Student Research Lesson Plan: Using Microsoft Excel to ...

Student Research Lesson Plan: Using Microsoft Excel to Graph Data

High School Biology, 10th Grade

Time frame: 1 Class period

Lesson Created by: Juliana S. Yam


a. Microsoft Excel is an excellent tool to use when conducting an experiment or research. Understanding how to set up an Excel spreadsheet to assist with data collection and graphing can help clarify further analysis as well as analysis of results. Students who are conducting research projects or experiments can use Excel to collect data, construct graphs, and present their data in a professional and clear manner.

b. Virginia Standards of Learning

i. BIO.1 The student will plan and conduct investigations in which

1. Variables are defined and investigations are designed to test hypotheses;

2. Graphing and arithmetic calculations are used as tools in data analysis;

3. Appropriate technology including computers, graphing calculators, and probe ware, is used for gathering and analyzing data and communicating results.

ii. BIO.9 The student will investigate and understand dynamic equilibria within populations, communities, and ecosystems. Key concepts include

1. Interactions within and among populations including carrying capacities, limiting factors, and growth curves.

c. Objectives

i. Students will be able to collect simple population growth data and use this data to construct a graph on Microsoft Excel.

ii. Students will be able to analyze their collected data in relation to population growth factors.

iii. Students will be able to use their knowledge of Excel to set up an Excel spreadsheet for their Virginia Junior Academy of Science (VJAS) research projects, or will set up a spreadsheet using new data provided by their teacher.

Learning Cycle Lesson Plan: Using Microsoft Excel to Graph Data

High School Biology; Created by Juliana S. Yam; November 14, 2006

|Lesson |Materials |Instructional Sequence |Teacher/Student |Time |

|Segment | | |Actions |Estimate |

|Engagement |None |The instructor will ask students to think about the following scenario: A student has collected a |The instructor will present the scenario to the |5 minutes |

| | |set of data involving the number of rabbits that live in the forest compared to the number of |class and students will be allowed to share | |

| | |rabbits that live in an open field. However, the student is concerned about the next step she |answers with the class. | |

| | |should take with her project. How should she organize her data and what can she do to help her | | |

| | |data analysis? | | |

| | |Once the students have discussed their ideas, the instructor will then introduce a population | | |

| | |growth simulation that the students will use to collect data. | | |

|Exploration |Simulation websites, |The instructor will guide students through one of the following population growth simulations to |The instructor and the students will work as a |20 minutes |

| |Student laptops (if |collect a class set of data: |class to collect a class set of data from the | |

| |available), Scheduled |Rabbits and Hunters Simulation |population simulation. Once the data has been | |

| |computer lab time, | |collected, students will write a short explanation| |

| |audiovisual equipment |Rabbits, Land, and Seasons Simulation |about the data and share it with the class. | |

| | | |** If the Internet is not available, students can | |

| | |Once students have collected data, they will then write a two to three sentence explanation of the|use the attached data sheets for analysis. | |

| | |data they have collected. | | |

| | |Students will share their explanations with the class; the instructor will then ask, “What other | | |

| | |tools can we use to help make our explanations easier?” | | |

|Explanation |PowerPoint presentation,|The instructor will give a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the following concepts: independent |The instructor will use a PowerPoint presentation |35 minutes |

| |Student laptops or |and dependent variable, constant, data table, and graph. The instructor will then introduce Excel |to review data table and graphing concepts with | |

| |scheduled computer lab |and how it can be used for graphing. |students, and to guide students through how to use| |

| |time, Excel instructions|The instructor and the students will then use the class set of population growth data that has |Excel for graphing. Students will use laptops or | |

| |handout |been collected to learn how to use Excel for graphing. Students will enter the collected data into|computers in the computer lab and the class data | |

| | |Excel and the instructor will guide students through the process of graphing using the |to graph on Excel. | |

| | |instructions that are provided on the PowerPoint presentation, and on the instructions handout. | | |

|Elaboration |Student laptops or |Students will now complete the simulation working in pairs and using new parameters on the |Students will work in pairs to collect new data |30 minutes |

| |scheduled computer lab |simulation. A worksheet will be provided to help students collect, graph, and analyze data. |and practice graphing on Excel. | |

| |time, Worksheets, |Students’ worksheets and graphs will be graded according to the attached rubric. | | |

| |simulation websites, | | | |

| |rubric | | | |

|Evaluation |Rubric for individual |For homework, students will set up their own Excel spreadsheets for their VJAS projects or using |Students will set up individual spreadsheets for |Total= |

| |Excel spreadsheets. |new data provided by the instructor. Spreadsheets will be graded according to the attached rubric |their VJAS projects or using new data provided by |90 minutes |

| | |and will also include written feedback. Students will have two days to complete this assignment. |the instructor. | |


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