Independent Reading and - Indiana State University

Integrating Instruction to Enhance Skills for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Spelling to Write

Vicki Gibson, Ph.D.

Integrating Instruction to Enhance Skills for Listening, Speaking Reading and Spelling to Write

Vicki Gibson, Ph.D.

Gibson Hasbrouck & Associates

gha- vickigibson@

Differentiate instruction and student practice

Independent practice


practice in small

Differentiated groups

instruction in small


Overview, big

ideas whole


(Gibson & Hasbrouck, 2009;

Gibson & Wilson, 2014)

Whole Class Overview


introduce big ideas, vocabulary

? OVERVIEW 10 minutes or less



? PARTNER group within a small group

? PRACTICE general feedback

Small group differentiated instruction


Explicit; specific to need


15 minutes


Teacher-led, interactive

? DIFFERENTIATE within small groups


Provide explicit feedback




Do not release students to collaborate and work in small groups without teaching them

HOW to participate ... self-regulation

Structure collaborative practice and clarify your intended outcomes

? Assign a group leader and a timekeeper

? Identify lesson purpose and product/outcome

? Use cooperative, project-based activities

? Do NOT grade work; monitor progress and provide feedback

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Website: gha-


Integrating Instruction to Enhance Skills for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Spelling to Write

Vicki Gibson, Ph.D.

Learning & teaching progression


labeling, phrases, sentences ? ORAL LANGUAGE EXPRESSIVE FLUENCY ? READING (sounds, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs,

connected text in books) ? WRITING (letters, words, sentences), highest form of language

(Carr, 2010; CCSS Writing Team, 2012; Findell, 2011; Jensen, 2010; Hattie, 2009; Hattie, 2012; Heritage, 2010; Hess, 2010; Hess & Kearns, 2010; Rosen, 2012)

Establish Reading Routines

Read text aloud at reasonable rate Read to a STOPPING POINT Discuss key details; make connections Engage in collaborative conversations Re-read and locate evidence Use evidence to support inferences/predictions

Read text aloud so that it sounds like conversation

The text wrap on a page and sentence length affect students' comprehension.

Keep prepositional phrases together by reading like you talk.

Manipulate the demand on the reader at all grade levels

Demand is high

Performance is low

Level Up ... LDeviffeelreUnptiate text complexity

and manage text complexity

? Use more complex text in small group with teacher (instructional level for TEACHING)

? Use lesser complex text for guided practice (formerly taught text or Leveled Readers)

? Increase complexity towards grade level as students' skills become more proficient

Teach students to read strategically


Locate "knowns" List unfamiliar words; establish word meanings Locate "meat and potato" words Annotate

Copyright2016?GHA.. All rights reserved.

Website: gha-


Integrating Instruction to Enhance Skills for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Spelling to Write

Vicki Gibson, Ph.D.

Demonstrate how to access complex text

? Skim and scan print concepts; identify unfamiliar words ? Connect prior learning and knowledge to new information ? Read text TO and WITH students; echo reading ? Teach/determine word meanings in context of use ? Develop word consciousness phonologically and

morphologically ? Locate evidence in text and use to support discussions

Model referencing text

Skim and scan for key details

Discuss relationships between illustrations (print concepts) and the text

Foundational Skills

? Identify unknowns ? Ask and answer questions for clarification ? Identify characters, settings, major events ? Compare and contrast ? Retell story

Teach students how to code text and take notes

Key detail Evidence to support opinion

? Ask for clarification

Re-read and discuss Consensus on main ideas

Resources: Kathy Bumgardner, M.Ed.

Assign partner practice


READ closely. TALK collaboratively. TELL the evidence. INFER what text means WRITE to source

Use Word Walls differently

Sort pictures or printed words by use to develop conceptual word knowledge and grammar

Use pictures or words

Use words in oral sentences, then print

Read, ask, Does that sound right?

Copy sentences, re-read

Naming words Nouns

Describing words Adj/Adv

Action words Verbs


Copyright2016?GHA.. All rights reserved.

Website: gha-


Integrating Instruction to Enhance Skills for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Spelling to Write

Vicki Gibson, Ph.D.

Organize words on Vocabulary Lists

Naming words or Nouns

Action words or Verbs

Describing words or Adjectives and Adverbs

Other (HFW, conjunctions)

Study word meaning and use. Create sentences to see, hear, and speak using correct grammar. Copy sentences and reread.

Does that sound right?

*Older students use small cards with vocabulary words typed on mailing labels

Create and use Word Banks Type words on mailing labels; 2 words per label Arial font size 14-18. Cut index cards into fourths. Attach one word to each card. Students manipulate word cards to form sentences.

Answer and ask questions

Text dependent questions

Look back in text. Locate evidence.

? Answer questions orally ? Write response with partner ? Write response independently

Text dependent questions

What claims does the author make? What is the author trying to tell you as a reader? What evidence does the author use to support those claims? How does the author change the words to make you feel or respond and support his/her viewpoint? How is this document supposed to make me feel? What words affected how you felt about this text or story? Why?

5 Pre--Wri)ng Strokes

create shapes & le7ers




Copyright2016?GHA.. All rights reserved.

Website: gha-


Integrating Instruction to Enhance Skills for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Spelling to Write

Vicki Gibson, Ph.D.

Combine strokes to create drawings

Directed Drawing

Learn to copy a teacher's model

Fold paper Trace over lines Listen and look Copy teacher's model

Complete one box at a time

Repeat each step when drawing next box First, next, next, last

Integrate instruction to develop Foundational Skills

? Listen and follow directions ? Participate in small group ? Sequencing

? Whole is equal to sum of its parts ? Alignment, orientation ? Fine motor coordination ? Print concepts, language, literacy ? Talk about details; tell story

Directed Drawing

Pre-writing strokes are used to "print" letters and words

? Use pre-writing strokes to printing lowercase letters

? Introduce letters by similar strokes: o, a, c, d, g, s, f using "up & around"

? Use "touch, pull down": l, i, t, m, n, r, h, p, b, j, k

? Use slant strokes: v, w, x, y, z

? Teach e, q, u

We Can Early Learning Curriculum, I Can Draw Pre-Writing Program WeCan.

Develop foundational skills to support emergent reading and writing

Word knowledge/vocabulary development, listening, speaking, describing, reading and using evidence to support opinion, writing in response to text using correct grammar

Thanks for listening!

Vicki Gibson, Ph.D.

Author, We Can Author, McGraw Hill gha-

Research and evidenced-based

We Can Early Learning Curriculum, Voyager Learning Dubno, J. (2011). A sustainable financing model: High quality preschool for at-risk children, results from Granite School District in Utah. Retrieved from

Copyright2016?GHA.. All rights reserved.

Website: gha-



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