AT 12:00 NOON ON THE 2nd DAY OF MAY, 2018

The Board of Park Commissioners of Decatur Park District, Macon County, Illinois, met in a regular session on Wednesday, the 2nd day of May, 2018 at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the Decatur Park District Administration Office, 620 E. Riverside Avenue, Decatur, Illinois at which time and place there were present the following officers and members of said Board:

Bob Brilley, II, President

Chris Harrison, Vice President

Chris Riley, Commissioner

Stacey Young, Commissioner, via conference phone

Jack Kenny, Commissioner

A quorum of the members of the Board of Park Commissioners being present, President Brilley called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States was recited.

NO. 15823 Commissioner Kenny moved that Chris Harrison be elected as President and Chris Riley be elected as Vice-President, seconded by Commissioner Brilley. All voted aye upon call of the roll.

NO. 15824 A motion to approve items 1 – 11 on the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Brilley. All voted aye.

1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

2. Appoint Staff for 2018-19 as Follows:

Executive Director – William L. Clevenger

Treasurer – William L. Clevenger

Secretary – Amanda M. Childress

FOIA Officer – Amanda M. Childress

Legal Counsel – Ed Flynn

Ethics Officer – Ed Flynn

ADA Coordinator – Ryan Raleigh

3. Resolution No. 2018-1 Setting Schedule of Dates, Times, and Place for Regular Park Board Meetings

4. Resolution No. 2018-2 Designating Depositories for the Park District Funds

5. Resolution No. 2018-3 Providing Investment of Available Park District Funds

6. Resolution No. 2018-4 Authorizing Negotiations for Purchase of Airport Land

7. Resolution No. 2018-5 State of Illinois Federal Surplus Property Program

8. Resolution No. 2018-6 Inclusion of Cash Payments Related to Health Insurance as IMRF Earnings

9. Ordinance No. 2018-7 Setting Wages, Salaries and Guidelines for Non-Union Employees

10. Adoption of Board Policy & Administrative Procedures Manual Updates

11. Bills for Approval

NO. 15825 Bids were received for the preparation and delivery of meals for the 2018 Summer Food Service Program. Bid packets were sent to four vendors, with Aramark being the sole bidder. This program is funded by the US Department of Agriculture and reimbursed through the IL State Board of Education. Commissioner Riley made and Commissioner Kenny seconded a motion to approve the bid received from Aramark Educational Services, LLC. Upon call of the roll, all voted aye.

NO. 15826 Staff received bids for the removal of asbestos at the former Antioch Church. The low bid was from KAM Services, Inc. in the amount of $37,780. This project is in the Airport capital budget. Commissioner Brilley made and Commissioner Riley seconded a motion to approve the bid from KAM Services. All voted aye upon call of the roll.

NO. 15827 Larry Livergood (AEX) presented the low bid for installation of a new generator at the airport maintenance shop. The generator was previously approved and purchased through US Communities Cooperative Purchasing. Anderson Electric provided the low bid in the amount of $26,399. This project is in the Airport capital budget. Commissioner Kenny made and Commissioner Riley seconded a motion to approve the bid from Anderson Electric. Upon call of the roll, Commissioner Brilley voted nay, all else voted aye. Motion passes.

NO. 15828 Larry Livergood (AEX) explained that the bid for the site earthwork and underground utilities at Overlook Adventure Park (aquatics facility) came in considerably higher than the engineers’ estimate. He recommended rejecting the bid from Entler Excavating in the amount of $922,800. The engineering team will then modify the scope of work to be conducted and re-bid this portion of the project. Commissioner Brilley made and Commissioner Riley seconded a motion to reject the bid from Entler Excavating for the site earthwork, demolition and underground utilities. All voted aye upon call of the roll.

NO. 15829 Larry Livergood (AEX) recommended approval of the low base bid + Alternate 1 from Westport Pools, Inc. Approval of the pool construction portion of the project will allow the engineering team to modify the scope of work for the site earthwork, demolition, and underground utilities and re-bid that portion. Alternate 1 includes the addition of two swim lanes, for an 8-lane pool. Any other alternates to the base bid will be determined at a later date. Commissioner Riley made and Commissioner Kenny seconded a motion to authorize and direct Executive Director Clevenger to enter into a pool contract in the amount of $3,789,977.00 with Westport Pools, Inc. for the base bid with Alternate 1. Upon call of the roll, all voted aye.

NO. 15830 CFO Buhr explained that, upon tentative approval of the FY2018-19 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance, the document will be on public display for 30 days beginning May 4. Following a public hearing, it will be officially adopted at the June 6 Board meeting. Commissioner Riley made and Commissioner Kenny seconded a motion to tentatively approve the FY2018-19 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance No. 2018-5. All voted aye on call of the roll.

AIRPORT Emergency road repair projects delayed the start of the runway project, which will now begin June 4. The Division of Aeronautics is aware of the delay.

Cape Air is doing well. Positive comments have been heard from the public.

OPERATIONS Contractors have been able to get a number of footings, slabs and walls poured at the amphitheater. They continue to work on the planter walls, stage footings and pedestal foundation.

The power run to the amphitheater will be 1,600 amps. Copper wiring will not be used, providing a savings of approximately $11,500.

Bids will be due for the zoo train extension on May 30.

Staff is getting the water turned on in parks throughout the District.

Diamonds at Rotary Park are being regraded in efforts to help with drainage.

New ADA sidewalks have been poured at Graceland.

Concrete has been poured at the bottom of the zoo deck stairs. Once the railings are installed, the project will be complete.

The new GSI grain bin at Overlook Adventure Park is being installed for the storage of the items for the ropes course and batting cages. The shade screen is in for the ropes course and will be put up soon.

The Schaub Floral Display Center Plant Sale went well last weekend. Another sale will take place the weekend of May 4-5.

Commissioner Brilley inquired about stocking fish in the retention pond at the former Scovill Golf Course. Staff will check with IDNR, as they provide fish in the creek at Big Creek.

GOLF Men’s and women’s golf leagues have commenced.

The Wisconsin Stay and Play golfers were pleased to be here as they have 28” of snow back home.

The new fleet of golf carts will arrive tomorrow at Hickory Point.

Golf rounds are down from last year at this time.

RECREATION The MidState Cup tournament was the largest one yet, with 142 teams participating. Staff received many compliments from parents, players and spectators. Rod Schanefelt and Jeff Jenkins, volunteers, and staff do a fantastic job with this event.

Opening day for youth baseball and softball is Saturday at Rotary Park. There are 61 teams totaling 714 kids. There were 705 kids participating last year.

On May 12, the Park District’s Special Olympic track and field team will be competing in Warrensburg.

Community Yoga begins May 6 at 10:00 am. It will be held the first Sunday of the month at Fairview Pavilion #1 and the third Saturday of the month at Nelson Fitness Pavilion.

A Putt n’ Grub event to benefit the Forsyth Classic will be held at Overlook Adventure Park on Friday, May 11.

Tickets are selling out for The World of Dance recital performances on May 11-12.

Staff appreciates the partnership with Neuhoff Media and the support of Dansig in the Shake the Lake concert series. The first concert on June 27 and the final concert on July 27 are country performances. On July 4th, B.O.S.S., Jr. and Sr. will open the show for FUN DMC, followed by the fireworks over the lake.

Lacrosse has participant numbers in the mid-60s. There are more girls than boys in this session.

CFO BUHR Abby has been conducting a variety of trainings throughout the District including CPR certifications.

Kristi has been heading up the Distinguished Agency review process.

Staff has started preliminary work on the audit.

EXECTIVE DIRECTOR There is a need for an executive session for discussion of the sale or lease of real estate.


Commissioner Brilley would like to have a letter sent to the governor stating our needs and showing what we do. It would be nice to offer him a tour of the District.

Commissioner Riley thanked Bob for the last two years that he has led the Board.

Commissioner Harrison thanked Bob and said that he has learned a lot from him.

Commissioner Riley made and Commissioner Kenny seconded a motion that the Board move into Executive Session to discuss the sale or lease of real estate. All voted aye and the meeting moved into closed session at approximately 12:55 p.m.

A motion was made by Commissioner Brilley to adjourn the closed session and return to open session was seconded by Commissioner Riley and unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Commissioner Riley and seconded by Commissioner Kenny to adjourn the meeting and was unanimously approved.

/s/ Chris Harrison President, Board of Park Commissioners

/s/ Amanda M. Childress

Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners


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