Insert Title here (Style: Paper title)

Instructions to Authors

First Author1*,, Other Author(s)2

1Faculty/Department, University, City (Country)

2Laboratory/Department, Institute, City (Country)

This document presents rules for papers submitted for presentation at X International Conference “Heavy machinery-HM 2020”that is going to be held 17 – 20 June at Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia).

The document also contains defined quick-styles that may be used for fast formatting of the submitted papers.

Keywords: Heavy machinery, Mechanical engineering, Civil engineering


Papers that are submitted for the International Conference “Heavy Machinery” are to be written in English and prepared in print-ready form following the rules of formatting presented in this template. Besides, this document template is itself written using these rules, and editors recommend application of the quick–styles that are PRE-DEFINED and ALREADY AVAILABLE in this document. In this template, text that is written in angle brackets (< and >) denotes data that should be replaced by the relevant content by the authors or editors.

formaTINg pageS

1 Paper Length

The length of the paper should be between 6 and 12 pages, and the length of papers that are proposed for publishing in the proceedings of X International Conference “Heavy Machinery-HM 2020” should be between 8 and 12 pages.

2 Size and Orientation

Pages should have A4 (210x297 mm) format and portrait orientation. Top and bottom margins of the page should be 2 cm, while inside and outside borders should be 1.5 cm.

3 Headers and Footers

Vertical size of both header and footer is 1 cm. The headers contain the text “X International Conference “Heavy Machinery-HM 2020”, Vrnjačka Banja, 17– 20 June 2020 -”, where and will be replaced by the editors. The footer of the first page contains footnote with address and e-mail of the corresponding author. The footers of the remaining even pages consist of list of initials and surnames followed by of all authors, separated by commas. The footers of the remaining odd pages contain the running title of the paper. The running title is determined by the author, and it is recommended to be the same as the full paper title if it fits on one line. All headers and footers are centred and written using Arial font with size 8 points. The easiest way to format an abstract is to use the quick–style named “Header & Footer”, already included in this template.

stRucture of a paper

A paper should contain title, names and affiliations of authors, abstract, list of keywords, paper body, acknowledgement and references.

formating text

Title of the paper, the abstract and the keywords list are written in a text section with one column, while the body of text, acknowledgements and references are written in a section with two columns. The width of the columns in the second section is 8.35 cm, with spacing 0.8 cm between them. The columns at the last page should have equal length.

1 Title

Title of the paper should be written using Times New Roman font with size 16 points, in bold letters and with title case. The title should be centred, with single spacing and 64 points of empty vertical space above the title and 4 points of empty vertical space below the title. The easiest way to format a title is to use the quick–style named “Title”, already included in this template.

2 Authors’ Names and Affiliations

Authors’ names and affiliations should be centred and written using Times New Roman font with size 10 points. List of names of the authors, separated by commas, are written on one line, while each of the affiliations are written on separate lines, with single line spacing. The name of each author should be followed by a reference number of an affiliation, and each of the affiliations should be preceded by a reference number. A reference number should be written in superscript. The easiest way to format an author list is to use the quick–style named “Authors”, already included in this template. The name of the corresponding author should be denoted with asterisk (*) in superscript, which references the previously described footnote on the first page with address and e-mail of the corresponding author.

3 Abstract

Abstract of the paper should be written using Times New Roman font with size 10 points and Italic letters. 10 points of empty vertical space should be left above the first paragraph of an abstract. The abstract text should be justified, and the first lines of paragraphs in abstract should be indented by 1 cm. The easiest way to format an abstract is to use the quick–style named “Abstract”, already included in this template.

4 List of Keywords

List of keywords starts with word “Keywords”, followed by a colon, and should be written using Times New Roman font with size 10 points and bold letters. The list should contain up to three keywords or key phrases. 5 points of empty vertical space should be left after list of keywords. The keywords list should be left-aligned. The easiest way to format a keyword list is to use the quick–style named “Keywords”, already included in this template.

5 Body Text

Body of the text should be separated in chapters and sub-chapters, denoted by headings of the second and third level.

Paragraphs of the body text should be justified, with single spacing, and written using Times New Roman font with size 10 points. The first line of the body text paragraph should be indented by 1 cm. The easiest way to format a body text is to use the quick–style named “Body text”, already included in this template.

1 Headings

The title of each chapter should be denoted by a heading of the first level. The heading should be written using Times New Roman font with size 10 points, in capital letters. The chapters are numbered with ordinal Arabic numbers. The first level heading should be centred, with single spacing, with 5 points of empty vertical space above the heading and 5 points of empty vertical space below the heading. The heading of a chapter has to be on the same page as the first paragraph of the chapter. The easiest way to format a chapter heading is to use the quick–style named “Heading 1”, already included in this template.

The title of each sub-chapter should be denoted by a heading of the second or third level.

The heading of the second level should be written using Times New Roman font with size 10 points, in title case. The sub-chapters are numbered with ordinal Arabic numbers, preceded by the number of the related chapter, with two numbers separated by a dot. The second level heading should be left-aligned, with single spacing and 5 points of empty vertical space above the heading. The heading of a sub-chapter has to be on the same page as the first paragraph of the sub-chapter. The easiest way to format a heading of the second level is to use the quick–style named “Heading 2”, already included in this template.

The heading of the third level is written by the same rules as the headings of the second level, except that the number of sub-chapter should include the number of the related chapter and sub-chapter of the higher level, with three numbers separated by dots. The easiest way to format a heading of the second level is to use the quick–style named “Heading 3”, already included in this template.

2 Formulas

The mathematical formulas should be written on a separate line and centred. Each mathematical formula should be denoted by a reference number, which should be right aligned at position 8.25 cm. The easiest way to format a mathematical formula is to use the quick–style named “Formula”, already included in this template. An example for the mathematical formula is given as follows:

[pic] (1)

The mathematical formulas should be referenced in text just by the reference number (e.g., it is enough to reference an equation as “(1)”, so expressions “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1)” are not necessary).

If an equation is longer than width of a column, it is allowed to use single column mode to write the equation. In that case, the equation should also be centred, but the reference number should be right-aligned at 17.25 cm. The easiest way to format a wide mathematical formula of the second level is to use the quick–style named “Wide formula”, already included in this template. An example for the wide mathematical formula is given as follows:

[pic] (2)

3 Tables

Tables may be arranged to fit in one column or two columns, similar to formulas. Either way, the table should be centred and the text in the tables should be written using Times New Roman font with size 10 points or 9 points, but not smaller.

Table 1: Sample of table in one column

|Sample Column 1 |Sample Column2 |

|Sample data |Sample data |

Each table should have reference number, and be preceded by a caption that sufficiently describes the content of the table. The caption begins with the word “Table” followed by reference number, colon and table description. The table caption should be centred, preceded with 5 points of empty vertical space. A table caption should be written using Times New Roman font with 10 points size in italic. The first row of a table and the respective table caption both have to be on the same page. The easiest way to format a table caption is to use the quick–style named “Table caption”, already included in this template. Each table should be followed by 5 points of empty vertical space.

4 Figures

Figures should be embedded in text and given in black & white or greyscale mode, and not in colour mode. The embedded figures should be in JPG, PNG or EPS format. Figures may be arranged to fit in one column or two columns, similar to formulas and tables. A figure should be preceded by 5 points of empty vertical space. The easiest way to format a figure is to use the quick–style named “Figure”, already included in this template.

Each figure should have reference number, and be followed by a caption that sufficiently describes the figure. The caption begins with the word “Figure” followed by reference number, colon and description of the figure. The figure caption should be centred and followed with 5 points of empty vertical space. A figure caption should be written using Times New Roman font with 10 points size in italic. A figure and the respective figure caption both have to be on the same page. The easiest way to format a figure caption is to use the quick–style named “Figure caption”, already included in this template.


Figure 1: Sample figure


1 Units

Units of physical quantities should be written without use of any kind of brackets, like “20 N” and not “20 [N]”. Units of SI system should be used. Any use of non-SI units has to be approved by reviewers.

2 Axis labels

The size of labels on axis should be 8 to 10 points. Axis on graphs should be labelled with the names of physical quantity followed by units in squared brackets, e.g. “Force [N]”. In general, labelling with words is preferred to labelling with symbols. Labelling axis only with units has to be approved by reviewers.

Unit multipliers should be written in form “Force [kN]” or “Force [103 N], but NOT with multiplication signs in some form, e.g. “Force [N] × 103”, because ita may be confusing to reader.

3 Decimal numbers

Decimal numbers should be written with decimal point e.g. 8.35 and NOT with decimal comma 8,35. Comma may be used for thousand separations in large numbers, e.g. 6,278,342.25.


Acknowledgements are written in separate chapter, which is not numbered. The title of the chapter should be “Acknowledgements” and it should be formatted as chapter heading. The text of the acknowledgement is formatted as body text.


References are written in separate chapter, which is not numbered. The title of the chapter should be “References” and it should be formatted as chapter heading. The references should be listed by the order of appearance in the text of the paper. Reference numbers are written in square brackets both in the text of the paper and in the list of references. An entry in the list of references should be preceded by 5 points of empty vertical space and left-aligned. The easiest way to format a reference is to use the quick–style named “Reference”, already included in this template.

Content of the entries in the list depends on the type of the reference, being different for journal papers, conference papers, books, thesis and internet sources.

Journal papers are referenced by list of initials and surnames of authors, title in quotation marks, abbreviation of the journal, volume preceded by abbreviation “Vol.”, optional issue number in parenthesis, start and end page preceded by the abbreviation “pp.” or start page preceded by the abbreviation “p.”, and year of publication in parenthesis.

Conference papers are referenced by list of initials and surnames of authors, title in quotation marks, full title of the proceedings book, optional volume preceded by abbreviation “Vol.”, optional issue number in parenthesis, start and end page preceded by the abbreviation “pp.” or start page preceded by the abbreviation “p.”, and year of publication in parenthesis.

Books are referenced by list of initials and surnames of authors, title in quotation marks, name of the publisher, place of publishing, country of publishing in parenthesis, and year of publication in parenthesis.

Thesis are referenced by initials and surname of the candidate, title in quotation marks, university, country of the university, and year of publication in parenthesis.

Internet sources should be used only when necessary, and in that case, they are referenced by the URL of the source.

The samples follow:

W.L. Oberkampf, T.G. Trucano and C. Hirsch, “Verification, Validation, and Predictive Capability in Computational Engineering and Physics,” Appl. Mech. Rev, Vol. 57(2), pp. 345–384, (2004)

W.L. Oberkampf, T.G. Trucano and C. Hirsch, “Verification, Validation, and Predictive Capability in Computational Engineering and Physics,” Appl. Mech. Rev, Vol. 57, p. 345, (2004)

N. Bogojević, P.A. Jonnson and S. Stichel, “Iron Ore Transportation Wagon with Three-Piece Bogies – Simulation Model and Validation”, Proceedings of VII International Conference “Heavy Machinery HM 2011”, Vrnjačka Banja (Serbia), 29 June-2 July 2011, pp. 33-38, (2011)

N.M.M. Maia and J.M.M. Silva, “Theoretical and Experimental Modal Analysis”, Research Studies Press, Baldock, Hertfordshire (England), (1998)

B.B. Wagner, “Rotating Equipment Defect Detection Using the Algorithm of Mode Isolation”, PhD Thesis, University of Georgia (USA), (2007)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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