What is literary analysis - Georgetown ISD

DUE: May 13/14, 2015

1250-1500 words (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font)

What is literary analysis?

← It’s literary. It’s an analysis. It’s a persuasive argument.

← It involves the use of literary terms. Look at the List “A” & “B.”

← It involves research on secondary sources.

← How the various components of an individual work relate to each other

← How concepts and forms in literary works relate to larger aesthetical, political, social, economic, or religious contexts

How is literary analysis a persuasive argument?

← When writing a literary analysis, you will focus on specific attribute(s) of the text(s).

← When discussing these attributes, you will want to make sure that you are making a specific, arguable point (thesis) about these attributes.

← You will defend this point with reasons and evidence drawn from the text.

How to support this statement?

← Examples from the text – direct quotations, summaries of scenes, paraphrase

← Another critic’s opinion, along similar lines but using another work

← Historical and social context

What is a secondary source?

← Book or an article that discusses the text you are discussing

← Book or an article that discusses a theory related to the argument that you make

← Book or an article that discusses the social and historical context of the text

How to use a secondary source?

← Be sure to show how they relate to your thesis

← Don’t overuse any one source, or for that matter, secondary sources in general

← Remember – this is your paper, your argument – secondary sources just help you out

When writing it:

← Be familiar with and use literary terms

← Analyze specific items

← Make an argument

← Make appropriate use of secondary sources


← Formulate a thesis and outline, and then write the literary analysis on Wuthering Heights.

(Thanks and credit to Brian Youthers)

Name: ______________________________________ Period: ______ Due Date: _May 13/14, 2015


(less 10 pts.for each school day late)

I. Heading & title of paper

A Left margin/double spaced

B. Your name

C. Instructor's name

D. Course title

E. Date turned in

F. Title centered (not underlined, not bold)

II. Introduction

A. Interesting opening

B. Thesis statement

III. Body (text of paper)

A. Margins (1 inch top, bottom, left, right)

B. Spacing (double) & typed black ink (12 size simple font)

C. Pages numbered (MLA format)

IV. Parenthetical citations

A. Minimum number (6) – 3 WH & 3 SS

B. Maximum number (9)

C. Form & punctuation (spacing, period placement, etc.)

D. Coincides with Works Cited page

V. Works Cited page

A. Title

B. 2 sources (1 primary & 1 secondary) – at least

C. Author's name or title of article alphabetized

D. Form (spacing, punctuation, & hanging indent)

VI. Sentences

A. Run-on sentences

B. Fragments

VII. Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling

A. Contractions/abbreviations

B. Use of 1st & 2nd personal pronouns

C. Reference to the paper

D. Punctuation

E. Agreement errors (pronouns or subject-verb)

F. Parallelism errors

G. Unclear pronoun references

H. Awkwardness/slang/clichés/informality/non-professionalism

I. Word choice

J. Spelling

| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Introduction, thesis |Introduction grabs |Introduction |Introduction |Introduction does |No introduction. |

|conclusion |attention and |sparks some inter- |provides context |not flow with the |Thesis not evident or |

| |provides good |est and effectively |for the argument |argument of the |thesis is a fact or |

| |context to a |introduces |but is basic |paper and/or |plot summary; not |

| |persuasive |reasonable |and/or obvious. |contains blanket or |in correct |

| |argument. |argument, |Thesis is a |vague statements. |position. |

| |Argument is clearly |Thesis presents a |plausible argument; |Thesis demon- |No conclusion. (10) |

| |articulated and |reasonable |contains legitimate |strates misunder- | |

| |persuasive; |opinion; argument |opinion, but broad |standing of the | |

| |contains an original |is clear/focused. |or basic. |prompt or the | |

| |opinion. |Conclusion restates |Conclusion restates |text. | |

| |Conclusion effectively |argument, but uses |the argument but |Conclusion contains | |

| |restates the argument |new language and |recycles previous |vague or blanket | |

| |but fresh language. |shows understanding |statements |statements; needs | |

| |Meaningful insight |of the big picture. |verbatim or |development to be | |

| |leaves reader |(18) |somewhat verbatim. |effective. | |

| |satisfied and | |(15) |(12) | |

| |persuaded. (20) | | | | |

|Topic sentences |Topic sentences and |Topic sentences and |Topic sentences and |Topic sentences and |Topic sentences and |

|and Transitions |transitions |transitions |Transitions make an |transitions are not |transitions are not |

| |contribute to the |articulate precise |argument connected |linked to the thesis; |evident; topic |

| |highly persuasive |argument; logically |to the thesis; but, |show misunderstanding |sentences are facts or |

| |nature of the |linked to argument. |ideas are obvious |of the prompt or the |summaries. (10) |

| |argument (20) |(18) |and basic. (15) |text. (12) | |

|Support evidence |You have chosen, for |Your evidence is |Evidence is present, |Evidence does not |Little or no |

| |the most part, the best |believable and |but it is |support your thesis |evidence (10) |

| |evidence to support |convincing and |superficial. (15) |and/or your topic | |

| |your point. Evidence |supports your | |sentences. (12) | |

| |is highly persuasive |argument. (18) | | | |

| |and effective in | | | | |

| |supporting your | | | | |

| |argument. (20) | | | | |

|Commentary |Creative/original ideas |Analysis is believable |Analysis supports |Ideas lack |Analysis not |

| |and insights; extensive |and convincing; a |your thesis but |development; |present; plot |

| |commentary, refreshing. |few assertions may |ideas are basic and |misunderstanding of |summary; analysis |

| |goes beyond the obvious |lack specific examples |obvious. (15) |prompt or text; |does not address the |

| |and basic commentary. |but assertions are | |illogical argument. |prompt. (10) |

| |(20) |clearly connected | |(12) | |

| | |to the thesis. (18) | | | |

|Style, vocabulary, |Sophisticated |Effectively blends |Blend quoted |Problems with sentence |Serious problems |

|sentence structure |vocabulary; sentence |direct quotation |material smoothly, |clarity, redundancy; |with coherence and |

| |variety; quotations |with explanatory |but sentence |some quotes stand |sentence clarity; most |

| |are smoothly blended. |words and phrases |structure lack |alone; some vague |sentences need |

| |(20) |to introduce the |variety – basic and |sentences; little use |revision; most quotes |

| | |quotation and |obvious; attempts |of class vocabulary or |stand alone and lack |

| | |facilitate narrative |to incorporate |sentence variety. (12) |introduction/ |

| | |flow; still |more advanced | |connection to the |

| | |attempting advanced |vocabulary. (15) | |paper. (10) |

| | |vocabulary. (18) | | | |

FINAL Grade:________________________________ (less 10 pts.for each school day late)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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