USAJOBS Online Entry Guide - Military Resume Writers


Online Entry Guide created for your success by

(478) 742-2442

If you haven't entered a government resume online before, the process can be very confusing. Although there may be some similarities, each system is different with its own unique requirements. Online instructions can be confusing or even misleading, so this guide was created to help you through the process.


The following items are common to all online entry systems:


Use your cursor to choose options or highlight text to copy and paste.


Move your cursor to click directly on a button. RADIO BUTTON:

Click within a circle to fill it in and indicate your selection. DROP DOWN MENU:


Click on the small triangle to open a list, then click on an entry to choose it.

Click inside a text box or entry field to type or paste information. COPY AND PASTE:

Click and drag your cursor across text to highlight it. Right click on the highlighted text area and choose Copy from the popup menu, then right click into the online field where you want the text to appear and choose Paste.

REQUIRED INFORMATION: Usually indicated by an asterisk ( ) or red text. This information must be entered or the system will not allow you to proceed to the next page. If you try to move forward but keep seeing the same page, search the page for possible error messages telling you what information you need to correct.


Now, let's take a look at the resume your CareerPro Global (CPG) writer has sent to you. Your resume is designed to look presentable for print and still match the numerous online entry fields required in USAJOBS. You may see yellow highlights asking for mandatory information or green highlights asking for optional information (note that even "optional" information is highly valuable and can be used to set you above the competition). Here is a sample of how your resume might look:


Address, City, ST, Zip Code United States Email: customer@ Home Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX Work Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX DSN: XXX-XXX-XXXX


Employer Name

MM/YYYY to Present

Employer City/Town, State or Province, United States Job Title Supervisor: Name if OK to contact

$XX,000 per year Average hours per week: 40 Phone: ENTER HERE if OK to contact

Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills: Brief description of company, duties and responsibilities.

HEADLINE: Evaluate . . .

HEADLINE: Develop . . .

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Accomplishment 1 -Accomplishment 2 -Accomplishment 3


School Name School City/Town, State/Province United States Degree/Level Attained Completion Date: XX/XXXX

Major: Minor: GPA: XX Semester [Quarter] Credits Earned Honors

Relevant Coursework, Licensures and Certifications:

COURSES: Course, X Sem/Qtr Hrs; Course, X Sem/Qtr Hrs. LICENSE: This is only for licenses or certifications earned from this particular school. Other licenses go under Job Related Training or in Additional Information.

OTHER: Job Related Training: List here; list here; list here.

Organizations/Affiliations: Organization Name Organization Name

Member Past President

Professional Publications: NOTE there are different reference formats and rules for different publication types. Enter here. Enter here.

Additional Information: Held Top Secret clearance until...

PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: Over 20 years of experience as a . . .

PROFESSIONAL HIGHLIGHTS: *Highlight... *Highlight...

AWARDS: Military Medal Award Title, MM/YYYY REFERENCES:

Name Employer Title Phone Email

NOTE: All of the above fields may not be used in your resume. Very few people, for example, have Professional Publications. Still others do not belong to any Affiliations. However, all relevant information you have provided should be found somewhere in your resume, and the fields we use in creating your resume match what you will see online. This makes it easy for you to follow when you are entering all your information online, yet the format will look professional if you print it to bring with you to an interview, email it, or upload it as a document.

GRIDLINES: These are the gray lines surrounding the text in each table field of your resume. They are designed to look professional when printed (this is perfectly acceptable) and help identify the information easily, whether you are entering this online or a hiring manager is reviewing a printed copy.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Personal information in your resume is found in the top block:


Address, City, ST, Zip Code United States Email: customer@ Home Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX Work Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX DSN: XXX-XXX-XXXX

You will not have to enter this information into the resume builder, because you entered this when you created your online profile. That is one reason why it is in a different style text box. The other reason is to provide a more professional appearance when printed.


Unfortunately, USAJOBS offers some incorrect advice on its website. This makes the submission process even more difficult. Ignore advice on USAJOBS to save a Word file as a text resume! This will only complicate the process and it doesn't solve any problems. Follow the advice in this builder as CPG has conducted extensive testing of the online system to provide you the best advice. If you have any problems during the online entry process, please call your writer. We are here to help you! If you really get stuck, we can enter this online for you, but there is a fee that must be paid in advance. It's best if you can do it yourself.

Your resume has been specifically written to meet some very unique requirements mandated by USAJOBS. Every field has a different limitation in the number and type of characters allowed (spaces are counted as characters as well). In the phone fields, for example, spaces are not allowed and note the following:

- Phone Numbers must be a phone number containing only numbers and any of the following characters (.),(+),(\),(/), and left and right parentheses

I recommend using "/"for a phone extension with no spaces. You can never use the characters or & either. If you have any changes to request, please contact your writer before attempting to submit. This will save you a lot of frustration. Phone numbers are limited to 30 characters total.

IMPORTANT: Do not use the Upload New Resume option for your resume on USAJOBS. This feature does not work correctly and you will not be considered properly for your submission. If USAJOBS transfers you to another website (such as Application Manager) then you may upload your resume there if requested to do so. For USAJOBS, itself, however, you must take the time build your resume online.


HELPFUL TIP (Windows 95, XP, Vista): The easiest way to copy the information from your resume into the USAJOBS online entry builder is to open your resume in one window and the USAJOBS online builder in another window. Click on the document button for your resume on the Taskbar at the bottom of your screen, then hold down the CTRL key while you right click once on the button for USAJOBS on the Taskbar. You will see both buttons appear depressed and a popup window will appear. Click on the Show Windows Side by Side option. To undo this later, simply right click once on one of the buttons and click on the Maximize option.

WINDOWS 7: If you have Windows 7, this is even easier using the "Snap-to" feature. Simply log into USAJOBS and click on the Build New Resume button on the left side of the Web page (if you don't see this button, click on the blue word Resumes and it will appear below this). When the online builder page appears, simply hold down the Windows Key and press the right arrow key once and the window will automatically fill only the right half of the screen. Now open your resume in Word, hold the Windows Key and press the left

arrow key. Now your resume is on the left and USAJOBS is on the right.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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