Examples - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

3: References3.1 IEEE C37.90-2005 Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus 3.2 IEEE C37.90.1-2011 Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus3.3 IEEE C37.90.2-2004 Standard for Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from Transceivers3.4 IEEE C37.90.3-2001 Standard Electrostatic Discharge Tests for Protective Relays4.0 Additions and Changes to References4.1 Additions and Changes to [3.1] IEEE C37.90-2005 Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power ApparatusClause 3.1.1 Operational temperature range – change to read:Operational temperature is the temperature of still air measured 30 cm from the surface of the unit (communications networking device) enclosure while in operation and with communications profile 3, as defined in Table 7 and Table 8. For a specified temperature range (for example, –20 °C to +55 °C), a unit shall be able to start up and continue its operation at the specified minimum temperature (i.e., –20 °C) within 5 min after having been de-energized for a sufficient time such that its internal components have cooled to that temperature without condensation. A unit shall also be able to start up and continue its operation within 5 min at the specified maximum temperature (i.e., +55 °C) after having been de-energized for a sufficient time such that its internal components have heated to that temperature. If the unit to be tested is modular, then the configuration to be tested shall be the maximum heat-generating configuration permitted by the manufacturer and include dual power supplies if such a design option is available.Add: Devices meeting this standard shall be convection cooled and shall not include internal fans or any other means of forced air circulation.Clause 3.1 DC rated control power inputs – underlined words added:DC power supplies and auxiliary circuits with dc voltage rating shall be able to withstand continuously the maximum design voltage shown in Table 3. They shall be capable of operating successfully over a range from 80% of rated voltage to the maximum design voltage. Power supplies with a wide dc voltage range (i.e., 12 V to 280 V) are encouraged. DC power supplies shall be designed such that they do not apply a ground on either the positive or negative terminal of the station battery connection. It shall be possible for either the positive or negative of the station battery inputs to be externally connected to to the case ground, or other common ground, without damage.4.2 Additions and Changes to [Ref 3.2] IEEE C37.90.1?-2011 Standard for Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power ApparatusClause 6. Equipment to be testedTest intent – changed to add:The tests described herein are design tests to be applied to communications networking devices and communication ports in protective relays that can be exposed to conducted or coupled transients under normal installed operating conditions. It is not the intent of these tests to test an isolated subassembly of a communications networking device unless that subassembly can be used independently and located more than 2 m from the rest of the device.6.4 Protective relay communication equipment and communications networking devices (underlined words added)Test points – changed to read:After the communication system is defined, all points of connection between the communications system and external circuits shall be tested.Application of test wave – external connection groups underlined words added:All external connections to the system shall be considered in one of the following four groups, as defined in the IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms & Definitions, and shall be tested: Power supply, including power over EthernetOutputs, such as alarmsDigital data Signal circuits, including connections to radio frequency antennas or via power line communications7.3 Conditions of tests – changed to read:The tests shall be made under usual service conditions and energized at rated power supply voltage in accordance with [Ref 3.1]. Typical test setups for small are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 1a (see below), respectively. During the application of the transients, and via external connections (or by any other equally effective methods), the device (or port) shall be placed in transmit and receive modes for approximately equal time.Figure 1a – Concurrent common mode test for I/O and data circuits, and RF leadsFigure 1a7.3.6 Power supply values (addition of one word – underlined below) It is the intent of this test to duplicate as nearly as possible in-service conditions with the device in its energized normal operating state. The input voltage to power supply circuits shall be within specified limits. Revised Table 6—Test modes and voltage for each external connection group—fast transient test(for IEEE 1613-2011: transverse mode tests on outputs not required, b footnote added)External connection groupTest modesFast transient testCommonTransverseVoltage to be appliedPower supplyYesYesb4 kVOutputYesNo 4 kVaData communicationsYesNo4 kVaSignal circuitYesNo4 kVaa Applied through capacitive coupling clamp. b May be applied as common mode with one terminal grounded, and repeated with the other terminal grounded.Add the following Clauses:7.3.7 Communications conditions during SWC tests For performance Class 1 equipment, the manufacturer shall declare the communications conditions, stored program or external controls such that the transmit and the receive functions are each activated for essentially equal time during SWC testing. For performance Class 2 equipment, SWC testing shall be conducted with devices under each communications profile shown in Table 7, Table 8, and/or Table 9 as applicable.Table 7—Device communications profiles (conditions) during SWC tests for Ethernet equipment with specified ranges of frame size (for example, an Ethernet switch)ProfileBit rateFrame sizeFrame rate (loading)(% of maximum)aComments100 0 Idle conditions (no communications)2MaximumMaximum30Simulate typical loading3MaximumMaximum90Simulate heavy loadinga “% of maximum” refers to the average throughput maintained during the test compared with the maximum sustainable throughput. The maximum sustainable throughput is the rate above which error-free communication cannot be sustained by the unit under test under normal service conditions.Table 8—Device communications profiles (conditions) during SWC tests for serial devices without specified ranges of frame size (for example, serial media converters)ProfileBit rateComments10Idle conditions (no communications)230% of maximumSimulate lower bandwidth communications3MaximumSimulate higher bandwidth communicationsTable 9– Device communications profiles (conditions) during SWC tests for radio frequency (RF) and power line carrier (PLC) equipped devices. Note: Broadband over PowerLine equipped devices shall follow the same profile as PLC equipment.ProfileBit rate% of manufacturer’s ratingComments10Idle conditions (no communications)230 %Simulate typical loading390 %Simulate heavy loadingNote: The RF signal strength at the device’s RF antenna port shall be no greater than 10 db above the manufacturer’s requirement for its published packet error rate.3.7 Device performance classesThere shall be two performance classes for devices:Class 1: This performance class is for communications devices installed in electric power facilities and used for general-purpose communications where temporary loss of communications and/or communications errors can be tolerated during the occurrence of the SWC transients. All devices shall meet Class 1 requirements unless Class 2 is specified by the user or manufacturer. Class 2: This performance class is for communications devices used in electric power facilities and used for communications where it is required to have error-free, uninterrupted communications during the occurrence of the SWC transients. Conditions to be met (acceptance criteria) The device shall be continuously energized from the beginning of the transient tests and until the following post transient test evaluations per Clause 3.8.1 have been completed. The device shall be considered to have passed the oscillatory and fast transient SWC tests if—as a result of the tests—all the conditions listed below are met for the performance class of the device. Note: The SWC and fast transient testing of communication ports of protective relays may occur as a concurrent adjunct to their SWC and fast transient tests.3.8.1 Conditions to be met by Class 1 and Class 2 devices i) No loss or corruption of stored memory or data, including active or stored settings, occurs.ii) Device resets do not occur, and manual resetting is not required. iii) No changes in the states of the electrical, mechanical, or communication status outputs occur. This includes alarms, status outputs, or targets.No erroneous, permanent change of state of the visual, audio, or message outputs results. Momentary changes of these outputs during the tests are permitted.During the tests, SCADA analog values shall not change by more than 2% of full-scale values. After the test, accuracy must revert to the manufacturer-claimed accuracy. No hardware damage has occurred (de-energized test)3.8.2 .Additional condition to be met by Class 1 devices The manufacturer shall declare the communications conditions to be initiated on the energized device after completion of the transient tests. Although the details of this communication are not specified in this standard, they shall be adequate to confirm that neither the transmit nor the receive functions of the device were damaged by the application of the transient tests.3.8.3 Additional conditions to be met by Class 2 devicesEstablished communications in accordance 3.6.3 shall NOT be disrupted or experience errors during the period the SWC tests are applied.4.3 Additions and Changes to [Ref 3.3] IEEE C37.90.2 - 2004 Standard for Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from TransceiversAdd to Clause 1.1 Scope: Communication networking devices and the communication ports in protective relaysAdd to Clause 6. Device performance classes There shall be two performance classes for devices during RF susceptibility tests, as follows: —Class 1. This performance class is for communications devices used for general-purpose electric power communications where temporary loss of communications and/or communications errors can be tolerated during the occurrence of RFI. All devices shall meet class 1 requirements unless class 2 is specified by the user or manufacturer—Class 2. This performance class is for communications devices used in electric power communications where it is desired to have error-free, uninterrupted communications during the occurrence of RFI.Test Procedure: For performance Class 1 equipment, the manufacturer shall declare the communications conditions, stored program or external controls such that the transmit and receive functions are each activated for essentially equal time during RF testing. Immediately following the RF tests, and with the device still energized, the device shall meet the requirements in Clause 7.7.1For performance class 2 equipment, RF testing shall be conducted with devices under each of the communications profiles shown in Table 7, Table 8, and/or Table 10 as applicable.Conditions to be met by Class 1 and Class 2 devices while their power supplies are continuously energized following the application of the RFNo loss or corruption of stored memory or data, including active or stored settings, occurs.Device resets do not occur, and manual resetting is not required.No changes in the states of the electrical, mechanical, or communication status outputs occur. These outputs include alarms, status outputs, or targets.No erroneous, permanent change of state of the visual, audio, or message outputs results. Momentary changes of these outputs during the tests are permitted.During the tests, SCADA analog values shall not change by more than 2% of full-scale values. After the test, accuracy must revert to the manufacturer-claimed accuracy. No hardware damage has occurred (confirm when device is de-energized).Add to Clause 6.4 Criteria for Acceptance: The equipment shall be considered to have passed the RF tests if—during, or as a result of, the tests—all the applicable conditions are met for the performance class of the device. Note: The RF testing of communication ports of protective relays may occur as a concurrent adjunct to the RF testing of those devices4.4 Changes to [Ref 3.4] IEEE C37.90.2 - 2004 Standard for Withstand Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic Interference from TransceiversAdd to Clause 1.1 Scope: and Communication networking devices and the communication ports in protective relays.Add to Clause 6. Device performance classes There shall be two performance classes for devices during RF susceptibility tests, as follows: —Class 1. This performance class is for communications devices used for general-purpose electric power communications where temporary loss of communications and/or communications errors can be tolerated during the occurrence of RFI. All devices shall meet class 1 requirements unless class 2 is specified by the user or manufacturer—Class 2. This performance class is for communications devices used in electric power communications where it is desired to have error-free, uninterrupted communications during the occurrence of RFI.Test Procedure: For performance Class 1 equipment, the manufacturer shall declare the communications conditions, stored program or external controls such that the transmit and receive functions are each activated for essentially equal time during ESD testing. Immediately following the ESD tests, and with the device still energized, the device shall meet the requirements in Clause 7.7.1For performance class 2 equipment, ESD testing shall be conducted with devices under each of the communications profiles shown in Table 7, Table 8, and/or Table 10 as applicable.Conditions to be met by Class 1 and Class 2 devices while their power supplies are continuously energized following the application of the ESDNo loss or corruption of stored memory or data, including active or stored settings, occurs.Device resets do not occur, and manual resetting is not required.No changes in the states of the electrical, mechanical, or communication status outputs occur. These outputs include alarms, status outputs, or targets.No erroneous, permanent change of state of the visual, audio, or message outputs results. Momentary changes of these outputs during the tests are permitted.During the tests, SCADA analog values shall not change by more than 2% of full-scale values. After the test, accuracy must revert to the manufacturer-claimed accuracy. No hardware damage has occurred (confirm when device is de-energized).Add to Clause 6.4 Criteria for Acceptance: The equipment shall be considered to have passed the ESD tests if—during, or as a result of, the tests—all the applicable conditions are met for the performance class of the device. Note: The ESD testing of communication ports of protective relays may occur as a concurrent adjunct to the ESD testing of those devices.5. Vibration and shockWhere control and data acquisition equipment will be subjected to vibration or shock, the user shall express the local vibration environment as constant velocity lines to represent vibration severity levels over a specified frequency range.Five severity classes are listed in Table 10 as examples in typical locations.Table 10—Classes of vibration severityClassVelocity v(mm/s)Frequency range(Hz)ExamplesV.S.1<31 to 150Control room and general industrial environmentV.S.2<101 to 150Field equipmentV.S.3<301 to 150Field equipmentV.S.4<3001 to 150Field equipment including transportationV.S.X>300—To be specified by the userShock phenomena that may occur during handling for operation and maintenance of equipment shall be expressed in terms of an equivalent height of fall. This relationship is shown in Table 11.Table 11—Shock phenomenaHeight of fall (mm)Treatment (hard surface)25Light handling50Light handling, heavy equipment (> 10 kg)100Normal handling250Normal handling, heavy material1000Rough handling1500Rough handling, heavy materialAC power fault tests (Telecommunication port)The ac power fault susceptibility test methods and their application to the EUT are adapted from the methods and applications specified in section 4.6 of the Telcordia GR-1089-CORE Generic Requirements REF _Ref302547089 \r \h [B8].ScopeThis sub-clause specifies design tests for?type A ports (See Table 16 for port type definition) in communications networking devices that relate to the immunity of these ports to short duration ac power faults. This sub-clause is not intended for fire, fragmentation, or electrical hazard compliance.PurposeThe purpose is to establish a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of communications networking devices when subjected to induced ac power faults on communication lines, or direct contact between ac power lines and communication lines.Test connectionsDuring testing of each telecommunication port, telecommunication ports adjacent to the port under test are to be terminated as in service. Type A ports that are not adjacent to the port under test, are to be grounded. Type B ports not adjacent to the port under test, but required for testing, are to be terminated as in service. Other Type B ports that are not necessary for the testing are to be left floating. Other connections such as power and control leads are to be terminated as appropriate for the operating mode(s) of the equipment.Application of AC power fault test voltageCONNECTION SCHEMES1S2S3S41 (TIP to Generator, RING to Ground)CLOSEDOPENOPENCLOSED2 (RING to Generator, TIP to Ground)OPENCLOSEDCLOSEDOPEN3 (TIP to Generator, RING to Generator simultaneously)CLOSEDOPENCLOSEDOPENTable 16—Telecommunication port type definitionPort typeDescriptionType AEquipment port(s) directly connected to metallic tip and ring outside-plant conductors.Type BEquipment port(s) that does not directly connect to metallic tip and ring outside-plant conductors, but may connect to intra-building communication link(s).High-Impedance inductive source test circuitNotes:Equipment to be tested as it would be connected and powered in normal service.The test circuit with the EUT disconnected is prepared for testing by adjusting the voltage V1 until the voltage measured with respect to ground at V, V’, VT or VR equals 600 Vrms. After adjusting V1, either the sixty 5-second applications for test#5 of REF _Ref301961111 \r \h Table 13 is applied to the EUT. The capacitors in the test network should have adequate voltage and dissipation ratings.The primary-to-secondary turns ratio (N1:N2) of the transformer is arbitrary, but should be the same on each secondary (line conductor).Source V1 should have a minimum volt-ampere rating of 50 VA.Test levelsTable 17—AC power fault test specificationTestVoltage (Vrms)1Short-Circuit current per conductor (A)2Number of repetitionsDurationPrimary protectionConnection scheme1500.33115 min.Removed1, 2 & 3 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 721000.17115 min.Removed1, 2 & 3 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 73200, 400 and 60031 (at 600V)601 s. of each voltageRemoved1, 2 & 3 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 7410001601 s.Installed3 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 75See REF _Ref301959359 \r \h Figure 84See REF _Ref301959359 \r \h Figure 8605 s.RemovedSee REF _Ref301959359 \r \h Figure 866000.5130 s.Removed1, 2 & 3 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 774402.252 s.Removed1, 2 & 3 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 78600351.1 s.Removed1, 2 & 3 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 791000550.4 s.Installed3 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 7Notes:All sources are 50 or 60 Hz sinusoidal.When performing longitudinal tests, select resistors (as shown in REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 7) to permit the given current to flow in each conductor under short-circuit conditions.For primary protection other than carbon blocks (or equivalent), the maximum peak voltage of the test may be reduced to the +3 sigma dc breakdown voltage over life measured at less than 2000 volts per second as specified in ANSI/IEEE C62.31 REF _Ref302480901 \r \h [B1].This test is intended to establish the immunity of an EUT to low-level induced currents. It is applicable to an EUT containing secondary protectors that use gas-tube voltage limiters, gated-type devices (thyristors or sidactors), or other similar devices.Test procedureTests described in section REF _Ref301871828 \r \h 8.4 shall be repeated for all operation modes of the tested port. As an example, a modem port shall be tested while it is in the off-hook state, and in the on-hook state.Sufficient time may be allowed between the application of ac power tests, to permit components to cool.Acceptance criteriaDuring the application of the test sequence to a port, the operation of that port may be disrupted.The EUT shall not be damaged and shall operate properly without manual intervention or power cycling after each test sequence.Power square voltage injection test (Telecommunication port)The power square voltage susceptibility test definition are based on voltage transients observed on Type A port (See REF _Ref302024125 \r \h Table 12) during power fault. Those transients are the result of the operation of a voltage-limiting protection device located in the telecommunication demarcation box.Annex G describes in more detail the observed voltage transient, captured on-site.ScopeThis sub-clause specifies design tests for type A ports (See Table 16 for port type definition) in communications networking devices that relate to the immunity of these ports to voltage transients resulting from the operation of a voltage-limiting protection device located in the telecommunication demarcation box.PurposeThe purpose is to establish a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of communications networking devices when subjected to high dv/dt voltage transient between the tip and the ring of Type A ports.Test connectionsThe test circuit is identical to the one shown in REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 7.During testing of each telecommunication port, telecommunication ports adjacent to the port under test are to be terminated as in service.Type A ports that are not adjacent to the port under test, are to be grounded. Type B ports not adjacent to the port under test, but required for testing, are to be terminated as in service. Other Type B ports that are not necessary for the testing are to be left floating. Other connections such as power and control leads are to be terminated as appropriate for the operating mode(s) of the equipment.Test waveformThe waveform consists of four bursts of eight square pulses (pulse width of 6ms, period of 8 ms), with a pause of 15 seconds between each burst as shown in REF _Ref302045438 \r \h Figure 9.Power square voltage waveform—Power square voltage levelVoltage (V)1Short-Circuit current per conductor (A)2Number of repetitionsMinimum dv/dt(MV/sec.)Primary protectionConnection scheme2001120Removed1, 2 of REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 7Notes:Source voltage waveform defined in REF _Ref302045438 \r \h Figure 9.When performing longitudinal tests, select resistors (as shown in REF _Ref302030911 \r \h Figure 7) to permit the given current to flow in each conductor under short-circuit conditions.Test procedureTest shall be repeated for all operation modes of the tested port. As an example, a modem port shall be tested the port while it is in the off-hook state, and in the on-hook state.Acceptance criteriaDuring the application of the test sequence to a port, the operation of that port may be disrupted.The EUT shall not be damaged and shall operate properly without manual intervention or power cycling after each test sequence.Bibliography (same as before, but with IEEE C37.90, 90.1, 90.2 and 90.3 deleted, as they are now References) ................

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