Rules – Student Use of Laptops

Rules – Student Use of Laptops


1. Laptops must be checked in and out by # on the checkout sheet.

2. No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom.

3. Students must remain in their seats while laptops are in use.

4. Laptops may be used only for the purpose intended by the teacher.

5. If using computers without the power cords watch the “charge level” on the upper right of the menu. Notify teacher if charge gets below 30%.

6. No student may leave the classroom at the end of the period until all laptops have been returned to the cart and accounted for. Students must remain seated until dismissed by the teacher – not the bell.


1. Turn computer on – power button is the round button on top right of keyboard.

2. The following applications are available and located on the dock for student use:

a. Web Browsers: Internet Explorer (WINDOWS), FIREFOX, CHROME, SAFARI (MAC)

b. Microsoft Office

c. Comic Life

d. Inspiration, Kidspiration


1. Computers are not set to print to classroom computers. Have students email or transfer work to you.

Finishing Up

1. Computers must be checked off by the teacher before students put computer away.

2. Before being signed in by the teacher students must:

a. Quit all applications being used

b. Choose shutdown under the blue apple on upper left of menu at top of screen

c. Have the teacher check your computer after the screen has gone black

d. Replace laptop to the proper slot of cart

e. Return to seat and await instructions by the teacher

** You must notify the teacher if you have any problems with the computer**

Carts and laptops should be numbered. Make sure the cart has the exact number of laptops in the correct slots before locking. If any irregularity occurs (Missing Laptop, vandalism, etc) notify your administrator and the Inventory Manager immediately.

Laptop Agreement

I have read and discussed the rules for computer use with my teacher and I agree to follow all the rules and directions applying to the use of the laptop cart. I understand that if I do not use the laptops as instructed by the teacher I will lose the privilege of using the computers in class and I will receive a zero for the assignment.

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