
Biotechnology Notes- Use the Biotechnology ppt. on my website. Gel Electrophoresis1. What is a DNA fingerprint? 2. How is a gel electrophoresis used to create a DNA fingerprint? (List the steps used to create a fingerprint)3. What are plasmids and how do they relate to genetic engineering?4. How are restriction enzymes used in genetic engineering?3. How can a DNA fingerprint be used to help in forensics and/or paternity tests?4. Watch and list 3 ways that genetic engineering will be used in medicine, industry, and agriculture.Transgenic Organisms1. What is a transgenic organism?2. What is a Genetically Modified Organism?3. What is recombinant DNA?4. Summarize the steps used to genetically engineer a transgenic bacterium.5. How are bacteria used to create insulin? Clotting factor? 6. How are bacteria used to help clean up oil spills?7. How can strawberry plants be engineered to be resistant to frost?8. Look up an example of a crop that has been genetically engineered to help agriculture.9. Watch . Describe some pros and con of the genetically engineered salmon.Human Genome Project1. What was the Human Genome Project?2. What is genetic screening and how does it relate to the Human Genome Project?3. What is gene therapy?4. Describe how cystic fibrosis and Severe Combined Immune Deficiency have been treated by using gene therapy.5. Search for a simplistic but informative image summarizing the steps of gene therapy. Copy and paste here and restate in your own words the steps in gene therapy.The diagram above illustrates Bt corn is created using genetic engineering. 1. On the diagram above, draw a square around the recombinant DNA.2. Draw a circle around the transgenic organism. In 1989 two scientists took a gene from an Artic fox and inserted it into a bacterium. The bacterium then began producing a protein for white color directed by the gene from the fox. 3. In the scenario above, the Arctic fox is the,transgenic organisma clonerecombinant DNAthe source of the working gene 4. In the scenario above the bacterium is the,transgenic organisma clonerecombinant DNAthe source of the working gene 5. Which procedure was used by the two scientistscloningkartyotypingstem cell researchleft2719070000Describe or explain how genetic engineering biotechnology is used in creating human insulin step by step. You may use the diagram, but write your answer in complete sentences. WORDS THAT MUST BE INCLUDED: plasmid, recombinant DNA, restriction enzyme, insulin gene306705095250______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________00______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________EOC PRACTICE (Highlight the correct responses)1. How is the process of Gene Therapy used to treat Cystic Fibrosis?By replacing the abnormal gene with a copy of the normal geneBy removing a portion of the abnormal geneBy adding a nitrogen base to the beginning of the DNA sequenceBy inducing a mutation2. Which process is used to insert normal genes into human cells to correct disorders?Gene therapyLive vector vaccinesMolecular cloningStem cell therapy3. Which vehicles are often used for gene therapy to carry a healthy gene?BacteriaPlastic capsulesPowder ballsViruses4. What is gene therapy?Pre-clinical testing for inherited diseases in newbornsTreatment of diseases caused by a genetic defectGenetic engineering using recombinant DNA technologyCancer treatment using in vitro cultured stem cells5. Which of the following is an example of a condition caused by a mutation in a single gene?Colon cancerHeart diseaseAIDSCystic Fibrosis ................

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