SQLCMD –Copy files from Source to Dest- Using Robocopy

SQLCMD –Copy files from Source to Dest- Using Robocopy:SETVAR DATABASE UAT:SETVAR SOURCE HQDBSU01:SETVAR DESTINATION HQDBSU02:SETVAR SOURCEPATH G:\MSSQL:SETVAR COPYPATH G$\MSSQLSET NOCOUNT ONGO:CONNECT $(SOURCE)print 'Files in sourcePath'!!dir $(SourcePath)\*.*Goprint 'Files in Destination Path':CONNECT $(DESTINATION)!!dir $(SOURCEPATH)\*.*Go:CONNECT $(SOURCE)print '*** Copy database $(DATABASE) from Source server $(Source) to Destination server $(destination) ***'!!ROBOCOPY $(SOURCEPATH)\ \\$(DESTINATION)\$(COPYPATH) $(DATABASE)*.*GOprint 'Files in Destination Path':CONNECT $(DESTINATION)!!dir $(SOURCEPATH)\*.*Go:CONNECT $(SOURCE)print 'Files in Destination Path':CONNECT $(DESTINATION)!!dir $(SOURCEPATH)\*.* ................

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