Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration …

WB Loans Hunan Integrated Economic Development of Small Towns Project

Yueshan Waste Water Treatment Plan

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Consigned by: WB Loan Project Management Office of Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission

Compiled by: Changsha Environmental Protection Career Technical College

December, 2011

Table of Contents

1 General 5

1.1 General Background of the Project 5

1.1.1 Origin of the Project 5

1.1.2 Significance of the Project Construction 6

1.1.3 Target of the Project 7

1.1.4 Contribution of the WB 7

1.1.5 Organizational Structure of the Project 8

1.2 Overview of EIA Report 9

1.2.1 Purpose of Assessment 9

1.2.2 Type of EIA 9

1.2.3 Preparation of the Environomental Impact Report 10

1.2.4 Keys of Assessment 10

1.3 Grading, Scope and Periods of the Assessment and Target of Environmental Protection (Sensitive Points) 11

1.3.1 Grading and Scope of the Assessment 11

1.3.2 Periods of the Environmental Assessment 13

1.3.3 Target of Environmental Protection (Sensitive Points) 13

1.4 Environmental impact Factors and Assessment Factors 15

1.4.1 Identification of Environmental impact Factors 15

1.4.2 Environmental Impact and Selection of Assessment Factors 17

2 Policies, Laws and Regulations and Administration Framework 21

2.1 Environmental Policies, Laws and Regulations 21

2.1.1 Overview 21

2.1.2 Laws and Regulations on Environmental Protection 21

2.1.3 Regulations and Requirements and Local Laws in Relation with Environmental protection 22

2.1.4 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment and the Provisions 23

2.1.5 Environment Quality Standards 23

2.1.6 Pollutant Discharge or Emission Standards 24

2.1.7 Safeguard Policies of WB 24

2.1.8 Documents Related to the Project 25

2.2 Environment Administration Organizations and Functions 25

3 Description and Analysis of the Project 28

3.1 Project Name and Composition 28

3.2 Construction Proposal of the Project 29

3.2.1 Construction Content and Scale 29

3.2.2 Main Equipment of the Project 31

3.2.3 Technological Introduction 33

3.2.4 General Layout of Plant Site 38

3.2.5 Service Scope and Wastewater Discharge Forecast 40

3.2.6 Designed Inflow and Outflow Water Quality 47

3.3 Pipe Network and Pumping Stations 48

3.4 Analysis of the Pollution Sources of the Project 49

3.5 Associated Works with the Project 50

3.6 Project Investment Estimate 50

3.7 Schedule of the Project Implementation Progress 52

3.7.1 Construction Period 52

3.7.2 Scheduling 53

4 Profile of the Project Location Environment 55

4.1 Natural Environment Profile 55

4.1.1 Geographic Location and Traffic 55

4.1.2 Geological Features 55

4.1.3 Weather and Climate 55

4.1.4 Hydrology 55

4.1.5 Ecological Environment 56

4.2 Social Environment Profile 57

4.2.1 Administrative Division 57

4.2.2 Economic Status 57

4.2.3 Infrastructure 58

4.3 Status Quo of Quality of the Project Area Environment 58

4.3.1 Atmospheric Environment 58

4.3.2 Environment of Surface Water 60

4.3.3 Acoustic Environment 62

4.4 Basic Information for Major Concern on Safeguard Policies of the WB 63

5 Environmental Impact Assessment 64

5.1 Analysis on Impact of the Project to Human Health 64

5.1.1 Environmental Benefits Brought by Implementation of the Project 64

5.1.2 Analysis on Impact to Human Health 65

5.2 Analysis on Impact to Environment in Construction Period 65

5.2.1 Analysis on Dust Pollution Source and Environmental Impact 65

5.2.2 Analysis on Impact of Construction Wastewater 66

5.2.3 Analysis on Impact of Noise 68

5.2.4 Analysis on Impact of Solid Waste 69

5.2.5 Impact Analysis of Water Loss and Soil Erosion 70

5.2.6 Ecological Impact Analysis 71

5.2.7 Impact on the Traffic 72

5.2.8 Health and Safety Impact 73

5.3 Analysis on Impact on the Environment during the Operation Period 73

5.3.1 Impact of the Project on Water Conditions 73

5.3.2 Solid Waste 82

5.3.3 Impact on Air Quality 89

5.3.4 Impact on the Acoustic Environment 90

6 Countermeasures 92

6.1 Countermeasures during the Construction Period 92

6.1.1 Waste Gas 92

6.1.2 Noise 93

6.1.3 Wastewater 94

6.1.4 Solid Waste 95

6.1.5 Ecological Environment 95

6.1.6 Social Environment 96

6.2 Countermeasures during the Operating Period 97

6.2.1 Waste Gas 97

6.2.2 Wastewater 98

6.2.3 Noise 99

6.2.4 Solid Waste 99

6.2.5 Ecological Environment 101

7 Environmental Risk Analysis and Mitigation Measures 103

7.1 Environmental Risk Identification 103

7.2 Impact Analysis on Potential Environmental Risk Accidents of the WWTP 103

7.2.1 Sudden Accidents 103

7.2.2 Equipment Failure 103

7.2.3 Inflow Water Quality Impact 104

7.2.4 Risk Accidents during Normal Operation 104

7.3 Risk Mitigation Measures 105

7.3.1 Equipment Security Measures 105

7.3.2 Protection of Abnormal Wastewater Discharge 106

7.3.3 Emergency Measures for Sudden Waste Water Discharge Risk Accident 108

7.3.4 Staff Personal Security Measures 108

7.3.5 Protective Measures for the Impact of Sludge Discharge on Environment 109

7.3.6 Preventive Measures for the Impact of Flood to the WWTP 110

7.4 Emergency Authorities and Assignment of Responsibilities of the WWTP 110

8 Comparison and Selection of Alternative Proposals 112

8.1 Comparison and analysis of Zero Proposal 112

8.2 Comparison and analysis of Pipe Network Proposals 113

8.2.1 Principles for Determining the Pipe Network Proposal 113

8.2.2 Wastewater Pipe Network Proposal of the Project 114

8.3 Comparison and analysis of the WWTP Site 114

8.3.1 Principles for Site Selection 114

8.3.2 Proposal for Site Selection 115

8.3.3 Comparison and Determination of the Site Selection Proposals 115

8.4 Comparison and analysis of Wastewater Treatment Process Proposals 119

8.4.1 Selection Criterion of Wastewater Treatment Process 119

8.4.2 Wastewater Treatment Process Proposal 119

8.4.3 Comparison and Determination of Process Proposals 127

8.5 Comparison and Analysis of Disinfection Proposals 129

8.5.1 Brief Introduction to Disinfection Methods 130

8.5.2 Comparison and Determination of Disinfection Methods 131

8.6 Selection and Comparison of Sludge Treatment Proposals 132

8.6.1 Comparison and Determination of Wastewater Treatment Processes 132

8.6.2 Comparison and Determination of Sludge Treatment Processes 134

9 Analysis of Gains and Losses of Environment and Economy 137

9.1 Environmental Benefit 137

9.1.1 Pollutant Load Cut 137

9.1.2 Improved Water Quality 137

9.1.3 Improvement Benefit of Environmental Management Capability 137

9.1.4 Provision of Good Environmental Conditions for Regional Social and Economic Development 137

9.2 Social Benefits 138

9.2.1 Improvement of Healthy Level of Domestic Citizens and Living Quality in the River Basin 138

9.2.2 Addition of Employment Chances 138

9.2.3 Improvement of Residents' Environmental Awareness 138

9.2.4 Provision of Base Data for Abatement of District Pollution 139

9.3 Economic Benefits 139

9.3.1 Economic Benefits from Pollution Control 139

9.3.2 Benefits from Revenue Increase 139

9.4 Conclusions 140

10 Public Participation 141

10.1 Implementation Arrangement 141

10.2 Survey Results and Discussions of Public Participation 142

10.3 Information Disclosure 146

11 Migration and Social Impacts 150

11.1 General Situations 150

11.2 Project Impacts 150

11.3 Law and Policy Framework 154

11.3.1 Major Law and Policy Criteria 154

11.3.2 Main principles 156

11.4 Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition 157

11.5 Land Recovery Proposal 158

11.5.1 Compensation and Arrangement for Permanent Land Acquisition 158

11.5.2 Recovery of Livelihood of the Farmers Affected By Land Acquisition 159

11.5.3 Resettlement and Recovery of Affected Vulnerable Groups 159

11.6 Vulnerable Groups 160

11.7 Institutional Arrangement 160

11.8 Complaint Settlement Mechanism 161

11.9 Monitoring and Evaluation 162

11.9.1 Internal Monitoring 162

11.9.2 External Monitoring 163

11.10 Financing and Implementation Plans 165

12 Environment Management Plan 168

12.1 Environment Management System 168

12.1.2 Environmental Protection Organization during the Construction Period 172

12.1.3 Environment Management Organization during the Operation Period 176

12.2 Implementation of Environment Management Plan 177

12.2.1 Detailed Tasks of Implementation of Environment Management Plan 177

12.2.2 Contract Requirements for Environment Management 180

12.2.3 Information Communication and Solution of Unconformities 181

12.2.4 Training—Necessary Capability Construction and Method Construction 182

12.3 Environment Monitoring Plan 186

12.3.1 Monitoring Objective 186

12.3.2 Environment Monitoring Institution 186

12.3.3 Detailed Environment Monitoring Requirements 190

12.4 Environment Management Expenses Estimate and Source of Funds 190

12.4.1 Budget Allocation 190

12.4.2 Source of Funds and EMP Budget 190

12.5 Information Management of Environment Management Plan 191

12.5.1 Information Communication 191

12.5.2 Record Mechanism 192

12.5.3 Report Mechanism 192

13 Conclusions of Environmental Assessment 194

List of Appendixes

Appendix 1 Environmental Standards for the Project

Appendix 2 Odor Prediction Model and Results

Appendix 3 Materials Related to Public Participation

Appendix 4 Planning and Detailed Budget of Project Environmental Monitoring

Appendix 5 Project Associated Works (Environmental Monitoring Plan of Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant, Xiangxaing City)

Appendix 6 Summary of Project Environmental Management Plan

List of Figures

Figure 1 Geographic Location of Hunan Province in China

Figure 2 Geographic Location of the Project

Figure 3 Geographic Location of the WWTP

Figure 4 Layout Plan of the Project Area

Figure 5 Pipe Network of the WWTP

Figure 6 Transportation Route Diagram of the Project



CEA Consolidated Environmental Assessment


CSE Construction Supervision Engineer


CSEE Construction Supervision Environmental Engineer


CSEMP Construction Site Environmental Management Plan


DI Design Institute


EA Environmental Assessment


EIA Environmental Impact Assessment


EMC Environmental Manager Coordinator


EMP Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan


EMS Environmental Monitoring Station


EPB Environmental Protection Bureau


IA Implementation Agency


PO Project Owner


PMO Project Management Office


PRC The People’s Republic of China


SE Supervision Engineer


WB World Bank


WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant


HNPMO Hunan Project Management Office


CSEPCTC Changsha Environmental Protection Career Technical College




MU Area Unit (1MU=0.0667ha)

面积单位,1 亩=0.0667ha

RMB Chinese Yuan (Renminbi)


USD United States Dollar


Conversion rate 1 USD=6.3RMB

汇率,1 美元=6.3人民币元



ABR Anaetobic Bafflted Reactor


A²/O Anaerobic-anoxic-oxic biologic phosphorus & nitrogen


BOD5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 days)


CASS Cyclic Activated Sludge System


COD Chemical Oxygen Demand


NH3-N Ammonia Nitrogen


SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor Processing


SS Suspended Solids


TN Total Nitrogen


TP Total Phosphorus


TSP Total Suspended Particulates


UASB Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed


1 General

1.1 General Background of the Project

1.1.1 Origin of the Project

As the social and economic development of Yueshan Town, its urbanization development is further quickened and the township construction takes on a new look. However, there are still some problems required to be solved immediately, including the underdevelopment of township economy, the small size of economic aggregate, the lagging of township basis and public facilities, the sluggish flow rate of people and goods, the week effect of attraction, the rather serious environmental pollution, the shortage of construction funds and so on. The waste water from production and domestic uses, in particular, are discharged randomly without previous treatment and directly into surrounding channels through no discharge pipe, the results of which are rather serious pollution to waters and the surrounding areas and a huge impact on the life of the surrounding urban residents and further the gradual degrading of urban residential environment quality. Therefore, to further promote the healthy sustainable development of social economy of Yueshan Town, to improve township residential environment quality and to change the insufficient status of funds for basic facilities, Yueshan Town decides, according to the purpose of World Bank (“WB”) Loans “to improve the environment and to keep sustainable development”, to use the WB loans to quicken the construction of Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project and to practically promote the fast development of social economy of Yueshan Town, on the base of reality and upon the site survey carried out by the development and reform departments of the province, the city and the town and by experts.

In December2010, Yueshan Town initially finished a discrimination report of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project Utilizing WB Loans. In January2011, to further quicken the development of the Project, the People’s Government of Yueshan Town consigned Hunan International Engineering Consulting Center to compile “The Feasibilities Study Report of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project Utilizing WB Loans”. In February2011, an expert team came and made a site survey and, according to the reality of the Yueshan Town, discussed with the People’s Government of Yueshan Town, studied and settled down a construction proposal and the content thereof which is to utilize the WB loans on launching contraction projects including the construction of a WWTP (WWTP) and the supporting engineering thereof, the industry development study of a small town, the administration study of a small town, the personnel training and so on. Currently, the preparatory work successfully proceeded.

Geographic location of Hunan Province in China is shown in Figure 1, of the Project in Figure2, and of the WWTP of the Project in Figure 3.

1.1.2 Significance of the Project Construction

The construction and implementation of the Project are full of below meanings:

(1) The construction of the Project can improve local environment, which is of benefit to the construction of a livable town.

The construction of the Project will improve the residential environment of Yueshan Town and complete the basic facilities. The construction of a WWTP and the supporting engineering thereof will effectively prevent pollutions; greatly improve people’s living conditions; protect surrounding water sources; beautify the surrounding environment; construct a more comfortable and beautiful living environment; improve and raise residential environment; quicken the construction of a livable town; and lay a better environmental foundation for quickening urban development.

(2) The construction of the Project is of benefit to improving the livelihood of the people and optimizing the soft environment necessary for development.

The implementation of the Project is aimed at optimizing regional soft environment necessary for development and putting forth effort to raise the livelihood of the people. On the base of the reality of Yueshan Town, via the construction of the WWTP and the supporting engineering thereof, Yueshan Town will exert its effort to increase the taste of the town, to optimize the soft environment, to accelerate the continuous strengthening of town functions and to improve the quality of people’s life so as to further generate a powerful cohesion and strong driving force, effect and attraction to accelerate related industry cluster; to boost investment invitation and capital introduction; to promote regional industrialization, urbanization and agricultural industrialization; to quicken the steps of pushing regional economic development and building a better-off society in an all-around way; to drive economy and all social undertakings to develop in an all-around, healthy and harmonious way; and to strive for the construction of a modern livable town of a new type.

1.1.3 Target of the Project

General Target:

The construction of the Project aims at raising the level of urban basic facilities of Yuehsan Town, strengthening public service function, improving investment environment, boosting swift economic growth of Yueshan Town and ensuring people living and working in peace and contentment, so as to lay a sound foundation for the all-around, harmonious, sustainable and steady development of social economic environment of Yueshan Town.

Detailed Target:

(1) To reinforce the pollution prevention and environmental protection of Xinqiaohe River, to implement a complex pollution prevention and reduction measure through controlling the pollution from the source, to control the pollution load on the river and to increase the number of people participating wastewater treatment so as to improve environmental monitoring, monitoring frequency and the quality; and

(2) To raise the level of urban basic facilities of Yuehsan Town and to enhance the living standard and the taste of the urban inhabitants, which are favorable to achieving investment invitation and capital introduction.

1.1.4 Contribution of the WB

The WB actively contributes to the improvement of city environmental basic facilities and the urbanization level. The Project is to utilize the loans and technical support of the WB of about USD 5,000,000 to build a WWTP in Yueshan Town, Xiangtan City, Hunan Province. It will increase a wastewater treatment capacity of 3,000m3/d, and reform and complete the urban wastewater collection network at the meantime. Via the implementation of the Project, the basic facilities and environmental conditions of the Project site can be effectively improved so as to make new contributions to the realization of the outline target of the “20th five-year plan”.

1.1.5 Organizational Structure of the Project

Please refer to bellow for the Organizational Structure of the Project.


Figure 1-1 Sketch Map of the Organizational Structure of the Project

1.2 Overview of EIA Report

1.2.1 Purpose of Assessment

The purpose of the Environmental Impact Assessment (“the EIA”) is to assess the positive environment influence brought by the implementation of the Project, to identify, sieve, predict and analyze the possible negative environmental impacts, to advance effective mitigation measures and environmental management plans for the major negative environmental impacts which are unavoidable, to provide a base for the independent assessment by the WB to the Project and to provide decision and management guidance for the governmental integrated management and the environmental management departments, according to the provisions of Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the PRC, Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection and Notification on Strengthening the Administration of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects Funded by the Loan from International Finance Corporations, the requirements of Safeguard Policies of the WB and the environmental impact assessment procedures of China and the WB.

1.2.2 Type of EIA

According to the provisions of Notification on Strengthening the Administration of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects Funded by the Loan from International Finance Corporations (Huanjian [1933] No. 324 Document) issued by bureaus including the State Environmental Protection Administration and the provisions of OP4. 01 Environmental Assessment of Safeguard Policies of the WB and as per the identification and sieving result of the environmental assessment factors of the Project, the environmental assessment type of the Project is determined as Type B, that is “a construction project, of which the scale and degree of negative impact possibly caused to the environment is limited and can be effectively mitigated via the adoption of advanced techniques and mature preventive measures, and generally, which is required of an environmental impact assessment specially made according to the major engineering and environmental factors rather than made according to all aspects” (Huanjian [1933] No. 324 Document) .

Therefore, the EIA of the Project is compiled according to the content and scope of Type B.

1.2.3 Preparation of the Environmental Impact Report

The People’s Government of Yueshan Town consigns Changsha Environmental Protection Career Technical College to complete the environmental impact assess of the Project, according to Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the PRC, Regulations for the Environment Management of Construction Projects issued by the State Council and the related provisions of Notification on Strengthening the Administration of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects Funded by the Loan from International Finance Corporations (Huanjian [1933] No. 324 Document) jointly issued by State Environmental Protection Administration, State Development Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance and People’s Bank of China.

After accepting the consignment, under the great support from the owner, the institute has compiled and completed Environmental Impact Assessment of Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subprojeoct, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB Loans (the EIA), according to relation national laws and regulations, guideline of environmental assessment and relation requirements of World Bank Operation Manual- Environmental assessment, on the base of field investigation, site survey and investigation of public participation, inspection of environmental quality status and information collection.

1.2.4 Keys of Assessment

According to the national Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment and the requirements of Safeguard Policies of the WB, the EIA of the Project give a special report on below questions:

(1) The engineering features of the major environmental problems possibly to be caused by the Project

(2) The feasibility of site selection and major environmental protection targets of the Project (the sensitive points);

(3) The positive environmental benefits and negative environmental impacts possibly to be brought by the Project;

(4) The countermeasures adopted to mitigate the negative impacts possibly to be brought by the Project;

(5) The analysis of alternative proposals; and

(6) The environment management plan (EMP)

1.3 Grading, Scope and Periods of the Assessment and Target of Environmental Protection (Sensitive points)

1.3.1 Grading and Scope of the Assessment

(1) Atmospheric Environmental

According to the policies of assessment grading determination of HJ2.2-2008 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Atmospheric Environment, the Institute determines that the atmospheric environmental impact of the Project is Grade III, which means it’s possible not to carry out atmospheric environmental impact prediction but directly take the calculation result of an estimation mode as the base of prediction and analysis.

With the consideration of the reality of the Project, the assessment scope of the WWTP of the Project is determined to be a circle taking the discharge source as the center with a radius of2. 5km and the atmospheric environmental assessment scope of the supporting pipeline construction to be an area taking the pipeline as the centerline and extended200m outward from both sides.

(2) Water Environment

According to the policies of assessment grading determination of HJ2.2-2008 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Water Environment, the Institute determines that the water environmental impact of the Project is Grade III.

With the consideration of the reality of the Project, the assessment scope of the water environment of the Project is determined to be the area extended from the wastewater outlet to Xinqiaohe River.

(3) Acoustic Environment

According to the policies of assessment grading determination of HJ2.2-2009 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Acoustic Environment, the Institute determines that the acoustic environmental impact of the Project is Grade III.

With the consideration of the reality of the Project, the assessment scope of the acoustic environment of the Project is determined to be an area extended 100mm outward from the boundaries of the WWTP and of the supporting pipeline construction to be an area taking the pipeline as the centerline extended 50m outward from both sides.

(4) Ecological Environment

The permanent land occupation is 12. 8Mu (or 0. 85376 Ha). The land to be occupied is normal farm land with a major crop of rice at present and is beyond the sensitive ecological environment. According to the requirements of Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Ecological Environment of Nature Source (HJ19-2011), the ecological environmental assessment is determined as Grade III since the land occupied is larger than2Km2 but less than2. Km2. Refer to Table 1-1 for grading base of ecological environmental assessment:

Table 1-1 Grading Base of Ecological Environmental Assessment

|Sensitivity Grade of |Land Occupation |

|Regional Ecological | |

|Environment | |

| |Area≥20km2 |Area:2km2-20km2 |Area≤2km2 |

| |Or Length≥100km |Or Length: 50km-100km |Or Length≤50km |

|Special Ecological |Grade I |Grade I |Grade I |

|Sensitive Area | | | |

|Important Ecological |Grade I |Grade II |Grade III |

|Sensitive Area | | | |

|Normal Area |Grade II |Grade III |Grade III |

With consideration to the reality of the Project, the assessment scope of the ecological environment of the Project is determined to be an area extended 500mm outward from the boundary of the Plant.

1.3.2 Periods of the Environmental assessment

The EIA of the Project mainly analyze and assess2 periods of the Project, namely construction period and operation period.

1.3.3 Target of Environmental protection (Sensitive points)

According to the requirements of national laws and regulations on environmental impact assessment and Safeguard Policies of the WB, the target of environmental protection (or sensitive points) concerned in the environmental assessment of the Project are mainly: areas of social concern including high-population-density areas, cultural and educational areas, central office areas, hospitals, etc.

The Project is located in Yingxiongling Group, Xinqiao Village, Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City, with pipe network mainly placed within the town. Figure1-2 provides a General of the surrounding of the WWTP of the Project, and Table 1-2 and 1-3 are separately show the environmental protection targets during the construction of the WWTP and the pipe network.


Figure 1-2 General of the Surrounding of the WWTP of the Project

Table 1-2 Environmental Protection Targets of the Surrounding of the WWTP

|No. |Description |Located at the side of the Plant |Distance |Function |

|1 |Bailong Village |West Side |130 |Village |

|2 |Hongyang Village |South-east Side |150 |Village |

|3 |Xinqiao Village |North-east Side |100 |Village |

Table 1-3 Environmental Protection Target of the Pipe network

|No. |Description |Function |

|1 |Central Hospital of Yueshan Town |Area of social concern |

|2 |Xianfeng Middle School |Area of social concern |

|3 |The first row of buildings of the residential area and administrative organizations |Area of social concern |

1.4 Environmental impact Factors and Assessment Factors

1.4.1 Identification of Environmental impact Factors

The implementation of the Project can further facilitate the pollution mitigation of Xinqiaohe River, improve the basic facilities of Yueshan Town, and is meaningful to promoting the sustainable development of environment and social economy of Yueshan Town in an all-around way. Meanwhile, the implementation of the Project may also bring some negative impacts to the social and the ecological environment and the environment quality during its construction and operation periods. The design period mainly centers on such works as site selection, comparisons among technical proposals and the study of feasibility. Therefore, this period generally will not cause impacts to the environment.

Impacts brought during the construction and operation periods are mainly including:

(1) Social Environmental impact: impacts on the social economy within the construction areas definitely will be caused to some degreed by the Project, which are expropriations mostly. The Project will permanently affect 11 families or 46 people. And 12.8 Mu (or 0. 85376 Ha) of collectively-owned land will be expropriated for long. And the expropriation caused will affect the daily life of the local people and reduce their the means of production and subsistence, while the construction of the pipe network will make a difference to the traveling and safety of the people living along the pipelines and the traffic conditions along the pipelines.

(2) Ecological Environmental impact: the land occupation of the Project will reduce the quantities of cultivated lands and vegetation cover, change the features of land use, and alter the local agro ecosystem. During the construction, the Project will destroy the vegetation of the site, and the impropriate protection against roads deeply dug and the excavation, filling and temporary stacking of earth and stones will cause the loss of water and the erosion of soil easily;

(3) Environment Quality Impact: waters around the construction site will be polluted by oil leaked, reeked and dripped from construction machines during the construction period, the domestic wastewater of the construction people and so on; heavy dust and ashes possibly emitted during the transportation and mixing of construction materials will pollute the air; the noises caused by the machines will impact the daily life and work of the people living around the construction site and along the pipelines; and the frequent coming and going of the construction trucks and cars will break the current traffic order. Wastewater discharge, waste gas emitted, solid wastes and machine noise caused during the operation period will pollute the surrounding environment to some degree.

To sum up, the major impact factors existing during the construction and operation periods are:

(1) Social Environment: land expropriation, traffic, city appearance, etc;

(2) Ecological Environment: change of land use, destroy vegetation and loss of water and erosion of soil, etc;

(3) Water Environment: domestic and production wastewater during the construction period and tail water at the end of operation period and domestic wastewater during the operation period;

(4) Acoustic Environment: noise from the construction machine and transportation during the construction period and machine noise during the operation period;

(5) Atmospheric Environment: dust during the construction period and waste gas of traffics during the construction period and odor emitted from the WWTP during the operation period; and

(6) Solid Wastes: garbage and earth and stones left after excavation and filling during the construction period and sludge and domestic waste generated during the operation period.

1.4.2 Environmental Impact and Selection of Assessment Factors

According the above analysis, an environmental impact identification matrix is built as Table 1-4 in the light of the types and features of the Project, and the identification result of environmental impact factors is shown in Table 1-5.

Table 1-4 Environmental impact Identification Matrix

|Period |Construction Period |Operation Period |

|Impact Factors |Natural Environment |Atmosphere |-L |-M |

| | |Water |-S |+L |

| | |Acoustic Environment |-L |-S |

| |Ecologic Environment |Land Use |-L |-S |

| | |Water and Soil Conservation|-M |+S |

| | |Vegetation |-L |+S |

| | |Animal |-S |-S |

| | |Appearance |-L |+M |

| |Social Environment |Employment |+S |+M |

| | |Income of Residents |+S |+M |

| | |Local Economy |+S |+M |

| | |Quality of Life |-S |+L |

Remark: S is equal to light impact, M to middle impact and L to serious impact; “+” means positive impact and “-” means negative impact.

Table 1-5 Identification Result of Environmental impact Factors

|Period |Actions Affecting |Destruction and Benefits to|Base of Environmental Analysis |

| |Environment |the Natural or Social | |

| |Resources and Values|Environment | |

|Site Selection |Effects to the |Loss of Production Capacity|Land Occupation |

| |Production System | |Type of Production/ Unit Income |

| |(Agriculture) | | |

| |Destruction to the |Destruction to Vegetation |Vegetation Area/Type/Value |

| |Area with Production| | |

| |Values | | |

| | |Impact to Surface Water |Hydrological Parameters and Monitoring Values of Water |

| | |Environment |Quality |

|Construction |Removal of |Destruction to Cultivated |Type/Are/Value of Vegetation Destroyed |

|Period |Vegetation |Land | |

| |Solid Wastes |Land Erosion and Loss of |Stones and Earth Excavated, Filled and Disposed and |

| |Generated from |Grating Residue |Engineering Site |

| |Earthworks | | |

| | |Temporary Occupation and |Location, Scope and Purpose of Occupation |

| | |Destruction | |

| | |Emission of such Particles |Location of, Distance to, Wind Direction against the |

| | |as Dust |Residential Area and the Engineering Construction |

| | | |Schedule |

| |Transportation of |Particles and Noise, |Material Size, Traffic Amount and Transportation through |

| |Construction |Traffic and Transportation |Environment Sensitive Areas |

| |Material and |Safety | |

| |Engineering | | |

| |Equipment | | |

| |Employment of |Employment of Local Labor |No. of People to be Employed and the No. and Rate of the |

| |Construction People |Force able to Bring Direct |Local Staff |

| | |Effect to the Local | |

| | |Residents | |

| | |Sanitary and Safety Impacts|No. of People possibly to be Affected and Health |

| | |to Construction People and |Statistics Including the Statistics of Local Infectious |

| | |Surrounding Residents |and Epidemic Diseases |

| | |Pollution to the |Quality of Surface Water, Standard of Environment Quality|

| | |Surrounding Surface Water |and Discharge Standard |

| | |by Domestic Wastewater | |

| |Utilization of |Impact of Noise and Waste |Necessary Construction Equipment, Construction Plans, |

| |Construction |Gas to Surrounding |Distance to the Nearest Residential Areas and the |

| |Equipment |Residents |Pollution Density thereof, Wind Direction and Speed and |

| | | |Standards of Noise and Waste Gas Emitted |

| |Generation of Solid |Pollution to Earth and |Types and Quantity of Wastes including Domestic and |

| |Wastes |River |Construction Wastes and Earth Residua |

| |Cleaning the Site |Site and Area Temporarily |The Constructor Responsible for Preparing a “Site |

| |upon Construction |Used and Equipment Possibly|Recovery Plan upon Construction Completion” with Recover |

| |Completion |Used and Wastes Generated |Cost Specified in the plan. |

|Operation Period |Generation of Sludge|Pollution Caused by |Quantity and Composition of Sludge and Whereabouts and |

| |by the WWTP |Impropriate Management and |Treatment thereof |

| | |Treatment of Sludge | |

| |Generation of Waste |Odor Caused by Impropriate |Generation of Odor and the Preventive measures and Health|

| |Gas by the WWTP |Management of Sludge |protection distance |

| |Operation Noise of |Noise |Source and Source Strength of the Noise, Preventive |

| |the WWTP and | |measures and Emission Standard |

| |Wastewater Pump room| | |

On the base of environmental impact identification, environmental assessment factors are sieved out as Table 1-3

Principles for sieving environmental assessment factors are:

(1) Regular pollution factors;

(2) Those factors which have larger impacts to the environments and are special pollutants to the Project; and

(3) Those factors with specified limits in national and local environmental standards.

Table 1-6 Sieving Result of Environmental assessment Factors of the Project

|Environmental Assessment Factors |Impact Degree |

|Ecologic Environment|Atmospheric |Surface |Acoustic Environment|Solid Wastes |Construction Period |Operation Period|

| |Environment |Waters | | | | |

|Land Use and |TSP, PM10, NH3, H2S |COD, BOD5, |Noise within the |Earth Residua and |-J |+Y |

|Vegetation |and Odor |NH3-N, TP, |WWTP, Construction |garbage during the | | |

| | |TN, and SS |Noise and Noise from|Construction, Sludge | | |

| | | |Pump room |and Domestic waste | | |

Remark: J is equal to larger impact and Y to normal impact and “+” means positive affect and “-” means negative impact.

2 Policies, Laws and Regulations and Administration Framework

2.1 Environmental Policies, Laws and Regulations

2.1.1 General

Through the comprehensive analysis of project type and scope, site selection, environmental sensitivities and the features and size of the possible environmental impact, the policies, law and regulations as well as standards mainly based on and related to by the EIA include:

(1) Laws and regulations on environmental protection;

(2) Regulations and requirements and local laws in relation with environmental protection;

(3) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment and the provisions;

(4) Environment quality standards;

(5) Pollutant discharge or emission standards; and

(6) Safeguard Policies of the WB.

The above policies, laws and regulations construct the framework guiding and standardizing the environmental assessment of the Project. Besides, the environmental assessment of the Project also takes such files, which shows and implement the above laws and regulations in detail, as Terms of Reference of Environmental Assessment (TOR), feasibility study report and administrative examination and approval documents as one of the base of the environmental assessment.

2.1.2 Laws and Regulations on Environmental Protection

(1) Environmental Protection Law of the PRC, 1989. 12.26

(2) Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the PRC, 2003. 9. 1

(3) Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, 2008. 6. 1

(4) Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, 2000. 9. 1

(5) Law of the PRC on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise, 1997. 3. 1

(6) Law of the PRC on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, 2005. 4. 1

(7) Detail Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, 2000. 3.20

(8)Detail Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, 1991. 5. 8

(9) Water Law of the PRC, 2002. 10. 1

(10) Water and Soil Conservation Law of the PRC, 2011. 3. 1

(11) Land Administration Law of the PRC, 2004. 8.28

(12) Urban and Rural Planning Law of the PEC, 2008. 1.1

(13) Law of the PRC on the Protection of Cultural Relics, 2007. 12.29

2.1.3 Regulations and Requirements and Local Laws in Relation with Environmental protection

(1) Guiding Catalogue for Structural Adjustment of Industry (2011 Version) (Document N0. 40 of State Development and Reform Commission ), 2011. 6. 1;

(2) Regulations on the Administration of Construction Projects Environmental Protection, 1998. 11.29;

(3) Provisional Measure for Public Participating in Environmental Impact Assessment, 2006. 02.22;

(4) Disclosure of Environmental Information (Provisional); 2007. 04.21;

(5) Notification on Strengthening the Administration of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects Funded by the Loan from International Finance Corporations, 1993. 06.21;

(6) Notification on Strengthening Classified Approval on Environmental Impact Assessment, 2004. 12. 02;

(7) Notification on Strengthening the Supervision and Management of Environmental Impact Assessment of Urban Construction Project, 2008. 9. 18;

(8) Categorized list of Environmental impact assessment of urban Construction Project, (Announcement No.2 of Ministry of Environmental Protection of the PRC);

(9) Notification on Strengthening Sludge Pollution Prevention and Treatment of Urban WWTPs (Huanban [2010] Document No. 157) issued General office of Ministry of Environmental Protection of the PRC, 2010. 11.26;

(10) Technical Policies for Sledge Treatment and Disposal for Urban WWTPs (Provisional), 2009.2. 18;

(11) Technical Policies for Urban Wastewater Treatment and Pollution Prevention (Chengjian [2000] Document No. 124), 2000. 5.29; and

(12) Notifications on Further Strengthening Construction Management of Provincial Urban Wastewater Treatment Facilities (Xiangjiancheng [2008] Document No. 160) issued by Hunan Provincial Construction Department

2.1.4 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment and the Provisions

(1) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: General Principles HJ/T2. 1-1993;

(2) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Atmosphere Environment, HJ/T2.2-2008;

(3) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Surface Water Environment, HJ/T2. 3-1993;

(4) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Acoustic Environment, HJ/T2. 4-2009;

(5) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Ecological Environment of Nature Source, HJ19-2011 and

(6) Technical Guidelines for Environment Risk Assessment on Project Construction, HJ/T169-2004.

2.1.5 Environment Quality Standards

(1) Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996) Grade II;

(2) Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002), Type IV;

(3) Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096-2009), Type II; and

(4) Industrial Corporation Sanitary Standard (TJ36-79).

2.1.6 Pollutant Discharge or Emission Standards

(1) Monitoring concentration threshold of fugitive emission of Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996) is carried out during the construction period;

(2) Emission densities of nitrogen, sulfurated hydrogen and odor comply with Type II standard (for new, rebuild and extension projects) of Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants (GB14554-93) during the operation period;

(3) Tail water discharge complies with Primary standard - standard B of Pollutants Discharge Standard for Urban WWTPs (GB18918-2002) during the operation period;

(4) Noise emission complies with the limit regulations of Noise Limits for Construction Sites (GB12523-90) during the construction period;

(5) Noise emission complies with Type II standard of Noise Limits for Industrial Corporation Sites (GB12348-2009) during the operation period; and

(6) Standard for Pollution Control on the Storage and Disposal Site for General Industrial Solid Wastes (GB18599-2001)

2.1.7 Safeguard Policies of WB

(1) OP/BP4.01 Environmental Assessment;

(2) OP/BP4.04 Natural Habitats;

(3) OP4.09 Pest Management;

(4) OP4.37 Safety of Dams;

(5) OP4.11 Physical Cultural Resources;

(6) OP/BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement;

(7) OD4.20 Indigenous Peoples;

(8) OP7.50 Projects on International Waterways;

(9) BP17.50 Information Disclosure. (Information Disclosure).

The safety guarantee policies of the WB with respect to the Project consist of items (1), (6) and (9).

2.1.8 Documents Related to the Project

(1) Feasibilities Study Report on Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subprojeoct, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB Loans (2011. 10) compiled by Hunan International Engineering Consulting Center;

(2) Resettlement Plan for Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subprojeoct, Xiangxiang City) (2011. 10);

(3) General Planning of Yueshan Town, Xiangxaing City (2006-2020) (2009. 8); and

(4) Feasibility Study Report of Renovation Demonstration of Continuous Rural Environment of Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City (2010. 8).

2.2 Environment Administration Organizations and Functions

The Central Government of PRC and each province (or municipality directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government or autonomous regions) and each of its cities (or autonomous prefectures) and Counties (or districts) all establish an environment administration organization according to the law to carry out relation functions. And the environment administration organizations related to the Project mainly include: Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau and Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau.

(1) Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau

Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau, established in the year of 1975, is the government department responsible for the city environmental protection works. Its major functions include: to implement national environmental protection policies, laws and regulations, to put in effect the related laws and regulations, policies and institutions of the principal government and the provincial environmental protection department, to set down environmental protection rules and policies of the city and to monitor the implement thereof, to be responsible for the prevention and control environmental protection from the sources and to take responsibilities for environment destruction, to take charge of achieving emission reduction targets of the city, environment supervision and enforcement of the environmental protection laws and regulations, to prevent and handle environmental pollution of the city, to direct, cooperate and monitor the ecological environmental protection of the city, to monitor and manage nuclear safety and radiation safety; to take care of environment monitoring and information disclosure, to carry out technological works about environmental protection, to organize, direct and cooperate the promotion and education of environmental protection within the city, to set down, organize and implement the promotion and education planning of environmental protection of the city, to deal with promotion and education works related to ecological civilization construction and friendly social construction, to drive the participation of the public and social organizations into environmental protection, to carry on the international cooperation and communication of environmental protection, to advance advice about the problems coming up during the international cooperation and communication, to carry out international information exchange of environmental protection, to participate foreign environmental protection affairs and to undertake other items instructed by the people’s government of the city.

(2) Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau

The major functions of Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau are: to implement national environmental protection policies, laws and regulations, to put in effect the related laws and regulations, policies and institutions of the principal government and the provincial environmental protection department, to monitor and execute the environmental protection policies and regulations of Xiangxiang City; to be responsible for the prevention and control environmental protection from the sources and to take responsibilities for environment destruction, to take charge of environment supervision and enforcement of the environmental protection laws and regulations, to handle prevention and treatment of environmental pollution of the city, to direct, cooperate and monitor the ecological protection of the city, to take care of environment monitoring and information disclosure, to carry out technological works about environmental protection, to organize, direct and cooperate the promotion and education of environmental protection within the city, to drive the participation of the public and social organizations into environmental protection and to undertake other items instructed by the people’s government of Xiangxiang City.

3 Description and Analysis of the Project

3.1 Project Name and Composition

Project name: Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB Loans.

Construction nature: new construction.

Construction unit: Yueshan Town Government, Xiangxiang City.

Construction site: lies at Yingxiongling Group, Xinqiao Village, Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City.

Project investment: total project investment is RMB 41,046,900, among which, the construction unit plans to apply for World Bank loans of USD 5 million, and the remaining capital will be self financed by auxiliary and project units at provincial, municipal and county levels.

Project composition: the Project, to be constructed in two phases, covers an area of 8,529 m2 (equivalent to 12.8mu), with a design scale of 6,000m3/d. The construction scale for this phase is determined to be 3,000m3/d, with auxiliary wastewater pipe network of 13,520m, which can meet the requirement on development plan of Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City. The underground DEST (Oligodynamic bio-membrane process as full name, hereinafter referred to as DEST) is adopted in the design. The main economic and technical indexes of the Project are shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Main Economic and Technical Indexes of the Project

|No. |Index |Unit |Quantity |Remarks |

|1 |Total Floor Coverage Area |m2 |8,529 |Reserved Land Scale 3,000m3/d |

|2 |Construction Scale |m3/d |3,000 |/ |

|3 |Urban Wastewater Pipeline |m |13,520 |/ |

|4 |Greening Rate |% |32.7 |Greening Area 2,793m2 |

|5 |Total Investment of the Project |Ten Thousand Yuan |4,104.29 |/ |

|6 |Manpower of the Whole Plant |Person |13 |/ |

|7 |Actual Annual Calendar Days |Day |365 |/ |

|8 |Construction Period |Year |5 |From July 2012 to June 2017 |

3.2 Construction Proposal of the Project

3.2.1 Construction Content and Scale

The Project covers an area of 8,529m2 (equivalent to 12.8mu), and the construction scale for this phase is 3,000m3/d, and auxiliary wastewater pipe network 13,520m. The main construction content and scale of the Project are shown in Table 3-2 and Table 3-3.

Table 3-2 Project Construction Status

|Term of |Design Service |Estimation |Design |Discharge System |Discharge Direction |

|Construction |Population |Quantity of |Scale | | |

|Sub-Phase |(Person) |Wastewater in |(m3/d) | | |

| | |Service Area | | | |

| | |(m3/d) | | | |

| | | | |Status Quo |Post-Completion |Status Quo |Post-Completion |

|Short Tem 2013 |15,600 |2,941 |3,000 |Confluence |Incomplete Separate |Xinqiaohe |Xinqiaohe River |

| | | | | |System |River | |

|Long Term 2020 |25,500 |5,880 |6,000 | | | | |

Note: the construction content of the year of 2020 in the long term in the Table belongs to Phase II, beyond the scope of this assessment.

Table 3-3 Main Construction Content and Scale of the Project

|No. |Name |Unit |Quantity |Remarks |

|1 |Construction Scale |m3/d |3,000 |Reserved Land Scale 3,000m3/d |

|2 |Urban Wastewater Pipeline |m |13,520 |/ |

|3 |Area of Road and Turn Round Pad |m2 |1,840 |Off-Site Road including Enclosing Wall |

|4 |Sidewalk Area |m2 |76 |/ |

|5 |Greening Area |m2 |2,793 |Greening Rate 32.7% |

|6 |Solidification Area |m2 |440 |/ |

|7 |Pavage Site |m2 |820 |/ |

|8 |Complex Building |m2 |324 |Second Floor, 21.6×7.5×6m |

|9 |Air Blower Room |m2 |75.6 |12.6×6×3.5m |

|10 |Dewatering Room |m2 |135 |15×9×4.5m |

|11 |Power Distribution Room |m2 |75.6 |12.6×6×3.5m |

|12 |Grating Well |m2 |20 |8×2×4m |

|13 |Pump Room |m2 |29.6 |7×4×4m |

|14 |Collecting Well |m2 |29.6 |7×4×6m |

|15 |DEST Tank |m2 |632.8 |35.5×17.6×6.8m |

|16 |Sludge Storage Tank |m2 |9.9 |3×3×3m |

|17 |Ultraviolet Disinfecting Tank |m2 |19.3 |3×5×2m |

From Table 3-2 and Table 3-3, it can be concluded that:

(1) The WWTP of the Project is to be constructed in short-term and long-term phases, and its design scale shall be determined based on status quo and growth rate of the population. To ensure effective treatment of domestic wastewater, the treatment scale of the WWTP shall be designed to be more than or equivalent to the predicted wastewater production. Meanwhile, auxiliary construction shall be carried out in respect of interceptor sewer, wastewater main pipe, discharge pipe, storm sewer, recession pipe, etc., which shall in line with the stipulation that ‘Determine the ultimate scale for construction of urban wastewater treatment facilities in accordance with the long-term plan, and determine the short-term scale on the basis of status quo of water quantity' indicated in (Chengjian [2000] Document No. 124) Technical Policies for Urban Wastewater Treatment and Pollution Prevention.

(2) With implementation of the Project, the discharge direction will change from current way of direct discharging into surface water body to such way that prior to be discharged to surface water body, the discharge will be first collected by pipe network and then disposed by urban WWTP until up to standard. This move will greatly reduce total pollutant amount entering into surface water body, which will be conducive to the improvement of water environmental quality.

3.2.2 Main Equipment of the Project

The main equipment of the Project is shown in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Main Equipment List of the WWTP

|Installation |SN. |Name of Equipment |Performance Parameters |Unit |Quantity |Remarks |

|Position | | | | | | |

|Pretreatment System |1 |Square Gate and Hoist |600×800 N=1.1kw |Set |2 |/ |

| |2 |Rotary Drum Grating |B=600mm, b=4mm, N=1.5kw |Set |2 |/ |

| | |Cleaner | | | | |

| |3 |Submersible Wastewater |Q=125 m3/h, H=8m, N=5.5kw |Set |2 |/ |

| | |Pump | | | | |

| |4 |Electric Butterfly Valve |DN150 |Set |2 |/ |

| |5 |Check Valve |DN150 |Set |2 |/ |

| |6 |Rotational Flow Sand |Pulp Board Mixer, N=0.55 kw |Set |1 | |

| | |deposit tank | | | | |

| |7 |Spiral Grit Water |Q=12L/s, N=0.37kw |Set |1 |/ |

| | |Separator | | | | |

|DEST Tank |1 |Mixed liquor Reflux Pump |Q=100m3/h, H=4.5m, N=2.2kw |Set |4 |One Backup for |

| | | | | | |Warehouse |

| |2 |Atmolysis Bag |/ |Piece |2 |/ |

| |3 |Gate Valve |DN150 |Piece |11 | |

| |4 |Electromagnetic Valve |DN32 |Piece |10 | |

| |5 |I-Steel |110×6 |Meter |180 |/ |

| |6 |Round Steel |Ø12 L=5,400 |Piece |690 |/ |

|Air Blower Room |1 |Air Blower |Q=5.2m3/min, Pressure 58.8Kpa, |Set |3 |/ |

| | | |N=11kw | | | |

| |2 |Electric Butterfly Valve |DN100mm |Set |3 |/ |

| |3 |Check Valve |DN100mm |Set |3 |/ |

|Sludge Dewatering |1 |Sludge Thickening and |B=1,000mm, N=1.5kw |Set |1 |/ |

|Room | |Dewatering Set | | | | |

| |2 |Band Conveyor |B=500mm L=5m, N=1.5kw |Set |1 |/ |

| |3 |Static Mixer |DN100×500mm |Set |1 |/ |

| |4 |Sludge Feed Pump |Q=6m3/h Pressure 0.4MPa N=2.2kw |Set |2 |/ |

|Sludge Storage Tank |1 |Submersible Mixer |Impeller Diameter 320mm, |Set |1 |/ |

| | | |n=904r/min | | | |

| | | |N=2.2kw | | | |

|Disinfecting Tank |1 |UV Light Tube |N=4kw |Set |1 |/ |

|General Layout |1 |COD Online Monitoring | |Set |1 | |

|Pipeline | |Instrument | | | | |

| |2 |Continuous Online |/ |Set |1 |/ |

| | |Monitoring Instrument for| | | | |

| | |Wastewater | | | | |

|Transport Equipment |1 |Transportation Vehicle |1 |Vehicle |5T (Self | |

| | | | | |Lighting Type)| |

| |2 |Van |1 |Vehicle |/ | |

3.2.3 Technological Introduction Process Flow Sheet

Table 3-1 DEST Process Flow Sheet Process Design

(1) Grating Chamber

Taking the interception ratio: n0=1.0 into account, we will build the grating chamber together with the collecting tank, and complete both at once according to the long-term scale of 6,000m3/d. The grating adopts rotary drum grating cleaner, which integrates pollutant interception, tine harrow deslagging, spiral hoisting, and squeeze dewatering into one. The grating is automatically started or stopped according to the time interval and water head between fore-grating and rear-grating, with main parameters as follows:

Design flow: drought flow: Q=6,000m3/d =250m3/h; confluence flow: Q=12,000m3/h =500m3/h;

Grating bar clearance: b=4mm

Flow velocity through grating: v=1m/s

Fore-grating water depth: h=0.5m

Grating obliquity: α=35º

Diameter of rotary drum: 600mm

Main equipment: 2 rotary drum grating cleaners, with single power of 1.5kW

Auxiliary equipment: 2 square gates, and 2 hoists, with single power of 1.1kW

Plan view size: 8×2m

(2) Pump Room

Taking the interception ratio: n0=1.0 into account, we will build the pump room together with the grating chamber, complete the civil engineering at once according to the long-term scale of 6,000m3/d, and install equipment according to the short-term scale of 3000m3/d. The pump room, which adopts submersible pump with automatic coupling installation, is equipped with electric hoisting equipment and the corresponding valves. Control on the pump room can be realized by PLC and on-site mode, with main design parameters as follows:

Auxiliary design: drought flow Q=3,000m3/h=125m3/h;

Confluence flow: Q=6,000m3/h =250m3/h

Capacity of collecting tank: effective capacity 120m3

Main equipment: 2 submersible pumps, with single flow Q=125m3/h, pumping head of 8m, and power of 5.5kW. In dry season, both operating pump and backup pump will be put into operation. 2 submersible pumps will be added in Phase II.

Auxiliary equipment: 2 electric butterfly valves, with single power of 0.1kW, and another 2 electric butterfly valves will be added in Phase II; 2 check valves, and another 2 will be added in Phase II; 1 set of water-level controller; 1 hand-drive hoist; and 1 set of H2S monitoring and alarming device.

(3) Rotational Flow Sand deposit tank

Taking the interception ratio: n0=1.0 into account, we will adopt steel structure equipment in sand deposit tank, and equip it with auxiliary equipment according to the short-term scale of 3,000m3/d, and design to adopt rotational flow sand deposit tank, which features the advantages of small space demand, low operating cost, convenient installation and service, etc. Transcendent functions are taken into account in the course of design, to facilitate equipment maintenance, with main design parameters as follows:

Design flow: 250m3/h

Quantity: 1; and another 1 will be added in Phase II.

Diameter of sand deposit tank: D=1.63m

Depth of sand deposit tank: H=1.12m

Diameter of sand hopper: D=0.91m

Depth of sand hopper: H=1.52m

Surface loading of hydraulic power: q=120m3/m2•h

Auxiliary equipment: one set of pulp board mixer, with single power of 0.55kW, and another 1 will be added in Phase II; 1 spiral grit water separator, with single power of 0.37kW.

(1) DEST Tank

DEST tank includes anoxia and anaerobic tanks, contact oxidation tank and vertical flow grating residue tank which constitute a group of processing structures.

a) Anoxia and Anaerobic Tank

The wastewater with the process of de-slagging and sand deposit enters into the anoxia and anaerobic tank and mixes with the return wastewater, which begins the anaerobic biochemical reaction and de-nitrification. The anaerobic phase includes anaerobic fermentation, anaerobic corrosion and anaerobic biochemical filtration. Anaerobic tank adopts the water the horn-shaped distributor to distribute water equably which makes full use of Effective capacity.

Design scale: 3,000m3/d =125m3/h

Grating (tank) number: 9

Single grating size: 5.6×5.6×6.5m with a mean depth of 5.95m

Effective capacity: 1679m3

Retaining period for waterpower: 13.4h

Filler number: 1,200m3 with the polyethylene elasticity plastic filler of Ø150

b) Aerobic Tank

Through the anoxia and anaerobic process, quantities of BOD and CODcr are wiped off from the wastewater which then is processed by the “nitration” and phosphorus removal mainly in the aerobic tank where a further step is made to remove the organic load. The aerobic tank is biological treatment equipment that relies mainly on biofilm process, combining the activated sludge one. The microorganism absorbs the phosphorus forcefully from the phase of anaerobic process to aerobic one.

Design scale: 6,000m3/d =125m3/h

Grating (tank) number: 6

Single grating size: 5.6×4.3×6.5m with a mean depth of 5.78m

Effective capacity: 835m3

Retaining period for waterpower: 6.68h

Filler number: 612m3 with the polyethylene elasticity plastic filler of Ø150

Main equipment: 4 reflux pumps (1 for reserve in the storage) with a flux of 100m3/h, lift of 4.5m and power of 2.2kW for each one. 3 more shall be added in the phase II.

c) Vertical Flow Grating residue Tank

Grating residue tank adopts the vertical flow one that is jointly built with DEST biochemical tank. The mixed liquor exhausted from the DEST tank will firstly enter into the water-distributor tube set in the center of the vertical flow grating residue tank, then rise with the density current due to the density difference of the clear water and will be finally discharged into outflow canal by the overflow around when in the upper layer. The residual sludge in the bottom of grating residue tank will be discharged into the deposition tank through the sludge pipe by the gas stripping.

Design scale: 3,000m3/d =125m3/h

Grating (tank) number: 3

Single grating size: 5.6×8×6.5m

Surface Load: 0.93m3/m2•h

Retaining period for waterpower: 5h

(5) Sludge Storage Tank

For disposal of the residual sludge in the DEST tank

Effective capacity: 22.5m3

Size: 3.0×3.0×3.0m

Auxiliary equipment: 1 Diving Mixer with the impeller diameter of 320mm and power of 2.2kw

(6) Blower Room

The civil engineering is built in one time on the long-term scale of 6,000m3/d with single-deck frame construction which is mainly used for the offer of enough air to biological contact oxidation tank. The assorted high-speed centrifugal blower with single stage ensures the effect of nitrogen phosphorus removal through the dissolved oxygen detector to adjust the operation parameter in blower automatically by frequency control device. Following are the main design parameter:

Plan view size: 12.6×6m

Main equipment: 3 Roots Blowers (2 for use and 1 for reserve) with flux of 5.2m3/min, wind pressure of 58.8Kpa and power of 11kW. 2 more will be added in the phase II.

Auxiliary equipment: 3 Electric butterfly valves, with single power of 0.1kW and another 2 will be added in Phase II; 3 check valves and another 2 will be added in Phase II; 2 air purifiers with both thick and thin ones.

(7) Dewatering Room

The civil engineering is built in one time on the long-term scale of 6,000m3/d, with single-deck brick-concrete structure which is used to dehydrate water of the residual sludge and compress its volume to the minimum. Dewatering room will be equipped with sludge concentration and dewatering machine, belt conveyor, flocculent preparation and addition system with the storage space for flocculent.

Plan view size: 15×9m

Residual sludge Amount: 248kg/d (dry sludge) (the first stage)

Main equipment: 1 draper-type dewaterer with the belt of 1.0m wide; 1 board-type dewaterer. None is needed to add in the phase II except the work duration.

Auxiliary equipment: 1 drug preparation and delivery system, with single power of 1.5kW; 1 belt conveyor with the belt of 500mm wide, 5m long and the power of 1.5kW; 2 air compressors (1 for use and 1 for reserve), with single power of 1.5kW; 2 sludge treatment pumps (1 for use and 1 for reserve) with the flux of 6m3/h, lift of 40m and power of 2.2kW; 1 electric traveling crane with the lifting weight of 5t and power of 3kW.

(8) Ultraviolet Disinfecting Tank

1 tank is set in reinforced concrete structure for disinfection before the wastewater drains into Xinqiaohe River.

Design scale: 3,000m3/d

Plan view size: 3×5m

Auxiliary equipment: ultraviolet tube, with single power of 4kW

(9) Power Distribution Room

Power Distribution Room shall be set with power distribution cabinets and transformers, which is jointly built with blower room. Its advantages lies in short layout line, simple and easy installation and convenient operation management, etc.

Plan view size: 12.6×6m

(10) Complex Building

The Complex Building assembles the office and laboratory as a whole with 2 layers.

Plan view size: 1.6×7.5m

3.2.4. General Layout of Plant Site

1 General Layout Principles

General Layout Principles of Plant Site:

(1) Connection properly with the general planning of the city and coordinating with the surrounding environment;

(2) Clear functionality of each area and compact arrangement striving to use land economically and reduce area;

(3) Short and smooth process to avoid circuitous repeat;

(4) Well combination and concentration arrangement of short- and long-term structures, forming an integrated whole and giving room for the long-term development;

(5) The layout of the buildings facing south-north as much as possible;

(6) A certain width of health protection distance between the Plant structures and surrounding buildings to reduce the influence of the WWTP on the surrounding environment;

(7) Convenient transportation for flow and logistics, and clear division of primary and secondary roads to meet fire safety requirements;

(8) Smooth flow of traffic facilitating the construction and management.

In addition to the above mentioned principles, the layout of the Plant site shall be based on the direction of prevailing wind and water inlet, position of water discharge, characteristics of process as well as other factors, such as the Plant site topography, geological conditions etc. and many other factors shall be considered. For example, the process shall be reasonable, easy managing, economic and practical, and the architectural style and plant greening shall be in harmony with the surrounding environment.

2 General Layout

The general layout plan of the Project is shown in Figure 4.

The land acquisition of the Plant area is disposable for the long-term development, and the total land area is 8,529 m2 (the effective land area within the walls). Wastewater treatment of the Plant covers an area of 1.42m2.

According to different functions, the Plant is divided into three areas: life and auxiliary production area (front area of the Plant), wastewater treatment area and sludge treatment area (production areas).

The front area of the Plant, located in the southeast corner of the Plant, is mainly made up of the Complex Building (with office, laboratory, dormitory, dining hall) and guard house. Between the production area and the front area, a greenbelt area is designed to ensure a good ecological environment for the front area.

In accordance with the process, in the west of the production area, the inflow pump room, grit separator, sludge tank and sludge dewatering room are designed to reduce the influence on the front area of the Plant and the surrounding environment; in front of the sludge dewatering room, the terrace designed to meet the requirements of stacking and transportation of sludge; in the area, the disinfecting tank, blower housing and power distribution room arranged from north to south; the DEST reaction tank is arranged in the centre; and the long-term land reserved in south central.

3.2.5. Service Scope and Wastewater Discharge Forecast

3 Design Life and Discharge System of the Plant

(1) Design Life

According to the General Planning of Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City (2006-2020), in combination with the Code for Urban Water Supply Engineering Planning, and in consideration of the town development level and the water supply and discharge facilities and other factors, the design life of the Project is:

Short-term: 2013

Long-term: 2020 (belong to the Phase II construction, not within this scope of evaluation)

(2) Discharge System

The present status of Yueshan Town is that the production and domestic wastewater discharge is free, and there aren’t unified discharge pipes, and the wastewater is drained directly into the surrounding channels. In combination of planning, the center township of Yueshan Town adopts the mixture of rainwater and wastewater system for the short-term, while for the long-term incompletely separate system for rainwater and wastewater is adopted. WWTP Service Scope

The service scope of this wastewater treatment project is the center township of Yueshan Town. According to the general planning, the construction land of 2010 is 1.34 square kilometers, and the construction land of 2020 is 3.22 square kilometers. Until the end of 2010, the center township has a built up area of 1.5 square kilometers, which is basically consonant with the planed construction land area. The construction land area mainly expands to the north-east of the existing land, and it is forecasted that the construction land in 2013 is 2.03 square kilometers and 3.22 square kilometers in 2020.So the service scope of the Project is 2.03 square kilometers in the short-term and 3.22 square kilometers in the long-term.

The WWTP only accepts domestic wastewaters and similar industrial wastewaters, or industrial wastewaters in line with national discharge standards after pre-treatment and being treated with domestic wastewaters. WWTP Service Population

According to the general planning, the population scale of the center township of Yueshan Town is 10,000 in 2010, and 25,500 in 2020.And according to statistics provided by the town government, the population of the center township of Yueshan Town in 2010 is 9,105, slightly less than the planned population. Refer to the forecasted population growth rate described in the General Planning of Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City. According to the population base of 2010, the average annual natural growth rate of the township population is 0.2%, and the mechanical growth rate is 1. 8%. And taking the population of surplus labor changing to urban population into consideration, the population scale calculated therefrom is 15,600 in 2013, and 25,500 in 2020.The population growth statistics of the center township of Yueshan Town in the latest three years is shown in Table 3-5.

Table 3-5 Statistic Table of the Population Growth of the Center Township of Yueshan Town in the Latest Three Years

|Year |Total Population of the Center|Floating Population of the |Net Increase of Population |Annual Growth Rate (%)|

| |Township |Center Township (Person) |(Person) | |

| |(Person) | | | |

|2005 |7295 |45 |/ |/ |

|2006 |7692 |47 |397 |0.54 |

|2007 |8069 |48 |377 |0.49 |

|2008 |8434 |50 |365 |0.45 |

|2009 |8771 |55 |347 |0.41 |

|2010 |9105 |59 |324 |0.37 |

4 Wastewater Discharge Forecast

Wastewater discharge forecast is closely related to the development of the urban economy, the population, the development and construction scale of the planning area, the layout, land area, population density, industrial distribution, etc. Commonly used wastewater forecasting methods are the comprehensive quota method, the sub-item quota method, urban construction land indicator method, etc. The Project adopts the sub-item quota method and urban construction land indicator method to forecast the wastewater discharge.

(1) Sub-item Indicator Method

Domestic Wastewater Discharge

According to the requirements of national water saving policy and the Technical Specification of Water Supply Engineering for Town and Village (CJJ123-2008), and with consideration of the water supply and discharge sanitary facilities and showers equipped indoor, the daily domestic water consumption indicators (maximum) of Yueshan Town is 130~190L/cap·d. and in combination of the demand of domestic water supply and the domestic wastewater generated of the latest three years, the domestic water consumption indicator of 2013 is 130L/cap·d, and the domestic water consumption indicator of 2020 is 150L/cap·d. The domestic wastewater discharge calculated is shown in Table 3-6; the statistics of demand of domestic water supply in the latest three years is shown in Table 3-7, and the actual domestic wastewater generated in Table 3-8.

Table 3-6 Statistical Table of Demand of Domestic Water Supply in the Latest Three Years

|Year |Aggregate Demand on Domestic |Demand on Commercial |Demand of Public Institutions|Demand on Resident Water |

| |Water Supply (m3/d) |Water Supply (m3/d) |on Domestic Water Supply |Supply (m3/d) |

| | | |(m3/d) | |

|2008 |1200 |220 |230 |750 |

|2009 |1400 |250 |250 |900 |

|2010 |1600 |280 |290 |1030 |

Table 3-7 Statistical Table of Actual Domestic Wastewater Generated in the Latest Three Years

|Year |Commercial Discharge (m3/d) |Domestic Discharge by Public Institutions |Domestic Discharge by Residents (m3/d)|

| | |(m3/d) | |

|2008 |100 |120 |600 |

|2009 |130 |150 |720 |

|2010 |180 |180 |850 |

Table 3-8 Domestic Wastewater Discharge Forecast Table

|No. |Indicator |2013 |2020 |

|1 |Planned Population (Person) |15600 |25500 |

|2 |Standard of Water Consumption Per Capita (Per Day L/cap•d) |130 |150 |

|3 |Forecast Water Consumption (m3/d) |2028 |3825 |

|4 |Converted Discharge Coefficient |0.9 |0.9 |

|5 |Wastewater Collection Rate |90% |95% |

|6 |Wastewater Treatment Amount (m3/d) |1642 |3270 |

Industrial Wastewater Discharge

Industrial water consumption is related to the production process. According to the general planning of Yueshan Town, the central part of the town centers on developing agricultural products processing industry, commerce, tourism the detailed data of theses enterprises is absent, and it is impossible to forecast based on the enterprises category, so the industrial output is used for forecast. In 2010, the total industrial output of Yueshan Town is RMB 229,580,000.According to the development plans, the annual economic growth rate is 10%, so in 2013 the total industrial output is RMB 305,570,000, and in 2020 RMB 595,470,000.And according to the requirements of national water saving policy and with the current situation and developing trends, referring to the wastewater discharge for unit output of towns and counties with similar industries, the average wastewater discharge per thousand RMB output is 15m3. The forecasted industrial water supply demand is shown in Table 3-9, and the industrial wastewater discharge of wastewater in Table 3-10.

Table 3-9 Table of Industrial Water Supply Demand

|Year |Demand of Food Processing Industry (m3/d) |Demand of Other Industries (m3/d) |

|2008 |300 |100 |

|2009 |420 |150 |

|2010 |550 |200 |

Table 3-10 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Forecast Table

|No. |Indicator |2013 |2020 |

|1 |Industrial Output (RMB Ten Thousand ) |30557 |59547 |

|2 |Wastewater Discharge for RMB Ten Thousand Output |10 |10 |

| |(m3/RMB Ten Thousand ) | | |

|3 |Forecasted Industrial Wastewater Discharge (m3/d) |837 |1631 |

|4 |Wastewater Collection Rate |80% |83% |

|5 |Wastewater Treatment Amount (m3/d) |670 |1353 |

According to the material provided by the environmental protection department of Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City, there are mainly four polluting enterprises to Xinqiaohe River at present, and the wastewater discharge statistics of the latest five years are shown in Table 3-11.

Table 3-11 Present Status Table of Industrial Waste Water

|Name of Enterprise |Spring Wood |Rea Sea Wood |Xiangxiang Weaving Factory |Total |

|Discharge (m3/d) | | | | |

|2006 |100 |90 |60 |250 |

|2007 |110 |90 |60 |260 |

|2008 |120 |100 |70 |290 |

|2009 |130 |100 |70 |300 |

|2010 |140 |100 |70 |310 |

Synthesizing Tables 3-9 and 3-11, and in consideration of the water discharge of some small family businesses are not included in the statistics, so the industrial waste water discharge uses the data in Table 3-9.

Total Wastewater Discharge

Total Wastewater Discharge = Domestic Wastewater Discharge + Industrial Wastewater Discharge + Public Building Wastewater Discharge + Unforeseen Water Discharge

The public building wastewater discharge is 15% of the domestic water consumption, the unforeseen water consumption includes watering the green land and roads, pipeline leakage, etc., and the wastewater discharge generated is equal to 15% of the sum of the industrial wastewater discharge, public building wastewater discharge and domestic wastewater discharge. The prediction results of the total wastewater discharge are shown in Table 3-12.

Table 3-12 Wastewater Treatment Amount Forecast Table

|No. |Indicator |2013 |2020 |

|1 |Domestic Wastewater Discharge (m3/d) |1642 |3270 |

|2 |Public Buildings Wastewater Discharge (m3/d) |246 |490 |

|3 |Industrial Wastewater Discharge (m3/d) |670 |1353 |

|4 |Unforeseen Wastewater Discharge (m3/d) |383 |767 |

|5 |Total Wastewater Discharge (m3/d) |2941 |5880 |

(2) Public Institutions Construction Land Comprehensive Water Consumption Indicator Method

The public institutions construction land comprehensive water consumption is related with the local industrial structure, residential density and the degree of wastewater collection. Referring to the Code for Urban Water Supply Engineering, the public institutions construction land comprehensive water consumption indicators of the medium and small cities is: 0.4 ~ 0.8 (ten thousand m3/ km2·d). In consideration of the water saving ideas and policy, the long-term population scale of the Project is 25,500; considering that the short-term water consumption per unit area is 4,000 m3/ km2·d, and the long-term is 4,000 m3/ km2·d, the water consumption and wastewater discharge prediction calculated are shown in Table 3-13.

Table 3-13 Wastewater Discharge Forecast Table

|No. |Indicator |2013 |2020 |

|1 |Effective Land Area |2.03 |3. 22 |

|2 |Indicators of Water (Ten Thousand m3/ km2·d) |0.4 |0.4 |

|3 |Maximum Daily Water Consumption (m3/d) |8120 |12880 |

|4 |Discharge Coefficient |0.8 |0.8 |

|5 |Wastewater Collection Rate |90% |95% |

|6 |Wastewater Treatment Amount (m3/d) |5846 |9788 |

(3) Construction Scale of the Project

According to the results of the prediction of the wastewater discharge and comparing Table 3-12 and Table 3-13, the wastewater discharge land indicators obtained by both prediction methods are slightly higher. Because there is no public institutions construction land comprehensive water consumption indicator data specified in the town and village water supply standard, the indicator referred is the urban water supply indicators, in which the value is relatively higher. This report uses the prediction results of the sub-item indicator method and reserves room for development appropriately. So, the construction scale of the proposed WWTP is determined as Q=6,000m3/d. The construction is divided in two phases, of which the year 2013 is the first phase with construction scale of Q=3,000m3/d, and the year 2020 year of the Phase II with the construction scale of Q=3,000m3/d.

3.2.6. Designed Inflow and Outflow Water Quality Inflow Water Quality of the Designed WWTP

According to the Code for Design of Outdoor Sewerage Engineering (GB50014-2006), the designed water quality of urban wastewater water can adopt the following criteria: in general, BOD5 refers to 25~50g/d per person, SS refers to 40~65g/d per person, TN refers to 5~11g/d per person, TP refers to 0.7~1.4g/d per person. CODcr is analyzed by statistics, common urban wastewater CODcr〈2.3 (BOD5). Wastewaters accepted to the Project WWTP mainly are domestic wastewaters, the ratio of industrial wastewaters is relatively low, and industrial wastewaters must be under appropriate pre-treatment measures to meet the relevant discharge standards before entering the WWTP. After pre-treatment, industrial wastewaters are basically similar to domestic wastewaters. Refer to wastewater water quality of similar towns. The determined designed inflow water quality of the WWTP is shown in Table 3-14.

Table 3-14 Designed Inflow Water Quality of the WWTP Unit: mg/L

|Item |CODcr |BOD5 |SS |TN |NH3-N |TP |

|Inflow Water |240 |130 |200 |30 |25 |2.8 |

|Quality | | | | | | | Designed Outflow Water Quality and Removal Rate of the WWTP

According to the requirements of the Pollutants Discharge Standard for Urban WWTPs (GB18918-2002), the outflow water quality of the WWTP shall meet the primary standard - standard B. Specific data of outflow water quality and removal rate are shown in Table 3-15.

Table 3-15 Designed Outflow Water Quality and Removal Rate of the WWTP Unit: mg/L

|Item |CODcr |BOD5 |SS |TN |NH3-N |TP |

|Inflow Water |240 |130 |200 |30 |25 |2.8 |

|Quality | | | | | | |

|Outflow Water |≤60 |≤20 |≤20 |≤20 |≤8 |≤1. 0 |

|Quality | | | | | | |

|Removal Rate % |≥75 |≥84. 6 |≥90 |≥33. 3 |≥68 |≥64. 3 |

3.3. Pipe Network and Pumping Stations

(1) Laying of Pipe Network

The layout of the discharge pipes shall take into consideration the characteristic of topography, road direction, construction conditions and other factors, and the discharge areas shall be reasonable divided; gravity discharge shall be adopted as much as possible to reduce project investment; the Project pipe network horizontal distribution chart is shown in Figure 5.

The main pipeline A lies in the north roads of the fire station, and for the diameter of some branch pipes, water amount for the long-term development shall be considered. The pipe diameter is DN300~DN600.

The main pipeline B lies in the south roads of the planning land, and the water amount of the reserved alternative land for long-term industrial development in the eastern part of the town flows into the WWTP basically through line B. At this stage, long-term water amount isn’t considered, and it will be taken into account until further construction in the future. The pipe diameter is DN600~DN800.

The main pipeline C lies along the north river of the inner river in this town, and for the diameter of some branch pipes, water amount for the long-term development shall be considered. The pipe diameter is DN400~DN500.

Table 3-16 Statistical Table of Pipe Diameters and Pipe Lengths

|No. |Pipe Diameter |Unit |Length |Remarks |

|1 |Wastewater Pipe D300 |m |4260 |Pre-stressed Concrete Pipe |

|2 |Wastewater Pipe D400 |m |3980 |Pre-stressed Concrete Pipe |

|3 |Wastewater Pipe D500 |m |2610 |Pre-stressed Concrete Pipe |

|4 |Wastewater Pipe D600 |m |1870 |Pre-stressed Concrete Pipe |

|5 |Wastewater Pipe D700 |m |400 |Pre-stressed Concrete Pipe |

|6 |Wastewater Pipe D800 |m |400 |Pre-stressed Concrete Pipe |

|7 |Total |m |13520 | |

(2) Pumping Stations

The layout of the discharge pipes of the Project shall take into consideration the characteristic of topography, road direction, construction conditions and other factors, and the discharge areas shall be reasonable divided; gravity discharge shall be adopted to reduce project investment; no lifting pumping stations.

3.4. Analysis of the Pollution Sources of the Project

Construction Period:

(1) Waste gas: dust and vehicle exhaust.

(2) Waste water: domestic wastewater and construction waste water.

(3) Solid waste: construction waste, cubic meter of earth and stone produced by excavation and fill, domestic waste.

(4) Noise: construction vehicle noise, construction machinery noise, etc.

Operating period:

(1) Waste gas: bad smell from the WWTP.

(2) Solid waste: after the running of the adjusting tank, grating residue tank, aeration tank, SBR reaction tank and other structures for some time, the sludge will be produced, which is needed to be cleared; domestic waste.

(3) Wastewater: tail water, domestic wastewater and sludge wash water.

(4) Noise: when the water pumps, aerators and other pump work, noise will be produced.

3.5. Associated Works with the Project

The main associated problem of the Project is the handling of residual sludge. The final disposal of sludge is to deliver the dewatered sludge cake to the waste transfer station, then compress it with urban domestic waste, and at last send it to the Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant in Xiangxiang City. Therefore, the associated works with the Project is the waste transfer station and the Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant in Xiangxiang City, the detailed description of which is shown in Chapter 5.

3.6. Project Investment Estimate

The investment estimate of the Project is shown in Table 3-17.

Table 3-17 Project Investment Estimate Table

|No. |Name of Project or Cost |Estimated Value (RMB Ten Thousand ) |

| | |Construction |Purchase of |Installati|Other Fees|Total |

| | | |Equipment |on | | |

|I |Cost of Project |382.3 |440.00 |2027. 60 | |2849. 90 |

|1 |WWTP |382.30 |440.00 |112.60 | |934. 90 |

|1. 1 |Pre-treatment System |12.10 |48. 70 |10.50 | |71. 30 |

|1. 2 |DEST Tank |129. 10 |23. 30 |6. 10 | |158. 50 |

|1. 3 |Blower Housing |8. 50 |22.30 |4. 80 | |35. 60 |

|1. 4 |Sludge Dewatering Room |19. 60 |44. 20 |9. 50 | |73. 30 |

|1. 5 |Sludge Storage Tank |1. 00 |2.90 |0.60 | |4. 50 |

|1. 6 |Disinfecting Tank |2.00 |20.00 |4. 30 | |26. 30 |

|1. 7 |Complex Building |44. 40 |20.30 |0.80 | |65. 50 |

|1. 8 |Reception Office |2.50 | | | |2.50 |

|1. 9 |Power Supply and Distribution |8. 50 |90.00 |22.10 | |120.60 |

|1. 10 |Automatic Control | |35. 20 |11. 30 | |46. 50 |

|1. 11 |Process Piping and Indoor and | |121. 10 |39. 50 | |160.60 |

| |Outdoor Plumbing | | | | | |

|1. 12 |Ventilation and Air Conditioning | |12.00 |3. 10 | |15. 10 |

|1. 13 |General Plan and Transportation |154. 60 | | | |154. 60 |

|1. 14 |Other Projects | | | | | |

|2 |Urban Wastewater Pipes | | |1915. 00 | |1915. 00 |

|2.1 |Wastewater Pipe D300 | | |366. 40 | |366. 40 |

|2.2 |Wastewater Pipe D400 | | |469. 60 | |469. 60 |

|2.3 |Wastewater Pipe D500 | | |420.20 | |420.20 |

|2.4 |Wastewater Pipe D600 | | |426. 40 | |426. 40 |

|2.5 |Wastewater Pipe D700 | | |106. 00 | |106. 00 |

|2.6 |Wastewater Pipe D800 | | |126. 40 | |126. 40 |

|II |Other Costs of Project | | | |694. 70 |694. 70 |

| |Construction | | | | | |

|1 |Soft Environment Construction | | | |200.00 |200.00 |

| |Costs | | | | | |

|2 |Land Acquisition and Demolition | | | |143. 80 |143. 80 |

|3 |Management Fees of Construction | | | |47. 70 |47. 70 |

| |Unit | | | | | |

|4 |Project Preliminary Work Fees | | | |15. 90 |15. 90 |

|5 |Survey and Design Fees | | | |131. 10 |131. 10 |

|6 |Project Supervision Fees | | | |87. 40 |87. 40 |

|7 |Consultation Service Fees about | | | |6. 00 |6. 00 |

| |Environmental Impact | | | | | |

|8 |Bidding Fees | | | |13. 90 |13. 90 |

|9 |Construction Drawing Review Fees | | | |2.70 |2.70 |

|10 |Construction Project Transaction | | | |1. 80 |1. 80 |

| |Services Fees | | | | | |

|11 |Project Quality Inspection Fees | | | |3. 40 |3. 40 |

|12 |Project Insurance Fees | | | |5. 30 |5. 30 |

|13 |Project Cost Preparation and | | | |11. 90 |11. 90 |

| |Review Fees | | | | | |

|14 |Joint Commissioning Fees and | | | |23. 80 |23. 80 |

| |Application Fees for Construction| | | | | |

| |Approval | | | | | |

|III |Budget Reserve | | | |466. 80 |466. 80 |

|IV |Interest and Front-end Fees of | | | |93. 29 |93. 29 |

| |the Construction Period | | | | | |

|1 |Loan Interest | | | |85. 29 |85. 29 |

|2 |Front-end Fees | | | |8. 00 |8. 00 |

|V |Fixed Assets Investment |382.3 |440.00 |2027. 60 |1254. 79 |4104. 69 |

3.7. Schedule of the Project Implementation Progress

3.7.1. Construction Period

The Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subprojeoct, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB Loans has been included in the List of Candidate Projects of World Bank Loan in Fiscal Year 2009 to 2011 in the end of 2008. According to the requirement of World Bank Project construction period, by analysis of the construction content, scale, type and the Project complexity, the construction conditions, the management level and the quality of personnel, etc. of the proposed project, and by referring to the construction schedule of similar projects, the construction period of the Project is intended to be 5 years, that is 60 months.

3.7.2. Scheduling

The preliminary work of the Project, Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project Utilizing WB Loans, was planed to complete in August 2011. The construction period of the Project lasts 5 years, which is from July 2012 to June 2017. Civil construction of the Project is 3 years, 36 months in total, from July 2012 to June 2015.

February 2011-August 2011: Preparation and approval of the Project feasibility study report;

September 2011: Preliminary design tender;

October 2011-December 2011: Preliminary design;

January 2012: Construction bidding;

February 2012-June 2012: Construction design;

July 2012-June 2015: Project construction;

July 2012-June 2017: Sub-annual training, inspection and related activities;

The end of June 2017: Project acceptance; the schedule of the Project implementation progress is shown in Table 3-18.

Table 3-18 Schedule of the Project Implementation Progress

|No. |Project |Preliminary Work |Project Construction Period |

| | |2011 |2012 |

|2006 |21152 |8153 |3306 |

|2007 |24142 |12385 |3630 |

|2008 |29065 |17439 |4060 |

|2009 |33555 |22958 |4140 |

|2010 |34609 |23674 |4770 |

2 4.2.3 Infrastructure

(1) Power Supply

There is 110kv Jinping transformer and power station within the Project Area with service area as follows: 19,000 household users distributed in whole area over 59 administrative villages (Qingpi Village of Tanshi) with voltage class of 110kv, annual output power supply volume: 18 million kwh, power supply unit: Yueshan Office of Xiangxiang Electric Power Bureau, annual gateway electric quantity around 18 million kwh, rated power around 6,300kw, the distance between Project Area and transformer station is around 4km, the distance between Project Area and 306 mainline of 10kv Jinxin Line is around 1.2km, and project-use power is guaranteed.

(2) Water Supply

There is one water plant within the Project Area, with water supply scale of 1,000m3/d, covering Xinqiao Village, Hongyang Village and Hengjiang Village. The construction of the Plant area and main pipeline has been completed. The water source of the water plant is from Hongri reservoir in Hongri Village, adopting underground pipeline for delivery. The distance between the reservoir and Project Area is 6km.

2 4.3 Status Quo of Quality of the Project Area Environment

1 4.3.1 Atmospheric Environment

To explain the status quo of environmental quality of the Project Area, we adopt the on-site monitoring data about Xiangxiang City Hutie Hotel and Yangjin Village recorded by Xiangxiang City Environmental Monitoring Station from June 29, 2010 to July 6, 2010 for assessment analogy.

(1) Monitoring Time

The on-site monitoring time is from June 29, 2010 to July 6, 2010 for consecutive 7 days.

(2) Sampling and Analytical Approaches

It shall be implemented in accordance with relevant state standard and technical specification. The specific sampling and analytical approaches are shown in the following Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Sampling and Analytical Approaches for Environmental Air Monitoring Project

|Monitoring Project |Sampling Instrument |Analytical Instrument |Sampling and Analytical Approaches |

|Inhalable Particles |2031 Type Intelligent |Analytical Balance |Millipore Filtration Absorption Gravimetric |

|(PM10) |High-Flow TSP (PM10) | |Method |

| |Sampler | | |

|Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) |2031 Type Intelligent |722 Spectrophotometer |Formaldehyde Absorbing- Pararosaniline |

| |High-Flow TSP (PM10) | |Hydrochloride Method |

| |Sampler | | |

|Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) |2031 Type Intelligent |722 Spectrophotometer |N (1-naphty1) -ethylenediamine |

| |High-Flow TSP (PM10) | |Dihydrochloride Spectrophotometric Method |

| |Sampler | | |

(3) Monitoring Result

The monitoring result is shown in Table 4-3.

Table 4-3 Statistics Table for Monitoring Result of Status Quo of Atmospheric Environment (Unit: mg/m3)

|Monitoring Point |Item (mg/m3) |NO2 |SO2 |PM10 |

|Hutie Hotel |Concentration Range Per Hour |0.021-0.035 |0.040-0.056 |/ |

| |Out of Gauge Rate |0 |0 |/ |

| |Maximum Times Out of Gauge |0 |0 |/ |

| |Average Daily Concentration Range |0.017-0.028 |0.027-0.041 |0.036-0.052 |

| |Average Value for Seven Days |0.019 |0.031 |0.040 |

| |Out of Gauge Rate |0 |0 |0 |

| |Maximum Times Out of Gauge |0 |0 |0 |

|Yangjin Village |Concentration Range Per Hour |0.003-0.013 |0.008-0.026 |/ |

| |Out of Gauge Rate |0 |0 |/ |

| |Maximum Times Out of Gauge |0 |0 |/ |

| |Average Daily Concentration Range |0.04-0.010 |0.012-0.020 |0.056-0.125 |

| |Average Value for Seven Days |0.008 |0.017 |0.068 |

| |Out of Gauge Rate |0 |0 |0 |

| |Maximum Times Out of Gauge |0 |0 |0 |

|Assessment Standard (Average Daily/Hour) |0.12/0.24 |0.15/0.50 |0.15/- |

(4) Result Analysis

From Table 4-3, it can be concluded that both hour concentration of SO2 and NO2 and average daily concentration of SO2, NO2, and PM10 at two monitoring points in Hutie Hotel and Yangjin Village meet the requirement of second level standard of GB3095-1996 Ambient Air Quality Standard (AAQS), without out of gauge. The Project is located at Yingxiongling Group of Xinqiao Village, Yueshan Town. Like Yangjin Village, without large scale air pollutant emission enterprises, it has identical environmental quality status quo and analogy. Upon analogy, it shows that the status quo of air quality of the Project Area environment is sound, and there is a certain environmental capacity.

2 4.3.2 Environment of Surface Water

(1) Distribution Points of Monitoring Section

Upon disposal by WWTP of the Project, the tail water which meets the primary standard - standard B of Pollutants Discharge Standard for Urban WWTPs (GB18918-2002) will be discharged into Xinqiaohe River. Therefore, 3 monitoring sections for surface water are set in this time. The distribution points of the section are shown in Table 5-7.

Table 4-4 Section Distribution Points for Monitoring Status Quo of Water Environment

|Section |Rivers |Section Positions |

|1# |Xinqiaohe River |500m above Upper Stream of WWTP Outlet |

|2# | |800m below Down Stream of WWTP Outlet |

|3# | |2,000m below Down Stream of WWTP Outlet |

(2) Monitoring Frequency and Project

Environmental Monitoring Center of Changsha Environmental Protection Career Technical College is entrusted to make a 3-day monitoring on the foresaid sections from October 21, 2011 to October 23, 2011, sampling once a day.

The monitoring project covers pH, ammonia nitrogen, COD, BOD5, SS, oil type, plant animal oil, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and fecal coliforms number, as well as water temperature, water depth, river width, flow velocity and flow rate.

(3) Monitoring Approach

The foresaid indexes shall be implemented in accordance with Environmental Monitoring Technical Specification and Selective and Analytical Approach for Environmental Quality Standard of Surface Water released by State Environmental Protection Administration.

(4) Assessment Approach

Adopt single gene index approach to make assessment to the status quo of water environmental quality.

(5) Monitoring Result and Assessment

The monitoring result is shown in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5 Monitoring Result for Status Quo of Surface Water Environment

|No. |Monitored Item |Monitored Value (Unit of Fecal Coliforms: one/L, units for any other indexes are mg/L, except for |

| | |pH) |

| | |1# |2# |3# |

| | |10.21 |10.22 |10.23 |

|2 |SS |22 |

| |2011.10.23 |2011.10.23 |

|East Plant Boundary |42.7 |36.9 |

|South Plant Boundary |44.1 |37.0 |

|West Plant Boundary |44.9 |37.4 |

|North Plant Boundary |42.1 |36.8 |

|Xiaoqiao Village |44.7 |37.3 |

|Hangyang Village |43.5 |37.1 |

|Xianfeng Middle School |50.8 |38.5 |

|Township Central |46.1 |37.6 |

|Hospital | | |

|Standard Value |60 |50 |

|Assessment Result |Up to Standard |Up to Standard |

3 4.4 Basic Information for Major Concern on Safety Safeguard Policies of the WB

Upon analysis, we find the Project doesn't involve dam safety (OP 4.37), international watercourse (OP 7.50), natural habitat (OP/BP 4.04) and material culture resource (OP 4.11), etc., and therefore we make no corresponding elaboration in the assessment

5. Environmental Impact Assessment

The implementation of the Project will improve the infrastructure of Yueshan Town, whereas, it will inevitably impose undesirable impact to ambient environment, which are mainly reflected in construction and operation periods. Among those, the Project content which imposes major impact to ambient environment during construction period is the dust and noise from WWTP and auxiliary pipe network construction. While major impact in operation period is the affection of tail water from WWTP to water environment, and disposal of undesirable odor and wastewater sludge.

4 5.1 Analysis on Impact of the Project to Human Health

The primary purposes for making assessment on human health impact lie in analyzing and preventing diseases brought from the Project and putting forward countermeasures to improve hygiene environment.

1 5.1.1 Environmental Benefits Brought by Implementation of the Project

After completion of the Project, the status quo that the raw wastewater of the Project location is directly discharged into adjacent surface water will be changed, and the raw wastewater will be collected, disposed by WWTP until up to standard and discharged, which is in favorable of protecting the quality of receiving water of Xinqiaohe River, and improving the environmental hygiene condition of the Project location to some extent, bettering living quality of local residents, and promoting social progress. The expected environmental benefits of the Project are shown in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Expected Environmental Benefits of the Project Unit: t/a

|Period |BOD5 |COD |SS |NH3-N |TN |TP |

|Pre-implementation of the |142.35 |262.8 |219 |27.375 |32.85 |3.066 |

|Project | | | | | | |

|Post-implementation of the |21.9 |65.7 |21.9 |8.76 |21.9 |1.095 |

|Project | | | | | | |

|Abatement Quantity |120.45 |197.1 |197.1 |18.615 |10.95 |1.971 |

|Abatement Rate (%) |85 |75 |90 |68 |33 |64 |

With the growing of population, expanding of urban size, and accelerating of urbanization pace, environmental pollution problem of Yueshan Town has evolved into an impediment to the development of social economy and improvement of people’s livelihood. Implementation of the Project will relieve the contradiction between economic development and environmental pollution to some extent, improve the life quality and health level for the people of the Project location, and promote sustainable development of local social economy.

2 5.1.2 Analysis on Impact to Human Health

Some environmental hygiene problems, e.g. offensive odor of WWTP, and spread of aerosol germ, etc. exist in the construction of WWTP project. They will bring adverse impact to human health. Therefore, the environmental assessment puts forward that the following countermeasures shall be adopted to relieve or eliminate these adverse impacts:

(1) Eliminate the four pests (mosquito, fly, mouse and cockroach);

(2) Remove the wastewater salvage and wreck;

(3) Clean the structure in respect of sidewall of tank, guardrail, stairs, sidewalk, air duct and etc. on a periodical basis;

(4) Remove domestic waste, and collect, pack and classify the waste; the Environmental Hygiene Department shall clean up and dispose the sanitation trash can filled with waste on a daily basis;

(5) Plant high forest around the site for deodorizing;

(6) Set up a health protection distance. After calculation in light of relevant state regulations, the WWTP site for the Project is selected at least 50m distance from the resident settlement.

5 5.2 Analysis on Impact to Environment in Construction Period

The environmental impact during the construction period of the Project comes mainly from noise, dust, construction wastewater, construction waste, traffic environmental impact, landscape ecology impact, water loss and soil erosion, and other environmental issues.

1 5.2.1 Analysis on Dust Pollution Source and Environmental Impact

According to relevant research, the dust from construction site mainly comes from running of transportation vehicle, which approximately accounts for 60% of total dust, and is related to the road surface and vehicle running speed. Under normal circumstances, the influence sphere of dust from construction site and road is within 100m under the action of natural wind. In windy day, the dust quantity and influence sphere will somewhat expand. The spoil, sand and lime in construction period, if improper stored or scattered in loading or delivery process, will give rise to dust with influence sphere of around 100m.

Another case which will give rise to dust is air storage of earth excavation, with primary feature that the operation will be affected by the speed of wind. In addition, due to the relationship between dust quantity of road and running speed of vehicle, the faster speed of vehicle, the more dust quantity.

According to the analog investigation result, it shows that sprinkling water to roads for 4-5 times every day will cut dust by around 70%. Table 5-2 gives the practical measurement results of sprinkling water to suppress dust on construction site.

Table 5-2 Measurement Result of Sprinkling Water to Suppress Dust

|Distance from Construction Source (m) |5 |20 |50 |100 |

|TSP (Average Hour/mg. m3) |No Water Sprinkling |10.14 |2.89 |1.15 |0.86 |

| |Water Sprinkling |2.01 |1.40 |0.67 |0.6 |

From data of the Table, it can be concluded that after adopting the countermeasure of sprinkling water to suppress dust (for 4-5 times every day), we greatly reduce the dust concentration (calculated in TSP), and cut the influence sphere from 5-100m to 5-50m.

In light of the identification and screening results of environmental protection target, along two sides of the Project pipe network, there are such sensitive points as school, hospital and residential area, and the spacing distance between the construction site and residential area is 10-100m. Therefore, the impact of construction dust to ambient environment still exists. Although the influence is temporary and dies away with construction period, we have to take effective measure to relieve the adverse impact from construction dust to the sensitive points of ambient environment during construction period.

2 5.2.2 Analysis on Impact of Construction Wastewater

(1) Pipeline Construction

Most of pipe network construction for WWTP is underway in the buildup area of Yueshan Town, and the construction people may make use of the existing living facilities around construction site, which does not established within the construction site. Therefore, the construction wastewater is mainly from the industrial wastewater.

The industrial wastewater is mainly from the flushing and maintenance water of vehicle and mechanical equipment, with principal pollutants of SS and oil type. If the wastewater is untreated, the direct discharge of raw wastewater will have a certain impact on the quality of surface water. Therefore, we put forward the following disposal requirements on the construction wastewater:

To minimize the construction floor area, the chase-digging width shall be subject to the construction range of 5-10m distance along pipe distance line. It is unfavorable to set up grating residue tank within this range to dispose the flushing water of vehicle and mechanical equipment. In view of that, the environmental assessment suggests that the vehicle and mechanical equipment be flushed in a special flushing site instead of in the construction site. Meanwhile, the construction shall avoid rainy season.

The construction unit may face oil leakage in mechanical equipment maintenance. In light of National Hazardous Waste List, the waste oil belongs to a hazardous waste (with series No. of HW08). Therefore, the construction unit shall adopt special plastic bucket to collect and recover the leaked oil, pour the collected oil to the waste oil storage tank, then the waste oil procurement department will make onsite acquisition; if the waste oil is dripped to the ground, it shall be wiped it out with cotton yarn in a timely manner. After foresaid measures are taken, the waste oil generated from maintenance of mechanical equipment will have little impact on the external environment.

(2) Construction in the Plant area

During the building construction period, field cleaning, concrete preparation and maintenance, construction and installation, and implementation of other project will create a certain amount of construction wastewater. In addition, a large number of construction people will create a certain amount of domestic wastewater during construction period.

• Principal pollutants contained in the construction wastewater consist of suspended substance, oil type and etc., which are, however, in low discharge value. The wastewater grating residue tank will be set up in the construction site for collection and grating residue of various industrial wastewaters, which will be recycled in the site for water sprinkling and dust suppression, instead of being discharged to surface water.

• The domestic wastewater of construction people will be recycled in the site for water sprinkling and dust suppression upon simple grating residue treatment, instead of being discharged to surface water.

3 5.2.3 Analysis on Impact of Noise

(1) Pipeline Construction

The construction noise in the course of pipe network construction comes mainly from transportation vehicle and construction mechanical equipment, e.g. excavator, bulldozer, and stirring machine, etc. In light of relevant document, the common noise level of construction mechanical equipment and transportation vehicle are shown in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3 List of Noise Level of Construction Mechanical Equipment

|Name of Equipment |Noise Level dB (A) |Monitoring Distance (m) |

|Pavement Roller |73-88 |15 |

|Scrapper |72-93 |15 |

|Bulldozer |67 |30 |

|Grader |80-90 |15 |

|Paver |82-92 |15 |

|Truck |70-95 |15 |

|Vibrator |69-81 |15 |

The attenuation changes of noise with distance for principal machinery are shown in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 List of Attenuation Changes of Noise with Distance for Single Principal Construction Machinery

|Mechanical Equipment |Distance from Nosie source (m) |

| |15 |50 |100 |150 |200 |

|Scrapper |72-93 |41-62 |33-54 |29-50 |27-48 |

|Grader |80-90 |49-59 |41-51 |37-47 |35-45 |

|Vibrator |69-81 |38-50 |30-42 |26-38 |24-36 |

|Paver |82-92 |51-61 |43-53 |39-49 |37-47 |

From Table 5-4, it can be concluded that the nose level of single construction machinery from over 100m away, will basically reach the noise limit for the construction site. For the ongoing construction of pipe network Project, the distance between both sides of pipeline and residential area varies from 5 to 100m. Upon the research, the closest distance between residential area and the pipeline is 5m, and the closest school hospital 8m, which are both under great influence of the noise during the construction period. In order to reduce the impact, we put forward the following alleviating measures: arrange the operation time of various construction mechanical equipment on a reasonable basis, avoid large number of equipment of high-noise level put into operation simultaneously, reduce night transport, and forbid night construction (22:00-6:00). For the construction which has to be carried out in night, the construction unit shall get prior approval from local environmental department concerned and set up noise barrier between sensitive points and the noise source; for the construction in school section, in parallel to making negotiation with the school, and trying to arrange the construction of high-noise level in winter vacation, summer vacation, two-day weekend or after school, the construction unit shall also quicken the pace, shorten the duration, reduce the influence time, and make high-noise construction overtime on two-day weekend, so as to avoid interfering with school academic environment; for the construction in hospital section, the construction unit shall make negotiation with the hospital, and set up movable noise barrier.

(2) Construction in the Plant area

For the construction in the Plant area, in order to minimize the impact of noise, especially the noise generated from construction machinery and transportation vehicles, the construction unit shall arrange the operating time of construction machinery on a reasonable basis during the construction period, and the high-noise construction is prohibited in night; meanwhile, for various construction stages, the construction unit shall carry out the construction as stipulated in Noise Limits for Construction Sites (GB12523-90), and adopt such measures as setting fence and using low-noise equipment to strictly control the noise during the construction period.

The impact of construction period is temporary and will die away as the construction period ends. After adopting relevant measures, the construction unit may control the noise within acceptable range during the construction period.

4 5.2.4 Analysis on Impact of Solid Waste

The solid waste generated during the construction period mainly consists of muck and macadam, etc. excavated in the course of earthwork; supplies consumed in the delivery course, including sand, stone and concrete, etc.; and domestic waste of the construction people. According to the document provided by the Project Feasibility Report, the excavated volume of stone and earthwork during the pipe network construction period is calculated to be 32,000m3, earthwork volume 25,000m3, and residual spoil of 7,000m3, which can be delivered and used for leveling land of WWTP area.

Primary impact of solid waste during the construction period covers:

(1) If overloaded, the vehicle will scatter the soil everywhere along the way; the wheels are covered with soil, which will overspreads to the transport highway; a road, which is dusty in a sunny day and sloppy in a rainy day, will affect the passersby and vehicles and environmental quality.

(2) If the spoil disposal land is unknown or the spoil is stacked at random, it will affect land utilization, and destroy the natural and ecological environment.

(3) The spoil requires a large number of vehicles in terms of transport, if transported in the daytime, it will definitely have an impact to local traffic, giving rise to heavy traffic.

(4) If the domestic waste can’t be disposed in a timely manner on a reasonable basis, the environmental hygiene problems will bring negative impact to human health.

All delivered spoils from pipe network construction, which are ordinary solid waste without toxic ingredients, may be recycled to fill in the WWTP. Then the construction unit may also consider delivering the spoil to the construction project designated by the municipal administration and planning department for embankment foundation and depression filling, or comprehensively use it for landscaping along river. Therefore, the spoil disposal won’t have adverse impact on the environment; and the domestic wastes, which are collected, packed, and classified by the construction people, will be delivered by the Environmental Hygiene Department for disposal, exerting little influence on ambient environment.

5 5.2.5 Impact Analysis of Water Loss and Soil Erosion

(1) Pipeline Construction

In the pipe network construction, the earthwork excavation is adopted and the remaining vegetation is to be eliminated, which will extend negative impact on the existing vegetation in the district. The destruction to the vegetation during the construction period cannot be avoided, causing surface soil bareness in the Project district; the original terrain and landform will be changed in places for excavating earthwork, storing useful wasted soils, and low laying filling, causing soil erosion and water loss and soil erosion in the rainy season. Therefore, the Contract shall strictly carry out the measures for keeping water and soil and tamp the bare surface soil in time during the Project construction period, ensuring not to give rise to water loss and soil erosion. The earthwork shall be stored reasonably in the construction site. The sewer and the watercourse shall be separated for certain distance. Construction materials and wasted earthwork that fail to be carried away shall be covered with tarpaulin in windy and rainy days.

There shall be places appropriate for the storage of the wasted earthwork without storage at will after the excavation of the pipe network. With the water and soil conservation scheme and the managerial measures strictly obeyed, the water loss and soil erosion arising from the pipe network construction during the construction period can be within the controllable range.

(2) Construction therein Area

Water loss and soil erosion in the construction of the WWTP Area mainly reflect in the two aspects below: the vegetation that was destroyed in the surface excavation is flushed and eroded in rains; various temporary structures destroy the original vegetation, worsening the local water loss and soil erosion. For example, the inappropriate management in the raw material plant and the temporary storage plant of wasted earthwork may easily cause sheet erosion and shallow ridge erosion. The construction phase inclined to water loss and soil erosion in the Project is mainly in the construction of the Plant Area. Generally, the experience formula (for not obviously eroded areas) is adopted to estimate the potential water loss and soil erosion amount during the construction period, with the amount to be 232t/a.

The engineering construction will destroy the original landform and vegetation, change the natural movement of surface water, reduce the anti-erosion capacity of the surface soil, and increase the surface runoff and washing strength. The water loss and soil erosion arising from the engineering construction, if not prevented in time and appropriately, will cause certain harms.

6 5.2.6 Ecological Impact Analysis

(1) Impact on Landscape Ecology

During the pipe network construction, the pipe network laying area will be in a mess due to the earth excavation and earthwork storage, which will always leave people an impression of disorder though it’s separated with fences; the leakage of wasted earthwork during the transportation stains the road and raised dust, which also extends negative impact on the surrounding landscape. Therefore, it’s of great importance to clean the construction site. The negative impact on the landscape during the construction period is short-term and can be recovered.

(2) Impact on Temporary Land Occupancy

The pipe network construction belongs to the temporary land occupancy. Strict measures shall be taken during the temporary land occupancy construction to protect the surface soil and avoid unrecoverable impact. After the excavation, the surface soil (with a recommended thickness between 30 and 50cm) shall be collected and stored separately, and water loss and soil erosion preventive measures shall be taken. After the completion of the excavation, refill the underground soil, cover the surface soil evenly on the surface, and tamp the site to reduce the impact on the soil quality. With careful planning during the construction period and timely site cleaning and greening after the completion of construction, the negative impact can be controlled effectively.

(3) Impact on Permanent Land Occupancy

The WWTP belongs to the permanent land occupancy. First, elimination of crops and sod reduces the vegetation cover ratio, and will cause small amount of water loss and soil erosion. Second, the earthwork excavation or filling changes the soil structure, reduces the soil-ripening degree, and affects the soil productivity after reclamation yet without affecting the land utilization modes. Farmland is generally for the permanent land occupancy of various WWTPs, which reduces farmers’ land. The local government has formulated compensation plans to readjust the Planting land, and the land owners shall pay certain economic compensation to the farmers subject to the state stipulations.

7 5.2.7 Impact on the Traffic

The impact extended by the pipe network net construction on the traffic can be obvious. Although the stage construction method is available, some earthworks need to be stored temporarily during the construction, which affects the traffic in the roads along the line. When the pipe network crosses the road, the traffic will be jammed with slotting adopted, which extends relatively large impact on the traffic condition. Therefore, if permitted under the geological and soil conditions, tube type construction may reduce the impact of the road excavation. However, the bearing capacity (supporting power) of the road drops, and cargo trucks shall be prohibited for short term, both of which will affect the urban traffic. It’s estimated that the construction for over 20 days are necessary with pipelines crossing each road, with the impact on the traffic lasting for 20 days or so. Pipeline construction on high streets has obviously impact on the traffic. Therefore, we shall make careful plans, keep a firm grasp on the construction, adopt the pipe-jacking for construction as far as possible, meanwhile, negotiate with the local transportation administration authorities and formulate temporary traffic routes prior to the construction, inform the local residents of the construction impact, set up nameplate on the construction site, and allocate special persons for dredging the traffic. Moreover, further measures for prevention of traffic jam shall be taken to reinforce the management during the construction period and reduce the construction period.

The transport of raw materials (sands, cements, etc.) and wasted earth during the construction period will increase the vehicle flow in short term. Therefore, the transport shall avoid the traffic peaks, especially the rush hours.

8 5.2.8 Health and Safety Impact

The Project is with small project amount and construction people. But the poor living conditions and hygiene conditions in the site and large labor intensity may easily cause diseases. In order to ensure the construction safety, the construction people shall have an overall physical inspection, people with communicable diseases are prohibited entering the site, the staff of the canteen shall have regular physical inspection, and people with epidemic diseases shall be treated in time and transferred from the canteen to prevent the spreading. Central water supply devices shall be set up and medical health facilities and medical staff shall be allocated in the construction site. The construction staff shall have labor protection to guard their health and safety and ensure the smoothness of the Project.

5.3 Analysis of Impact on the Environment during the Operation Period

Impact on the surrounding environment during the Project’s operation period includes the impact of the WWTP on the water conditions, the treatment of odor and sludge, etc.

5.3.1 Impact of the Project on Water Conditions

The qualified inflow and outflow water quality of the WWTP under normal and full load is shown in Table 5-5.

Table 5-5 List of Inflow and Outflow Water Quality Designed for WWTP

|Item |CODcr |BOD5 |SS |TN |NH3-N |TP |

|Inflow Water Quality |240 |130 |200 |30 |25 |2. 8 |

|Outflow Water Quality |≤60 |≤20 |≤20 |≤20 |≤8 |≤1. 0 |

(1) Tail water

According to the expected construction inflow water quality, with the discharge water quality meeting the Standard B in the Pollutants Discharge Standard for Urban WWTPs (GB18918-2002), the business accounting is subject to the full load. The estimate result of load Cut of the WWTP is shown in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6 Pollutant Load Cut of WWTP Unit (t/a)

|Period |BOD5 |COD |SS |NH3-N |TN |TP |

|Water Amount |1095000 |

|Before Treatment |142. 35 |262. 8 |219 |27. 375 |32. 85 |3. 066 |

|After Treatment |21. 9 |65. 7 |21. 9 |8. 76 |21. 9 |1. 095 |

|Cut |120. 45 |197. 1 |197. 1 |18. 615 |10. 95 |1. 971 |

|Cut Ratio (%) |85 |75 |90 |68 |33 |64 |

From the above table, it can be concluded that after the operation of the WWTP, the wastewater is treated collectively to the Plant through organized pipe network, and the tail water that has been biochemical treated, deposited, and disinfected is discharged. The pollutant concentration and discharge amount in the Xinqiaohe River will drop largely, which has a favorable effect on the alleviation of the pollution in the river, obviously improves the water environment in the Xinqiaohe River, and extends a positive environmental effect.

According to the Document [1999] No. 24 Notification on Development of Pollutant Outlet Standardization and Regulation issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), a signboard shall be set at the wastewater outlet, an automatic monitor and a flow meter shall be installed at the outflow, the standardized wastewater outflow shall be constructed for the convenience of sample collection and daily monitoring and management, the automatic online signal shall be connected to the environmental system of Xiangtan City, and the assessing construction unit shall entrust relevant qualified organizations to formulate the demonstration report on drain outflow setting and submit it to the water administrative authority for approval according to No. 22 Order Measures for the Supervision and Control of Wastewater Outflows on Rivers issued by the Ministry of Water Resources of People’s Republic of China.

(2) Analysis of Secondary Pollution Impact of Wastewater during the Operation Period

The secondary pollution of wastewater during the operation of the Project mainly includes the industrial wastewater arising from the sludge dewatering equipment and the domestic wastewater in the Plant. According to the feasibility report, the fixed number of staff needed for the Project is 21, and the domestic water is supplied by the deep-well pump in the Plant. The amount of domestic water therein is 3. 1m3/d with the water yield subject 100L/person · d, and the discharge amount of the whole plant is 1.79m3/d (i.e. 653.4m3/a) with the pollutant creation coefficient subject to 0.85. If the sludge dewatering equipment operates twice per day with the water as the tail water treated by the wastewater treatment device and 15m3 of water per time, the production wastewater discharging amount is 30m3/d (i.e. 10,950m3/a). The total wastewater amount is 31.79m3/d (i.e. 11,603.4m3/a) which can enter the wastewater treatment equipment through the wastewater pipelines therein and be discharged along with the treated and standard project wastewater.

(3) Prediction on the quality of receiving water in Tixinqiaohe river

①basic conditions of Xinqiaohe River

Xinqiaohe River is originated from the hill near Yueshan Town. The water source is rain. Its main function is irrigation and floods discharge. It runs into Lianshui River at Tanshi Town. According to the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water(GB3838-2002)and its actual function, Xinqiaohe River is confirmed to be IV class by Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002).

②prediction on section

The background section is confirmed by this assessment to be the section at 500m upper reaches of the WWTP outlet (section 1). The prediction sections are at 800m lower reaches (section 2) and 2000m lower reaches of the WWTP outlet (section 3).

③prediction factors

The factors for the prediction of Honghe water quality are COD, BOD5 and NH3-N.

④prediction time period

It is planned to start prediction in 2017 and in low water period.

⑤prediction model

According to the prediction river's features in hydrology and pollutants, suitable prediction models for water quality are selected. Xinqiaohe River is a small sized river and can be simplified to be a rectangle and straight river. The waste water of this project is domestic sewage, rich in organic pollutants, and not persistant. The mixing process reach applies two-dimensional stable-state mixing & attenuation model, and the total mixed reach applies one-dimensional stable-state S-P model. The prediction model are as below: See table 5-7 for the schedule of symbols and units in the formula.

A. two-dimensional stable-state mixing & attenuation model


B. one-dimensional stable-state S-P model


Table 5-7 List for Meaning of Symbols and Units in the Formula

|No. |Symbol |Meaning |Unit |

|1 |a |Distance from the outlet to the bank |m |

|2 |B |River width |m |

|3 |C |Pollutant concentration, vertical concentration, section average concentration |mg/L |

|4 |C0 |Pollutant concentration at starting point |mg/L |

|5 |Ch |Pollutant concentration at upper reaches |mg/L |

|6 |Cp |Pollutant discharging concentration |mg/L |

|7 |D |Oxygen deficiency |mg/L |

|8 |D0 |Section oxygen deficiency at starting point |mg/L |

|9 |Dh |Oxygen deficiency at upper reaches |mg/L |

|10 |g |Acceleration of gravity |m/s2 |

|11 |H |Average depth |m |

|12 |K1 |Oxygen consumption coefficient |1/d |

|13 |K2 |Reoxygenation coefficient |1/d |

|14 |My |Lateral mixing coefficient |m2/s |

|15 |Qp |Waste discharging volume |m3/s |

|16 |Qh |River flow rate |m3/s |

|17 |x、y | Coordinate in cartesian coordinate system |m |

|18 |xc |Distance from the oxygen maximum deficiency point to the starting point |m |

|19 |u |Speed at X direction |m |

⑥selection of prediction parameters

Based on the Xinqiaohe River monitoring report from the environment monitoring center of Changsha Environment Protection Vocational College from Oct 21 to Oct 23, 2011, the hydrological parameters are as below:

Water temperature: 28.3℃ speed:0.3m/s flow rate:1.3m3/s water depth:0.5m

Water width:6m distance from the outlet to the bank:1m K1=0.6/d, K2=0.8/d

Pollutant concentration at upper reaches:COD 14mg/l BOD5 3.57mg/l NH3-N 0.55mg/l

See table 5-8 for the selection of the prediction parameters

Table 5-8 List for Prediction parameters of the Project Water Environment

|Discharging |Waste volume(t/a) |COD concentration(mg/L |BOD5 concentration(mg/L) |NH3-N concentration(mg/L) |

|situation | |) | | |

|In normal |1095000 |60 |20 |8 |

|In accident |1095000 |240 |130 |25 |

⑦predicted length of the mixing process reach

The predicted length of the mixing process reach is referred to the formula stipulated in the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment: Surface Water Environment, HJ/T2. 3-1993, which is as below:


From the above formula, the length of the mixing process reach where the waste water of the project discharges into Xinqiaohe River is around 26m. 30m is taken to facilitate the calculation.

⑧prediction results and assessment

Take the outlet as the base point, river flow direction as X axis and the river width as Y axis. The hydrological situation in the monitoring period is referred. Two-dimensional stable-state mixing & attenuation model and one-dimensional stable-state S-P model are employed to predict how the COD, BOD5 and NH3-N, which are from the waste water of this project, affect Xinqiaohe River in the mixing process reach and total mixed reach respectively. See table 5-9 and 5-16 for the prediction results.

Table 5-9 Impact Value of the Wastewater on Xinqiaohe River on Condition that COD is normal(mixing process reach) Unit:mg/l

| y |y=0 |y=1 |y=2 |y=3 |y=4 |y=5 |y=6 |

|x | | | | | | | |

|x=10 |15.0781 |15.0824 |15.0846 |15.0847 |15.0828 |15.0789 |15.0729 |

|x=20 |14.7642 |14.7658 |14.7667 |14.7668 |14.7661 |14.7647 |14.7625 |

|x=30 |14.6162 |14.6171 |14.6175 |14.6176 |14.6172 |14.6164 |14.6152 |

Table 5-10 Impact Value of the Wastewater on Xinqiaohe River in Case of COD Accidents (mixing process reach) Unit:mg/l

| y |y=0 |y=1 |y=2 |y=3 |y=4 |y=5 |y=6 |

|x | | | | | | | |

|x=10 |18.3368 |18.3538 |18.3627 |18.3633 |18.3556 |18.3397 |18.3157 |

|x=20 |17.1055 |17.112 |17.1154 |17.1158 |17.1131 |17.1074 |17.0986 |

|x=30 |16.5375 |16.5411 |16.543 |16.5432 |16.5418 |16.5386 |16.5338 |

Table 5-11 Impact Value of the Wastewater on Xinqiaohe River on Condition that BOD5 is normal(mixing process reach) Unit:mg/l

|/ |y=0 |y=1 |y=2 |y=3 |y=4 |y=5 |y=6 |

|x=10 |3.8596 |3.8612 |3.8621 |3.8621 |3.8613 |3.8597 |3.8573 |

|x=20 |3.778 |3.7786 |3.7789 |3.779 |3.7787 |3.7781 |3.7772 |

|x=30 |3.7393 |3.7397 |3.7398 |3.7399 |3.7397 |3.7394 |3.7389 |

Table 5-12 Impact Value of the Wastewater on Xinqiaohe River in Case of BOD5 Accidents (mixing process reach) Unit:mg/l

|/ |y=0 |y=1 |y=2 |y=3 |y=4 |y=5 |y=6 |

|x=10 |5.46 |5.4706 |5.476 |5.4761 |5.4709 |5.4606 |5.4451 |

|x=20 |4.937 |4.9411 |4.9433 |4.9435 |4.9417 |4.9379 |4.9322 |

|x=30 |4.6932 |4.6955 |4.6967 |4.6969 |4.6959 |4.6938 |4.6907 |

Table 5-13 Impact Value of the Wastewater on Xinqiaohe River on Condition that NH3-N is normal(mixing process reach) Unit:mg/l

|/ |y=0 |y=1 |y=2 |y=3 |y=4 |y=5 |y=6 |

|x=10 |0.6662 |0.6668 |0.6672 |0.6672 |0.6669 |0.6662 |0.6653 |

|x=20 |0.6339 |0.6341 |0.6343 |0.6343 |0.6342 |0.6339 |0.6336 |

|x=30 |0.6187 |0.6189 |0.619 |0.619 |0.6189 |0.6188 |0.6186 |

Table 5-14 Impact Value of the Wastewater on Xinqiaohe River in Case of NH3-N Accidents (mixing process reach) Unit:mg/l

|/ |y=0 |y=1 |y=2 |y=3 |y=4 |y=5 |y=6 |

|x=10 |0.9135 |0.9156 |0.9166 |0.9166 |0.9156 |0.9136 |0.9106 |

|x=20 |0.813 |0.8138 |0.8142 |0.8142 |0.8139 |0.8132 |0.8121 |

|x=30 |0.7662 |0.7666 |0.7668 |0.7669 |0.7667 |0.7663 |0.7657 |

Table 5-15 Impact Value of the Wastewater on Xinqiaohe River on Normal Conditions (complete mixed reach) Unit:mg/l

| Pollutant |COD |BOD5 |NH3-N |

|Distance(m) | | | |

|100 |15.14 |4.01 |0.74 |

|200 |15.08 |3.99 |0.74 |

|300 |15.03 |3.98 |0.74 |

|400 |14.97 |3.97 |0.74 |

|500 |14.92 |3.95 |0.73 |

|600 |14.86 |3.94 |0.73 |

|700 |14.80 |3.92 |0.73 |

|800 |14.74 |3.91 |0.72 |

|900 |14.69 |3.89 |0.72 |

|1000 |14.63 |3.88 |0.72 |

|1500 |14.35 |3.80 |0.70 |

|2000 |14.08 |3.73 |0.69 |

|3000 |13.5 |3.56 |0.66 |

|4000 |13.03 |3.43 |0.64 |

|5000 |12.5 |3.30 |0.61 |

Table 5-16 Impact Value of the Wastewater on Xinqiaohe River on Condition of Accident (complete mixed reach) Unit:mg/l

| pollutant |COD |BOD5 |NH3-N |

|distance(m) | | | |

|100 |19.85 |6.86 |1.19 |

|200 |19.77 |6.83 |1.18 |

|300 |19.70 |6.81 |1.18 |

|400 |19.62 |6.78 |1.17 |

|500 |19.54 |6.75 |1.17 |

|600 |19.47 |6.72 |1.16 |

|700 |19.40 |6.70 |1.16 |

|800 |19.32 |6.68 |1.15 |

|900 |19.25 |6.65 |1.15 |

|1000 |19.17 |6.62 |1.15 |

|1500 |18.80 |6.50 |1.12 |

|2000 |18.45 |6.37 |1.10 |

|3000 |17.75 |6.13 |1.06 |

|4000 |17.08 |5.90 |1.02 |

|5000 |16.43 |5.68 |0.98 |

From the prediction results, it can be found that under the hydrological conditions during the monitoring period, the COD、BOD5 and NH3-N concentration in the mixing process and total mixed reaches are all within the IV class standard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water(GB3838-2002)after the waste water of this project discharged into the Xinqiaohe River in normal situation; but in accidental situation, the BOD5 concentration of the total mixed reaches exceeds the IV class standard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water(GB3838-2002)a little within the 4km scope of the lower reaches of the outlet.

⑨impact analysis of the sensitive points at lower reaches

According to date collection and on-site inspection, Xinqiaohe River is mainly used for irrigation and discharging floods. There is no central drinking water source and water environment sensitive and protective target, but a few irrigation sources, within 5000m scope of the lower reach of the outlet. From the prediction results, the waste water of the project ensures the Xinqiaohe River water to meet the requirements of Farmland Irrigation Water Standard(GB5084-92) in both normal and accidental situations. As a result, the waste water discharging of this project does not change the function of Xinqiaohe River and hardly affects the lower reaches of the outlet.

Based on the research, Xinqiaohe River runs into Lianshui River at the lower reaches and is 25km from the outlet of this project. According to the stipulation of Water Environment Function Classification for Human Province Main Surface Water, the water course from the inter section of Lianshui Shuangfeng Town and Xiangxiang to the 1000m upper reaches of Xiangxiang Second Water Plant is for landscaping and recreation and complies with III class standard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002). It will not exert significant adverse impact to the Lianshui water or affect negatively to the water quality of the resource of Lianxiang Second Water Plant; the waste water discharged in accidental situation can meet the III class standard of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) even at 5000m lower reaches of the outlet, so it will not exert significant adverse impact to the Lianshui water or affect negatively to the water quality of the resource of Lianxiang Second Water Plant.

Based on the prediction results and analysis conclusion, the waste water of the project discharged in accidental situation has some adverse impact to the water quality of the lower reaches of Xinqiaohe River, but does not affect the use of the lower reaches water. The construction unit should strengthen the management of construction and operation of the project, maintain the equipment well, make measures for such as emergencies, and take every effort to reduce the accident rate and undesirable effects.

5.3.2 Solid Waste

The solid waste during the operation of the Project mainly includes sludge and domestic waste. Sludge

The solid waste in the WWTP mainly comprises grating residues, sand deposit tank residues, dewatered sludge, and domestic waste, all of which are easy to decay and odor with microorganism actions in certain temperature and humidity, especially in sultry days. The dewatered sludge has the worst impact on the surrounding environment featuring ① high water content (≤80%) and easy discharge; ② fine and smooth grains and poor water permeability; ③ potential breeding place for flies, thus, a potential spreading source for diseases; and ④ potential source of percolate which will pollute the surface water and underground water.

(1) Sludge Component Analysis

Wastewater collected in the pipe network net of the Project WWTP mainly includes the domestic and industrial wastewater in the town with the latter mainly coming from the Spring Wood, the Rea Sea Wood, and Xiangxiang Weaving Factory. According to the developmental plan of Yueshan Town, the priority lies in the industrial line derived from agricultural deep processing industry such as the crop industry to form an industrial colony. Meanwhile, great efforts are made to push the business operation mode of “leading enterprises+ bases+ farmers”, to develop agriculture industrialization centered with agricultural and sideline product processing, and the traditional agriculture has been on the rise. Moreover, the development trend of the third industry centered with trading, accommodation, and tourism is coming into being. It can be seen that the industrial development in Yueshan Town mainly lies in the agriculture processing and food processing, and the quality of wastewater from enterprises of this kind is relatively simple mainly including organic high-concentration wastewater without heavy meal generally. Therefore, it’s confirmed through analogy that the sludge from the WWTP is generally ordinary industrial solid wastes free of heavy metals which can go for sanitary land fill in the landfill site after stabilization treatment such as concentration, and dewatering.

(2) Environmental Impact of the Sludge Treatment Plant

① Impact of Sludge Dewatering on the Environment

The sludge is generally concentrated prior to dewatering. It odors in the concentration, and there is fluid mud on the tank which is a breeding bed for flies especially in hot summer.

The dewatering room may odor in the dewatering of the concentrated sludge; the leakage in the process will cause environmental pollution.

② Impact of Sludge Storage on the Environment

The dewatered sludge shall be cleaned away in time, and the sludge that fails to be transported in time shall be stored in temporary sites. The dewatered sludge will turn into thick liquid easily if caught in water with high mobility and easy to flow away; with the rain flushing, the leaching water with a large amount of pollutants dissolved will pollute the surface and underground water. Therefore, the dewatered sludge cannot be stored in clutters but in temporary storage sites equipped with impermeable layer specially for the processing and covered with canopy. Moreover, since the dewatered sludge isn’t stabilized completely, it will have anaerobic digestion with a long time of storage with odorants such as H2S affecting the air quality. The sludge storage site is a breeding bed for flies, which extends negative impact on the environmental sanitation. As for these concerns, the dewatered sludge shall be cleaned away in time rather than being stored in the Plant.

③ Impact of Sludge Transport on the Environment

Currently, the sludge is mainly transported in trucks. If the trucks and wheels are stained with a lot of sludge in the load and unload, or the trucks are with poor sealing performance, the sludge will be leaked on the road along, causing pollution. The dewatered sludge shall be prevented from leaking and scattering in the transport, and the trucks shall be covered and not overloaded to avoid the impact on the road sanitary and surrounding environment. Therefore, closed carrier vehicles for the special purpose shall be used to transport the sludge to the landfill sites regularly. Meanwhile, the sludge transport time shall be controlled strictly with rush hours avoided as far as possible. All in all, the transport of sludge is an issue of great importance.

(3) Sludge treatment Method

According to the survey, the sludge arising from the WWTP is characterized by: ① the water content as high as 99%, large volume, and difficulties in disposal and transport. It shall be treated with decrement for the convenience of transport and follow-up treatment; ② high content of organics that are unstable and easy to decay. The content needs to be reduced to stabilize the sludge; ③ some disease germs and parasitic ovum which are the media of epidemic diseases. They can affect the public hygiene and the health safety, and shall be disposed appropriately; ④ necessity of avoiding secondary release of phosphorous. All in all, the sludge, if not treated properly, will create secondary pollution and increase the costs of chemical dephosphorization in the filtration liquid. Therefore, the sludge shall be pretreated prior to the final treatment.

The sludge in the Project, after going through three pre-treatment procedures of concentration and dewatering, has its water content dropping below 60%, and reaches a stable state in the end. The final disposal of sludge is to deliver the dewatered sludge cake to the waste transfer station, then compress it with urban domestic waste, and at last send it to the Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant in Xiangxiang City, 28km away from the WWTP, in a sanitary and safe way. The sludge transport route chart is shown in Figure 6.

(4) Feasibility and Reliability Analysis of Sludge treatment Methods

① Feasibility Analysis of Sludge Stabilization

The process for the stabilization of sludge in common use includes: anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, heat treatment, heating to dry, heating stabilization, etc. The sludge treatment adopts DEST Process in the Project since the sludge age is long and the residual sludge has been approximately stable. According to the Code for Design of Outdoor Sewerage Engineering GB50014-2006, when the wastewater is treated with biological phosphorous and nitrogen removal, the residual sludge shall be concentrated mechanically without digestion.

The sludge dewatering is to further reduce the water content and the sludge. The ways of the dewatering of the sludge are nature air drying, mechanical dewatering, sludge drying, incineration, etc. The widely used way of dewatering in WWTPs at home and abroad is mechanical dewatering with mainly centrifugal dewaterer, belt dewaterer and board-box dewaterer etc. The sludge water content is within 75-85% after the above three treatments, which dose not meet the requirement for landfill and is a prevailing problem in WWTPs at home. At present, some domestic companis, based on the existing dewatering method, have developed the new technology of Deep Dewatering with Sludge Treatment and Board & Frame Compression and Filtration, which is successfully applied in the WWTPs in eatern coastal area (such as Guangzhou, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Shanghai etc.) . The key technics of this technology is to treat the sludge with medicament (such as inorganic or organic substance and active bacteria), break cell membrane, release bound water, absorption water, cell water, and improve the dewatering performance of the sludge, making the sludge water content lower than 60% after treatment. The detail treatment technics is as below:


After deep dewartering treatment, the sludge could be 40% lower in concentration than that treated by traditional mechanic dewatering. It is noted that since the water content of the sludge is reduced to 80% with belt dewaterer, the medical dosage put in the following treatment is less than that in non-dewatering process at a proportion of 3%; the smell value of the sludge is around 3 degrees which is acceptable basically; the quality of the dewatered sludge is quite sturdy and fundamentally stabilised; the lost organics is less than 2%.

The above sludge treatment technology is practiced in the Xiaoshan Linjiang WWTP and Qige WWTP in Hangzhou. According to the on-site inspection and research, the above two WWTPs are well operated with the water content of the sludge after treatment kept below 60%, meeting the state and local requirements for landfills.

Considered the conditions of the project, incineration is not fit for the project as it needs large investment, easily causes secondary pollution, and demands highly for management; there is no suitalbe farmland found near the project to absorb the sludge, and if managed improperly the sludge recycled to use in the farmland will easily cause earth contamination, therefore the safe and stabilisation treatment of the sludge to use in farmland is not fit for the project too. The technological and operational cost of the deep dewatering technicis with sludge treatment and board & frame compression and filtration is larger than that of the traditional sludge treatment technics. However it has a higher dewateing efficiency and meets the state and local requirements for landfills, moreover there is a landfill near the project. As a result, the measure to employ the deep dewatering technics with sludge treatment and board & frame compression and filtration and then ship to landfill for buring is quite fit for the project.

② Feasibility Analysis of the Final Sludge treatment

The final disposal of sludge is to deliver the dewatered sludge cake to the waste transfer station, then compress it with urban domestic waste, and at last send it to the Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant in Xiangxiang City, 28km away from the WWTP, in a sanitary and safe way.

According to the Notification on Strengthening Sludge Pollution Prevention and Treatment of Urban WWTPs (Huanban [2010] Document No. 157) issued by General Office of Ministry of Environmental Protection, local environmental protection authorities at all levels shall connect the reality, formulate specific embodiment, reinforce the supervision over the whole process including the sludge creation, transfer, and disposal, strictly strike illegal dumping and disposal, adjust measures to local conditions, push forward the comprehensive utilization of land filling, incineration, building materials, and the current industrial kilns (e. g. utility boilers, cement kilns, etc.), and promote the harmless treatment ratio. Meanwhile, according to the requirements on land filling wastes in the Standard for Pollution Control on the Landfill Site of Municipal Solid Waste (GB16889-2008), the water content in the sludge after treatment shall be less than 60% before being sent to the domestic waste landfill.

The scope of services of the Project covers the center township of Yueshan Town with the following objective: The WWTP only accepts domestic wastewaters and similar industrial wastewaters, or industrial wastewaters in line with national discharge standards after pre-treatment and being treated with domestic wastewaters. Therefore, the Project is a domestic WWTP with the sludge components generally identical with those of other plants. According to the Notification on Strengthening Sludge Pollution Prevention and Treatment of Urban WWTPs (Huanban [2010] Document No. 157) and the Standard for Pollution Control on the Landfill Site of Municipal Solid Waste (GB16889-2008), the sludge in the Project, after the pre-treatment, can be sent to the Xiangxiang Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant for the final treatment with the water content below 60%. Meanwhile, compared with the practical operation experience of Hengshan County WWTP, the sludge arising from the WWTP is to be disposed in the garbage landfill site, which is feasible technically.

According to the General Planning of Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City (2006-2020) and Project Feasibility Study Report of Rural Environmental Connecting Sectors Regulation Demonstration Area in Yueshan Town, Xiangtan City and Xiangxiang City, the waste transfer station of Yueshan Town is located Yemaotuo Group of Yuntian Village, at the junction of Hongyang Village and Yuntian Village, occupying a total volume of 32m3 and a total investment of RMB890,000, including a buried horizontal garbage compressor, a vertical garbage compressor, and a garbage transfer truck. The domestic waste is sent to the landfill site after being compressed and dewatered in the transfer station. It is after on-site survey that the waste transfer station, around 7km away from the Project, has been generally built and yet come into use.

Xiangxiang Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant, built for the domestic waste of Xiangxiang residents, is located in Quanhu Village, Longdong Town, Xiangxiang City, around 28km away from the Project. The landfill site is divided into two districts, the District I with a volume of 2,540,000m3 approaching to the completion and the District II with an investment of RMB 59,800,000, a floor area of 254. 76mu (1mu=667m2), a volume of 2,540,000m3, and daily capacity of 400t. The District II adopts harmless disposal including the wastewater treatment system, landfill gas combustion system, the management system, the landfill system, etc. The sludge is planned to be sent for sanitary land fill in the District II after the completion of the Project.

To sum up, it is feasible for the sludge arising from the operation of the WWTP, after the pre-treatment in the Plant, to be mixed with the urban domestic waste and compressed in the waste transfer station, and then sent to the Xiangxiang Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant for sanitary land fill mixing with the urban domestic waste. Domestic waste

The fixed number of staff needed in the operation period of the Project is 21, and the domestic waste generated therefrom is 21kg/d, i.e. 7.665t/a. The domestic waste, if not disposed properly, will breed a large amount of flies, leading to epidemic diseases and affecting staff’ hygiene safety and health.

5.3.3 Impact on Air Quality

The impact caused by the sludge treatment devices on the air is mainly the odors. In the wastewater treatment, the organics in the sludge resolves to create odors under anaerobic condition with the content related to the temperature. The odor is severe in summer, mainly blending NH3 and H2S. It mainly originates from gratings, the sand deposit tank, the gas exposal pond, the sludge dewatering plant, and the sludge storage pond, and the DEST reaction district is in the buried type. Therefore, the unorganized odor discharge mainly originates from the sludge dewatering plant and the sludge pond.

The WWTP has a relatively small scale and is the buried type with a small amount of odor. Therefore, the impact on the surrounding environment cased by the odor is not to be predicted but explained by means of setting health protection distance in the EIA. The formula of the health protection distance, the calculating process, and the parameters are shown in Appendix 2.

Table 5-17 Calculation Result of the Project’s Health Protection Distance and Its Relation with the Sensitive Points

|Calculation Result of |Protection Distance in the |Sensitive Point |Direction and Distance |Meet the Requirements |

|Health Protection Distance |Respective Plant Boundary (m) | |(m) |of the Health |

|(m) | | | |Protection Distance or |

| | | | |Not |

|50 | | | | |

| |East Plant |0 |Xinqiao Village |North-east Side, 100 |Yes |

| |Boundary | | | | |

| |West Plant |45 |Bailong Village |West Side, 130 |Yes |

| |Boundary | | | | |

| |South Plant |24 |Hongyang Village|South-east Side, 150 |Yes |

| |Boundary | | | | |

| |North Plant |37 |/ |/ |Yes |

| |Boundary | | | | |

It has been calculated that the health protection distance of the projected WWTP is 50m. It is in accordance with the “Urban Wastewater Treatment Project Standards”, which stipulates that the wastewater and the sludge treatment facilities which create odors “shall be far away from the residential area outside the Plant, and correspond to the relevant regulations. When it can not meet the requirement, the distance between the residential area outside the Plant and the production facility which create odors in the WWTP shall not be less than 50~100m”.

Due to the fact that the distance between the WWTP under construction and the main environmental protection targets meets the requirement of the health protection distance, the odor resulting from the operation of the WWTP has less impact on the main protection targets.

5.3.4. Impact on the Acoustic Environment

The acoustic source of the WWTP mainly originates from various pumps, which concentrate in the inflow pump room, sludge dewatering room, return sludge pump and air blower housing. The Noise intensity is shown in Table 5-18.

Table 5-18 Analysis of the Noise Impact

|Name of Equipment |Noise Intensity (dB (A) ) |

| |Before the Protective Measures |After the Protective Measures |

|Wastewater Pump |90~100 |80 |

|Sludge Pump |90~100 |80 |

|Air Compressor |95~105 |85 |

|Transportation vehicle |75~80 |/ |

|Air Blower |80~90 |80 |

As seen from Table 5-8, if the noise control and noise countermeasures are not taken, the noise intensity can reach 105dB (A). However, the intensity drops to around 20dB (A) after the installation of the silencer and the construction being airtight.

The main equipments that cause noise in the project are water pumps, air compressor, air blower, etc. The air blower in the generator room is 80~90 dB (A). After the noise elimination and noise insulation measures have been taken, the noise will reduce to 80dB (A). The pumps are often placed in the Plant, and the noise level is 90~100dB (A). After the noise elimination and noise insulation measures have been taken, the noise will reduce to 80dB (A). After the outdoor and distance attenuation, the noise in the Plant Boundary can meet the “Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary” (GB12348-90) Category 2 (daytime: 60dB (A); and night-time: 50dB (A)).

6. Countermeasures

According to the analysis of the environmental impact, the Chapter describes the countermeasures for two periods, inclusive of the construction period and the operation period respectively.

6 6.1. Countermeasures during the Construction Period

1 6.1.1 Waste Gas

1 Construction of the Pipe Network

During the process of the wastewater network and pipeline construction, because the construction site is close to the residential area, the construction dust pollution will exist. The following countermeasures may be taken:

a. Strengthen the construction management to achieve civilized construction. Load and discharge the construction materials lightly;

b. Cover the vehicles which transport lime, sand and stone material, cement, etc. That cause dust easily with tarpaulins;

c. Surround and enclose the construction site with colorful steel plates;

d. Water and cover the temporary stockpiling place of the earthwork with overlay network to prevent dust.

2 Construction of the Plant Area

During the construction of the WWTP, it is inevitable to generate construction dust. So in order to reduce the impact it causes to the surrounding environment, the following countermeasures may be taken:

a. Strengthen the transportation management; put ceilings on the vehicles; and make sure that overloading is not allowed;

b. Water the road frequently to decrease the dust pollution;

c. Prohibit piling up the construction waste, especially discarding them outside the property line;

d. Surround and enclose the construction site with colorful steel plates;

e. Watered and cover the temporary stockpiling place of the earthwork with overlay network to prevent dust;

f. Strengthen the construction management to achieve civilized construction. The construction materials shall be loaded and discharged lightly;

g. Do not overload. Make sure that there’s no spatter from the soil loading vehicles. Wipe out the soil before the vehicle leaving the construction site to prevent it from falling along the road;

h. Carry out labor protection for construction people. Wear the dusk mask.

2 6.1.2 Noise

1 Construction of the Pipe Network

The noise generated from the process of construction will cause certain impact on the surrounding environment. In order to reduce it, the following countermeasures may be taken:

a. Arrange the schedules properly for the various machines. Avoid the simultaneous work of a large number of high-noise equipment, which shall be arranged at day time. Decrease the transportation at night. Prohibit constructing at night (22:00~6:00). For the construction work that must be done at night, obtain the approval from the relevant environmental protection department and set the sound-proof protective screen between the acoustic source and the sensitive points;

b. When constructing on the section of the road where a school locates, the construction unit must negotiate with the school to arrange the high-noise construction in winter and summer holidays, weekends or after school time within the construction period. At the same time, pick up the speed to shorten the construction time, thus reduce the influencing time. Carry out the high-noise work intensively to avoid disturbing the study environment;

c. When constructing on the section of the road where a hospital locates, the construction unit shall consult with the hospital and set the movable sound-proof screen.

2 Construction of the Plant Area

During the construction period, the noise is mainly from the construction machinery and transportation vehicles. In order to reduce the noise impact on the lowest, the following measures may be taken:

a. Arrange the working time properly for the various construction machines. Prohibit the usage of high-noise machinery at night.

b. For the different construction period, construct in accordance with the regulation of “Noise Limits for Construction Site” (GB12523-90). Take the countermeasures of setting the protective screen, choosing the low-noise equipment, etc. To control the noise strictly.

c. Choose the low-noise equipment, such as hydraulic machinery instead of fuel machinery. Install silencer to the blender.

d. Reduce the noise of the fixed mechanical equipment and earth cutting and moving equipment, like bulldozers, etc. by installing exhaust pipe silencer and isolating engine vibration components.

e. Maintain and conserve the power generating machine on a regular basis.

3 6.1.3 Wastewater

1 Construction of the Pipe Network

The Wastewater in the construction of the pipe network period is mainly industrial wastewater, which mainly comes from wash water of vehicles and mechanical equipment as well as the maintenance of the machinery. The major pollutants are SS, petroleum. In order to ease the impact they cause to the surrounding environment, the following measures may be taken:

a. On the basis of the physical truth of the construction of the pipe network, the washing of the vehicle and mechanical equipment will not be done in the construction site, but specialized washing site.

b. The construction time shall avoid the raining season.

c. Recycle the leaking oil using the barrel catching method. Use the special plastic barrel to catch the oil and pour them into the waste oil storage tank. The purchase department will drop by and purchase the waste oil. If the waste oil drops on the ground, use the cotton yarn to rub-up.

2 Construction of the Plant Area

During the WWTP construction period, the Wastewater is mainly construction wastewater generated from the site washing, concrete preparation and the process of the maintenance and installation, as well as the constructors’ domestic wastewater. In order to ease the impact it causes to the surrounding environment, the following measures may be taken:

a. The Construction of the Plant Area unit shall set the grating residue basin, so the raining wastewater, ponding etc. can be used for washing and watering after processed by grating residue method and reach the standard.

b. Build simple and easy domestic installation in the construction site. The kitchen wastewater needs to be oil-removed, sedated and then used for watering. Build temporary pit rest rooms; clean and transport the waste out on a regular basis.

4 6.1.4 Solid Waste

The solid waste during the construction period mainly include: the residue soil and gravels dug from the earthwork; the material wastage during transporting, including sandstone, concrete etc.; the construction people’s domestic waste. If they are disposed improperly, the ecological environment will be damaged, and harmful impact will be brought to the human body. The following measures may be taken:

a. The domestic waste shall be collected into bags, classified and transported together by the environmental protection department.

b. Establish a pit rest room in the construction site of the WWTP. Hollowed them out on a regular basis and transported the excrement out as the fertilizer of the nearby farmland.

c. The construction waste shall be classified. Those which may be recycled shall be recycled in time by a specially-assigned person, while those non-recyclable ones shall be used as the refill of the WWTP.

d. The construction unit shall dispose the construction waste according to the “City Construction Waste Management Regulation”. Before disposition, put forward an application to the environmental protection department and transport the waste according to the provided route and time. Reduce the amount of the waste, detoxicate them and made them useful. According to the city construction condition, consult the city construction department and the environmental protection department to use those waste as the preferential refill material. If they can not be disposed fully, they shall be transported out of town and piled up properly.

5 6.1.5 Ecological Environment

(1) Choose the proper waste soil, residue site, and bank them up reasonably. It’s best to use them directly. Carry out each project section in different stages to reduce the impact on the scenery.

(2) The digging and refilling of the earthwork shall avoid the raining season. Finish the refill and the side slope disposition before the raining season;

(3) Dug discharge ditches around the spoil area to avoid the soil erosion in raining seasons. Cover the temporary stock dump with soil after construction.

(4) Set up environmental protection and supervising institute and appoint specially-assigned persons. Strengthen the management and environmental protection publicity to remind people of protecting the environment. Prohibit the deforestation of the construction people. In the contract, the contractor must construct in the boundary of the land and transport the spoil to the appointed location.

6 6.1.6 Social Environment

(1) Inform the residence along the area about the construction of the pipe network in advance. Ask for instructions of the relevant department about the notification of vehicles’ route change due to the construction of the pipe network in advance and inform the residence.

(2) If the construction of the pipe network crosses and conflicts with the public facilities of city water supply, electric power, communication, etc., discuss and exchange ideas with the relevant departments and authorities concerned in advance. Draw up construction plans for different sections. Explicate with the construction unit the possibility of the damage of the public facilities as well as avoiding and solving measures.

(3) Negotiate with the police officer and the traffic control administrative department the organization of the city transportation. Take the countermeasures of sending specially-assigned persons to assist the traffic control and shortening the construction period to ease the pressure to the fullest

(4) Set up the crosswise extraditing board and guardrail to reduce the impact it causes to the traffic.

(5) In order to guarantee the city discharge unobstructed, take the diversion and pump using measure. In the section where the condition allowed, use the diversion measure, otherwise use the pump to drain away the water to make sure the discharge unobstructed.

(6) Formulate a scientific construction plan; arrange the construction activities properly. Separate the network transformation into sections. Take the scheme of digging a section, recovering a section, which can avoid excavating and reduce the due caused visual pollution, traffic blocking and harmful impact to commercial activities. Get the citizens’ understanding by enhancing the publicity of the construction. Revegetate the area at the end of the construction.

(7) Treat the road section that has sensitive point like schools, hospitals, etc. as intensive protection section. Water the road to make the dust fall; prevent the noise and evacuate the traffic.

(8) Improve the condition of the temporary occupying of the roads: Optimize the design scheme and construction route; decrease the temporary occupied land as much as possible in the project design; reduce the treading and press of the green belt. Transplant the turfs and trees on the land instead of damage at will. Afforest the surface of the refill land in time.

(9) The protection of the material culture resources: If culture relics, ancient tomb, etc. being discovered, stop the site operation temporarily. Inform the relevant Cultural relics department; send specialized personnel to investigate on site to decide whether to save or unearth them.

7 6.2 Countermeasures during the Operating Period

1 6.2.1 Waste Gas

The mainly waste gas in the operating period is odor. The wastewater treatment measure is land filling. In order to alleviate the impact that the odor caused to the surrounding environment, the following countermeasures may be taken:

(1) Take into consideration that the smell is heavy in summer and the characteristic of the prevailing wind direction, optimize the plane layout. Built the main facility like sludge tank, dehydrating room in the down wind direction or side wind direction to keep the health protection distance between those sensitive points.

(2) After the completion and operating of the project, strengthen the production management. Control the respective productive technology link that create odors; establish and perfect the system of personnel responsibility and supervising.

(3) Safety management. After the completion and operating of the project, carry out the staff accident management training. Maintain the monitoring instruments on a regular basis, so that they can operate normally and fully perform the monitor and control function. If any persons come into the pump room, pay attention to the ventilation to avoid the excessively sedated H2S and NH3 which cause harm to the human body.

(4) Plan well. In accordance with the health protection distance, the planning department shall re-plan the land in those areas; explicitly prohibit the construction of sensitive facilities like new residential area, schools, medical establishment, etc.

(5) Strengthen the forestation. It is inevitable that the WWTP has odor, therefore the forestation plan is very important in the improving of the environment quality. The afforest design and construction drawing design shall be completed at the same time. The principal of the forestation is to eliminate the bareness land, plant the flowers and plants on a large scale. Plant arbor, bushes, pine trees, etc. on the both sides of the road; plant tall and big trees like poplar and locust trees on the boundary of the Plant to form a multilayer protective forest and to reduce the impact of the odor pollution.

2 6.2.2 Wastewater

In order to guarantee the effluent index of the WWTP meets the requirement, the following countermeasures may be taken:

(1) Before the industrial wastewater flowing into the WWTP, pre-treat them to reach the “Discharge Standard for Municipal Waste Water” (CJ18-86) and “Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard” (GB8978-1996) Third level. In the mean time, the harmful, toxic first category pollutants which can accumulate in the animal body and cause harm to the human body must be confined and processed in the workshop. Only when it reaches the standard, can it be discharged into the WWTP.

(2) Before the discharged water flowing into the network of the medical establishment, they must reach the relevant scale pollutant index limit requirement in GB18466-2005 “Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Medical Organization”.

(3) Strengthen the project construction and operating management. Make sure the wastewater treatment facility and efficiency meet the design standard and requirement. Guarantee long term, stable, normal operation and the wastewater reaching the standard before discharging.

(4) Establish and perfect the respective environmental management rules and regulations; implement comprehensively the staff professional training plan.

(5) Maintain and conserve the equipment carefully. Reduce and get rid of the abnormal circumstances; avoid the discharge that exceed the standard; prevent the accidentally risk discharge.

(6) Strengthen the standardized management of the wastewater draining exit. Set the wastewater automatic metering mechanism, automatic ratio sampling apparatus at the terminal exit. Install online monitor device to control the main water quality index like pH, water temperature, COD, etc.

(7) Setting up standby equipment; establish an emergency pre-arranged planning to prevent the bad consequence from happening when problems occur.

(8) Domestic wastewater and sludge wash water shall follow the wastewater conduit into the wastewater treatment facility. Discharge them along with the construction wastewater after reaching the standard.

3 6.2.3. Noise

It is proposed to take the following control measures for noise during the operation period of the Project:

(1) Select low-noise standard products in the production workshops with big noise such as wastewater pump, sludge pump, air blower and dewatering rooms, with noise reduction measures such as shock pad or flexible joint being taken when installing.

(2) Conduct noise insulation treatment to the partition between the operating room and equipment room, and to the doors and windows of the equipment room, so as to reduce the impact of direct noise on the human body.

(3) Use the acoustic range principle to reduce the noise impact, with the space between acoustic source and building being kept to the maximum in the general layout, so as to provide the staff in the WWTP with a good working environment.

(4) In combination with the Project construction, plant tall trees and shrubs which together form the mixed shelter belt to expand the green area therein, so as to achieve the acoustic absorption and noise reduction effect with vegetation.

4 6.2.4. Solid Waste

The solid waste generated during the operation period of the Project mainly includes domestic waste and sludge, among which the domestic waste is collected and transported to the landfill site, while the sludge treatment is conducted in accordance with the Notification on Strengthening Sludge Pollution Prevention and Treatment of Urban WWTPs (Huanban [2010] Document No. 157) issued by General Office of Ministry of Environmental Protection, with the following preventive measures proposed to be taken:

(1) The solid waste in the WWTP, especially the sludge, shall not be indiscriminately disposed, but shall be properly collected, stored and transported to the landfill site on a regular basis in a sanitary and safe way.

(2) The Project sludge is prohibited to be discharged to the ground water body and non-specialized general solid waste fields such as coast, valley, lowland, karst cave and farmland.

(3) Measures to prevent loss and secondary pollution such as the prevention of foundation seepage, of rain eluviation and scouring, and of obnoxious gas from gathering in the shed and sending out concentratively shall be taken in the temporary sludge storage of WWTP.

(4) The WWTP shall earnestly fulfill the sludge treatment and disposal responsibility, to conduct the whole process management on the production, transportation, storage, disposal and treatment of sludge, to set up special monitoring department or full-time (part-time) Personnel, to ensure proper disposal and treatment of sludge, and to strictly prohibit unauthorized dumping, stacking, discarding and fly-tipping of sludge.

(5) The sludge treatment and disposal shall comply with the principle of reducing amount, stabilizing and harmlessness, with the sludge treatment facilities being planned, constructed and put into operation concurrently with the wastewater disposal facilities.

(6) To establish the sludge management ledger and the manifest system. The WWTP shall establish the sludge management ledger, so as to make detailed record on the amount of output, transfer, treatment and disposal, and the place where it goes, and report to Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau on a regular basis; shall establish the sludge manifest system, with the manifest being filled in truthfully and accurately when the WWTP transfers out the sludge.

(7) Standardize the sludge transportation. The unit engaged in the sludge transportation shall have relevant road cargo operation qualification, and individual and the units without access to relevant operation qualification are prohibited to engage in the sludge transportation, meanwhile, seal, waterproof, anti-leakage and fly-tipping preventive measures shall be taken for the sludge transportation vehicle.

(8) Add a rain shelter on the top of sludge storage hall in the WWTP, make thorough hardening treatment to the storage hall floor, and set cofferdam, discharge ditch and collection well near the storage hall, so as to deliver the water discharge generated during the sludge stockpiling back to the wastewater treatment system for treatment.

(9) Closed tanker transportation shall be adopted when transporting the sludge outward.

(10) For the measures on reducing the amount of sludge, advanced sludge concentration dewatering techniques shall be selected to dewater the sludge to have the water content below 60%, thus to reduce the output amount of the sludge.

(11) Ensure the sludge treatment rate to amount to 100%.

(12) After bagging and separate collection, the domestic waste shall be cleaned up and carried away by the Environmental and Personal Health Department.

5 6.2.5. Ecological Environment

(1) Pay attention to the combination of trees, shrubs and vegetation for the greening therein area, which shall be planned according to a certain proportion, and a certain hierarchical structure shall be kept. Try to use native species, and reduce the introduction of foreign species. Take priority to select such species as preferred tree (grass) species when greening.

(2) Strengthen management. The Plant site shall send special personnel to do the campus greening and management work, and formulate corresponding rules and regulations to protect the green belt and the ecological environment.

(3) After the wastewater pipeline is covered with soil, the hardening treatment shall be conducted within the town range, while timely greening and rush-planting shall be made outdoor, so as to have the vegetation be restored as quickly as possible at the exposed ground surface caused by the pipeline construction. Select local preponderant grass seed for the vegetation. Meanwhile, use the wire netting to enclose key areas, and perform management in a timely manner to prevent from the trample of flocks and herds or intentional destruction.

(4) Strengthen the inspection and management on the sludge pipeline, and perform inspection on the sludge pipeline on a regular basis, so as to timely discover and dispose the pipeline leaks to avoid the possibility of ground water pollution caused by the seepage of the sludge pipeline.

7 Environmental Risk Analysis and Mitigation Measures

8 7.1 Environmental Risk Identification

According to the characteristic analysis of pollution effects of the Project engineering, the main environmental risk identification results are as follows:

(1) In case of any sudden accidents such as power outage and sudden natural disasters, which causes the wastewater treatment facilities to stop operating, and a large amount of wastewater untreated to be directly discharged;

(2) As the inflow water quality and amount suddenly change, the wastewater treatment efficiency drops, finally leading to the deteriorative outflow water quality, with the discharge going beyond the discharge standard requirements as specified by the State, and exerting great negative impact on the water environment and ecosystem;

(3) The environmental risks caused by the pipeline damage or rupture, and the river water's seepage into the pipeline to dilute the wastewater, resulting in the environmental risk that the WWTP tail water fails to reach the standard. It is mainly that the ground water seepage under the riverbed or the seepage of the river water in the riverway to dilute the wastewater, resulting in low efficient treatment rate of the WWTP.

9 7.2 Impact Analysis on Potential Environmental Risk Accidents of the WWTP

1 7.2.1 Sudden Accidents

The quality problem or inappropriate maintenance of the wastewater treatment equipment and facilities will cause failure of them, leading to the drop of wastewater treatment efficiency, even the direct discharge without being treated; or some irresistible external reasons such as power outage or sudden natural disasters, will cause the wastewater treatment facilities to stop operating and a large amount of untreated wastewater to be discharged directly, which will be the limit case of the abnormal discharge of the WWTP. When the wastewater treatment facilities fail to operate normally due to power failure, the wastewater may only be discharged to the surface water, which will cause serious pollution to the rivers.

2 7.2.2 Equipment Failure

The equipment failure of the wastewater or sludge treatment system will reduce the wastewater treatment capacity, and make the outflow water quality index fail to reach the design requirement, or the sludge’s failure to be condensed or dewatered will cause the sludge to ferment, and the sludge storage pool to be packed, giving out foul smell.

3 7.2.3 Inflow Water Quality Impact

The treatment effect of the urban WWTP is greatly impacted by the change of parameters such as the original wastewater amount or quality. According to the state environmental regulations, the industrial waste water shall reach national standards before being discharged, with the requirements for entering the WWTP being reached. When sudden accidents such as emergency power outage occur to the enterprise WWTP, the wastewater may be discharged to the urban wastewater pipeline without being treated, and to the newly-built WWTP. In case that the waste water into the Plant has excessive impact load, with the pH value exceeding the range of 6~9 and the abnormal conditions such as organic toxicants exceeding standard being difficult to be degradated, which will cause the biochemical microbial activity of the WWTP to drop, even cause the damage of the biological phase and the sludge bulking, finally resulting in that the outflow water quality deteriorates, the discharge standard requirements specified by the state are exceeded, and the great negative impact on the water environment and ecosystem is exerted.

4 7.2.4 Risk Accidents during Normal Operation

Sudden risk of the wastewater treatment system accident will bring great damage to the staff maintaining the system, even threaten the life for serious ones. When the environmental risk accidents occur, the health and safety of the staff in the WWTP are first affected.

1 Risk Impact Analysis on Personnel Poisoning Caused by Toxic Gas

When accidents occur to some structure of the wastewater treatment system, they must be eliminated immediately, at such time the maintenance staff needs to access to the wastewater pipeline, water-collecting well or wastewater pool to operate, where high-concentrated toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide, methane and carbon dioxide are easy to generated and accumulated. Once protective measures are not taken during maintaining, the maintenance personnel will get dizzy or breathing impeded due to poor ventilation and the breathing in of toxic fumes, and even death.

It is reported that dozens of accidents occurred to more than 20 domestic urban wastewater pipelines and combined discharge pipelines, including that the maintenance personnel got poisoned or hurt due to toxic gas in the pipeline, and the personal safety was endangered by the explosion caused by the flammable gas methane’s contact with open fire in the pipeline. Therefore, it is essential to prevent toxic gas from causing harm to people by taking personal security measures to operators, and taking ventilation measures to completely dissipate toxic and harmful gases is the most effective way for preventing poisoning. In case of failure to be fully ventilated, it shall be avoided to access to dangerous space, and effective personal protective equipment must be worn when it is required to access to. Personal protective equipment includes gas mask, air supply mask, etc., and detection equipment includes gas detection instrument and detection test paper.

2 Risk Impact Analysis on the Harm of Pathogen-caused Diseases to Personal Health

There are various pathogens and parasite ova in the wastewater or sludge, and the mist and steam generated from the wastewater treatment facilities can spread bacteria and viruses, so the staff of the WWTP exposed to the micro organisms of the wastewater and sludge may be infected and got disease. The infection may be caused by direct breathing in of gas or indirectly the waterdrop attached to the skin or clothes. Aeration pool, effluent weir, irrigative spray nozzle, blower room, and dewatering room will condense such gases. At the places with high condensation of water, using gauze-type respirator may reduce the inhalation of toxic substance. Such environmental risks are mainly that the operators may be directly infected by pathogen and get disease, while the probability that people outside are infected and get disease is low. However, if it fails to be controlled and causes the spread of disease, the personal health outside may be threatened.

10 7.3 Risk Mitigation Measures

1 7.3.1 Equipment Security Measures

The equipment such as mechanical pump, valve, electrical appliance and instrument used in the treatment facilities system, when going wrong, will cause the waste water treatment efficiency to reduce or cause the WWTP to stop operating, with the probability being high. The emergency measures for such accidents are mainly:

(1) In the process design, consider to leave a certain backflow treatment buffer capacity and facilities (for example, add corresponding accident handling buffer pool) in the treatment system, and provide considerable treatment equipment (such as return pump, return pipeline, valve and instrument), in case when the equipment failure impacts the normal operation of the treatment system, the system buffer and return equipment shall be enabled to re-handle unqualified outflow water until to satisfy the discharge standard.

(2) Multiple spare equipment shall be equipped with for easily-damaged equipment, and enough spare parts shall be ensured for maintenance and update. At least adopt the one-up means for electromechanical equipment in the treatment system.

(3) Select high-quality equipment. For various mechanical, electrical and instrumental equipment in the treatment facilities, products with high quality, low fault rate, meeting the design requirement, suitable for long-term operation and facilitating maintenance and service shall be selected.

(4) During operation, the on-guard operators shall operate strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations on the treatment facilities, perform patrol inspection to the equipment frequently, timely conduct maintenance and service, and reduce the equipment fault rate.

(5) The electrical equipment is as required by the grounding protection specification; and automatic tripping circuit shall be installed, with the operation of main equipment adopting computer data monitoring, timely giving an alarm and recording the location, nature and time of accident, so as to organize people to repair in a timely manner. The installation and protection of all electrical equipment shall satisfy relevant safety rules on electrical equipment.

(6) Adopt double-loop power supply to ensure the normal operation of power supply facilities and lines.

2 7.3.2 Protection of Abnormal Wastewater Discharge

Take the emergency measures on the water amount’s instability due to various factors into full consideration during design, so as to ease the adverse situation.

1) Regulatory Requirements for Pollution Discharge Enterprises

• For the enterprises with daily discharge greater than 500m3 and heavy pollution load, install the on-line monitor meter, and implement the system on irregular sample check and enterprise pollution discharge reporting under the municipal environmental supervision, so as to ensure the waste water to reach national standards before being discharged; national standards shall also be reached for other enterprises’ discharge of waste water;

• Set accident reservoir for heavy pollution industrial enterprises;

• In case of unnormal operation of waste water treatment facilities, causing the discharge of waste water to fail to reach the national standards, the problem shall be solved and notified to the WWTP.

2) Operation Technology Management Measures of WWTP

• Establish the operation management and responsibility system;

• Train the management and operation personnel, and create technical examination file, with unqualified ones being not allowed to take up the post;

• Engage professional technicians with rich experience to take charge of the technical management work therein;

• Select professional technicians to receive technical training at home and abroad;

• Strengthen the patrol to waterline, and find and solve problems in a timely manner;

• Strengthen the maintenance and management to the equipment and facilities, with spare ones for key equipment, and ensure the double-loop power supply;

• Close the doors and windows when the wastewater pump room is working, and ensure the noise at the Plant boundary to meet the standard requirement;

• In order to reduce the impact of the pump room’s giving out bad smell, the collection well shall be closed, and the wastewater shall be pumped into the wastewater mains and then delivered to the WWTP timely; the grating residues shall be cleaned up promptly after being dewatered;

• Perform rainwater and wastewater shunting work in the WWTP, so as to prevent the wastewater from overflowing without treatment under heavy rain;

• Conduct greening around the Plant, choosing the Plants with high efficient purification to odor substance;

• Visit the residents around the wastewater plant on a regular basis to listen to their opinions.

3) Strengthen the power station management, and ensure the normal operation of the power supply facilities and lines.

3 7.3.3 Emergency Measures for Sudden Waste Water Discharge Risk Accident

Once sudden waste water discharge accident occurs to the WWTP, the following measures shall be taken:

(1) Strive to ensure that the grating and sand deposit tank are in normal operation, making the SS and COD in the inflow water be reduced to a certain degree;

(2) Locate the reason(s) from main pollution sources in the water catchment system, with the emergency measures being taken by relevant enterprises to control the discharge of toxic substance harmful to micro organism;

(3) Irresistible external reasons such as double-loop power outage and sudden natural disasters will result in that, when the wastewater is discharged without treatment, discharge enterprises in part or whole shall be required to stop discharging the wastewater into the pipeline, so as to ensure the safety of water body;

(4) During the occurrence and processing of accident, warning signs shall be hanged in the water area near the discharge outlet to remind each side to take precautions.

4 7.3.4 Staff Personal Security Measures

(1) Before the operation of the WWTP, it is necessary to conduct safety education to the operating and management personnel, and formulate safety operation specification and management system, which shall be strictly performed and checked after the operation.

(2) Sanitary requirements such as water supply & discharge, heating and ventilation, and lighting illumination shall be considered for the design of buildings, and air-conditioning facilities shall be provided at the places where staff works for long. For some operation places with sealed structure and poor ventilation, mechanical ventilation shall be adopted.

(3) The Plant area is equipped with labor protection articles such as life jacket, life buoy, safety belt and safety helmet. It is necessary for the operators conducting inspection or operation to the underground pipeline to wear necessary protective equipment, such as protective clothing, gas mask, air supply mask, gas detection instrument and detection test paper, in case of being poisoning, and there must be at least two people on the spot.

(4) The edge of poor body aisle shall be equipped with hand rail and lighting facilities, so as to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

(5) The installation and protection of all electrical equipment shall satisfy relevant safety rules on electrical equipment, with the grounding protection work for high-pressure equipment being made well.

(6) The dangerous parts of mechanical equipment such as driving belt, gear and abrasion wheel shall be equipped with protective device.

(7) It is necessary to strengthen the safety work management, formulate post responsibility system, set warning signs at the striking places of all dangerous areas therein, and build hand rail for the platforms above 1.2m; to provide ventilation equipment at the places where toxic or harmful gases may accumulate, establish safety labor protection agency being responsible for the safety production and labor protection.

(8) According the actual need and convenience at each working section, production health rooms (rest room, bathroom, dressing room, etc.) shall be set; in addition to strengthen ventilation and provide shelter at the working sections with bad environment and outdoor operation places, rest rooms shall also be provided. Concentrated bathrooms are provided therein.

(9) For the staff directly exposed to wastewater, sludge and domestic waste, physical examination shall be performed and relevant vaccine (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, etc.) shall be injected on a regular basis.

5 7.3.5 Protective Measures for the Impact of Sludge Discharge on Environment

The sludge in the WWTP shall be cleaned up and transported to the waste landfill site after being dewatered, meanwhile, special airtight transportation vehicles shall be used to prevent from giving out bad smell, spilling and polluting the environment, with the specific treatment and disposal referring to Chapter 6.2.4. In addition, once abnormal sludge discharge occurs to the WWTP, the equipment shall be maintained in a timely manner, with efforts being made in good repair to the extent that the sludge pool stores the sludge, and add agent (such as lime) without delay, so as to prevent from the sludge fermentation, and reduce the discharge of obnoxious gas.

6 7.3.6 Preventive Measures for the Impact of Flood to the WWTP

(1)Take the flood impact into full consideration during design, including the impact of design year and check flood according to relevant regulations of the state.

(2)Build Flood dike around the WWTP.

11 7.4 Emergency Authorities and Assignment of Responsibilities of the WWTP

The emergency authorities of the WWTP mainly consist of subordinate offices and incident response teams of the Leading Group. Incident response teams include the Rescue Group, the Liaison Group, Logistics Group and Vehicle Group. Their respective responsibilities are shown in Figure 7-1.

(1) The Leading Group shall organize and set up the emergency treatment plan, carry it out according to the environmental risks, take charge of overall command work on the spot and coordinate with the external parties.

(2) The responsibility of the office is to assist the Leading Group in assigning, supervising and checking the work.

(3) Under the unified command of the Leading Group, the Rescue Group takes charge of concrete implementation when handling the perils and maintains relevant equipment.

(4) The Liaison Group takes charge of coordinating the work among the Rescue Group, the Logistics Group and the Vehicle Group.

(5) The Logistics Group takes charge of assisting in rescuing the poisoned personnel, carrying out corresponding emergency measures, registering for observation and treatment in the hospital, and mustering relevant rescue items.

(6) The Vehicle Group takes charge of the redeployment of vehicles, such as transporting the poisoned personnel to the hospital, rescue items and so on.

Figure 7-1 Setup Diagram of Emergency Authorities of the WWTP

8 Comparison and Selection of Alternative Proposals

The comparison and analysis of alternative proposals of the Project is carried out in these three aspects: 1. Comparison and selection of No-project Proposals; 2. Comparison and selection of the construction site; 3. Comparison and selection of technical proposals.

The general principles for analyzing the comparison and selection of alternative proposals:

(1) Quantization comparison and selection principle: Try to quantize the impact of the environment where the Project is implemented in every alternative proposal.

(2) Comprehensive comparison and selection principle: Do a comprehensive comparative analysis from aspects like environment, technology, economy and society.

(3) Conformity comparison and selection principle: the proposal selected shall conform to the related development planning and standard requirement, and adapt to the local conditions.

1 8.1 Comparison and analysis of Zero Proposal

The assessment of the environmental impact of the Project is to be considered from the prospective of environmental profit and loss, as well as social economy. After the comparison and analysis of WWTP proposals, the result is shown in the Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Comparison and analysis of Zero Proposal

|Category |Implementation Plan of the Project |No-project Proposal (Zero Proposal) |

|Major Advantages |(1) Conform to the National policies with regard to the |(1) Maintain the current situation, such as leaving|

| |urban domestic wastewater treatment, pollution |the vegetation undestroyed; |

| |prevention and control technology |(2) Maintain the land use value (not occupying any |

| |(2) Conform to the “twelfth five-year” plan of Hunan |land); and |

| |Province and the Xiangxiang City; |(3) Do not cause any environmental issue such as |

| |(3) Be beneficial to protecting the water quality of |vegetation deterioration and dust-raising during |

| |Xinqiaohe Rive; and |the construction period |

| |(4)Further improve the city’s infrastructure. | |

|Major Disadvantages |(1) Occupy much land: of 8,529 square meters; |(1) Discharge the wastewater directly to surface |

| |(2) Cause vegetation deterioration and dust-raising |water, making it seriously polluted; and |

| |during the construction period; and |(2) Fail to solve the current outdated wastewater |

| |(3) Result in negative impacts on environment such as |collection system. |

| |equipment noise, sludge and wastewater during operation.| |

|Comprehensive Analysis|From the prospective of society and environment, the implementation of the Project Plan is better than |

| |No-project Proposal. |

From Table 8-1, it can be concluded that although the No-project Proposal has no environmental issues, wastewater will undoubtedly pollute surface water because it comes directly into the environment without any treatment. The implementation of the Project Plan will unavoidably bring to its surroundings some impacts, among which many ones can be avoided or reduced with corresponding environmental protection, except for the irreversible permanent occupation of land (about 8,529m2). Moreover, the environmental impact is temporary during the construction period. The implementation and operation of the Project will bring long-term benefits to the society and environment, especially for protecting and improving the quality of the water in Xinqiaohe Rive, and improving the city’s infrastructure. So from the prospective of society and environment, the implementation of the Project Plan is better than Zero Proposal, proving the necessity to carry out the Project.

8.2 Comparison and analysis of Pipe Network Proposals

8.2.1 Principles for Determining the Pipe Network Proposal

The wastewater pipe network shall be constructed on the basis of the local wastewater control plan as the local terrain and the emission characteristics may be, so as to ensure the wastewater collection efficiency on an economic and affective basis. The following factors shall be taken into consideration:

(1) Use gravity flow to the best extent;

(2) Try to avoid the environmental protection targets (sensitive points). If the can't be avoided, the countermeasures may be taken;

(3) Be beneficial to wastewater collection and transmission;

(4) Facilitate the construction and future maintenance overhaul;

(5) Reserve the space for expansion;

(6) Ensure that the geological environmental conditions are good enough to conform to the requirement of the specifications of pipeline construction;

(7) Save investment and operating costs; and

(8) Conform to various local plannings.

8.2.2 Wastewater Pipe Network Proposal of the Project

The main pipeline A lies in the north roads of the fire station, and for the diameter of some branch pipes, water amount for the long-term development shall be considered. The pipe diameter is DN300~DN600.

The main pipeline B lies in the south roads of the planning land, and the water amount of the reserved alternative land for long-term industrial development in the eastern part of the town flows into the WWTP basically through line B. At this stage, long-term water amount isn’t considered, and it will be taken into account until further construction in the future. The pipe diameter is DN300~DN600.

The main pipeline C lies along the north river of the inner river in this town, and for the diameter of some branch pipes, water amount for the long-term development shall be considered. The pipe diameter is DN400~DN500.

Best consideration shall be given to the pipe network laying of the Project for the need of further development and terrain, reserving some space for expansion. At the same time, the landform features, roads, and construction conditions of Yueshan Town shall be comprehensively considered to rationally divide the discharge areas, trying to apply the gravity discharge, and reducing the cost of the Project.

8.3 Comparison and analysis of the WWTP Site

8.3.1 Principles for Site Selection

The selection of the site for urban wastewater treatment shall comply with the general town planning and discharge engineering planning, as well as ensure the site is:

(1) In the downstream water and with the leeward of summer prevailing wind direction thereof;

(2) Convenient for the water reuse and safety discharge;

(3) Convenient for the collective sludge treatment and disposal;

(4) With good engineering geological condition;

(5) With less removal and rebuilding, less farmland-occupying, and a certain health protection distance;

(6) Probable to be expanded;

(7) Immune to the influence of flood disasters and with a good discharge condition, with the flood control standards thereof not lower than urban flood control standard; and

(8) With convenient traffic, transportation and hydropower conditions.

8.3.2 Proposal for Site Selection

According to the General Planning of Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City (2006—2020), wastewater will be discharged into Xinqiaohe River after reaching the standard of the concentrated wastewater treatment.

The service scope of the WWTP is in the center township of Yueshan Town, with a population scale of 13,500 in 2013 in the short term and of 25,500 in the long run.

According to the town construction and the development plan of Yueshan Town, the WWTP site has two proposals available:

Proposal I: Xinqiao Town to be selected as the site (Yingxiongling Group), located on the west side of the provincial road Jinzhong Line, west to Xinqiaohe Rive.

Proposal II: Hongyang Town to be selected as the site (Maowuwan Group), located on the south side of the provincial road Jinzhong Line, west to Xinqiaohe Rive.

8.3.3 Comparison and Determination of the Site Selection Proposals

The Site Selection Proposals are shown in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2 Comparison and Selection of Site Selection Proposals

|Selection Proposal |Proposal I (Recommended Proposal) |Proposal II |Comparison Results |

|Comparative Items | | | |

|Geographic Location |The border of Xinqiao Village and |Located near Yangjiawan of |Proposal I is preferred. |

| |Bailong Village is the WWTP site of|Hongyang Village, the site has | |

| |town planning, west to Xinqiaohe |residential houses on both east | |

| |Rive, with open terrain on the |and north sides and a fishpond | |

| |east, south and north sides. It is |in the middle. It is a narrow | |

| |a wide and flat terrain, with no |field. | |

| |residential houses. | | |

|Pollutant-Holding Capacity |The main pipeline for pollution |The main pipeline for pollution |Proposal II is preferred. |

|and the Discharge Direction|cutting can directly lead |cutting can directly lead | |

| |wastewater into the WWTP; the site |wastewater into the WWTP; the | |

| |is next to Xinqiaohe River and the |site is next to Xinqiaohe River | |

| |disposed wastewater can be directly|and the disposed wastewater can | |

| |discharged into Xinqiaohe River |be directly discharged into | |

| |with a discharge outlet located in |Xinqiaohe River with a discharge| |

| |the upstream. |outlet located in the downstream| |

|Plant Conditions |① The terrain elevation is |① The terrain elevation is |Proposal I is preferred. |

| |87.8~89.8m, the site ground level |85.5~88.2m, the site ground | |

| |is 87.8m, and the flood control |level is 85.5m, and the flood | |

| |conditions are good. |control conditions are not as | |

| |② With a flat terrain, it has a |good as those of the Proposal I.| |

| |relatively smaller earthwork volume|② With a fishpond therein, it | |

| |of 13,000m3 |has a relatively larger | |

| |③ It does not affect the city |earthwork volume of 21,000 m3. | |

| |development and conform to the |③ It does not affect the city | |

| |urban planning. |development and conform to the | |

| | |urban planning. | |

|Environmental Impact |The site is located in the urban |The site is located in urban |Two proposals are almost the |

| |planned area in Yueshan Town with a|planned area in Yueshan Town |same. |

| |downwind direction of prevailing |with a downwind direction of | |

| |wind in summer. It is within the |prevailing wind in summer. It is| |

| |planned land for the WWTP, with no |within the planned land for the | |

| |residential houses thereof. |town, with no residential houses| |

|Housing Demolition and |No housing demolition and |No housing demolition and |Two proposals are almost the |

|Relocation |relocation in the width of the |relocation in the width of the |same. |

| |health protection distance |health protection distance | |

|Traffic, Water Supply, and |The traffic is convenient. Roads |The traffic is convenient. Roads|Two proposals are almost the |

|Power Supply |are unobstructed inside, with the |are unobstructed inside, with |same. |

| |provincial road Jinzhong Line to |the provincial road Jinzhong | |

| |the east. The water and power |Line to the north. The water and| |

| |supply is convenient inside, |power supply is convenient | |

| |relatively coming from the urban |inside, relatively coming from | |

| |pipe network and substation. |the urban pipe network and | |

| | |substation. | |

|Work Amount of Main |About 13.5 km |About 14.2 km |Proposal I is preferred. |

|Pipeline For | | | |

|Pollution-Cutting | | | |

|Gross Investment |41.0469 million RMB |41.1232 million RMB |Two proposals are almost the |

| | | |same. |

|Environmentally Sensitive |There are no environmentally |There are no environmentally |Two proposals are almost the |

|Points |sensitive points 100m far away from|sensitive points 100m far away |same. |

| |the site. |from the site. | |

Table 8-3 Comprehensive Analysis Result on Comparison Proposals for the Project

|Comparison and Selection|Name |Descriptions on Site Selection |Comparison and Selection of Proposals |

|Proposal | | | |

| | | |Major Advantages |Major Disadvantages |

|Proposal I (Recommended)|Xinqiao Village |The border of Xinqiao Village and |1. Next to Xinqiaohe Rive and |1. With a relatively higher |

| |(Yingxiongling |Bailong Village is the WWTP site of|convenient for tail water |terrain elevation, higher |

| |Group) |town planning, west to Xinqiaohe |discharging; |delivery head of the lift |

| | |Rive, with open terrain on the |2. Without any removal and |pump and relatively higher |

| | |east, south and north sides. It is |rebuilding; |operating cost; |

| | |a wide and flat terrain, with no |3. With a flat terrain, which is|2. With a discharge outlet |

| | |residential houses. |convenient for construction; |located in the upstream; and|

| | | |4. Of a relatively smaller work |3. With individual residents|

| | | |amount than Proposal II; |in Xinqiao Village, Hongyang|

| | | |5. Of a relatively lower work |Village, and Bailong Village|

| | | |amount with regards to the main |respectively on the sides of|

| | | |pipeline for pollution-cutting |northeast, southeast and |

| | | |than Proposal II; and |west. |

| | | |6. | |

| | | |With a less gross investment | |

| | | |than Proposal II. | |

|Proposal II |Hongyang Village |Located near Yangjiawan of Hongyang|1. Next to Xinqiaohe Rive and |1. A fishpond is in the |

| |(Maowuwan Group) |Village, the site has residential |convenient for tail water |middle of the site, needing |

| | |houses on both east and north sides|discharging; |filling and more |

| | |and a fishpond in the middle. It is|2. Without any removal and |construction than Proposal |

| | |a narrow field. |rebuilding; |I. |

| | | |3. With a flat terrain, which is| |

| | | |convenient for construction; | |

| | | |4. With a relatively lower | |

| | | |terrain elevation, lower | |

| | | |delivery head of the lift pump | |

| | | |and relatively lower operating | |

| | | |cost than Proposal I. | |

| | | |5. With a discharge outlet | |

| | | |located in the downstream of | |

| | | |Xinqiaohe Rive. | |

From the table 8-2 and table 8-3, it can be concluded, after comparison and selection, that: from the aspects of gross investment, the interior plant terrain conditions, pipeline distance, and flood control condition, Proposal I is better than Proposal II; but from the pollutant-holding capacity, Proposal II is better than Proposal I. From the comprehensive comparison of these conditions, it is determined that the general location conditions of Proposal I in Xinqiao Village (Yingxiongling Group) is better than those of Proposal II in Hongyang Village (Maowuwan Group). Therefore, it is recommended to locate the Project in Xinqiao Village (Yingxiongling Group), as indicated under Proposal I.

8.4 Comparison and analysis of Wastewater Treatment Process Proposals

8.4.1 Selection Criterion of Wastewater Treatment Process

The wastewater treatment process in the WWTP shall be selected following the principles below:

(1) Safe, reliable, and advanced technology: Advanced technology shall be adopted actively, on the basis of the previous exploration by predecessors, as well as the scientific summarization;

(2) Less land occupied: The land resources are precious, so try to save the land.

(3) Saved investment: The state and local financial resources are quite limited, so try to give full play to the benefit of investment and apply the most economical process, under the premise of satisfying the demand for good outflow water quality.

(4) Convenient management and low operating cost: The local management level and the annual operating cost after the production shall be considered. Convenient-management and low-operating-cost proposal shall be selected.

8.4.2 Wastewater Treatment Process Proposal

Selection of wastewater treatment process shall be based on an overall consideration of the quality of the outflow, treatment requirements, land area, project scale and other factors. Appropriate wastewater treatment process can not only reduce the engineering investment, but also facilitate the operation and management of the WWTP and reduce the operating cost of the WWTP to ensure the water quality. According to the urban the WWTP operation experience at home and abroad, activated sludge process is most economic and effective for urban wastewater treatment, thus being widely adopted. Conventional activated sludge process can only be effective in removing BOD5, COD and SS, but limited for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, with approximately 20~30% of nitrogen removal rate and approximately 12~19% of phosphorus removal rate. According to the wastewater removal rate determined by the Chapter 4, the Project has higher requirements on removal of nitrogen and phosphorus rate, therefore the Project has to adopt enhanced secondary treatment with nitrogen and phosphorus removing function.

At present, the commonly used wastewater treatment processes with nitrogen and phosphorus removal in urban the WWTP include A2/O method, DEST tank, SBR and its improved process, improved oxidation ditch, etc. , and apply to the oxidation ponds and constructed wetlands of small towns. All these processes have their applicability and advantages and disadvantages. According to the Notifications on Further Strengthening Construction Management of Provincial Urban Wastewater Treatment Facilities (Xiangjiancheng [2008] Document No. 160) issued by Hunan Provincial Construction Department, as for the WWTP, the scale of which is below 0. 5~2 m3/d, recommended processes are DEST, sequencing batch reactor activated sludge process and its improved process. Current land of the WWTP is industrial land in the planning and a piece of flat land. Due to the large area of oxidation ponds and constructed wetlands and there ineffectiveness in nitrogen and phosphorus removing, they are not applicable to the Project. Combining the water quality of Yueshan Town and taking into account the safety operation of the WWTP, processing costs, management level and other factors, CASS and DEST apply to the Project, therefore these two proposals are selected for comparison.


(1) Technical Principles

CASS (Cyclic Activated Sludge System) is the improvement of SBR and a type of Cyclic Activated Sludge Technology (CAST). The process is developed by Professor Coronszy and his colleagues on the basis of SBR technology. Now it has been promoted and applied in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, Canada, Thailand and other countries step by step.

CASS refers particularly to batch activated sludge treatment process with biological selector and variable volume reactor which is both the oxygen area and major reacting area, in the mode of sequencing batch aeration - non-aeration and filling - running, completing processing functions of biological degradation and sludge-water separation of organic pollutants in a reactor. Its cyclic operation includes the following four phases:

a) Fill – Aeration: During the aeration, inflow is received (limited aeration mode is also applicable) and the sludge of the main rector reflows to the selector. The reflux is 20% of the inflow.

b) Fill – Settlement: Stop aeration and settle to separate the sludge and water. Different from SBR, CASS does not stop the inflow water during the settling period. This is because that the stirring brought by the inflow can lead to better settling.

c) Decant (Outflow Removal): During the decant phase, CASS reactor stops inflow (or not), and at this time wastewater enters into another reactor. During the decant phase, sludge reflowing continues as usual. During the sludge reflowing, de-nitrification of nitrate nitrogen is completed and phosphorus is relieved, thus then nitrogen and phosphorus are removed.

d) Idle practice: During the actual operation, decanting will always be less than 1 hour, and the residual time is designated as IDLE in the reactor and restoring sludge absorption capacity. During the idle phase, sludge reflowing continues as usual. The discharge of residual sludge is at decant and idle phase.

(2) Features of CASS Process

a) Small area and low investment. In CASS, biological degradation and sludge-water separation of organic pollutants are completed in a reactor with no need to set primary settling tank, secondary settling tank, residual sludge pumping station and other structures, which can save the land covered by these structures and much project investment.

b) Good outflow water quality and stable operation. According to biological selection principles, utilizing the separating and integrating of primary reaction zone, the release of phosphorus by the biological selector located in front of the system, the de-nitrification and the rapid adsorption of organic substrate in the inflow, the stability of the system operation is enhanced and the volume utilization is improved. After highly effective treatment, the wastewater can definitely achieve the national Level-1 outflow water quality standard.

C) High utilization of oxygen and low operating cost. CASS tank is relatively deep and uses the micro-porous high efficiency aeration device, effectively improving oxygen utilization. At the same time, during the operation, through on-line dissolved oxygen measuring instrument, it uses IPC to allow the oxygenating equipment to work at peak performance, maximizing energy saving and minimizing operating cost.

d) Strong shock load resistance. Variable volume increases the adaptability of the system to the change of water quantity and quality and the flexibility of operations. Actual operating experience has shown that CASS tank can run under short-term shock load which is 2 to 3 times of normal load, with very little change of water quality.

e) High volume utilization. According to bio-reaction dynamics principle, the adoption of series operation of the tanks allows the overall plug flow of wastewater in the process of the reactor and complex completely-mixed flow patter in different zones, which ensures a stable effect and improves volume utilization.

f) Effective removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Through the control of biological speed, the reactor runs in the sequencing batch of anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic-anoxic-anaerobic, so that it is excellent in removing nitrogen and phosphorus and reducing operating cost.

Process Flow Diagram is shown in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1 CASS Process Flow Diagram


(1) Technical Principles

DEST is an improved urban wastewater treatment system developed on the basis of UASB process and characterized by multi hypoxia, anaerobic aerobic tanks. It is a process dominated by anaerobic biochemistry and supported by aerobic biochemistry. The treatment system consists of down-flow anaerobic biological contact tank, up-flow anaerobic biological contact oxidation tank and biological contact oxidation tank. By setting high specific surface area filler in the anaerobic biological contact oxidation tank, the attached biomass is much more than the suspended biomass, dramatically increasing treatment capacity and reducing treatment cycle. It adopts recirculation system, which increases job stability. The wastewater after anaerobic treatment flows into the biological contact oxidation tank. The tank is a biological treatment device dominated by biofilm technology and supplemented by activated sludge process. With the oxygen source provided by the blower, the organic compounds in the device is adsorbed and degraded by microorganisms and further purified the water. Set polyethylene elastic filler inside the biological contact oxidation tank and use perforated pipe for aeration.

DEST is dominated by anaerobic and supported by aerobic. The essence of the above anoxic and anaerobic reaction tank consists of a number of relatively independent sludge bed (UASB) systems. Series connection of UASB forms multi-phase anaerobic process in stages. Due to baffling, several independent reaction chambers are formed in anoxic and anaerobic zones, and microbial communities suited to the environmental conditions are cultured in each reaction chamber. In each reaction chamber, the phase of microbial communities is changed along with the process gradually, and the graduation rule is identical with the degradation process of organic compounds so as to ensure that the corresponding microorganisms have the best work activity.

With wastewater and returned nitrification liquid in the above work environment, facultative anaerobes in hypoxia area have the priority in getting carbon source, and conduct micro-aerobic or anaerobic respiration with nitrate as electron acceptor and carbon source as electron donor. During the reduction of nitrate nitrogen for N2, a large amount of organic compounds are oxidized to benefit follow-up growing of autotrophic nitrification bacteria in aerobic zone and improve nitrification degree.

As anti-nitrification continues, due to the exhaustion of dissolved oxygen and nitrate in the back divisions of ABR biological reactor, the system enters anaerobic stage in the strict sense and phosphorus accumulating organisms is on top. It effectively suppresses the growth of filamentous bacteria and makes the anaerobic entering hydrolytic acidification stage, which hydrolysis macromolecules organic in the wastewater into low molecular fermentation products. Phosphorus accumulating organisms absorb these low molecular fermentation products, and transport them into the cell to assimilate them as carbon energy store property within the cells and release phosphorus. In the anaerobic zone, due to the hydrolysis of organic compounds into low molecular organic compounds absorbed by phosphate accumulating organisms, its concentration will continue to be reduced. The concentration of NH4-N will also be reduced due to the cell synthesis, while there is no change to the content of NO3-N, the content of P is increased due to the release of phosphate accumulating organisms.

Wastewater enters contact oxidation tank by baffling through anoxic and anaerobic biochemical reactions. In contact oxidation tank, using inorganic carbon compounds such as CO2, and CO32-, and HCO3- as carbon sources, autotrophic aerobic microorganisms oxidize the ammonia nitrogen brought by original wastewater and the ammonia nitrogen generated by assimilation during anti-nitrification process with NH3, NH4+ and NO2- for nitrate. At the same time, phosphate accumulating organisms get the energy from the degradation and absorption of dissolved organic compounds to absorb phosphorus, thus removing phosphate from the liquid. The generated phosphate accumulating organism cells are removed in the form of high-phosphorus sludge through emission of residual sludge, thus removing phosphorus from the system and realizing nitrogen and phosphorus removal. In aerobic zone, the organic compounds reduced with the aerobic degradation, the content of NH4-N and p falls at a fast rate due to de-nitrification and phosphorus absorption of phosphate accumulating organisms, while the content of NO3-N rises due to nitrification. The above processes repeated so as to achieve the purpose of effective biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal.

(2) DEST Process has the following advantages:

a) Small area and low investment.

DEST process can complete the biological degradation and sludge-water separation in a reacting tank without primary settle tank, which can save the land covered by these structures and much project investment.

b) Effective nitrogen removal.

The core of the system is biochemical part. The biochemical stages include hypoxia tank, anaerobic tank and aerobic tank and the processes include hydrolysis, nitrification and de-nitrification, forming a reversed A2/O process on the whole. Apart from removing COD and BOD5 effectively, the system can adapt to the degradation requirement, which is significantly better than current conventional treatment process.

c) Stable operation and convenient management.

The oxygen source of the system is provided by the blower, through on-line monitoring and dissolved oxygen detector, fan operation parameters are automatically adjusted so as to achieve good performance.

d) Strong shock load resistance.

The system has a strong water quantity and quality shock load resistance. The system is connected by a number of relatively independent sludge bed (UASB) in series, forming multi-phase anaerobic process in stages, and it has strong water and organic shock load resistance, especially Ammonia nitrogen shock. Even when the water quality and quantity have large fluctuations, the water quality maintains stable.

e) Low operating cost

The entire process is dominated by anaerobic and anoxic process. Saving blower aeration is effective in reducing operating cost.

f) The tank is a closed structure with small impact on the environment, which reduces the investment in and operating cost of deodorization of the WWTP.

(3) DEST process also has disadvantages as follows:

a) Sludge recirculation system and inflow system shall be set up, and the control of inflow is complex, which requires higher level of management.

b) The tank is a closed structure, so the installation and replacement of metal frame components and filler requires much time and work and the maintaining work load is larger.

c) Due to less sludge emission and poor phosphorus removal, chemical phosphorus removal facilities shall be adopted normally at the end.

(4) Process Flow Diagram is shown in Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2 DEST Process Flow Diagram

8.4.3 Comparison and Determination of Process Proposals

The comprehensive technical and economical comparison of the two proposals and the comparison of main technical parameters are shown in table 8-4 and 8-5.

Table 8-4 Comprehensive Technical and Economical Comparison Table

|No. |Comparison Content |Item |CASS Process |DEST Process |Proposals |

| | | | | |Comparison |

|1 |Investment |Quantity of Civil |440. 3 |480. 2 |Proposal I is |

| |Ten Thousand Yuan |Engineering | | |preferred. |

|2 | |Facilities and |342. 3 |228. 6 |Proposal II is |

| | |Instruments | | |preferred. |

|3 | |Direct Expense of the |782. 6 |708. 8 |Proposal II is |

| | |Project | | |preferred. |

|4 |Operating Costs |/ |0. 44 Yuan per ton |0. 28 Yuan per ton |Proposal II is |

| | | | | |preferred. |

|5 |Electricity |/ |0. 35kw/m3 |0. 2kw/m3 |Proposal II is |

| |Consumption Index | | | |preferred. |

|6 |Output of Sludge |/ |463kg/d |247kg/d |Proposal II is |

| | | | | |preferred. |

|7 |Covering Area |/ |9416m2 |8529m2 |Proposal II is |

| | | | | |preferred. |

|8 |Process |Process Flow |Simple |Simple | |

| |Effectiveness | | | | |

|9 | |Water Quality |Good |Good |Two proposals are|

| | | | | |almost the same. |

|10 | |Nitrogen and Phosphorus |Good |Satisfied |Proposal I is |

| | |Removal | | |preferred. |

|11 | |Shock Load Resistance. |Strong |Strong |Two proposals are|

| | | | | |almost the same. |

|12 |Operation Management|Automation Requirement |Higher |Lower |Proposal II is |

| | | | | |preferred. |

|13 | |Requirement on Technique|Higher |Lower |Proposal II is |

| | |of Operating Personnel | | |preferred. |

|14 | |Maintenance Management |Usually large work |Usually small work |Proposal II is |

| | | |amount of maintenance |amount of maintenance |preferred. |

| | | |and high automation |but large work load of | |

| | | |degree |filler replacement | |

|15 |Environmental Impact|Odor |The odor has significant|The odor has small |Proposal II is |

| | | |impact on the |impact on the |preferred. |

| | | |surrounding environment |surrounding environment | |

|16 | |Noise |The blower produces |The blower produces |Two proposals are|

| | | |noise to the surrounding|noise to the surrounding|almost the same. |

| | | |environment |environment | |

Table 8-5 Main Technical Parameters Comparison Table

|Technical Parameters |CASS Process |DEST Process |

| |WWTP (3000m3/d) |

|Intake Pump |Quantity of Wastewater Pump (set) |1 set is for the usage and 1set is for the backup. |

| |Performance Parameter |Q=125m3/h, H=8m, N=5. 5kW |

|Grid |Amount of Wide Grid (set) |2 (mechanic) |

| |Diameter of Drum (m) |0. 6 |

| |Distance between Grids (mm) |4 |

|Settling Tank |Amount of Settling Tank |1 set |

| |Diameter (m) |1. 63 |

| |Depth of Settling Tank (m) |1. 12 |

| |Sand Hopper Depth (m) |1.52 |

|CASS or DEST Reacting Tank |Amount |1 set |1 set |

| |Net Plane Size × Depth of the Tank (m) |40. 6 × 16. 9 × 5. 5 |35. 5 × 17. 6 × 6. 5 |

| |Effective Volume (m3) |3000 |3266 |

| |Residual Sludge Amount (kg/d) |463 |247 |

| |Maximum Oxygen Demand (kg/d) |398. 5 |189. 5 |

| |Amount of Fan (set) |2 sets are for the usage and 1set |2 sets are for the usage and 1set is |

| | |is for the backup. |for the backup. |

| |Air Volume of a Fan (m3/min) |6. 79 |5. 2 |

| |Power of a Fan (kw) |15 |11 |

|Secondary Settling Tank |Amount of Secondary Settling Tank (set) |N/A |Integrated with DEST |

|Sterilization Tank |Technical Parameters |CASS Process |DEST Process |

| | |WWTP (3000m3/d) |

| |Amount of Sterilization Tank (set) |1 |1 |

| |Plane Size (m) |3 × 5 |3 × 5 |

From the comparison of the above two tables, it can be concluded that both proposals have advantages and disadvantages and they are widely used in domestic wastewater treatment with mature technology, stable process operation and stable and qualified water quality.

Comprehensive technical and economic comparison of Table 8-4 has made a comparison of 16 aspects of the two processes. As can be seen from the table, 5 items are basically the same, CASS has 2 items better than DEST process and DEST process has 9 items better than CASS. DEST process is superior to CASS in terms of investment, operating cost and electricity consumption. Merely from the point of view of operating cost, DEST process can save RMB 0.16 Yuan per ton, totaling 175,000 a year. And electricity consumption per ton water can save 0.15kw·h, totaling 164,300kw·h per year. The annual saving of standard coal is 20. 2 ton based on the coefficient of 0. 1229kg standard coal per kw·h electricity.

Give comprehensive consideration to the embedded tank of DEST process and three major factors, i. e. small impact on the surrounding environment, low costs of equipment operation and low requirements on the quality of operating personnel, it is recommended to use DEST process for Yueshan Town WWTP.

8.5 Comparison and Analysis of Disinfection Proposals

According to the regulations of Pollutants Discharge Standard for Urban WWTPs (GB18918-2002), the WWTPs shall be disinfected.

8.5.1 Brief Introduction to Disinfection Methods

The common methods of disinfection are chlorination disinfection, CIO, oxidation disinfection, UV disinfection, and so on.

(1) Chlorination Disinfection

Chlorination works through adding liquid chlorine or chlorine compound. The liquid chlorine is the most common method so far, for its low cost, mature technology, and stable performance. Due to the requirement of chlorination of over 30min contact time, the capacity of the contact tank is big. Since chlorine is highly toxic and dangerous, and the steel cylinder containing chlorine is a high-pressure vessel with potential threat, the build-up of the chlorine reservoir and the chlorination room need to be based on the safety requirement. Chlorination will generate harmful organic chlorides, therefore, the residual chlorine quantity in the outflow water shall be strictly regulated and chlorine take-off equipment shall be built when needed, if there are the fish forages nearby the wastewater outlet.

Chlorinated compounds include sodium hypochlorite, bleaching powder, chlorine dioxide, and so on. They have the similar features with liquid chlorine, while they are less dangerous and have less environmental impact with higher operating cost.

(2) Oxidation Disinfection

Oxidant can be used as the disinfectant of the secondary outflow water, the most common one of which is ozone. The advantages of ozone disinfection are downright sterilization, low lethality, basically no side-effect to environment and shorter contact time than chlorination. The disadvantages are more investment on capital constructions and higher operating cost. Oxidation disinfection is generally used on the disinfection of swimming pool water and drink water right now.

(3) UV Disinfection

The main advantages of UV disinfection include high efficiency on sterilization, short reactive time, low lethality, and no secondary pollution. There is no need to set up large contact tank instead of disinfection canal, for the time of disinfection is short. Thus, the floor space and the cost of civil engineering are much lower. The disadvantages are high investment on equipment, complicated management and maintenance, no constant ability of sterilization, bad competence of resisting suspended solid interference, and strict requirements of SS concentration in the water.

The comparison on disinfection methods above are shown in Table 8-6.

2 Table 8-6 Comparison of Disinfection Methods

|Performance |Nitrogen Dioxide, Liquid Chlorine, and |Ozone |Uv Radiation |

| |Bleaching Powder | | |

|Bacteria Sterilizing |Excellent (HOCL) |Excellent |Good |

|Virus Sterilizing |Excellent (HOCL) |Excellent |Good |

|Alive Microbe Sterilizing |The Second |The First |/ |

|Effect of PH |The efficiency of disinfection will decrease |The effect of ph is small. When ph|Not Sensitive to |

| |with the increase of ph, and when ph is 7, it |is small, o3 left will last |the Change of PH |

| |is the right time to add chlorine. |longer. | |

|Surplus Disinfection |Yes |No Need to Add Chlorine |No Need to Add |

| | | |Chlorine |

|Byproduct THM |Basically No |Impossible |Impossible |

|Other Intermediate Products |Chloride and chlorinated intermediate products|Intermediate products are |Not Clear |

| |are generated, like chloramine and chlorinated|aldehyde, aromatic dicarboxylic | |

| |organics. |acid, phthalate, and so on. | |

|Domestic Application |Widely |Not Common |Widely |

|General Quantity (Mg/L) |5~10 |1~3 |/ |

|Contract Time |30mins |Seconds to about 10 Mins |/ |

8.5.2 Comparison and Determination of Disinfection Methods

All the methods above can reach the goal of disinfection. As far, the chlorination is the widely used way to disinfect the outflow water of large WWTPs in our country, while most WWTPs abroad choose UV disinfection which has been employed by more and more WWTPs at home. Chlorine dioxide disinfection and UV disinfection are selected as the alternative proposals of the WWTP in the Project, which will be compared comprehensively in Table 8-7.

Table 8-7 Comparison of the Disinfections of Outflow Water

|Item |Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection |UV Disinfection |

|Main Buildings |Contact Disinfection Tank and |UV Disinfection Trough |

| |Chlorination Room | |

|Main Equipment |Chlorine Dioxide Generator |UV Disinfection Module |

|Floor Space |Big |Very Small |

|Operating Management |Automatic Running and Easy Management |Maintenance Workload |

|Environmental Impact |Little |No |

|Total Civil Engineering Costs |High |Low |

|Cost of Equipment |Ordinary |High |

|Investment |Ordinary |Ordinary |

|Cost of Reagents |High |No |

|Electric Charge |Low |High |

|Cost of Maintenance |Low |High |

According to the comprehensive comparison in Table 8-7, UV disinfection has the advantages of small floor space, maturity, stability, no new chlorine-adding workshop, no intermediate product, and so forth. Based on the consideration of all elements, UV disinfection is recommended as the disinfection of the outflow water of WWTPs in the Project.

8.6 Selection and Comparison of Sludge Treatment Proposals

WWTPs will extract and generate a plenty of sludge during the process of wastewater treatment. The water content of the sludge is up to 90% and the bulk of sludge is enormous, therefore the management of sludge is very hard. Thus, the sludge needs to be reduced in volume for easier transport and post treatment. The organics in sludge are high in content, unstable and easily rotted, so that it is needed to decrease the content of sludge to stabilize the sludge. Some pathogenic bacterias and parasitic ovum contained in the sludge are the mediums of the infection of epidemic diseases, which will affect the public health and safety, and need to be well handled. Meanwhile the secondary release of phosphorus shall be voided. All in all, the improper management of the sludge will generate the secondary pollution, and increase the cost of chemic phosphorus removal in the filtration liquid. Therefore, the sludge shall be coped with before the final treatment.

8.6.1 Comparison and Determination of Wastewater Treatment Processes

(1) Comparison of Sludge Treatment Processes

The typical sludge treatment process of urban WWTPs has been showed as follows:

Figure 8-3 Typical Sludge Treatment Process

The sludge in the Project, after going through three pre-treatment procedures of concentration, digestion, and dewatering, has its water content dropping below 60%, and reaches a stable state in the end.

Sludge concentration includes gravity concentration, suspension concentration, and mechanical concentration. The gravity concentration may trigger the second release of phosphorus in the sludge. Since the reinforced biochemical phosphorous removal is adopted in the Project, the phosphorous content is high in the sludge at around 2.5%, if the sludge is concentrated in the concentration tank for a long time, the polyphosphate accumulation bacteria in the sludge will release a large amount of phosphorous in an anaerobic condition, which increases the phosphorous content in the liquid supernatant and the phosphorous removal cost. As a result, the gravity concentration is inappropriate for the residual sludge arising from the biological phosphorous removal. The suspension concentration requires of many devices and operation costs. Moreover, the above two sludge concentrations cover large areas; therefore, the mechanical concentration which covers less space and has favorable effects is adopted in the Project.

The process for the stabilization of sludge in common use includes: anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, heat treatment, heating to dry, heating stabilization, etc. The sludge treatment adopts DEST Process in the Project since the sludge age is long and the residual sludge has been approximately stable. According to the Code for Design of Outdoor Sewerage Engineering GB50014-2006, when the wastewater is treated with biological phosphorous and nitrogen removal, the residual sludge shall be concentrated mechanically without digestion. The sludge dewatering is to further reduce the water content and the sludge. It includes natural air drying, mechanical dewatering, sludge heat drying and incineration, etc. The ways of the dewatering of the sludge are nature air drying, mechanical dewatering, sludge drying, incineration, etc. The widely used way of dewatering in WWTPs at home and abroad is mechanical dewatering with mainly centrifugal dewaterer, draper-type dewaterer and board-box dewaterer etc. The sludge water content is within 75-85% after the above three treatments, which dose not meet the requirement for landfill and is a prevailing problem in WWTPs at home. At present, some domestic companies, based on the existing dewatering method, have developed the new technology of Deep Dewatering with Sludge Treatment and Board & Frame Compression and Filtration, which is successfully applied in the WWTPs in eastern coastal area (such as Guangzhou, Xiamen, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Shanghai etc.).

(2) Determination of Sludge Treatment Process

The sludge treatment in the Project is planned to adopt the deep dewatering technology with sludge treatment and board & frame compression and filtration. This tcchnology is practiced in the Xiaoshan Linjiang WWTP and Qige WWTP in Hangzhou. According to the on-site inspection and research, the above two WWTPs are well operated with the water content of the sludge after treatment kept below 60%, meeting the state and local requirements for landfills.

8.6.2 Comparison and Determination of Sludge Treatment Processes

(1) Comparison of Sludge Treatment Process

Sludge treatment refers to the final disposal of sludge, specific to stably processed sludge. Sludge hygiene is not definitely stipulated by Pollutants Discharge Standard for Urban WWTPs (GB18918-2002), but hygiene issues will has a direct impact on the final destination of sludge. Indiscriminate disposal of sludge without necessary process still will contaminate the surrounding environment. As a result, suitable disposal of sludge is required for its harmlessness. When choosing ways of disposing sludge, people shall combine the actual conditions, considering technical feasibility and development in the future. Now the main sludge treatment methods are as follows:

1. Landfill

Landfill, similar to urban waste landfill, is the main technology to dispose of sludge at present in China for its relatively lower operating cost and plentiful management experience on it. Disadvantages: occupying land, a waste of land resources; and causing a secondary pollution if sludge is mishandled.

2. Incineration

Incineration is uneconomical for its consuming of large number of heavy oil, and the thermal energy released therefrom is hard to be effectively used because of present technology and equipment. It is also difficult to effectively control the plenty of toxic and harmful substances (such as Dioxin) Released therefrom, which will cause air pollution. Besides, for the reason that industrial wastewaters take a big portion in urban wastewater in our country, and organics takes a small portion in residual sludge, the combustion heat value is low and economic benefit of incineration is bad.

3. Direct Drying

Sludge with 80% water content is dried by pneumatic drier with over 100°C temperature, killing all sorts of germs and then be land-filled or reprocessed. The disadvantage is energy consuming and increasing disposal cost.

4. Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic digestion was adopted for most activated sludge before 1980s, killing microbial bacteria and producing some usable wastewater gas. Three disadvantages of anaerobic digestion: 1. The equipment investment for anaerobic digestion can, wastewater gas recovery and preservation is quite high; 2. Although sludge is stabilized through biochemical reaction of various anaerobes, and the total number decreases by about 25%, landfill is also needed; 3. It requires complex system operation, high demand of operation management, high cost and many hidden dangers. Relative data displays that: construction investment of sludge anaerobic digestion system is about RMB 1-2 million/t dried sludge, including sludge concentration, dewatering, mesophilic digestion, digested sludge re-concentration, dewatering and transport, and its daily operating cost is about RMB 700-850 yuan/t dried sludge.

5. Biological Treatment

Biological compost method imports aerobic bacteria and oxygen, to make sludge undertake thermophilic fermentation of aerobic bacteria. High temperature compost was developed by the developed countries at the beginning of the 20th century, and now in the United Kingdom, America, Germany, Japan, etc, the compost method has been widely used for bio-safety disposal of urban sludge. Since the end of 1980s, some cities in our country have established composting sites, but operations of most of these composting sites have get into difficulties because of low quality of composts and market, etc.

The comparison of the common sludge treatment methods is showed in Figure 8-8.

Figure 8-8 Comparison of Common Sludge Treatment Methods

|No. |Methods |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|1 |Landfill |With low cost and rich management |Waste land resources and cause secondary pollution |

| | |experience, employing the main skills |if handled inappropriately |

| | |for sludge treatment in China | |

|2 |Incineration |Completely dispose of harmful organics|Have poor economic benefit and easily cause air |

| | | |pollution |

|3 |Direct Drying |Kill bacteria before landfill and |Consume energy and increase cost |

| | |re-treatment, having good | |

| | |environmental benefit | |

|4 |Aerobic Digestion |Kill microbial bacteria and produce |Have high cost of equipment investment, need |

| | |some usable wastewater gas |landfill after handling, have high requirements on |

| | | |operation management, high cost and many hidden |

| | | |dangers. |

|5 |Biological |With comprehensive utilization, |Have low quality of composts, with insignificant |

| |Treatment |realize the safe treatment and |economic benefit |

| | |recycling | |

(2) Determination of Sludge Treatment Methods

According to General Planning of Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City (2006-2020) and local actual conditions, The final disposal of sludge is to deliver the dewatered sludge cake, then compress it with urban domestic waste, and at last send it for landfill in a sanitary and safe way. If there is market demand, cooperation with relative technical section can be take into consideration to do biological compost research on sludge to make waste valuable, and reduce the possibility of pollution.

9 Analysis of Gains and Losses of Environment and Economy

9.1 Environmental Benefit

The Project belongs to an urban WWTP, the most important benefit of which is environmental benefit, including pollutant load cut, water quality improvement benefit, environmental management improvement benefit, etc.

9.1.1 Pollutant Load Cut

According to the sludge treatment project, it is possible to effectively reduce the pollutant load of domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater of Yueshan Town, which can protect local environment and play a significant role in protecting the environment of lower reaches. Quantity of pollutants reduced is in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1 Quantity of Pollutant Reduced in Yueshan Town Unit: t/a

|Period |BOD5 |COD |SS |NH3-N |TN |TP |

|Amount of Water |1095000 |

|Before Treatment |142.35 |262.8 |219 |27.375 |32.85 |3.066 |

|After Treatment |21.9 |65.7 |21.9 |8.76 |21.9 |1.095 |

| Cut |120.45 |197.1 |197.1 |18.615 |10.95 |1.971 |

|Cut Rate |85 |75 |90 |68 |33 |64 |

9.1.2 Improved Water Quality

After the implementation of the Project, it is possible to control pollution sources of the river, purify water quality, reserve moisture and enormously reduce pollutants discharged into Xinqiaohe River; as a result, it can weaken the impact of pollutants on local surface water to improve water quality, a fundamental protection of water, making environmental conditions of Yueshan Town improve obviously.

9.1.3 Improvement Benefit of Environmental Management Capability

The environmental monitoring and operating project provides strong technical measures and supervision for local environmental protection, promotes healthy development of local environmental efforts, effectively prevents environmental pollution, reduces environmental risks, decreases the pollution of surface water and improves regional environmental conditions to the largest degree in multiple aspects such as management and technology.

9.1.4 Provision of Good Environmental Conditions for Regional Social and Economic Development

The Project accelerates local urban infrastructure construction, establishes and completes environmental infrastructure network system, further alleviates the conflict between the city development of the river basin and region and environmental constrains, improves environmental quality of the river basin where the Project is implemented, increases functions of water environment, and promotes urban function, providing suitable environmental conditions for sound and fast social and economic development of the local region and the whole province.

9.2 Social Benefits

9.2.1 Improvement of Healthy Level of Domestic Citizens and Living Quality in the River Basin

The Project effectively solves issues about backward infrastructure of local environment. On one side, it can purify water and air; on the other side, it also can promote health of citizens and increase living quality by eliminating propagation environment, providing protection and improvement of living conditions, and reducing disease incidence.

9.2.2 Addition of Employment Chances

With the commencement of the Project, employment chances will be provided. At first, some short-term and odd jobs can be offered during the construction of the Project; secondly, some long-term and stable jobs can be available when the Project is in the service period, including technical and administrative staff who are directly engaged in the Project; and last but not least, because of the Project, industrial and agricultural development will be accelerated as a result of improving investment environment and attracting funds, at the same time, it will also drive the development of the service sector, adding much more employment chances.

9.2.3 Improvement of Residents' Environmental Awareness

Project construction is also a process of profound and active propaganda of environmental protection. Specific environmental protection campaigns can enable people to recognize the importance of environmental protection, and understand the serious consequences of environmental disruption, including economic losses, injuries of health, resource losses etc. Such campaign is more effective than simple propaganda and is more easily accepted by people. Besides, it can also develop into an environmental education demonstration place to propagandize environmental protection knowledge to the public for a long time; this will be of great benefits to improve the public's environmental awareness.

9.2.4 Provision of Base Data for Abatement of District Pollution

Implementation of the construction project through environmental monitoring and management can meet the society's increasing demands for environmental monitoring and offer better services for regional economic construction. Besides, it can also provide base data for the further explanation of pollution sources, provide scientific criteria for the integrated abatement policies of district pollution as well as the accurate assessment of regional pollution abatement project, provide effective means for the government functional department to supervise the operation of pollution abatement facilities in accordance with the law, and intensify the management of regional river basin environment.

1 9.3 Economic Benefits

The Project is about the construction of urban WWTP, which is a public welfare project without obvious direct benefit on investment. Its economic benefits are mainly indirect ones, including:

9.3.1 Economic Benefits from Pollution Control

It's mainly reflected by reducing the economic losses of society caused by the pollutants in wastewater, from:

Industrial enterprises: It can reduce the investment and operation management fees imposed on industrial enterprises to dispose wastewater separately and alleviate enterprise's pressure;

Agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishery: water pollution may cause the decline of output and quality of cereal crops, animal products and fishery products and cause economic losses;

Health: water pollution may cause the rise of people's incidence, increase people's health expenditures and reduce labor productivity.

9.3.2 Benefits from Revenue Increase

With the improvement of urban infrastructures and environment, value of land in urban areas will correspondingly increase, especially land in towns, where part of the loans can be subsidized through the benefits from the land.

2 9.4 Conclusions

The Project is part of the staged proposal to improve the environmental status of Yueshan Town and promote the process of urbanization and implementation of the sustainable development strategy in the whole province. Disposal of town wastewater will bring important impact on the urban infrastructure construction and ecological environmental protection in the Project area and even the national and social economic development.

Implementation of the Project is: ① Instrumental in consolidating the results of environment improvement within the Project area and further improving the quality of local environment; ② Good for improving the production and living conditions of local residents and improving people's quality of life and health level; ③ Good for facilitating the infrastructure construction and mercerization of management of Yueshan Town and realizing the independent and positive development of urban infrastructure construction through introducing and borrowing domestic and overseas advanced technologies and management experience; ④ Good for promoting the urbanization construction of the whole province, ensuring the sustainable development of society and economy through the sustainable development of environment, and creating favorable conditions for the sustainable development of Hunan province and building of a well-off society in an all-round way. The Project can generate favorable environmental, social and economic benefits, and comply with the state's cause to build a well-off society in an all-round way and WB's purpose to promote China's sustainable development through its China aid strategy.

10 Public Participation

1 10.1 Implementation Arrangement

Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subprojeoct, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB Loans is conducted to improve the residential environment and infrastructures of Yueshan Town. The construction of a WWTP and the supporting engineering thereof will effectively prevent pollutions; greatly improve people’s living conditions; protect surrounding water sources; beautify the surrounding environment; construct a more comfortable and beautiful living environment; improve and raise residential environment; quicken the construction of a livable town; and lay a better environmental foundation for quickening urban development. Project construction and operation may affect the environment of surrounding areas, which is directly involved with the vital interests of nearby residents, so according to the state environmental regulations and regulative statutes as well as WB's safety protection policy (OP4.01), the public is invited to the Project twice. The first time was during the compilation of the Project environmental impact assessment outline and the second time was when the first draft of the environmental impact assessment was completed. The first round was aimed to collect the relevant information about the public's concern of the Project construction. In the second time, the public was organized to discuss the environmental problems and corresponding countermeasures put forward in the first time in the hope of getting the public understanding about the countermeasures taken in the Project.

The first round public participation was during the compilation of the environmental impact assessment outline. The first round public participation was mainly conducted through questionnaire survey and collective interview. Participants include both the residents in the affected areas and the government agencies and companies involved with the Project. Participants include people of different ages, sexes, educational background and occupations. During the survey, the environmental assessment unit showed the Project’s general situations, including the major environmental impacts possibly generated during project construction, to the public clearly, so that the public could understand the existing environment of the Project area and the possible negative influence of project construction on neighboring environment; finally, the assessment unit collected participants' opinions and suggestions of project construction and the issues they concern, and organized discussions about the environmental issues cared by the public and corresponding countermeasures in the hope of getting the nearby units and public’s understanding about the Project construction and relevant environmental impacts caused by it, and encouraged them to give suggestions to the Project construction and timely feedback all their suggestions and good ideas, so that the construction proposal can be further improved and the Project’s impact on environment can be reduced to the minimum.

The second round public participation was organized when the first draft of the environmental impact assessment was finished; public participation was conducted through informal discussions, interviews and questionnaire survey given by Yueshan Town Government and the environmental assessment unit. Participants were mainly experts, government agencies and representatives of the affected people. The second round public participation was mainly about the feedback of the issues cared by the public, and at the same time, the abridged edition of the environmental impact assessment was placed at an obvious place for the public to read. Such places include the compilation unit of environmental impact assessment, project management office, and office of Yueshan Town etc.

Relevant materials about the public's participation is in appendix 3 (including the sign-in Table of informal discussions, meeting minutes, meeting photos and sample form for the questionnaires of these two times).

2 10.2 Survey Results and Discussions of Public Participation

Major issues put forward by the affected crowds during public participation include: Impacts of construction noise, fugitive dust, and material transport noise on living environment as well as treatment and disposal of sludge in the wastewater plant. Besides, compensation on land acquisition is also one of the most concerned issues by the public.

During environmental assessment, the environmental assessment unit makes relevant analysis of the issues concerned by the public and gives relevant countermeasures so as to make sure the impact on environment caused by project construction can be reduced to an acceptable level; main measures include:

(1) Waste soil at the construction site shall be timely removed and backfill shall be filled timely. In dry seasons, soilmund, soil shovel and transport shall be watered timely so as to keep its surface wet and reduce the amount of flying dust.

(2) Strengthen management and dispatch, improve work efficiency, strengthen maintenance of equipment, and try to assemble the noisy machinery to work intensively, and optimize the construction time, so as to shorten the time of construction noise and reduce its influence; Set up movable sound insulated screen barriers at the affected sensitive points near the pipe network and reduce the impact on these points as much as possible.

(3) Strengthen the management, planning and dispatch during construction, avoid transporting earth and construction materials at rush hours so as to reduce the possibility of the Project's impact on traffic congestion;

(4) During the operation period, sludge shall be dewatered within the Plant and then transported to landfill through closed tank cars and buried cleanly.

(5) Local administrative department for environmental protection shall strengthen the supervision of companies, and urge the construction unit to carry out all environmental protection measures during project construction and operation. During project construction, the administrative department shall pay attention to implement the environmental protection measures and make sure all pollution prevention funds are put in the right place. After the Project is put into service, it shall ensure the failure-free operation of environmental protection facilities, discharge pollutants according to the standards after treatment and make sure the river water won't be polluted.

(6) Isolate the major pollution sources; build the sludge hovel indoor; dewatered sludge shall be carried away timely; clean the water extractor timely and remove and transport the residues timely; set up 6~8m green isolation belt at the Plant boundary; set the width of health protection distance according to the specifications.

(7) Project construction shall be in strict accordance with pertinent state laws and regulations; the construction unit shall make appropriate arrangements for the production and life of affected residents after land procurement and relocation, and give reasonable compensations and can't ignore their livelihood.

Table 10-1 is a summary about the Project name, the public participation time and ways, organization unit, participants, main concerned issues and the feedback of environmental assessment about the public's concerned issues.

Table 10-1 Summary of the Public's Participation With Project Environmental Assessment

|Way of Participation |Organization Unit |Time |Participants |Main Issues Concerned |Feedback of Environmental |

| | | | | |Assessment |

|1st Round: |Changsha Environmental|August 2011 |Government |(1) Environmental |(1) Waste soil at the |

|Questionnaire Survey |Protection Career | |officials, |problems including |construction site shall be |

|and Interviews |Technical College and | |technicians of |flying dust and noise |timely removed and backfill |

| |Yueshan Town | |competent |during the construction |shall be filled timely. In |

| |Government | |authorities, |period |dry seasons, soilmund, soil |

| | | |experts, residents |(2) Compensations for |shovel and transport shall be|

| | | |around the Plant |land procurement and |watered timely so as to keep |

| | | |area and residents,|relocation |its surface wet and reduce |

| | | |schools and |(3) Treatment and |the amount of flying dust. |

| | | |hospitals along the|disposal of sludge |(2) Strengthen management and|

| | | |pipelines |during the operation |dispatch, improve work |

| | | | |period |efficiency, strengthen |

| | | | | |maintenance of equipment, and|

| | | | | |try to assemble the noisy |

| | | | | |machinery to work |

| | | | | |intensively, and optimize the|

| | | | | |construction time, so as to |

| | | | | |shorten the time of |

| | | | | |construction noise and reduce|

| | | | | |its influence; Set up movable|

| | | | | |sound insulated screen |

| | | | | |barriers at the affected |

| | | | | |sensitive points near the |

| | | | | |pipe network and reduce the |

| | | | | |impact on these points as |

| | | | | |much as possible. |

| | | | | |(3) Strengthen the |

| | | | | |management, planning and |

| | | | | |dispatch during construction,|

| | | | | |avoid transporting earth and |

| | | | | |construction materials at |

| | | | | |rush hours so as to reduce |

| | | | | |the possibility of the |

| | | | | |Project's impact on traffic |

| | | | | |congestion; |

| | | | | |(4) During the operation |

| | | | | |period, sludge shall be |

| | | | | |dewatered within the Plant |

| | | | | |and then transported to |

| | | | | |landfill through closed tank |

| | | | | |cars and buried cleanly. |

| | | | | |(5) Local administrative |

| | | | | |department for environmental |

| | | | | |protection shall strengthen |

| | | | | |the supervision of companies,|

| | | | | |and urge the construction |

| | | | | |unit to carry out all |

| | | | | |environmental protection |

| | | | | |measures during project |

| | | | | |construction and operation. |

| | | | | |During project construction, |

| | | | | |the administrative department|

| | | | | |shall pay attention to |

| | | | | |implement the environmental |

| | | | | |protection measures and make |

| | | | | |sure all pollution prevention|

| | | | | |funds are put in the right |

| | | | | |place. After the Project is |

| | | | | |put into service, it shall |

| | | | | |ensure the failure-free |

| | | | | |operation of environmental |

| | | | | |protection facilities, |

| | | | | |discharge pollutants |

| | | | | |according to the standards |

| | | | | |after treatment and make sure|

| | | | | |the river water won't be |

| | | | | |polluted |

| | | | | |(6) Isolate the major |

| | | | | |pollution sources; build the |

| | | | | |sludge hovel indoor; |

| | | | | |dewatered sludge shall be |

| | | | | |carried away timely; clean |

| | | | | |the water extractor timely |

| | | | | |and remove and transport the |

| | | | | |residues timely; set up 6~8m|

| | | | | |green isolation belt at the |

| | | | | |Plant boundary; set the width|

| | | | | |of health protection distance|

| | | | | |according to the |

| | | | | |specifications. |

| | | | | |(7) Project construction |

| | | | | |shall be in strict accordance|

| | | | | |with pertinent state laws and|

| | | | | |regulations; the construction|

| | | | | |unit shall make appropriate |

| | | | | |arrangements for the |

| | | | | |production and life of |

| | | | | |affected residents after land|

| | | | | |procurement and relocation, |

| | | | | |and give reasonable |

| | | | | |compensations and can't |

| | | | | |ignore their livelihood. |

|2nd Round: Informal | |October 2011 | | | |

|Discussions and | | | | | |

|Questionnaire Survey | | | | | |


4 10.3 Information Disclosure

According to the regulations of Provisional Measure for Public Participating in Environmental Impact Assessment, Measures for the Disclosure of Environmental Information (for Trial Implementation), World Bank OP/ BP4.01 Environmental Assessment and BP17.50 Information Disclosure, the Project discloses information about environmental assessment through bulletin and notification. Summary of the Project information disclosure is in Table 10-2; summary of the public's participation is in Table 10-3.

Table 10-2 Summary Sheet of Project Information Disclosure

|Project Name |EIA |EMP |Chinese (C) |Disclosure Time |Disclosure Duration |Disclosure Ways and Inquiry |

| |(Yes/No) |(Yes/No) |/English (E) | | |Place |

|Hunan Integrated |Y |N |C |2011-8-18 |2011.8.19-2011.8.28 |Paste up notice in different |

|Economic | | | | | |sensitive points (Xinqiao |

|Development | | | | | |Village, Hongyang Village, |

|Demonstration Town| | | | | |Bailong Village, Town |

|Project (Yueshan | | | | | |Government, Xianfeng Middle |

|Town Subprojeoct, | | | | | |School, Central Hospital and |

|Xiangxiang City) | | | | | |town area) |

|Utilizing WB Loans| | | | | | |

| | | | |2011-10-20 |2011.10.21-2011.10.30 |Paste up notice in different |

| | | | | | |sensitive points (Xinqiao |

| | | | | | |Village, Hongyang Village, |

| | | | | | |Bailong Village, Town |

| | | | | | |Government, Xianfeng Middle |

| | | | | | |School, Central Hospital and |

| | | | | | |town area) |

Table 10-3 Summary Sheet of Project Participation

|Way of |Organization Unit |Time |Participants |Main Issues Concerned |Feedback of |

|Participation | | | | |Environmental Assessment|

|1st Round: Bulletin|Changsha Environmental|August 2011 |Residents around |Environmental problems |(1) Waste soil at the |

|and Notice |Protection Career | |the Project area |including flying dust |construction site shall |

| |Technical College and | |and residents, |and noise during the |be timely removed and |

| |Yueshan Town | |schools and |construction period |backfill shall be filled|

| |Government | |hospitals along | |timely. In dry seasons, |

| | | |the pipelines | |soilmund, soil shovel |

| | | | | |and transport shall be |

| | | | | |watered timely so as to |

| | | | | |keep its surface wet and|

| | | | | |reduce the amount of |

| | | | | |flying dust. |

| | | | | |(2) Strengthen |

| | | | | |management and dispatch,|

| | | | | |improve work efficiency,|

| | | | | |strengthen maintenance |

| | | | | |of equipment, and try to|

| | | | | |assemble the noisy |

| | | | | |machinery to work |

| | | | | |intensively, and |

| | | | | |optimize the |

| | | | | |construction time, so as|

| | | | | |to shorten the time of |

| | | | | |construction noise and |

| | | | | |reduce its influence; |

| | | | | |Set up movable sound |

| | | | | |insulated screen |

| | | | | |barriers at the affected|

| | | | | |sensitive points near |

| | | | | |the pipe network and |

| | | | | |reduce the impact on |

| | | | | |these points as much as |

| | | | | |possible. |

| | | | | |(3) Strengthen the |

| | | | | |management, planning and|

| | | | | |dispatch during |

| | | | | |construction, avoid |

| | | | | |transporting earth and |

| | | | | |construction materials |

| | | | | |at rush hours so as to |

| | | | | |reduce the possibility |

| | | | | |of the Project's impact |

| | | | | |on traffic congestion; |

| | | | |Treatment and disposal |During the operation |

| | | | |of sludge during the |period, sludge shall be |

| | | | |operation period . |dewatered within the |

| | | | | |Plant and then |

| | | | | |transported to landfill |

| | | | | |through closed tank cars|

| | | | | |and buried cleanly. |

|2nd Round: Bulletin|Changsha Environmental|October 2011 | |Compensations for land |Project construction |

|and Notice |Protection Career | | |procurement and |shall be in strict |

| |Technical College and | | |relocation |accordance with |

| |Yueshan Town | | | |pertinent state laws and|

| |Government | | | |regulations; the |

| | | | | |construction unit shall |

| | | | | |make appropriate |

| | | | | |arrangements for the |

| | | | | |production and life of |

| | | | | |affected residents after|

| | | | | |land procurement and |

| | | | | |relocation, and give |

| | | | | |reasonable compensations|

| | | | | |and can't ignore their |

| | | | | |livelihood. |

11 Migration and Social Impacts

1 11.1 General Situations

The Project is about the construction of the WWTP and its supporting pipe networks; affected areas include: three Groups, namely, Yingxiongling Group, Pumenkou Group and Xinqiao Group of Xinqiao Village, Yueshan Town, covering 11 households, 46 people in all.

2 11.2 Project Impacts

With the assistance and cooperation of local governments at all levels, administrative Villages, Group cadres, and migration and project design unit, the Project Owner investigates the specific targets one by one according to the preliminary land acquisition area, including populations, housings and appurtenant works, lands, and special facilities which are affected by the Project. Then it rechecks and surveys the specific targets according to the latest feasibility study results. Based on field investigation, the consulting unit and project design unit discuss with the Project Owner to consider the impacts of project construction on local district and economy as much as possible while selecting and optimizing the proposal, and take it as the key factor in proposal optimization and selection. In order to reduce land acquisition and migration as much as possible, the design unit and Owner have taken some effective measures, and try to avoid the population centers in proposal determination and arrangement of other supporting facilities, reduce the number of immigrants and the area of occupied lands, and comply with the local planning and local government's suggestions.

Affected areas in the Project include three Groups, namely Yingxiongling Group, Pumenkou Group and Xinqiao Group of Xinqiao Village, Yueshan Town. List of affected areas is shown in Table 11-1; impact on land ownership and relevant units by land acquisition are shown in Table 11-2.

Table 11-1 List of Affected Areas

|Project Area |Permanent Land Acquisition |Temporary Land Occupation |

| |Total Land |Total Number of |Total Number of |Number of |Agricultural |Total Number of Peasant |Number of Residents Relocated |

| |Acquisition |Peasant |Peasant |Commercial Tenants|Acreage (Mu) |Households Affected (Household)|(Household) |

| |Area (Mu) |Households |Households |Affected | | | |

| | |Affected |Relocated |(Household) | | | |

| | |(Household) |(Household) | | | | |

|WWTP of Yueshan|0 |12.8 |0 |0 |0 |0 |11/46 |

|Town | | | | | | | |

As shown in Table 11-1 and 11-2, base data of land acquisition in the Project are: Conditions of land acquisition: collective lands 12.8mu, all of which are cultivated lands, having no uncultivated lands; 11 households, 46 persons are affected by land acquisition.

(1) According to the survey, the WWTP occupies a land area of 12.8mu; all the lands occupied are rural collective lands, and there are no state lands. All the collective lands occupied are cultivated lands (including fertile lands), having no uncultivated lands.

According to the investigation of immigrant's resettlement, 12.8mu collective lands are occupied in the WWTP project of Yueshan Town, and the lands occupied respectively belong to Yingxiongling Group, Pumenkou Group and Xinqiao Group.

Table 11-3 Type and Quantity of the Collective Lands Occupied (Mu)

|Project |Affected |Type of Land Occupied |Area (Mu) |Number of |Affected |

| |Village | | |Households Affected|Population |

| | | | |(Household) |(Person) |

|WWTP of Yueshan|Xinqiao |Cultivated Land |Dry Land (Cotton and Rape |0 |0 |0 |

|Town |Village | |Rotation) | | | |

| | | |Paddy Field |12.8 |11 |46 |

| | | |Fruit Garden |0 |0 |0 |

| | | |Vegetable Plot |0 |0 |0 |

| | | |Subtotal |12.8 |11 |46 |

| | |Uncultivated Land |Uncultivated Land |0 |0 |0 |

(2) Rural Housings Relocated

No rural housings will be demolished and relocated in the Project.

(3) Stores Affected

No stores will be affected in the Project.

(4) Impact on Temporarily Occupied Land

In the wastewater treatment project of Yueshan Town, all the temporary facilities are stored within the Project area (planed landscaping area 2,783m2), so there are no temporarily occupied lands.

(5) Affected Populations

Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town WWTP Project, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB Loans directly affects 11 peasant households, 46 populations in all. As to the form of impact, all of them are affected by land acquisition. Direct influence of the Project only refers to the influence on populations by land acquisition, with no reference to demolition and relocation of housings and stores, excluding the affected enterprises and institutions either. Populations directly affected in the Project are shown in Table 11-4.

Table 11-4 Populations Affected Directly by the Project

|Impacts |WWTP of Yueshan Town |

|Land Acquisition |Households |11 |

| |Persons |46 |

|Housings Demolished and Relocated |Households |0 |

| |Persons |0 |

|Demolition and Relocation of Stores |Households |0 |

|Rebuilt By Peasant Housings | | |

| |Persons |0 |

|Operation of Stores |Households |0 |

| |Persons |0 |

|Demolition of Stands Built on Pedestrian |Households |0 |

|Access | | |

| |Persons |0 |

(6) Vulnerable Groups Affected

According to the relevant regulations of WB's business policy OP4.10 Ethnic Minorities,: a. having the intentions to identify itself as a unique cultural group of ethnic minorities and such identification is also accepted by others; b. relying on the residential district or ancestral domains with unique features in the Project area collectively, and relying on the natural resources in these residential districts and domains; c. having traditional cultures, economy, social or political systems different from those of the mainstream society and culture; d. having minor languages different from the state or local official language. Xinqiao Village does not meet the requirements of items b, c and d, and it does not belong to the ethnic minority specified by WB, so WB's policy on ethnic minorities is not applicable to it.

All the people in the Project area are of Han nationality. Residents within the Project area have no obvious traditional cultures, economy, and social or political systems different from those of the mainstream society and culture; Residents within the Project area neither think they have the features of ethnic minorities nor have such intentions. Therefore, no ethnic minorities are involved in the Project.

1. Determination of Affected Vulnerable Groups

Vulnerable Groups mean the crowds that are most easily affected and have no abilities to adapt to the changes caused by the Project construction among the affected populations. Vulnerable Groups mainly include:

● Lonely old people: the elderly who are single and over 65, and have no legal family supporters.

● Single parent family: the family of which the householder is single and has minor children

● Orphan: children under 16 years old and having no parents

● Poor family: the family having Subsistence Allowances Acquisition Certificate for Rural Populations in Xiangxiang City in urban areas and rural family recognized to be particularly poor

● The handicapped: the people whose certain organs or functions are disabled or lost or abnormal in psychology, physiology or body, or having lost all or part of the abilities to engage in certain activities in a normal way

● Family having other special difficulties

Determination of Vulnerable Groups will be based on relevant policies and statues as well as field investigations. During implementation of the Project, the Immigrant Resettlement Department will decide it through indoor investigation, visit to neighbors, confirmation by neighborhood committee etc.

② Affected disadvantaged family

According to indoor investigation and Villagers' comment, among the affected populations, only one household belongs to disadvantaged group and the family can enjoy the subsistence allowances. List of the disadvantaged family affected by the Project is shown in Table 11-5.

Table 11-5 Information about the Affected Disadvantaged Family

|Name |Number of |Description of Difficulties |Source of Income |

| |Family Members | | |

|Gan Shixiang |4 |63 years old; divorced; having one daughter living with |All the families are engaged in |

| | |him and is married and has a daughter; he is weak and |agriculture; main source of income is|

| | |sick, and can't live on himself; the family is poor. |planting; having no other incomes |

| | |(his family status is poor according to the Villagers' | |

| | |comments) | |

Note: the above stated disadvantaged group is decided through the interview of Village committee and the three Groups

(7) Affected Surface Auxiliary Structures and Special Facilities

There are no surface auxiliary structures and special facilities in the Project.

3 11.3 Law and Policy Framework

1 11.3.1 Major Law and Policy Criteria

(1) Central policies

● Law of Land Administration of the People’s Republic of China, implemented in January 1999; revised and put in force on August 28, 2004;

● Decision on Intensifying Reform and Strengthening Land Administration; issued by the State Council on October 21, 2004;

● Notice on Strengthening Land Regulation and Control, issued by the State Council on August 31, 2006;

● Regulations for Government Information Disclosure of the People’s Republic of China; put in force on May 1, 2008;

● State Council’s Regulations on Intensifying and Reforming Land Administration; No. 28 decree, 2006;

● Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources about the Further Management of Land Acquisition, released by the Ministry of Land and Resources on June 26, 2010

(2) Laws and Regulations and Policies Released by Hunan Provincial People’s Government and Relevant Departments

● Land Administration Enforcement Method of Hunan Province (2000)

● Notice on Releasing the Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition in Hunan Province (XZF [2009] No. 43) (2009)

● Subsistence Allowances Method in Rural District of Hunan Province (provincial people’s government No. 21)

● Notice of the General Office of Hunan Provincial People’s Government on Responding the Provincial Labor Security Bureau’s Opinions on the Employment Training and Social Security of Farmers Involved with Land Acquisition

● Notice on Strengthening the Supervision and Administration of the Distribution and Use of Compensation Fees for Land Acquisition of Collective Economic Organizations in Rural District (XZF [2008] No. 15)

(3) Laws and regulations and policies released by Xiangtan municipal people’s government and relevant departments

● Notice of Xiangtan municipal people’s government about printing and distributing the Method of Compensation and Resettlement of Land Procurement and Relocation in Xiangtan (XZF [2005] No. 27)

● Notice of the General Office of Xiangtan Municipal People’s Government about Printing and Distributing the Method for Determining the Low Income Families in Urban and Rural Areas of Xiangtan City (Trial Implementation) (XZBF [2011] No. 32)

(4) Laws and Regulations and Policies Released By Xiangxiang Municipal People's Government and Relevant Departments

● Notice of the General Office of Xiangxiang Municipal People's Government about Printing and Distributing the Pilot Scheme for Employment Training and Social Security of Farmers Involved with Land Acquisition in Xiangxiang City (XZBF [2010] No. 20)

● Notice of the General Office of Xiangxiang Municipal People's Government about Printing and Distributing the Management Method of Social Security Funds of Farmers Involved with Land Acquisition in Xiangxiang City (XZBF [2010] No. 21)

● Notice of the General Office of Xiangxiang Municipal People's Government about Printing and Distributing the Executive Plan of Employment Training and Social Security of Farmers Involved with Land Acquisition in Xiangxiang City (XZBF [2010] No. 22)

● Follow-up Notice of the General Office of Xiangxiang Municipal People's Government about Implementing Social Security of Farmers Involved with Land Acquisition in Xiangxiang City (XZBF [2010] No. 67)

(5) WB's Policy for Settling Involuntary Resettlement

● WB business policy OP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement and its appendixes; executed on January 1, 2002;

● WB business procedure BP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement and its appendixes; executed on January 1, 2002;

2 11.3.2 Main Principles

According to the above policy framework, immigrant resettlement of the Project is aimed to reduce the negative influence caused by land procurement and relocation as much as possible. Property of the persons suffering from negative influence will be compensated based on the replacement price, and assistance will be offered to help them return to or exceed the original living standard; main principles are:

① Take measures to reduce the negative influence to the minimum as much as possible;

② The compensation proposal can ameliorate the immigrants' living standard or at least help them return to the original living standard;

③ Discuss seriously with the affected people and give opportunities to participate in the plan and enforcement of the compensation proposal;

④ All the affected property will be compensated according to the overall replacement cost;

⑤ The borrower is responsible for raising the compensation costs, including contingency cost;

⑥ Try to build new housings before removal. Before land procurement and relocation, the people involved with land acquisition will get all the compensations for their losses; that's compensations shall be granted to them before land acquisition and use of relevant property.

4 11.4 Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition

The compensation standard for land procurement and relocation listed in this report is formulated upon appropriate consultations with the affected units, individuals and relevant local government departments based on the in-depth survey and investigation, following the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and Hunan province as well as WB's business guide for involuntary resettlement, with the purpose to recover and improve the living standard of affected people within a short period after resettlement.

(1) Compensation Standard for Acquisition of Rural Collective Lands

Compensation costs for acquisition of rural collective lands include compensations for land and taxes and dues paid to the state.

During investigation of immigrant resettlement and the establishment of resettlement plan, Yueshan Town Government and land and resources bureau exchanged ideas thoroughly with the Villages affected by land acquisition and discuss the land acquisition compensation base suitable for the Project. A uniform compensation base is made for the occupied land according to the occupied land type, output, land position, agricultural land class, per capita quantity of cultivated land, relation between land supply and demand, local economic development level etc.

According to the Notice of the General Office of Xiangxiang Municipal People’s Government on Releasing the Land Acquisition Compensation Standard for Xiangxiang Section of the Passenger Dedicated Line of Shanghai-Kunming High Speed Railway (XZBF [2010] No. 77), upon thorough consultations between Yueshan Town Government and local Villagers, compensations will be made following the standard of paddy fields, which is 31857yuan/mou.

(2) Compensations for State Land

There is no permanent occupancy of state land in the Project.

(3) Compensation Standard for Demolition and Relocation of Rural Residences

No rural residence housings will be demolished and relocated in the Project.

(4) Compensations for Other Attached Facilities

There are no attached facilities in the Project.

(5) Compensations for Temporary Land Occupation

There is no temporary occupation of land in the Project.

5 11.5 Land Recovery Proposal

1 11.5.1 Compensation and Arrangement for Permanent Land Acquisition

(1) Analysis of Land Acquisition Impact

In the Project, 12.8mu collective lands in Xinqiao Village, Yueshan Town will be occupied permanently, and 11 households, 46 persons in all are involved. Based on field survey, although most of the lands occupied by the Project are cultivated land, most occupied lands are barren, and farmers no long plough these lands, so there is no severe impact on the households involved with land acquisition. Besides, the Project area has achieved a relevantly high state of economic development and its nonagricultural sectors are developed; there are few labors engaged in agricultural production; although the affected persons have agricultural household register, agricultural income is no longer their major source of income, so land acquisition will make no big difference on the income of affected households.

(2) Resettlement Proposal

In the affected area, there are fewer labors engaged in farm work, so labors affected by land acquisition of the Project have basically solved the problem of employment now. Besides, Yueshan Town and four affected administrative Villages organize expertise training to farmers every year, and provide them with employment information and employment opportunities, which can promote the employment of the labors affected by land acquisition.

After the collective lands are occupied, the Owners can enjoy retirement insurance after approved by the land and resource bureau of district level or above. Occupied land of the households in two subprojects of Yueshan Town is about 1mu per capita. Per capita occupied land is above 0.1mu, so according to the Notice of the General Office of Xiangxiang Municipal People's Government about Printing and Distributing the Pilot Scheme for Employment Training and Social Security of Farmers Involved with Land Acquisition in Xiangxiang City (XZBF [2010] No. 20), the Owners need not join in the retirement insurance.

2 11.5.2 Recovery of Livelihood of the Farmers Affected By Land Acquisition

There are 11 farm households that are affected by land acquisition; agricultural income takes up 10% of their gross income; in general, the Project will make no difference on the livelihood of these farmers within a short time; for these farmers whose lands are occupied, Yueshan people's government and Villagers have achieved agreement on the following resettlement methods:

(1) After the WWTP of Yueshan Town is completed, it will first of all provide job opportunities for the farmers having their lands occupied; those without special skills and are willing to engage in farm work will be arranged to participate in service jobs of the Project; At present, Xinqiao Village committee and Yueshan people's government have made preliminary agreement on this.

(2) Xiangxiang Municipal Government and Yueshan Town Government set up perfect labor service system to give help to the affected Villagers. Before land acquisition, they set up relevant labor service institutions for the immigrants and offer difference assistances with their employment. for example, open up the personnel market free of charge; offer charge-free vocational and technical training and so on.

3 11.5.3 Resettlement and Recovery of Affected Vulnerable Groups

There are 4 persons of one family are recognized as disadvantaged crowd during land acquisition in the construction of WWTP of Yueshan Town. The immigrant resettlement department and basic level government will give special help and cares to this family. Main measures are:

As to the disadvantaged family determined in the Project, the Project management office will offer the following guarantee measures:

(1) Gan Shixiang, whose family is in distress, is weak and sick, and can't live on himself. His family is poor and can enjoy subsistence allowances. Besides, the Project management office actively discusses with civil administration department to offer him rural cooperative medical service free of charge and give relevant subsidies for his difficulties;

(2) After the Project is completed, Yueshan people's government promises to offer job opportunity for poor family members in the WWTP.

6 11.6 Vulnerable Groups

Among the Villages affected by land acquisition, the Project management office will offer special financial and material supports to the crowds weak in economy, including solitary old persons, families whose householder is a woman, and extremely poor families. Among the affected populations, there is only one disadvantaged family. After land acquisition, the standard of living of such farmers (residents) affected by the Project will be ensured not to affected by land acquisition.

The populations who have lost the work ability will enjoy living allowance through the social security system; Those with the ability of work will be provided with job opportunity, and receive training of employability skills, so that they can have stable sources of income; Members of disadvantaged family will be recruited to engage in some jobs requiring no special skills. In addition, the government and Owner will also provide subsidies for their difficult life and help them to return to normal living and production standard. After land acquisition, the standard of living of such farmers (residents) affected by the Project will be ensured not to affected by land acquisition.

The populations who have lost the work ability will enjoy living allowance through the social security system; Those with the ability of work will be provided with job opportunity, and receive training of employability skills, so that they can have stable sources of income; Members of disadvantaged family will be recruited to engage in some jobs requiring no special skills. In addition, the government and Owner will also provide subsidies for their difficult life and help them to return to normal living and production standard.

7 11.7 Institutional Arrangement

In order to do well in immigrants' resettlement, all levels of governments will first of all ensure the smooth progression of project preparation and immigrants' resettlement by setting up organizations and strengthening abilities. Since November 2010, they have set up relevant organizations for the Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project Utilizing WB Loans formally and defined the responsibilities of all organizations. Major organizations relating to the resettlement of immigrants include:

Leading group of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject) Utilizing WB Loans

Office of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject) Utilizing WB Loans

Immigrants’ resettlement department of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject) Utilizing WB Loans

Technical support group of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject) Utilizing WB Loans

External monitoring institution of resettlement of immigrants

8 11.8 Complaint Settlement Mechanism

Although the immigrants are encouraged to participate in the compilation and implementation of the Immigrant Resettlement Plan, there are some problems arising in real jobs more or less. In order to solve these problems timely and effectively and ensure the smooth progression of project construction and land acquisition, besides the current complaint channel through letters in local governments at all levels, another transparent and effective complaint channel is also established for the immigrants in the Project from time to time. In order to solve problems effectively and ensure the smooth progression of project construction and land acquisition, a transparent and effective complaint channel is established for the Project; general complaint channels are as follows:

Stage 1 If the immigrants' rights are damaged during land acquisition or resettlement, they can reflect the problem to the Village committee; the Village committee or immigrant can directly consult the township resettlement office or district (county) Resettlement office; when the resettlement office receives the complaint, it shall make a record and solve the problem within two weeks through consultations with the Village committee and immigrant.

Stage 2 If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision made in stage 1, he/she can lodge a complaint to the leading group of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject) Utilizing WB Loans, which will deal with the complaint within 2 weeks.

Stage 3 If the immigrant is still dissatisfied with the decision of the leading group of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject) Utilizing WB Loans, he/she can lodge a complaint and file an arbitration to the jurisdictional administrative organ level by level according to the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.

Stage 4 If the immigrant is still dissatisfied with the arbitral decision, he/she can institute a suit to the civil court according to the civil procedure law.

Immigrant can institute a suit about any aspects of resettlement, including compensation standard.

The immigrants will be informed of the above stated complaint channels through meetings or other ways, so that they can fully understand their rights of petition. Besides, relevant information will be propagandized or reported through media, and complaints and suggestions about resettlement will be made into written articles to be studied and dealt with by the resettlement institutions at all levels.

Institutions receiving immigrants' complaints will not charge any fees, and relevant expenses incurred by complaint will be deducted by the Project office from the contingency cost.

9 11.9 Monitoring and Assessment

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the Immigrant Resettlement Plan and fulfill the goal of appropriate resettlement, the Project office will make regular monitoring and assessment of land procurement and relocation according to the requirements of WB business policy OP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement and Guidance on Immigrant Monitoring and Assessment of WB's China Loan Project. The monitoring is divided into two parts, namely, internal monitoring by the resettlement institution and external independent monitoring.

1 11.9.1 Internal Monitoring

(1) Method of Internal Monitoring

Internal monitoring is the monitoring of the implementation process of resettlement inside the resettlement institution from top to bottom layer; it requires the Project Owner and resettlement institutions at all levels to set up standard and smooth resettlement implementation information management system from top to bottom layer to track and reflect the progress of resettlement in different districts. The land acquisition departments at all levels shall report the progression, funds and results of resettlement using the information management system from bottom to top layers, and take measures and make analysis.

(2) Period and report of internal monitoring

Internal monitoring is a continual process; overall monitoring activity shall be conducted once a quarter at least; at the critical period of resettlement, frequency of monitoring will be increased.

During the preparation of project, internal monitoring institutions will compile regular or irregular internal work report according to WB's review; its format will be different for different projects and stages according to WB's requirements. After implementation, simple weekly report, monthly report, detailed quarterly report, semi-yearly report and annual report shall be made for influential projects; the Projects having small influence only need simple quarterly report and detailed semi-yearly report and annual report. Special report will be made according to the requirements of project management. A concluding report shall be made at the end of project implementation. The internal monitoring report shall be submitted by the immigrant resettlement institutions at all levels to the people's government of the same level and immigrant resettlement department of higher levels, and the Project Owner. The Project Owner shall submit an internal monitoring report to WB semiannually.

2 11.9.2 External Monitoring

(1) External Monitoring Method

The external monitoring institution will monitor immigrant’s resettlement by following means:

① Establish a database of affected population and carry out regular in-home interview based on the immigrant’s resettlement investigation. The external monitoring institution will make full use of the social and economic investigation materials and the resettlement information management system created by the Project office to perform dynamic management of basic situation of those households involved with land acquisition and keep informed of the immigrant situation. Make use of the situation reflected by the database and carry out face-to-face interview at the affected families to know progress of the resettlement and listen to their complaints, dissatisfaction, and suggestions, as well as promote related national policies, related requirements of the World Bank, and information on engineering construction.

The external monitoring institution will carry out the in-home interview independently and obtain the list and information of the affected population from grassroots organization, without accompany by the personnel of local resettlement organization or local administrative personnel. For in-home interview by the external monitoring institution, the interviewer shall be relatively fixed, which means one person shall interview the same affected area as many times as possible, so as to build a mutual trust relationship and be favorable for performance of the work.

② Organize forums for affected population irregularly in the regions where affected population gathers. The external monitoring institution will hold forums in regions where affected population gather and listen to the opinions of affected population on major issues affected by the Project. The forum can be either formal or informal; can either invite the personnel of grassroots resettlement organization or not, as the case may be.

③ Field observation. Personnel of the external monitoring institution will interview the immigrant’s resettlement areas regularly and irregularly and observe immigrant’s resettlement situation on site.

④ Individual investigation. Give emphasis to the analysis of individual prominent cases during immigrant’s resettlement. Analyze source of the problem, find out the solution, and propose reference opinions.

⑤ Questionnaire. Carry out sampling investigation on production and life recovery of the immigrants and opinions on immigrant’s resettlement and analyze the results timely. Solve existing problems and provide references for immigrant’s resettlement of the next year.

(2) Reporting System for External Monitoring

The external monitoring institution will prepare external monitoring reports based on the materials obtained by observation and investigation. With two main purposes: the first is to present the progress and existing problems of the immigrant’s resettlement objectively to the World Bank and Owner of the Project; and the second is to evaluate the social and economic effect of the immigrant’s resettlement, propose constructive opinions and suggestions, and improve the immigrant’s resettlement work.

Intervals for the external monitoring institution to report to the World Bank and Owner of the Projects are as follows:

Submit a interim annual monitoring report of immigrant’s resettlement situation of first half of the year to the World Bank and the Owner every year;

Submit the monitoring report of previous year to the World Bank and the Owner every year;

Submit a comprehensive post immigrant’s resettlement assessment report half a year after completion of all immigrant’s resettlement work.

The contents of ordinary monitoring report shall at least include the followings: ① monitoring objects of this report; ② progress of immigrant’s resettlement work; ③ main findings of the monitoring institution; ④main existing problems; ⑤ basic assessment opinions and suggestions of external monitoring.

Reports of the external monitoring institution shall be submitted to the Project office and immigrant’s resettlement expert of the World Bank in Chinese. Before formal submission, inform related personnel of the immigrant’s resettlement office and ask for their opinions, and communicate on the contents and form of the report.

10 11.10 Financing and Implementation Plans

Expenses of the Project include land expropriation compensation, other expenses related to land expropriation compensation, administrative expenses for immigrant’s resettlement, and unpredictable expenses. In accordance with the compensation standards and statistical numbers affecting the Project, the World Bank loan for immigrant’s resettlement of Yueshan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project of WWTP and Matching Pipe network Construction is RMB 1,074,082.77. Refer to the Table for specific budgets.

Table 11-6 Budget Sheet of Yueshan Town Immigrants Resettlement

|Category |Unit |Quantity |Compensation |Amount (RMB) |

| | | |Standard (RMB) | |

|I. Basic Expenses |

|Charges |1.1 Farmland Expropriation |Mu |12.8 |31857 |407769.6 |

|Related to |Compensation | | | | |

|Land | | | | | |

|Expropriati| | | | | |

|on | | | | | |

| |1.2 Compensation of Crops |Mu |12.8 |1800 |23040 |

| |1.3 Farmland Use Tax |m2 |8533.3 |25 |213332.5 |

| |1.4 Land Cultivation Expenses |Mu |12.8 |20000 |256000 |

| |1.5 Land Management Expenses |In accordance with XJF No. [2003] 42, charge at 4% of |16310.78 |

| | |total land expropriation compensation | |

|II. Other Expenses |

|1 |Agency Fees for |Charge at 1.8% of the basic immigrant expenses |16496.15 |

| |Resettlement in Land | | |

| |Expropriation | | |

|2 |Monitoring and |Estimate at 0.4% of the basic immigrant expenses |3665.81 |

| |Assessment Fees for | | |

| |Immigrants Resettlement | | |

|III. Administrative Expenses |

|1 |Administrative Expenses |Charge at 5% of the basic immigrant expenses |45822.64 |

| |for Immigrants | | |

| |Resettlement | | |

|IV. Unpredictable Expenses |

|1 |Unpredictable Expenses |Charge at 10% of the basic immigrant expenses |91645.29 |

|Total | | | |1074082.77 |

The World Bank loan for immigrant’s resettlement of Yueshan Integrated Economic Demonstration Town Project shall be raised by the Urban Construction Fund Office under the control of the people’s government. Funds granting during the immigrant’s resettlement is done by issuing the funds to the compensation objects through exclusive accounts without any intermediate steps to prevent withholding and misappropriation.

Transfer of the immigrant’s resettlement fund of the Project shall comply with the following principles:

All expenses related to land expropriation shall be incorporated into general estimate of the Project, and the land expropriation compensation for each sub item shall be approved by implementation unit of the sub item, and the compensation shall be paid by the people’s government directly to related units and persons through exclusive accounts.

Compensations paid to individual families shall be paid to the affected families through exclusive accounts.

Land compensation shall be paid before the expropriation;

All the funds must be paid under the supervision and management of internal monitoring institution and monitored by external monitoring institution. Establish financial and supervision organizations of various levels to ensure timely payment of all funds.

12 Environment Management Plan

1 12.1 Environment Management System

In accordance with the management authority under the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China and Regulations for Management of Environmental Project in Construction Projects, environmental impact assessment report of the Project is to be approved by the Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau. The Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau is the environment management organization of the Project and is responsible for proposing environmental protection requirements based on the contents of the environmental impact assessment report of the Project and coordinating the environmental protection management among different departments, and for organization the “three simultaneousness” acceptance of environmental protection facilities. Under the general administrative organizations of the Project, Hunan World Bank Loan Project Office takes charge of implementation of the whole project under the lead of Hunan Provincial Government. To ensure successful implementation of the environment management of the Project, Hunan Project Office will entrust specialized environment management organization to cooperate with the Project office, owner, contractor, and operator to implement the environment management plan during construction stage and operation stage of the Project.

Hunan World Bank Loan Project Office shall be responsible for planning and design of the Project and supervising and managing environmental protection procedures of the Project, and organizing province-wide environment management skill trainings of the Project; Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau is mainly responsible for routine supervision of environment management of the Project; Xiangxiang City Environmental Monitoring Station is entrusted by the Owner to monitor environment quality of the Project Area during construction and operation periods of the Project; the environment supervision engineer entrusted by the Owner shall be responsible for the environment supervision during construction of the Project.

The Owner plans to appoint specialized environment management personnel to take charge of the environment management of each stage of the Project; and implement the environmental protection regulations and plans; check the execution of environmental protection measures of the Project; promote advanced applied environmental protection technologies and experiences; and organize environmental protection technology training for related personnel of the Project to improve quality of the personnel. There are great differences in environment management of the construction period and the operation period of the Project, and the two distinguish from each other in time limit, one of which is temporary and the other is long-term. Therefore, the contractor and the operator establish different organizations for different stages and adopt the means of phased management. At the end of the construction period, corresponding management organization shall be dismissed, and the management organization for the operation period starts operating. A certain period of intercrossing is allowed as the case may be. Organization structure is as shown in Figure 12-1. Refer to Table 12-1 for the Project environmental protection supervision plan.


Figure 12-1 Schematic Diagram of Project Environmental Protection Organization Structure

Table 12-1 Project Environmental Protection Supervision Plan

|Stage |Organization |Supervision Contents |Supervision Objective |

|Feasibility |Xiangtan City |Review and reply environmental impact |1. Ensure that the environmental |

|Research Stage |Environmental |assessment documents |impact assessment is overall, with |

| |Protection Bureau | |proper topics and prominent key |

| |World Bank Project | |points; |

| |Office | |2. Ensure that possible major and |

| | | |potential problems of the Project are |

| | | |reflected; |

| | | |3. Ensure that measures for mitigating|

| | | |environmental impact has specific |

| | | |feasible implementation plan. |

|Design and |Hunan Provincial |1. Review preliminary design of environmental|1. Strictly execute the |

|Construction |Government, |protection measures; |three-simultaneousness; |

|Stages |Hunan Project |2. Check the reinstatement of temporary |2. Ensure the compliance of these |

| |Office, |construction land, recovery of vegetation, |sites with the environmental |

| |Xiangtan City |and recovery of environment; |protection requirements; |

| |Environmental |3. Check the dust and noise pollution control|3. Reduce the affect of construction |

| |Protection Bureau |measures and determine the time of |on surrounding environment, and |

| | |construction; |execute related environmental |

| | |4. Check the emission of air pollutants; |protection regulations and standards; |

| | |5. Check the discharge and disposal of |4. Reduce the affect of construction |

| | |domestic wastewater and construction waste |on surrounding environment, and |

| | |water of the construction site. |execute related environmental |

| | | |protection regulations and standards; |

| | | |5. Prevent water and soil losses. |

|Operation Stage |Hunan Project |1. Check the implementation of monitoring |1. Implement the monitoring plan; |

| |Office, |plan; |2. Protect the environment; |

| |Xiangtan City |2. Check the sensitive points requiring |3. Strengthen environment management |

| |Environmental |further environmental protection measures |and protect public health; |

| |Protection Bureau, |(there may be environment problems ignored); |4. Ensure that emission of the |

| |Xiangtan City |3. Check whether environment quality of the |pollutants complies with the emission |

| |Environmental |environment sensitive points meets |standard. |

| |Protection Bureau |corresponding quality standard requirements; | |

| | |4. Strengthen supervision, prevent accidents | |

| | |and prepare emergency response plans to | |

| | |eliminate dangers timely in case of any | |

| | |accident. | |

1 12.1.2 Environmental Protection Organization during THE Construction Period

1 Duties and Responsibilities of Environmental Protection Organization

Technical level: on technical level of environment management, the Provincial Project Office shall engage experts for project management.

Project office level: the Provincial Project Office shall appoint a project environment manager to supervise implementation of the management plan, who will be responsible for all problems of the World Bank in connection with the environment, and in the meantime, the Provincial Project Office shall entrust a specialized environment management organization to cooperate in supervising implementation of the environment management plan.

City level: Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau is responsible for the approval of environmental impact assessment document and for routine environment supervision and management.

County level: Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau is responsible for routine environment supervision and management of construction period and operation period of the Project and for completion environmental protection acceptance and routine monitoring after completion of the Project; Xiangxiang Project Office shall appoint a project environment manager to supervise implementation of the environment management plan and make records and report to the Project environment manager of the Provincial Project Office of the implementation of environment management plan.

Contractor level: appoint 1~2 environment management coordinators to supervise implementation of the environmental protection measures of the construction and negotiation and solve environment problems with surrounding residents, and to communicate with the Project office and environment supervision organizations.

Operator level: Each enterprise shall establish an environment management office which is composed of two full-time environmental protection personnel, and ordinary personnel of the company shall provide assistances to these two engineers to accomplish environment management of operation stage of the company. The company shall equip such communication facilities as internet and telephone to keep in touch with the environment management supervision organizations.

Environment supervision engineer level: Each Owner shall engage an environment supervision engineer for the Project and supervise on-site environment management during the construction.

2 Posts and Responsibilities of Personnel

(1) Technical Environment Experts

Technical environment expert is the technical support of Hunan Project Office and shall perform whole process tracking during preliminary stage of the Project and provide regular service for 4 years after implementation of the Project, two weeks for each quarter.

The technical environment expert shall ensure that all necessary requirements must be met at beginning of the Project and ensure that the environment management system is fully and effectively implemented in accordance with the environment laws and regulations and the security regulations of the World Bank.

A. Provide necessary trainings to environment manager of the Project, environment management personnel of the contractor and operator and the environment supervision engineer.

B. Provide expert consultancy to the Project office, owner, contractor, and operator.

C. Provide assistances to environment management personnel of the enterprise to organization monitoring activities.

(2) Project office: Environment manager

The Provincial Project Office shall appoint an environment manager who shall report to the World Bank and supervise environment experts of the Project. The environment manager shall provide assistances to the land management organization and immigrant resettlement organization to prevent the above from holding back implementation plan of the Project, and the responsibilities are as below:

A. Provide trainings to the environment management manager with the help of the assistant.

B. Establish a monitoring plan with the help of the assistant.

C. Communicate with the environment management manager and construction staff by following means:

--Provide routine monitoring reports to the Project office and World Bank

--In case of the second and third cases, provide special unconformity report

--Communicate with personnel of the construction unit and operation unit orally and agree on the solution if any solution is found

--Propose correction measures with the environment management engineer and environment management manager in case of any unconformity

D. Environment engineer, environment management manager of project office of the company and the construction unit and operation unit shall all attend the meeting.

E. Coordinate the communication report of the environment management expert to the World Bank.

(3) Owner: Environment manager coordinator EMC

The Owner shall appoint a EMC to take charge of environment supervision and report to the Project office and government organizations of the implementation of environmental protection by the construction unit and operation unit. Detailed responsibilities of EMC are:

A. To work out detailed environmental protection rules of the construction unit and operation unit, detailed supervision rules and environmental protection procedures of the construction unit and operation unit, and collect the outlines of project management designers with the help of the technical assistant during preliminary stage of the Project.

B. To entrust projects requiring special equipments for monitoring, such the atmosphere and water environment quality monitoring.

C. To provide monthly monitoring report, project and feasibility study implementation situation and remedial measures to the Project office. Hold meetings with the Project office every month to make report of the Project supervision and discuss compliance of the Project.

D. Choose experts and consultants from universities and organizations to consult the training methodology and technical issues. As the case may be.

E. Organize special research and public investigation in connection with special construction requirements of the Project or necessary changes.

F. Report to environment manager of the Project office and the environment supervision organization on solutions of unconformity of the feasibility research and measures for emergencies.

G. Disclose information through conferences and local media.

(4) Environment Supervision Engineer

The environment supervision engineer shall be responsible for the construction engineering activities of the supervisor and other related activities such as: land occupation and ensuring that the above activities comply with the environmental protection requirements, environmental protection investment, and environmental protection objectives, and shall be responsible for coordinating the land management department on site and the relationship with the environment monitoring department. Main responsibilities of the environment supervision engineer are:

A. To ensure that all project licenses and requirements and environment management plans are implemented before commencement of the Project.

B. To check that all personnel of the construction unit and operation unit have implemented the environmental protection measures as specified under the contract.

C. To prepare standard monthly statement of the monthly rewards obtained by the construction unit and operation unit for their efforts and contributions to environmental protection activities for the Project and in compliance with their qualifications.

D. To compile environmental protection monitoring documents.

E. To identify the compliance of special research and special activities with the requirements and communicate with the EMC and to implement special measures regularly and effectively.

F. To communicate with the construction staff to help explaining site environment requirements; to provide suggestions on remedial measures and provide remedial measures to projects deviating from original intention of the Project; and to issue special official guidelines to the construction unit and operation unit.

G. To communicate the construction unit and operation unit and the construction consultant to facilitate communication; to obtain some other opinions about special problems to present the problems during the implementation quickly to the construction management engineer to solve such problems; and to apply for suspension if the Project has potential damage to the sensitive targets or the Project is significantly inconsistent with the Project design.

H. To communicate with the Project construction supervision engineer and construction staff; to prepare regular weekly monitoring report; and to prepare inconsistency records, and if any inconsistency with the Project design is found, propose remedial measures to the Project designer if necessary.

3 12.1.3 Environment Management Organization during the Operation Period

(1) Responsibilities of the Environment Management Office

The Project operator shall establish a special environment management office which shall implement the environment management plan during the operation period. Detailed responsibilities of the environment management office are:

a. To manage execution of environmental protection measures of the Project;

b. To coordinate with the environment supervision management department and surrounding residents on environment problems;

c. To entrust environment monitoring station to perform routine monitoring to the three pollutants discharged by the Project facilities and environment quality of the region;

d. To perform environment risk emergency responses in case of any environment accident;

e. To report to the Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau and Hunan Project Office of related information on environment management of the enterprise;

f. Record and documentation of environment management archives of the enterprise.

(2) Environment Management Organization Structure

Refer to Table 12-2 and 12-3 for environment management organization structure of the Project.

Table 12-2 Arrangement of Management Personnel of the Project Office

|Organization |Environment Manager |Environment Expert |

|Hunan Project Office |1 |1 |

|Xiangxiang Project Office |1 |1 |

|Yueshan Project Office |1 |1 |

|Total |3 |3 |

Table 12-3 Personnel Arrangement of Environment Management Organization

|Construction Contractor |Operator | |

|Environment Manager |Environment Supervision |Environment Management |Risk Emergency Response |Subtotal |

|Coordinator |Engineer |Personnel |Personnel | |

|2 |2 |2 |1 |5 |

2 12.2 Implementation of Environment Management Plan

1 12.2.1 Detailed Tasks of Implementation of Environment Management Plan

There are environmental impacts from the Project during the construction period and operation period. Corresponding environmental protection measures shall be taken based on the characteristics of environmental impacts of the construction period and operation period to reduce the impacts to an acceptance extent. Environment management and monitoring procedures have been established to ensure effective function of the environment measures.

The World Bank Project Office shall track and report the monitoring of environment measures based on performing its project management function. General environment measures and responsibilities of related units are introduced in this chapter. The Project office shall track and report the implementation of various environment monitoring measures in the Project. Refer to Table 12-4 for list of actions for environment measures implementation management and monitoring.

Table 12-4 List of Detailed Activities of Environment Management Organization

|Plan |Activity |Responsibility |Remark |

| | |Implementation |Supervision |Source | |

|Preliminary Construction Stage |

|One year |Create an environment|Company |PMO |PMO/Company |Recruit staff, choose|

| |management design | | | |an office, purchase |

| |team and recruit its | | | |transportation |

| |members | | | |equipments, and raise|

| | | | | |operation expenses |

|One year |Each CSE chooses or |EMD |CSE |CSE | |

| |appoints an | | | | |

| |environment | | | | |

| |supervisor | | | | |

|One year |Each CSE shall |EMD |CSE |CSE | |

| |implement environment| | | | |

| |supervisor training | | | | |

|One year |Prepare and implement|(TA) Technical assistant |PMO |PMO/Company |Carry out part of the|

| |the training plans to| | | |global training for |

| |EMD and PMO | | | |the Project |

| |environment managers | | | | |

|One year |Prepare work plan for|Technical assistant |PMO/Company |PMO/Company |Including clear roles|

| |EMD and environment | | | |and responsibilities |

| |supervisor | | | |of EMD and |

| | | | | |environment |

| | | | | |supervisor |

|One year |Prepare work |EMD |PIUS/PMO |PMO/Company |Adjust the mode of |

| |documents: standard, | | | |the original document|

| |site inspection | | | |and adjust it on site|

| |table, and report | | | | |

| |forms of different | | | | |

| |activities | | | | |

|One year |Prepare detailed |(TA) |PIUS/PMO |PMO/Company | |

| |procedures for any | | | | |

| |inconsistency found | | | | |

| |in the monitoring and| | | | |

| |report | | | | |

|One year | |TA assists EMD |PMO/WB |PMO/Company | |

|One year |Prepare entrusting |EMD |Company |PMO/Company |Report the |

| |contract for EMD of | | | |consistency of the |

| |the monitoring | | | |process |

| |activities (requiring| | | |implementation and |

| |special monitoring | | | |work plan with land |

| |equipments, such as | | | |use |

| |water quality and | | | | |

| |atmosphere | | | | |

| |monitoring) | | | | |

|Construction Period |

|One year (0|The environment |EMD/Environment |PIUS/PMO | |Process adjustment to|

|to 3 |supervisor discusses |supervisor | | |increase efficiency |

|months) |adjustment of the | | | | |

| |Project with EMD and | | | | |

| |improve the documents| | | | |

| |and processes | | | | |

|One year (0|Each project |Contract |PIUS/PMO |Contracting party |Approved by the |

|to 3 |contracting party | | | |enterprise |

|months) |must appoint a | | | | |

| |full-time personnel | | | | |

| |with environment | | | | |

| |responsibility to | | | | |

| |work with the | | | | |

| |environment | | | | |

| |supervisor and EMD | | | | |

|One year |Each project |Contract |EMD/Environment |Contracting party |The EMD shall |

| |construction unit and| |supervisor | |introduce site |

| |operation unit shall | | | |management and |

| |organize its staff to| | | |environment problems |

| |study elementary | | | | |

| |environment knowledge| | | | |

| |and measures | | | | |

|One year |Organize public |TA assists EMD |Company |PMO/Company |Work out |

| |communication and | | | |communication |

| |provide supporting | | | |regulations and |

| |materials | | | |process and prepare |

| | | | | |postings and presents|

| | | | | |for onsite and |

| | | | | |offsite safety rules |

| | | | | |and work out |

| | | | | |regulations and |

| | | | | |process to establish |

| | | | | |communication on |

| | | | | |broadcasting and TV |

|One year |Standardize the |EMD |Company |PMO/Company |Cooperate with all |

| |cooperation with | | | |projects |

| |other provincial and | | | | |

| |city organizations | | | | |

|Operation Period |

| |Confirm the reporting|Owner |Xiangtan City | | |

| |procedures of | |Environmental Protection | | |

| |environment problems | |Bureau | | |

| |during the operation | | | | |

| |period | | | | |

| |Confirm co |Owner, environmental |Xiangtan City | | |

| |centralized piling |sanitation department |Environmental Protection | | |

| |and safe disposal of | |Bureau | | |

| |the dirt produced in | | | | |

| |the Project | | | | |

| |Monitor tail water |Operation unit |Xiangtan City |Operation unit | |

| |discharged by the | |Environmental Protection | | |

| |WWTP | |Bureau | | |

2 12.2.2 Contract Requirements for Environment Management

During the Project construction, contractor plays a key role in environment management, pollution control and preventive measures, and therefore the contractor shall comply with the following requirements:

(1) Choose a competent contractor to ensure effective execution of the environment management plan;

(2) Contractor and construction supervisor must receive trainings on environmental protection and environment management before construction;

(3) The above environmental impact mitigation measures during the construction period shall be included in bidding documents of the contractor and incorporated into the construction contract as contract requirements for the Project contractor.

(4) The contractor shall monitor its environment activities and provide environment performance record and report once a day or a week. The Project office and construction supervision team shall supervise and review these records.

(5) The contractor shall appoint at least one full-time environment personnel for the Project. The environment personnel shall receive the training on the training plan to be competent for their work.

(6) During the construction, the contractor shall communicate and negotiate with the public of where the Project is located and erect a bulletin board at each construction unit to notify the public of specific construction activity and construction time. In the meantime, the contact and telephone shall be provided so that the public may complain about and provide suggestions for the construction activities.

(7) The contractor shall reserve and estimate a deposit for environment management from the contract price, taking up about 3% of the budget.

3 12.2.3 Information Communication and Solution of Unconformities

The information of environment monitoring shall be disclosed to the site environment supervisor, environment management manager of the enterprise, and the Project office. To enable the management focus on important issues, unconformities of the Project are divided into the following three levels based on their significance.

Level I: definition: such unconformities are defined as inconsistencies with the original requirements but will not affect especially important resources in the near future. If no attention is paid to the reoccurrence of level I, level II will be caused. Measures: solve the situations of level I by proper cooperation and regular communication. For example, discuss with the personnel of the construction unit and operation unit to facilitate the implementation of remedial measures. The formal communication means is typically the weekly report made by the environment supervision engineer to the environment management manager and site construction manager of the enterprise.

Level II: definition: such unconformities do not cause significant damage and irreversible affect to the sensitive and important resources. However, they must be corrected and solved on site to prevent the above affect. If no attention is paid to the reoccurrence of level II, level III will be caused. Measures: In case of any event of level II is found, it must be reported by the environment management manager of the enterprise to the environment manager and site construction manager of the Project office, so as to agree on remedial measures as soon as possible. Generally, remedial measures shall be proposed within one week after occurrence of the event.

Level III: definition: this level includes the damages to sensitive targets with especial concern or predictable and coming damages. Those behaviors forbidden internationally are also classified as level III. Measures: In case of any event of level III is found, it must be reported by the environment management manager to the environment manager and site construction manager of the Project office, so as to agree on remedial measures as soon as possible. Generally, remedial measures shall be proposed within three days after occurrence of the event. Unless more time is required under special cases. If necessary, environment management manager of the enterprise may require the construction manager to stop some special projects to protect the resources before implementation of the remedial measures.

4 12.2.4 Training—Necessary Capability Construction and Method Construction

1 Training Requirements

Main objects of environment capability construction are the environment managers and environment supervisors whose training is part of the technical support of the Project. During implementation of the Project, training courses are also provided to the construction party and staff. Before commencement of the Project, all the construction unit, operation unit, and construction supervisor are required to participate in the compulsory environment, health, and safety training.

2 Training Contents

(1) Environment Management Personnel and Environment Supervision Engineer

The training shall be organized by the Provincial Project Office to environment manager of the Project office, environment manager coordinator and environment supervision engineer of the Project and executed by environment technical experts. Refer to Table 12-5 for training contents.

Table 12-5 Training to Environment Management and Environment Supervision Engineer

|Topic |Training Contents |Duration |

|Operation Capability |Browse and identify hot keys of word, excel, and PowerPoint quickly; study |4 days |

|(Environment Manager and|security policies of the World Bank; establish detailed environmental protection | |

|Environment Supervisor) |rules for the construction party to strengthen the study, and each detailed rules | |

| |shall include monitoring instructions after the technical consultant prepares the | |

| |detailed environmental protection rules. Study environmental impact of the Project| |

| |and environment items to be monitored | |

|Conformity Monitoring |Site monitoring process of the training project includes organization, |1 day |

|(Environment Manager and|communication, roles, and responsibilities, decision-making process, report, and | |

|Environment Supervisor) |standard observation procedures. | |

|Emergency Aid and |The process of looking for medical aid under emergencies and non-emergencies and |1/2 day |

|Medical Aid (Environment|the process of looking for related medical aid. (Such as toll telephone, medical | |

|Manager and Environment |consultation) | |

|Supervisor) | | |

|Health and Safety |Health and safety problems; health and safety requirements; how to implement |1 day |

|Monitoring and Reporting|health and safety inspection; and the process of reporting and solving problems | |

|Process | | |

|Water Quality, Air, and |Use of equipments includes standard, testing, method, sample transshipment, data |1/2 day |

|Noise Monitoring and |quality control; monitoring and reporting requirements | |

|Analysis (Environment | | |

|Manager and Environment | | |

|Supervisor) | | |

(2) Contractor and Construction Staff

Trainings shall be organized by the Project office or construction Owner of the Project at the Project site before implementation of the Project and shall be implemented by environment management experts or trained environment manager of the enterprise. Refer to Table 12-6 for specific training contents and terms.

Table 12-6 Training to Construction Personnel

|Training Mode |Training Contents |Training Term |

|General environment |Introduce environment related environmental impact factors and |Courses to be held in |

|knowledge of construction |environmental protection measures; |Yueshan Town for half a|

|staff |Introduce environment sensitive areas and problems within the |day |

| |construction area, and introduce surrounding area inside the | |

| |construction area; | |

| |Roles and responsibilities of the environment management design | |

| |engineer, environment supervisor, and construction supervisor, and key| |

| |points of environment problems to be reported | |

| |Wastes management of the construction camp and construction site; | |

| |Pollution control measures of the construction site; | |

| |Punishment to violations of laws and regulations; | |

|General health and safety of|Including means of transmission and protection, prevent HIV/AIDS and |Courses to be held in |

|construction staff |STD; |Yueshan Town for half a|

| |No alcohol and drug; |day |

| |The process of looking for medical aid under emergencies and | |

| |non-emergencies and the process of looking for related medical aid. | |

| |(Such as STD examination and consultation); | |

| |General health and safety knowledge includes some basic processes: | |

| |traffic safety, electricity safety, explosion, fire; | |

| |Use personal protection devices; | |

| |Punishments to violations of laws and regulations; | |

(3) Operator

Trainings shall be organized by the Project office or construction Owner of the Project at the Project site before operation of the Project and shall be implemented by environment management experts or trained environment manager of the enterprise. Refer to Table 12-7 for specific training contents and terms.

Table 12-7 Training to Environment Management Personnel of the Operator

|Object |Training Contents |Training Term |

|Environment Management Personnel |World Bank project management procedures;|Courses to be held for one day |

| | | |

| |Environment information documentation, | |

| |disclosure, communication, and reporting | |

| |mechanism; | |

| |Environment risk emergency response; | |

| |Health and safety examination and | |

| |reporting process | |

| |Advanced process and environment |Investigation in domestic leading WWTP |

| |management investigation | |

|Environment Staff |Use of equipments includes standard, |Courses to be held for two days |

| |testing, method, sample transshipment, | |

| |data quality control; | |

| |monitoring and reporting requirements; | |

| |Environment risk emergency response: | |

| |potential leakage and overflow, | |

| |environment and personal impact of | |

| |leakage and overflow, and the emergency | |

| |response includes preferred response, | |

| |location and use of the response | |

| |facilities. | |

3 Expenses Estimate for Personnel Training

Refer to Table 12-8 for expenses estimate for project capability construction.

Table 12-8 Training Plan of Project Environmental Protection Personnel

|Stage |Category |Number (Person) |Time |Expenses (ten thousand |

| | | | |Yuan) |

|Construction Period |Project manger training |1 |Before implementation of|2 |

| | | |the Project | |

| |Project Manager |2 |Before implementation of|2 |

| |Coordinator | |the Project | |

| |Environment Supervision |2 |Before implementation of|2 |

| |Engineer | |the Project | |

| |Construction staff |All staff of the |Before commencement |30 |

| | |contractor | | |

| |Subtotal |36 |

|Operation Period |Training to full-time |2 |Operation period of the |4 |

| |environment management | |enterprise | |

| |personnel of the | | | |

| |enterprise | | | |

| |Skill training to |6 |Before operation of the |6 |

| |environment staff of the| |enterprise | |

| |enterprise | | | |

| |Subtotal |10 |

|Total expenses |46 |

3 12.3 Environment Monitoring Plan

1 12.3.1 Monitoring Objective

Environment monitoring covers the construction period and operation period of the Project, with the purpose to knowing pollution dynamics of the Project all-around and timely and knowing the impact extent and scope of the Project construction on environment quality changes of the area where the Project is located and feeding back such information to the competent authorities to provide scientific basis for environment management of the Project.

2 12.3.2 Environment Monitoring Institution

The Project contactor or operator shall entrust the environment monitoring station of Xiangtan where the Project is located to take charge of environment monitoring during the construction period and operation period, and the entrusted unit shall have national environment quality monitoring certification, complete equipments, sound technologies, and be competent to accomplish the environment monitoring tasks for which it is responsible.

According to the results of environmental impact predictions, sensitive points likely to be polluted shall be considered as the monitoring point. Track and monitor the pollution during construction period and operation period of the Project. Monitored items are noise, air environment, and surface water environment which have great impact on the environment. Monitored factors shall be determined in accordance with the characteristic pollution factors of the Project. The monitoring and analysis methods shall be those specified for corresponding items under the Environment Monitoring Technological Specifications issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration. The evaluation standards shall be the national standards confirmed by environmental impact assessment of each sub item.

Refer to Table 12-9 for detailed key procedures required for effective monitoring of the construction site and activities.

Table 12-9 Monitoring during the Operation Period and Construction Period

|Plan |Activity |Responsibility |Remark |

| | |Implementation |Supervision |Fund Raising | |

|Construction Period |

|One year (1 to 2 |Prepare site |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |Contracting |Prepare the plan within|

|months) |environment management| | |party |one month after signing|

| |plan | | | |the contract, complete |

| | | | | |the plan within two |

| | | | | |months, which shall be |

| | | | | |reviewed and approved |

| | | | | |by the EMC |

|Construction |The construction unit |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |/ |A map shall be compiled|

|Period |and operation unit of | | | |as required by the |

| |the Project shall | | | |construction unit and |

| |propose boundary of | | | |operation unit before |

| |the Project which | | | |implementation of the |

| |shall be approved | | | |Project |

|One year (1 to 3 |Prepare pollution |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |Contracting |After consulting with |

|months) |control plan, air | | |party |concerned agencies and |

| |pollution and noise | | | |residents, being |

| | | | | |reviewed and approved |

| | | | | |by the EMC |

|Construction |Air, noise, and water |Referred to the special part |

|Period |monitoring | |

|Construction |The pollution control |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |/ |CSEE shall visit and |

|Period |plan and all the | | | |check the construction|

| |pollution control | | | |camp and facilities |

| |measured mentioned in | | | |every day, 2 months |

| |the CSEMP must be | | | |for EMC |

| |implemented, before | | | | |

| |which the construction| | | | |

| |unit and operation | | | | |

| |unit shall accomplish | | | | |

| |all mitigation | | | | |

| |measures and check all| | | | |

| |construction camps and| | | | |

| |facilities every week | | | | |

|Construction |Environmental |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |/ |The suggestions of CSE|

|Period |protection measures of| | | |is the basis of final |

| |the construction unit | | | |payment by PIU/PMO |

| |and operation unit | | | | |

| |shall be filled in the| | | | |

| |monthly report and | | | | |

| |submitted | | | | |

|Construction |Observe and report |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |/ |Level I: EMC |

|Period |unconformities of the | | | |Level II: EMC and PIU |

| |Project based on the | | | |Level III: EMC, PIU, |

| |processes and severity| | | |PMO |

| | | | | | |

|Construction |Decide to delay or |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |/ |/ |

|Period |refuse to pay the | | | | |

| |engineering cost to | | | | |

| |the construction unit | | | | |

| |and operation unit | | | | |

|Construction |Make sure that the |Contracting party |POIU |/ |/ |

|Period |land expropriation | | | | |

| |process meets the | | | | |

| |needs of the | | | | |

| |construction plan | | | | |

|Construction |Traffic information |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |Contracting party|Final approval by EMC,|

|Period |involved the | | | |the Project |

| |construction process | | | |construction party |

| |must be provided | | | |must provide the |

| | | | | |latest traffic |

| | | | | |information which |

| | | | | |shall be reviewed by |

| | | | | |CSEE&EMC and the |

| | | | | |transportation |

| | | | | |department and finally|

| | | | | |approved by EMC |

|Construction |For temporary |Contracting party |EPB and concerned |Contracting party|The construction party|

|Period |interruption of the | |Agencies | |shall submit the |

| |utilities, a notice to| | | |latest plan which |

| |reassure the public | | | |shall be jointly |

| |shall be posted at | | | |reviewed by concerned |

| |least three days | | | |agencies and EMC |

| |beforehand | | | | |

|Construction |Report every day |Field site |EMC/PIU/EPB |/ |Site weekly report, |

|Period | |inspectors | | |SRS monthly report |

|Construction |Report every day, |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |/ |Site weekly report, |

|Period |week, and month | | | |SRS monthly report |

|Construction |Report every season |Contracting party |To PIU |/ |Report if required by |

|Period | | | | |organizations involved|

| | | | | |in the Project |

|Construction |Report half a year |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB | |/ |

|Period | | | | | |

|Completion of |Reinstate the |Contracting party |EMC/PIU/EPB |Contracting party|/ |

|Construction |temporary construction| | | | |

|Period |land, and remove all | | | | |

| |construction materials| | | | |

| |and equipments | | | | |

|Completion of |Trees need to be cut |Contractor |PIUs |Contracting party|At least plant one for|

|Construction |for the pipe network | | | |one cut |

|Period |must be replanted | | | | |

|Operation Period |

|/ |After completion of |Operator, EPB |PIU |/ |No unconformity is |

| |the construction, | | | |reported, claim for the|

| |namely one year after | | | |balance payment |

| |reinstatement of the | | | | |

| |temporary construction| | | | |

| |land | | | | |

|/ |Summarize experiences |Operator, EPB |/ |/ |Standardize the process|

| |of the Project for | | | |and attend the training|

| |similar projects | | | |course organized by |

| | | | | |intermediate agency, |

| | | | | |and show the results |

| | | | | |and benefits of the |

| | | | | |Project |

3 12.3.3 Detailed Environment Monitoring Requirements

Refer to Appendix 4 for detailed environment monitoring plan and budget of the Project, and refer to Appendix 5 for environment monitoring plan of project associated project Xiangxiang Quanhu Urban Garbage Landfill.

4 12.4 Environment Management Expenses Estimate and Source of Funds

1 12.4.1 Budget Allocation

The implementation of EMP measures involves in many units, and therefore sources of funds are different. Most environmental protection activities are engineering measures, and so shall be provided by the construction unit and operation unit of the Project and included in the engineering costs which shall be stated and listed in the bid.

The expenses in EMP are manly used for environment management during the construction period and operation period, including: Environment monitoring expenses, environment supervision expenses, personnel training expenses, operation expenses of environment management organization, and risk prevention expenses. Activity expenses of EMC, water quality, air, and noise monitoring expenses and the expenses of CSEE shall be included in the PMO project management expenses. The local environment monitoring station as entrusted by the Owner shall monitor the water, air, and noise during operation of the Project at the cost of the owner. If routine monitoring of local environmental protection department is simultaneous with the Project, routine monitoring data of the environmental protection department can be used.

2 12.4.2 Source of Funds and EMP Budget

Table 12-10 is the summary of environment management expenses during construction period and operation period of the Project.

Table 12-10 Summary of Environment Management Budget of the Project

|Name |Annual Average Expenses of the Construction|Personnel Environmental Protection Training |Construction Period |

| |Period (ten thousand Yuan) | | |

|1 |Environmental Protection Management |0.5 |Construction contract |

| | | |fund |

|2 |Labor Organization and Occupational Health |0.5 |Construction contract |

| |Management | |fund |

|3 |Public Safety Management |1 |Construction contract |

| | | |fund |

|4 |Social Management |1 |Construction contract |

| | | |fund |

5 12.5 Information Management of Environment Management Plan

1 12.5.1 Information Communication

The environment management requires necessary information communication among different departments and posts of the Project office, owner, contractor, and operator, as well as disclosing related information to the outside (concerned parties and social public, etc.). Internal information communication can be performed by conferences and brief internal report, etc., however there shall be at least one official conference. All the communication information shall be recorded and documented. External information communication shall be performed once half a year or a year, and information communication with the cooperative unit shall be documented in the form of minutes.

2 12.5.2 Record Mechanism

To enable effective operation of the environment management system, the organization must establish a perfect record system and keep the following records:

(1) Requirements of laws and regulations;

(2) Permission;

(3) Environment factors and related environmental impact;

(4) Training;

(5) Examination, checking, and maintenance activities;

(6) Monitoring data;

(7) Validity of correction and preventive measures;

(8) Information about concerned parties;

(9) Audit;

(10) Assessment.

Besides, the above records must be properly controlled, including identification, collection, cataloging, documentation, storage, management, maintenance, inquiry, storage term, and disposal of the records, etc.

3 12.5.3 Report Mechanism

The contractor, operation, monitoring unit, environment supervision engineer, and project office shall record the Project progress and EMP execution during implementation of the Project and report to concerned departments timely. Including the following six items:

(1) The environment supervision engineer of the Project shall make detailed monthly record of execution of the EMP and submit the weekly and monthly reports, which shall include execution of the environmental protection measures, performance of the environment monitoring, and monitoring data, to the Owner and Xiangtan Project Office timely.

(2) The contractor and operator shall make detailed quarterly records of project progress and execution of the EMP and submit the quarterly report to Xiangtan Project Office and copy to the Xiangtan City Environmental Protection Bureau.

(3) The monitoring unit shall submit t he monitoring report to the contractor (operator) and environment supervision engineer timely after completing the entrusted monitoring tasks.

(4) The Project office shall submit the Project progress report to the Provincial Project Office timely and copy to the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. The Project progress report prepared by the Project office (such as the monthly report, quarterly report, and annual report, etc.) must include the progress of EMP, such as execution progress and effective of EMP, especially the environment monitoring results, etc.

(5) In case of any violation of regulations with respect to environmental protection, the environment supervision engineer and project office shall report to local environmental protection administration and shall report to the superior level by level.

(6) The annual EMP execution report of the Project must be completed and submitted to the World Bank before March 31 of the next year. The EMP execution report may include the following items:

a. Implementation of the training plan;

b. Project progress, such as the length construction progress of the WWTP and the pipe network.

c. Execution of the environmental protection measures of the Project, performance of environment monitoring, and main monitoring results;

d. With or without public complaints, and if there is, record the complaint contents, solution, and public satisfaction;

e. EMP execution plan of next year.

13 Conclusions of Environmental Assessment

The following conclusions are made based on the environmental impact assessment of the Project:

(1) The Project construction will improve living environment and basic facilities, etc. of Yueshan Town. Construction of the WWTP and the matching projects will change current situation of discharging untreated wastewater into nearby surface water in the place where the Project is located and will collect and treat the wastewater through the WWTP to achieve the discharge standard, which is helpful to protect water quality of the receiving water, Xinqiaohe River, improve environment sanitation of the place where the Project is located and greatly improve living condition of the residents, protect nearby water resources, beautify surrounding environment, establish a more comfortable and better living environment, improve the quality of living environment, facilitate the construction of a livable city, and set up a good environment basis for facilitating urban development.

(2) Construction of the Project is in compliance with national laws and regulations and the general urban planning and environmental protection planning of the place where the Project is located, so that implementation of the Project is policy and regulations based.

(3) Implementation of the Project may involve in some environmental protection targets (sensitive points), such as residential area, school, and hospital, etc. During the feasibility study, the site shall be reasonably far from the environmental protection targets (sensitive points). During the environment assessment, further reduce and eliminate the adverse impact of the Project on the environmental protection targets (sensitive points) by such means as taking mitigation measures and establishing and implementing environment management plan, and public participation, and enable possible impacts to comply with national environmental protection laws and regulations and standards.

(4) Implementation of the Project may also bring some adverse impacts on surrounding environment. Such adverse impacts may be either from the construction period or the operation period.

1) Adverse impacts of the construction period: impact of construction fugitive dust on air quality, impact of the noise of construction vehicles and machines on surrounding environment, impact of construction wastewater, water and soil losses caused by oil taking, oil dumping, excavation, filling, and temporary piling of earthwork and stonework during the construction, and impact of wastewater pipe network laying and construction on the traffic, and vegetation damage by construction, etc.

2) Adverse impacts of the operation period: impact of the odor out from the WWTP on the air, impact of slurry disposal, impact of the noises of machine pump on surrounding environment, and impact of the discharge on Xinqiaohe River, etc.

(5) Extent and scope of the adverse impacts caused by the Project can be controlled within the limit allowed by national laws and regulations and standards by taking mitigation measures, implementing environment management plan, and public participation and negotiation, etc.

To sum up, implementation of the Project is environmentally feasible after taking such measures as the mitigation measures, environment management plan, and public negotiation proposed in the Project.

Appendix 1 Environmental Standards for the Project

Table 1.1 Air Quality Evaluation Criteria

|No. |Name and Standard Number of |Pollutant |Sample Time |Secondary Standard and |

| |Environmental Quality | | |Concentration Limit (mg / ㎡) |

|1 |GB3095-1996 Ambient Air Quality |Total suspended |Annual average |0.20 |

| |Standard |particles(TSP) | | |

| | | |Daily average |0.30 |

| | |Repairable particles |Annual average |0.10 |

| | |(PM10) | | |

| | | |Daily average |0.15 |

|2 |TJ36-79 Hygienic Standards for |Ammonia (NH3) |A maximum allowable |0.20 |

| |the Design of Industrial | |concentration | |

| |Enterprises | | | |

| | |Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) |A maximum allowable |0.0l |

| | | |concentration | |

Table 1.2 Water Quality Evaluation Criteria Unit: mg /L(pH excluded)

|Evaluation Factor |pH |COD |

| | | |

|Number and Name of Standards | | |

|GB3096-2008 "Environmental Quality Standard for Noise" Class 2 |60 |50 |

Table 1.4 Air Pollutant Emissions Evaluation Criteria

|Number and Name of Standards |Pollutant |Item and Standard Limit (mg/ m³) |

| | |Concentration Limits Monitored from Fugitive |

| | |Emission |

|GBl6297-1996 "Integrated Standard for Emission of Air|Particulate matter |Highest Concentration Level outside the |

|Pollutants" | |Perimeter:1.0 |

|GBl4554-93 "Odor Emission Standards" |Pollutants |Factory Standard Value for Odor Pollutants |

| | |Class II (new expansion) |

| |Ammonia (NH3) |1.5 |

| |Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) |0.06 |

| |Odor concentration(1) |20 |

Note: (1) Dimensionless.

Table 1.5 Municipal WWTP Emission Standards (GB18918-2002)

|Evaluation Factor |SS |COD |BOD5 |NH3-N |TP |TN |

|Type of Pollutants | | | | | | |

|Water pollutants (daily |Level 1-B |20 |60 |20 |8 (15) |1 |20 |

|average mg /L) | | | | | | | |

|Maximum concentration |Level |Ammonia |Hydrogen sulfide |Odor concentration (dimensionless) |Methane (maximum density in |

|allowable for factory | | | | |factory / %) |

|emission (mg / m³) | | | | | |

| |Level 2 |1.5 |0.06 |20 |1 |

|Sludge stabilization |Control |Organic matter |Organic matter |Water content (%)|Organic matter |Worm egg |Value of fecal |

|control target |project |degradation rate |degradation rate | |degradation rate (%) |mortality (%) |coliform |

| | |(%) |(%) | | | |bacteria (per L)|

| |Control |> 40 |> 40 | 50 |> 95 |> 0.01 |

| |target | | | | | | |

Table 1.6 Noise Emission Standards Unit: dB (A)

|Number and Name of the Standards |Category |Day |Night |

|GB12348-2008 "Emission Standard for |Class 2 |60 |50 |

|Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary"| | | |

|GBl2523-90 "Noise Limits for Construction|Construction phase |Main noise source |Day |Night |

|Site" | | | | |

| |Cubic meter of earth and |Dozers, excavators, |75 |55 |

| |stone |loaders, etc. | | |

| |Piling |Piling machines |85 |Construction prohibited|

| |Structure |Concrete mixer, vibrator, |70 |55 |

| | |power saws, etc. | | |

| |Decoration |Cranes, lifts, etc. |65 |55 |

Appendix 2 Odor Prediction Model and Results

(1) Computing Model

The odor protection distance model for the Project is the one recommended in SCREEN 3, which uses the formula in Technical Methods for Developing Local Air Pollutant Emission Standards.

1. Atmospheric environmental protection distance is calculated based on the recommended model in SCREEN 3 in Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines - Atmospheric Environment (HJ2.2-2008).

2. Health protection distance is calculated based on GB/T13201-1991 Technical Methods for Developing Local Air Pollutant Emission Standards, and the health protection distances for industries and companies are determined by the following formula:


Where: [pic] - standard concentration limits, mg/m³;

[pic] - Health protection distance required of industrial enterprises, m;

[pic] - Equivalent radius of production unit where the fugitive source of harmful gas emissions is located, m;

[pic], [pic], [pic], [pic] - coefficient for health protect distance calculation, with values ​​referred to Table 5 in GB/T13201-1991;

[pic] - Achievable control level of fugitive harmful gas emission from industrial enterprises, kg / h.

According to GB/T13201-1991, the maximum health protection distance required of industrial enterprises with fugitive emission of several harmful gases is calculated as per [pic]. When the results of [pic] calculated for two or more of the harmful gases are on the same level, the level of health protection distance for this industrial enterprise shall be raised by one level. Where the health protection distance is within 100 m, the difference between two closest levels is 50 m, and if more than 100 m but less than or equal to 1,000 m, the difference is 100m.

(2) Fugitive Emission of Odor

Compared WWTPs of similar scale in China, the fugitive emission of obnoxious gas for this project is developed as in Table 2.1, with calculation parameters for health protection distance shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2.1 Fugitive Emissions of Malodorous Gases

|Name of pollutants |H2S |NH3 |

|Emissions (kg / h) |0.0036 |0.006 |

Table 2.1 Calculation Parameters for Protection Distance

|Location |Emission Rate (kg / h) |Length of Nonpoint |Width of Nonpoint |Area of Nonpoint |Standard Values (mg|

| | |Source (m) |Source (m) |Source (㎡) |/ m³) |

| |NH3 |H2S | | | | |

|Sludge treatment |0.006 |0.0036 |43 |13 |559 |NH3: 0.2; |

|area | | | | | |H2S: 0.01 |

(3) Determining Health Protection Distance

① Protection Distance for Atmospheric Environment

The protection distance of atmospheric environment is calculated for this project as per the model recommended in SCREEN 3 in "Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Atmospheric Environment" (HJ2.2-2008). The results are shown in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Calculated Results of Atmospheric Environmental protection Distance

|Location |Name of Pollutants |Standard Values (mg / m³) |Results |

|Sludge treatment area |NH3 |NH3: 0.2; H2S: 0.01 |No excessive point |

| |H2S | |No excessive point |

Table 3 shows that the NH3 and H2S calculated as per the atmospheric environmental protection model exhibit no excessive points. Therefore, no atmospheric environmental protection distance needs to be set.

② Health Protection Distance

Calculations done as per the formula in GB/T13201-1991 Technical Methods for Developing Local Air Pollutant Emission Standards are shown in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Calculated Results of Atmospheric Environmental protection Distance

|Location |Name of Pollutants |Standard Values (mg / m³) |Results |

|Sludge treatment area |NH3 |NH3: 0.2; H2S: 0.01 |1.7 |

| |H2S | |29.1 |

After calculation, the health protection distances for the fugitive emissions of NH3 and H2S are 1.7m and 29.1m respectively. According to Technical Methods for Developing Local Air Pollutant Emission Standards, the health protection distance for this project is 50 m. The protection distances for the factory boundaries are shown in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Protection Distances for Factory Boundaries

|Factory Boundaries |East Boundary |West Boundary |South Boundary |North Boundary |

|Protection Distance (m) |0 |45 |24 |37 |

Appendix 3 Materials Related to Public Participation

3.1 Information Disclosure

Under the Environmental Impact Assessment Law and the Provisional Measure for Public Participating in Environmental Impact Assessment, the environmental evaluator and the constructor put up the first public notice announcing the Project in sensitive points (Xinqiao Village, Hongyang Village, Bailong Village, Town Government, Xianfeng Middle School, Central Hospital, and the town area) on August 18, 2011 (publicity period: August 19 - 28, 2011). Brochures were handed out on the sites. The photos in Figure 1 show the public notice.

Under the Environmental Impact Assessment Law and the Provisional Measure for Public Participating in Environmental Impact Assessment when the Environmental Impact Report was completed, the environmental evaluator and the constructor put up the first public notice announcing the Project in sensitive points (Xinqiao Village, Hongyang Village, Bailong Village, Town Government, Xianfeng Middle School, Central Hospital, and the town area) on October 21, 2011 (publicity period: October 21 - 30, 2011). Brochures were handed out on the sites. The photos in Figure 1 show the public notice.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 3.1 Public Notices on Site

3.2 Meeting Minutes

(1) Date: October 20, 2011

(2) Venue: meeting Room, Third Floor, Yueshan Town Government

(3) Contents of the meeting: public participation in environmental protection for WB Loans Yueshan Town Project

(4) Attendees: 20 people, including members of the relevant stations, offices and institutes, experts from the environmental protection sector, parties secretaries of Xinqiao Village and Hongyang Village committees, villager representatives of Yingxiong Ridge and environmental evaluators.

(5) Moderator: Li Bosheng (Mayor of Yueshan Town)

(6) Clerk: Peng Xiaohua (Yueshan Town Office)

(7) Meeting Agenda:

I. Moderator introduces all the participants and hands out simplified versions of the Project report and questionnaires.

II. Moderator introduces the Project status.

III. Environmental evaluators describe environmental impact and control measures.

IV. Participants address the meeting (comments or suggestions on for the feasibility of pollution preventive measures).

V. Environmental evaluators and constructors respond to the comments and suggestions raised by the participants and initiate discussions.

VI. Meeting concludes.

(8) Minutes of the meeting are as follows:

The attendees were briefed about the Project status, potential environmental impacts, and environmental protection measures and investment. Discussions were held about the factors that might have impact on the surrounding environment. A summary of the meeting is as follows:

First, the participants agreed that the Project's environmental protection measures to be taken were technically reliable and economically feasible and pollutant discharge in compliance with standards. Participants supported the Project and believed that the Project would help promote local economic and social developments. At the same time, there was also a need to protect the environment and step up control measures during the construction and operations and alleviate adverse impact of the Project on the environment.

Second, the participants raised a few questions and suggestions, to which the constructors and environmental evaluators responded as follows:

1. How to Address the Noise Nuisance?

Constructors and environmental evaluators explained: noise control measures would be implemented in strict accordance with the relevant provisions through reasonable scheduling of construction to meet the requirements and avoid disturbing the residents.

2. How to Address Construction Dust?

Constructors and environmental evaluators explained: construction zones would be demarcated and the sites would be regularly sprinkled with water to suppress the dust. Earth and stone on the dumping site would be removed soon as possible, and construction materials would not be stockpiled for a long time. Works would be suspended on windy days. Roads would be hardened and sprinkled with water to minimize the dust impact.

3. How to Address the Odor during Operation?

Constructors and environmental evaluators explained: safety management would be strengthened during operation and the floor plan would be arranged in reasonable way to improve greening to minimize the generation and impact of odor.

4. How to Dispose of the Sludge?

Constructors and environmental evaluators explained: in accordance with the relevant national regulatory requirements, sludge would be concentrated and dehydrated before transported to the landfill where it would be buried.

5. The Moderator summarized the points: the Project was a good, tangible thing the government was trying to do for the people. The attendees unanimously supported the Project while the constructors needed to address the environmental concerns of the nearby residents and prevent pollution accidents.

Third, during the meeting, the constructors promised to put in place proactive measures of environmental governance, reduce emissions, conserve resources and energy and contribute to the local economic and social developments.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 3.2 Meeting Photos

3.3 Public Participation Survey

Two rounds of surveys have been conducted through questionnaires.

3.3.1 First Round of Survey

In the first round of the survey, 50 questionnaires (40 for individuals and 10 for business entities) were handed out by evaluators and constructors in August 18-19, 2011, to people who were likely to be affected, mainly residents of the villages and entities near the Project. While questionnaires were distributed, respondents were briefed about nature, scale and investment of the Project and the main pollutants resulted from the Project construction and operation, and asked to offer comments and suggestions on prevention and control measures. Respondents were told to complete the questionnaires in their sole discretion.

In the survey, 50 questionnaires were distributed and 50 valid questionnaires were collected (40 for individual and 10 for entities). The recovery rate was 100%. Survey statistics are shown in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2.

Table 3.1 Overview of the Respondents in the First Survey

|Item |Respondents |Proportion of Total Respondents (%) |

|Sex |Male |40 |80 |

| |Female |10 |20 |

|Age |30 years old |15 |30 |

| |30-50 years old |32 |64 |

| |50 years old |3 |6 |

|Education |Junior high school and below |8 |16 |

| |High school or technical school |5 |10 |

| |University and above |32 |64 |

| |Other |5 |10 |

Table 3.2 Results and Analysis of the First Survey

|Questions |Answers |Respondents |Ratio (%) |

|Are you aware of the Project |Yes |28 |56 |

| |A little |22 |44 |

| |No |0 |0 |

|Regarding the land acquisition for the Project, I would |Get reasonable economic compensation |30 |60 |

|like to | | | |

| |Get some land in return |20 |40 |

| |Stop the acquisition |0 |0 |

|The impact of the Project on the environment is |Serious |0 |0 |

| |Considerable |0 |0 |

| |Average |23 |46 |

| |Insignificant |27 |54 |

| |Uncertain |0 |0 |

|The construction of the Project will |Help utilize local resources |11 |22 |

| |Help protect the local environment |12 |24 |

| |Improve the quality of life for local |27 |54 |

| |people | | |

| |Reduce the quality of life |0 |0 |

| |Cause serious pollution of the local |0 |0 |

| |environment | | |

|During the construction, which of the following problem |Noise |20 |40 |

|(s) will affect your life? | | | |

| |Dust |15 |30 |

| |Land temporarily occupied by the Project|0 |0 |

| |Traffic congestion caused by |0 |0 |

| |construction vehicles | | |

| |Construction safety issues |5 |10 |

| |Increased employment opportunities |10 |20 |

| |Other |0 |0 |

|When the Project is completed, which of the following |Noise |5 |10 |

|issue (s) will affect your life? | | | |

| |Exhaust |25 |50 |

| |Solid waste |20 |40 |

| |Wastewater |0 |0 |

| |Environmental health |5 |10 |

|Will the Project promote regional economic development? |Yes |50 |100 |

| |No |0 |0 |

| |I don’t know |0 |0 |

|What is your attitude toward the Project? |Very much in favor |39 |79 |

| |Supportive |11 |21 |

| |Against |0 |0 |

3.3.2 Second Round of Survey

In the second round of the survey, 50 questionnaires (40 for individuals and 10 for business entities) were handed out by evaluators and constructors in August 18-19, 2011, after the meeting was concluded, to the attendees, people and entities who were likely to be affected. While questionnaires were distributed, respondents were briefed about nature, scale and investment of the Project, the main pollutants resulted from the Project construction and operation, control approaches and treatment, means of discharge and predicted impact on the environment and asked to offer comments and suggestions on prevention and control measures. Respondents were told to complete the questionnaires in their sole discretion.

In the survey, 50 questionnaires were distributed and 50 valid questionnaires were collected (40 for individual and 10 for entities). The recovery rate was 100%. Survey statistics are shown in Table 3.3 and Table 3.4.

Table 3.3 Overview of the Respondents in the Second Survey

|Item |Respondents |Proportion of Total Respondents (%) |

|Sex |Male |40 |80 |

| |Female |10 |20 |

|Age |30 years old |15 |30 |

| |30-50 years old |32 |64 |

| |50 years old |3 |6 |

|Education |Junior high school and below |8 |16 |

| |High school or technical school |5 |10 |

| |University and above |32 |64 |

| |Other |5 |10 |

Table 3.4 Results and Analysis of the Second Survey

|Questions |Answers |Respondents |Ratio (%) |

|Are you aware of the Project |Yes |28 |56 |

| |A little |22 |44 |

| |No |0 |0 |

|The impact of the Project on the environment is |Serious |0 |0 |

| |Considerable |0 |0 |

| |Average |23 |46 |

| |Insignificant |27 |54 |

| |Uncertain |0 |0 |

|The construction of the Project will |Help utilize local resources |11 |22 |

| |Help protect the local environment |12 |24 |

| |Improve the quality of life for local|27 |54 |

| |people | | |

| |Reduce the quality of life |0 |0 |

| |Cause serious pollution to the local |0 |0 |

| |environment | | |

|Are the noise and dust control measures feasible during the|Yes |50 |100 |

|Project construction? | | | |

| |No |0 |0 |

| |Not sure |0 |0 |

|Are the sludge and odor control measures feasible after |Yes |50 |100 |

|completion and during the operation? | | | |

| |No |0 |0 |

| |Not sure |0 |0 |

|Will the Project promote regional economic development? |Yes |50 |100 |

| |No |0 |0 |

| |I don’t know |0 |0 |

|What is your attitude toward the Project? |Very much in favor |39 |79 |

| |Supportive |11 |21 |

| |Against |0 |0 |

Sample Form of the First Public Participation Survey

Public Participation Questionnaire (for individuals)

|Project |Hunan Integrated Economic Development |Construction Site |Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City |

| |Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town | | |

| |Subproject, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB | | |

| |Loans | | |

|Project profile: |

|The Project involves two major parts, the WWTP and supporting facilities and the farmers market in Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City. |

|The Project also includes urban software constructions. The proposed site for Yueshan WWTP is in Yingxiong Ridge Group, Xinqiaohe |

|Village, Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang. It covers an area of 1,0193 ㎡ with designed capacity of 6,000 m³/ d which is to be completed |

|in two phases. This construction delivers 3,000m³/ d, including the WWTP and its supporting networks serving the central areas of |

|Yueshan Town within 2.03 k㎡ in the short term and 3.22 k㎡ in the long term. The Yueshan Farmers Market is located in Pukou |

|Group, Xinqiao Village and covers an area of 12 mu with a total construction area of 6,000 ㎡, including market stalls 3,000 ㎡, |

|shops 2,100 ㎡, management space 200 ㎡ and power stations, pump rooms, refuse collection points, public rest rooms and other |

|facilities 500 ㎡, in addition to 15 parking spaces. The soft environment mainly includes seminars, exchange of experience, study |

|tours and technical training for farmers. |

|The construction of the Project will have certain impact on the environment and the residents, as there will be emissions, noise |

|and disturbance with the ecology. The waste gas and noise are resulted from construction vehicles and machinery, and their impact |

|will be minimized by installing mufflers and noise reduction and exhaust purification devices. Strict environmental management |

|will put in place during construction to control the noise and dust, and effective measures will be implemented to prevent safety |

|and environmental issues. |

|After completion of the Project, vehicle exhaust, domestic wastewater, wastewater from the market, equipment noise, trading noise,|

|domestic waste, wastewater sludge and market waste. Wastewater will be discharged through the pipelines to the wastewater plant |

|where it will be treated, solid waste will be collected and transported to the urban waste transfer station, sludge will be |

|dewatered and transported out of the town in closed containers, and noise will be minimized with mufflers and other installations.|

|Pollutants generated by the Project can be discharged in compliance with the standards and will not have significant impact on the|

|environment. We would like to know your attitude towards this project as well as your comments. Please make the following choices |

|and leave your comments and suggestions based on your knowledge and opinions. |

|Name |Zhou Wenfei |Sex |Male |Ethnic |Han |Education |Junior high |

| | | | |Identity | | |school |

|Address |Yingxiong Group (No.), Xinqiao Village (Street), Yueshan Town (Township), Xiangxiang County |

|Main source of |( Growing plants |( Growing |( Industrial companies or |( Migrant worker|( Other |

|income | |livestock or fish|mining | | |

|1. Are you aware of the Project? |( Yes |( A little |( No |

|2. Regarding the land acquisition for the Project, I |( Get reasonable economic |( Get land in |( Stop the acquisition |

|would like to: |compensation |return | |

|3. The impact of the Project on the environment is: |

|( serious; ( considerable; ( average; ( insignificant ( uncertain |

|4. The Project will: |

|( help utilize local resources; ( help protect the local environment; ( improve the quality of life for local people; ( reduce the|

|quality of life; ( cause serious pollution the local environment |

|5. During the construction, which of the following problem (s) will affect your life? |

|( Noise; ( Dust; ( Land temporarily occupied by the Project; ( Traffic congestion caused by construction vehicles; ( Construction |

|safety issues; ( Increased employment opportunities; ( Other. |

|6. When the Project is completed, which of the following issue (s) will affect your life? |

|(Noise; ( Exhaust; ( Solid waste; ( Wastewater; ( Environmental health. |

|7. Will the Project promote regional economic development? |

|( Yes; ( No; ( I don’t know. |

|8. What is your attitude toward the Project? (if against, please state why) |

|( Very much in favor; ( Supportive; ( Against |

|Other suggestions and requests |

|Operator |Li Shuyuan |Date of Survey |August 28, 2011 |

Public Participation Questionnaire (for entities)

|Project |Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration |Construction Site |Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang |

| |Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject, Xiangxiang | |City |

| |City) Utilizing WB Loans | | |

|Project profile: |

|A total investment of 5637.4 yuan is put into building the Project. The construction includes: ①WWTP in Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang |

|and supporting facilities. The Yueshan WWTP is located in Xinqiaohe Village, Yueshan, Xiangxiang, and covers an area of ​​10193 ㎡ |

|(or 15.29 mu), with a capacity of 10,000 m³/ d constructed in two phases. This construction will deliver 5,000 m³/ d supported by |

|13,520 m of urban wastewater pipelines. This wastewater treatment plan only receives domestic wastewater water, industrial |

|wastewater whose quality is comparable with domestic wastewater water or pretreated industrial wastewater in compliance with |

|national standards and suitable to be treated together with domestic wastewater water. Wastewater will be treated and discharged |

|into the Xinqiaohe River. According to the plan, wastewater from central areas of the Yueshan Town will be collected. ② Research |

|in small town industrial development and economic development plan for Yueshan Town will be made. ③ Programs will be made to |

|enhance project management and monitoring capacity. Project managers will be organized for training and study tours to improve |

|levels of urban management and construction project management. The construction period starts in July 2012 and ends in June 2014.|

|Currently, construction preparations are in progress. |

|The construction of the Project will have certain impact on the environment and the residents, as there will be emissions, noise |

|and disturbance with the ecology. The waste gas and noise are resulted from construction vehicles and machinery, and their impact |

|will be minimized by installing mufflers and noise reduction and exhaust purification devices. Strict environmental management |

|will put in place during construction to control the noise and dust, and effective measures will be implemented to prevent safety |

|and environmental issues. |

|After completion of the Project, vehicle exhaust, domestic wastewater, wastewater from the market, equipment noise, trading noise,|

|domestic waste, wastewater sludge and market waste. Wastewater will be discharged through the pipelines to the wastewater plant |

|where it will be treated, solid waste will be collected and transported to the urban waste transfer station, sludge will be |

|dewatered and transported out of the town in closed containers, and noise will be minimized with mufflers and other installations.|

|Pollutants generated by the Project can be discharged in compliance with the standards and will not have significant impact on the|

|environment. We would like to know your attitude towards this project as well as your comments. Please make the following choices |

|and leave your comments and suggestions based on your knowledge and opinions. |

|Entity |Yueshan Rural Credit Cooperative, Xiangxiang |

| |(Common Seal) |

|Nature of |Enterprise |Staff |25 |Contact | |

|Entity | | | | | |

|Address |Xinqiao Village, Yueshan Town (township), Xiangxiang |Telephone |0731-56540248 |

| |County | | |

|1. Are you aware of the Project? |( Yes |( A little |( No |

|2. Regarding the land acquisition for the Project, I |( Get reasonable |( Get land in return |( Stop the acquisition |

|would like to: |economic compensation | | |

|3. The impact of the Project on the environment is: |

|( serious; ( considerable; ( average; ( insignificant ( uncertain |

|4. The Project will: |

|( help utilize local resources; ( help protect the local environment; ( improve the quality of life for local people; ( reduce the|

|quality of life; ( cause serious pollution the local environment |

|5. During the construction, which of the following problem (s) will affect your life? |

|( Noise; ( Dust; ( Land temporarily occupied by the Project; ( Traffic congestion caused by construction vehicles; ( Construction |

|safety issues; ( Increased employment opportunities; ( Other. |

|6. When the Project is completed, which of the following issue (s) will affect your life? |

|(Noise; ( Exhaust; ( Solid waste; ( Wastewater; ( Environmental health. |

|7. Will the Project promote regional economic development? |

|( Yes; ( No; ( I don’t know. |

|8. What is your attitude toward the Project? (if against, please state why) |

|( Very much in favor; ( Supportive; ( Against |

|Other suggestions and requests |

|Operator | |Date of Survey |September 1, 2011 |

Sample Form of the Second Public Participation Survey

Public Participation Questionnaire (for individuals)

|Project |Hunan Integrated Economic Development |Construction Site |Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City |

| |Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town | | |

| |Subproject, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB | | |

| |Loans | | |

|Project Profile: |

|In order to further promote Yueshan’s healthy and sustainable development of economy and society, improve the quality of living |

|environment in the town and address the insufficient funds for infrastructure construction, in line with World Bank loans’ purpose |

|"to improve the environment and promote sustainable development" and the realities of Yueshan Town, and based on the on-site surveys|

|conducted by experts from provincial, municipal and local development and reform commissions, decisions have been made to step up |

|the construction of integrated economic development demonstration town project to allow continued, fast economic and social |

|developments of Yueshan Town. The Project aims to improve urban infrastructure, public services and investment environment, enhance |

|fast economic growth, protect people’s well-being, and build a solid foundation for the coordinated, sustained and steady |

|development of Yueshan’s economy and society. With thorough and careful investigations of the town, the Yueshan People’s Government |

|has chosen Xinqiaohe Village, Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City, as the Project site, which covers an area of 1,0193 ㎡ (or 15.29 mu), |

|with a total investment of 56.374 million yuan, including a WWTP and supporting pipe networks that serve the urban area of Yueshan |

|Town. |

|The construction of the Project will have certain impact on the environment and the residents, as there will be emissions, noise and|

|disturbance with the ecology. The waste gas and noise are resulted from construction vehicles and machinery, and their impact will |

|be minimized by installing mufflers and noise reduction and exhaust purification devices. Strict environmental management will put |

|in place during construction to control the noise and dust, and effective measures will be implemented to prevent safety and |

|environmental issues. |

|After completion of the Project, vehicle exhaust, domestic wastewater, wastewater from the market, equipment noise, trading noise, |

|domestic waste, wastewater sludge and market waste. Wastewater will be discharged through the pipelines to the wastewater plant |

|where it will be treated, solid waste will be collected and transported to the urban waste transfer station, sludge will be |

|dewatered and transported out of the town in closed containers, and noise will be minimized with mufflers and other installations. |

|Pollutants generated by the Project can be discharged in compliance with the standards and will not have significant impact on the |

|environment. We would like to know your attitude towards this project as well as your comments. Please make the following choices |

|and leave your comments and suggestions based on your knowledge and opinions. |

|Name |Liu Jingyang |Sex |Male |Ethnic Identity |Han |Education |Technical |

| | | | | | | |school |

|Address |Tanmenkou Group (No.), Xinqiao Village (Street), Yueshan Town (township), Xiangxiang County |

|Main source |( Growing plants |( Growing |( Industrial companies or |( Migrant worker |( Other |

|of income | |livestock or |mining | | |

| | |fish | | | |

|1. Are you aware of the Project? |( Yes |( A little |( No |

|2. The harm of the Project causes to the environment is: |

|( serious; ( considerable; ( average; ( insignificant ( uncertain |

|3. The Project will: |

|( help utilize local resources; ( help protect the local environment; ( improve the quality of life for local people; ( reduce the |

|quality of life; ( cause serious pollution the local environment |

|4. Are the noise and dust control measures feasible during the Project construction? |

|( Yes; ( No; ( I don’t know. |

|5. Are the sludge and odor control measures feasible after completion and during the operation? |

|( Yes; ( No; ( I don’t know. |

|6. Will the Project promote regional economic development? |

|( Yes; ( No; ( I don’t know. |

|7. What is your attitude toward the Project? (if against, please state why) |

|( Very much in favor; ( Supportive; ( Against |

|Other suggestions and requests |

|When the Project is completed, operating cost and model shall be identified to ensure that the Project functions to improve urban |

|environment and people’s quality of life and promote the town’s economic development. |

|Operator |Liu Shuai |Date of Survey |October 20, 2011 |

Public Participation Questionnaire (for entities)

|Project |Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town |Construction Site |Yueshan Town, |

| |Project (Yueshan Town Subproject, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB| |Xiangxiang City |

| |Loans | | |

|Project profile: |

|To further promote the healthy sustainable development of social economy of Yueshan Town, to improve township residential |

|environment quality and to change the insufficient status of funds for basic facilities, Yueshan Town decides, according to the |

|purpose of World Bank (“WB”) Loans “to improve the environment and to keep sustainable development”, to use the WB loans to |

|quicken the construction of Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project and to practically promote the fast |

|development of social economy of Yueshan Town, on the base of reality and upon the site survey carried out by the development and |

|reform departments of the province, the city and the town and by experts. The construction of the Project aims at raising the |

|level of urban basic facilities of Yuehsan Town, strengthening public service function, improving investment environment, boosting|

|swift economic growth of Yueshan Town and ensuring people living and working in peace and contentment, so as to lay a sound |

|foundation for the all-around, harmonious, sustainable and steady development of social economic environment of Yueshan Town. With|

|thorough and careful investigations of the town, the Yueshan People’s Government has chosen Xinqiaohe Village, Yueshan Town, |

|Xiangxiang City, as the Project site, which covers an area of ​​ 12.8 mu), including a WWTP and supporting pipe networks serving the|

|urban area of Yueshan Town. |

|The construction of the Project will have certain impact on the environment and the residents, as there will be emissions, noise |

|and disturbance with the ecology. The waste gas and noise are resulted from construction vehicles and machinery, and their impact |

|will be minimized by installing mufflers and noise reduction and exhaust purification devices. Strict environmental management |

|will put in place during construction to control the noise and dust, and effective measures will be implemented to prevent safety |

|and environmental issues. |

|After completion of the Project, vehicle exhaust, domestic wastewater, wastewater from the market, equipment noise, trading noise,|

|domestic waste, wastewater sludge and market waste. Wastewater will be discharged through the pipelines to the wastewater plant |

|where it will be treated, solid waste will be collected and transported to the urban waste transfer station, sludge will be |

|dewatered and transported out of the town in closed containers, and noise will be minimized with mufflers and other installations.|

|Pollutants generated by the Project can be discharged in compliance with the standards and will not have significant impact on the|

|environment. We would like to know your attitude towards this project as well as your comments. Please make the following choices |

|and leave your comments and suggestions based on your knowledge and opinions. |

|Entity |Yueshan Town Central Township |

| |(Common Seal) |

|Nature of | |Staff |50 |Contact | |

|Entity | | | | | |

|Address |Xinqiao Village, Yueshan Town |Mobile |1378622667 |

|1. Are you aware of the Project? |( Yes |( A little |( No |

|2. The impact of the Project on the environment is: |

|( serious; ( considerable; ( average; ( insignificant ( uncertain |

|3. The Project will: |

|( help utilize local resources; ( help protect the local environment; ( improve the quality of life for local people; ( reduce the|

|quality of life; ( cause serious pollution the local environment |

|4. During the construction, are the measures to control noise and dust feasible? |

|( Yes; ( No; ( I don’t know. |

|5. When the Project is completed, are the measures to control sludge and odor during operations feasible? |

|( Yes; ( No; ( I don’t know. |

|6. Will the Project promote regional economic development? |

|( Yes; ( No; ( I don’t know. |

|7. What is your attitude toward the Project? (if against, please state why) |

|( Very much in favor; ( Supportive; ( Against |

|Other suggestions and requests |

|Operator |Yan Han |Date of Survey |October 20, 2011 |

Sheet for Public Participation Meeting

Meeting on Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project (Yueshan Town Subproject, Xiangxiang City) Utilizing WB Loans Sign-in Sheet

|No. |Name |Sex |Ethnic |Education |Company (occupation) or Address |Contact |Signature |

| | | |Identity | | | | |

|1 |Li Bosheng |Male |Han |University |Mayor, Yuanshan People's Government | | |

|2 |Gao Aichao |Male |Han |Technical School |Linnian Station, Yueshan |13873233703 |Li Bosheng |

|3 |Chen Jianjun |Male |Han |High School |Xinqiao Village, Yueshan |13973299766 |Gao Aichao |

|4 |Wang Shulin |Male |Han |High School |Xinqiao Village, Yueshan |13873221253 |Chen Jianjun |

|5 |Wu Zhongyi |Male |Han |High School |Xinqiao Village, Yueshan |15616282181 |Wang Shulin |

|6 |Chen Zhi |Male |Han |High School |Xinqiao Village, Yueshan |13237325129 |Wu Zhongyi |

|7 |Liu Jingyang |Male |Han |Junior College |Yueshan Urban Planning Office |13873246658 |Chen Zhi |

|8 | |Male |Han |Junior College |Yueshan Urban Planning Office |13786231918 |Liu Jingyang |

|9 | |Male |Han |High School |Xinqiao Village, Yueshan |13973224078 | |

|10 |Zhong Mengqi |Female |Han |High School |Xinqiao Village, Yueshan |13574051828 | |

|11 |Peng Xiaohua |Male |Han |Bachelor’s Degree |Town Hall, Yuanshan |13786261387 |Zhong Mengqi |

|12 |Yang Jian |Male |Han |High School |Environmental Protection Station, Yueshan |13789323390 |Peng Xiaohua |

|13 |Zhou Zhaohui |Male |Han |High School |Qingqiao Village, Yueshan |13201327178 |Yang Jian |

|14 |Liao Zhijun |Male |Han |High School |Yueshan Town |15873298375 |Zhou Zhaohui |

|15 |Peng Chuanyang |Male |Han |High School |Yueshan Town |13055153788 |Liao Zhijun |

|16 | |Male |Han |Junior College | |13789326658 |Peng Chuanyang |

|17 |Chen Yi |Male |Han |Junior College |Farmer, Yueshan Town | | |

|18 |Liu Wenhua |Male |Han |Master’s Degree |World Bank Provincial PMO |13873139189 |Chen Yi |

|19 |Tang Guirong |Female |Han |Master’s Degree |Changsha Environmental Protection Career Technical College |13975800449 |Liu Wenhua |

|20 |Wu Zhongwei |Male |Han |Master’s Degree |Changsha Environmental Protection Career Technical College |18003813995 |Tang Guirong |

|21 | | | | | | | |

|22 | | | | | | | |

|23 | | | | | | | |

|24 | | | | | | | |

|25 | | | | | | | |

|26 | | | | | | | |

|27 | | | | | | | |

Appendix 4 Planning and Detail Budget of Project Environmental Monitoring

Schedule 4 Planning and Detail Budget of Environmental Monitoring of the WWPT of Yueshan Town Project

|Monitoring Period|Environmental Factor |Distribution of |Monitoring |Monitoring |Unit Price |

| | |Monitoring |Item |Frequency |(RMB/Period) |

| | |Stations | | | |

| | |(Quantity) | | | |

|Operation Period |Ambient Air |6 Monitoring |Density of |4 |15840 |

|(3 years) | |Stations: Xinqiao |H2S, NH3 and |Periods/Year,| |

| | |Village, Hongyang |Odor |1 Day/Period,| |

| | |Village, and 4 | |and 4 | |

| | |Boundaries of the | |Times/Day | |

| | |WWTP | | | |

|total (RMB) |269820 | |

Appendix 5 Project Associated Works (Environmental Monitoring Plan of Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant, Xiangxaing City)

Chart 5 Environmental Monitoring Plan of Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant, Xiangxaing City

|Monitoring |Environmental Factor |Distribution of |Monitoring Item |Monitoring |Monitored by |

|Period | |Monitoring Stations| |Frequency | |

| | |(Quantity) | | | |

| |Total (RMB) |239460 | |

Appendix 6 Summary of Project Environmental Management Plan

Schedule 6 Summary of Environmental Management Plan of Yueshan Town WWTP Project

Possible Impact |Mitigation Measures |Execution Period |Executed by |Monitored by |Monitoring Factors |Monitoring Frequency |Monitoring Station |Environmental Management Budge (RMB) | |/ |a. According to the real construction of the project pipe network, it’s designed that the washing of trucks and machines are not carried out in the construction site but in special washing places.

b. Regarding to expropriation and relocation, related detail plans shall be provided as soon as the confirmation of the design proposal. And immediate negotiation with the local residents so as to reach harmonious relocation and compensation negotiation;

c. Consideration shall be mainly settled on the protection of such sensitive targets as surrounding residents against the construction, and countermeasures about practical pollution prevention and control shall be provided so as to reduce the interference to sensitivity targets; and

d. Earthworks shall be balanced and optimized so as to achieve the balance of excavation and filling. It shall be considered first if Earth and stones abandoned can be circulated on the site or in the WWTP; if not, residue shall be cleaned and removed according to required procedures and delivered to specified disposal location. |Design Period |The Constructor |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau

|/ |/ |/ |/ | |Waste Gas |Pipe network Construction |a. it shall be conducted to strengthen management, to construct in a civilized way and to lightly lift and unload construction materials.

b. Tarp shall be covered with on the trucks delivering such materials easy to causing dust as lime, sand and stone, cement, etc.;

c. The construction site shall be surrounded with colored steel sheets for closed construction; and

d. Temporary earthwork yard shall be watered and covered with nets so as to avoid dust emission. |Construction Period |The Constructor |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau |TSP |4 Periods/Year, 2 Days/Period, and I Time/Day |4 Monitoring Stations: Xinqiao Village, Hongyang Village, Central Hospital and Xianfeng Middle School |113080 (13080 if including Monitoring Expense) | | |Plant Construction |a. During construction period, transportation management shall be strengthened, with tarp covered on trucks and no overload;

B. Roads shall be watered frequently so as to reduce the chances of dust emission and the pollution of dust;

c. it’s forbidden to discard construction garbage randomly, especially off the red construction lines;

d. The construction site shall be surrounded with colored steel sheets for closed construction;

e. Temporary earthwork yard shall be watered and covered with nets so as to avoid dust emission;

f. it shall be conducted to strengthen management, to construct in a civilized way and to lightly lift and unload construction materials;

g. No overload happens during loading and no drop from truck carrying earth during transportation. Before any traffic leaves the site, dirt and dust on the wheels shall be cleaned off first so as to avoid any scattering on the way; and

h. Labor protection of the staff shall be well carried out and an anti-dust mask shall be worn. | | | | | | | | |Wastewater |Pipe network Construction |a. According to the real construction of the project pipe network, it’s designed that the washing of trucks and machines are not carried out in the construction site but in special washing places;

b. The construction shall be carried out in other times rather than wet season, if possible; and

c. Oil leaked shall be recycled with buckets, poured into waste oil tanks after being collected with special buckets and hand over waste oil reclamation depot; and waste oil dropped on the earth shall be cleaned with cotton. | | | |pH, Suspensions, Petroleum |4 Periods/Year, 1 day/Period, and 1 Time/Day |I Monitoring Station: Wastewater Collection Poor on the Construction Spot | | | |Plant Construction |a. Plant construction organization shall build a depositing reservoir during the construction period so that rain drops and accumulated water can be reused for washing and watering after depositing to the required degree; and

b. As for temporary domestic facilities built during the construction period, kitchen wastewater shall be reused for watering the Plant site after removing oil and depositing, and temporary rest rooms shall be installed with dry latrines, the wastes in which shall be cleaned away regularly. | | | | | | | | |Solid Wastes |Pipe network and Site Construction |a. Domestic waste shall be packed with bags, separately collected and be collective cleaned away by the environmental protection department for further disposal;

b. The construction site of the WWTP shall be provided with dry latrines which shall be cleaned regularly. Shit shall be reused as agricultural fertilizer after collective gathering;

c. Construction garbage shall be separately packed, and if recyclable, those garbage shall be recycled by an appointed personnel and those but if not, those garbage shall be reused to fill the construction site of the WWTP; and

d. According to Administration regulations for City Construction Garbage, the Construction organization shall be responsible for the disposal of construction garbage. Before disposal, the organization shall file application to the environmental sanitation department and deliver the garbage via the required transportation line within the required duration. Earthwork residue shall be minimized, reused and harmlessly treated as possible. According to the engineering construction status of the city, those residues shall be first used to fill other construction sites of the city after discussion with the city construction department and the city environmental sanitation department. It’s better to be disposed on the site as possible; and if not, it shall be delivered to a required place outside of the city and properly stacked. | | | |/ |/ |/ | | |

Continue Schedule 6 Summary of Environmental Management Plan of Yueshan Town WWTP Project

Possible Impact |Mitigation Measures |Execution Period |Executed by |Monitored by |Monitor Factors |Monitoring Frequency |Monitoring Station |Environmental Management Budge (RMB) | |Noise |Pipe network Construction |a. During construction, the operation time of construction equipment shall be properly arranged so as to avoid that lots of equipment with high noise may operated at the same time or at night. Night transportation shall be reduced as possible and operation during 2:00-6:00 is forbidden. Construction works required to be carried out at night shall be approved by the related local department first and noise barriers shall be built between the noise source and the sensitive points;

b. As for construction on the roads where the school is located, the construction organization shall negotiate with the school first to arrange construction works with high noise carried out during winter and summer vacations, weekends or after-school durations in the construction period as possible and the construction works shall be quickened to shorten construction period and to reduce the interference. Rush construction are carried out during weekends so as to reduce the disturbance to the teaching of the school; and

c. As for the construction on the roads where the hospital is located, the construction organization shall negotiate with the hospital and set up moveable noise barriers. |Construction Period |The Constructor |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau |LeqdB (A) |4 Periods/Year, 1 Day/Period, and 2 Times /Day (Once Each during Daytime and Night) |4 Monitoring Stations: Xinqiao Village, Hongyang Village, Central Hospital and Xianfeng Middle School | | | |Plant Construction |A, The operation time of construction equipment shall be properly arranged, and those equipment with high noise shall not be operated at night;

B. Construction works at different periods shall be carried out according to Noise Limits for Construction Sites (GB12523-90) and such measures as setting barriers and using equipment with lower noise shall be taken to strictly control noise during the construction period;

c. Equipment with lower noise shall be chosen as possible, such as using hydraulic machines instead of diesel machines and installing mufflers to the mixers;

d. The noise of fixed equipment and such machines used for digging and moving earth as bulldozers can be reduced via installing mufflers to the vent pipe and separating vibration parts from the engine; and

e. The power-generating machinery are regularly maintained and repaired. | | | | | | | | |Ecological Environment |(1) Yards for discarding earth and residue shall be well selected but it’s better to use up. The engineering is separated into different sections so as to reduce the impact on the sight;

(2) Earth digging shall avoid to be carried out in wet season and before the coming of the wet season, the sides formed through digging and filling and by the discarded earth shall be well treated;

(3) Drain ditches shall be dug at the surrounding of the yard for discarding earth to avoid water loss and earth erosion. Temporary yards shall be well covered after the completion of the construction; and

(4) Environmental protection and monitoring organizations shall be established and special personnel responsible for environmental protection are appointed to strengthen construction management and promotion of environmental protection, to remind people to protect the environment, and to forbid construction personnel from lumbering in a destructive manner; the construction contract shall require the contractor to carry out construction strictly according to construction and expropriation scope and to stack residue at specified places. | | | |/ |/ |/ | | |Waste Gas |(1) In view of the stronger odor and the leading wind in summer, main facilities to cause odor such as sludge pool and sludge dewatering chamber are arranged at the down wind or crosswind of the leading wind in summer, via optimizing plant layout, so as to guarantee the sanitation distance to the sensitive points;

(2) When the Project is completed and put into operation, production management shall be strengthened, pollution shall be prevented from the sources, every production process emitting odor shall be well controlled and a complete job responsibility system and a monitoring system shall be set up;

(3) Safety management shall be conducted. When the Project is completed and put into operation, the personnel shall be trained on accidence disposal and all monitoring equipment shall be regularly maintained so as to make sure successful operation and the monitor and control of odor. When coming into the Pump chamber, the personnel shall pay attention to the aeration so as to avoid excessive accumulation of H2S and NH3 which are harmful to the personnel;

(4) Land use shall be well planned. According to the requirements of sanitation protection distance, the planning department shall re-plan the land within the scope and specified that the building of such sensitive points as residential areas, schools, hospitals is forbidden; and

(5) Greening shall be reinforced. Since the causing of odor is unavoidable to the WWTP, greening engineering is very important to the improvement of environmental quality and the Plant greening design shall be completed with the construction detail design at the same time. Plant greening is to completely cover all bare earth so flowers and trees shall be widely planted. Arbors and bushes such as pine trees are planted on both sides of the roads within the pant, and high and huge trees such as polar and locus trees are planted around the Plant boundaries to form a multiple-lay shelterbelt so as to reduce the impact degree of foul gad. |Operation Period |The Operator |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau |Density of H2S, NH3 and Odor |4 Periods/Year, 1 Day/Period, and 1 Time/Day |6 Monitoring Stations: Xinqiao Village, Hongyang Village, and 4 Boundaries of the WWTP |406740 (256740 if including Monitoring Expense) | |Noise |(1) Low-noise type of equipment shall be selected for such shops with higher noise as the wastewater pump room, the sludge pump room, the blast fan chamber and the sludge dewatering chamber and de-noising measures including damping cushions or flexible joints shall be adopted during the installation;

(2) Sound insulation shall be taken to walls, doors and windows between the operation room and equipment room so as to reduce the noise impact to the personnel;

(3) The design adopts the principle of sonic distance to reduce the impact of noise. In the general layout, the noise source has the farthest distance to the buildings so as to provide a good work environment for the staff of the WWTP; and

(4) To match the engineering construction, high arbors and bushes are planted together to form a mixed shelter belt, greening area within the Plant is widened so as to reach the effect of using vegetation to absorb noise. |Operation Period |The Operator |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau |LeqdB (A) |4 Periods/Year, 1 Day/Period, and 2 Times/Day (Once Each during Daytime and Night) |6 Monitoring Stations: Xinqiao Village, Hongyang Village, and 4 Boundaries of the WWTP | | |

Appended to Schedule 6 Summary of Environmental Management Plan of Yueshan Town WWTP Project

Possible Impact |Mitigation Measures |Execution Period |Executed by |Monitored by |Monitor Factors |Monitoring Frequency |Monitoring Station |Environmental Management Budge | |Wastewater |(1) Before flowing into the WWTP, industrial wastewater shall be re-treated to meet the standard of Grade III required in Discharge Standard for Municipal Wastewater (CJ18-86) and Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996). And at the mean time, it must be sure that the treatment of the first class pollutants harmful to human health shall be strictly controlled within the shop and discharged into the WWTP after reaching the standard;

(2) Wastewater discharged from medical organizations shall reach the related limits of pollutants required on GB18466-2005 Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Medical Organizations;

(3) The project construction and operation management shall be strengthened so as to guarantee that wastewater treatment facilities and the efficiency reach the standards and requirement designed, that the Project run stably and normally in the long-term and that the tail water is discharged after treatment and reaching the related standards;

(4) All environmental management regulations and systems are established and job functional training plans are full executed for the staff on all posts.

(5) Equipment maintenance and repairing are well done to reduce and eliminate any malfunction in time so as to avoid wastewater discharged beyond standards and to prevent from restful discharge accidents;

(6) Outlet is managed in a standardized manner. Auto measurer of wastewater amount and auto proportional sampling machine are set at the end outlet and there shall be online monitoring equipment for measuring such main water quality indexes as pH, water temperature and COD;

(7) Spare equipment is prepared so as to prevent the cause of adverse consequences in the case of emergent preparedness of accidences,; and

(8) Domestic wastewater and wastewater from sludge washing flow into wastewater treatment facilities via wastewater pipeline and are discharged after being treated to required standard with engineering wastewater. |Operation Period |The Operator |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau |pH, DO, COD, BOD5, NH3-N, TP, TN, SP, Oil and Grease, Petroleum, Chroma and Fecal Coliform |4 Periods/Year and 1 Period/Quarter, 3 Days/Period and I Time/Day |1 Monitoring Station: General Outlet of the WWTP | | |Sludge |(1) Solid wastes in the WWTP, especially sludge, cannot be randomly discarded but properly collected, stocked and regularly delivered to garbage filling yard for sanitation filling;

(2) It’s forbidden to discharge sludge of the Project to non-special solid waste yards such as surface water and the banks, valleys, low-lying areas, water-eroded caves and farmland;

(3) The temporary stock of sludge in the WWTP must be well protected via foundation anti-seepage measures so as to prevent from such loss and secondary pollution as rain leaching and washing and the enrichment and large emission of odor;

(4) The WWTP shall properly take the responsibility of sludge treatment, carry out overall management of the production, transportation, stock, treatment and disposal of sludge, compile and conduct regulations, working process and requirements on environmental protection against sludge, establish a special monitoring department or appoint special (or pluralistic) monitoring personnel, guarantee proper disposal of sludge and strictly forbid the pouring, stacking, discarding and scattering of sludge randomly;

(5) Sludge treatment shall be carry out in a minimization, stabilization and harmless manner, and sludge treatment facilities shall be planned, constructed and put into operation at the same time with wastewater disposal facilities;

(6) A sludge management accounting system and a transportation duplicate-form system shall be established. The WWTP shall set up a sludge management system to record in detail the production quantity, the transportation quantity, the disposal quantity, the destination and so on, and regularly report to Xiangxiang City Environmental Protection Bureau. A sludge transportation duplicate-form system shall be established and the transportation duplicate-forms shall be filled in according to the reality when the WWTP transports sludge;

(7) Sludge transportation is standardized. The organizations participating in sludge transportation shall be a qualified carrier with related road goods transportation operation licenses and it’s forbidden that any individual or any organization without related operation licenses participates sludge transportation. Meanwhile, enclosed, water-proof, anti-seepage and sift-proof measures shall be taken to trucks used for transporting sludge;

(8) The top of the sludge stock within the WWTP shall be covered and the ground shall be fully ossified. Barriers, discharge ditches and collection wells shall be set beside the stock so as to convey water draining from the sludge stocked back to the water treatment system for treatment;

(9) Enclosed tank cars shall be adopted for transporting sludge externally;

(10) The minimization of sludge shall be taken via choosing advanced sludge dewatering equipment to reduce the percentage of moisture to below 50%, which can reduce the production quantity of sludge;

(11) The sludge shall be guarantee 100% disposal; and

(12) Domestic waste shall be packed with bags, separately collected and be collective cleaned away by the environmental protection departments. |Operation Period |The Operator |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau |Heavy Metals (As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu) |2 Periods/Year, 1 Day/Period, and 1 Time/Day |1 Monitoring Station: Sludge Discharged from Sludge Pool | | |

Continue Schedule 6 Summary of Environmental Management Plan of Yueshan Town WWTP Project

Possible Impact |Mitigation Measures |Execution Period |Executed by |Monitored by |Monitor Factors |Monitoring Frequency |Monitoring Station |Environmental Management Budge | |Ecological Environment |(1) Plant greening shall take into consideration the combination of arbors, bushes and grass and keep at a certain layered structure. Local species shall be planted as many as possible to reduce the introduction of foreign species, and shall be the first choice when in selection of tree (or grass) species;

(2) Management shall be conducted. The Plant shall appoint special people to well carry out greening and management, and set down related regulations to protect greens and the ecological environment;

(3) When wastewater pipelines are buried, the ground of the pipeline sections within the town shall be ossified and the ground of the pipeline sections in the field shall be planted with vegetation so as to recover vegetation as much on the bare ground caused by the pipeline construction. Local major grass species shall be chose as greening species. Meanwhile, the important area shall be surrounded with wire nets for in-time management and protection against destruction by cattle, sheep or people; and

(4) The management of wastewater pipeline shall be strengthened and regular inspection shall also be carried out to the wastewater pipeline so as to monitor the leakage of the pipeline for taking in-time treatment and to avoid the possible pollution to ground water by the leakage of the wastewater pipeline. |Operation Period |The Operator |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau |/ |/ |/ | | |Risk and Protection |(1) The process design shall spare a certain capacity of reflux treatment and buffering in the treatment system and related treatment equipment shall be installed so as to guarantee that the buffering and reflux equipment of the system will be triggered to retreat unqualified water till reaching the standards before discharge in the case that equipment failure may impact the normal operation of the treatment system;

(2) Damageable equipment shall be of multiple sets and be provided with enough spare parts for the purpose of maintenance and update. Electromechanical machines of the treatment system shall be of at least two sets, one for operation and one for spare purpose;

(3) Equipment of good quality shall be selected. Every machine, electric appliance, instrument and so on installed on the treatment facilities shall be of good quality and low failure rate, meet design requirement, and be suitable for long-term operation and fit for maintenance and repairing;

(4) Within the operation period, operators shall strictly carry out job function according to the related regulations of treatment facilities, and take frequent patrol inspection and in-time maintenance and repairing to the equipment, so as to reduce equipment failure rate;

(5) The earthing protection of electric equipment shall be conducted according to related regulations, an auto trip circuit is provided, the operation of major equipment is digitally monitored via a computer which can alarm in time and record event location, event properties and time of occurrence so as to facilitate people organization and in-time repairing;

(6) Two-way power provision is adopted to guarantee the normal operation of power facilities and lines;

(7) it shall be guarantee at the best that grid and sand depositing pool operate well to reduce the concentration of SS and COD in the water to some degree;

(8) Pollution causes are found out from the water catchment system. Related companies shall take emergency measures to control the discharge quantity of substances poisonous to microorganism;

(9) In the case that external force majeure factors happen to cause the discharge of wastewater before treatment, part or all of water discharge companies shall be required to stop discharging wastewater in to the pipeline so as to secure water security;

(10) During the settlement of accidents incurred, warning marks shall be hung beside the waters close to the outlet so as to notify parties concerned to take preventive measures;

(11) Before the operation of the WWTP, its operation and management personnel shall take security and safety education first and safety operation procedures and management systems are established and strictly implemented after the operation. Frequent inspection is required;

(12) The design of building shall take into consideration of such sanitation requirements as water discharge, heating and ventilation, and lighting. The places for permanent work shall be provided with air conditional. And the enclosed operation places with bad ventilation shall use mechanical ventilation;

(13) Such labor protection appliances as life jackets, lifebuoys, safety belts and safety helmets shall be provide within the Plant. And proper protection facilities shall be provided to the operators working or inspecting in the wells or tunnels so as to avoid poisoning and at least two operators shall be on the spot at the same time;

(14) The edges of the paths connected to the pool shall be provided with rails and lightings so as to guarantee the safety of people working beside the pool;

(15) The safety protection of all electric appliances shall meet the safety regulations of electric appliances and the earthing protection of high voltage equipment shall be well done;

(16) The dangerous parts of machines, such as driving belts, gears and grinding wheels, shall be provided with guarding devices;

(17) Dangerous areas within the Plant shall be alarmed by hanging a warning board at the noticeable position, platforms higher than 1.2m shall be provided with protection rails and those places which may cause the enrichment of poisonous harmful gas shall be provided with venting facilities;

(18) During each period, according the actual necessity and convenience of use, production sanitation rooms (such as rest rooms, washing rooms and undressing rooms) shall be provided; besides the strengthening of ventilation and the provision of shelter, rest rooms shall also be built for work in construction sections with bad environment and open field. Concentration bathrooms are constructed in the Plant; and

(19) Worker who directly deal with wastewater, sludge and domestic waste shall do regular health examination and take regular injection of related vaccines. |Operation Period |The Operator |Xiangxaing City Environmental Protection Bureau | | | | | |



The People’s Government of Hunan Province

Provincial Project Leader Team

Provincial PMO

Xiangxiang City PMO


International Engineering Consulting Center

The People’s Government of Xiangxiang City

Project Team Leader of Xiangxiang City

Remark: a real line shows direct relationship.

A broken line shows indirect relationship.

The People’s Government of Yueshan Town

Project Leader Team of Yueshan Town

Yueshan Town PMO

The Project




Xinqiao Village (6 Families)

Grain Depot

Hongyang Village (3 families)

Bailong Village (3 Families)





Xinqiaohe River



A Ditch

Inter-communication highways of Xiangtan City

Duck-feeding Household



A broken line shows the distance from the sludge area.

A real line shows the distance from the plant boundary.


Inflow Pump Room


Entry of Residual sludge into the Sludge Treatment System

Sand Deposit Tank


Transportation of Grating Residues

Transportation of Grating Residues


Disinfection Tank

Discharge to Xinqiaohe River

Discharge at bank

The sludge with the water content of 99.3%

Reach 80% after belt dewatering

Treat with the dehydrant (mixed 75% organics and 25% inorganics)

Reach the water content of around 55% after board & frame dewatering

Blend for 5h

The Leading Group

The Office

Rescue Group

Liaison Group

Logistics Group

Vehicle Group


Inflow Pump Room


Entry of Residual sludge into the Sludge Treatment System

Sand Deposit Tank


Transportation of Grating Residues

Transportation and Disposal of Deposited Sand


Disinfecting Tank

Discharge to Xinqiaohe River


Inflow Pump Room


Entry of Residual sludge into the Sludge Treatment System

Sand Deposit Tank


Transportation of Grating Residues

Transportation and Disposal of Deposited Sand


Disinfecting Tank

Discharge to Xinqiaohe River

Sludge Cake

Sludge Dewatering

Sludge Digestion

Sludge Concentration

Residual sludge

Environmental Protection Bureau of Xiangxiang


Local Environment Monitoring Station

Environmental impact Assessment Unit

Design Unit

Construction Contractor

Environment supervision engineer

Local environment monitoring station

Owner or operator

Environment management and execution organizations during design and construction periods

Environment management and execution organizations during operation period

County Level

Hunan Project Office

Xiangxiang Project Office

Hunan Province Level

World Bank

Enterprise Level

Environmental Protection Bureau of Xiangtan

City Level


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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