National CNMP Document Template
Alabama Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan
(Version 4.0, 11/1/2013)
This is a CNMP created with the Alabama CNMP template for non-toolkit users. Before printing the final CNMP plan address and delete all comments in the green font.
The Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) is an important part of the conservation management system (CMS) for your Animal Feeding Operation (AFO). This CNMP documents the planning decisions and operation and maintenance for the animal feeding operation. It includes background information and provides guidance, reference information and Web-based sites where up-to-date information can be obtained. Refer to the Producer Activity document for information about day-to-day management activities and recordkeeping. Both this document and the Producer Activity document shall remain in the possession of the producer/landowner.
Farm contact information: Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Operation name
c/o Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Operation contact
Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Operation address
Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Operation town, Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, state Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, zip
Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Operation phone
Headquarters Latitude/Longitude: ** insert the Lat/long of the production area entrance; if more than one include all **
Headquarters Address: ** insert the address (911 address) of the production area entrance; if more than one include all, if the same as the farm contact information indicate **
Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Plan period:
Conservation Planner
As a Certified Conservation Planner, I certify that I have reviewed both the Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan and Producer Nutrient Management Activities documents for technical adequacy. These documents are technically compatible, reasonable, can be implemented and meet or exceed NRCS technical standards and guidelines for a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP).
Signature: Date:
Title: Certification Credentials:
District Conservationist
I have reviewed the CNMP documents and accept the plan as meeting the technical criteria for a CNMP.
Signature: Date:
As the owner/operator of this CNMP, I, as the decision maker, have been involved in the planning process and agree that the items/practices listed in each element of the CNMP are needed. I understand that I am responsible for keeping all the necessary records associated with the implementation of this CNMP. It is my intention to implement/accomplish this CNMP in a timely manner as described in the plan.
Signature: Date:
Section 2. Manure and Wastewater Handling and Storage
Signature: Date:
Title: Certification Credentials:
Sections 4. Land Treatment
Signature: Date:
Title: Certification Credentials:
Section 6. Nutrient Management
The Nutrient Management component of this plan meets the Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, state Nutrient Management 590 and Waste Utilization 633 Conservation Practice Standards.
Signature: Date:
Title: Certification Credentials:
Section 7. Feed Management (if applicable)
Signature: Date:
Title: Certification Credentials:
Section 8. Other Utilization Options (if applicable)
Signature: Date:
Title: Certification Credentials:
Sensitive data as defined in the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a, as amended) is contained in this report, generated from information systems managed by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Handling this data must be in accordance with the permitted routine uses in the NRCS System of Records at . Additional information may be found at
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Table of Contents
Section 1. Background and Site Information
1.1. General Description of Operation
1.2. Sampling, Calibration and Other Statements
1.3. Resource Concerns
Section 2. Manure and Wastewater Handling and Storage
2.1. Map(s) of Production Area
2.2. Production Area Conservation Practices
2.3. Manure Storage
2.4. Animal Inventory
2.5. Normal Mortality Management
2.6. Planned Manure Exports off the Farm
2.7. Planned Manure Imports onto the Farm
2.8. Planned Internal Transfers of Manure
Section 3. Farmstead Safety and Security
3.1. Emergency Response Plan
3.2. Biosecurity Measures
3.3. Catastrophic Mortality Management
3.4. Chemical Handling
Section 4. Land Treatment
4.1. Map(s) of Fields and Conservation Practices
4.2. Land Treatment Conservation Practices
Section 5. Soil and Risk Assessment Analysis
5.1. Soil Information
5.2. Predicted Soil Erosion
5.3. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Risk Analysis
5.4. Additional Field Data Required by Risk Assessment Procedure
Section 6. Nutrient Management
6.1. Field Information
6.2. Manure Application Setback Distances
6.3. Soil Test Data
6.4. Manure Nutrient Analysis
6.5. Planned Crops and Fertilizer Recommendations
6.6. Manure Application Planning Calendar
6.7. Planned Nutrient Applications
6.8. Field Nutrient Balance
6.9. Manure Inventory Annual Summary
6.10. Fertilizer Material Annual Summary
6.11. Whole-Farm Nutrient Balance
Section 7. Feed Management
Section 8. Other Utilization Options
Section 9. Recordkeeping Forms (see Producer Activity document)
Section 10. References
10.1. Publications
10.2. Software and Data Sources
Section 1. Background and Site Information
1.1. General Description of Operation
|This section should include a narrative of the complete operation. The following items must be addressed. |
| |
|-description of the animal production operation (poultry type, number of animals, number of flocks per year, weeks between flocks, average wt., |
|mortality rate, and manure management information (clean out one time a year and remove cake between flock) |
| |
|-A complete description of other animals on the operation (animal type (cow/calf), number of animals, stocking rate, description of |
|grazing/feeding system) |
| |
|-A complete description of crop production (crops grown, rotation, tillage system, past fertilizer management) |
| |
|-All other information used in the decision making process (manure management objectives, neighbor relations, pests). |
1.2. Sampling, Calibration and Other Statements
Animal Waste Sampling Guidelines
Manure/Litter/Compost Sampling Frequency
Manure, litter, and compost will be sampled annually for at least three consecutive years according to Auburn University recommendations to establish a trend of consistent nutrient content for each waste management scheme. If a consistent trend is established and the animal’s waste management is unchanged, wastes may be sampled once every three years to assure the trend values are still accurate and proper nutrient contents are being used. If a consistent trend is not established, annual testing will continue. Additional guidelines can be found in the NRCS Alabama Guide Sheet No. AL 590A, Collecting Litter Samples for Analysis. ().
Manure/Litter/Compost Pile Sampling
Remove a small sample of manure, litter, or compost from at least 25 randomly dispersed points on and inside the pile and place in a larger container (bucket or wheelbarrow). After collecting samples from all points, crumble and thoroughly mix all the manure, litter, or compost to make one composite sample. Label a freezer bag with the data listed below and fill this bag with the well mixed sample.
Poultry House Sampling
Samples are collected throughout the house before cleanout. Sampling should be done as close to cleanout as possible so that the sample represents the actual nutrient content at the time of spreading. About one-fourth of the samples should be collected under or near waterers and feeders, and the rest collected throughout the house in the middle, near walls, etc. Sample litter from the top surface to the depth that the litter will be removed. Be careful not to include any soil in the sample. Put all samples into a bucket or wheelbarrow and thoroughly mix all the litter into one composite sample. Label a freezer bag with the data listed below and fill this bag with the well mixed sample.
Recording of Data
On each sample bag record the following information before adding the litter, manure, or compost to the bag. As a precautionary measure, include the same information on a 3 x 5 index card and place it in the bag with the litter, manure, or compost.
1. Name and address of person to receive the test results
2. Type of poultry producing the litter (broiler, breeder, Cornish, etc.)
3. Type of litter management used (number of flocks grown on this litter, composted, windrowed, caked, conditioned, multi-year treatments, etc.)
4. Identifying house number and/or name
5. Method of sampling
Soil Sampling Guidelines
Soil Sampling Frequency
Soil will be sampled every 3 years according to Auburn University recommendations.
Sampling procedure
Soils that differ in appearance, plant growth, or past treatment should be sampled separately. One sample can represent only one soil condition. Common causes for nutrient differences in a field include soil texture, slope, crop rotation history, history of fertilizer, limestone and manure applications as well as former use as farmsteads and feed lots. Use a soil probe or auger to collect samples from relatively uniform areas of a field. Avoid sampling areas with wet spots, old manure and urine spots, freshly applied fertilizer, or severely eroded areas. Avoid taking samples that include organic residue or recently applied fertilizer by scraping the surface of the area clean before the sample is taken.
Collect small samples in a random zigzag pattern across the field. Each sample should be a mixture of subsamples from at least 10 or more places in each area. Thoroughly mix these samples in a bucket or wheelbarrow to make a large composite sample and retain approximately 1 to 2 cups for analysis.
Perennial Crops
In fields where perennial crops are being maintained, samples taken to a depth of 2-3 inches will best represent the crop’s lime and fertilizer needs. Where perennial crops are to be established, sample to the regular plow depth.
Field Crops
Collect samples to the same depth that the field is plowed in areas where field crops are grown (usually about 8 inches) because this is the zone in which lime and nutrients have been incorporated.
Sample Handling and Shipment
Each sample collected must have a soil sample information form (see below) and a sample label that contains the following information:
1. Tract/field name and number
2. Date of sampling
3. Name and address of person to receive the test results
Additional information is required to make a correct recommendation and should be recorded on Auburn University Soil Testing Laboratory’s Soil Sample Information Form or equivalent ().
Samples should be shipped/delivered to the lab the same day they are collected. Samples that cannot be shipped the same day should be kept refrigerated. It is advisable to keep samples on ice even during shipment to the lab, if possible. From more information on sending litter, manure, or compost samples to the lab contact your local county extension system office or the lab before you send the sample.
Equipment Calibration Guidelines
Equipment Calibration Method and Frequency
Equipment should be calibrated yearly and immediately after any spreading equipment repair or modification.
Load-Area Method
1. Weigh the manure spreader when it is full of manure. Do not use heaped loads to calibrate spreader. Follow manufacturer’s recommended load size.
2. Apply manure to land (keeping track of speed and spreader setting).
3. Weigh spreader again when empty.
4. Spreader capacities listed by the manufacturers can also be used to determine the amount of manure in the spreader.
5. Measure the length and width of the spread pattern using a measuring wheel, measuring tape, or by pacing.
The application rate is calculated using the following formula:
Spreader capacity (tons or gallons) X 43560 sq. ft/acre = Application rate in tons or gallons/acre
Distance traveled X spreading width
Plastic Sheet Method
This method can only be used with solid or semi-solid manure
1. Cut a plastic sheet to 56” X 56” and weigh the clean sheet
2. Lay out the sheet on the ground and drive the manure spreader (keeping track of speed and spreader setting) over the sheet.
3. Weigh the plastic sheet with the manure on it and determine the net weight of the manure on the sheet (weight of the manure and sheet minus the weight of clean sheet).
4. Net pounds of manure equal tons per acre applied.
5. For more accuracy, repeat the process three times.
Uniformity and Overlap
Satisfactory nutrient application involves not just the amount of wastes applied, but also how uniform the nutrient application is over the field. This is determined primarily by the settings of the spreading equipment and the overlap between passes across the field. A series of tubs can be evenly spaced to catch wastes across the spreading width, then the contents weighed and the results plotted to see if any adjustments to the equipment are needed and how much overlap needs to be used for the best uniformity. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System publication Calibrating Poultry Litter Spreaders, ANR-0889 gives a good description of how to do this test ().
1.3. Resource Concerns
Check all resource concerns identified and addressed in this plan
If checked, the indicated resource concerns have been identified and have been addressed in this plan.
Soil Quality Concerns
| |Soil Quality Concern |Fields |
| |Right-click to insert Concern | |
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Water Quality Concerns
| |Water Quality Concern |Fields |
| |Right-click to insert Concern | |
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Other Concerns Addressed
| |Other Concern |Fields |
| |Right-Click to Insert Concern | |
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Section 2. Manure and Wastewater Handling and Storage
2.1. Map(s) of Production Area
Map(s) of production area:
Accurate scaled drawing or aerial photo of the confinement areas, production buildings, manure storage, treatment locations, and feed storage areas.
Local proximity map with roads labeled
2.2. Action=InsertTempFile; Server=; Open=mmp_cnmp.dll; Run=DoReport, FarmHqPractices, , NoDocHeader+BlankIfNoXmlFarmstead practices report goes here
List and describe the planned and existing conservation practices to addresses the resource concerns and producer goals. An addition to the listing of the conservation practices, amount and year of installation, a description of the operation and maintenance (O&M) is required. It may be needed for more complex practices (composting) to make reference to a NRCS job/guide sheet that includes the O&M requirements and include the job/guide.
Practice and Facility Management Plan
|Planned Practices |Amount |Planned Year of |
| | |Installation |
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|Existing Conservation Practices |Amount |Year of Installation |
| | | |
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2.3. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Manure storage table goes here
2.4. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Animal inventory table goes here
2.5. Normal Mortality Management
Right-click to insert the normal mortality management being used by the producers (there should be one description of normal mortality management). Also select the correct description of a “existing” or “planned”.
Right-click to insert the normal mortality management used by the producer
2.6. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Planned manure exports table goes here
2.7. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Planned manure imports table goes here
2.8. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Planned manure internal tranfers table goes here
Section 3. Farmstead Safety and Security
Complete the needed information on the “EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CONTACTS” sheet (name, address and phone #) for each plan. Also encourage the producer to have a copy of this Emergency Response Plan and the Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet in a prominent location at the headquarters of the operation and at the owner/operator’s residence and vehicle.
3.1. Emergency Response Plan
The following emergencies have been identified as having the potential to occur at this operation. This plan addresses the emergency response required for the identified emergencies. A copy of this Emergency Response Plan and the Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet shall be placed in a prominent location at the headquarters of the operation. Copies should also be kept at the owner/operator’s residence and vehicle. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure that all necessary phone numbers, contact persons, and other needed information are obtained and kept current. It is suggested that the owner/operator keep updated their neighbor’s contact information to be able to contact them as appropriate if the emergency may impact their neighbor’s property or water resources.
In case of a Catastrophic Death of Production Animals, implement the following:
a) Stop all other activities to deal with the emergency.
b) Notify the integrator to remove useable mortalities and remaining live animals, if applicable.
c) Call to notify the individuals and agencies listed for this emergency on the Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet.
d) Remove mortalities from the production areas.
e) Dispose of mortalities according to a method in NRCS Alabama Job Sheet No. AL 316 – Emergency Disposal of Dead Animals.
f) In case of a catastrophic loss of poultry for which burial is chosen as the disposal method, a permit from the State Veterinarian is required prior to burial.
g) Record date of catastrophic deaths, number of deaths, approximate weight of mortalities, and the disposal method. If burial was used, record the exact location of burial pit, size of pit, and depth of cover.
In case of a Natural Disaster, implement the following:
a) Stop all other activities to deal with the emergency.
b) Take all measures necessary to protect human life.
c) Take all measures necessary to protect the production animals.
d) Call for help and to notify the individuals and agencies listed for this emergency on the Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet.
e) To the extent possible considering safety concerns, take steps to stop or minimize any discharges to the environment.
f) Assess the situation and follow the response for other emergencies, if applicable.
In case of a Personal Injury, implement the following:
a) Stop all other activities and address the emergency.
b) Take all measures necessary to prevent further injury and stabilize the injured persons.
c) Call 911 and notify the individuals and agencies listed for this emergency on the Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet.
In case of a Fire, implement the following:
a) Stop all other activities and address the emergency.
b) Try to extinguish the fire with appropriately rated fire extinguishers.
c) If fire cannot be contained, call for help and notify the individuals and agencies listed for this emergency on the Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet.
In case of a Fuel Spill, implement the following:
a) Stop all other activities and address the emergency.
b) Take all measures necessary to control and contain the discharge as close to the spill site as possible.
c) Contain the spill or runoff from entering nearby streams or water bodies by using absorbent materials or soil material from a designated area. If soil material is needed, call for earthmoving equipment (See Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet).
d) Notify the individuals and agencies listed for this emergency on the Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet.
e) Initiate additional containment and remedial measures as directed by emergency agency officials.
In case of a Significant Spill, Land Application or Direct Discharge emergency, implement the following:
a) Stop all other activities to deal with the emergency.
b) Assess the extent of the emergency and determine how much help is needed. To the extent possible considering safety concerns, immediately take steps to stop or minimize any discharges.
c) If spreading or pumping equipment is contributing to the emergency, stop the equipment immediately. Close valves. Separate pipes to create air gap if necessary to stop manure flow.
d) If hauling equipment is involved, take all measures to stabilize the equipment and control the discharge.
e) If a containment structure is discharging, take all measures necessary to control and contain the discharge. If possible, begin pumping manure and spreading in the prescribed fields at the prescribed application rates.
f) Contain the spill or runoff from entering nearby streams or water bodies by using absorbent material or soil material from a designated area. If soil material is needed, call for earthmoving equipment (See Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet).
g) If flow is coming from a tile, plug the tile with a tile plug immediately.
h) Call for help, if needed, and notify the individuals and agencies listed for this emergency on the Emergency Response Plan Contacts sheet.
i) Call or contact downstream public water supply or other water users. Also, it is suggested that you contact potentially affected downstream landowners.
j) If a spill is on a public road, call the local law enforcement office for traffic control and clean the spill immediately from the road and roadside if needed.
k) Prevent further runoff by incorporating the waste into the soil, if possible.
l) Initiate additional containment measures, corrective measures, or property restoration measures as directed by emergency agency officials.
Provide the following information when reporting an emergency:
a) Your name and phone number.
b) Directions to the farm or site of emergency.
c) Description of emergency.
d) If a spill, the type of material and an estimate of the amounts, area covered, and distance traveled.
e) If contaminants have reached surface waters or major field drains.
f) Obvious damage: employee injury, fish kill, property damage, etc.
g) Actions taken to contain situation.
Documentation of Emergency Response
The following items shall be documented, as applicable, in writing and filed with the Emergency Response Plan for future reference and emergency response training:
a) Date, time, and type of emergency.
b) If a spill, the type, cause, quantity, duration, and location of spill.
c) Affect of spill on any surface water body or potable water well.
d) Approximate quantity of spill material that left the farm property and names of affected landowners.
e) Containment and clean up efforts and their effectiveness.
f) Any damage, such as personal injury, fish kill, property damage, fire, etc.
g) Procedure followed to handle the emergency.
h) List of agencies and authorities contacted, those that responded, and the time for response.
i) Recommendations to prevent a reoccurrence.
Follow-up After Emergency Response
After emergency is over, request at your earliest possible convenience, follow-up review assistance by Qualified Credentialed Professional (QCP) to ensure that you are meeting ADEM and ADAI regulations
|FARM NAME |Insert information for the producer |
|ADDRESS |Insert information for the producer |
|FARM PHONE |Insert information for the producer |
|PERMIT NUMBER |Insert information for the producer |
|DIRECTIONS TO FARM |Insert information for the producer |
|Emergency Phone Numbers |TYPE OF EMERGENCY |
| |Catastrophic Death|Natural |Significant Spill,|Personal Injury|Fire |Fuel Spill |
| |of |Disaster |Land Application | | | |
| |Production Animals| |or Direct | | | |
| | | |Discharge | | | |
|Farm Owner |Insert information for the producer |X |X |X |X |X |X |
|Farm Manager |Insert information for the producer |X |X |X |X |X |X |
|Integrator |Insert information for the producer |
Disposal by a rendering company is the preferred method of carcass disposal, if the renderer will agree to provide this service in a timely manner. Disposal at a landfill approved by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) may be an option in some locations. If either of these methods is unavailable or unusable at the time or is not an option due to a quarantine situation that would prohibit off-farm disposal, on-farm disposal will be used as an alternative method of catastrophic disposal.
Select an on-farm option
Map of pre-approved burial site
If burial or catastrophic composting is chosen as the disposal for catastrophic loss the planner must select a location based on soils, location and hydrology for this site and include a map with the location marked. For more information on selecting a site see Alabama Job Sheet No. AL316.
The planner should make it clear to the producer that they cannot use this site without contacting the state veterinarian.
3.4. Chemical Handling
If the producer is not a regulatory-agency permitted facility, check the first box. If the producer is a regulatory-agency permitted facility check all applicable boxes. If none of the descriptions describe the producers measures check the other and enter the producers description of the measures taken.
Note: In Alabama all CAFO are regulatory-agency permitted facility.
If checked, the producer has indicated the measures that are being used or will be taken to prevent chemicals and other contaminants from contaminating process waste water or storm water storage and treatment systems, or pollutants entering groundwater or surface waters.
| |This is not a regulatory-agency permitted facility. This section does not apply. |
| |Measure (Check all that apply) |
| |All chemicals are stored in correctly labeled, proper containers. |
| | |
| |All chemicals are used, stored, managed, and disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and applicable |
| |state/federal requirements. |
| | |
| |Expired chemicals and empty containers are properly disposed of in accordance with state and federal regulations. Pesticides and |
| |associated refuse are used, stored, managed, and disposed of in accordance with the FIFRA label. |
| |Chemical storage areas are self-contained with no drains or other pathways that will allow spilled chemicals to exit the storage |
| |area. |
| |Chemical storage areas are covered to prevent chemical contact with rain or snow. Chemicals are stored on a compacted clay, concrete|
| |or other impervious/lined floor/container to prevent soil and groundwater contamination. |
| |Instructions for employees are maintained and posted in case of a spill/emergency. Emergency procedures and equipment are in place |
| |to contain and clean up chemical spills. Procedures are in place to report significant quantity spills/leaks to the appropriate |
| |state/local regulatory/permitting agency. |
| |Chemical handling and equipment wash areas are designed and constructed to prevent contamination of surface waters, waste water, and |
| |storm water storage and treatment systems. |
| |All chemicals are custom applied and no chemicals are stored at the operation. Equipment wash areas are designed and constructed to |
| |prevent contamination of surface waters and waste water and storm water storage and treatment systems. |
| |Other (the producer’s description of measures taken to prevent chemicals and other contaminants from entering groundwater or surface |
| |waters) |
Section 4. Land Treatment
4.1. Map(s) of Fields and Conservation Practices
Map(s) of documenting field and conservation practices a (GIS-developed map product is preferred):
• Aerial maps of land application must include
- delineated to show all features and/or sensitive areas (all water, wells, risers, occupied dwelling, property lines)
-delineated to show required buffers of the features (water, wells, risers, occupied dwelling, property lines)
-conservation practices planned and existing
-other site specific features important to nutrient management planning
-All maps must be of sufficient scale so the producer can easily read and interpret the spreadable areas for non-spreadable areas
• Maps of the soils information with all soil map unit descriptions.
4.2. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Land treatment practices report goes here
List and describe the planned and existing conservation practices. In addition to the listing of the conservation practices, amount and year of installation, a description of the operation and maintenance (O&M) is required. Make sure the practice standard narrative includes O&M statements or refer to a NRCS job/guide sheet with O&M.
Land Treatment Practices
|Planned Practices |Amount |Planned Year of |
| | |Installation |
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|Existing Conservation Practices |Amount |Year of Installation |
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Section 5. Soil and Risk Assessment Analysis
5.1. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Soils table goes here
5.2. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Soil loss table goes here
5.3. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Risk Analysis
Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, N risk assessment name goes here + Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, If available, N risk assessment query table goes here
Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, P risk assessment name goes here + Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, If available, P risk assessment query table goes here
Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, If available, P risk assessment report table goes here
5.4. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Field risk assessment data table goes here
Section 6. Nutrient Management
6.1. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Field information table goes here
6.2. Manure Application Setback Distances
Setback Requirements: CAFO
|Feature |Setback Criteria |Setback Distance (Feet) |
|Surface waters of the state |Surface waters except outstanding waters |50 |
|Non-potable well or water supply | |100 |
|Potable well or water supply | |200 |
|Public water supply |Outstanding waters including public water supply |200 |
|Surface waters of the state |Outstanding waters including public water supply |200 |
|Public road |All waste |Cannot be applied on road |
|Property line |All waste |Cannot cross property line |
|Occupied dwelling, church, school, hospital, church or park |Dry waste |100 |
|Occupied dwelling, church, school, hospital, church or park |Liquid waste |200 |
|Occupied dwelling, church, school, hospital, church or park |Irrigation waste |500 |
Source: Alabama Department of Environmental Management Water Division 335-6-7-.29 ()
Summary Table, Alabama rules ()
Setback Requirements and Considerations: NRCS Standard
|Feature |Setback Criteria |Setback Distance (Feet) |
|Flood Soils Requirement |Soil subject to frequent or very frequent flooding |Cannot surface apply dry |
| | |manure/litter |
|Waterbody or Stream Requirement |All applications |50 |
|Public use area Requirement |Dry waste |100 |
|Public use area Requirement |Liquid waste |200 |
|Public use area Requirement |Irrigation waste |500 |
| | | |
|Well Consideration |Applied up-gradient of wells |300 |
|Well Consideration |Applied down-gradient of wells |200 |
|Public Road Consideration |Dry waste |50 |
|Public Road Consideration |Liquid waste |100 |
|Property line Consideration |All applications |25 |
Source: Nutrient Management Standard 590 ()
Summary Table, Alabama rules ()
In addition to this table with the soil test results, include a copy of the actual soil test results for the soil testing lab.
6.3. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Soil test table goes here
In addition to this table with the manure analysis results, include a copy of the actual manure analysis results for the testing lab.
6.4. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Manure analysis table goes here
6.5. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Planned crops and fert recs table goes here
6.6. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Planning calendar goes here
6.7. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Planned nutrient applications table goes here
6.8. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Field nutrient balance table goes here
6.9. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Manure inventory annual summary goes here
6.10. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Fertilizer material annual summary goes here
6.11. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Whole-farm nutrient balance goes here
Section 7. Feed Management
Section 8. Other Utilization Options
Section 10. References
10.1. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Publications list goes here
Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) AFO/CAFO Regulations
ADEM Administrative Code Ch. 335-6-7 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Best Management Practices, Registration Requirements, Technical Standards And Guidelines, Construction And Operation Requirements, Waste/Wastewater And Waste Product Treatment, Storage, Handling, Transport, And Disposal/Land Application, Nutrient Management, And Animal Mortality Management Requirements For Owners And Operators Of Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) And Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)
Auburn University Soil Testing Laboratory’s Soil Sample Information Form
Auburn University & Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Auburn University Soil Testing Laboratory’s Soil Sample Information Form, September 2007
Calibrating Poultry Litter Spreaders
Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Calibrating Poultry Litter Spreaders: ANR-889, October 2001
Collecting Litter Samples for Analysis
Alabama NRCS, Collecting Litter Samples for Analysis: Alabama Guide Sheet No. AL 590A, January 2005
Emergency Disposal of Dead Animals
Alabama NRCS, Emergency Disposal of Dead Animals: Alabama Guide Sheet No. AL 316, March 209
10.2. Server=Access.Application; Open=EquipQry.mdb; Run=RunQuery, Equipment Query, Software and data sources list goes here
Include any job sheets or other references needed by the producer to successfully implement the CNMP. *********************************
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