City of Arlington Water Utilities - WBC Southwest



The Lake Arlington Raw Water Pump Station Shared Operation Improvements

RFQ# WUTR16011

June 17, 2016



The City of Arlington Water Utilities Department is accepting responses to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a limited time from qualified consultants to perform the work described herein


The City of Arlington Water Utilities Department (AWU) and the Trinity River Authority (TRA) are entering into an agreement to share the operation and maintenance of the Lake Arlington Raw Water Pump Station (LARWPS).

The City of Arlington owns and operates the LARWPS which is rated with a total pumping capacity of 240 million gallon per day (MGD) and firm capacity of 180 MGD. The LARWPS was constructed in the mid-1970s. Since its construction, the LARWPS has been the primary supply of raw water to the PierceBurch (PB) Water Treatment Plant (WTP) which is rated to treat 75 MGD. The PS currently has 4 operating pumps varied in capacity with a fifth one out of service and has additional space for a sixth pump. The pump station operates for about 8 months of the year. PB WTP is shut down during most of the winter due to the lower demand when the John F. Kubala WTP supplies the total demand of the City.

TRA owns and operates the Tarrant County Water Supply Project (TCWSP) WTP which is rated to treat 87 MGD. TRA operates an older RWPS located on the Lake Arlington dam which is rated with total pumping capacity of 126 MGD and firm capacity of 87 MGD. The water is diverted from Lake Arlington by the older RWPS and pumped to the TCWSP WTP through parallel 30-inch and 54-inch diameter pipelines. Flows of up to 70 MGD can be delivered directly from the older RWPS to the WTP. For flows greater than 70 MGD, the Low Service Raw Water Booster Pump Station is operated.

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There are several raw water pipeline interconnects between the two utilities' raw water systems which allow either RWPS to feed both WTPs simultaneously. TCWSP WTP operates throughout the year with typical flows of 14 MGD to 76 MGD.

The vision for the LARWPS is to be upgraded to economically and efficiently supply raw water to both WTPs throughout the year with a total firm capacity of 162 MGD.

Project Rational

The LARWPS was designed originally to support higher treatment capacities. Due to subsequent regulatory requirements, treatment capacity has been reduced to its current 75 MGD resulting in a lower required raw water supply capacity from the LARWPS. The LARWPS now has more pumping capacity than the available treatment capacity. In addition, AWU needs to update the aging RWPS infrastructure to improve operational efficiencies.

The TCWSP RWPS requires significant upgrades and improvements at its RWPS to efficiently meet current and future raw water pumping demands. With this in mind, TRA approached AWU regarding a shared raw water pumping station venture.

Preliminary evaluation of shared operation of the existing LARWPS shows a need to perform further engineering investigation of the following:

Sequencing of joint facility operation and improvements Installation of six pumps with a firm pumping capacity of 162 MGD Potential expansion of the electrical building New roof for the existing pump house All new pumps, motors and valves Required piping rehabilitation and modification New medium voltage equipment Evaluation of Adjustable Frequency Drives (AFDs), and soft starters. Inspection and evaluation of intake sluice gates in lake Evaluation of existing emergency backup power generators Evaluation of metering improvements Raw water pipeline interconnect and yard valving simplification Provisions for zebra mussels control Water quality monitoring station

Description of Proposed Scope of Services (Project):

The Project shall include coordinating with AWU and TRA to develop a conceptual design and prepare a preliminary design report that includes recommended improvements, engineering opinion of probable cost, and project timeline. The evaluation shall include an analysis to determine operational cost savings based on different pump station design arrangements. Upon review and approval of the preliminary design, AWU and TRA anticipate negotiating an engineering services contract for detailed design and engineering services during construction.

The project scope described above is intended to be very general. A detailed scope will be created during contract negotiations with the selected firm.

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5500 Lake Arlington Drive Arlington, TX 76013


GENERAL The City of Arlington and Trinity River Authority may select an engineering firm or a team that it determines to be the most qualified to perform the work as defined in the scope of work. If a team of firms is proposed for the project, the team must be structured in a manner where one firm is the prime (contracting party) and the other(s) will be a sub-contractor to the prime.

A committee comprised of City of Arlington and Trinity River Authority representatives will make the selection. The selection committee, using their sole discretion and judgment, may select more than one firm for further consideration based on responses to the information requested in this document. The short-listed firms will then be given the opportunity to make a presentation and answer questions from the selection committee. The City will negotiate a contract with the highest evaluated firm as determined by the selection committee after the presentations.

The City of Arlington and Trinity River Authority reserve the right to terminate this process at any time and no guarantee is expressed or implied that obligates the City of Arlington to contract engineering service(s) for the proposed project(s). The City of Arlington and Trinity River Authority shall not be liable to any firm for costs associated with responding to this RFQ, for the firm's participation in the presentation, or any costs associated with negotiations.

A question and answer session will be held at 2:00 P.M., June 28, 2016 at the Pierce-Burch Water Treatment Plant 1901 Lakewood Dr. Arlington, TX 76013. Attendance is not mandatory. A site visit to the Lake Arlington Raw Water Pump Station will be conducted after this session. Attendees shall RSVP to Gael Eddings at Gael.Eddings@, by 5:00 pm, June 24, 2016.

All interested firms must deliver six (6) hard copies plus one (1) pdf file on a flash drive at the location below no later than 2:00 pm, July 8, 2016, addressed to:

Front Desk of Arlington Water Utilities 2nd Floor of the City Hall

101 W. Abram Street, Arlington, TX 76010 Attn: Mohammad Bayan, P.E., Senior Engineer - Water Treatment

Submittals received after the stated time and date shall be rejected as non-responsive. Note that submittals that do not meet the requirements outlined in this RFQ may be deemed non-responsive by the City.

Please submit any questions in writing to Mohammad Bayan, P.E, Senior Engineer - Water Treatment at mohammad.bayan@. This courtesy will extend until a cutoff at 5 pm, June 29, 2016. Questions will be answered via the City's Vendor/Supplier Portal at .

Lobbying of selection committee members, City staff, City Council Members, TRA staff or TRA Board of Directors members will not be permitted or tolerated during the RFQ process.

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SCHEDULE The City will attempt to adhere to the following schedule. The City reserves the right to change the schedule as needed and will notify firms via the Supply Portal of any significant changes.

Advertise Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Deadline for submittal of response to RFQ Notify finalists for interviews to RFQ Interview and presentation Contract negotiations with selected firm City Council awards contract Notice to proceed

June 17, 2016 July 8, 2016, 2:00 pm July 22, 2016 July 25 to 29 (TBD), 2016 August 1 to August 25, 2016 September 22, 2016 October 2, 2016

EVALUATION CRITERIA The selection committee will use the following criteria:

1) Quality of the Response 2) Team Organization 3) Project Experience 4) Project Approach 5) Summary


The response to this Request for Qualifications should be as concise as possible while adhering to the format and information requirements described below.

Please limit your response to a maximum of ten (10) single sided letter-sized pages including transmittal letters. The minimum font size is 10. This page limit does not include cover sheets, dividers, and resumes for project personnel in Section 6 or Document A from Section 5.0 (MWBE). Only spiral or comb binding will be accepted. Please use dividers with tabs to separate each section. The response to this Request for Qualifications will consist of the following six sections:

SECTION 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION Provide the following information about each firm participating in the project (only submit information regarding the firm office(s) that will be involved in project):

1) Name and address of firm(s) (include county) 2) Firm(s) contact name and information 3) Number of years in business 4) Number of registered Professional Engineers and their disciplines

SECTION 2 - TEAM ORGANIZATION Provide the following information about each firm participating in the project:

1) Relationship of firms (if team is proposed) - explain what each firm will contribute to the project.

2) Key personnel assigned to the project, organizational relationship presented in a chart format and project roles, percentage of time dedicated to the project (i.e. Principal in Charge, Project Manager, Project Staff, etc.) The City of Arlington and Trinity River Authority expects the team listed in the proposal to perform the work on the project.

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SECTION 3 - PROJECT EXPERIENCE Provide information about four recent projects that illustrates the firm's ability to perform services required for this project (Pump Station evaluation and design). The projects should be directly associated with the key personnel identified in Section 2.

The City and Trinity River Authority will consider the past performance of consultants on City and Trinity River Authority projects. If little or no previous work has been done with the City or Trinity River Authority, past performance for similar clients provided as references may be used at the City's and Trinity River Authority's discretion.

For each project, provide the following information: 1) Project name and location 2) Client name, phone number, and point of contact 3) Roles of proposed Project Manager and key personnel 4) Project description 5) Engineer's estimated cost of construction 6) Year completed

SECTION 4 - PROJECT APPROACH Discuss the following, as related to the proposed project:

1) Approach to planning, organizing and project management, including communication procedures, approach to problem solving, quality control, approximate schedule, and other similar factors

2) Innovative strategies or technologies that could be applied to this project

SECTION 5 - SUMMARY Summarize your submittal and add any other comments that you feel would make your firm uniquely qualified to participate in this project. In other words, why should we hire you?

SECTION 6 - RESUME Abbreviated resume for each individual identified as key personnel. Include a summary of experience relative to this project. (Limit one page per person.)


The City of Arlington, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in FederallyAssisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all vendors that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. Vendor will abide and ensure compliance with all terms of Appendix A of the USDOT Standard Title VI Assurances as listed below.

Appendix A of the USDOT Standard Title VI Assurances

During the performance of this contract, the Engineer, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "Engineer") agrees as follows:

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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