TRADE - Above the Treeline


In order to establish an account with Scholastic Trade, the following documents will need to be completed and submitted:

1. Scholastic New Account Request Form

Section 1: Business Line – Select all business lines that apply. You can select just one or all.

Section 2: Business Name and Addresses – Billing Address is the address in which invoices will be mailed and Shipping Address will be the address in which shipments will be shipped to. For multiple locations, please complete Section 12. If needed, a separate .pdf or Excel spreadsheet can be submitted.

Section 3: Customer Contact Information – Primary contact person for business questions.

Section 4: Description of Business – Select only one box. This is a very important field as this will be considered for your discount percentage.

Section 5: Returnable Status – Indicate returnable status by business line. Please keep in mind, returnable status affects discount percentages. Customers that are non-returnable do receive a higher discount percentage than returnable customers.

Section 6: Shipping Method – Specify if you request S&H charges to be applied to a specified shipping carrier and account number (such as UPS and FedEx).

Section 7: EDI – Electronic Data Interchange Request – Completed only if you wish to establish an EDI relationship with Scholastic.

Section 8: Vendor Guide / Agreement – Provide the most up-to-date vendor guide/agreement.

Section 9: Resale / Tax Exempt Certificate. STATE certification is required.

Section 10: Special Handling Request – Please indicate any known special handling requests such as shipping label, pre-packing, shipping and invoicing requirements.

Section 11: Customer Credit Request – In order to establish credit with Scholastic Inc., a Scholastic Credit Application, Bank Credit Reference Letter, and a Trade Credit Reference Letter must be completed. Indicate your requested credit amount. If credit is not requested, all orders must be pre-paid by credit card or check.

Section 12: Sales Person Contact Information – Contact information of Sales Person for questions.

Section 13: Additional Business Addresses – This section to be used for additional addresses in which the business will be billing or shipping orders.

2. Scholastic Credit Application

3. Bank Credit Reference Letter

4. Trade Credit Reference Letter

5. EDI Submission Request Form (If Necessary)

6. Resale/Tax Exempt Certification

7. Signed Vendor Agreement (If Necessary)

All of the forms for the above requirements are provided in the enclosed packet. All documents must be completed and emailed to nsotradenewaccountsetup@ or faxed to 1-877-724-1872.

Upon receipt of request, all account information, credit application and references will be verified and an Oracle account number will be assigned and the appropriate discount, credit limit and payment terms will be applied. If you have any questions, contact Mary Eckelkamp at 573-632-1702 or 1-888-724-1872 Ext. 1702.


SECTION 1: Business Line - Please check all business lines applicable:

Trade Teaching Resources Klutz

SECTION 2: Business Name and Addresses

Additional ship to addresses can be provided in Section 13.

SECTION 3: Customer Contact Information

SECTION 4: Description of Business

Retailer Retail Distribution Center Wholesaler/Distributor

eBook Retailer Special Market Distributor Special Market Retailer

Corporate Sales Mail Order/Cataloger Online Retailer

Scholastic New Account Setup Form - Page 1

Trade Klutz Teaching Resources

SECTION 5: Returnable Status Yes Yes Yes

No No No

SECTION 6: Shipping Method

Is the customer requesting specific shipping method? Yes No

If yes, please provide preferred shipping carrier and charge account number.

For shipments pre-paid by Scholastic, Scholastic will use the carrier of their choice.

SECTION 7: EDI – Electronic Data Interchange Request Yes No

If yes, please complete Document #5 - EDI Submission Form.

SECTION 8: Vendor Guide / Agreement Yes No

If yes, please include vendor guide at time of account submission. After the initial account setup,

updates to your vendor guide must be sent via certified mail or emailed to tradecustomerserivce@

SECTION 9: Resale / Tax Exempt Certificate Yes No

If yes, please provide a copy of your most recent STATE Resale / Tax Exempt Certificate.

SECTION 10: Special Handling Request Yes No

If yes, indicate required special processing to key, package, and ship orders. i.e. Labeling

SECTION 11: Customer Credit Request Yes No

If yes, complete and submit the following documents:

Scholastic Credit Application

Bank Credit Reference Letter

Trade Credit Reference Letter

To establish credit terms with Scholastic Inc., we require a minimum opening order of $300

If no, all orders must be prepaid by credit card, check or EFT/Direct deposit

Scholastic New Account Setup Form - Page 2

SECTION 12: Sales Person Contact Information

Is the initial order being submitted at the same time as account? Yes No

SECTION 13: Additional Business Addresses

Please indicate if the address is a billing or shipping address. An Excel spreadsheet or PDF

can be submitted as well.

Scholastic New Account Setup Form - Page 3

|Open Account Credit Request: |

|Date: |Requested Credit Limit: |

|Customer Information: |

|Legal Name for Billing: |Address: |

|Phone No: |City, State Zip: |

|Tax ID (EIN) No.: |Business Inception Date: |

|Name of Parent Company (if applicable): |

|Legal Form of Business: |

|Legal Entity: |* Corporation, Partnership, Sole Proprietor, or Non-Profit |

|Description of Business: |

|Resale Certificate No.: |DUNS No.: |

|Owners, Partners or Officers Name(s) & Title(s): |(1) |

|(2) |(3) |

|Bank Credit Reference: |

|Bank Name: |Address: |

|Phone/Fax No: |City, State Zip: |

|Contact Name & Title: |Account No.: |

|Bank Credit Reference: |

|Bank Name: |Address: |

|Phone/Fax No: |City, State Zip: |

|Contact Name & Title: |Account No.: |

|Trade Credit Reference: |

|Vendor Name: |Address: |

|Phone/Fax No: |City, State Zip: |

|Contact Name & Title: |Customer Account No.: |

|Trade Credit Reference: |

|Vendor Name: |Address: |

|Phone/Fax No: |City, State Zip: |

|Contact Name & Title: |Customer Account No.: |

Scholastic Customer Credit Application - Page 1

|Trade Credit Reference: |

|Vendor Name: |Address: |

|Phone/Fax No: |City, State Zip: |

|Contact Name & Title: |Customer Account No.: |

|Financial Statements: |

|All accounts desiring credit accommodations in excess of $300 are required to submit their most recent financial statements. Updated financial |

|statements will be required periodically. Financial information received is for internal use only for the sole purpose of extending open account |

|credit terms to the customer. This information will be held in strict confidence and will in no way be communicated to sources outside of Scholastic. |

|Income Statement: |Balance Sheet: |

|Have these statements been audited? |

|Scholastic’s Open Account Terms and Conditions: |

|To establish credit terms with Scholastic Inc., we require a minimum opening order of $300 (net) along with a completed application for credit, |

|executed by an officer of the applicant company. Credit terms will not be established for orders less than $300 (net). Orders for amounts less than |

|$300 will be processed on a credit card or paid-in-advance basis only. |

| |

|Scholastic reserves the right to review its credit policies and terms of sale, at any time, and make changes at its discretion |

|Scholastic’s terms of sale begin the first day of invoice with payment expected on time. In the event that payment is not received in accordance with |

|the aforementioned terms, future orders may be subject to “credit hold” until such time as payment has been received. |

|Should it become necessary to place the account in collection, the applicant company will bear all costs and penalties incurred by Scholastic in |

|satisfaction of the debt. |

|Attestation and Authorized Signature: |

|It is acknowledged that the above information is for the purpose of obtaining commercial credit and is warranted to be true, correct and complete. |

|Creditor, its agents, or any credit bureau employed by the creditor is hereby expressly authorized to investigate the references listed herein or other |

|data obtained from applicant or from any other person(s) pertaining to applicant’s credit responsibility. Applicant also authorizes the above banks to |

|release information regarding checking account and/or loan relationships and balances. Applicant’s signature attests to applicant’s financial |

|responsibility, ability and willingness to pay creditor’s invoices in accordance with credit terms. Applicant agrees to pay for all costs of |

|collection, including reasonable attorney fees, court costs and collection agency fees. |

|Authorized Signature: |

|Printed Name & Title: |

Applications and orders will not be processed without the signature of an officer of the applicant company

Scholastic Customer Credit Application - Page 2

Dear Sirs and Mesdames,

The customer referenced below wishes to establish open account credit terms with Scholastic and has provided your bank as a credit reference. In order to complete our review, we would appreciate your providing us with the information requested below.

|Customer Information: |

|Company Name: |Address: |

|Phone No: |City, State Zip: |

|Account Number: |Requested Credit Line: |

|Bank Name: |

|Bank Name: |Address: |

|Phone No: |City, State Zip |

|Respondent’s Name: |Respondent’s Title: |

|Account Detail: |

|Date Account Opened: |Account Type: |

|Current Account Balance: |12-Mo. Average Account Balance: |

|Seasonal High Account Balance: |Seasonal Low Account Balance: |

|Deposit Account Relationship: |* Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory |

|Loan Detail: |

|Loan Type: |* Unsecured, Secured, Mortgage, Installment |

|Current Loan Balance: |12-Mo. Average Loan Balance: |

|Seasonal High Loan Balance: |Seasonal Low Loan Balance: |

|Loan Maturity Date: |Total Credit Line Available: |

Please be assured that all information provided will be held in the strictest of confidence. Thank you

in advance for your careful and prompt attention to this inquiry.

Scholastic Corporate Credit Department

Dear Sirs and Mesdames,

The customer referenced below wishes to establish open account credit terms with Scholastic and has provided your company as a trade credit reference. In order to complete our review, we would appreciate your providing us with the information requested below.

|Customer Information: |

|Client Company Name: |Address: |

|Phone No: |City, State Zip: |

|Account Number: |Requested Credit Line: |

|Company (Vendor) Name: |

|Vendor Name: |Address: |

|Phone No: |City, State Zip: |

|Respondent’s Name: |Respondent’s Title: |

|Account Detail: |

|Date Account Opened: |Total Account Balance Due: |

|Open Account Credit Line: |12-Mo. Average Account Balance: |

|Seasonal High Account Balance: |Seasonal Low Account Balance: |

|Past Due Balances, if any: |Notes Payable, if any: |

|Payment Trends and Other Information: |

|Payment History: |* Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory |

|Personal Guaranty: |If “yes”, form of Guaranty: |

|Security Interest: |If “yes”, form of Interest: |

|Additional Comments: |

Please be assured that all information provided will be held in the strictest of confidence. Thank you

in advance for your careful and prompt attention to this inquiry.

Scholastic Corporate Credit Department



Please complete the vendor profile listed below:

Customer Buyer Information:

Buyer Contact: ________________________________________________________

Email address:_______________________________________________________

Phone __________________________________ Fax_________________________

Customer EDI Information:

EDI Contact ________________________________________________________

Email address:_______________________________________________________

Company Name:_____________________________________________________


City_____________________________________ State_________ Zip______

Phone __________________________________ Fax_________________________

Shipping Locations for EDI Setup:


City_____________________________________ State_________ Zip______

Phone __________________________________ Fax_________________________


City_____________________________________ State_________ Zip______

Phone __________________________________ Fax_________________________

If additional shipping locations are required to be setup, please attach a complete listing of all addresses.


EDI Trading Partner Qualifier (ISA) GS

Test: _____/___________________ _________________________

Production: _____/___________________ _________________________

Value Added Network (VAN):

If applicable please provide: _________________________________

Account Number:___________________

User ID: __________________________

Which EDI translator software are you using? ________________________________

Which Documents are to be exchanged?

__ EDI (850) PO __ EDI (997) FA __ EDI (855) PR

__ EDI (856) SH __ EDI (857) BS __ EDI (810) IN

__ EDI (812) CD __ EDI (820) RA __ EDI (824) AG

__ EDI (852) PD __ EDI (864) TX __ EDI (816) OR

__ EDI (108) AN __ EDI (___) __ __ EDI (___) __

Customer assigned vendor #: __________________________

GS1-128 ASN Label Requirements:




Does customer require Special Instructions in the EDI document (Special

Handling, Marking or Packaging)? If yes, please explain in detail the

required specifications.




Customer’s expected time frame of EDI setup:


Customer’s estimated number of order submissions per week:



Trade Prod: 15/2025442 2025442

Test: 15/2025442T 2025442T

Teaching Resources Prod: 15/8600023 8600023

Test: 15/2025442T 2025442RS

Klutz Prod: 15/2025442KL 2025442KL

Test: 15/2025442KLT 2025442KLT

SLP Prod: 15/2538865 2538865

Test: 15/2538865T 2538865T

Value Added Network (VAN): GXS and PubNet

Direct FTP is available

EDI Contact: George Cassiliano or Carmen DePaolo

201-633-2836 201-633-2547

Gcassiliano-consultant@ Cdepaolo@


Business Name:

DBA (if applicable):

Bill To Address

Ship To Address




Bank Credit Reference Letter


Account #:







Trade Credit Reference Letter

Business Telephone # :

C/O (if applicable):

Customer Credit Application


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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