Sevakeen Country Club - Ohio Real Estate Auctions

Sevakeen Country Club

Ground Rules




1.1. Any person damaging club property will be required to restore the damaged property. Members are responsible for any damage done by their guests. Members are responsible for leaving club facilities used in an orderly condition; the failure to do so will make member liable for clean-up cost.

1.2. The Sevakeen Country Club will not be responsible for any private property on the clubs grounds that are stolen, broken, or lost. However, the club will use its best efforts to protect private property.

1.3. Members, their families, and their guests, who use the club property and ground, do so at their own risk.

1.4. There shall be no intoxicating liquors brought or used upon common ground. No intoxicated person shall be permitted to remain on the ground. Profane or indecent language or lewd conduct is absolutely prohibited.

1.5. The use of firearms, including air rifles, is prohibited on the club grounds.

1.6. Campsites for members will be provided only upon written request to the board and approval of the Grounds Committee.

1.7. Vending of food or merchandise on the club grounds may be done only on the approval of the board.

1.8. No outside burning on club grounds is allowed from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

1.9. Members may use the club grounds, except for the clubhouse or a facility that has been previously reserved, for picnics, parties, etc., without charge. No private gatherings of more than 25 persons are permitted on Holidays.

1.10. Members may rent and reserve the use of the clubhouse or a pavilion for private parties; only 1 pavilion will be available for rental. Club activities will supersede all rental requests. The facility is to be rented and used for a member’s activity only. Written request to rent a facility is to be made to the Secretary stating the date, purpose and approximate number of guests. Upon approval of the Secretary, a rental agreement must be signed and the rental fee paid in advance, to reserve the facility. The board will set rental fees. This rental does not include the use of other club facilities, such as swimming pool or tennis courts. If the use of other facilities is desired the current fee schedule for usage will apply. Members renting the facility shall be responsible for clean-up of the facility, for full compliance of all club By-Laws and ground rules by their guests, and any damage to club property other than normal wear. No items, including tables and chairs, shall be removed from a facility except for club functions.

1.11. No pets, whether a member’s or guests, will be allowed to run at large at any time on club property. (This includes cats). All pets (including cats) must be on a leash at any time they are off their owner’s lot. No pets are allowed in the pool area at any time. Pet owners are expected to clean up after their pets. Owner must control noisy or unruly pets. A detailed complaint, made in writing and signed by a member, should be given to a member of the board. If the board deems the complaint to be justifiable the following actions may be taken:

1.11.1. For first complaint, the board of directors will issue a written warning to the pet owner.

1.11.2. Receipt of a second complaint will result in the club member being requested to appear before the board of directors to show just cause why the pet should not be removed from the club.

1.12. Keeping of livestock or poultry shall be prohibited on club grounds.

1.13. The dumping of garbage, tin cans or refuse on club grounds are prohibited.

1.14. The use and sale of fireworks will not be tolerated on club grounds; however, sparklers and cap guns are permissible. The use of fireworks, etc., on the club grounds will result in a penalty of $25.00.

1.15. No motor homes, campers, travel trailers, or mobile homes shall remain on club property over 48 hours except in a special case where written permission has been obtained from the Board. The Board will designate parking area.

1.16. Members, with the approval of the grounds committee, may use metal detectors on the club grounds.

1.17. The various committees will post additional rules related to usage of the club facilities in appropriate areas. It is the responsibility of members and guests using the facility to be aware of these rules.

1.18. The swimming committee will post additional rules related to usage of the pool in the swimming pool area. It is the responsibility of members and guests using the facility to be aware of these rules.

2. Tennis Court.

2.1. The courts will be closed from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

2.2. No bicycles, skateboards, tricycles or roller skates are permitted on tennis courts. These courts are for tennis only.

2.3. Only tennis or basketball shoes permitted on the court.

2.4. All play shall be rotation. No players may occupy any court more than one period if players are waiting, unless by special permit granted by the Tennis Committee. Periods will be for one hour for singles and 1-1/2 hours for doubles.

2.5. All arrangements for usage of the courts for special matches, tournaments, or games must be made with the Tennis Committee.

2.6. The Tennis Committee will post additional rules related to usage of the courts in the tennis court area. It is the responsibility of members and guests using the facility to be aware of these rules.

3. Lake.

3.1. Motorboats are permitted on the lake Sunday and Holiday afternoons only, from 12 noon to 6 P.M. Motors shall be limited to 6 HP.

3.2. Fishing season is open unless otherwise posted.

3.3. A penalty plus cost of removal will be assessed against all boat owners who leave boats in the water after November 1.

3.4. Boat docks may be constructed upon the recommendation and approval of the Board and Lake Committee.

3.5. Swimming in either lake is prohibited at all times.

3.6. All boats, canoes, etc., shall be registered at the club office and given an identification number.

3.7 All boats, canoes, etc., maintained at lake side shall be stored above the established high water mark or securely fastened to a tree, post, or other immoveable object using 3/8” polypropylene or nylon rope or 1/8” steel cable or better. A cable line will be provided at the paddle boat dock area.

3.8. It is the boat owner’s responsibility to make sure that their boat is secured at all times that it is not in use. Any boats found to be not secure will be transported to a safe location and the owner notified.

3.9. Repeat offenses will be subject to a fine.

3.10. The lake committee will post additional rules related to usage of the lake in the lake area. It is the

responsibility of members and guests using the lake to be aware of these rules.

4. Swimming Pool.

4.1. The pool will be closed from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM.

4.2. Members and guests in the pool area must obey all orders issued by the lifeguard on duty.

4.3. A swimming tag system is used to help our lifeguards and swimming committee protect the rights of members and guests against trespassers.

4.4. Everyone six years of age, when in the pool area and in bathing suit must wear a swim tag that is visible for inspection by the lifeguard.

4.5. Member tags will be issued to members, and their dependents as previously defined, at no charge.

4.6. Each member will be issued two (2) guest tags, at no charge, each year.

4.7. Additional guests will be identified by use of a stamp or wrist band approved by the board, issued at the stand on a daily basis. The board of directors will determine deposits required and fees charged.

4.8. Only the person to whom the tag is issued, with the exception of the season guest tags can use the assigned tag.

5. Vehicles

5.1. Please obey speed limit, stop signs, and directional signs as they are posted for safety reasons.

5.2. All vehicles that do not carry current license plates or are not in operable condition must be housed in a garage or be removed from club property within 30 days after becoming other than a fully operable vehicle.

5.3. Small motorized vehicle rules.

5.3.1. These rules are meant to apply to all forms of low speed recreational vehicles including golf carts, all-terrain vehicles (ATV), dune buggies, snowmobiles, dirt bikes and any other motorized land vehicle designed for recreational use off public roads.

5.3.2. Owners of vehicles that will be used on club grounds must register their vehicle (s) and provide proof of liability insurance to the club office each year. Each vehicle must display the registration number assigned by the club.

5.3.3. All drivers of this type of vehicle should be familiar with the related by-laws. A driver’s parent and/or the vehicle owner shall assume full responsibility for such operation.

5.3.4. These vehicles may not be used on Sunday or Holidays, except for transportation to and from designated area. The restriction shall apply Memorial Day through Labor Day.

5.3.5. The minimum age for the driver shall be 12 years of age.

5.3.6. All traffic regulations must be obeyed including, yielding to pedestrians, observing stop signs, and maximum speed limit of 15 M.P.H. on the spillway.

5.3.7. The number of seats determines the number of passengers; one passenger per seat. NO ONE should be standing on a moving vehicle.

5.3.8. Only vehicles equipped with headlights and taillights may be operated after dark.

5.3.9. Vehicles must stay on hard surfaced roads or designated areas.

5.3.10. Continuous circling or cruising of any area shall be strictly prohibited.

5.3.11. Vehicle owners are responsible to ensure that their vehicle is in good operating condition

including, without limitation, adequate brakes, reliable steering apparatus, safe tires, and that a slow moving vehicle sign or flag is attached.

5.3.12. Penalties for improper usage shall be imposed as the Board of Directors see fit.


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