How to Bake

[Pages:71]How to Bake

The Art and Science of Baking

Ingredients, techniques, and recipes for successful baking in your kitchen.


How to Bake

The Art and Science of Baking

Ingredients, techniques, and recipes for successful baking in your kitchen.

Dennis Weaver

How to Bake The Art and Science of Baking

Fifth Edition.

Copyright ? 2019 The Prepared Pantry. All rights reserved.

Photographs by The Prepared Pantry. Used by permission.

The material herein is published by The Prepared Pantry for the private use of individuals and may not be used for commercial purposes without the express consent of the publisher. The information contained herein is believed accurate but the publisher makes no warranties, express or implied, and the recipient is using this information at his or her own risk.

For permission to use any material from any part of this book including subsequent chapters for commercial purposes, contact the publisher at:

The Prepared Pantry 2 N. Landmark Lane Rigby, ID 83442 1-208-745-7892




Chapter 1 Flour--the Basic Ingredient and How to Use it for the Best Baked Goods

Chapter 2 The Wonderful World of Eggs

Chapter 3 How to Make Bread and Pastries with Yeast

Chapter 4 The Secrets of Using Chemical Leaveners--Baking Powder and Baking Soda

Chapter 5 Fresh from the Dairy--Dairy Products and How to Use Them

Chapter 6 Butter, Shortening, and Oil--The Fats We Bake With

Chapter 7 How Sweet it is--How to Use the Family of Sweeteners

Chapter 8 Chocolate! How to Make the Best Desserts


This fifth edition is expanded from the earlier four editions. The design has been updated to be easier to read from various formats and platforms available today. This book was intended to be viewed on your computer, tablet, or phone. With the advent of various e book readers, we realized that the book needed to be in multiple formats, not just as a PDF document. We realize technologies are rapidly evolving. If you need the book in an additional format, please check our site for the latest formats. We invite you to use additional resources at preparedpantry. com. You will find more information like this, recipes, and more. Keep in touch with us through our free newsletters. We really want to help you bake. We wish you the very best Dennis and Merri Ann Weaver and Company Rigby, Idaho



My mother gave me a cook book for my eighth birthday. Maybe it was an unusual gift for a boy that helped his dad in the garage and milked cows. But it started a love affair with cooking.

I spent many an hour in that old country kitchen. Some of it was just talking with my mother. Much of it was learning to cook. Sometimes it was helping her. I suspect that much of my philosophy of life was formed in a big square kitchen with a green vinyl floor.

My mother wasn't far removed from her pioneer stock. She had an innovative, make-do attitude. She was basic in her cooking. She had a lot to do and a family to feed and wasn't likely to get too fancy. It carried over into my cooking. We ate foods in season and put food by for winter. On many a summer or fall afternoon, the counters were lined with peaches or pears in Mason jars, cooling, waiting to be stacked in tall brown cabinets on the closed porch that doubled as a pantry. My mother was neat, orderly, and ambitious. I hope some of my habits mirror hers.

I grew up, went to college, and found my way to Alaska. I worked in a kitchen on the North Slope, an assistant baker, feeding construction hands and roughnecks working in the oil field. Food was king there, the major diversion in a bleak landscape. I baked, washed dishes, and fed steaks to the night crew. I learned


professional tricks, techniques that I didn't learn in my mother's square kitchen.

I drifted away to the corporate world. I was fortunate to meet Merri Ann, we married, and had kids. I drifted again, this time to Minnesota and grad school. In Minnesota I found wonderful restaurants and the bakeries of the big cities. I fell in love with the little ethnic shops off the West Bank where you could get fried bananas and chicken mol?, where you didn't understand the hurried conversations between the owner and his staff. Life was expanding as was my exposure to foods that I would never see in my little home town.

I was cooking for pleasure, often for relief, and slugging out a career in the city. But I was working long hours in corporate America and not spending enough time with my family. It wasn't the life that we wanted and we revolted to the country, to Idaho and a town of 3,000.

We started The Prepared Pantry--Merri Ann and I with timely advice from a wonderful friend from Minnesota, Cy Laurent. Debbie Frantzen, our married daughter, soon joined us. Her boundless energy, technical abilities, and artistic talents proved invaluable.

No one should underestimate the time and the toil of a business start-up. But we were where we wanted to be and working with food, baking with passion. We spent the first year developing products--mostly bread mixes--baking the same thing over and



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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