Literacy By Design: The Bake Sale Battle Level Q

Name Date

Lenses and Light: Level V

Here are this weeks Vocabulary Words

|properties | |

|containers | |

|magnification | |

|nearsightedness | |

|farsightedness | |

|appearance | |

|reflection | |

|refraction | |

Other words:

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

|Monday | |Tuesday |

| |Meet With Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Begin Lenses and Light | | |Cont. Lenses and Light |

|/10 |Complete vocabulary (pg. 2) | |/12 |SW: Compound Words (pg. 3) |

| |Class Strategy Worksheet | |/12 |HW: Compound Words (pg. 4) |

|Wednesday | |Thursday |

| |Meet with Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. Lenses and Light | | |Cont. Lenses and Light |

|/16 |SW: Summary & Connect (p.5-6) | |/20 |SW: Non Fiction aids (p.10-12) |

|/16 |HW: Summary & Connect (p.7-9) | |/20 |HW: Non Fiction aids (p.13-15) |

| |Class Strategy Worksheet | | |Class Strategy Worksheet |

|Friday |

|Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes |Literal /16 Inferential /16 |

|Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading. |

Lenses and Light: Level V

Vocabulary Words ___/ 10

|properties |magnification |farsightedness |reflection |

|containers |nearsightedness |appearance |refraction |

You will unscramble the words below. These are the same words listed above. Once unscrambled, certain letters will appear in the phrase below. You must also unscramble these letters to reveal a hidden phrase.

What did the girl fungus say to the boy fungus?

Unscramble each of the clue words.

Take the letters that appear in [pic]boxes and unscramble them for the final message.


CC.1.2.4.J Acquire and use accurately grade appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain‐specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being and that are basic to a particular topic. E04.B‐V.4.1.1 E04.B‐V.4.1.2.

Lenses and Light: Level V– Compound Words

Seatwork- Tuesday ___/ 12

REMEMBER: A Compound word is made up of two or more smaller words. To spell a compound word correctly, you must know if it is written as one word, as two words joined by a hyphen, or as two separate words.

Directions: Observe the spelling of these compound words. Find them in the word search.

|bluebird |breakfast |classroom |bedroom |

|bathroom |sunshine |ladybug |worksheet |

|mailbox |snowman |outside |snowflake |


CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. E04.D.1.1.1 E04.D.1.1.2 E04.D.1.1.3 E04.D.1.1.4 E04.D.1.1.5 E04.D.1.1.6 E04.D.1.1.7 E04.D.1.1.8 E04.D.1.2.1 E04.D.1.2.2 E04.D.1.2.3

Lenses and Light: Level V– ___/ 12

Compound Words

Homework- Tuesday

Write the compound word that matches each clue. Then write the circled letters at the bottom of the page to spell a word that describes Mr. Adlin.

1. carousel μθθθθ θθ θθθθθ

2. a yard at the back of the house θθθθμθθθ

3. the first meal of the day θθθθθθθμθ

4. light coming from the stars θμθθθθθθθ

5. Saturday and Sunday θθθθμθθ

6. a truck used by firefighters θθμθ θθθθθθ

7. a bank shaped like a pig θμθθθ θθθθ

8. a coat worn to protect against rain θθθθθμθθ

9. a house for a dog θθθθθμθθ

10. a walk on the side of the road μθθθθθθθ

A word to describe Mr. Adlin


CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. E04.D.1.1.1 E04.D.1.1.2 E04.D.1.1.3 E04.D.1.1.4 E04.D.1.1.5 E04.D.1.1.6 E04.D.1.1.7 E04.D.1.1.8 E04.D.1.2.1 E04.D.1.2.2 E04.D.1.2.3

Lenses and Light: Level V– Summary

Seatwork- Wednesday

Using what you already know, what you have experienced, or what you have read, can help you to understand a story. Writing a summary helps readers remember what they have read. A summary briefly tells the most important details of an event, a story, or a subject. Creating a flowchart is a useful way of tracking events in a story. Turn the flowchart into a summary on the next page.

When I was 4 years old, my mom and II moved into a large colonial house that was built in the late 1800s. My mom always had a weird feeling about the house. There was a little bricked off section in the basement a1nd we never knew why it was there.

My mother told me that soon after we moved into the house, I suddenly had an imaginary friend. One day, out of the blue, I told her that I had been playing with a little girl named Jenny. She thought that it was just a phase and didn't pay much attention to it. I told her that Jenny wanted me to let the cat go down the basement so that she could play with it. My mother allowed me to let the cat go down the1re. It never came back. That creeped her out.

Then, a few days later, I told heard her Jenny wanted me to go down into the basement to play w1i1th her. My mother refused and told me to go upstairs to bed. I did, and when I woke up the next morning, I had deep scratches on my back and legs.

My mom decided to research the history the house. house. She found an old picture of the house and the family who used to live there. She showed me the picture and asked if I recognized any of them. There were 7 little girls in the picture and without hesitation I pointed to one of them. The names of all of the family members were listed on the back. The girl I had pointed was named Jenny!

My mother got scared, because during her research, she had discovered that the girl named Jenny had gone into the basement one day and was never seen again. The family never found her and they moved shortly after that.

After I identified the girl in the picture, it was all way too much for my mom to handle. We moved out of the house and found somewhere else to live. When I turned 18, my mom told,. me all about what had happened in that house. It still sca1res me when I think about it.



Use the flowchart from previous page to create your summary. (12 points) Then write a connection to the story. (4 points)

CC.1.2.4.A Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.

Lenses and Light: Level V– Summary

Homework- Wednesday

Read the following story. Then write five central events in the story.

SOMERSET PA (AP) -- A. Wolf took the stand today in his own defense. This shocked and stunned the media who predicted that he would not testify in the brutal double murder trial. A. Wolf is accused of killing (and eating) The First Little Pig, and The Second Little Pig. This criminal trial is expected to be followed by a civil trial to be brought by the surviving Third Little Pig. The case has been characterized as a media circus. His testimony is transcribed below:

"Everybody knows the story of the Three Little Pigs. Or at least they think they do. But I'll let you in on a little secret. Nobody knows the real story, because nobody has ever heard my side of the story. I'm Alexander T. Wolf. You can call me Al. I don't know how this whole Big Bad Wolf thing got started, but it's all wrong. Maybe it's because of our diet. Hey, it's not my fault wolves eat cute little animals like bunnies and sheep and pigs. That's just the way we are. If cheeseburgers were cute, folks would probably think you were Big and Bad too. But like I was saying, the whole big bad wolf thing is all wrong. The real story is about a sneeze and a cup of sugar.


Way back in Once Upon a Time time, I was making a birthday cake for my dear old granny. I had a terrible sneezing cold. I ran out of sugar. So I walked down the street to ask my neighbor for a cup of sugar. Now this neighbor was a pig. And he wasn't too bright either. He had built his whole house out of straw. Can you believe it? I mean who in his right mind would build a house of straw? So of course the minute I knocked on the door, it fell right in. I didn't want to just walk into someone else's house. So I called, "Little Pig, Little Pig, are you in?" No answer. I was just about to go home without the cup of sugar for my dear old granny's birthday cake.

That's when my nose started to itch. I felt a sneeze coming on. Well I huffed. And I snuffed. And I sneezed a great sneeze.

And you know what? The whole darn straw house fell down. And right in the middle of the pile of straw was the First Little Pig - dead as a doornail. He had been home the whole time. It seemed like a shame to leave a perfectly good ham dinner lying there in the straw. So I ate it up. Think of it as a cheeseburger just lying there. I was feeling a little better. But I still didn't have my cup of sugar . So I went to the next neighbor's house. This neighbor was the First Little Pig's brother. He was a little smarter, but not much. He has built his house of sticks. I rang the bell on the stick house. Nobody answered. I called, "Mr. Pig, Mr. Pig, are you in?" He yelled back. "Go away wolf. You can't come in. I'm shaving the hairs on my shinny chin chin."

I had just grabbed the doorknob when I felt another sneeze coming on. I huffed. And I snuffed. And I tried to cover my mouth, but I sneezed a great sneeze.

And you are not going to believe this, but the guy's house fell down just like his brother's. When the dust cleared, there was the Second Little Pig - dead as a doornail. Wolf's honor. Now you know food will spoil if you just leave it out in the open. So I did the only thing there was to do. I had dinner again. Think of it as a second helping. I was getting awfully full. But my cold was feeling a little better. And I still didn't have that cup of sugar for my dear old granny's birthday cake. So I went to the next house. This guy was the First and Second Little Pig's brother. He must have been the brains of the family. He had built his house of bricks. I knocked on the brick house. No answer. I called, "Mr. Pig, Mr. Pig, are you in?" And do you know what that rude little porker answered? "Get out of here, Wolf. Don't bother me again."

Talk about impolite! He probably had a whole sackful of sugar. And he wouldn't give me even one little cup for my dear sweet old granny's birthday cake. What a pig!

I was just about to go home and maybe make a nice birthday card instead of a cake, when I felt my cold coming on. I huffed and I snuffed. And I sneezed once again.

Then the Third Little Pig yelled, "And your old granny can sit on a pin!" Now I'm usually a pretty calm fellow. But when somebody talks about my granny like that, I go a Little crazy. When the cops drove up, of course I was trying to break down this Pig's door. And the whole time I was huffing and puffing and sneezing and making a real scene.

The rest as they say is history. The news reporters found out about the two pigs I had for dinner. They figured a sick guy going to borrow a cup of sugar didn't sound very exciting. So they jazzed up the story with all of that "Huff and puff and blow your house down" And they made me the Big Bad Wolf. That's it, the real story. I was framed. "


Lenses and Light: Level V– Summary

Homework- Wednesday __/16

Use the flowchart from previous page to create your summary. (12 points) Then write a connection to the story. (4 points)

CC.1.2.4.A Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text

Lenses and Light: Level V– Non Fiction aids

Seatwork- Thursday

How Do Tsunamis Form?

Tsunamis have been in the headlines lately but do you know exactly how they form?

We've all seen the horrific images from Japan when a massive tsunami hit the coast after one of the strongest earthquakes on record struck!

First let me define what a tsunami is.  A tsunami is a series of waves generated in an ocean or other body of water by a disturbance such as an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or meteorite impact.

Undersea earthquakes, which typically occur at boundaries between Earth’s tectonic plates, cause the water above to be moved up or down. Tsunami waves are formed as the displaced water, which acts under the influence of gravity, attempts to find a stable position again.


Large vertical movements of the earth's crust can occur at plate boundaries. Plates move along these boundaries called faults. For example, at the boundaries of the Pacific Ocean, denser oceanic plates slip under the less dense continental plates in a process known as subduction. Subduction earthquakes are particularly effective in generating tsunamis because they provide much force and disturbances deep underwater.


A tsunami forms when energy from an earthquake vertically jolts the seabed by several feet, displacing hundreds of cubic feet of water. Large waves begin moving through the ocean, away from the earthquake's epicenter.

As a tsunami leaves the deep ocean and travels toward the shallow coast, it transforms. A tsunami moves at a speed relative to the water depth, therefore the tsunami slows as the water depth decreases. The tsunami's energy flux, being dependent on both its wave speed and wave height, remains nearly constant. As a result, the tsunami's speed decreases as it travels into shallower water, and its height increases.


In deep water, the tsunami moves at great speeds. When it reaches shallow water near coastal areas, the tsunami slows but increases in height.

Because of this shoaling effect, a tsunami, unobvious at sea, may heighten to several meters or more near the coast. When it reaches the coast, it may appear as a rapidly rising or falling tide or a series of breaking waves.

Undersea landslides, which can be caused by large earthquakes, can also cause tsunami waves to form as water attempts to find a stable position.

Undersea volcano eruptions can create enough force to uplift the water generate a tsunami.

Asteroid impacts would disturb the water from above, as momentum from falling debris is transferred to the water causing a wave.

The west Coast of the U.S., Hawaii and Alaska are the most vulnerable and most likely areas to have a tsunami as earthquakes are more common there.


CC.1.2.4.G Interpret various presentations of information within a text or digital source and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of text in which it appears. E04.B‐C.3.1.3

Lenses and Light: Level V– Non Fiction aids ___/20

Seatwork- Thursday

We have discussed many examples of text features in class. How many can you find in your in the story about Tsunamis?

Title Sub Titles pictures diagrams Table or Chart

Maps Captions Graphs bold Print flow Chart

1. What are this article’s special features? (4 points)


2. What is the purpose of the first visual aid? (4 points)


3. What does the last graphic demonstrate? (4 points)


4. How does a Tsunami form? Did the visuals help you? Tell why or why not. (8 points)



Lenses and Light: Level V– Non Fiction aids

Homework- Thursday

What is a volcano?

A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur. Gases and rock shoot up through the opening and spill over or fill the air with lava fragments. Eruptions can cause lateral blasts, lava flows, hot ash flows, mudslides, avalanches, falling ash and floods. Volcano eruptions have been known to knock down entire forests. An erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls.

How are volcanoes formed?

Volcanoes are formed when magma from within the Earth's upper mantle works its way to the surface. At the surface, it erupts to form lava flows and ash deposits. Over time as the volcano continues to erupt, it will get bigger and bigger.

Why do volcanoes erupt?

The Earth's crust is made up of huge slabs called plates, which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. These plates sometimes move. The friction causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions near the edges of the plates. The theory that explains this process is called plate tectonics.


What are plate tectonics?

The theory of plate tectonics is a interesting story of continents drifting from place to place breaking apart, colliding, and grinding against each other. The plate tectonic theory is supported by a wide range of evidence that considers the earth's crust and upper mantle to be composed of several large, thin, relatively rigid plates that move relative to one another. The plates are all moving in different directions and at different speeds. Sometimes the plates crash together, pull apart or sideswipe each other. When this happens, it commonly results in earthquakes.

How many volcanoes are there?

There are more than 1500 active volcanoes on the Earth. We currently know of 80 or more which are under the oceans. Active volcanoes in the U.S. are found mainly in Hawaii, Alaska, California, Oregon and Washington.

Go on the next page….

What is the difference between lava and magma?

Magma is liquid rock inside a volcano. Lava is liquid rock (magma) that flows out of a volcano. Fresh lava glows red hot to white hot as it flows

Why does lava take a long time to cool down?

Lava cools slowly because lava is a poor conductor of heat. Lava flows slow down and thicken as they harden.

What are the different types of volcanoes?

Volcanoes are grouped into four types: cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes and lava volcanoes.

|Cinder Cones |Cinder cones are circular or oval cones made up of small fragments of lava from a single vent that have been blown |

| |into the air, cooled and fallen around the vent. |

| |Composite volcanoes are steep-sided volcanoes composed of many layers of volcanic rocks, usually made from |

|Composite Volcanoes |high-viscosity lava, ash and rock debris. Mt. Rainier and Mount St. Helens are examples of this type of volcano. |

| |Shield volcanoes are volcanoes shaped like a bowl or shield in the middle with long gentle slopes made by basaltic |

|Shield Volcanoes |lava flows. Basalt lava flows from these volcanoes are called flood basalts. The volcanoes that formed the basalt of |

| |the Columbia Plateau were shield volcanoes. |

|Lava Volcanoes |Lava domes are formed when erupting lava is too thick to flow and makes a steep-sided mound as the lava piles up near |

| |the volcanic vent. The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 was caused in part by a lava dome shifting to allow |

| |explosive gas and steam to escape from inside the mountain.  |




Lenses and Light: Level V– Non Fiction aids ___/20

Homework- Thursday

CC.1.2.4.G Interpret various presentations of information within a text or digital source and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of text in which it appears. E04.B‐C.3.1.3

We have discussed many examples of text features in class. How many can you find in your in the story about Volcanoes?

Title Sub Titles pictures diagrams Table or Chart

Maps Captions Graphs bold Print flow Chart

1. What are this article’s special features? (4 points)


2. What is the purpose of the first visual aid? (4 points)


3. What does the last graphic demonstrate? (4 points)


4. How does a Volcano form? Did the visuals help you? Tell why or why not. (8 points)



Lenses and Light: Level V–

Comprehension Questions /16 literal /16 inferential

Please answer in a complete sentence. Each question is worth 4 points.

1. What are three things that people use lenses and light for? ___/4 lit


2. What is the difference between absorption, reflection, and refraction? ___/4 lit


3. Which way does a convex lens curve? ___/4 lit


4. Where does the word refraction come and why is it used?

___/4 lit


CC.1.2.4.C Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. E04.B‐K.1.1.3

5. Why do you think Alhazen used mirrors in his experiments to prove light always travels in a straight line? ___/4 inf


6. How could people who were both nearsighted and farsighted see better if bifocals weren’t invented? ___/4 inf


7. Why do you think scientists, such as Galileo, were so interested in lenses that allowed them to look at objects in the sky? ___/4 inf


8. If you lived in a desert climate, what color clothes would be best to wear? ___/4 inf


CC.1.3.4.B Cite relevant details from text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences. E04.A‐K.1.1.1

Lenses and Light: Level V–

Bonus Compound Words


Lenses and Light: Level V– Summary

Read the following story. Then write five central events in the story.

One day, a young married couple went hiking in the mountains. As the sun began to set, they realized that

they were lost. The wife was getting worried, but her husband tried to calm her down and assured her that

they would eventually find their way back to their car. However, after walking for hours, they still had no

idea where they were.

It was growing dark and the man and wife were getting desperate. They didn’t have a map or a compass

with them and all of the trees looked the same. Just when they were about to give up hope, they came

across an old cabin in a clearing.

The cabin looked as if it had seen better days. It was dilapidated and seemed like it hadn’t been used in a

long time. Some of the windows were cracked and broken and a lot of the tiles had fallen off the roof. The

husband knocked on the front door but there was no response. When he turned the handle, it slowly

creaked open.

Inside, they found it was in a bad state of disrepair. There was very little furniture and the floor was

covered in a thick layer of dust. As the couple cautiously looked around, they noticed a strange atmosphere

and a peculiar musty smell.

The walls were covered from floor to ceiling with graffiti. Written in red paint, the words, “Pain! Pain!

Pain! Pain! Pain!” were repeated over and over again.

The man and woman were unnerved. With a shaking hand, the husband reached out to touch the wall. He

was horrified to find that the paint was not yet dry. The couple were very frightened, but they had nowhere else to go. They knew that the mountain was dangerous at night and there were lots of wild animals prowling the woods. Despite the creepy writing on the walls, they decided to stay the night. Going upstairs, they found a moth-eaten mattress that was covered in stains. The husband and wife wrapped themselves in an old piece of carpet to keep warm and tried to make themselves as comfortable as possible under the circumstances. They lay down together on the mattress and eventually managed to fall asleep.

Sometime after midnight, the couple were awakened by a strange rustling noise. It sounded like someone

or something was moving around outside the shack.

“Did you hear that?” asked his wife. “I think there’s somebody out there.”

Her husband listened for a while, but he didn’t hear anything. He got out of bed and walked over to the

window. It was too dark outside to see anything. Opening the window, he stuck his head out.

“Who’s there?” he called nervously. There was no answer.

He was about to go back to bed when his wife said, “Maybe it’s someone who can’t speak…”

The husband returned to the window and said, “Is there anybody out there? Clap once for YES and twice

for NO.”

He strained his ears to listen. The stars twinkled in the night sky. The crickets were chirping loudly.

All of a sudden, he heard a loud CLAP! The man turned to his wife and said in surprise, “You were right. There’s someone out there.” He leaned out the window and his eyes scanned the darkness. He couldn’t make out anything in the pitch black.

“Are you the owner of this cabin?” he asked.


“Are you a man?”


“You’re a woman, then?”


“Are you human?”


A chill ran down his spine. He swallowed hard and croaked, “Did you come here alone?”


“How many are with you? Clap once for each person…”






Use the flowchart from previous page to create your summary. (12 points) Then write a connection to the story. (4 points)

CC.1.2.4.A Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text

Lenses and Light: Level V– Non Fiction aids

World War II

Battle of Midway

The Battle of Midway was one of the most important battles of World War II. It was the turning point of the war in the Pacific between the United States and Japan. The battle took place over four days between June 4th and June 7th in 1942.

[pic]USS Yorktown hit

Where is Midway?

Midway is an island located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean about half way between Asia and North America (hence the name "Midway"). It lies around 2,500 miles from Japan. Because of its location, Midway was considered an important strategic island for Japan in the war.


The Doolittle Raid

On April 18, 1942, the United States launched its first attack on the Japanese home islands. This raid caused the Japanese to want to push back the American presence in the Pacific Ocean. They decided to attack the American base at Midway Island.

How did the battle begin?

The Japanese formulated a plan to sneak up on the U.S. forces. They hoped to trap a number of the U.S. aircraft carriers in a bad situation where they could destroy them. However, American code breakers had intercepted a number of Japanese transmissions. The Americans knew the Japanese plans and prepared their own trap for the Japanese.

Who were the commanders in the battle?

The Japanese were led by Admiral Yamamoto. He was the same leader who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor. The United States was led by Admirals Chester Nimitz, Frank Jack Fletcher, and Raymond A. Spruance.

The Japanese Attack

On June 4, 1942, the Japanese launched a number of fighter planes and bombers from four aircraft carriers to attack the island of Midway. Meanwhile, three United States aircraft carriers (Enterprise, Hornet, and Yorktown) were closing in on the Japanese force.


The Japanese Cruiser Mikuma Sinking

A Surprise Response

While the Japanese were focused on attacking Midway, the U.S. carriers launched an attack. The first wave of planes were torpedo bombers. These planes would fly in low and try to drop torpedoes that would strike the side of the ships to sink them. The Japanese were able to fend off the torpedo attacks. Most of the U.S. torpedo attack planes were shot down and none of the torpedoes hit their target.

However, while the Japanese guns were aimed low at the torpedo bombers, American dive bombers dove in and attacked from high up in the sky. These bombs hit their target and three of the four Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk.

The Yorktown Sinks

The Yorktown then engaged in battle with the final Japanese carrier, the Hiryu. Both carriers were able to launch a number of bombers against the other. In the end, both the Yorktown and the Hiryu were sunk.


The Yorktown Sinking

Results of the Battle

The loss of four aircraft carriers was devastating to the Japanese. They also lost a number of other ships, 248 aircraft, and over 3,000 sailors. This battle was the turning point in the war and the first major victory for the Allies in the Pacific.


Interesting Facts about the Battle of Midway

• Today Midway Island is considered a territory of the United States.

• The Japanese thought the U.S. only had two carriers available. They did not know that the Yorktown had been repaired.

• For much of the rest of World War II, the United States used Midway Island as seaplane base and fueling station for submarines.

Lenses and Light: Level V– Non Fiction aid

We have discussed many examples of text features in class. How many can you find in your in the story about Volcanoes?

Title Sub Titles pictures diagrams Table or Chart

Maps Captions Graphs bold Print flow Chart

1. What are this article’s special features? (4 points)


2. What is the purpose of the second visual aid on the first page? (4 points)


3. What does the last graphic (with the arrow) demonstrate? (4 points)


4. What happened at the Battle of Midway? Did the visuals help you? Tell why or why not. (8 points)





















In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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