Adult focus sheet ELG – Sentence substitution

558805234940This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting the ELGs in Reading. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.020000This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting the ELGs in Reading. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.right5768340Adult focus sheet ELG – Sentence substitution035000Adult focus sheet ELG – Sentence substitutionAdult focus sheet- Sentence substitution.Week beg: L, CL, PSEAdult:Learning Intention:To swap words to change the sentence.Success Criteria:*To read and understand simple sentences.* To use phonic knowledge to decode regular words.*To demonstrate understanding when talking to others about what they have read.Differentiation:HA- To read and substitute more complex sentences.MA- To read and substitute more complex sentences.LA To read and substitute simple sentences.Activity:Have some sentences laid out on the table (each word is on a separate card so that the sentence can be moved around to make a new sentence) read some simple sentences together (can link into current theme or topic). Explain that we are going to swap some words in the sentence to make a new one. Have the sentence in front of pairs and read the additional words which they can use (have at least 5 additional words). Now can they take turns to swap a word with a similar meaning to change the sentence? Does this sentence make sense? Extend- take the additional word cards away. Now remove a word from the sentence, can they think of their own word which will fit into this sentence? Write the sentence/word on their individual whiteboard. KEY NOTES:Remind the children to think carefully about their sentence. What words have similar meanings? Encourage the children to read sentences independently.RESOURCES: Sentences.Word cardsChildrenEvaluation:Next step: ................

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