CIS200 – Homework #1 – Simple Formulas & Functions

CSE1111 – Homework #3 (10 points) – Boolean Logical Functions





Problem Description:

You work for an event promotion company specializing in promoting overseas events for US singers. For the year of 2006, you have been contracted to promote tours for several performers to various destinations in Asia, Europe and South America. On sheet Perf! you have compiled information regarding the number of performances scheduled by performer for each region. For example, the value of cell B3 indicates that Madonna plans to perform in Asia 6 times. The cost per event is dependent only upon the performance region and does not vary by performer. These event costs have been quoted on sheet Perf! You will now use this data to perform a variety of analyses on sheet Analysis!

Remember when referring to cells on different worksheets, other than where you are currently inputting your formula, you will need to use the sheet name in your cell address. Always be sure to use cell references whenever possible when writing your formulas.

Please note when writing formulas, to receive full credit you must use correct Excel syntax (ie:use * for multiplication, / for division, etc.). Do not use unnecessary $ or functions. Also note, when writing your formulas, use cell references whenever possible.

1. (1/2 point) Write a formula in cell analysis!B3, to determine (True/False) if Madonna will perform in Asia. Write the formula so that it can be copied across the row and down the column into range B3:D6 to determine if the corresponding perfomer will perform in the associated region.

2. (1/2 point) Write a formula in cell analysis!E3, which can be copied down the column, to determine (True/False) if Madonna will perform at all 3 locations. Use a Boolean function.

3. (1/2 point) Write a formula in cell analysis!F3, which can be copied down the column, to determine (True/False) if Madonna will perform at any of the 3 locations. Use a Boolean function.

4. (1/2 point) Write a formula in cell analysis!G3 which can be copied down the column to determine (True/False) if Madonna will NOT perform in Asia.

5. (1 points) Write a formula in cell analysis!H3, which can be copied down the column, to determine (True/False) if Madonna will perform at at least two of the locations.

6. (1 points) Write a formula in cell analysis!B8, which can be copied across the row, to determine (True/False) if none of the singers will perform in Asia.

7. (1/2 point) Write a formula in cell Analysis!B11 to calculate the total number of performances in Asia. Your formula should work when copied across the row for other destinations.

8. (2 points) Often you visit regions to help with advance logistics. Travel is usually limited to regions where there are 10 or more performances in total (i.e. by all performers combined) and either Usher or Jessica Simpson are performing there (because they have difficult technical setups). Write a formula in cell Analysis!B12, which can be copied across the row, to determine (True/False) if you should visit this region.

9. (1/2 points) The CFO of your company has just advised you to inform him about each performance that costs more than $1,000,000 (given in cell B13) so that he can ensure the funding is promptly available. Costs for events vary only by region as given on sheet Perf!. Write a formula in cell Analysis!B14, which can be copied across the row, to determine whether you need to inform the CFO about the performances in Asia. If it is true, the cell should display “INFORM CFO”. Otherwise, it should read “NO NEED”

10. (1 points) Your commission percentage per event varies based the total number of events in the region. Normally your commission percentage is 30% of the event cost. However if you are managing 10 or more performances in that region, you will reduce this percentage to 20%. Write a formula in cell Analysis!B15, which can be copied across the row, to show the commission amount for an Asian performance.

11. (2 points) Write a formula in cell Analysis!B16 to determine the number of dedicated staff needs to be allocated to take care of events in Asia. In general, if the number of performances is 10 or above, you need 5 dedicated staff. If it is from 5 to 9, 3 staff will be needed. Otherwise, 2 staff will suffice. Write the formula so that it can be copied across row for other regions.


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