Parenting tips: a guide to types of baby bottles

Parenting tips: a guide to types of baby bottles

If you have decided to use baby bottles to feed your baby, either exclusively or to supplement breastfeeding, you may have noticed the array of bottles on the market. This guide covers the different types of bottles that are available and their advantages and disadvantages.

Each baby bottle has multiple parts. The bottle itself holds the liquid that the baby will drink. The nipple of the bottle is the delivery mechanism; it is the part that is placed in the baby’s mouth for the baby to suck. The nipple has a hole or holes that allow the liquid to flow from the bottle to the baby. The nipple is generally attached to the bottle with a plastic ring that screws on to hold the two parts together.


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In the United States all baby bottles are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.


Baby bottles come in glass, polycarbonate plastic, opaque plastic (non-polycarbonate) and disposable plastic.

Polycarbonate: The majority of the bottles on the market are made of polycarbonate plastic. Polycarbonate is a clear, lightweight plastic, resistant to shattering. It is dishwasher safe and is readily sterilized. Since it is sturdy and resistant to breakage, it is a good choice to have around small children.

Recent concerns have been raised about possible negative health effects from exposure to BPA, one of the chemicals used to manufacture polycarbonate. However, studies have not shown specific problems related to this substance unless it is heated for more than 20 minutes with milk or formula inside it.

Opaque plastic: Opaque plastic bottles are generally less shiny than the polycarbonate ones. This type of plastic is not usually as lightweight as polycarbonate and it is more difficult to monitor how much the baby has consumed during feedings.

Glass: While glass leaves no residue and is readily sterilized, it is heavy and breakable. Most parents today consider the risks of using glass bottles with their baby far worse than the benefits glass offers.

Disposable plastic liners: Some bottles are designed to use disposable plastic liners. These are pre-sterilized and are used one time, then thrown away. While they may save time since the bottles do not have to be sterilized between uses, they do not remove all of the work. The nipples that work with this type of bottles must still be washed and sterilized. Because the liner is collapsible, this type of bottle may help prevent the baby from swallowing as much air during feeding.


Baby bottle nipples


generally come in latex and silicone. While the silicone products are more durable, the latex ones are more malleable and may be preferred by newborns or by babies who are also breastfeeding.

Nipples come with different flow rates. Infants should start with slow-flowing nipples and move to faster models as they grow older.

There are many different shapes of nipples on the market. For a baby who is also breastfeeding, try a nipple made to simulate the breast. For others it is simply a matter of preference. Your baby may like the first nipple you try, or may reject the bottle until you find a nipple more to her liking.


Bottles come in an array of sizes and shapes. These include bottles with handles, molding to make it easy for parent or baby to grip, angled shapes and novelty shapes. Bottle shape is a very personal choice, but consider some of the following when you make your choice:

- How much does your baby drink? Will the bottle hold enough for a full feeding?

- Will you be holding the bottle or will your baby?

- An angled bottle may make it easier to feed your baby while he is partially upright, which may help with a baby prone to ear infections or reflux disease.

- If you are using a breast-pump, do the bottles fit with your pumping system?


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