S&U-4 - New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

[Pages:32]New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

Tax Topic Bulletin S&U-4


Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Sales Tax Law ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Use Tax ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Grocery, Drug, and Household Items ....................................................................................................... 5 Services ................................................................................................................................................................13 Coupons ..............................................................................................................................................................16 Prepared Food...................................................................................................................................................17 Newspapers, Magazines, and Books.........................................................................................................18 Specified Digital Products.............................................................................................................................19 Clothing and Footwear ..................................................................................................................................19 Leasing .................................................................................................................................................................23 Claim for Refund of Sales Tax......................................................................................................................23 Businesses Collecting Sales Tax ..................................................................................................................24 Other Taxes and Fees .....................................................................................................................................29


This bulletin has been designed as a guide to New Jersey Sales Tax and the taxability of certain items and services sold at retail. The lists of taxable and exempt items given throughout this publication are not meant to be all-inclusive. If after reading this bulletin you are unsure whether an item is taxable, contact the New Jersey Division of Taxation (see page 31). Information on the taxability of boats is available on the Division's website.

Rev. 08/21

New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

Sales Tax Law

The New Jersey Sales and Use Tax Act imposes a tax on the receipts from every retail sale of tangible personal property, specified digital products, and the sale of certain services, except as otherwise provided in the Act. Tangible personal property can include prewritten computer software delivered electronically. In addition, most services performed on tangible personal property and specified digital products are taxable unless they are specifically exempted by law. Exempt items include most food sold as grocery items, most clothing and footwear, disposable paper products for household use, prescription drugs, and over-the-counter drugs.

Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement (SSUTA)

The Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement affects the New Jersey Sales Tax treatment of certain products and services, including, but not limited to, candy, soft drinks, prepared food, certain clothing and footwear, grooming and hygiene products, and lease transactions.

More information on the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement is available online.

Urban Enterprise Zones

New Jersey has established Urban Enterprise Zones in a number of economically distressed cities in the State. Within these zones, qualified businesses that have a UZ-2 certificate may charge Sales Tax at half of the regular rate on sales of tangible personal property qualified for the reduced rate. In order for the qualified UEZ seller to offer this reduced rate, the purchaser must place the order in person at the seller's place of business in the zone. In addition, the purchaser must accept delivery at the seller's place of business within the zone, or the seller must deliver the property from its business location in the zone, not from another location.

More information on Urban Enterprise Zones and the benefits available to qualified UEZ businesses is provided on the Division's website.

Salem County Reduced Sales Tax

Certain sales made by businesses located in Salem County are subject to Sales Tax at half of the regular rate. Although there are certain exceptions, the reduced rate applies solely to retail sales of tangible personal property. The following are not eligible for the reduced rate:

Motor vehicles;

Alcoholic beverages;


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New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

Mail-order, catalog, or internet sales; Sales of services (e.g., maintenance and/or repairs); Prepared food, meals, and beverages; Telephone and electronically communicated sales; Sales made from locations outside the county; Charges for admissions or amusements; Charges for room occupancy, including hotels and transient accommodations such as

short-term rentals of rooms, homes, or other lodging. To qualify for the reduced rate, the sale must be made in person from a place of business regularly operated by the seller for the purpose of making retail sales. In addition, the purchaser must accept delivery at the seller's place of business in Salem County, or the seller must deliver the property to the purchaser from the seller's location in Salem County.

Transient Accomodations

New Jersey taxes occupancies of certain types of real property, such as hotels and motels. As of October 1, 2018, current law extends similar tax treatment to transient accommodations, which were not previously subject to tax. Transient accommodations are short-term rentals such as: ? Vacation rentals; ? Houses; ? Rooms; ? Similar lodging for guests on a transient basis. New Jersey property owners who provide transient accommodations are now required to collect and remit New Jersey Sales Tax, the State Occupancy Fee, the Municipal Occupancy

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New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

Tax (if applicable), and in some cases, other municipal taxes, fees, and assessments. They must be registered with the State to collect and remit these taxes and fees. Certain transient accommodations are exempt from tax. See Publication TB-81R, Taxes Imposed on Charges for the Rental of Transient Accommodations, for exclusions.

Use Tax

Use Tax is due when taxable tangible personal property, specified digital products, or services are purchased for use in New Jersey but Sales Tax is not collected, or is collected at a rate less than New Jersey's rate. This commonly happens when purchases are made online, by phone or mail order, or outside the State. If the items are delivered to a New Jersey address, the purchaser must pay Use Tax based on the purchase price, including any delivery/shipping charges. The Use Tax rate is the same as the Sales Tax rate, which is 6.625%. (The rate decreased to 6.625% on January 1, 2018.)

No Sales Tax Paid. If no Sales Tax is paid on a taxable item or service, the purchaser owes

6.625% Use Tax to New Jersey.

Example: A New Jersey resident buys a pool table for $3,000 plus $50 for shipping from a company based in another state. The pool table is delivered to the purchaser's home. The seller does not charge Sales Tax. The purchaser owes Use Tax of $202.06 ($3,050 X .06625 = $202.06).

Sales Tax Paid to Another State at a Rate Less Than New Jersey's Rate. If

Sales Tax is paid to another state (including Sales Tax paid to a city, county, or other jurisdiction within a state) at a total rate less than 6.625% on a purchase that would have been taxed in New Jersey, the purchaser owes Use Tax on the difference between the two rates. No credit is allowed for Sales Tax paid to a foreign country.

Example: On a trip to Maine, Judy Chang buys an antique desk for her office for $4,000 and pays Maine Sales Tax at the rate of 5.5%. The difference, $45 (1.125% of the purchase price), is due to New Jersey as Use Tax.

For more information, see publication ANJ7, Use Tax in New Jersey.

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New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

Grocery, Drug, and Household Items

Beginning on page 6 is a list of items commonly found in a retail store, with an indication of whether the item is taxable (T) or exempt (E) from Sales Tax when sold to an individual consumer.

Most items of food and drink purchased in a food store (supermarket, grocery store, produce market, bakery, etc.) are not subject to Sales Tax. Some items found on the list may become taxable if sold as prepared food. See the definition of prepared food. For more information, see the Notice regarding food and food products. Food and beverages that can be purchased with government benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program (SNAP) are exempt from Sales Tax. Thus, taxable items such as candy and soft drinks are not subject to tax when purchased with SNAP benefits.

Sales of disposable paper products, such as towels, napkins, toilet tissue, paper plates, and paper cups, are exempt from Sales Tax when purchased "for household use." This exemption does not apply to the sale of disposable paper products for industrial, commercial, or other business use.

Food and food ingredients (exempt) means substances, whether in liquid, concentrated, solid, frozen, dried, or dehydrated form, that are sold for ingestion or chewing by humans and are consumed for their taste or nutritional value. This term does not include tobacco and nicotine products, alcoholic beverages, candy, or soft drinks.

Dietary supplements (exempt) are any products required by the federal government to be labeled as a dietary supplement, and that are identifiable by the "Supplement Facts" box on the label. Many items that are commonly marketed as health supplements, energy bars, or meal replacement bars do not fall within the definition of "dietary supplements." These items could be taxable as candy if they meet the definition below.

Candy (taxable) means a preparation of sugar, honey, or other natural or artificial sweeteners in combination with chocolate, fruits, nuts, or other ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or pieces. Any preparation containing flour or requiring refrigeration is not considered "candy."

Soft drinks (taxable) are nonalcoholic beverages in liquid form that contain natural or artificial sweeteners. Beverages that contain milk or milk products; soy, rice, or similar milk substitutes; or more than 50% fruit or vegetable juice are not considered "soft drinks" and are not subject to Sales Tax.

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New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

Prescription drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs (for human use) also are exempt from Sales Tax if there is a label identifying the product as a drug, such as a "Drug Facts" panel or a statement of active ingredients. The OTC drug exemption does not apply to any grooming and hygiene product, which means a soap or cleaning solution, shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, antiperspirant, suntan lotion, or sunscreen.

Diabetic supplies, prosthetic devices, and durable medical equipment for home use are exempt from Sales Tax. Mobility enhancing equipment also is exempt when sold pursuant to a doctor's prescription. Repair and replacement parts for the exempt devices and equipment also are not subject to Sales Tax.

Examples of prosthetic devices include:

Artificial Limbs

Corrective Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses

Hearing Aids Heart Valves Pacemakers

Examples of durable medical equipment include:

Bed Pans

Heating Pads

Blood Pressure

Ice Packs

Machines and Cuffs

Examples of mobility enhancing equipment include:




Wheelchair Lifts

Hand Controls for Vehicles

For more information, see Technical Bulletin TB-63(R), Health Care Products: Drugs, Grooming and Hygiene Products, Prosthetic Devices, Durable Medical Equipment, and Mobility Enhancing Equipment.

Acne Products:

Creams or Lotions ............................................E Cleansers or Soaps...........................................T Air Fresheners ..........................................................T Alcohol, Rubbing ....................................................E Alcohol, Swabs and Pads.....................................E Alcoholic Beverages (prepackaged or by the drink)..................................................T

Allergy Relief Products .........................................E Aluminum Foil .........................................................T Ammonia ...................................................................T Anesthetics ...............................................................E Antacids .....................................................................E Antibiotics .................................................................E Antifungals ................................................................E Antihistamines .........................................................E

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Antinauseants .......................................................... E Antiperspirants........................................................ T Arch Supports..........................................................E Arthritis Relievers ...................................................E Artificial Tears ..........................................................E Aspirins and Combinations ................................E Asthma Preparations.............................................E Astringents ................................................................E Athlete's Foot Treatments...................................E Baby Bath Soaps--Liquid, Bar ...........................T Baby Food .................................................................E Baby Formulas .........................................................E Baby Lotions.............................................................T Baby Pants ................................................................E Baby Powder ............................................................T Baby Shampoos ......................................................T Baby Wipes ...............................................................E Bags:

Cloth, Plastic ..................................................... T Paper for household use.............................. E Baked Goods (see Prepared Food)...............*

*Taxability depends on how product is sold.

Baking Cups:

Foil ......................................................................... T Paper for household use................................ E Baking Powder ........................................................ E Baking Soda ............................................................. E Balloons ..................................................................... T Bandages................................................................... T Band Aids .................................................................. T Bar Mixes (liquid):

Sweetened........................................................... T Unsweetened ..................................................... E Bath Beads, Oils, Sachets.....................................T Bathing Caps ............................................................E Bathroom Cleaners ................................................T Batteries .....................................................................T Batteries, Hearing aid ...........................................E Bed Linens.................................................................T Bed Pans for home use ........................................E Bee Sting Relievers ................................................E Beverage Flavorings/Enhancers--Liquid,

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New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

Concentrated......................................................E Beverage Powders (Kool-Aid,

lemonade, iced tea) .........................................E Beverage Syrups:

Flavored ................................................................E Soda .......................................................................E Beverages, Sweetened: Containing milk, milk products, or

milk substitutes (soy, rice, etc.) ............E Containing more than 50% juice ..............E Containing no milk products and

containing 50% or less juice .................T Beverages, Unsweetened ...................................E Bibs ..............................................................................E Bird Food ................................................................... T Birth Control Preparations .................................. E Biscuits, Crackers .................................................... E Blankets (except baby receiving blankets).... T Bleach--Liquid, Dry ............................................... T Blistex? (medicated) ............................................ E Blood Pressure Cuffs for home use ................. E Books (except certain textbooks

approved by the school) ............................... T (see also Newspapers, Magazines, and Books and Specified Digital Products) Bottled Water: Sweetened .........................................................T Unsweetened ....................................................E Braces--Ankle, Knee ............................................. E Bread and Rolls ....................................................... E Breast Cream............................................................ T Breast Pump ............................................................. E *Effective May 1, 2018, sales of breast pumps are exempt when sold to an individual purchaser for home use. Breast Shells, Bra Pads.......................................... E Breath Freshener .................................................... T Bubble Bath .............................................................. T Butane ........................................................................ E Cake Mixes................................................................ E Calling Cards, Telephone (prepaid):

Sale of Card......................................................... T Additional Minutes .......................................... T Camera Lens and Eyeglass Cleaner Tissues.. T Candles....................................................................... T Candy (see Candy) ................................................. T Taxable unless product contains flour

(e.g., Nestle Crunch?) or requires


Canes .......................................................................... T Sold pursuant to doctor's prescription .... E

Canker Sore Preparations ................................... E Canned Goods:

Fruits .................................................................... E Meats, Fish (except pet food) ................... E Milk ...................................................................... E Soup..................................................................... E Vegetables......................................................... E Car Wash and Wax ................................................ T Carbonated Beverages (see Beverages) Carpet Cleaners....................................................... T Carpet Deodorizers ...............................................T Castor Oil...................................................................E Cat Food ....................................................................T CDs, Cassettes, DVDs ............................................T Cereal Bars (see Candy) .......................................* *Taxability depends on ingredients. Cereals ........................................................................E Chapstick? (medicated)......................................E Charcoal, Charcoal Briquettes ...........................E Cheese, Cheese Spreads......................................E Chewing Gum ..........................................................T Chewing Tobacco...................................................T Chips--Chocolate, Butterscotch, etc. (for use in baking): Sweetened .........................................................T Unsweetened ....................................................E Chips--Potato, Corn, etc. ...................................E Christmas Trees.......................................................T Christmas Tree Skirts--Paper, Cloth ...............T Cigarette Filters.......................................................T Cigarette Papers .....................................................T Cigarettes ..................................................................T

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New Jersey Sales Tax Guide

Cigars ..........................................................................T Cleaning Liquids, Powders..................................T Clotheslines ..............................................................T Clothespins ...............................................................T Clothing (see Clothing and Footwear) Cocktail Onions, Olives ........................................E Cocktail Sauces .......................................................E Cocoa, Instant..........................................................E Cod Liver Oil.............................................................E Coffee--Beans, Packaged, Instant ...................E Coffee Filters--Paper for household use ......E Coffee Pot Cleaners...............................................T Cold Preparations and Remedies.....................E Cold Sore Preparations ........................................E Combs ........................................................................T Computers: (see also Services)

Computer Systems .......................................T Hardware Components ..............................T Prewritten Computer Software ................ T Condiments (ketchup, mustard, etc.).............. E Condoms ................................................................... T Confections (see Candy)...................................... T Constipation Products.......................................... E Contact Lens Care Products (including saline solution)............................................... T Contact Lens Cleaner, Solution ......................... T Contact Lenses (prescription) ............................ E Contraceptive Preparations................................ E Cooking Wine .......................................................... E Copper Cleaner ....................................................... T Corn and Callus Pads ............................................ T Corn and Callus Removers.................................. E Cornstarch................................................................. E Cosmetics .................................................................. T Costumes................................................................... E Cotton Balls .............................................................. T Cough Preparations .............................................. E Cream, Milk, Half and Half .................................. E Crepe Paper.............................................................. T Crutches ..................................................................... T Sold pursuant to doctor's prescription. E Cups:


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