1) What are the two parts of most drill commands

1) What are the two parts of most drill commands?

The preparatory command and the command of execution.

2) What is the length of a marching step and a half step?

Marching step- 30in (24in USAF)

Half Step- 15in (12in USAF)

3) What is the length of a right or left step march?

15in (12in- USAF)

4) What is the publication the covers drill and ceremony?

USA- FM 3-21.5

USN & USMC- MCO P5060.20

USAF- AFM 36-2203

5) What is the mission of JROTC?

To motivate young people to be better citizens

6) What is the key to success in JROTC?

The key to success in Jrotc is teamwork.

7) How should the JROTC uniform be worn?

The Jrotc uniform should be worn with pride and dignity.

8) How do you show respect for the National Anthem when outdoors in uniform?

Stand at the position of attention and salute the U.S. flag.

9) You fall-in and start drill at what position?

The position of attention.

10) How often must the uniform be worn by cadets?

At least once a week.

11) What color socks are worn with the class A or B uniform?


12) The black necktie/neck tab is optional when wearing what type of uniform?

Class B with short sleeves.

13) What color t-shirt is worn with the class A or B uniform?


14) What insignia do cadet officers wear on their garrison cap?

Their rank.

15) What insignia do enlisted cadets wear on their garrison cap?

The ROTC insignia.

16) What regulation covers the wear of the uniform?

AR 670-1 and CCR 145-2

17) When opening ranks, how many steps does each rank take?

1st squad- 2 steps forward

2nd squad- 1 step forward

3rd squad- stands fast / still

4th squad- 2 half steps backwards

18) When closing ranks, how many steps should each rank take?

1st squad- 4 half steps back

2nd squad 2 half steps back

3rd squad- stands fast / still

4th squad- 1 step / 2 half steps forward

19) Who is the commander-in-chief of all armed forces?

The President of the United States.

20) What is the name given to the first 10 amendments the to the U.S. constitution?

The Bill of Rights.

21) What are the two categories of rank for cadet?

Enlisted and Officer.

22) What type of uniform is normally worn during ceremonies, social functions, and formal inspections?

Class A.

23) What is the cadence of quick time march?

120 steps per minute.

24) What is the cadence of double time march?

180 steps per minute.

25) Rifle serial number

26) Know the chain of command

27) The command “As you were” can be given when?

The command “As you were” may only be given after the preparatory command but before the command of execution.


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