Antonio on 24 July. The message included a reminder to members to open a my account and sign up for the legion insurance. Also that the $10 discount for 2 year renewal will be expiring at the 18 September meeting. Post Certification and certification eligibility officers forms were mailed to Department on 27 June. Renewal via National webpage offers options for PUFL and autorenewal with a credit card. Furthermore he mentioned that an invitation to members to follow Post 309 new website had bee sent to members. The website offers links to National and Department websites as well as other useful information. Feedback to enhance the website will be greatly appreciated.

Finance Report: IRS form 990 filed electronically. Finance Officer N’De Narvaez read the following finance report:

June 2019 Finance Rport

Beginning Balance: $1704.99


June 4: $415 WAA cash donation & $100 Cash Donation $515.00

June 11: WAA cash donation $459.00

June 25: Mobile deposit (BBVA) change of finance officer $0.01

June 27: Deposit (1 check – membership $41.00; $27.50 – 50/50 $98.00

June 28: Compass for your cause $1.79

Total: $1073.80


June 12: Commander Willis Gray III Boys State (check) $200.00

Junew 12: WAA purchase from cash donations (check card) $870.00

June 14: ALR Legacy Run 9check) $250.00

June 21: OOMA, Inc. – post phone (check card) $17.70

June 24: Kurt Bergstedt – post mailbox (check) $228.00

Total: $1565.70

Ending Balance: As of 30 June 2019 $1213.09


N’De Narvaez moved to approve the finance report. Carlos Vela 2nd the motion and passed unanimously. The 2019-2020 Buget was presented to the membership for review. After reviewing the budget Carlos Vela moved to approve the budget as reviewed. Stan Fritz 2nd the motion and passed unanimously.

Service/VA&R/ROTC: Since we do not have a service officer 20th District service officer James Pospisil has offered to provide assistance.

Hubmaster: The commander reminded members that web page was up and running, our post email is txalpost309@ and that we are on facebook. He mentioned that adjutant and the new webmaster launched the new Post webpage (). An invitation was sent to all members with an email on file. Let the adjutant know if you need help following the website or if you have input to improve the website.

Legion Riders: Riders Director was out of country. Riders treasurer, Judi Oliver, reported that Sean and Judi represented the ALR Post 309 at the 2nd Annual Texas Lonestar Legacy Run. Post 309 donated $250 and ALR Post 309 donated $335 for a total of $585 to the 2019 American Legacy Scholarship Fund. Over $22,000 in donations was received for the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. Wreaths were laid at the Vietnam memorials in Lubbock and Big Springs. Riders continue their recycling fundraiser. Members encouraged to bring their collected cans to the membership meetings. Riders will be planning fundraisers at Fuddruckers and Panda Express and request Post members’ support when the fundraisers are announced. Director, Jaime F. Caratini, rode with the Lone Star Legacy Run riders on the first and last day of the event and also participated in the 2019 ALR State Rally at Elm Mott.

Sons of the American Legion: Qualifying Post members are encouraged to fill their applications and become dual members of the Legion and the SAL. Those interested in joining the SAL contact Carlos Vela, Mike Gilmour or Jaime Caratini so you can turn in your application. The application to start the SAL Squadron 309 will be sent as soon as we have 11 members Membership dues $10 if over 18 years of age and free if under 18 years of age,.

Auxiliary Unit: NTR. Auxiliaries left the meeting at 7:30PM to conduct their business of the night.

Unfinished business:

1. Still waiting for Commander Alford to provide the contact information of the USAA liaison, last name Martinez, and other information needed for the Post dedication.

2. The Post 309 still owes Jaime Caratini the amount of $492 paid for the original titles. Commander Gray will start working on the motorcycles soon, so we can start working on the disposition of the motorcycles.

3. Still waiting for Luby’s Hqs to process paperwork and issue the fundraiser check.

4. N’De Narvaez accepted to be the chairperson for WAA 2019 campaign. She stated we have wreaths for 119 of the 358 needed in our section. This is a good start so we need to keep working on it. There will be a WAA and membership booth at the Helotes 4th of July celebration on 3 July from 4PM until fireworks. All members invited to stop by and join the festivities.

New Business:

1. Membership at Helotes Market day on 3 August to be scheduled.

2. Fuddruckers Fundraiser will be held on 31 July from 4 to 9 PM.

3. Working on other fundraisers: HEB paperwork has bee submitted; trying to organize a food plate sale sometime in August; Walmart fundraiser date TBD.

4. N’De Narvaez is the POC for collection of toiletries for Homeless Female Veterans. Collected items will be taken to the GI Forum Standown in November. Bring your donations to the next membership meeting or contact any Post 309 officer to arrange items picked up at your house. Any questions please call N’De Narvaez (210)488-7908. Herewith a list of items needed:

a. Tampons

b. Sanitary pads

c. Bras (new/gentlyused … all sizes)

d. Underwear (new/gentlyused … all sizes)

e. Socks (new only … all types)

f. Wet wipes/face wipes

g. Deodorant

h. Chapstick

i. Vagisil

j. Lotion (travel & full size … never opened)

k. Shampoo (travel & full size … never opened)

l. Conditioner (travel & full size … never opened)

m. Body Wash (travel & full size … never opened)

n. Hand Sanitizer

o. Toothbrushes

p. Toothpaste

Nice to have:

q. ID Holders (to wear around the neck)

r. Mini Sewing Kits

s. Mini First Aid Kits

t. Hair Brushes

u. Hairbands

v. Nail Kits

w. Disposable razors

x. Sunscreen

5. Buddy check:Post members are encouraged to contact other post members, fellow veterans, etc

Announcement and Upcoming Events:

a. 31 July - Fuddruckers fundraiser 4-9PM

b. 14 August – 20th District Meeting

c. 23-29 Aug – National Convention Indianapolis, IN

d. Next Post 309 Executive meeting – 7 August at Casa Helotes - 7PM

e. Next ALR Post 309 Member Meeting – 7 August at Casa Helotes - 8PM

f. Next Post 309 Membership meeting – 21 August at Casa Helotes – 7PM

For the good of The American Legion:

Benediction: Stanley Fritz read the benediction.

Retire POW/MIA Flag: Sgt-at-Arms retrieved POW/MIA flag from the empty chair.

Retire Colors: Color Guard retired the Colors. Thank you Joe Chavarria and Raul Narvaez Jr.

Meeting Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM



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