With Reference Manual - MdP


User's Guide

with Reference Manual

Mathcad 2001i


User's Guide

with Reference Manual

Mathcad 2001i

MathSoft Engineering & Education, Inc.

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MathSoft Engineering & Education, Inc. owns both the Mathcad software program and its documentation. Both the program and documentation are copyrighted with all rights reserved by MathSoft. No part of this publication may be produced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form without the written permission of MathSoft Engineering & Education, Inc. U.S. Patent Numbers 5,469,538; 5,526,475; 5,771,392; 5,844,555; and 6,275,866. See the License Agreement and Limited Warranty for complete information. English spelling software by Lernout & Haspie Speech Products, N.V. MKM developed by Waterloo Maple Software. VoloView Express technology, copyright 2000 Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Mathcad Collaboratory is powered by WebBoard, copyright 2001 by ChatSpace, Inc. IBM techexplorerTM Hypermedia Browser is a trademark of IBM in the United States and other countries and is used under license.

Copyright 1986-2001 MathSoft Engineering & Education, Inc. All rights reserved. MathSoft Engineering & Education, Inc. 101 Main Street Cambridge, MA 02142 USA

Mathcad, Axum, and S-PLUS are registered trademarks of MathSoft Engineering & Education, Inc. Electronic Book, QuickSheets, MathConnex, ConnexScript, Collaboratory, IntelliMath, Live Symbolics, and the MathSoft logo are trademarks of MathSoft Engineering & Education, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, IntelliMouse, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. SmartSketch is a registered trademark of Intergraph Corporation. WebBoard is a trademark of ChatSpace, Inc. Other brand and product names referred to are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Printed in the United States of America. November, 2001


How to Use the User's Guide with Reference Manual


The Basics

1: Welcome to Mathcad


What Is Mathcad?


Highlights of Mathcad 2001i Release


System Requirements




Contacting MathSoft


2: Getting Started with Mathcad


The Mathcad Workspace




A Simple Calculation


Definitions and Variables


Entering Text


Iterative Calculations




Saving, Printing, and Exiting


3: Online Resources


Resource Center and Electronic Books




Internet Access in Mathcad


The Collaboratory


Other Resources


Creating Mathcad Worksheets

4: Working with Math


Inserting Math


Building Expressions


Editing Expressions


Math Styles


5: Working with Text


Inserting Text


Text and Paragraph Properties


Text Styles


Equations in Text


Text Tools


6: Working with Graphics and Other Objects Overview Inserting Pictures Inserting Objects Inserting Graphics Computationally Linked to Your Worksheet

7: Worksheet Management Worksheets and Templates Rearranging Your Worksheet Layout Safeguarding an Area of the Worksheet Safeguarding an Entire Worksheet Worksheet References Hyperlinks Creating Electronic Books Printing and Mailing

Computational Factors

8: Calculating in Mathcad Defining and Evaluating Variables Defining and Evaluating Functions Units and Dimensions Working with Results Controlling Calculation Animation Error Messages

9: Operators Working with Operators Arithmetic and Boolean Operators Vector and Matrix Operators Summations and Products Derivatives Integrals Customizing Operators

10: Built-in Functions Inserting Built-in Functions Core Mathematical Functions Discrete Transform Functions Vector and Matrix Functions Solving and Optimization Functions Statistics, Probability, and Data Analysis Functions Finance Functions Differential Equation Functions Miscellaneous Functions

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74 74 80 84 86 88 89 90 92 93

96 96 103 106 109 116 118 120

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141 141 143 148 150 156 162 172 176 187

11: Vectors, Matrices, and Data Arrays Creating Arrays Accessing Array Elements Displaying Arrays Working with Arrays Nested Arrays

12: 2D Plots Overview of 2D Plotting Graphing Functions and Expressions Plotting Vectors of Data Formatting a 2D Plot Modifying a 2D Plot's Perspective

13: 3D Plots Overview of 3D Plotting Creating 3D Plots of Functions Creating 3D Plots of Data Formatting a 3D Plot Rotating and Zooming on 3D Plots

14: Symbolic Calculation Overview of Symbolic Math Live Symbolic Evaluation Using the Symbolics Menu Examples of Symbolic Calculation Symbolic Optimization

15: Programming Defining a Program Conditional Statements Looping Controlling Program Execution Error Handling Programs Within Programs

16: Extending Mathcad Overview Exchanging Data with Other Applications Scripting Custom OLE Automation Objects Accessing Mathcad from Within Another Application

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Reference Manual

17: Functions Function Categories Finding More Information About the References Functions

18: Operators Accessing Operators Finding More Information About the References Arithmetic Operators Matrix Operators Calculus Operators Evaluation Operators Boolean Operators Programming Operators

19: Symbolic Keywords Accessing Symbolic Keywords Finding More Information Keywords


Special Functions SI Units CGS units U.S. Customary Units MKS Units Predefined Variables Suffixes for Numbers Greek Letters Arrow and Movement Keys Function Keys ASCII codes References


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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