Phase 2 Breakdown

The Grand Standard

“The Step by Steps to Sustainable Living”

Table of Contents


Phase 1 - The Garden View

Build one ten-acre homestead business:

The Grand Staff - A Real Working Artist Community (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 1 - Start a Home Church Group

Step 2 - Start a Limited Liability Corporation (S - Corporation)

Step 3 - Purchase ten acres, start up supplies, and build "The Seed”

Step 4 - Create six part-time jobs

Step 5 - Become a “(Co-op)erative Community”

Step 6 - Begin Trade Work

Step 7 - Develop the ten-acre homestead farming system and build earth-sheltered homes

Step 8 - All Home Church Group members begin full-time work

Step 9 - Begin Apprenticeship Program (“Holistic Discipleship”)

Phase 2 - The Grand Staff

Build twelve ten-acre homestead businesses called “A Comprehensive Trade Community”:

Step 0 - A Real Working Artist Community (36 Full-Time Members) *Completed in Phase 1

Step 1 - Organic Animal Husbandry (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 2 - Organic Clothing and Textiles (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 3 - Organic Hygiene Products & Services (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 4 - Designers and Organic Builders: Rough and Fine Construction (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 5 - Protective Services and Logistics: “Strategic Defense Network” (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 6 - Healthcare Business Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 7 - Orphan Ministry Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 8 - Sex Traffic Ministry Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 9 - Abused Ministry Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 10 - Elderly Ministry Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 11 - Handicapped Ministry Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

Step 12 - Launch the Kinesthetic Community College (KCC)

Step 13 - Begin our “Ground Breaking Events”

Phase 3 - The Grand View

Build a total of eighty-four Comprehensive Trade Communities called “A City of Habitation”:

Step 0 - The Yellow Assembly (Twelve Comprehensive Trade Communities) *Completed in Phase 2

Step 1 - The Green Assembly (Twelve Comprehensive Trade Communities)

Step 2 - The Blue Assembly (Twelve Comprehensive Trade Communities)

Step 3 - The Violet Assembly (Twelve Comprehensive Trade Communities)

Step 4 - The Red Assembly (Twelve Comprehensive Trade Communities)

Step 5 - The Orange Assembly (Twelve Comprehensive Trade Communities)

Step 6 - The White Assembly (Twelve Comprehensive Trade Communities)

Phase 4 - The Grand Standard

Build three more Cities of Habitation for a total of four called “The Assemblies of Light”:

(145,152 Full-Time Members)

Step 0 - The Northern Assemblies of Light (36,288 Full-Time Members) *Completed in Phase 3

Step 1 - The Eastern Assemblies of Light (36,288 Full-Time Members)

Step 2 - The Southern Assemblies of Light (36,288 Full-Time Members)

Step 3 - The Western Assemblies of Light (36,288 Full-Time Members)


Restoring the Expression of Christianity in One Generation

We have come to believe that God’s simple yet profound justice plan for us now is a restored family and community infrastructure. We believe that a restored community infrastructure will replace current educational, corporate, and religious infrastructures.

We believe that a restored community infrastructure can supply all of our practical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We also believe that a restored community infrastructure can also begin to truly take on the load of those that have been oppressed, neglected and rejected.

We believe a restored community infrastructure will abolish the exploitation of not only people, but of all living things upon which people depend.

The Economy of Eden

How Home Economy Works: Shareholders of Garden “Stocks”

We are taught to invest our savings in stocks and bonds or in mutual funds, which are then invested in stocks and bonds. Perhaps this is a smart thing to do; I surely don’t know. The trouble with any of these pieces of paper or metal (other than the fact that most people don’t have the surplus money to take advantage of them) is that you can’t do anything with pieces of paper in times of economic disruption except start fires. It is gambling. If you think for a long time about really safe investments, if there are such things, you may reach the contrary gardener’s conclusion: the safest security would come from being part of a caring community of more or less self-sustaining households that share their spare-time labor and their production from this work. We have the technology today to turn a plot of ground as small as a quarter-acre into a tiny garden farm productive enough to provide more than an average family’s basic food needs of fruit, vegetables, meat, and eggs. Our experience suggests that a community of four-acre home-sites could add to this production enough sheep and cows for its own milk, wool, leather, plus space for craft workshops and aquaculture ponds. A community of ten-acre homesteads could provide more of these resources, plus enough renewable wood for most of the community’s heating and furniture needs, and some additional lumber for construction purposes. All that the successful system needs, in addition to the land, is a decent climate and the commitment of its members’ spare-time labor. The food garden and backyard orchard (broadly defined to include small-scale husbandry and forestry) are capable of taking up enough slack to stave off a serious food crises. A “Declaration of Food Independence” such as we suggest would foster and be dependent upon a deeper and more profound “Declaration of Interdependence” - and a new economy. A nation made up primarily of garden farms would mean a realignment of people into smaller and more local trade complexes. This “distributive economy,” to use the phrase popularized in the 1930’s and 1940’s when many people began questioning both capitalism and socialism, would be based upon personal contact between consumer and producer, and upon biological technologies more than on machine technologies - the economy of Eden, in other words. Then humans would understand that people mattered, and not only people, but of all living things upon which people depend. Common interest and self-interest would become one, and that is the definition of a real community.

“And I will come near you for judgment; I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, against adulterers, against perjurers, against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans, and against those who turn away an alien - because they do not fear me,” says the Lord of hosts. Malachi 3:5

“Cry aloud, spare not; lift up your voice like a trumpet; tell My people their transgressions, and the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and did not forsake the ordinances of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching God. ‘Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and you have not seen? Why have we afflicted our souls, and you take no notice?’ “In fact, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exploit all your laborers. Indeed you fast for strife and debate, and to strike with the fist of wickedness. You will not fast as you do this day, to make your voice heard on high. Is it a fast that I have chosen, a day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush, and to spread out sackcloth and ashes? Would you call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ “If you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness shall be as noonday. The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the Lord honorable, and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasures, nor speaking your own words, Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 58

The Garden View

Phase 1 of 4

Build one 10-acre Homestead Business

The Grand Staff - A Real Working Artist Community

(36 Full-Time Members)


As we were beginning to create plans for a restored community infrastructure we began to feel the necessity for viable, verifiable data when casting vision to the people we hope to have involved in our building and to the people we hope to help by our building. We have come to think we need a model that will verify that our larger vision can be possible because we have accomplished a smaller prototype.

We should build in such a way that it empowers us to relearn all the skills that we have lost since the industrial revolution. We are not just trying to build for people, but plan to build in such a way that it educates people to be able to build for themselves. We have prepared Phase 1 so people of the most humble circumstance can have vision for their own small-scale family owned homestead business.

Most importantly, we will do nothing that any family of modest income can’t do. We speak to and for ordinary people doing what ordinary people can do with ordinary financial means. Not to sound overly dramatic, but we have a vision of an agriculture that could produce good food and plenty of it from biological power alone. We are inspired to find ways to use less and less fuel and heavy machinery. We think there is a distinct possibility that lower- and middle-income people will have to produce food in the future mostly on muscle and brain power, because non-biological power will be too expensive.

Step 1: Start a Home Church Group with an emphasis on trade and with a total of 36 members (“Holistic Discipleship”). Our first home church group is called “The Grand Staff” and is what we will call “A Real Working Artist Community”.

Step 2: All Grand Staff Members become Workers/Owners of The Grand Staff LLC (S Corporation) by purchasing 1/36th of the Limited Liability Corporation. If the 36 Grand Staff Members each buy 1/36th of the Corporation for 27,777 dollars this would give this citizen driven corporation a total budget of $1,000,000.

Step 3: The Grand Staff will use this $1,000,000 to buy 10 acres and the supplies needed to enable 6 of our Grand Staff Members called “Team Shepherds” to start cultivating crops and doing small-scale animal husbandry on The Grand Staff’s acreage. We will be calling this land “The Grand View”. We will also use some of this money to start the LLC (S Corporation). These “Team Shepherds” will live in a 13 Geodesic Dome Structure that we will also build with this budget. We call this structure “The Seed”. The Seed will be situated on “The Grand View” acreage. Our Team Shepherds will be living on the land for free in return for their part-time work on the land. They will also be able to eat the fruit of their labor (“Free Room & Board”). They will be required to have another part-time job. This is so they can meet their other needs that they will have while living on the land. The other 30 Grand Staff Members will be called “Team Stewards” at this point and will have other functions.


The Seed

“The Seed” has many ideas packed tightly together. Like a real seed we have packed the DNA of our final community infrastructure in this 13 Geodesic Dome Structure. The Seed displays what our full intent is; of what we hope to build and why we want to build it. We have three building phases to our final community infrastructure. The first phase is to build one 10-acre homestead business: which we call “The Grand Staff - A Real Working Artist Community”. The second phase is to build one “Comprehensive Trade Community” which consists of twelve various 10-acre homestead businesses or ministries. The third phase is to build one “City of Habitation” which consists of 84 Comprehensive Trade Communities. This City of Habitation is divided into 7 assemblies called “The Assemblies of Light”. As you continue to read through all that we plan to build you will notice that “The Seed” will display every one of these building phases. The other unique thing about The Seed is that it’s actually how we will start to develop every 10-acre homestead business or ministry. The Seed can house our workers called “Team Shepherds” as well as provide the food and energy needs that they will have as they begin to develop their entire 10-acre homestead business or ministry. The Seed will allow workers to protect their food from pests as well as from harsh weather conditions. When we initially begin building we will place The Seed on an area that has at least 120 square acres. The first phase will be our first complete homestead business called “The Grand Staff - A Real Working Artist Community”. This homestead business will host quarterly festivals. The seed will also have presentations explaining what we believe is needed in every homestead business or ministry; a complete homestead business or ministry infrastructure, which has three departments, firstly “preparedness”, secondly “sustainability”, thirdly “trade”. The Seed is mostly built to accommodate three main purposes; firstly, The Seed is the first department, the “preparedness” department, secondly, it will be how we begin to build each 10-acre homestead business or ministry, and thirdly, it will house 24 apprentices when we enter into our “Kinesthetic Community College Program” which will be taking place when we complete our first Comprehensive Trade Community. This is very meaty and we want to encourage you not to feel pressure to understand all of this without reading all of our building phases. When completing this document you will begin to fully appreciate “The Seed” for all of its complexities.



6 Shelter Domes: (Outer White Geodesic Domes)

Each shelter dome will house 4 Team Shepherds. They will be divided into two groups. This allows a married couple or two singles to be in one of the two groupings. Each group will be categorized by one of our twelve trades that we will be training our Team Shepherds in:

#4 Geodesic Shelter Dome:

2 - A Real Working Artist Community Shepherds | 2 - Organic Animal Husbandry Shepherds

#8 Geodesic Shelter Dome:

2 - Organic Clothing Shepherds | 2 - Organic Hygiene Products and Services Shepherds

#12 Geodesic Shelter Dome:

2 - Designers and Builders Shepherds | 2 - Protective Services & Logistics Shepherds

#16 Geodesic Shelter Dome:

2 - Healthcare Shepherds | 2 - Orphan Home Shepherds

#20 Geodesic Shelter Dome:

2 - Sex-Trafficking Home Shepherds | 2 - Abused Home Shepherds

#24 Geodesic Shelter Dome:

2 - Elderly Home Shepherds | 2 - Handicapped Home Shepherds


7 Geodesic Domes: (Inner Colored Geodesic Domes)

These dual purposes are as follows:

Geodesic Dome’s Main Function | Geodesic Dome’s Presentation Focus


1. “Red - Medical” Geodesic Dome | “Welcome Center”

Medicinal Plants

Tincture Station

Medical Supplies & Storage

Treatment Station


2. “Orange - Builder” Geodesic Dome | “A Real Working Artist Community” Trade Presentation:

Building Supplies & Storage

Farming Supplies & Storage

Limestone Kiln building Kit

Other building Kits


3. “Yellow - Supply” Geodesic Dome | “Organic Animal Husbandry” Trade Presentation:

Seed Cleaning Station

Seed Saving Station

Starter Stations

Food Storage

Food Preservation Stations

Canning Station


4. “Green - Agriculture” Geodesic Dome | “Organic Clothing” Trade Presentation

Intensive Gardening

Recipe Gardens

Compost Stations

[pic] 5. “Blue - Water” Geodesic Dome | “Organic Hygiene Products & Services” Trade Presentation

Water Collection Station

Water Storage Station

Water Filtration Station

Bio-fuel, Methane, Energy & Biomass Production

Aqua-ponics Station

[pic] 6. “Indigo - Livestock” Geodesic Dome | “Designers and Builders” Trade Presentation

Animal Husbandry Stations

Egg Incubation Stations

[pic] 7. “Violet - Security” Geodesic Dome | “Protective Services & Logistics” Trade Presentation

Security Station

Security Supplies

[pic] “#4” Shelter Dome | “Healthcare” Trade Presentation

[pic] “#8” Shelter Dome | “Orphan Home” Justice Initiative Presentation

[pic] “#12” Shelter Dome | “Sex-Trafficking Home” Justice Initiative Presentation

[pic] “#16” Shelter Dome | “Abused Home” Justice Initiative Presentation

[pic] “#20” Shelter Dome | “Elderly Home” Justice Initiative Presentation

[pic] “#24” Shelter Dome | “Handicapped Home” Justice Initiative Presentation


Geodesic Shape

Strong, stable aerodynamic design withstands winds up to 130 mph. The shape also provides maximum growing space with minimum structure and allows for continuous sunlight from sunrise to sundown.

Automatic Ventilation

Automatic solar window openers and fans prevent harmful buildup of heat during hot summer weather, freeing you to go on vacations without worry.

Thermal Storage - “The Power Pack”

A large water tank evens out temperature extremes and increases humidity for less watering and healthier plants. This can become an attractive aquatic eco-system containing fish and water plants.

Efficient Performance

In winter months, heat loss from a structure is proportional to the surface area of the structure. The sphere shape is the most energy-efficient structure by creating the most enclosed volume with minimum surface area.

Structural Integrity

Made entirely of triangles, the dome is the strongest of greenhouses, using minimal structural materials and unencumbered by supporting posts or pillars.


Organic Food/Nutrition

The Growing Dome provides an environment for year-round gardening and the growing of fresh organic produce, which scientific studies have proven to be superior in nutritional value than conventionally grown food.

Greater Independence and Self-Reliance

Access to fresh healthy food is as close and simple as a walk down ones garden path. There is less need for a drive to the local supermarket to purchase food grown 1,000s of miles away, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and the unsustainable practices of large agro businesses.

More Sustainable/Holistic Practices

By promoting both organic growing and the use of renewable energy, owners of Growing Domes learn the benefits and savings that come with living more sustainably, and provides them with a foundation for improved health and well-being.

Energy Efficiency

Most greenhouses require large inputs of external power in order to perform throughout the seasons in harsher climates. The Growing Dome’s unique combination of features and use of renewable energy enables it to produce all year, with little or no reliance on outside sources of energy.

Deeper Connection and Greater Fulfillment

There is perhaps no stronger way to re-connect with nature and the miracle of life than working with plants and the soil. Using natural systems, the Growing Dome allows one to work in harmony with the seasons to plant, grow, and harvest, providing a deeply nurturing and rewarding experience.




Bio-energy Dome: Friendly Energy, Fuel, and Food

•Renewable energy and fuel production system

•5 year amortized cost - 2 cents per kW

•Zero emissions and zero waste

•Totally organic

•Human scale

•Unique opportunity to participate early in this technology

•Interdepartmental collaboration

Mechanical Diagram:


Composition of Harvested Biomass:


Random Algae: 10%

Fibers Algae: 20%

Cyanobacteria: 25%

Duckweed: 45%


•Dome Size: 24 foot diameter, 14 feet tall

•Pond Size: 16 foot diameter, 4 foot depth, 5000 gallons of water

•Grow Racks: 120 square foot grow space, 4 vertically stacked trays

•Digester: 55 Gallon Drum

•Biogas Storage: 250 Gallon Bladder

•Reflectors: Base: 128 square foot, Height: 16 feet, Units: 3

•Total Surface Area Needed: 4,500 square feet (1/10 acre)

The Seed Cost Budget Analysis:

(7) 22’ Diameter Dome = $4,900

(7) Optional Installation Fee = $11,165

(7) Planting Beds = $5,600

(84 cubic yards) Soil Estimate = $2,347.80

Total Cost (With and without optional Installation Fee)

$12,847.80 - $21,665.00

Bio-Energy Dome Costs and Details:

The BioEnergy Dome will provide energy and food for your family and community with innovative, state-of-the-art sustainable off-the-grid technology. BioEnergy Domes efficiently harness energy from the sun, transforming it into green biomass for fuel, while simultaneously producing vegetables, herbs and fish. These systems are applicable for any family, community, or municipality, regardless of climate or terrain and are inexpensive to build and maintain. BioEnergy Domes offer a solution to local needs for energy and food.

This technology would prove a great solution to current issues in Japan as well as the EU!

How it Works

The Pacific Domes BioEnergy Dome combines a number of innovative systems that enhance the growth of specific aquatic plants. This is how it works:

1. Plants grow in a pond inside our specially designed dome with a hyper reflector (maintains consistent natural sunlight creating an “eternal springtime”)

2. Fast growing plants hand harvested, dried and fed into generator (drying equipment utilizes heat from generator which prepares fast drying fuel plants for combustion)

3. Generator produces electricity from combustion of plants and turned into kilowatt energy

by-product of plant combustion is mostly potash and micro-nutrients, which become fertilizer

4. Fertilizer cycled back into the water to enhance plant growth

5. Only emissions produced: CO2 and water vapor, which are cycled back into dome to feed growing plants

6. Process creates an advanced power system – zero emissions, zero noise and requires maintenance twice a day

Green Coal

Unutilized biomass can be pressed into pellets creating “green coal.” Green coal is:

• A zero emission fuel

• Pellets can be used for fuel, fertilizer or fodder

• Burns extremely clean

• Emits only CO2 and water vapor, which are recycled back into the dome to be utilized by plants

Food Production

• Multileveled trays full of hydroponic vegetables stacked inside dome

• Vegetables are necessary to feed nutrients into the pond

• Fish, grown in the pond, are necessary to the system and together fish and vegetables supply clean, consistent and abundant fresh food

• Unlike most farmed fish systems, this system is self-cleaning and does not require the use of chemicals.

Wind Energy

• Dome aerodynamics enhance wind harvesting capacity by as much as 50%

• Wind power can be coupled with the BioEnergy system to produce energy

Greywater treatment

The BioEnergy Dome can also be used as a plant filter, fed by and removing contaminants from greywater. Greywater is wastewater generated from laundry, dishwashing and bathing. This is the process:

• Greywater processed in pond

• Plants consume organic and chemical pollutants

• Creates clean water for landscape and garden

• Mushrooms can also be used to purify water in this system.

• If greywater is utilized, food production, fodder and fertilizer are not applicable

• Our Commercial Unit can process up to 5,000 gallons of greywater per day

• Utilizing a managed eco system inside the dome, potable water can be achieved

Sizes and Specs

The BioEnergy Dome size is adaptable according to your energy needs. We currently offer a Single-Family Unit, a 10-Family Unit and a small Commercial Unit.

• Single-Family Unit (24 foot dome) optimally generates about 5 kilowatts of electricity and produces about 10-15 pounds of food daily

• 10-Family Unit (36 foot dome) optimally generates about 20 kilowatts of electricity and produces about 50 pounds of food daily

• Commercial Unit, adequate to maintain 100 to 200 homes, (60 foot dome) optimally generates about 200 kilowatts of electricity

• Less expensive than coal or nuclear for initial set-up/ long-term maintenance, while remaining safe and completely sustainable

Pacific Domes Inc.

(888) 488-8127

(541) 488-7737

Step 4: Our Team Shepherds will now create our “Grand Staff Grocery List” from the diversity of goods that they will be producing from our recipe gardens, orchards, ponds, and livestock. The priority of our Team Shepherds will be to sell these goods to our Grand Staff Members first, meeting the needs of The Grand Staff’s internal demand and then any extra surplus will be sold to local markets or through markets that we create. The Grand Staff’s “(Co-op)erative Purchasing” enables the community to attain a lower cost on these goods by buying in higher volume. The greatest benefit to this system is that our Team Steward’s purchases on these organic goods will not only be cheaper but the money they spend on these goods will be creating part-time jobs for our Team Shepherds, also the revenue generated by these goods will be used to further develop The Grand View acreage. We will discuss more info later regarding The Grand View’s development.

The Grand Staff Grocery List:






Market Development:

1. Sell goods to The Grand Staff Members.

2. Sell goods to a prepaying “subscription” list of customer-clients.

3. Sell goods to Local City Farmers Markets.

4. Sell goods to Local Coffee Shops/Cafes.


Step 5: Our Team Shepherds will also be putting 4’ x 4’ raised garden bed boxes in our Team Stewards backyards. Our Team Stewards will be required to manage their own garden boxes. They will use the produce from the 4’ x 4’ boxes for our weekly home church group meetings. This will allow all of our Grand Staff Members to get used to the weekly duties of gardening. Our weekly home church group meeting is called “The Corp of Discovery”. The Corp of Discovery will be meeting every Saturday @ 7 PM.

At “The Corp of Discovery” one can expect to see the following events:

• Food and Fellowship (Pot Luck)

• Corporate Prayer and Worship

• Small Sermon with varying emphases

• Small Group Ministry

• Further Fellowship and Dessert

An excerpt from “On Sharing Your Own Soul” by John Piper:

Most things of enduring value take a long time to achieve. Missionaries who leave a deep mark for Christ usually give a lifetime to a people. Pastors who build deep and powerful churches for the cause of Christ give 20 years of their life in one place, not 20 months. And Christian statesmen who aim to change the laws and customs of a nation are willing to endure 20 years of setbacks in pursuit of the final victory. William Wilberforce was born in 1759. In 1780 he was elected to the House of Commons in the English Parliament. James Boswell called him a shrimp, he was so short. But in 1807 the little representative of Yorkshire sat stunned as the entire House of Commons rose to honor him for his relentless battle in Parliament for over two decades against the English slave trade. Sir Samuel Romilly gave a passionate tribute to Wilberforce, When he should lay himself down on his bed, reflecting on the innumerable voices that would be raised in every quarter of the world to bless him; how much more pure and perfect felicity must he enjoy in the consciousness of having preserved so many millions of his fellow-creatures. After 20 years of defeat in session after session of Parliament, Wilberforce walked out that night through the snow of the London Streets with his old friend Henry Thornton, and said, with joy in his bright eyes, "Well, Henry, what shall we abolish next?" Where did Wilberforce get the strength to press on in a seemingly hopeless dream of abolition for over 20 years of setbacks? At least part of the answer is that in 1792 Henry Thornton founded a new community of evangelical politicians and churchmen who lived and worshiped together in the community of Clapham near Parliament. They became known as the Clapham sect and were derisively called the "saints" by their opponents. There was John Venn the pastor, Zachary Macauly the editor, Henry Thornton the banker, James Stephen the attorney, William Wilberforce the statesman, and others. They were devout Christians. They were political conservatives, and for the most part wealthy. But they spent their wealth solving human problems and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. They pioneered Christian philanthropy and created institutions for Christian missions and humanitarian services. And they were passionately committed to the abolition of the slave trade. And they stirred each other up to love and good works! How did Wilberforce hang tough for 20 years of setbacks? He banded together with some brothers. And he shared the passion of his own soul. And in that Clapham community, soul-to-soul, they kept each other hot until the victory came. Where the gospel flourishes, people share their own soul. And where souls are knit together in the cause of Christ, there is power for the long hard ventures of ministry.

Step 6: The Grand Staff’s Music Projects

The Grand Staff has come to realize through recent artistic pursuits that as a community of artists we have all the creativity, talent, and resources needed to create powerful, entertaining art. We believe that we can start creating successful, purpose filled art together now.

Time for Prints or Trade for Prints is a term used in many online photography communities describing an arrangement between a model and a photographer. It is often abbreviated TFP. Instead of paying for each other’s services, the photographer agrees to provide the model a certain number of prints of the best photographs from the session and a limited license to use those prints, in return for a broad model release. This is a great example of how we as artists can come together and use our skills collectively to create a product that we can both mutually benefit from. In this case, the photographer as well as the model needed to update his or her own portfolio and were now able to do this for free. Imagine artists not charging each other to create the art, but benefiting mutually from the fruit of the art itself. We plan on artistically expressing a way where artists can come together, create, connect and sell art without the need of a major label.

The Grand Staff’s goal is to have 2 concept albums produced every 6 months. We will be accomplishing this by organizing 2 groups from our three different teams every six months. Each group will be focused on 1 concept album. This is a total of 4 Concept Albums a year:

The Grand Staff’s three teams are:

1. Team Ezer (Helper) - Supportive Artists

2. Team Obadiah (Prophet) - Prophetic Musicians (Instrumentalists, and Singer/Song-writers)

3. Team Eliab (God is Father) - Community Builders

From the Gadites there came over to David in the stronghold in the wilderness, mighty men of valor, men trained for war, who could handle shield and spear, and whose faces were like the faces of lions, and they were as swift as the gazelles on the mountains. Ezer was the first, Obadiah the second, Eliab the third, these of the sons of Gad were captains of the army; he who was least was equal to a hundred and the greatest to a thousand. 1 Chronicles 12:8-14

The Grand Staff’s 4 concept albums will be released every:

1. Spring Equinox Festival

2. Summer Solstice Festival

3. Fall Equinox Festival

4. Winter Solstice Festival

The Grand Staff will be débuting each concept album at our quarterly Festivals. There will be a $12.00 admission fee to each event. Each paying attendee will also be given a hardcopy of the concept album. This will make each album unique because we will only give away the hard copies at the show. After those original copies are given away, we will utilize our website to sell a digital press of the album. This will include all the media that was used to create the hard copy. This website will also have social networking capabilities. Our goal is for each of the 36 Grand Staff Members to establish a “Net-Life” of 5000 people. This would give The Grand Staff a combined Net-Life of 180,000 people. If we, at minimum, get 8000 of those 180,000 “Net-Life Members” to buy the first concept album at $12.00 each, this would give us a total of $96,000. By the end of the year, once three more albums have been produced, we will be left with an annual total income of $384,000. This breaks down to about 223 albums that each Grand Staff Member would have to sell each quarter. Can you sell 223 albums from your Net-Life of 5000, especially if you steward those Net-Life Members well? With all these goals met, each Grand Staff Member could expect at least $2667 income per album. We obviously would like to strive for a bigger Net-Life and for more albums sells; this is just an example.

At our Equinox and Solstice Festivals, one can expect: (EXAMPLE)

On the first night of the Spring Equinox The Grand Staff presents “Name of Event”:

4th Act:

Headlining a popular artist we pay to draw crowds. (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM)

3rd Act:

This will be the 2nd Concept Album produced that quarter at The Grand Staff Studio. (11:00 PM - 11:45 PM)

2nd Act:

This will be the 1st Concept Album produced that quarter at The Grand Staff Studio. (10:00 PM - 10:45 PM)

1st Act:

This will be an unpaid local band in the city that will be the opener of the event. (9:00 PM - 9:45 PM)

“The Grand Gallery”

The Grand Gallery will be a Gallery that The Grand Staff will be setting up at the event with the artwork they created for both of the concept albums they are debuting at this event. The will be selling copies of the artwork they created.

Doors Open @ 8:30 PM

Admission $12.00

Admission includes a copy of hard copies of the 2 concepts albums debuting at the event.

Step 7: The revenue generated from pastoral farming, and the revenue generated from both our concept albums and our quarterly festivals will be used to further develop The Grand View’s 10-acre farming system. What we are doing with this 10-acre farming system has more informational value than is immediately apparent, because our business model, though not rigidly scientific, holistically embraces an entire farming system rather than one or two isolated practices.

The Grand View’s Development Process

Prepare your work outside and make it ready for yourself in the field; afterwards, then, build your house. (Proverbs 24:27)

Step 1: Harvest available wood for profit, while producing initial income, and clearing land for later cultivation.

Step 2: We can now begin pastoral farming. With this revenue and the revenue from our concept albums and quarterly festivals we will produce income sufficient to finance further development of The Grand View.

Step 3: This will now enable the development of ponds for aquaculture, paddocks for further animal husbandry, as well as food producing tree groves. At the same time, development of wells on natural springs will begin.

Step 4: After surveying the land during this time of cultivation, development of our 3 earth-sheltered homes begins. Each architectural design will be ergonomically suited for The Grand View’s specific business needs such as the recording studio, employee and intern housing. We will also demolition existing buildings in the city that have been abandoned in order to recycle refined resources (copper, cement, etc.). We intend at every point of development that it will be a healing and rebuilding work. We will also being putting a Hoffman Kiln on the property. We will be excavating underground limestone on the property and burning in it in the kiln and then pulverizing it; another way to get cement thus cutting off major building expenses and also creating a short term side niche market.

Recording Studio Budget:

Sweetwater - Quote ($40,660.06)

TCC - Total Confidence Coverage

** 2 Year Warrant **

TechSupport - Technical Support

** 2 Year Warrant **

* PC Setup *

Quantity | 1 - CS400v3 - Sweetwater Custom Computing Creation Station 400, i7 3.4GHz - $1,799.00

Quantity | 1 - LCD27 - Viewsonic LED 27" LCD Monitor - $289.95

Quantity | 1 - DT770pro - Beyerdynamic Closed Reference Headphones - $229.99

* Pro Tools System *

HDNatana - Avid HD Native PCIe System consists of:

Quantity | 1 - PTNativeCore - Avid HD Native Core - $3499.00

Quantity | 1 - SoftPkHDnew - Avid ProTools HD Auth Card + iLok - $0.00

Quantity | 1 - HDioAnalog - Avid 16x16 Audio Interface for PT|HD - $4,995.00

Install2 - Install: Turnkey - $120.00

* Monitor Control *

Quantity | 1 - MonitorST - Dangerous Music Stereo Monitor Control System - $1,999.00

Quantity | 1 - DB25XF3J - JumperZ 3' DB25 - (8) XLRF Snake - $124.00

Quantity | 1 - DB25XM3J - JumperZ 3' DB25 - (8) XLRM Snake - $124.00

* Monitors *

Quantity | 2 - SM200AK - Sonodyne 8" Active Monitor (ea) - $1590.00

Quantity | 1 - ProPAD - Auralex Isolation Pads for 2 Monitors - $149.99

Quantity | 1 - SLF312 - Sonodyne 12" Active Subwoofer - $895.00

Quantity | 4 - XLR10 - Pro Co 10' XLRF-XLRM Cable - $79.96

* Artist Monitoring *

Quantity | 1 - HearBack4pk - Hear Technologies Hear Back Four Pack - $1,694.00

Quantity | 4 - MicStdExtBrkS - K&M Mic Stand Extension Bracket - $41.99

Quantity | 1 - OPT150 - Hosa 50’ Fiber Optic Cable - $41.99

Quantity | 4 - K240S - AKG Semi-Open Monitor Headphones - $396.00

* Control Surface *

Quantity | 1 - MCmix - Avid Artist Series 8-Fader Control - $1259.99

* Preamps *

Quantity | 1 - API500-VPR - API 500-series 10-Slot Rack - $845.75

Quantity | 6 - 511 - Rupert Neve Designs 500-series Mic Pre/with Silk - $3,270.00

Quantity | 4 - API512C - API 500-series Discrete Mic/Line Pre - $3,213.00

Quantity | 1 - 4710D - Universal Audio 4-Ch Tube/FET Preamp w/Dyn - $1,999.00

* Outboard *

Quantity | 1 - DComp - Dangerous Music Compressor - $2,799.00

* Patchbay *

Quantity | 1 - StuPatch9625 - Switchcraft 96-Pt DB25-TT Patchbay - $899.00

* Mic Cabinet *

Quantity | 4 - SM57 - Shure Dynamic Inst Microphone - $396.00

Quantity | 4 - SM58 - Shure Dynamic Vocal Microphone - $396.00

Quantity | 1 - SM7B - Shure Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Mic - $349.00

Quantity | 1 - SE4400aSP - sE Electronics Dual Diaph Condenser Mic MP - $1,499.00

Quantity | 2 - ReflexionPS - sE Electronics Project Studio Reflexion Filter - $398.00

Quantity | 2 - DualProPop - sE Electronics Combo Metal/Fabric Pop Screen - $158.00

Quantity | 1 - GRFG4 - sE Electronics 2 Free Reflexion and DualProPop - $0.00

Quantity | 1 - SE4aSP - sE Electronics Cardioid Condenser MP - $699.00

Quantity | 1 - MA201FET - Mojave Audio Solid State FET Condenser Mic - $695.00

* Mic Stands *

Quantity | 4 - MC125 - Ultimate Support Studio Boom Stand - $799.00

Quantity | 2 - ProTshortT - Ultimate Support Short Mic Stand w/Tele Boom - $159.98

Quantity | 6 - KM21090 - K&M Mic Stand w/Tele Boom, Blk - $509.94

* Cable/Snake Budget *

Estimate - $1200.00

* Power *

Quantity | 1 - PLPLUSC - Furman 8+1 Outlet 15A Rk Pwr w/Light - $229.95

* Desk *

Quantity | 1 - MCDesk - Malone Design Works MC Desk **Special Order** - $1,699.00

Retail prices on your quote total $45,596.17. You will save $6,077.76 with Sweetwater.

Subtotal - $39,518.41

Shipping and Handling - $1,141.65

Quote - $40,660.06

Mark (800) 222-4700 x1349

Land Costs: $53,900 (11.67 ACRES)

11.67 Acres off of Charlotte Pike Nashville, TN 37143 which is only 12.4 miles Downtown Nashville for $53,900.

Earth-Sheltered Structures Budget: $185,062.00 per home. (3 homes - $555,186.00)

Composting Toilets:

Greywater System Budget:

Geothermal Heating Systems Budget:

Staging, Lighting, and Sound Equipment Budget:

Point of Sales Systems Equipment Budget:

Photo and Video Equipment Budget:

Vendor Booths and Festivals Equipment Budget:

The Homestead; The Grand View

The Grand View includes:

• Organic Farming:

• Tree Groves (Fruits, Nuts, Building Woods, & Fuel) 2 acres

• Meadow with small-scale grain raising & ponds with wind turbine generated stage (Quarterly Festivals) 1.5 acres

• Cultivated Crops (Fruits & Vegetables) 1.5 acres

• Pasture & Pond Paddocks (Livestock - Food, Fiber, Fuel) 5 acres

• Ponds (Wetland Plants, Fish, & Frogs) 36 ponds total

• Natural Water Source (Water)

• Three Earth-Sheltered Homes

Tree Groves:

“The home orchardist does not have to look at his tree grove with bankers’ eyes. He plants his trees to establish a healthy living environment. He sees the totality of that environment, not money, as his profit. The fleshy fruits provide fiber, vitamins, and carbohydrates in his diet; the nut fruits provide protein and energy. His “orchard” includes both kinds of food. Variety is his objective. Home processing uses of the fruits and nuts are important as fresh uses. Less than perfect apples make for applesauce, butter, pie, and cider just as good as perfect ones. Secondary uses of the trees are also important to the grove-owner’s scheme. Hickory nuts are delicious; hickory wood is excellent firewood. The home grove-owner sees his “orchard” as a community of interrelated living things. He has an idea and a vision of how varied and complex that community should be if it is to interact correctly in the maintenance of an environment healthy for him. That is his goal, not just the production of fruit and nuts. He knows that if he can promote ecological completeness in his grove, then the foods and fibers he needs, will come as a fringe benefit.” (Gene Logsdon)

Tree Grove Development:


The Grand Staff will have 3 Langstroth Hives on The Grand View. Each of the three teams, Team Ezer, Team Obadiah, and Team Eliab will be in charge of one of the Langstroth Hives. One can make 150 pounds of honey from one hive with a good honey flow. The ability to stack several empty boxes on a strong hive, gives the bees room to work. They can fill 2 or 3 boxes in a week or two if there is enough nectar available. We will leave the bottom brood chamber and one honey super untouched so that we won’t have to feed the bees over the winter. This will be a total of 450 pounds of honey produced annually.

Cultivated Crops:

Pasture & Pond Paddocks:

“We can have all the meat, milk, eggs, animal fabrics, and horsepower needed to feed the world without cultivating all those nice seedbeds that for centuries have been considered the beginning of the agricultural process by which human civilization survives. With modern grazing methods, farm animals can get their food mostly from grazing forages, thus avoiding the current crippling expense of annual cultivation and grain harvest. The wisdom to accept limit to control is not part of our natures – witness the United States now as it wrestles with the heady temptation to rule the world. Till farming is control farming. Control farming is dreadfully expensive, economically and ecologically. Pasture farming, on the other hand, requires a humble dependence on forces beyond tillage machines and a recognition that humans are not really in control, no matter what. Pasture farming recognizes that our survival depends upon our ability to stand by patiently and work in partnership with nature, not in dominating over nature.”

Pasture & Pond Paddock Development:

We don’t raise any annual cultivated crops. No corn. No soybeans. No plows, no chisels, no big tractors. No erosion. No herbicides, no purchased fertilizer, no synthetic hormones. We maintain continuous meadows. The sheep and cattle do most of the work of harvesting and weed control by grazing and spreading their manure for fertilizer. Planting is mostly a matter of adding forages to existing pastures by broadcasting on the top of the ground. And the only time we have had to do that was when shifting a pasture. Our goal is to graze year-round and not only get rid of the soil cultivation tools, but the mower, rake, tedder and baler too. We would like eventually to have a pond in several of our pasture paddocks and not have to carry water to them. In this way the pond or ponds become watery adjuncts to the new grass-farming or pasture-farming systems that we will try to perfect, where grazing animals get most of their food themselves, nearly year-round, without the expense of tractor farming. A pond viewed in this light, is a water pasture in which water animals “graze” and become high-quality protein food for human consumption and other animals, with minimal effort or money from the farmer or gardener.”


We accept slower growth rates as part of our pond philosophy: the pond should be a self-contained, self-sustainable, biological “machine” fueled only by solar energy. Our ideal is a pond that sustains itself without adding fertilizers, chemicals, or even aeration equipment, as the maintenance manuals so often call for. Ponds are being used worldwide for everything from stopping starvation in Africa to imaginative new ways to turn polluted water into clean water while growing useful water plants and animals in them. A pond surrounded by meadow and with a grove of trees growing nearby attracts and concentrates an amazing diversity of wildlife. The pond teaches that life is not so much a progression from birth to death as a circle of eating and being eaten, the chemicals of one body passing on to form another. A frog becomes a charming prince, not by a kiss but by the magic of the biological chain of life. (Gene Logsdon)

Pond Development:

“In our pond’s planning and construction, we will try to implement all the lessons we have learned in observing or helping build other ponds. We want ours small enough to care for easily. On a small pond, we could, for example, pull out a build up of cattails by hand rather than trying to kill them with chemicals or digging them out with a backhoe. At the same time the pond has to be practical; poems could come later. We want it small enough so that we can state that anyone with a modest income could afford to build one like it. Ours measuring about fifty feet in diameter, cost us five hundred dollars for a day’s work of bulldozer and front-end loader. Yet it had to be big enough to provide at least fifteen meals’ total of fish, turtles, frogs, and wetland plants annually. Studying pond manuals, we calculated that a body of water about fifty feet in diameter and six to eight feet deep would be sufficient. There are other advantages to keeping a pond this small. If undesirable fish get into the pond, or desirable ones overpopulate, we can more easily catch them with hook and line or we can simply pump the water out during the dry season, irrigate the pasture with the nutrient-rich water and save enough fish in a tank for restocking, put the rest in the freezer, and wait for rain to refill the pond. The pond supplies water for our livestock too. We would like eventually to have a pond in several of our pasture paddocks and not have to carry water to them. In this way the pond or ponds become watery adjuncts to the new grass-farming or pasture-farming systems that we will try to perfect, where grazing animals get most of their food themselves, nearly year-round, without the expense of tractor farming. A pond viewed in this light, is a water pasture in which water animals “graze” and become high-quality protein food for human consumption and other animals, with minimal effort or money from the farmer or gardener. Another reason that small is beautiful in this case is that we want to place rocks around the bank and on the floor of the shallow neck end so that our sheep could get to the water for a drink without trampling the banks or muddying the water. We could do this work (called rip-rapping) by hand on our small pond and save a lot of money. A stone quarry owner could possibly, generously, allow us to have all the large flat rocks we wanted for free if we loaded them ourselves on our pickup. Rip-rapping the shoreline from the top of the pond bank down to about three feet in the water is hard work, more than we would want to take on if the pond was larger.” (Gene Logsdon)

The Grand Staff will be excavating 36 ponds on The Grand View. Each Grand Staff Member will be required to steward their own pond. If each pond provides at least 15 meals annually and there are 36 ponds we will have a total of at least 540 meals of fish and wetland plants annually.

Natural Water Source:

Earth-Sheltered Architecture:

Each Earth-Sheltered Home:

• Creates Pure Air

• Creates Pure Water

• Stores Rainwater

• Produces its Own Organic Food

• Creates Rich Soil

• Uses Passive Energy

• Stores Solar Energy

• Provides Silence

• Consumes its Own Wastes

• Maintains Itself

• Matches Nature’s Cycles

• Provides Wildlife Habitat

• Moderates Local Weather


Malcolm Wells

[pic]Malcolm Wells

Earth-Sheltered Structures, Roads & Highways:

Limestone is an important commodity in Missouri. It has been utilized for construction purposes since the settlement of the state. One of the most important uses for limestone is construction aggregate. Limestone aggregate is one of the largest mining industries in the world. It is produced from crushed quarry rock. Production and processing involves mining rock from a suitable location then crushing, screening and washing it to obtain the proper cleanliness and gradation. The aggregate is then stockpiled and finally shipped to the site for use in a wide variety of construction applications. Highways, homes, businesses and countless infrastructure components could not be built without the use of large amounts of aggregate. The American Geological Institute estimates that 229 tons of aggregate are needed for a 2,000 square foot two- story house, with a full basement and that one mile of a typical two-lane asphalt highway, with a crushed stone base, requires 25,000 tons of aggregate. Another important use of limestone is the production of portland cement. Cement is produced by burning finely crushed limestone with secondary raw materials such as shale, sand, and fly ash. The resulting product, called “clinker,” is then mixed with gypsum and finely ground. The most common use of cement is in the production of concrete. Missouri’s limestone industry is vital to the state’s economy and essential to our way of life. Missouri ranks first in the nation in the production of lime, fourth in the production of crushed limestone and fifth in the production of portland cement. The Missouri Limestone Producers Association (MLPA) reports that limestone is mined in 92 of Missouri’s 114 counties and the industry employs more than 2,500 people. In 2004, the production of limestone commodities was valued at nearly one billion dollars, accounting for over 60% of Missouri’s produced mineral value. All this resulted from an estimated 75 million tons of mined limestone. In Missouri, aggregate limestone production accounts for more than one-fourth of the state’s non-fuel and non-metallic mineral production. The standard of living that we have come to expect largely depends on the economic availability of an abundant supply of limestone resources. Society has created a demand for access to a readily available supply of high quality, economically recoverable limestone resources. It is important that these resources are developed while taking into consideration land use planning, local ordinances and public input without causing unacceptable environmental impacts. With continued development of transportation and infrastructure, construction demands and environmental improvement, it is anticipated that the demand for limestone derived products will continue to increase. (The Geologic Column of Missouri - Volume 1, Issue 1 - Winter 2006)

We will be making our roads, earth-sheltered structures, and countless other infrastructures components out of limestone that we’ll quarry from our land. We will be using the Hoffman Kiln, which burns the limestone at the necessary temperatures to make quick lime and Portland cement. We’ll build our roads in a way that will allow good water drainage as well.

Hoffman’s Kiln 1858:


A "Hoffmann kiln", "ring oven" or "ring kiln" was a massive oven in which clay was baked at a temperature of around 1,000° Celsius (1830°F) to produce bricks and tiles. It was a circular, elliptical or rectangular brickwork structure that consisted of an endless tunnel, divided into 12 to 24 chambers, all interconnected to each other and to a main flue leading to a large chimney. Each of the chambers also had an opening through which the bricks were loaded and unloaded, to be closed by a door or a temporary brick wall. The chambers were filled with bricks (some 25,000 of them) and fired one after the other. The heat in one chamber was not only used to bake the bricks inside, but also to preheat the still to be fired bricks in the succeeding chambers. Meanwhile, air that was drawn in, through the door of the chamber where bricks were unloaded, traveled in the opposite direction and cooled down the already baked bricks in the preceding rooms. The fire was "chased" around the building in a never-ending process that was extremely energy-efficient. Depending on the size of the kiln, it took between one and six weeks for the fire to complete a full circle. Frederick Hoffmann patented the ring oven in Germany in 1858.

Earth-Sheltered Structures (Craft Workshops, Homes, Houses of Prayer, Stadium):

3 x 12 = 36 x 84 = 3024 Earth-Sheltered Homes

3024 Earth-Sheltered Homes / 7 Hoffman Kilns (1 per Assembly)

458 Tons of limestone per Earth-Sheltered Home x 3024 = 1,384,992 tons of limestone

Each Hoffman Kiln produces an estimated 100-500 tons of lime per day.

1,384,992 tons total / 7 kilns = 197,856 tons per kiln / 100 tons a day = 1978.56 days total / 365 = 5.42 years total

1,384,992 tons total / 7 kilns = 197,856 tons per kiln / 500 tons a day = 395.712 days total / 365 = 1.09 years total

1-5 Years Total

Craft Workshops:

If there were craft workshops in every homestead this would allow certain household products like dishes and pottery to be fabricated by each homestead. You wouldn’t necessarily want to make a business in one of our Comprehensive Trade Communities around certain products like these. You could share certain specialty product loads in each Comprehensive Trade Community or Assembly. One homestead could do pottery and others could do other things like make music equipment or other specialty items such as bows and arrows.

Store Fronts:

Store fronts at our houses of prayer and stadium…not in them but at plazas… I would rather them be large scale feed the poor centers as well as prayer!!!

Composting Toilets:

If you think seriously about out disgusting practice of dropping human wastes into pure drinking water and then discharging the mixture, after the most superficial treatment, into a river, a lake, the ocean, or directly into the ground water, you can see why we must use composting toilets. Simply vented fiberglass chambers full of wood chips, these beautifully engineered devices really work. They make bathroom odors and bathroom noises things of the past. Their little fans run on 6 or 8 cents worth of electricity a day, and after about a year the toilets produce rich, black, odorless compost, almost free of all coliform bacteria, that can be spread around shrubs and on flower gardens. Why isn’t everyone using a composter? (Malcolm Wells)

Conventional waste treatment systems misuse water and create pollution. In the United States, 4.8 billion gallons of water are used annually to carry waste either to septic systems or sewage treatment plants. This wastewater contains in addition to human excreta-toxic substances, dumped by industry, which are then discharged into water and soil. Both the waste and the toxic substances profoundly damage eco-systems and threaten human health.

Conversely, compost toilets reduce water used for flushing by over 97% compared with 1.6 gallon per flush toilets. Compost toilets have no discharge and create no pollution; rather, they turn waste into stable dry and liquid end-products useful as fertilizer. Greywater systems reuse wash water on site for plan irrigation. Thus, in new construction, the combination of compost toilets and greywater systems eliminates the need for expensive, invasive, and polluting infrastructure. (Clivus Multrum)


Clivus Multrum


Clivus Multrum


Clivus Multrum

Hand-pumped Shallow Well:


Malcolm Wells

Waste Management Center:


Malcolm Wells

A Percolation Bed:


Malcolm Wells

Wind Powered Generators:

Malcolm Wells

Wind Turbine Water Heating:

Metal Inserts:


Malcolm Wells

Drying Yard:


Malcolm Wells

Light Tubes:


Wood-Burning Stoves:

Home-made Food Dryers:

Geothermal Heating Systems:

Ice House:

Meat & Fish Smoker:

Cider Press:

Heated Garages:

Greenhouse Flower Solar Rooms:


Malcolm Wells

Step 8: After The Grand View has been developed. All Grand Staff Members will be invited to live there. There will be no rent required by any Grand Staff Member because they all own 1/36 of the land and corporation. All Grand Staff Members will also be able to start eating the produce from our recipe gardens, orchards, ponds, and livestock free of charge as well.

The Grand Staff Workload

Three types of part-time work will be required for all Grand Staff Members:

1. Part-Time Pastoral Farming refers to livestock and land cultivation for the production of food and even draft power.

2. Part-Time Pillar Work is the process in which raw materials are transformed into finished goods. This work also provides services such as the arts.

3. Part-Time Specialty Work refers to specialty work to make pottery and specialty items needed by our community members.

The Grand View Infrastructure:


Step 9: After all Grand Staff Members are moved in we will host The Corp of Discovery, our weekly home church group, on The Grand View. We will begin to invite other artist in our local community to come and be a part of our fellowship. These visitors will have an opportunity to see everything that we do as “A Real Working Art Community”. This is a perfect opportunity for more Holistic Discipleship (Spiritual/Trade Discipleship). At anytime members of The Grand Staff can sell out of the corporation but they will only be able to sell their 1/36th of the corporation for the same price that they bought it for (In this example - $9,000 - $14,000). They will still be making a percentage of the concept albums they were a part of creating as long as that particular project is still selling. They will only be able to sell their 1/36th of the corporation to individuals attending The Corp of Discovery who are approved for our “Selection” step of “The Grand Staff’s Discipleship Program”. This will allow The Corp of Discovery to be a type of human resource “farm” to provide stewards and shepherds for our homestead businesses or ministries.

The Grand Staff Discipleship Program

Step One: Discipleship

Step Two: Selection

Step Three: Apprenticeship

Step Four: Leadership

The Grand Staff

Phase 2 of 4

“The Step by Steps to Sustainable Living”

Step 1: The goal of Phase 2 is to build a “Comprehensive Trade Community”. We will do this by starting twelve Home Church Groups, with an emphasis on trade, and with a total of 36 members each. We call this “Holistic Discipleship”. These home church groups will precede twelve 10-acre homestead businesses to follow.


The twelve 10-acre homestead businesses are:

1. A Real Working Artist Community “The Grand Staff” (36 Full-Time Members)

2. Organic Animal Husbandry (36 Full-Time Members)

3. Organic Clothing (36 Full-Time Members)

4. Organic Hygiene (36 Full-Time Members)

5. Designers and Organic Builders - Rough and Fine Construction (36 Full-Time Members)

6. Protective Services and Logistics “The Strategic Defense Network” (36 Full-Time Members)

7. Healthcare (36 Full-Time Members)

8. Orphan Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

9. Sex Trafficking Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

10. Abused Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

11. Elderly Homes “The Thomas J. Hanly Foundation” (36 Full-Time Members)

12. Handicapped Homes (36 Full-Time Members)

432 Full-Time Community Members Total

Step 2: Each home group will complete Steps 1-9 from Phase 1. The only difference is that each businesses infrastructure, and its architecture, will be suited for that particular trade.

Our Comprehensive Trade Community Development Program:

“The ministry shall flow and rotate”

We believe the Lord has given us revelation on an orderly way to build our first Comprehensive Trade Community. We will build each 10-acre homestead business in a particular order for many reasons. The main reason is to bring us to sustainability as quickly as possible, and in the order that our needs are most needed. For example:

1. The Grand Staff - “A Real Working Artist Community” Homestead Business: ♍

The Grand Staff was chosen to be the first Homestead Business, because it will be a prophetic message, a blowing of the trumpet if you will, of the new work God is doing, to proclaim a new standard for Christian living. It will not just be a prophetic message, but this artistic community will embody the message, and will help people enter into this new lifestyle. There will be quarterly festivals where the prophetic music and art will be played and sold. This art will embody the ideals that support our beliefs on Christian living, just like William Wilberforce, when he began his work to abolish slavery in Great Britain, he realized educating the people was the first thing that needed to be done. People will be able to buy and taste the goods we farm on our land at our quarterly festivals. They will also be given tours of our Earth-Sheltered Structures, and will be able to see how we use passive energy. We will also be giving people handouts and media to inspire hope and vision; empowering people to start their own small-scale, family owned businesses. We will also be letting them know about our “Kinesthetic Community College (KCC) Program” (Which we will be discussing very shortly).

2. Organic Animal Husbandry Homestead Business: ♎

The Organic, Animal Husbandry, Homestead Business was chosen to be the next business, because our first Homestead Business, The Grand Staff, and its full-time members, should have their needs met by our community infrastructure as soon as possible. This is our priority. Is this not what we are signing up for when we endeavor to create businesses or ministries for people? Businesses and ministries are for the people not people for businesses and ministries. We believe when our business or ministry infrastructures demand full-time work from our members, then it is absolutely necessary that these infrastructures meet the needs of those full-time members. Our full-time members, at this point of development, will already be engaging in part-time pastoral farming, and part-time pillar work (trade work), which will be meeting their food needs plus they will also have shelter, but before we have built the Organic Animal Husbandry Homestead Business our full-time members are having to purchase their meat because our full-time members will not have the time to also do animal husbandry; raising the animals themselves. This workload, especially when keeping mind of the coming community of businesses we plan to build, will be too much work so it will need to be its own Homestead Business. As soon as the Organic Animal Husbandry Homestead Business is fully functional both businesses and its members will have their food and shelter needs met at a sustainable level. They will also be generating revenue from their part-time pillar work (trade work) to meet the other needs that they will have.


Chickens are the easiest farm animal to raise and the most economical. Chickens convert feed to meat more easily than other conventional farm animals, and they will eat all kinds of waste food except citrus rinds.

Catching Chickens:

To catch a chicken all you need is a six foot length of stiff wire with a tight crook at one end to hook its leg.


Generally speaking, a broiler, a chicken raised for meat, will gain a pound for every two and a half pounds of feed, a little faster gain if the feed is mostly corn with a high protein (Soybean meal) supplement added.

I want to grow and make our own soybean meal!


A full grown layer will eat about a fourth of a pound of feed a day, maybe a little more, depending on its size and the nutrient value of wheat it eats. That equals roughly to ninety pounds a year or a bushel and a half of corn per year.

An acre of corn at 140 bushels per acre would accordingly, rear ninety chickens.

A free range hen would actually eat less corn than that because of other food she forages. Laying hens could get half their food from bugs, grass, weeds and worms as they range over fields and woods, and from eating the grain that falls the slatted floor of the hog pen, and what the cows and sheep dribble out of their feed bunks. They also in fact out in-house garbage collection service, scavenging up all our table scraps plus every bit of stray grain that might otherwise draw rats.

3. Organic Clothing Homestead Business: ♏

The Organic Clothing Homestead Business was chosen to be the next business not only because clothing is one of the most important needs for our community members, but we also want to utilize waste from our Organic Animal Husbandry Homestead Business. When our full-time community members slaughter an animal for their own meat needs, they will be able to give the hides and wool to our Organic Clothing Homestead Business, to fabricate organic clothing and textiles for us. This will cut some of the overhead from that businesses infrastructure, which will allow this business to sell these goods to our own community members at a cheaper cost then they will sell to others outside of the community. “Cooperative Community Purchasing” will also perpetuate the value of the dollar within our own community. At this point our full-time members will now have their food, shelter, and clothing needs met by our community infrastructure.

4. Organic Hygiene Products and Services Homestead Business: ♐

The Organic, Hygiene Products, and Services Homestead Business was chosen next for the same reasons as our Organic Clothing Homestead Business; it is also one of the most important needs for our community members, but we also want to utilize “waste” from our Organic Animal Husbandry Homestead Business. The fat can be used to make soap, laundry detergent and other more complex products. At this point our full-time members will have their food, shelter, clothing and hygiene needs met by our community infrastructure.

5. Designers and Builders Homestead Business: ♑

Shelter is one of the most important, if not the most important need our community members will have. Our delay in developing this into a Homestead Business would be mainly because of our need to get as much experience building Earth-Sheltered Architecture, as well as the machines and technologies that we use to harness passive energy. There will be a huge learning curve, and it will be necessary to get as much experience as we can get before we develop a holistic design and building Homestead Business. This business will include architects as well as engineers, and builders specializing in fine and rough construction. This business will have a vital role in our community. They will be cutting overhead from our community infrastructure, by using old methods such as “The Hoffman Kiln” for quick lime and various kinds of cement such as Portland Cement. This will not only allow us not to have to pay for cement for our Earth-Sheltered Structures, roads, and highways but it will also become a revenue center for our community. As we expand in the future we will be utilizing this business. They will be training us to build our own homes as well. We will have a very educated group of people in our community.

6. Strategic Defense Network (Security & Logistics) Homestead Business: ♒

At this point our community infrastructure will have a large number of goods and community members. We believe it will be important, at this point, to have security as well as a logistics team in charge of the transfer of our goods. We also have developed a “Strategic Defense Network” with underground tunnels, defense bunkers and storage facilities. We will have an evacuation program in case of emergencies or military threats. In a time of natural disaster or other emergencies the Strategic Defense Network will help mobilize and protect our community members. We have much to explain about these procedures and protocols, but most of this is on a need to know basis for our full-time community members.

Emergency Management Plan:


Every Strategic Defense Network (SDN) Homestead Business will have four Squads consisting of nine Squad members. If every squad consists of 9 members and we have 4 squads we will have a total of 36 (SDN) members.

First Squad:

Squad Leader (#1)

Fire Team 1:

Team Leader (#2)

Team Member #1 (#3)

Team Member #2 (#4)

Team Member #3 (#5)

Fire Team 2:

Team Leader (#6)

Team Member #1 (#7)

Team Member #2 (#8)

Team Member #3 (#9)

This will give us a total of 8 Fire Teams who will be managing the Emergency Management Plan for the particular Comprehensive Trade Community that they will be responsible for. If every squad has nine members who are in charge, this will mean that we will, at the very moment of some kind of crises, be able to send out our (SDN) members to protect and help mobilize all of our community members. This kind of system will give us one (SDN) member to every home (3 to every homestead business).

The 1st Squad will be responsible for protecting and mobilizing homesteads 1-3:

1. ♍ - The Grand Staff Homestead Business – The Real Working Artist Community

1a. Coma - Earth-Sheltered Home (#1)

1b. Centaurus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#2)

1c. Boötes - Earth-Sheltered Home (#3)

2. ♎ - The Organic Animal Husbandry Homestead Business

2a. Crux - Earth-Sheltered Home (#4)

2b. Lupus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#5)

2c. Corona - Earth-Sheltered Home (#6)

3. ♏ - The Organic Clothing Homestead Business

3a. Serpens - Earth-Sheltered Home (#7)

3b. Ophiuchus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#8)

3c. Hercules - Earth-Sheltered Home (#9)

The 2nd Squad will be responsible for protecting and mobilizing homesteads 4-6:

4. ♐ - The Organic Hygiene Products & Services Homestead Business

4a. Lyra - Earth-Sheltered Home (#1)

4b. Ara - Earth-Sheltered Home (#2)

4c. Draco - Earth-Sheltered Home (#3)

5. ♑ - The Designers and Builders Homestead Business

5a. Sagitta - Earth-Sheltered Home (#4)

5b. Aquila - Earth-Sheltered Home (#5)

5c. Delphinus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#6)

6. ♒ - The Strategic Defense Network (Security & Logistics) Homestead Business

6a. Piscis Australis - Earth-Sheltered Home (#7)

6b. Pegasus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#8)

6c. Cygnus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#9)

The 3rd Squad will be responsible for protecting and mobilizing homesteads 7-9:

7. ♓ - The Healthcare Homestead Business

7a. The Band - Earth-Sheltered Home (#1)

7b. Andromeda - Earth-Sheltered Home (#2)

7c. Cepheus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#3)

8. ♈ - The Orphan Care Homestead Ministry

8a. Cassiopeia - Earth-Sheltered Home (#4)

8b. Cetus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#5)

8c. Perseus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#6)

9. ♉ - The Sex-Trafficking Homestead Ministry

9a. Orion - Earth-Sheltered Home (#7)

9b. Eridanus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#8)

9c. Auriga - Earth-Sheltered Home (#9)

The 4th Squad will be responsible for protecting and mobilizing homesteads 10-12:

10. ♊ - The Abused Homestead Ministry

10a. Lepus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#1)

10b. Canis Major - Earth-Sheltered Home (#2)

10c. Canis Minor - Earth-Sheltered Home (#3)

11. ♋ - The Elderly Homestead Ministry

11a. Ursa Minor - Earth-Sheltered Home (#4)

11b. Ursa Major - Earth-Sheltered Home (#5)

11c. Argo - Earth-Sheltered Home (#6)

12. ♌ - The Handicapped Homestead Ministry

12a. Hydra - Earth-Sheltered Home (#7)

12b. Crater - Earth-Sheltered Home (#8)

12c. Corvus - Earth-Sheltered Home (#9)



The Strategic Defense Network (SDN) will contract out the Organic Clothing Homestead Business, in the particular Comprehensive Trade Community that they are in, to make their uniforms & shoulder tags. (SDN) members on duty will be required to wear their uniforms while on duty. The only time our other community members will be required to wear their uniforms is in either real times of crises or during practice drills.

The Strategic Defense Network has several types of uniforms:

Service dress - the everyday uniform, worn by enlisted soldiers.

Field dress - worn into combat, training, work on base.

Officers/Ceremonial dress - worn by officers, or during special events/ceremonies.

Dress uniform and Mess dress - worn only abroad. There are several dress uniforms depending on the season and the branch.

Shoulder Tags:


Each Shoulder Tag will include one of twelve zodiac ensigns and one of twelve Hebrew ensigns that will describe which Assembly, which Comprehensive Trade Community, and which Homestead Business or Ministry that particular community member is from. The ensigns as well as the color of the ensigns will help differentiate this. This will help members from the Strategic Defense Network mobilize all of our community members, but this will also help other community members identify each other. This will improve overall communication and help us expedite the evacuation process.

The 7 Assemblies of Light Colors:

To determine which Assembly a community member is from all you will need to know is that the color of the two different ensigns will determine this.

1.♍2. ♍3. ♍4. ♍5. ♍6. ♍7. ♍

The 12 Comprehensive Trade Community Hebrew Ensigns:

1. [pic] 2. [pic] 3. [pic] 4. [pic] 5. [pic] 6. [pic] 7. [pic] 8. [pic] 9. [pic] 10. [pic] 11. [pic] 12. [pic]

The 12 Homestead Zodiac Ensigns:

1. ♍ 2. ♎ 3. ♏ 4. ♐ 5. ♑ 6. ♒ 7. ♓ 8. ♈ 9. ♉ 10. ♊ 11. ♋ 12. ♌

3-Day / 3-Month Backpacks:

All of our community members will have a 3-day and 3-month emergency pack set up and located in specific locations in the storage facilities adjacent to the particular underground tunnel exit that is connected to the earth-sheltered home they live in.

Evacuation Procedures and Protocols:

Underground Tunnels & Dummy Tunnels:

All of our Ensigns will be painted on the walls of our Underground Tunnels to help our community members evacuate through the evacuation tunnels. These ensigns will help our community members navigate through the Underground Tunnels without getting diverted from “Dummy Tunnels” that we will build to stall potential enemies that might be following our community members as they are evacuating. We have much more to say concerning these ensigns as well as for the Dummy Tunnels but we will only be disclosing this to our full-time community members.

Defense Bunkers:

Storage Facilities:

Pond Exits:

Product Distribution & Medical Personnel and Equipment Transportation:

7. Healthcare Homestead Business: ♓

When planning our Healthcare Homestead, we came to realize that in the Healthcare Industry, hospitals and large scale nursing facilities, are pretty much just rooms with oxygen access for various respiratory needs, as well as electricity for telemetry monitors, and the rest of the equipment is mobile. If someone needs a dialysis machine they have a specialist bring it over to the patient’s or resident’s room. Why not include these basic needs in our Earth-Sheltered Homes; allowing our community members to turn their own bedrooms into a hospital bed over night? We can have Healthcare Homestead Businesses with various specialists that can transport the necessary equipment over to our community members as needed. When we advance our infrastructure to the next phase (Phase 3) we will have 84 Healthcare Homestead Businesses. The total amount of our full-time Healthcare Specialists and the equipment for all of our community members will be shared between all of our 84 Healthcare Homestead Businesses. This is another reason why it is important to have our Security and Logistics Homestead Business up and running so they can help mobilize and secure all of this. We are curious to see just how healthy are members will be, considering that they will all be eating organically, working in the field, as well as learning all kinds of trades and skills sets; doing all of this with their families and their Christian communities. We have reason to believe that this will be a very educated and healthy community based on our community infrastructure that has been designed to meet all of our emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.

We hope our community infrastructure will offer a comprehensive mix of health care services including Centers of Excellence in cancer, heart and vascular, neurosciences and women’s health, and orthopedics.

A more comprehensive list of services will include specialists in various fields of expertise such as:

1. Addiction Medicine

2. Adolescent Medicine

3. Allergy and Immunology

4. Allergy, Pediatric or Adult

5. Anesthesiology

6. Blood Banking/Transfusion Med

7. Cardiology

8. Cardiovascular

9. Child Psychiatry

10. Child/Adolescent Psychiatry

11. Clinical Neurophysiology

12. Colon/Rectal Surgery

13. Critical Care Medicine

14. Critical Care Medicine, Pediatrics

15. Cytopathology

s16. Dentistry General

17. Dermatology

18. Dermatopathology

19. Electrophysiology

20. Emergency Medicine

21. Endocrinology

22. Family Practice

23. Forensic Psychology

24. Gastroenterology

25. General Practice

26. General Surgery

27. Geriatric Psychiatry

28. Gynecologic Oncology

29. Gynecology

30. Hand Surgery

31. Hematology

32. Hospice and Palliative Med

33. Infectious Disease

34. Internal Medicine

35. Interventional Cardiology

36. Interventional Radiology

37. Med Genetics – Clinical Cytogenetics

38. Med Genetics – Clinical Genetics

39. Neonatology

40. Nephrology

41. Neurology

42. Neuroradiology

43. Neurosurgery

44. Nuclear Cardiology

45. Nuclear Medicine

46. Nutrition

47. Obstetrics/Gynecology

48. Oncology Medical

49. Ophthalmology

50. Oral Surgery

51. Orthopaedic Surgery

52. Otolaryngology

53. Pain Medicine

54. Pathology

55. Pediatric Allergy

56. Pediatric Cardiology

57. Pediatric Endocrinology

58. Pediatric Gastroenterology

59. Pediatric Infectious Disease

60. Pediatric Neurology

61. Pediatric Pulmonary

62. Pediatric Pulmonology

63. Pediatric Surgery

64. Pediatric Urology

65. Pediatrics

66. Perinatology

67. Peripheral Vascular Surgery

68. Physical Med/Rehab

69. Plastic Surgery

70. Podiatry

71. Psychiatry

72. Pulmonary

73. Prevention Med, Public Health, & General Med

74. Radiation Oncology

75. Radiology

76. Reproductive Endocrinology

77. Rheumatology

78. Thoracic Surgery

79. Urogynecology

80. Urology

This list of specialties is taken from a hospital located in Newport Beach, California. I have taken an excerpt from their website to show a comparison of ratios on physicians, employees, and licensed beds to show that our model can be as good as, or better than, the large-scale corporate model:

Hoag Hospital Healthcare Model:

“A National Research Corporation Consumer Choice Award endorses Hoag as Orange County's most preferred hospital based on overall quality of health care services and places Hoag in the top five percent of hospitals nationwide. And in a local newspaper survey, Orange County residents have named Hoag the county's top hospital for 14 consecutive years. Hoag also offers advanced medical programs in many specialties. Since opening in 1952, Hoag has grown from 75 licensed beds to 498; from 68 physicians to more than 1,200; and from 60 employees to more than 4,000. Hoag's reputation as a state-of-the-art community hospital has expanded just as quickly. “

Our City of Habitation Healthcare Model:

1 out of every 12 of our community members will be a Healthcare Specialist.

Licensed Beds:

Considering that we will build every Earth-Sheltered Home in a way that’ll allow every community member to turn their own room into a hospital bed overnight, we’ll have the following licensed beds:

36,228 licensed beds per every City of Habitation.

145,152 licensed beds total per all four Cities of Habitation

(“Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western Assemblies of Light”)


2-4 Physicians per Healthcare Homestead Business

168-336 Physicians per City of Habitation (Servicing 36,288 community members)

672-1,344 Physicians total per all four Cities of Habitation

“Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western Assemblies of Light”

(Servicing 145,152 community members)


32-34 Employees per Healthcare Homestead Business

2,688-2865 Employees per City of Habitation

(Servicing 36,288 community members)

10,752-11,424 Employees total per all four Cities of Habitation

“Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western Assemblies of Light”

(Servicing 145,152 community members)

Justice Initiatives:

“Wickedness proceeds from the wicked”

The first essential point to make is that Justice Initiatives are necessary to have only because people neglect the responsibilities that have been given to them by God. For example, when our fathers and mothers gave birth to us, they had to make all kinds of necessary adjustments to their lives, to empower themselves to meet our needs. Or at least they should of, and when they get old and need help, we also will have to adjust our lives in a similar fashion, to make sure their needs are met. The reason why these businesses such as Orphanages, Foster Care, or Nursing Homes exist is mainly because of our own selfishness. We do not want to change our lifestyles. This is where Corporations exploit the wage earner, orphan and widow. They say they will meet their needs for us. The problem with this is in order for them to allow this service to be inexpensive enough, that we wouldn’t have to change our lifestyle, and for them to make money from it means there will be some form of exploitation. The easiest and most Godly answer to this problem is to man up and take care of our “loved ones”. The problem is we will always have people choosing selfishness over love, so we will need to consider this when we plan community infrastructures. When we began making plans for the various Justice Initiatives and their Homestead Infrastructures, we came to understand that help should only come from the home level, and should only come from the overflow of a healthy community infrastructure. It has been said, “You can only give what you have.” This is true. If we want to venture in abolishing poverty in a particular community, and if we encourage others to labor with us for this goal, but our infrastructure does not allow us to meet the needs of those workers, as well as the needs of the poor, are we truly abolishing poverty? If our “service” to the community is feeding and bathing our elderly, as well as meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs, but our infrastructure does not allow them to eat the meals of their choice, as well as participate in particular activities that they would choose, are we really fulfilling the responsibilities that we committed to fulfill? In the book of 1 Samuel in Chapter 24, David spares King Saul’s life in a cave in En Gedi. David’s men knew what the Lord had promised David; that God would deliver his enemy into his hands, but they did not understand one crucial thing. If God were going to tear King Saul from his kingdom because he was an unrighteous king, why would God give it to David by means of unrighteousness? In this case murder.

1 Samuel 24:4, 13

David’s Men Say:

4: “This is the day of which the Lord said to you, “Behold, I will deliver your enemy into your hand.”

But David replies:

13: “As the proverb of the ancients says, ‘Wickedness proceeds from the wicked.”

The lie we find here and in many other pursuits such as 1839’s “Manifest Destiny”, and other corporate pursuits are founded in an idea that Nicoolo Machiavelli has said best, “The end justifies the means”. This “idea” or lie is a practical impossibility. We cannot become righteous by an unrighteous means. We cannot abolish injustice by means of injustice. We cannot “Go Green”, or “Steward Nature”, if we are exploiting it at the same time. We are not serving if we are also exploiting those we are “serving”. Nursing homes are residential facilities for persons with chronic illness or disability, particularly for older people who have mobility and eating problems. They are also called convalescent homes, or long-term care facilities. These corporations or businesses are very much like our large scale, mono-cropping agricultural businesses. One way is that it is very hard for these businesses to make any money at all without some form of exploitation. These infrastructures usually exploit the wage earner or defile the “service” or product that is being provided, or of both, which unfortunately, is a more accurate picture of how these businesses keep afloat, or make people money. An example of exploitation taking place in large scale nursing homes is that they do not allow the residents to eat what they want, or participate in activities of their choice, because that would cost more as well as take more employees to allow this to happen. So Large Scale Nursing Homes “need” to deal with percentages or averages. They create menus as well as activities that “all” residents may participate in, which unfortunately, means everyone having to play Bingo several times a week and eating similar meals over and over again. This is because the residents have various levels of physical or mental impairment or diet restrictions. There are also residents on the other extreme who are capable of participating in almost any activity, as well as able to eat almost anything that could be offered. In this infrastructure those residents are left extremely unhappy with the lifestyle that is provided for them. There are other major issues that point to bad infrastructure, more precisely with employee to resident ratios. Some of the symptoms of this are decubitus ulcers or bedsores, which mostly occur because of neglect. The scary reality is in a time of economic disruption we may find these large-scale facilities looking more like concentration camps.

8. Orphan Care Homestead Ministry: ♈

9. Sex-Trafficking Homestead Ministry: ♉

10. Abused Homestead Ministry: ♊

11. Elderly Homestead Ministry: ♋

12. Handicapped Homestead Ministry: ♌

Intensive Rotational Grazing:

One important reason we chose to have circles for our Comprehensive Trade Communities is mainly because of the way we will be raising livestock. The method we will be using is called “Intensive Rotational Grazing”. What this means is that all of the livestock needed in feeding that particular Comprehensive Trade Community, with the exception of the chickens, will graze in one 5-acre paddock at a time. There are 12 Homestead Businesses that have a 5-acre paddock in that community, so this will allow us to rotate all the animals every 12 hours. This is so we can allow pasture re-growth to occur. This will give us 12 days time for pasture re-growth. The reason why we chose circles is mainly because if we used squares or rectangles, and the pasture paddock next to it was not ready to be grazed, we would still have to move the animals over that paddock, to get the animals to a paddock that was ready. This would slow down pasture re-growth. If we use circles, we can have gates at the center of the circle, and we could bring the livestock to the center, making it easy to access whichever paddock is ready to graze, without walking over any of the other paddocks.

The Power of Diversity:

Explain why Mono-cropping is bad…

Diversity encourages a diverse ecosystem of animals that will help naturally with pest control…

Explain the power you have by having Agricultural Diversity, Diversity of Trade, and Diversity of Skill Sets…

The Grand Staff’s Community Agreements:

The Grand Staff’s Comprehensive Trade Community is comprised of independent, family owned, corporations that work interdependently with each other under certain agreements called “Community Agreements”.

Agreement One:

Each corporation will be required to sell their goods to the members of The Comprehensive Trade Community first, meeting the internal demand first, and then any extra surplus will be sold to local markets, or through markets that we’ll all create. As we internalize supply and demand we will be perpetuating the value of the dollar within our own community, while maintaining low cost living.

Agreement Two:

Each corporation will be required to utilize its “waste” by allowing the other The Comprehensive Trade Communities corporations to use their byproducts to create more complex products. For example, if it is time for one of the homestead businesses to slaughter its own cow, that they purchased from The Grand Staff’s Organic Animal Husbandry business, for its own meat needs. They will need to skin the animal but instead of throwing away the hide they will have The Grand Staff’s Protective Services and Logistics (“Strategic Defense Network”) business bring the hide over to The Grand Staff’s Organic Clothing business and they will tan the hide to make leather. They will use this leather for making leather clothing and other textile goods. They will not only be making organic textiles but before they sell these goods to The Grand Staff Members they will be measuring each of our members so our clothing will be hand tailored as well. The Grand Staff’s Organic Clothing business will have scrap leather that they will have the Strategic Defense Network bring to The Grand Staff’s Organic Hygiene business. They will be boiling these scraps down to make glue. This will be cutting out some of the overhead that would be in other business models that would be necessary to fabricate the products but will not be necessary with our community. Because of this Interdependency our Community Members can sell these goods to each other for much less than we will be charging others outside of the community. This is another way that we will be perpetuating the value of the dollar within our own community while maintaining low cost living.

Why Interdependency: “The Law of Interdependency”

“Their safety lies within drawing close together. Yes, I would have them draw real close together.”

If anyone studies economics long enough one will come to understand that everyone will always need to depend on their local community, whether they want to be aware of it or not. If you think about the wide array of things one needs to survive, and you think about one family trying to provide all of these things on their own, you will realize that you will at least need a small community of families working together to carry this load. If this interdependency already exists, why not improve this by being more intentional about these relationships. A Comprehensive Trade Community working under certain Community Agreements might be the very thing needed to make it possible for families to accomplish as much independence as possible.

The Kinesthetic Community College (KCC) Program: Discipleship Training School

“A New Work, A Do Work… A Quick Work”

After all 12 Homestead Businesses are fully functional we will all be entering into The (KCC) Program. Kinesthetic learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the student actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or merely watching a demonstration. It is also referred to as tactile learning. People with a kinesthetic learning style are also commonly known as do-ers. The most ideal situation at this point is if, instead of individuals owning 1/36th of the business, we had 12 families own their own 10-acre Homestead Business. These families could become Teacher/Families, and could live in one of the three Earth-Sheltered Homes, on their particular Homestead Business, and they could allow the other two Earth-Sheltered Homes to be occupied by interns, twelve interns to an “Earth-Sheltered Dormitory”. We could have one of the Earth-Sheltered Dormitories be for female interns, and the other for male interns.

What we believe God has asked us to do is to create a complete homestead ministry and business infrastructure. We believe all homestead businesses or ministries need three departments: firstly is what we call “Preparedness”, secondly is “Sustainability”, and thirdly “Trade”. Eventually we hope to create a complete community infrastructure as well. We hope to do this by inviting the right kind of “Team Shepherds” to build with us; we desire that they will head up their own complete homestead businesses or ministries in the future. We will be accepting 2 “Team Shepherds” per “Trade”. There are 12 local “trades” that we have developed apprenticeship programs for. We will be teaching our Team Shepherds preparedness and sustainability on the “The Grand View” acreage and for the trade portion of our Discipleship Training School called, “The Kinesthetic Community College”, we will be sending them to local small-scale, family owned, businesses or ministries to be discipled in their own Trade that they hope to do in the future. After they complete the “The Kinesthetic Community College Program” we have developed a 9-step plan that will help our “Team Shepherds” start their own homestead business or ministry. After each “Team Shepherd” starts their own home-church group with and emphasis on “Trade”, they will have 8 more steps that will help them develop their home-church group into a 10-acre homestead business or ministry. After there are twelve 10-acre homestead businesses or ministries we will have completed the first Comprehensive Trade Community. At this point our KCC program will be in full swing. Each homestead business or ministry will be apprenticing 24 Team Shepherds but now only in their own trade specialty. These Team Shepherds will be living in The Shelter Domes in The Seed during their six-month term @ The Kinesthetic Community College.

Efficient, Economical, and Exponential Growth:

“There shall be schools of ministry. They shall flow out of the city into the country, into the City of Habitation”

From The Kinesthetic Community College (KCC) Program we will be sending out “Generals” into the next phase of our community infrastructure: “A City of Habitation”. If we have 12 homestead businesses and ministries, and those have apprenticeship programs that last six months, we will have a total of 24 Generals sent out twice a year, from each homestead business or ministry; giving us a total of 288 Generals sent out from our 12 homestead businesses bi-annually. If we divide those 24 full-time members, from each homestead business, into groups of 6 called “Team Shepherds”, we will be able to start 4 homestead businesses every 6 months. All these “Generals” (Team Shepherds) will have to do is repeat Phase 1 and 2. This means we will be able to send out enough Generals out to start an entire Assembly in just a year and a half.

A Complete Homestead Infrastructure:

1.) Preparedness Department

2.) Sustainability Department

3.) Trade Department (Pillar Work & Specialty Trade Work)

1.) Our “Preparedness” Programs:

Make 3 Day & 3 Month Back Pack

CPR Certification Program

First Aid Certification Program

EMT Basic Certification Program

Armed Patrol Agent - KC Commission Certification Program

Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) Certification Program

Build “The Seed”: 7 Geodesic Domes & 6 Shelter Domes

2.) Our “Sustainability” Programs:

Tree Groves (Fruits, Nuts, Building Woods, & Fuel)

Pasture Meadow with Assorted Grains & Ponds with Wind Turbine Generated Stage (Quarterly Festivals)

Cultivated Crops (Fruits & Vegetables)

Pasture & Pond Paddocks (Livestock - Food, Fiber, Fuel)

Excavated Ponds (Wetland Plants, Fish, & Frogs)

Natural Water Source (Water)

Square Foot Gardening Certification Program

Permaculture Certification Program

3.) Our “Trade” Apprenticeship Programs (Pillar Work & Specialty Trade Work):

Our Trade Apprenticeship Programs have four phases:

1st Phase - The Unity Garden & Monthly Love Feasts:

Our Unity Garden and Monthly Love Feast’s main objectives are to provide the needed avenue to start building relationships with local, small-scale, family owned businesses or ministries that we hope to develop apprenticeship programs with. We will be giving them garden boxes on our Grand View acreage. We will be using this produce for our Monthly Love Feasts. We will be providing food, music, entertainment, and a venue for these various business and ministries; to discuss the ideas and issues concerning the present times we live in. Like Abigail Adams who was highly conscious of her role as the president's wife, Abigail Adams saw her role largely as a hostess for the public and partisan symbol of the Federalist Party. Her entertainments were confined to a relatively small home in Philadelphia, turned into a hotel after the capital was moved from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. These parties gave the delegates an opportunity to have the needed discussions to improve things, but in the appropriate context; in fellowship, and though relationship building.

2nd Phase - Quarterly Festivals:

When The Grand Staff begins our quarterly festivals we will be using The Seed to help the various business and ministries present what they are doing and to give them an opportunity to sell their particular goods or educational products at our events. This is another great way to support these local business and ministries and to build relationship with them. Eventually from these quarterly festivals we hope that we all will be allowing people to sign up for The Kinesthetic College Program. People would have a great opportunity to see all the elements of our program. This will also be a good time for the people to meet the owners of the local businesses and ministries that they would be apprenticing with.

3rd Phase – 3-Month Apprenticeships:

The Kinesthetic Community College (KCC) Program:

1. A Real Working Artist Community

2. Organic Animal Husbandry

3. Organic Clothing

4. Organic Hygiene Products & Services

5. Designers and Builders - Rough and Fine Design & Construction

6. Protective Services & Logistics

7. Healthcare

8. Orphan Home

9. Sex-Trafficking Home

10. Abused Home

11. Elderly Home

12. Handicapped Home

Outreach Program: Quarterly Festivals

Winter Solstice Festival: 12/22/11

Our outreach program will also be groundbreaking. Instead of sending our “Team Shepherds” somewhere out of state or out of the country we will be inviting the local community to experience what we are doing at the base. We believe this will be more impactful; showing the community a homestead business that embodies the gospel as well as preaching it through a music festival.

4th Phase – 6-Month Apprenticeships:

Purity Covenant:

We will require everyone before becoming teachers or interns to agree to a purity covenant.

Making a Purity Covenant: Seven Practical Commitments



A. The Spirit is going to visit the church with great power. When He releases more of His manifest presence, then He requires more agreement with His heart (holiness). This is seen in Acts 5:1-11.


B. We see how Jesus feels about immorality in His message to the church in Pergamos. Immorality is all sexual activity outside of marriage (physical, verbal, technological). It grants Satan legal “doors of access” to bring harm to our life and family as well as spiritually injuring our hearts.


13 You hold fast to My name…14 I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught…Israel to…commit sexual immorality…16 Repent, or I will come to you…and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth. (Rev. 2:13-16)


C.    False teaching on grace makes people comfortable in their compromise, instead of giving them confidence to pursue purity, knowing that it is attainable and that God enjoys them in the process.


D.    The sword of Jesus’ mouth refers to His power being released by His commands. If we obey His Word, it will be as a sword that liberates us. If we reject it, it will be as a sword that troubles us.


E.    Jesus’ zeal that His people stand against immorality is seen by how much He emphasized it.


19 I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience (endurance)…20 I have a few things against you, because you allow (tolerate, NIV) that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess…to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality… (Rev. 2:19-20)


F.    Our community members will need to make a covenant before God to tenderly, consistently and comprehensively resist all forms of immorality. We do not have to choose between zeal for purity and God’s tender mercy. We can have both.


G.    During communion, Jesus releases His presence to strengthen our relationship with Him. If we voluntarily judge ourselves by genuine repentance, then we will not be disciplined by the Lord.


30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 31 If we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged (by the Lord). 32 When we are judged, we are chastened (disciplined) by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world. (1 Cor. 11:30-32)


H.    We can reverse God’s judgment or discipline by repenting of any compromise in our life.


17 The sacrifices of God are…a broken and a contrite heart…God will not despise. (Ps. 51:17)

22 His compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning. (Lam. 3:22-23)


I.    Some feel overwhelmed by their failure and conclude they will never overcome, so they give up.


13 God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Cor. 10:13)



16 Confess your trespasses to one another (to a trusted friend) …that you may be healed. (Jas. 5:16)


A.    Commitment #1: I commit to refuse to speak in a way that promotes or jokes about immorality. If I do speak in this way, I will confess to those I spoke to that my words were inappropriate.


B.    Commitment #2: I commit to wear modest clothing that in no way promotes sensuality by being too revealing (too tight, too short, etc.). If I do, I will confess it to my trusted friend.


C.    Commitment #3: I commit to confess to the same friend each time I view pornography or have sexual contact with someone (outside my marriage). I commit to register with accountability software. These programs track our Internet activity and send an email to the friend we choose. See: (free); (free) and .


D.    Commitment #4: I commit to hold all confessions of my friend’s failure in strict confidentiality. If I do speak it to another, I commit to confess it to my friend (who confessed their sin to me).


E.    Commitment #5: If I “repeatedly” stumble in immorality, I will confess to the leadership and then accept the boundaries and practical steps they give me to pursue my emotional healing.


F.    Commitment #6: I commit to share with the leadership if my friend “repeatedly” stumbles in immorality. I will first tell my friend before sharing with a leader to convince him to go with me. I refuse “unsanctified mercy” that allows sin to increase in others. It is “false love” that is based on a man-pleasing spirit and self-promotion (wanting to be seen as more merciful than others).


15 If your brother sins…tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.

16 If he will not hear, take with you one or two more… (Mt. 18:15-16)


G.    Commitment #7 (for leaders): I commit to follow through on the process of bringing those who “continue” in sin to the appropriate discipline and then to seek their healing and restoration.


20 Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all… (1 Tim. 5:20, NAS)

1 If a man is overtaken in any trespass…restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness… (Gal. 6:1) 


H.    We will not publicly expose anyone’s sin if they will repent (discontinue the sinful behavior). There are many levels of discipline that do not require public exposure of one’s sin (Prov. 17:9).


8 Above all things have fervent love…for love will cover a multitude of sins. (1 Pet. 4:8)


I.    Concerning one who refused to repent of immorality, Paul commanded the leaders to deliver him over to Satan (lift God’s protection allowing Satan to make him sick) to wake him up spiritually.


4 In the name of our Lord…when you are gathered together…5 deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh (sickness) that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. (1 Cor. 5:4-5)

Social Networking:

When running your own business there are all kinds of computer programs used to help manage products, manage waste, programs that remind employees of their daily, weekly, and monthly duties.

Point of Sales System (POS)

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Calendar with Reminders (Like Microsoft Outlook)



Logistic Capabilities

Ground Breaking Events: (These take place at The Grand Staff Festival Acreage)

Republican Candidate Debate geared to impact our local community and to inspire legislation nation wide:

We will be inviting all of the conservative pastors in the city to participate in a two part event.

The first part will be geared to inspire and educate all of the pastors in the city to register all of their constituents to vote. It will educate them on the civil duties we all need to participate in to have a long term effect on our local communities.

The Second part later that evening will be a Republican Candidates Debate taking place at the The Grand Staff acreage. We will be taking photos and videos of the event. We will be designating community leaders and teachers in our community to ask issues that are pressing to our community such as legislation and regulations. How can we shift things to where the government is helping communities like ours to thrive and be more successful? We will be uploading all our media and music and the debate on our website as well as having it streaming live through our website.

Another event we will have is to promote Christian movies that are about to come out. It will be showings to raise support for these films that were made to impact culture. Got to have live music too.

The Grand View

Phase 3 of 4

“The Step by Steps to Sustainable Living”

The goal of Phase 3 is to expand our Comprehensive Trade Community to a “City of Habitation” called “The Assemblies of Light”, consisting of 84 Comprehensive Trade Communities on 4500 square acres. We will be dividing these 84 communities into 7 Assemblies:


1. The Yellow Assembly

12 - “Comprehensive Trade Communities” (5184 Full-Time Grand Staff Members)

2. The Green Assembly

Twelve “Comprehensive Trade Communities” (5184 Full-Time Grand Staff Members)

3. The Blue Assembly

Twelve “Comprehensive Trade Communities” (5184 Full-Time Grand Staff Members)

4. The Violet Assembly

Twelve “Comprehensive Trade Communities” (5184 Full-Time Grand Staff Members)

5. The Red Assembly

Twelve “Comprehensive Trade Communities” (5184 Full-Time Grand Staff Members)

6. The Orange Assembly

Twelve “Comprehensive Trade Communities” (5184 Full-Time Grand Staff Members)

7. The White Assembly

Twelve “Comprehensive Trade Communities” (5184 Full-Time Grand Staff Members)

36,288 Full-Time Grand Staff Members

Earth-Sheltered Houses of Prayer:

“For out of the center of the hub, it shall grow forth from the House of Prayer”

Each Assembly with the exception of “The White Assembly” will have an “Earth-Sheltered House of Prayer” at the center of its assembly. The White Assembly will have an “Earth-Sheltered Solemn Assembly Stadium” at the center of its assembly.


Malcolm Wells



Malcolm Wells

Earth-Sheltered Solemn Assembly Stadium:


Malcolm Wells [pic]

Earth-Sheltered Houses of Prayer & Earth-Sheltered Solemn Assembly Stadium:

Our definition of community is one that sees common interest and self-interest as one. It is also one that will always prefer the long-term good of the entire community to short-term gain. Because of this we benefit greatly when we take on huge community development projects. One way we greatly benefit from the communities efforts is on our Earth-Sheltered Houses of Prayer and Earth-Sheltered Solemn Assembly Stadium Programs. These projects need the entire communities efforts. As soon as our first assembly is completed, The Yellow Assembly, all of The Yellow Assemblies’ community members will help build the Earth-Sheltered House of Prayer that will be located in the center of that particular assembly. As soon as all the assemblies are completed, and as soon as they have built their particular Earth-Sheltered House of Prayer designated for their assemblies, all of our community members will help build the Earth-Sheltered Solemn Assembly Stadium.

This means that each assembly’s total amount of community members that will be working on the respective Earth-Sheltered House of Prayer is 5184 community members. If we spread that work load evenly across the board to the respective community members and put the workload in rotation. We will not have to worry about the overhead costs that are generally required for labor. When we have completed all of The Earth-Sheltered Houses of Prayer, the total of all of our 36,288 community members will help build The Earth-Sheltered Solemn Assembly. We’ll also spread the workload evenly as well as put it in rotation. This kind of collective working for the common good and long-term good of the community can cut all kinds costs. This can allow our community to take on large projects.

We want the maximum occupancy of both The Earth-Sheltered Houses of Prayer and The Earth-Sheltered Solemn Assembly Stadium to accommodate every full-time member to be able to bring 2-5 visitors.

How our “Comprehensive Trade Communities” help “The 24/7 Justice Initiatives” and “The 24/7 Prayer & Worship” movements:

Some example of how our Comprehensive Trade Communities could help establish the 24/7 Prayer & Worship Movement, as well as the 24/7 Justice Initiatives are:

24/ 7 Prayer & Worship Movement:

If there is total of 12 Real Working Art Communities in each Assembly surrounding an Earth-Sheltered House of Prayer, and if there is two Worship Teams for every Real Working Artist Community, that would give us a total of 24 Worship Teams for each Assembly. If every Worship Team was required to take a 2 hour set in the Earth-Sheltered House of Prayer, that would mean that each team would have a set every other day. This could keep the Earth-Sheltered Houses of Prayer fueled 24/7 without the need of support raising, but rather by means of our Comprehensive Trade Communities.

2 Worship Teams for every Real Working Art Community (2 x 84 = 168 Worship Teams)

Explain how the “Real Working Art Community” could be more efficient and creative… because of the diversity of artists that could be at that set creating much more than music and video recording.

24/7 Justice Initiatives:

If there are eighty four Comprehensive Trade Communities, and every one of those Comprehensive Trade Communities have five 10-acre homestead businesses dedicated to various Justice Initiatives, and every one of those businesses house 12-24 victims of injustice, that would allow us to help the following amounts of people:

Orphan Homes (1008-2016 Orphans)

Sex Trafficking Homes (1008-2016 Sex Trafficking Victims)

Abused Homes (1008-2016 Abused Residents)

Elderly Homes (2016 Elderly Residents)

Handicapped Homes (1008-2016 Handicapped Residents)

In this model a total 5040-10,080 people could be helped at one time from our Comprehensive Trade Communities.

Animals Versus Machines:

Roosters for alarm clocks… horses for tractors and vehicles… animals instead of machines…

Water Plans / Electrical Plans:

Clivus Multrum

Underground Tunnels & Storage Facilities:

Homestead Circle Tunnels (x7) & Connector Tunnels: (3x12=36x12=432x7=3024)













Storage Facilities (3x12=36x12=432x7=3024)


Outer Tunnels: (x7)







Inner Tunnels: (x7)













Center Tunnels: (x7)



Exit Tunnels:

1. 12:00 (N) -

2. 2:00 (NE) -

3. 4:00 (SE) -

4. 6:00 (S) -

5. 8:00 (SW) -

6. 10:00 (NW) -

Roads & Highways:

One mile of a typical two-lane asphalt highway, with a crushed stone base, requires 25,000 tons of aggregate.

The Grand Standard

Phase 4 of 4

Step 1: Expand the City of Habitation to a total of four Cities of Habitation called:

The Assemblies of Light:

“You shall be ministers of light and ministers of truth”, “Therefore there shall be four”

The Northern Assemblies of Light (36,288 Full-Time Members)

The Eastern Assemblies of Light (36,288 Full-Time Members)

The Southern Assemblies of Light (36,288 Full-Time Members)

The Western Assemblies of Light (36,288 Full-Time Members)

12 x 3 = 36 x 12 = 432 x 84 = 36,288 x 4 = (145,152 Full-Time Members Total)

36 x 84 = 3,024 x 4 = (12,096 Earth-Sheltered Homes)

1 x 4 = (4 Earth-Sheltered Stadiums)

6 x 4 = (24 Earth-Sheltered Houses of Prayer)

5040-10,080 x 4 = (20,160 - 40,320 Justice Initiative Victims Helped)


Declaration of Independence


Bill of Rights

Second Bill of Rights

Sustainable Homestead Businesses:

Craft Workshop Department (Kitchenware, Tools, Fencing, etc)

Preparedness Department

Sustainable Agriculture Department

Homestead Business Department

Sustainable Factories & Larger Infrastructures:

Earth-Sheltered Communication Factories

Earth-Sheltered Transportation Factories

Earth-Sheltered Technology Factories

Earth-Sheltered Energy Factories

Earth-Sheltered Construction Machinery Factories

Limestone Factories

Earth-Sheltered Pharmaceuticals Factories


Vitamins and Minerals

Earth-Sheltered Medical Factories

Earth-Sheltered Houses of Prayer

Earth-Sheltered Stadiums

Owners of Sustainable Homestead Businesses are equal shareholders of local factories. Factories are responsible for meeting the internal demand of the local community first and then sell surplus to less successful neighboring communities or to communities that do not have that raw renewable resource. This money sustains factories overhead pays immigrants or new citizens working the factories. Any extra funds made from the factories are paid equally to the shareholders. Immigrants and new comers go through special procedures to become a citizen of the community. They are educated like normal but are given real opportunities economically as well; first with an opportunity to live and work at one of the factories of their choice and then with the money they make if they so choose they can save it and then become a shareholder of one of the various homestead businesses that they would eventually like to become a specialist of. After being trained in this business they will also have the opportunity to save the money they make working at this business to then buy their own sustainable homestead business. This still protects competitiveness in free markets. The businesses that work the hardest and produce the best quality products will sell their surplus products will more than likely sell all of their goods. (Talk about expansion possibilities and what that could look like.) These businesses will have a responsibility to meet the local communities internal demand first which gives a good accountability to its infrastructure. The local community will hold its local businesses accountable to produce the highest quality product possible. If the business is not successful the community members can purchase other surplus goods from neighboring businesses. Legislation protects communities from having to buy bad products from business that are responsible to make these goods for them but are not producing high quality goods. This will eventually cause unsuccessful business owners to have to sell and move out… (so much explaining to do on this whole section…

Comprehensive Industry List:

This is a list I pulled from Google on all of the industries in our nation. I want to pull from this list inspiration to thinking about all of the various industries we could include in our infrastructure. With mainly the goal to make all the products it takes to build our community. So we can always build these things for ourselves and also that we might help expand our boundaries.

Defense Contracting

Expendable Launch Vehicles



Launch Vehicles

Launch Vehicles

Night Vision Equipment

Satellite Manufacturing

Satellite Manufacturing


Brominated Brine Fluids




Copper Chromated Arsenate

Dimer Acid



Gasoline Additives

Glycol Ethers

Hydrogen Peroxide


Nitrogen Fertilizers



Pool Chemicals




Specialty Chemicals

Thermoplastic Elastomers

Titanium Dioxide

UHMW Polyethylene


Checkout Scanners and Scanner Data

Circuit Board Test Equipment

Computer Maintenance

Computer Peripherals

Computer Recovery Services

Computer Software

Computer Systems

Educational Software

Flat Panel Displays

Internet Services

Logic Devices

Magnetic Disks

Numerical Controls

On-Line Services

Personal Computers

Semiconductor Equipment


Speech Recognition Software

Air Conditioners



Copying Machines and Toner


Doors and Doorskins

Electric Housewares

Exercise Equipment

Fire Detection Devices


Office equipment

Postal Meters




Water Heaters

White Goods




Carbonless Paper

Carpet Cleaners


Class Rings






Golf Cleats

Greeting Cards

Hair Color

Light Bulbs


Paint Brushes

Paper Plates and Cups

Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape

Swimming Pool Automatic Cleaners


Tennis Balls


Tobacco Products



Trading Stamps

Drilling Products and Services

Electric Power

Electric Transmission and Distribution

Enhanced Oil Recovery

Natural Gas Pipelines

Nuclear Power

Oil Country Tubular Goods

Oil Pipelines

Oil Refining and Distribution

Oilfield and Refinery Chemicals

Oilfield Services

Petroleum Products Pipelines


Public Utilities

ATM Machines

ATM Networks

Check Processing

Credit Reporting

Electronic Banking

Futures Markets

Life Insurance

Mortgage Brokers

Pension Plans

Property-Casualty Insurance


Securities Brokers

Securities Industries

Securities Markets

Stock Options

Title Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

Alcoholic Beverages

Baby Food


Bottled Water


Breakfast Cereals




Dried Fruit



Food Flavor Enhancer

Fruit and Vegetables

Ice Cream

Jams and Jellies




Packaged Food Products

Soft Drinks






Beef Slaughter and Packaging



Grain Processing



Sausage Casings


Ambulance Services

Ambulatory Surgery

Chiropractic Services

Correctional Healthcare Services

Health Maintenance Organizations

Home Health Care

Hospital Beds

Hospital Equipment

Hospital Staff Privileges


In vitro fertilization

Interocular lenses

Managed Care Networks

Medical Equipment

Medical Testing Labs

Nursing Homes

Nursing Services


Physician Networks


Preferred Provider Organizations

Prenatal Monitoring

Psychiatric Services

Radiation Oncology Services

Radiology Services

Renal Dialysis


Circuit Breakers

Concrete Mixing Trucks

Control Sensors

Conveyor Belts

Earth Moving Equipment


Fork Lift Trucks

Industrial Controls

Industrial Gaskets

Industrial Turbines

Machine Tools

Paper Making Machinery

Paving Equipment

Printing Plates

Pulp Making Machinery

Railroad Freightcars



Turbo Expanders

Valves and Regulators

Vending Machines

Yard Trucks

Air Bags

Automobile Parts


Beverage and Food Cans

Cigarette Filters


Corrugated Containers

Electric Motors

Electronic Instruments


Flat Glass


Glass Containers

Graphite electrodes


Industrial Blades

Industrial Gas

Industrial Gloves

Industrial Water Purification

Ion Implanters





Plumbing Supplies

Prison Detention Equipment



Radar Tubes

Release Paper

Roofing Materials

Shoe Nails

Wire Harnesses

Wirebound Boxes


Cable Television Equipment

Cable Television Networks

Cable Television Systems

Coupon Redemption



Professional Sports Broadcasting




Telephone Subscriber Listings

Television Networks

Television Stations

Yellow Pages



Carbon black


Coal Mining

Concrete Plants

Copper Mining and Refining

Crushed Stone

Diatomaceous Earth

Iron Ore

Iron Oxide



Mining Equipment

Precious Metals

Scrap Iron and Steel

Specialty Steel







Color Pigments









Pulp and Paper



Airport Concessions

Cake Decorating

Car Rental

Catering Services

Concert Promotion


CPA Exam Preparation

Data Processing

Duty-Free Stores

Emissions Testing

Film Developing

Fire Protection Services


Funeral Homes and Cemeteries

Hazardous Waste Handling

Highway Construction

Interactive Betting


Licensed Professions


Marine Construction

Mobile Homes

Money Orders

Moving and Storage Services

Online Job Boards

Operator Services

Post-secondary Education

Postal Delivery


Professional Musicians

Professional Services

Property Tax Outsourcing


Real Estate Brokerage Services

Real Estate Listing Services

Rotogravure Printing

Shared Tenant Services

Solid Waste Disposal and Hauling

Travel Agencies

Uniform Rental

Veterinary Services

Amateur Sport Leagues


Cruise Vacations

Major League Baseball

Motion Picture Exhibition

Motion Pictures

Motor Sports/Racing

Professional Sport Leagues

Recorded Music

Cellular Phones

Cellular Telephony

Fiber Optic Networks

Global Communications Networks

Local Telecommunications Service

Long-Distance Telecommunications

Satellite Communications

Telephone Billing & Collection

Telephone Equipment

Telephone Inside Wiring

Video Conferencing

Wire and Cable

Air Freight



Airport Facilities

Airport Security Devices

Airport Slots




Commuter Airlines

Computer Reservation Systems

Fixed Base Operators

Ocean Shipping


Railway Maintenance Equipment

Ring Laser Gyroscopes

River Pilots



Automobile Distribution

Drug Stores

Drug Wholesaling

Electronic Retailing

Fast Food

Fertilizer Distribution

Food Service Distribution

Gasoline Marketing

Grocery Retailing

Liquor Wholesaling

Mass Retail

Paper Distribution


“For thus says the LORD, "You were sold for nothing and you will be redeemed without money." Isaiah 52:3

Things I need to take this to the next level.

I need the help of:

A writer

An editor

An administrator/researcher

An artist/graphics designer

An architect

A back end programmer

Things I want to have in this presentation.

I want a scalable model built of the city.

I want to build a mobile app game like others apps that are games where you build an empire but instead it is to build these sustainable cities. With events in the games like various crisis’s that we might face as a community such as food crisis’s and local attacks, economic disruption, etc.

I want a website

I want videos of experts talking about the benefits of such a community as this.

I want this presentation to inspire money guys to invest in building the 1st and 2nd phase of this plan and to launch The Kinesthetic Community College.

Photo/Video Journalism

I want a social network



Reality TV when building


I really want people to see what is in my minds eye. I need a team of people to help me make this vision palatable.

Washington's Vision

In the National Tribune, 1880, an article appeared giving an account of the "Vision of Washington" at Valley Forge. The account was told by a gentleman named Anthony Sherman, who supposedly was at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-78. The story has been published several times.

Some people will say that it is substantiated by the fact that a copy of the account is in the Library of Congress. This argument of authenticity is misleading in and of itself. The Library of Congress has copies of anything published. That does not indicate accuracy of the content.

I am unaware of any eighteenth-century evidence that corroborates this story. The soldier mentioned as having a first-hand account of the "Vision," Anthony Sherman, was a soldier in the Continental Army. However, according to his pension application, written by him, he states that he was at Saratoga under the command of Benedict Arnold at the end of 1777 and only joined the main forces in 1778 in New Jersey just before the Battle of Monmouth.

Anthony Sherman wrote:

You doubtless heard the story of Washington's going to the thicket to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safely through the darkest days of tribulation. One day, I remember it well, when the chilly winds whistled through the leafless trees, though the sky was cloudless and the sun shone brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all the afternoon alone. When he came out, I noticed that his face was a shade paler than usual. There seemed to be something on his mind of more than ordinary importance. Returning just after dusk, he dispatched an orderly to the quarters who was presently in attendance. After a preliminary conversation of about an hour, Washington, gazing upon his companion with that strange look of dignity which he alone commanded, related the event that occurred that day.

"George Washington's Vision"

This afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes.

By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed.

A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor. Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed as if it had become filled with sensations, and luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.

Presently I heard a voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn," while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly, I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon a stranger scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world — Europe, Asia, Africa and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific.

"Son of the Republic," said the same mysterious voice as before, "look and learn." At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries, and joined in mid-ocean. For a while it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people.

A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows in sank from view. A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn," I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.

Again, I heard the mysterious voice say, "Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn." At this the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill-omened specter approach our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking I saw a bright angel, on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word "Union," bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation, and said, "Remember ye are brethren." Instantly, the inhabitants, casting from them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.

"And again I heard the mysterious voice saying "Son of the Republic, look and learn." At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: From each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole county and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of sword, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn" When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast. "Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were will nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.

Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying, "Son of the Republic, look and learn." As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!

Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice: "While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last." And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word "Union," he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, "Amen."

The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, "Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union." With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.

The Third Peril

The Birth, Progress, and Destiny of the



Rebuild the Ancient Ruins!

Raise up the Age-Old Foundations!

You will be a Repairer of the Breech!

You will be a Restorer of Streets to Dwell In!


- Black Screen

- Army Font (Bottom Left or Right of Screen)

o “George Washington @ The Valley Forge in the Winter of 1777”

- Zoom up to tent | Angel appears

- “Son of the Republic Look and Learn” (More Talk From Vision)

- Cloud | 3 Bombs per Peril after Peril scenes and audio clips of each war on American soil

o 1. American Revolution (Freedom and Slavery theme)

o 2. Civil War (Freedom and Slavery theme)

▪ Abraham Quote:

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.”

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864

(letter to Col. William F. Elkins)

o 3. World War (One World Order | Anti-Christ)

- Select Male or Female ( “Son of the Republic” or “Daughter of the Republic”)

o Alexander and the One World Order?

- Jacob Hanly writes theme song

- Vote Democracy

- Eat the Standard

- Difficulty Levels?

- Somewhere along the line pick your own business

- Reward for invites

- Pinpoints zip code

- Malcolm Wells and Gene Logsdon and other experts cameo in the game.

- Each state a server?

U.S. States

(Number of Population, Counties & Cities)

Total Population in the U.S. (2014) - 318,860,000

Divided by 145,152 (Population of 4 cities without Interns) = 2196.73 (People per Server)

Divided by 241,920 (Population of 4 cities with Interns) = 1318.03 (People per Server)

Alabama: Population - 4,850,000 | Counties - 67 | Cities - 460

Alaska: Population - 736,732 | Counties - 3,114 | Cities - 151

Arizona: Population - 6,730,000 | Counties - 15 | Cities - 91

Arkansas: Population - 2,970,000 | Counties - 75 | Cities - 503

California: Population - 38,800,000 | Counties - 58 | Cities - 482

Colorado: Population - 5,360,000 | Counties - | Cities -

Connecticut: Population - 3,600,000 | Counties - | Cities -

Delaware: Population - 935,614 | Counties - | Cities -

Florida: Population - 19,890,000 | Counties - | Cities -

Georgia: Population - 10,100,000 | Counties - | Cities -

Hawaii: Population - 1,420,000 | Counties - | Cities -

Idaho: Population - 1,630,000 | Counties - | Cities -

Illinois: 12.88 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Indiana: 6.60 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Iowa: 3.11 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Kansas: 2.90 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Kentucky: 4.41 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Louisiana: 4.65 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Maine: 1.33 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Maryland: 5.98 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Massachusetts: 6.75 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Michigan: 9.91 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Minnesota: 5.46 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Mississippi: 2.99 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Missouri: 6.06 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Montana: 1.02 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Nebraska: 1.88 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Nevada: 2.84 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

New Hampshire: 1.33 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

New Jersey: 8.94 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

New Mexico: 2.09 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

New York: 19.75 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

North Carolina: 9.94 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

North Dakota: 739,482 Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Ohio: 11.59 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Oklahoma: 3.88 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Oregon: 3.97 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Pennsylvania: 12.79 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Rhode Island: 1.06 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

South Carolina: 4.83 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

South Dakota: 853,175 Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Tennessee: 6.55 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Texas: 26.96 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Utah: 2.94 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Vermont: 626,562 Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Virginia: 8.33 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Washington: 7.06 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

West Virginia: 1.85 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Wisconsin: 5.76 million Population - | Counties - | Cities -

Wyoming: 584,153 Population - | Counties - | Cities



Horse Mills:

Man-Powered Mills:


“In former days for every 2,000 citizens there had to be one windmill to ensure uninterrupted supply of meal to the population.” (The Dutch Mill – By: Frederick Stokhuyzen)

12 Sided Brick Mill!!!!! (Almost a perfect circle)

Best Mills built in the Zaan District in Holland.

- 1. Drainage Mills

- 2. Corn Mills

- 3. Paper Mills

- 4. Saw Mills

- 5. Barley & Rice Hulling Mills

- 6. Cocoa Mills

- 7. Pepper Mills

- 8. Oil Mills

- 9. Mustard Mills

- 10. Dye Mills

- 11. Chalk Mills

- 12. Lime & Trass Mills

- 13. Fulling Mills

- 14. Tan Mills

- 15. Wall Mills

- 16. Grain Mills

- Burr Mill

- Roller Mill

- Hammer Mill


Arrangement of the drives in a post mill


Exterior of a post mill tail, breast and side elevation


Hollow post mill

The drive from wind shaft to scoop wheel.

The brake wheel has 68 teeth, the wallower 35 staves; the crown wheel has 23 staves; the pit wheel has 95 teeth.

So the wind shaft has to make 2.12 revolutions for each revolution of the scoop wheel.


Wipmolen (hollow post mill).

Left: front view; Right: side elevation.


The body of the wipmolen.

Left: tail with door and gable; right: breast with vertical prick post


Large octagonal drainage mill or polder mill, South Holland type, with internal scoop wheel.

The tower in front elevation, the lower part in section, to show the working of the scoop wheel.


Plan of a large octagonal drainage mill


Construction of the mill body

[pic]Lifting in stages.

(three mills in series)


Arrangement showing method of driving the

Archimedean screw, of a drainage mill (after Krook)


Small Meadow Mill


The simplest drainage mill: the Frisian tjasker


The tower mill with a stage, the corn mill that is often seen

in old towns, generally on the town walls (wall mill) (after Krook)


The interior of an industrial windmill


The paltrok sawmill, front elevation (after Boorsma and Visser)


The paltrok sawmill, rear elevation

(after Boorsma and Visser)


The paltrok sawmill, side elevation

(after Boorsma and Visser)


Sawmill - smock-mill type - with sawing floor and timber stores

(front and side elevations)


Types of sail:

A. Oldest type, double-sided (about 1600)

B. Normal old-fashioned Dutch type (one leading board taken away)

C. Shuttered type, with air brake

D. Shuttered type, with sky scraper


The curved lines of air flow (figures at the left give the wind velocity at different heights above the ground)


Baard (beard or date board)


The cap of the polder mill, South-Holland type

Front elevation with poll end and beard


The cap of the polder mill, South-Holland type

Rear elevation with the weather boards and the brake handle


Tail and winding mechanism of a stone towermill


The wheel that turns the cap and sails to face the wind


Corn mill (Groningen type) with automatic winding by means of a fantail on the roof of the cap.

One lever for the brake, one lever for striking the shutters


The principle of the method of operating the brake.

When the brake rope is pulled, the brake catch swings from right to left, so

that - in the meantime - the brake lever can be lowered,

the brake clasps the brake wheel, and the mill stops.


Tentering: the adjustment of the gap between runner stone and

bedstone is shown in the diagram


The governor, which automatically adjusts the distance

between bedstone and runner stone


The principle of the kollergang or edge mill,

two edge runner stones rolling on the pan, with wooden guides


Crankshaft and saw frames in a sawmill (after Krook)


The timber feed of a sawmill (after Boorsma)


Method of driving rams and stamps of a double-working oil mill.

Above left: the method of lifting the rams and stamps


Oil pressing


Four characteristic positions of the sails

Above left: rest for a short time during working period

Above right: rest for a longer period

Below left: 'celebration' position, with the upper sail just before the vertical

Below right:'mourning' position, with the upper sail past the vertical

(The sails turn counterclockwise)

60 members x 3 meals a day = 180 meals a day x 365 days a year = 65,700 meals a year per homestead business.



Wetland plants

Hunting animals

Hunting equipment and budget

Also 60 people with hunting permits

Deer, duck, etc

Grain Equipment:

- Hand-operated hill-drop jab planter

- Double hand-push planter

- The Horn seed sower

- Hand-pushed row seeders

- One-row hand-pushed seeder

- Dial-A-Seed planter

- One-row seeders for mounting on a tractor

- Horse-drawn tow-row planter

- Two-unit Planter

- Grain drill

Weed Control Equipment:

- Hoes

- Rotary Tiller

- Wheel Cultivator

- Ro-Ho Cultivator

- Row Cultivator for Tractor

- Horse-Drawn Cultivator

- Rotary Hoe

- One-Row Spring-Tooth Cultivator

- Various Cultivating shovels and blades

- Corn Knives

- Husking Peg

- Corn Binder

- Grain Sickle

- Tractor-mounted corn picker

- Corn Combine

- Grain Flail

- Grain Cradle

- Scythe

- Grain Thresher

- Winnower

- Corn Sheller

- Seed Cleaner

- Bushel Basket

- Grain Conveyor

- Corn Drag

- Scoop Shovel

- Rice Huller

- Barley Pearler

- Sorghum Press

- Round Corn Crib

- Grain Bin

- Feed Grinders

- Burr Mill

- Roller Mill

- Hammer Mill

- Household Gristmill

- Sprouter

Seeding Rates:

Alfalfa: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 15 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60

Barley: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 100 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 48

Buckwheat: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 50 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 50

Cane (sweet) Sorghum: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 10 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 50

Red Clover: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 10 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60

Sweet Clover: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 10 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60

Ladino Clover: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 2 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60

White Clover: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 2 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60

Field Corn: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 6-8 to the second | Weight per bushel in pounds - 56

Cowpeas: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 75 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60

Flax: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 50 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 56

Golden Millet: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 45 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 50

Hungarian Millet: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 45 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 48

Japanese Millet: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 30 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 40

Oats: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 75 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 32

Field Peas: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 100 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60

Rye: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 100 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 56

Rye Grass: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 25 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 24

Soybeans broadcast: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 100 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60

Row-seeded: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 40

Drilled solid: Seeding rater per acre in pounds – 60-80

Spelt: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 65 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 40

Sunflower: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 6 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 24

Wheat: Seeding rater per acre in pounds - 100 | Weight per bushel in pounds - 60


You don’t need much space to raise at least some grains. A normal yield of wheat organically would be at least 40 bushels to the acre. A bushel of wheat makes about fifty 1-pound loaves of bread.

At most, figure a year’s supply of wheat at 4 pecks (1 bushel); corn, 2 pecks; popcorn, 2 pecks; soybeans, 4 pecks; grain Sorghum, 2 pecks; buckwheat, 1 peck; oat, 1 peck; triticale or rye or barley, 1 peck; navy or other soup beans, 2 pecks; alfalfa for sprouting, 1 or 2 quarts; lentils, field peas, cane Sorghum (for flour), about 2 quarts each. But only experience can give you the precise annual amounts needed.

Growing Grain by the Bushel:

Field Corn: 10 feet by 50 feet

Sweet Corn: 10 feet by 80 feet

Popcorn: 10 feet by 80 feet

Oats: 10 feet by 62 feet

Barley: 10 feet by 87 feet

Rye: 10 feet by 145 feet

Buckwheat: 10 feet by 130 feet

Grain Sorghum: 10 feet by 60 feet

Wheat: 10 feet by 109 feet

Some Suggested Crop Rotations: Page 31

These rotations are only a few you can follow. With experience, you’ll want to vary them. Notice though, how the ground is used fully, often double-cropped, and hardly ever left completely bare over winter.

Grains and Strawberries:

1st year: Strawberries

2nd year: Strawberries; plow under after harvest, and plant buckwheat for late crop

3rd year: Soybeans; plant to wheat in the fall

4th year: Wheat, sowed to clover in spring

5th year: Clover, plowed under in spring, plant corn, then sow rye in the late summer while corn is still standing

6th year: Plow under rye, plant strawberries

Grain and Vegetables:

1st year: Corn; sow rye in late summer while corn is still standing

2nd year: Plow under rye, plant peas, double crop to late fall cole vegetables

3rd year: Tomatoes

4th year: Beans: string, lima, dry beans; plant in the fall

5th year: Wheat; sow clover in the spring

6th year: Clover planted under; plant corn

A Profound Mystery


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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