Worksheet 4: Using apostrophes with confidence

Unit 4

Raising Skills: English


Worksheet 4: Using apostrophes with confidence

If you can use apostrophes correctly, it will help your reader to make sense of your writing. Apostrophes are used to indicate that letters have been removed from words. They are also used to show that something belongs to something or somebody.

Get started

1. Match the words on the left with the contractions on the right by drawing a line.

should notcan't

will notwould've


we haveshouldn't

would havewon't

2. Complete the sentences below using contracted words.

a. I (could not) couldn't do it!

b. I (should have)

got here earlier.

c. We (could have)

finished that yesterday!

d. I think (they have)

done really well.

e. (They are)

going to the cinema.

f. (I will)

be home late tonight.

3. Rewrite the following phrases using apostrophes to show ownership.

a. The tail belonging to the cat

The cat's tail

b. The bag belonging to the student

c. The music of the band

d. The football belonging to the boys

e. The laptop belonging to David

f. The timetable of the student

g. The tyres of the car

h. The mobile phone belonging to Anne


Apostrophes have been used in the words on the right to make them shorter. The shortened words are known as contractions.

Try this

1. Look at the sentences containing contractions. Put a tick in the box to indicate if the apostrophe is in the right place.

A I dont' think it is fair to test products on animals. B Charlie won't have time to visit his cousin. C Ruby did'nt bring her trainers with her today. D When the curtain goes up she'll start to sing. E When's the film going to start? F If you forget to bring a swimming cap you are'nt allowed to swim.

Correct Incorrect

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Unit 4

2. On a separate piece of paper, write three sentences that contain contractions for the phrases: `I am', `would not' and `should have'.

3. Read the text below. Last week, a college meeting was held to gather student feedback. The Principal values the students' opinions. What does the apostrophe in the word students' tell the reader? A The opinions are those of the Principal's B The Principal liked one of the student's opinions C The Principal thinks that the student made a good point D The Principal likes to hear the opinions of more than one student 4. Read the text below and put apostrophes in the correct place.

They had the meeting at 3 p.m. It wasnt possible to hold it in the Principals office, so instead it was held in the students breakout area. The purpose was to hear students opinions on the redeveloped canteen. Id have liked to have heard from the canteen staff but theyd finished work at 2 p.m.

Aim to pass

1. Read the sentences below.

We would like to go to the theme park soon. We are going to travel there in Liam's car.

What does the apostrophe show in the second sentence?

(1 mark)

A That the car belongs to Liam

B The apostrophe is in place of a missing letter

C That they will use the car to get to the theme park

D That the car belongs to Liam's dad

2. Complete the following paragraph by using some of the words from the

box below.

(6 marks)

A word can only be used once and not all the words are needed.




Liam and I went to a theme park the other day. We had a fantastic time


spent another day there. Liam was a little

nervous of the rides and

go on all of them, but I did.

I took my

new phone and have got some great photos.

post them online when I get the chance. We had a lovely dinner in the caf?.

We had the

special, which was a delicious pasta dish. After

that, we looked around the gardens where there was a fantastic fountain

and flower display.

definitely go there again.

Rate yourself

How confident are you at using apostrophes to make words shorter, or to show ownership?

Got it!

Not there yet...

Move on to the next activity.

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Raising Skills: English

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