2669 Buford Hwy Marketing Piece7-17

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2669 Buford Hwy Buford, GA 30518

Demographics: (2015)


1 Mile


3 Mile


5 Mile 101,693


15,572 32,652

AVG HH INCOME $59,982 $62,509 $68,845

For More Info Please Contact:

Michael Wendt, CCIM 770-873-1770 (cell)


Suite +/- Sq.Ft. Frontage Status

100 1,875 200 1,500 300 1,500

+/- 4,875

25' 20 ` 20' +/- 65'

Available (End Cap) Available Available

High ceilings possible. (15' ? 16')

Bay Depths = Approx. 75'

Combined = 3,000sf Combined = 3,375sf


Buford, GA 30518

Presented by

Michael Wendt

Work: (770) 873-1770 Michael@ Wendt CRS, Inc. 2870 Peachtree Road, NW Suite 207 Atlanta, GA 30305

Copyright 2017 Realtors PropertyResource? LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.


Buford, GA 30518

Criteria Used for Analysis

Income: Median Household Income


Age: Median Age


Population Stats: Total Population


Segmentation: 1st Dominant Segment

Up and Coming Families

Consumer Segmentation

Life Mode

What are the people like that live in this area?

Ethnic Enclaves

Established diversity--young, Hispanic homeowners with families


Where do people like this usually liv e?

Suburban Periphery

Affluence in the suburbs, married couple-families, longer commutes

Top Tapestry Segments

% of Households % of Gwinnett County Lifestyle Group Urbanization Group Residence Type Household Type Average Household Size Median Age Div ersity Index Median Household Income Median Net Worth Median Home Value Homeownership Employment

Education Preferred Activities




Up and Coming Families

Soccer Moms

5,744 (34.0%)

1,704 (10.1%)

44,490 (15.9%)

59,020 (21.1%)

Ethnic Enclaves

Family Landscapes

Suburban Periphery Single Family

Suburban Periphery Single Family

Married Couples 3.1 30.7

Married Couples 2.96 36.6

72.4 $64,000

48.3 $84,000

$96,000 $174,000 74.1 %

$252,000 $226,000 85.5 %

Professional or Services

College Degree

Professional or Management

College Degree

Visit theme parks,

Go jogging, biking,

zoos. Contract for

target shooting. Visit

home and landscaping theme parks, zoos.


Hold student loans, mortgages

Carry high level of debt

Go online to shop, bank, for entertainment

Own late-model compact car, SUV

Shop, bankonline

Own 2+ vehicles (minivans, SUVs)


American Dreamers


1,675 (9.9%)

1,566 (9.3%)

1,361 (8.0%)

9,525 (3.4%)

29,710 (10.6%)

9,062 (3.2%)

Family Landscapes Ethnic Enclaves

Affluent Estates

Semirural Single Family

Urban Periphery Single Family

Suburban Periphery Single Family

Married Couples 2.73 35.3

Married Couples 3.16 31.8

Married Couples 3.22 33.6

46.3 $55,000

83.3 $48,000

60.9 $105,000

$89,000 $158,000 74.3 %

$53,000 $130,000 65 %

$304,000 $293,000 84.5 %

Professional or Services

College Degree

Services or Administration

Professional or Management

High School Graduate College Degree

Buy children'stoysand Own feature-rich cell

clothes. Go hunting, phones. Pay bills,

bowling, target

socialize online.


Hold gym membership; own home equipment. Prioritize physical fitness.

Carry some debt; invest for future

Spend money carefully; buy necessities

Watch country,

Listen to urban or

Christian TV channels Hispanic radio

Have home mortgage

Own, use latest devices

Own trucks, SUVs

One or two vehicles Prefer SUVs, luxury cars, minivans

Copyright 2017 Realtors PropertyResource? LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.


Buford, GA 30518

About this segment

Up and Coming Families

This is the


dominant segment for thisarea

In thisarea


of householdsfall into thissegment

In the United States


of householdsfall into thissegment

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

Who We Are

Our Neighborhood

Up and Coming Families is a market in transition--residents are younger and more mobile and ethnicallydiverse than the previous generation. They are ambitious, working hard to get ahead, and willing to take some risks to achieve their goals. The recession has impacted their financial well-being, but they are optimistic. Their homes are new; their families are young. And this is one of the fastest-growing markets in the country.

New suburban periphery: new familiesin new housing subdivisions.

Building began in the housing boom of the 2000sand continuesin thisfast-growing market.

Single-family homeswith a median value of $174,000 and a lower vacancy rate.

The price of affordable housing: longer commute times.

Socioeconomic Traits

Education: 66% have some college education or degree(s).

Hard-working labor force with a participation rate of 71% and low unemployment at 7%.

Most households(63%) have two or more workers.

Careful shoppers, aware of prices, willing to shop around for the best dealsand open to influence by others' opinions.

Seekthe latest and best in technology.

Young familiesstill feathering the nest and establishing their style.

Market Profile

Rely on the Internet for entertainment, information, shopping and banking.

Prefer imported SUVsor compact cars, late models.

Carry debt from credit card balancesto student loansand mortgages, but also maintain retirement plansand make charitable contributions.

Busy with workand family; use home and landscaping servicesto save time.

Find leisure in family activities, moviesat home, tripsto theme parksor the zoo, and sports, from backpacking and baseball to weight lifting and yoga.

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifies U.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2016. Update Frequency: Annually.

Copyright 2017 Realtors PropertyResource? LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.


Buford, GA 30518

About this segment

Soccer Moms

This is the


dominant segment for thisarea

In thisarea


of householdsfall into thissegment

In the United States


of householdsfall into thissegment

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

Who We Are

Our Neighborhood

Soccer Moms is an affluent, familyoriented market with a country flavor. Residents are partial to new housing awayfrom the bustle of the citybut close enough to commute to professional job centers. Life in this suburban wilderness offsets the hectic pace of two working parents with growing children. They favor time-saving devices, like banking online or housekeeping services, and familyoriented pursuits.

Soccer Momsresidentsprefer the suburban periphery of metropolitan areas.

Predominantly single family, homesare in newer neighborhoods, 36% built in the 1990s, 31% built since 2000.

Owner-occupied homeshave high rate of mortgagesat 74%, and low rate vacancy at 5%.

Median home value is$226,000.

Most householdsare married coupleswith children; average household size is2.96.

Most householdshave 2 or 3 vehicles; long travel time to workincluding a disproportionate number commuting from a different county

Market Profile

Most householdsown at least two vehicles; the most popular typesare minivansand SUVs.

Family-oriented purchasesand activities dominate, like 4+ televisions, movie purchases or rentals, children'sapparel and toys, and visitsto theme parksor zoos.

Outdoor activitiesand sportsare characteristic of life in the suburban periphery, like bicycling, jogging, golfing, boating, and target shooting.

Home maintenance servicesare frequently contracted, but these familiesalso like their gardensand own the toolsfor minor upkeep, like riding mowersand tillers.

Socioeconomic Traits

Education: 37.7% college graduates; more than 70% with some college education.

Low unemployment at 5.9%; high labor force participation rate at 72%; 2 out of 3 householdsinclude 2+ workers.

Connected, with a host of wirelessdevicesfrom iPodsto tablets--anything that enables convenience, like banking, paying billsor even shopping online.

Well insured and invested in a range of funds, from savingsaccountsor bondsto stocks.

Carry a higher level of debt, including first and second mortgagesand auto loans

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifies U.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2016. Update Frequency: Annually.

Copyright 2017 Realtors PropertyResource? LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.


Buford, GA 30518

About this segment


This is the


dominant segment for thisarea

In thisarea


of householdsfall into thissegment

In the United States


of householdsfall into thissegment

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

Who We Are

Our Neighborhood

Middleburg neighborhoods transformed from the easypace of countryliving to semi-rural subdivisions in the last decade, when the housing boom reached out. Residents are conservative, familyoriented consumers. Still more country than rock and roll, they are thrifty but willing to carrysome debt and are already investing in their futures. Theyrelyon their smartphones and mobile devices to stay in touch and pride themselves on their expertise. Theyprefer to buyAmerican and travel in the U.S. This market is younger but growing in size and assets.

Semi-rural localeswithin metropolitan areas. Neighborhoodschanged rapidly in the previousdecade with the addition of new single-family homes. Include a number of mobile homes. Affordable housing, median value of $158,000 with a low vacancy rate. Young couples, many with children; average household size is2.73.

Socioeconomic Traits

Education: 66% with a high school diploma or some college. Unemployment rate lower at 7.4%. Labor force participation typical of a younger population at 66.7%. Traditional valuesare the norm here--faith, country and family. Prefer to buy American and for a good price. Comfortable with the latest in technology, for convenience (online banking or saving money on landlines) and entertainment.

Market Profile

Residentsare partial to trucks, SUVs, and occasionally, convertiblesor motorcycles.

Entertainment isprimarily family-oriented, TV and movie rentalsor theme parksand family restaurants.

Spending prioritiesalso focuson family (children'stoysand apparel) or home DIY projects.

Sportsinclude hunting, target shooting, bowling and baseball.

TV and magazinesprovide entertainment and information.

Media preferencesinclude country and Christian channels.

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifies U.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2016. Update Frequency: Annually.

Copyright 2017 Realtors PropertyResource? LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.


Buford, GA 30518

About this segment

American Dreamers

This is the


dominant segment for thisarea

In thisarea


of householdsfall into thissegment

In the United States


of householdsfall into thissegment

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

Who We Are

Our Neighborhood

Located throughout the South and West, most American Dreamers residents own their own homes, primarilysingle-family housing--farther out of the city, where housing is more affordable. Median household income is slightlybelow average. The majorityof households include younger married-couple families with children and, frequently, grandparents. Diversityis high; many residents are foreign born, of Hispanic origin. Hard work and sacrifice have improved their economic circumstance as theypursue a better life for themselves and their family. Spending is focused more on the members of the household than the home. Entertainment includes multiple televisions, movie rentals and video games at home or visits to theme parks and zoos. This market is connected and adept at accessing what theywant from the Internet.

American Dreamersresidentsare family-centric and diverse. Most are married coupleswith children of all agesor single parents; multigenerational homesare common.

Average household size ishigher than U.S. average at 3.16.

Residentstend to live further out from urban centers--more affordable single-family homes and more elbow room.

Tenure isslightly above average with 65% owner occupancy; primarily single-family homeswith more mortgagesand slightly higher monthly costs.

Three quartersof all housing were built since 1970.

Many neighborhoodsare located in the urban periphery of the largest metropolitan areas across the South and West.

Most householdshave one or two vehicles available and a longer commute to work.

Socioeconomic Traits

While nearly 16% have earned a college degree, the majority, or 63%, hold a high school diploma only or spent some time at a college or university.

Unemployment ishigher at 10.7%; labor force participation isalso higher at 67%.

Most American Dreamersresidentsderive income from wagesor salaries, but the rate of poverty isa bit higher in thismarket.

They tend to spend money carefully and focus more on necessities.

They are captivated by new technology, particularly feature-rich smartphones.

Connected: They use the Internet primarily for socializing but also for convenience, like paying billsonline.

Market Profile

When dining out, these residentsfavor fastfood dining placessuch asTaco Bell or Wendy's, aswell asfamily-friendly restaurants like Olive Garden, Denny'sor IHOP.

Cell phonesare preferred over landlines.

Favorite channelsinclude Animal Planet, MTV, Cartoon Network, and Disney, aswell as programming on Spanish TV.

Residentslisten to urban or Hispanic radio.

During the summer, family outingsto theme parksare especially popular.

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifies U.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2016. Update Frequency: Annually.

Copyright 2017 Realtors PropertyResource? LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.



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