March 2, 2015

Cultural Heritage Tourism Project in Egypt (APS)

USAID Agreement No. 263-A-15-00007

Awarded to


Address: 909 N. Washington Street, Suite 320, Alexandria, VA 22 314, Tel: (703) 721 3479

By the

USAID Program Office of Productive Sector Development / Office of the Environment /

USAID / Egypt

July 2015

In collaboration with the United States Agency for International development and the Egyptian Ministry of

State for Antiquities.



Agreement No. AID-263-A-15-00007


Submitted to USAID/Egypt on

July 14, 2015


Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE)

Cultural Heritage Tourism Project

July 14, 2015


INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3

DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................... 3

RESULTS FRAMEWORK ...................................................................................................................... 6

PROPOSED INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................... 7

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT TASKS .............................................................................................. 9

Appendix 1: Logical Framework ..................................................................................................... 13

Appendix 2: Performance Indicator Reference Sheets .................................................................. 14

Appendix 3: Performance Management Tracking Table................................................................. 19

Appendix 4: Data Management System (DMS) ............................................................................... 20


Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE)

Cultural Heritage Tourism Project

July 14, 2015



American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE)


This Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan is a requirement under Section A.5, ¡°Reporting and

Evaluation¡± of Cooperative Agreement No. AID-263-A-15-0007, signed on March 2, 2015,

between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the American

Research Center in Egypt (ARCE.)

The Cultural Heritage Tourism in Egypt project is a working partnership between USAID, ARCE

and the Ministry of Antiquities (MoA), the Egyptian Government cooperating agency which

controls and manages all of the antiquities sites on which ARCE will work, i.e., TT110, Dra Abu

Naga, Qurnet Mara¡¯i (Qurna) and Khonsu Temple (Luxor), and the Red Monastery (Sohag).

The objective of the Cultural Heritage Tourism project is to integrate capacity building into

conservation and archaeological fieldwork, while providing employment to Egyptians in

economically deprived areas of Upper Egypt, and to integrate cultural awareness and education

into Egyptian heritage management. In order to preserve the investment that USAID and ARCE

have already made over the last two decades of partnership, ARCE will continue to develop a

cadre of conservation and archaeology professionals, expand employment opportunities for

skilled workers through on-the-job training and mentoring; provide medium to long-term

employment opportunities for unskilled workers; and, further advance conservation training at

several sites throughout Egypt.


LUXOR ¨C Building on previous APS and EAC work

ARCE¡¯s Luxor projects are located in three sites: the Tomb of Djehuty (TT110) Conservation and

Draa Abu Naga and Qurnet Mara¡¯i Site Improvement Projects on the West Bank and Khonsu

Temple Conservation on the East Bank.

With almost three-quarters of the employed in Luxor engaged in the service industry, the

devastating impact on employment in Luxor in the immediate aftermath of the January 25

Revolution and the subsequent Morsi removal can be extrapolated from figures released by the

Egyptian Tourism Federation that shows in January 2014 the Luxor area hotel occupancy rate was

between 12% and 14% compared to the pre-revolutionary period four years ago in January 2010

at 60% to 65%. This overwhelming downturn in tourism and its direct impact on service sector

employment, combined with a preexisting overall unemployment rate of 21.5% in the urban


Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE)

Cultural Heritage Tourism Project

July 14, 2015

areas of Luxor governorate1 has led the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) to initiate a

plan within the conservation/cultural heritage sector to create over 400 jobs2 that target youth

and others who have been affected by recent and ongoing political events, develops skilled labor

with marketable skills, and builds on more than a decade of prior experience operating hands-on

training of Ministry of Antiquities (MoA) employees in conservation practices and techniques.

Program 1: Theban Tomb 110 (TT110) ¨C Tomb of Djehuty Conservation

TT110 is an 18th Dynasty tomb located in Qurna. The tomb owner, Djehuty, was a royal butler to

two famous rulers; Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III. Both rulers are represented in the tomb. The

structure is badly decayed and suffered from an intense fire sometime in its history. The tomb

was chosen jointly by the MoA and ARCE and represents many difficult conservation challenges.

This is a perfect construct for training MoA conservators who will face similar challenges in the

future. ARCE will expand on previous conservation work in the tomb and introduce new

advanced conservation training to the MoA students in applications such as AutoCAD use in

documentation. Upon completion, ARCE will install lighting, flooring and handrails suitable for


ARCE will continue the archaeological clearing and excavation work in the tomb¡¯s forecourt

utilizing the job creation program. Besides providing work for local individuals, it is hoped that

this will add new information on the tomb and the surrounding area in general.

Program 2: Dra Abu ¡®l-Naga and Qurnet Marai Site Improvements

Dra Abu Naga and Qurnet Mara¡¯i Site Improvement Projects are in the same general area with

the recent successfully completed Qurna Site Improvement Project. Qurna lies in between the

two sites. The two sites encompass approximately 1.5 square kilometer on the West Bank of

Luxor and contain hundreds of tombs of ancient nobleman (some of royal construction) dating

from the Middle Kingdom, the 18-20th, 22nd, and 26th dynasties and the Ptolemaic Period. It has

also been home to modern Egyptians for over a century. Concerns that the effects of human

habitation so close to the tombs would cause irreparable damage led the government to build a

new village nearby in 2006. Villagers were evacuated and relocated. Homes were demolished

using heavy equipment leaving large quantities of rubble. The Ministry of Antiquities (MoA)

currently plans to initiate tourism to the tombs in this area by conserving and opening more of

the tombs in clusters of two or three. The MoA and ARCE will review and choose the tombs to be

conserved utilizing the criteria of the tombs being close together (clustered), current conditions

of the tombs and safe and easy access.

The project will clean the rubble, improve the site and open tombs in collaboration with the MoA

has two overarching goals: 1) to generate employment for skilled and non-skilled local village


Egypt Human Development Report 2010, p. 268.


Dra Abu Naga and Qurnet Mari Site Improvement Projects and the TT110 Project



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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